Loss of electrical energy. Results of the implementation of the project stages

Specific energy loss in a fluid flow is certainly related to fluid viscosity, but viscosity itself is not the only factor that determines head loss. But it can be argued that the magnitude of the pressure loss is almost always proportional to the square of the average fluid velocity. This hypothesis is confirmed by the results of most experimental works and specially designed experiments. For this reason, head losses are usually calculated in fractions of the velocity head (specific kinetic energy of the flow). Then:

Pressure losses are usually divided into two categories:

head loss distributed along the entire channel through which the liquid moves (pipeline, channel, river bed, etc.), these losses are proportional to the length of the channel and are called head losses along the length concentrated head losses: head losses on the local flow length (quite small compared to the length of the entire stream). This type of loss largely depends on the features of the transformation of the flow parameters (velocities, shapes of streamlines, etc.). As a rule, there are quite a few types of such losses, and their location along the length of the flow is often far from regular. Such pressure losses are called local losses or pressure losses on local hydraulic resistances. This type of head loss is also usually calculated in fractions of the velocity head. Then the total head loss can be represented as the sum of all types of head loss:

Estimation of the magnitude of local pressure losses is almost always based on the results of experiments, according to the results of such experiments, the values ​​of the loss coefficients are determined. To calculate the head loss along the length, there are more or less reliable theoretical prerequisites that allow you to calculate the loss using the usual formulas.

47. Dependence to determine the pressure loss along the length and local resistance. Practical use.

48. Hydraulically smooth and hydraulically rough pipes.

The pressure loss along the length of the flow can depend very significantly on the characteristics of the roughness of the walls of the pipe in which the movement occurs. The surface of the walls that restrict the flow always differs from a perfectly smooth surface by the presence of protrusions and irregularities. The size and shape of these protrusions depend on the material of the wall, on its treatment, operating conditions, during which corrosion is possible, solid sediment particles can fall out and settle on the walls, etc. In the future, we will not study in detail the various types of roughness, but we will represent the walls of the pipes as covered with uniform bumps with an average absolute height of the roughness projection, denoted by Δ.

Depending on how the dimensions of the roughness protrusions and the thickness of the laminar film are related, all pipes can be divided into three types in the turbulent mode of motion.

If the height of the roughness ridges Δ is less than the thickness of the laminar film (Δ<δ), то в этом случае шероховатость стенок не влияет на характер движения и соответственно потери напора не зави­сят от шероховатости, а стенки называются hydraulically smooth.

When the height of the roughness protrusions exceeds the thickness of the laminar film (Δ<δ), то потери напора зависят от шероховатости, и такие трубы называются hydraulically rough. In the third case, which is intermediate between the two above, the absolute height of the roughness protrusions is approximately equal to the thickness of the laminar film. In this case, pipes are transition region of resistance. The thickness of the laminar film is determined by the formula:


So, there are walls (pipes, channels) hydraulically smooth and rough. Such a division is conditional, since, as follows from formula (1.87), the laminar film thickness is inversely proportional to the Reynolds number (or average velocity). Thus, when moving along the same surface with a constant height of the roughness protrusion, depending on the average speed (Reynolds number), the thickness of the laminar film can change. As the Reynolds number increases, the thickness of the laminar film δ decreases and the wall, which was hydraulically smooth, can become rough, since the height of the roughness protrusions will be greater than the thickness of the laminar film and the roughness will affect the nature of the movement and, consequently, the pressure loss.

For subsequent practical calculations, it is possible to take approximate values ​​for the height of the roughness protrusion for pipes: new steel and cast iron pipes - Δ ≈ 0.45 - 0.50 mm, pipes that were in operation (the so-called "normal"), Δ ≈ 1.35 mm .

Thus, knowing the height of the roughness protrusion and determining the thickness of the laminar film, it is possible, by comparing their sizes, to determine whether the wall restricting the flow in the pipe will be hydraulically smooth or hydraulically rough.

Lecture No. 7

Power and electricity losses in network elements

1. Power losses in network elements.

2. Calculation of power losses in power lines.

3. Calculation of power losses in power transmission lines with a uniformly distributed load.

4. Calculation of power losses in transformers.

5. Reduced and calculated loads of consumers.

6. Calculation of electricity losses.

7. Measures to reduce power losses.

Power losses in network elements

For a quantitative characteristic of the operation of the elements of the electrical network, its operating modes are considered. Work mode- this is a steady electrical state, which is characterized by the values ​​of currents, voltages, active, reactive and apparent powers.

The main purpose of calculating modes is to determine these parameters, both to check the admissibility of modes, and to ensure the efficiency of the operation of network elements.

Determining the values ​​of currents in the elements of the network and voltages in its nodes begins with building a picture of the distribution of the total power over the element, i.e., with determining the powers at the beginning and end of each element. This pattern is called flow distribution.

When calculating the power at the beginning and at the end of an electrical network element, the power losses in the element resistances and the influence of its conductivities are taken into account.

Calculation of power losses in power lines

Active power losses in the PTL section (see Fig. 7.1) are due to the active resistance of wires and cables, as well as the imperfection of their insulation. The power lost in the active resistances of a three-phase power transmission line and spent on its heating is determined by the formula:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/372/images/image002_165.gif" width="329 height=29" height="29">

where Absorption" href="/text/category/absorbtciya/" rel="bookmark">absorption . Losses are calculated using the formula:

where U

G– active conductivity of the LEP.

When designing overhead power transmission lines, the power loss to the corona tends to be reduced to zero by choosing such a wire diameter when the possibility of a corona is practically absent.

Reactive power losses in the PTL section are due to inductive resistances of wires and cables. The reactive power lost in a three-phase transmission line is calculated similarly to the power lost in active resistances:

The charging power of the power transmission line generated by capacitive conduction is calculated by the formula:


where U- linear voltage at the beginning or end of the power transmission line;

B- reactive conductivity of the LEP.

Charging power reduces the reactive load of the network and thereby reduces power losses in it.

Calculation of power losses in power transmission lines with a uniformly distributed load

In the lines of local networks ( ) consumers of the same power can be located at the same distance from each other (for example,). Such transmission lines are called lines with a uniformly distributed load (see Fig. 7.2).

In a uniformly loaded three-phase alternating current line with a length L with total current load I current density per unit length will be I/L. With linear active resistance r 0 active power losses will be:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/372/images/image011_59.gif" width="279" height="108 src=">

If the load were concentrated at the end, then the power loss would be defined as:


Comparing the given expressions, we see that the power losses in the line with a uniformly distributed load are 3 times less.

Calculation of power losses in transformers

Losses of active and reactive power in transformers and autotransformers are divided into losses in steel and losses in copper (load losses). Losses in steel are losses in the conductance of transformers. They depend on the applied voltage. Load losses are losses in the resistance of transformers. They depend on the load current.

Losses of active power in the steel of transformers are losses due to magnetization reversal and eddy currents. Determined by the no-load losses of the transformer, which are given in its passport data.

Reactive power losses in steel are determined by the no-load current of the transformer, the percentage value of which is given in its passport data:

Power losses in the transformer windings can be determined in two ways:

By the parameters of the equivalent circuit;

according to the passport data of the transformer.

Power losses according to the parameters of the equivalent circuit are determined by the same formulas as for the power transmission line:


where S– load power;

U– line voltage on the secondary side of the transformer.

For a three-winding transformer or autotransformer, copper losses are defined as the sum of the power losses of each of the windings.

We will obtain expressions for determining power losses according to the passport data of a two-winding transformer.

The short-circuit losses given in the nameplate data are determined at the rated current of the transformer


For any other load, the losses in the copper of the transformer are


Dividing expression (7.1) by (7.2), we obtain

Where can we find https://pandia.ru/text/78/372/images/image021_30.gif" width="149" height="52">

If in the expression for calculation, substitute the expression for determining the reactance of the transformer, then we get:

Thus, the total power loss in a two-winding transformer is equal to:

If at a substation with a total load S works in parallel n identical transformers, then their equivalent resistances in n times less, and conductivity in n times more. Then,

For n identical three-winding transformers (autotransformers) operating in parallel, power losses are calculated by the formulas:

where S in, S with, S n - respectively, the power passing through the windings of the higher, medium and lower voltages of the transformer.

Reduced and calculated loads of consumers

The design equivalent circuit of a network section is a rather complex configuration, if we take into account the full equivalent circuit of power transmission lines and transformers. To simplify the design schemes of networks with a rated voltage up to 220 kV inclusive, the concept of “reduced”, “design” loads is introduced.

The consumer substation load reduced to the higher voltage side is the sum of the specified load powers on the low and medium voltage buses and power losses in the resistances and conductances of transformers. The ES load reduced to the higher voltage side is the sum of the generator capacities minus the load of the local area and the power losses in the resistances and conductances of the transformers.

The design load of a substation or power plant is defined as the algebraic sum of the reduced load and half of the charging power of the power transmission line connected to the higher voltage buses of the substation or power supply.

Charging powers are determined before calculating the mode according to the nominal, and not the real voltage, which introduces a completely acceptable error into the calculation.

The possibility of simplifying the design scheme when using the concepts of “reduced” and “calculated” loads is shown in fig. 7.3:

Calculation of electricity losses

During the transmission of electricity, part of it is spent on heating, creating electromagnetic fields and other effects. This expense is called loss. In the electric power industry, the term “losses” has a specific meaning. If in other industries, losses are associated with defective products, then the loss of electricity is a technological expense for its transmission.

The amount of electricity losses depends on the nature of the load change in the period under consideration. For example, in a power transmission line operating with a constant load, power losses over time t are calculated as follows:

where https://pandia.ru/text/78/372/images/image035_17.gif" align="left" width="289" height="222 src=">Suppose that the load of the consumer in the year changed according to the following schedule (see Fig. 7.4) Then,

The integral is actually the area bounded by the graph of the change in the square of the current. Thus, the loss of active electricity is proportional to the area of ​​the quadratic annual load curve.

Since the voltage on the busbars of the power receiver changes slightly, its value can be considered unchanged. Replacing the integral with the sum of the areas of rectangles with step Δ ti, we get:

Electricity losses in transformers for a given load schedule when using its passport data are calculated by the formulas:

for two-winding

for three-winding transformers (autotransformers)

https://pandia.ru/text/78/372/images/image041_16.gif" width="412" height="52">,

where https://pandia.ru/text/78/372/images/image043_12.gif" width="148" height="48">

For typical load curves, the value τm determined by the known value Tm:


In accordance with this method, power losses in network elements are calculated by the formulas:

in power lines

in two-winding transformers

https://pandia.ru/text/78/372/images/image047_11.gif" width="604" height="52">

Value τm in is calculated by formula (7.3) by the value Tm in, the value of which is determined as a weighted average:

The quantity τm for a power transmission line supplying several consumers.

Measures to reduce power losses

Losses of power and electricity reach significant values ​​and are one of the main factors affecting the efficiency of networks. Their value is regulated by the decrees of the National Committee for Electricity Regulation (NERC) in networks with voltage up to 35 kV and in networks with voltages of 35 kV and above.

Most of the electricity losses (60 - 70%) occur in networks with a voltage of 6 - 10 kV. Therefore, the following measures apply to networks of these voltages and to electrical receivers:

Use of a higher voltage level (10 kV instead of 6 kV);

· Increasing the voltage level in the network by using voltage regulation devices;

regulation of active and reactive power flows in separate links of the network;

· the use of rational power supply circuits for consumers, which allow more economical loading of power transmission lines and transformers;

Rationalization of energy facilities of enterprises - improvement cosφ, the correct choice of power and loading of electric motors.

Game scenario

"We will become millionaires..."

Theme "Energy Saving".

Target: education in students of an active life position and a conscious attitude to the problem of energy conservation, the development of creative skills, the development of a sense of collectivism and the ability to work in groups.


Formation of the foundations of frugality among students;

Raising a culture of energy consumption;

Development of students' skills to work with various sources of information; highlight the main thing, compare, generalize, draw the right conclusions.

Formation of a culture of energy consumption among students;

Formation of the economic thinking of a modern person on the scale of the family, educational institution, the whole country.



Shulga Tatyana Vasilievna,

additional education teacher

MBOU DOD DEBTS "Smolensk Zoo"

Game scenario

"We will become millionaires..."

Theme "Energy Saving".

Target : education in students of an active life position and a conscious attitude to the problem of energy conservation, the development of creative skills, the development of a sense of collectivism and the ability to work in groups.


Formation of the foundations of frugality among students;

Raising a culture of energy consumption;

Development of students' skills to work with various sources of information; highlight the main thing, compare, generalize, draw the right conclusions.

Formation of a culture of energy consumption among students;

Formation of the economic thinking of a modern person on the scale of the family, educational institution, the whole country.


Working tables for 3-4 teams of 3 people.

Chairs for fans (invited, other students in the class, teachers)

A set of cards for each team with numbers from 1 to 4.

Plates with the name of lamps of various types

Tablets with the name of various types of natural fuels,

Plates with the name of the types of heat losses,

Multimedia projector, screen, presentation slides.

Posters on the walls

Game plan

"We will become millionaires..."

Organizing time.

Leader (teacher)

1. Humanity faces many problems today. It's no secret that one of the leading problems is the problem of energy saving. Newspapers shout - wasteful use of energy resources can lead to a global crisis. The conclusions are disappointing. Currently, energy resources play a decisive role not only in the world economy, but also in world politics. The world community is entering a period of shortage of fuel and energy resources and the struggle for their redistribution. Under these conditions, the problem of energy saving comes to the fore. Moreover, it is becoming a global problem for all mankind, and not just individual countries and regions. It is difficult to imagine our life without light, heat, electricity and other benefits of civilization. But if we do not change the thoughtless, ruthless and irresponsible attitude towards energy resources, how long will these benefits last for us? According to scientists, for 600 years. And what will happen next?

2. An excerpt from the song "Save the Planet"

3. Lead (teacher) Today we play the game"We will become millionaires...", each of us today will directly touch upon the problem of energy conservation, draw certain conclusions for ourselves and make cardinal decisions.

  1. Leader (teacher)

announces the goals of the game and introduces the rules, introduces the participants in the game. Each participant (group of participants) is provided with cards from 1 to 4. The participant gives an answer by holding up a card with a number. The jury evaluates and fixes the scores of students (from 1 to 3 points).

  1. Leader (teacher) Represents the jury.

Playing the game "We will become millionaires..."

1 round.


What do you understand by the term energy saving?

The time for discussing the answer is 30 seconds.

The collective answer is evaluated (1 participant answers)

ANSWER: This is simply the rational use of energy. Every year, an increasing share of electricity, gas, heat, and water is spent on household needs; the use of household electrified appliances is growing on a huge scale. In big cities, tens of tons of fuel per day is wasted, just because every day we haveforget to turn off tens, thousands of lighting fixtures.

The same thing happens with water consumption.. Open or leaking faucetsNot unusual. Energy saving in the house, energy saving in everyday life, ultimately depends on you and me. How to spend the least amount of electricity, heat and water in everyday life, without experiencing a lack of them. The use of electricity for the purpose of heating in itself is irrational, given its high cost. Often in everyday life in conjunction with central heating (due to its quality) are usedoil coolers. Before using them, take care to reduceheat loss in the apartment. In a dwelling with central heating and water supply, they look like this: losses due to uninsulated windows and doors - 40%; losses through window panes - 15%; losses through walls - 15%; losses through ceilings and floors - 7%; Obviously, the useplastic windowswill significantly reduce losses. In a timely mannerinsulate regular windows. electric stoves are in second place in terms of energy consumption. Here are some rules for the efficient use of electricity:
1. Use the burner at full power only for the time needed to boil.

2. Foods that require a long cooking time should be cooked on a small burner.

3. The diameter of the cookware should be equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the burner

4. Pans must be closed with a lid.

5. When boiling and heating water, it is better to pour as much water as necessary for the upcoming tea drinking. Descale promptly.

6. Using a pressure cooker saves a lot of energy and time.

Fridge should be located in the coolest place in the kitchen away from the battery and stove, preferably near the outer wall, but not close to it.

home computerset to an economical mode of operation (turning off the monitor, switching to sleep mode, turning off hard drives, etc.).

light curtains light finishwalls and ceilings, clean windows, moderate planting on the windowsills will increase the illumination of your home.

Use rationallythree lighting systems: general, local and combined.

Ordinary lamps incandescents used in our homes, the lion's share of energy is spent on heating, not on lighting.
Compact fluorescent lampsas relatively inexpensive and effective.

Fluorescent energy savingcompact lamps pay for their high cost only if they work reliably for their entire declared service life (typically 8-10 thousand hours).

Focus on quality products of domestic producers.

Always remember that

Round 2

1. Incandescent lamps.

2. Energy saving lamps.

3. Fluorescent lamps.

4. Halogen incandescent lamps.


  1. What lamps are recommended to be used first of all for work areas with a long time of their operation when turned on? (3)
  2. These lamps are designed for directional lighting (4)
  3. These lamps are cheap, have poor light output, but still have good thermal output (1)
  4. What is another name for compact fluorescent lamps, which can be used wherever a long time of their operation is required when turned on (2).

3 round.

Energy-saving lamps economic effect or environmental shock.

(team discussion 10 sec. 1 person answers)


  1. What are the benefits of energy saving lamps?

ANSWER: ( service life from 6 to 15 thousand hours of continuous burning, no incandescent filament, choice of glow color (daylight, natural, warm), low heat generation, softer light distribution due to the absence of a spiral and glow over the entire surface)

  1. What are the disadvantages of energy saving lamps?

ANSWER: ( high cost, long warm-up (1.5-2 min), some lamps are not designed to operate at temperatures below -15 degrees, strict requirements for mains voltage are often in rural areas at electric dachas. networks have non-standard indicators).

  1. What is the impact of energy-saving lamps on human health?

ANSWER: (the spectrum is unpleasant for the eyes, it causes eye strain, the emitting light is flickering, which causes eye strain, the light of energy-saving lamps can cause migraines and epilepsy attacks, people with sensitive skin may develop rashes, eczema, psoriasis)

  1. What harmful substances are contained inside energy-saving lamps?

Answer: ( Inside the lamp contains mercury vapor, the inner wall is coated with a substance containing phosphorus. If even 1 light bulb breaks inside the room, you must leave the room and call the Ministry of Emergencies.)

Round 4

1. Gas.

2. Oil.

3. Peat.

4. Uranus.


  1. What energy source is the most common in Russia and serves as a raw material for gasoline production? (2)
  2. What energy source is the oldest of the extracted fuel resources in Russia? (3)
  3. What energy source is used as fuel at the CHPP in Smolensk? (one)
  4. What is the main source of energy for generating energy at nuclear power plants? (4)

Round 5

  1. Wind energy.
  2. Energy of the bowels of the Earth (geothermal waters).

3. Energy of waves and sea tides.

4. Energy of the Sun.


  1. Which type of energy is the most promising for use in Russia? (1,2,3,)
  2. Due to what source of energy is the capital of Iceland (Reykjavik) completely heated? (2)
  3. What is the source of energy in space stations? (4).
  4. What energy is the least promising for use in the Smolensk region? (2, 3).

Round 6

  1. Losses due to not insulated windows and doors.
  2. Losses through windows.

3. Losses through walls.

4. Losses through ceilings and floors.


  1. Which of the presented energy losses is the largest? (one)
  2. Which of the presented energy losses is the smallest? (4)
  3. What energy losses can be avoided? (one)

Round 7

The tasks of the fabulous "Energy Saving"

(the speed and design acumen of the teams are assessed)

Task 1: The previous meter reading in the housefabulous "Energy Saving"amounted to 360 kWh, and the last - 500 kWh. How much money should he pay for electricity if 1 kWh costs 100 fabulous rubles? (14,000 fabulous rubles)

Task 2: . For 1 hour of continuously burning light bulbs, you need to pay 2800 rubles. How much should you pay for the light if it burns for 10 hours? (28000 rubles)

Task 3: One fluorescent light bulb consumes 44 kWh of energy per year. 1 incandescent lamp consumes 263 kWh of energy over the same period. How much kWh of energy will a family save by using three fluorescent bulbs instead of three incandescent bulbs? (657 rubles)

Task 4: In a big city, traffic lights flash yellow at night. The power of one device is small, but there are many traffic lights in the metropolis. The total power is rather big. On the other hand, you cannot turn off the traffic light - it warns rare drivers that there is an intersection ahead. How to be?

One of the possible answers:Let's resolve the contradiction in time. If there are no cars, the traffic light can be turned off. It should turn on if a car is approaching the traffic light. At some distance (several hundred meters), a mass sensor can be placed under the asphalt, which turns on a traffic light when a car passes.

Task 5: Huge heat losses occur at enterprises, in heated warehouses, hangars through doorways at the entrance and exit of cars. What to do: put a special employee at the gate or ask drivers to close the door behind them?

One of the possible answers:heating task: the doors must be closed to keep warm. Doors must be open to allow forklift trucks to pass. The contradiction is eliminated as follows: the sashes are made of hard rubber or flexible, but durable plastic, to which a heat-insulating material (for example, felt) is attached. They open and close on their own.!

Round 8

Play one player per team. They have to make the most words from the word in 2 minutes.energy saving.

7. Leader (teacher)The final word of the teacher on the need to save electricity.

8. Reflection

Use the technique of an incomplete sentence. The guys in a circle speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning of the phrase from the reflective screen on the board:

1. today I found out ...,

2. it was interesting…,

3. it was difficult...,

4. I realized that…,

5. was bored...,

6. I purchased…,

7. I learned…,

8. I got ...,

9. I could ...,

10. I was surprised ...,

11. gave me a lesson for life…,

12. I wanted ...

  1. Summing up and announcement of the team of future millionaires, his reward.

Scenario of the extra-curricular event "Energy saving - the first step towards sustainable development" Date: 05/19/2011. Venue: School No. 7, assembly hall. Purpose: to instill in students an active life position and a conscious attitude to the problem of energy conservation, the development of creative skills, the development of a sense of collectivism and the ability to work in groups. Equipment: computer, projector, drawing paper, glue, markers, templates, multimedia presentations, film "Environmental Disasters", illustrated light bulb models, drawings, photos, school layout. Event progress. Presenter: There are guests at our event, let me introduce them….. Presenter: I also want to invite an amazing guest, and who is she to introduce herself. Thrifty Country Queen: I am the queen of the Thrifty Country. I came to thank you for this amazing costume you made for me out of scrap material. In it, I'm just great. (circling) And now I want to know what you have learned for the whole school year. Presenter: During the 2010-2011 academic year, the school purposefully worked on the theory and practice of economical use of energy resources. Let's look at the main aspects of the school's work on this issue. Please pay attention to the photographs, drawings, leaflets made by the students of our school on the topic "Energy saving through the eyes of children" as part of the sustainable energy day. (best on screen) In October 2010, our school took an active part in the worldwide competition of photographs on the topic of energy saving. (slide on the screen), and in January, an energy saving project was drawn up as part of the Energy and Environment competition and awarded a certificate (slide). These guys are our vision of the problem, but what do you think? The activity and correctness of your work today will be monitored by a competent jury consisting of: 1…… 2…… 3…….. The jury will evaluate your work with the help of green cards, the team that collects the most cards wins. The event is attended by 4 teams of students in grades 6-10, each team has a coordinator student in grade 10. Each team has a box of useful tips on the tables, in which, at the entrance of our event, you need to put written thoughts about how you would like our work on the topic to be carried out at school further. So, our 1st competition is called “Let's save natural resources at home” (Compilation and defense of a collage-project) Jury evaluation. Thrifty Queen: Yes, you guys are great, and I have a special secret task for you. Attention, “black box” (there are recyclable items in the black box: paper, a plastic bottle, a bag, a piece of material), tell the guys how you can use these materials. Presenter: Thank you, fairy, for an interesting task, we promise that we will continue to be very thrifty in the future (Fairy leaves) Jury score. For a number of years, our school has been working on the improvement of the school, namely: (work with groups) 1. All lamps in the school were changed to energy-saving ones, which not only saved light consumption, but also improved the quality of lighting (photo) 2. This year the heating system is being changed to make our classrooms warmer. (photo) 3. Windows were also pasted over in winter to insulate the classrooms. (photo) 4. Behind the radiators, the guys with their parents installed a heat-reflecting film, which allows you to save up to 20% of heat. (photo) 5. The water supply system has been repaired. (photo) And in order to consolidate our knowledge of how to preserve natural resources in residential premises, we will hold quizzes. You have red and green light bulbs on the tables. You raise the red light if the energy resources are not saved, and the green light if they are saved. Be careful. Grandmother Arina does not know the Rules - The house heats with a gas stove. In order for the house to be cozy, And it was kept warm in it, It is necessary to repair the doors, Insert and close the glass Yas in his apartment Turns on the light everywhere, And that the sun shines, He does not notice. It is necessary to change the gaskets in the taps, And then the water will not drip in vain. Dad on the couch Dozed off a little, TV instead of dad Watches our cat. Turn on the light when it's dark, With the sun - open the window Glad Seryozha in the bathroom Inflatable pillow, And frogs croak from a puddle nearby. Well done guys, you were very attentive. For a number of years, the school has been monitoring the classes "Ecology of nature - ecology of the soul." In the good traditions of our school, a number of actions on ecology are held. The action "Plant a tree", each class in the school reacted with all responsibility to this action, the guys not only planted trees, but also continue to carefully care for them (photo) The action "Green School". The school is our second home and we all really want to make it cozy and green (photo) Action "Waste paper". We are all used to the fact that in our school the guys take this action with all seriousness, because the surrendered 5 kg. waste paper can save the life of one tree (photo) And now I want to check whether your theoretical knowledge is as strong as practical (Presentation "Environmental situations") Water is one of the most important substances for humans. More than half of the human body is made up of water. If you look at the world map, there is more blue on it. And the blue color on the maps denotes water, which no one can ever do without, and there is nothing to replace it with! Water is a good friend and helper of man! It conquers drought, revitalizes deserts, increases the productivity of fields and orchards. She obediently rotates the turbines of hydroelectric power plants. In nature, everything is united into an inseparable whole. Water is also a habitat for many animals. We all know such world-famous waterfalls as Victoria Falls, Neogarsky Falls, and few people know that in our Artyomovsk there is a waterfall, albeit small, but still (video) Our school has been working for years to study the natural features of this picturesque place, namely the first scientific works of the guys appeared there (diploma), we really hope in the future for support in the implementation of the Waterfall project. Our work does not end there, now I ask the representatives to come out and highlight the problems, thoughts on our future work. The problem of energy saving is a worldwide problem. Today we are visiting ... ... Let's give him the floor .. Let's ask the chairman of the jury, director of the school T.M. (rating table) Awards. We all must remember that not in words, but in deeds, we must take care of the nature around us. It is necessary to change the consumer attitude towards it, otherwise we will soon face the fact of an ecological catastrophe and destroy ourselves. The earth with its biosphere is the greatest miracle, and we have only one. Tomorrow will be what we create today. Watching the video "Forgive the Earth"

Educational event "The basics of thrift"


  • the formation of the foundations of frugality among students;
  • fostering a culture of energy consumption;
  • development of students' skills to work with various sources of information; highlight the main thing, compare, generalize, draw the right conclusions.

Conduct form: oral journal.

Preliminary preparation.

Elections of the editorial board - leading, chief editor (coordinates the work of all staff), art editor (prepares the design of the oral journal), editor of the letters department (selects letters with questions from readers of the magazine), editor of the energy saving department (prepares material on energy conservation), consultant ( this role can be played by a teacher) responsible for informatization (prepares and shows a presentation).

Event progress.

We open our oral journal "The Basics of Thrift". The word is given to the editor-in-chief.

“The level of material and, as a result, spiritual culture of people is directly dependent on the amount of energy at their disposal and their ability to effectively and profitably use this energy. Almost any area of ​​human activity is largely associated with the problems of energy conservation, the development, implementation and operation of resource-saving technologies. Therefore, the pages of our magazine are dedicated to answering readers' questions and they will deal with the topic of energy consumption, energy saving, energy efficiency. And we will work under the motto: “Thrift is an important source of well-being (Cicero)". But first, let's ask ourselves the question "What is frugality?" The philosophical dictionary says: thrift is a moralquality characterizing caringattitude benefits , to the property. Thrift is usually opposed to extravagance, unjustified luxury, mismanagement.

Surely some of you will complain that they are encouraged to save on little things. But saving is not synonymous with stinginess. Economical housekeeping consists, first of all, in a well-thought-out spending of money on purchases, the expedient use of food, a careful and reasonable attitude to electricity, water and gas, to all those things that surround us. The soulless attitude towards all these “little things” on a national scale results in huge losses of the most important material resources. Therefore, the topic of thrift is very relevant in modern society.

So, we are opening page 1 of our magazine, which is dedicated to energy saving issues and compiled on the basis of questions from our readers.

1 page. What is the purpose of the action "Minus 60 watts in each apartment"?

Directive #3 Pursuant to this Directive, at the initiative of the Energy Efficiency Department
Gosstandart in the republic the action "Minus 60 watts in each apartment" is carried out. Payment for housing and communal services for a family of three living in an apartment with a total area of ​​up to 50 m
2 , on average, up to 78% consists of the cost of consumed energy resources: 35% - heating; 22% - hot and cold water supply; 12% - electricity; 9% - gas; the remaining 22% - other accruals (maintenance, overhaul, etc.). Lighting devices consume 18-20% of all electricity used. By replacing one 75W incandescent bulb with a 15W energy-saving bulb, you save 60W. A 15W energy-saving lamp has the same lighting performance as a 75W incandescent lamp. The purpose of the action "Minus 60 watts in each apartment" is to show the advantages of energy-saving lighting devices and to attract all citizens to contribute to saving fuel and energy resources. Experts have calculated that if the conditions of the action are met, it will be possible to save 467 million kWh of electricity per year.

2 page. What lamps are called energy-saving?

What does the industry offer us instead of our own incandescent lamps? If we do not consider very exotic options, such as an LED lamp, the price of which is very high, then the choice is small: these are fluorescent lamps in various modifications. Fluorescent lamps are divided into two main types. The first and most common: linear lamps (LL). These are long glass tubes that can be seen in any office. The second type is compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), they are also called energy-saving. In fact, this is the same linear lamp, only twisted into a spiral for compactness and equipped with a tiny electronic ballast enclosed in a base.

When buying lamps, pay attention to the marking, which indicates the optimal operating voltage. With normal mains voltage, use lamps marked 220 - 230 V. If these lamps often burn out due to voltage instability, buy lamps marked 230 - 240 V. If you have to change electric lamps more than 1 time per year, then you have apartment increased or unstable voltage. In this case, use lamps designed for a higher operating voltage. If possible, try to equip the apartment with fluorescent lamps. Their power is from 8 to 150 watts. Depending on the composition of the phosphor, they differ in shades of luminescence: LD - daylight, LB - white light, LHB - cold white light and LTB - warm white light. The numbers after the designation indicate the power of the lamp in watts. For example, LHB 20 means: luminescent, cold white, power 20 watts. A fluorescent lamp has a 4-5 times higher luminous efficiency and a 5-8 times longer service life than an incandescent lamp. Tek, the light output of a fluorescent lamp of 20 W is equal to the light output of an incandescent lamp of 150 W.

3 page. What can be done in the apartment to reduce heat loss?

To reduce heat loss in the apartment, it is necessary, first of all, to prepare windows for the winter in a timely manner. If it blows from the windows, you need to replace the seals, and if there are none, then install them again. For sealing window frames, it is better to use polyurethane foam gaskets. Such a foam cord is sold in hardware stores. Apply the strips along the perimeter of the window frame or balcony door so that they do not interfere with closing the window or door with all the latches. If during the winter you do not intend to open the window, you can insulate it with cotton wool and paper strips. Cotton wool is hammered into the slots, then paper is applied and glued with wallpaper glue. Moreover, very little glue is required, and tightness will be ensured. It is not recommended to use silicate glue: if handled carelessly, you risk damaging the glass.

Be sure to check that all the glass in your windows is well smeared with window putty. If in some places it cracked or fell off, then heat leakage is inevitable. To prevent window panes from being covered with condensed moisture in winter, place cups filled one third with hydrochloric acid between the frames: it will collect all excess moisture. In winter, window panes freeze. Since the glass covered with frost does not transmit light well, it is necessary to turn on the light at inopportune hours, which means that electricity is overused. Do not scrape off the ice: you can break the glass. It is better to pour common salt on a dense rag and carefully wipe the glass with it several times. Salt will immediately "eat" the ice, and the glass will become clean and transparent. There is another way - wipe the glass with a mixture of glycerin (1 part) and denatured alcohol (20 parts).

4 page. Saving energy when consuming water.

Did you know that through a tap from which water drips (10 drops per minute), up to 2000 liters of water flow out per year? And if each of the four members of your family leaves the water faucet open for only 5 minutes a day, are you wasting 7 kWh of energy? Taking a shower is much cheaper than taking a bath. Taking a bath (140-180 l) you spend three times more energy than taking a 5-min. shower. Faucet sprinklers allow you to use water more efficiently.

When water is taken in buckets from a well, the average consumption of vital moisture per person per day (not counting watering) is 25–40 liters. When using water supply with bathrooms, more than 200-250 liters of water are consumed. We waste a lot of water: about 21% of drinking water in the country goes straight into the sewer without being used.

Heating water is associated with high energy costs. This is confirmed by the following simple "non-mathematical" equation: if you open a hot water tap heated to 60 ° C, then 1 kW of electricity will be consumed in just 3 minutes. This amount of electrical energy is enough to listen to a tape recorder for more than 100 hours or radio for 50 hours, to burn a 100-watt electric lamp continuously for 10 hours.

It is not at all easy to lay many kilometers of water and heat pipelines and maintain them in good condition, to build modern treatment facilities. For cleaning 1 m 3 cold water consumes energy equivalent to 0.3 kg of coal. From 2 to 6 kg of coal is used to heat the same cubic meter of water to a temperature of 60 ° C.

Cranes should be checked regularly for proper functioning. The most common malfunction of water taps: when screwed with great effort, they either stop shutting off the water or “turn”. To prolong the life of the faucet, try to turn it on and off smoothly, without sudden movements, without applying too much force.

5 page. Save energy when cooking.

The most energy-intensive consumers are electric stoves. How rationally use electric stoves? Cooking technology requires the burner to be turned on at full power only for the time needed to boil. Cooking food can take place at lower power. Soup does not have to boil with a key at all: it will not boil faster because of this, because water is above 100 ° C

still won't heat up. But with intense boiling, it will be very

actively evaporate, taking away about 0.6 kWh for each liter of boiled water. What should be cooked for a long time should be cooked on a small burner, heated to a minimum, and always with the lid closed. Cooking food at low power significantly reduces energy consumption, so the burners of electric stoves are equipped with power switches. Burnout in the burner of one or two spirals violates the regulation mode - the minimum power level increases by 2-3 times. In the case of delamination, cracking or swelling of cast iron, the tight contact of the surface of the burner with the bottom of the vessel is disturbed. To reduce the consumption of electricity for cooking on electric stoves, it is necessary to use special dishes with a thickened bottom and a diameter equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the burner. In order for the dishes to fit snugly on the burner, heavy pots with a thick bottom and heavy lids are preferable. One of the conditions for improving the operation of the electric kettle and dishes is the timely removal of scale. Another significant reserve of energy savings is the use of specialized appliances for cooking. The set may include an electric frying pan, an electric saucepan, an electric grill, an electric toaster, an electric barbecue, an electric kettle, an electric samovar, an electric coffee pot. Significant convenience, time and energy savings are provided by the use of pressure cookers. Their use reduces the cooking time by about three times and simplifies the technology. At the same time, electricity consumption is halved.

Microwave ovens, which received in recent times wide use. In them, heating and cooking of products occur due to the absorption of the energy of electromagnetic waves. Moreover, the product is heated not from the surface, but immediately throughout its entire thickness. This is the efficiency of these furnaces. When operating a microwave oven, it must be remembered that it is afraid of underloading when the radiated electromagnetic energy is not absorbed by anything, in this case, you need to keep a glass of water in the oven.

6 page. Save energy by using electrical appliances.

For the rational operation of radio and television equipment, it is necessary to create conditions for its better cooling, namely: do not place near electric heaters, do not cover with various kinds of napkins, systematically clean dust, do not install furniture walls in niches. A large amount of electricity is spent on the long-term operation of radio and television equipment, often operating simultaneously in several rooms of the apartment. To listen to informational programs, it is advisable to use a radio broadcasting network. Many electronic devices - VCRs, receivers, players - continue to operate in standby mode after being turned off. The scoreboard of the device becomes an electronic clock. This, of course, is convenient. The power of the "standby" device is small - some 10 - 15 watts. But for a month of continuous operation, it will “eat” a rather tangible amount of electricity - about 10 kWh.

The refrigerator is an energy-intensive appliance. The refrigerator should be placed in the coolest place in the kitchen (in no case to the battery, stove), preferably near the outer wall, but not close to it. The lower the temperature of the heat exchanger, the more efficiently it works and the less often it turns on. The ice “coat”, growing on the evaporators, isolates it from the internal volume of the refrigerator, forcing it to turn on more often and work more each time. To prevent moisture from freezing on evaporators, store them in boxes, jars and pots tightly closed with lids or wrapped in foil. And regularly defrosting and drying the refrigerator can make it much more economical.

Washing machines are the most energy efficient automatic machines. You shouldn't think

that by loading the machine only halfway, you can save energy and improve the quality of washing. Half the power of the machine will be spent on idling the water in the tank, and the laundry will not become cleaner.

The power of the iron is quite large - about a kilowatt. To achieve some savings, linen should be slightly damp: too dry or too wet, you have to iron longer, wasting extra energy. A massive iron can be turned off shortly before the end of work: the heat accumulated by it is enough for a few more minutes.

A good cleaning of the dust container is essential for the efficient operation of the vacuum cleaner. Filters clogged with dust impede the operation of the vacuum cleaner, reduce air draft.

7 page. What will the energy sector of the Republic of Belarus look like in the future?

The Republic of Belarus, like many countries of the world, must decide what the energy industry will look like in the coming decades. The choice of technologies in the energy sector of the future is relatively small. Among all technologies, the most promising and reliable are technologies based on renewable energy sources (RES), as they are inexhaustible, available in every country and environmentally safer than traditional energy resources obtained by burning fossil fuels. RES that exist and can be used in the Republic of Belarus include: wind, solar, small rivers, spillways, various types of biomass, low-potential heat of rivers, lakes, land. The leaders in the field of renewable energy are four technologies: energy based on biomass, wind, solar and hydropower.The types of biofuels that can be used in Belarus to generate heat and electricity include: wood chips, firewood, sawdust, straw, all agricultural crops, biogas.

Chief Editor:so, we have closed the last page of the magazine.

I hope you found something useful and necessary for yourself on its pages. Calculations have shown, and practice has confirmed, that each unit of money spent on activities related to saving electricity has the same effect as twice the amount spent on increasing its production. The long-term practice of European countries convinces us that by reviewing our habits and behavior in our daily life, we can significantly reduce the need for energy.Main conclusion: energy saving is the cheapest and most environmentally friendly "source" of energy.

Yakovleva Ludmila Semyonovna,

Physics teacher

Lesson script on the topic

Yakovleva Ludmila Semyonovna,

Physics teacher

MOU "Gymnasium No. 37", Petrozavodsk

Lesson script on the topic

"Energy saving is the way to sustainable development of society".

Target: show the possibilities of energy saving as a means of achieving sustainable

development of society.


To acquaint students with modern alternative energy sources, energy-saving devices,

To promote the development of the ability to correlate knowledge on energy saving, energy issues with the development of society,

Contribute to the formation of a new view on the development of society, the education of environmental culture.

Technical support of the lesson: a computer, a multimedia projector, demonstration devices (3 types of electric lamps - incandescent, fluorescent and LED).

Methodological support: presentation and map of Karelia.

Lesson script.

1 . Introduction to the topic.

Teacher: What is one of the most important problems of society related to energy consumption?

Pupils: Lack of energy with its growing consumption

Teacher: What are the ways to solve the problem of energy shortage?

Pupils: By using renewable energy sources and by saving energy.

Teacher: How do you understand the words "Sustainable development of society"?

Pupils: Such development, in which each new generation leaves the environment in a state no worse than it received, that is, supports it, saves resources. (Slide 3)

Teacher: Taking into account all that has been said, let's formulate the topic of the lesson - "Energy saving - the path to the sustainable development of society."

We will be participants of the conference, where representatives of various enterprises will talk about their ways of solving energy saving problems.

2. The main part - performances.

one). "Strategy for the development of the electric power industry of Karelia" - a representative of the Territorial

Hydropower Company (TGC -1).

2). "Small HPPs of Karelia" - a representative of TGC-1.

3). "Wind Energy of Karelia" - a representative of the company "VES".

4). Waste Energy is a representative of the St. Petersburg waste incineration plant.

5). "Energy Saving in Lighting" - a representative of the company "Energy Saving" (for the manufacture of LED lamps), Petrozavodsk.

6). "Passive Houses" - a representative of "Mosgosstroy-31".

3. Summing up.

Reflection - answers to questions.

1. What areas of energy saving, in your opinion, are the most relevant?

2. What areas of energy saving, in your opinion, are the most effective?

3. What did you like about the conference?

4. What didn't you like?

5. What do you remember the most?

6. What other ways of solving energy saving problems can be proposed?

Leading: Energy is of central importance in solving all problems of the world scale. Sustainable energy is necessary to strengthen the economy, protect the environment.

1 . "Strategy for the development of the electric power industry in Karelia".

The Karelian energy system is part of the unified energy system of the North-West

together with the Kola and Leningrad systems. It includes 11 large hydroelectric power plants,

Petrozavodsk CHPP and 8 small hydroelectric power stations.

The total capacity of the facilities is 1112.6 MW. It covers about 50% of the total electricity consumption in the country. According to statistics for 2008-2012, energy consumption ranged from 8.633 to 9.309 billion kWh. The average annual growth rate was 1.31%. By 2018, consumption is projected to grow to 9.204 billion kWh. The average annual growth rate is projected at 0.7%. Taking into account the commissioning of small hydroelectric power plants and diesel power plants, the capacity of the energy system of Karelia should be 1114.16 MW. New projects announced could be 700-792 MW. If new industrial facilities are put into operation, this will be enough to supply them with energy. Or this can be ensured by flows from neighboring power systems.

Leading: The main direction of sustainable energy is renewable energy sources. And among them is the energy of small hydropower plants.

2. "Small HPPs of Karelia" .

One of the directions of development of electric power industry in Karelia is the reconstruction of small HPPs. Currently, there are 8 small hydroelectric power plants. All of them were built by the Finns before World War II and are located on the territory that was ceded to the USSR after the Winter War. To date, they have been restored and reconstructed.

1) Hamekoski (with a capacity of 2.6 MW), 2) Kharlu (3 MW), 3) Lyaskelya (4.8 MW) - all on the Janisjoki River in the Pitkyaranta region, 4) Suuri-Joki (1.28 MW), 5) Pieni -Yoki (1.28MW) -both on the Tulemajoki River in the Pitkyaranta region, 6) Ignoila (2.7MW) on the Shuya River, 7) Pitkyakoski (1.26MW) in the Sortavala region, 8) Ryumyakoski (0.63MW) commissioned in July 2013) - on the Tokhmajoki River in the Sortavala region. The total capacity is 18.18 MW. Läskelä and Ryumäkoski belong to the company

Nord-Hydro, the rest - TGC-1. Looking forward to 2018 CJSC Nord Hydro plans to commission small HPPs with a total capacity of 110.8 MW in Lakhdenpokhsky (4.7), Suoyarvsky (3.1), Pitkyarantsky (7.75), Prionezhsky (0.8), Sortavalsky (8.25), Kalevalsky (0.4), Pudozhsky (40.8) and Muezersky (45) districts. There are projects for the construction of 2 small hydroelectric power stations on the river Chirka-Kem. It is known about the plans to build a cascade of 2 HPPs with a capacity of up to 52 MW on the Vodla River by the New Energy Fund. In total, there are more than 300 sites for small HPPs in Karelia.

Leading: Another type of renewable energy that Karelia is rich in is wind energy.

3. "Wind power industry of Karelia".

In April 2013, an agreement was signed between the Government of Karelia and the VES Company on cooperation in the field of wind energy. In accordance with it, wind farms will appear in the Kemsky and Belomorsky districts, their construction and commissioning is scheduled for 2014-2016. In total, it is planned to build 8 wind farms - 4 in each district. The capacity of each station is 24 MW, the total capacity of all wind farms will be 192 MW, which will be a significant increase in the Karelian electric power industry. The Kemsky and Belomorsky districts were chosen because they have a high wind energy potential, developed electrical networks and prospects for increasing energy consumption. Other areas where wind farms may appear are the Pudozh region and the island of Valaam.

The wind potential of Karelia, according to expert estimates, is 10,000 GWh per year. The most favorable are the coastal regions of the White Sea, Onega and Ladoga lakes. New wind farms, although they will not solve the problem of energy shortage, will contribute to its solution.

Leading: In modern conditions, more and more often it comes to a new source of energy, the number of which is growing rapidly. Every year, up to 7 billion tons of waste is accumulated in Russia, i.e. 300 kg for each citizen. 90% of waste is taken to landfills. About 82 billion tons have been buried. But waste can be sorted and recycled, and what cannot be recycled - i.e. garbage can be used as fuel.

4. "Energy of garbage."In the conditions of an aggravating energy shortage, garbage acts as an additional source of heat. Waste incineration has been practiced in a number of countries for many years. In Amsterdam, it has been burned in steam generators for 60 years. At the same time, about 6% of the electricity consumed by the city is generated. The application of this method in Germany covers over 20% of domestic electricity consumption in the country. In total, about 6% of household waste is annually burned industrially in the world. Waste incineration plants are widely created in the CIS countries. Factories are already operating in Moscow (with a capacity of 200,000 tons), in St. Petersburg (400,000 tons), in Tashkent, Riga, and Minsk. Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Kharkov and many other cities. It is economically profitable to build such plants in large cities with a population of at least 1.5-2 million people, where the annual waste is about 400-500 thousand tons per year. The plants are almost completely mechanized and therefore meet the requirements of environmental protection from harmful emissions. To prevent the leakage of gaseous components, special gas cleaning devices (electric filters, etc.) are being created.

In cities where there are no waste incineration plants, the most reasonable way is to separate waste collection. The gymnasium joined the International Waste Project and organized a separate collection of waste paper and plastic, which are taken out for recycling by the EcoLint Company. As a result, resources are saved and nature is preserved.

Leading : The most important way to solve the problems of energy shortage is to save it. Energy saving due to modern devices is becoming very relevant.

5. "Energy saving in lighting".

In 2009 The Federal Law “On Energy Saving…” was adopted, which establishes the transition to new sources of lighting as one of the important energy efficiency measures. Incandescent lamps have become obsolete due to their short service life (about 1000 hours), high energy consumption (most of the energy - 93-95% - goes to heating, and not to lighting) and therefore low efficiency .. The fluorescent lamps that replaced them have a number of advantages : longer service life (up to 15000 hours), lower power consumption (12W instead of 60W incandescent lamps). But they have many disadvantages: they belong to the 1st hazard class, because contain mercury (3-5 mg each), so they require disposal in special organizations. (In Petrozavodsk, these are “Mercury” and “Nature Conservation Center”), they have a low-frequency pulsation (25-65%), they go out when the voltage drops, they have a limited temperature range - up to minus 15 degrees. Celsius.

Modern LED sources have a lot of advantages: service life up to 50,000 hours, no pulsations, safety, even lower power consumption (5W instead of 60W incandescent lamps), do not go out when the voltage drops, but reduce illumination, have an operating temperature range of up to minus 60 degrees. Celsius. Their disadvantage is the high cost (about 500 rubles with a power corresponding to 60W of incandescent lamps), but it pays off with multiple advantages.

Leading : One of the future trends in construction is low energy houses.

6. Passive houses.

The Mosstroy-31 company, in collaboration with German specialists and architects from the Passivhaus Institute, built the first passive house in Russia that received a European standard certificate. A passive house is a house with low energy consumption. Its heating is carried out due to the heat generated by the people living in it, household appliances and alternative energy sources (for example, heat pumps, solar collectors). Such houses not only save, but also preserve natural energy resources, allow you to save on utility bills. They are comfortable and environmentally friendly for humans. They automatically maintain temperature, humidity and air purity. It is planned to heat the air in the supply and exhaust ventilation by capturing the heat of the exhaust air, which creates a small building demand for thermal energy and reduces heat losses. The main component of a passive house is high-quality thermal insulation. When installing windows and doors, structures are shifted with the help of special consoles into the area of ​​​​the heat-insulating shell. High quality glazing is used: triple glazing with inert gas, with 2 low-e coatings. The outer shell is airtight and sealed. The temperature in the room is the same everywhere. The first such house in Russia was built in Butovo - this is an individual residential building. Heat pumps are installed for heating, lighting and electrical equipment. Energy consumption is 3.5 times lower than in houses with electric heating and 2-4 times lower than in any typical house.

Leading: We got acquainted only with some areas of energy saving on the scale of our republic, country and the planet as a whole. The conversation can be continued by studying other topics of the physics course. But every day each of us in energy saving can follow the slogan of modernity “Think globally – act locally”.

(Messages are abbreviated)

Information sources:

1. Magazine "Industrial Bulletin of Karelia", No. 101, 2012.

2. Magazine "Industrial Bulletin of Karelia", No. 107, 2013.

3. Manual "Waste: theory and practical examples for the school curriculum"

Ed. within the project of the Council of Min. Nordic countries "Waste: training, sorting, processing", Petrozavodsk, 2013.

4. Materials from the TGC-1 website.

5. "Keeping your home warm." Publishing house Mostroy-31.

Parent meeting "Education of a culture of energy saving"


  • attracting the attention of parents to the problem of energy saving;
  • integration of the efforts of parents and teachers to form a culture of energy consumption among students;
  • the formation of the economic thinking of a modern person on the scale of the family, educational institution, the whole country.

Meeting plan.

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Miscellaneous.

Assembly progress.

  1. Organizing time.

Greeting parents, creating a favorable psychological environment, motivating future activities.

  1. Blitz survey on the topic of energy saving with its subsequent analysis.

Parents are invited to briefly answer the following questions:

one). Where do you think you can save energy at home?

2). What do you know about energy saving lamps?

3). What do you know about the information campaign "Minus 60 watts in each apartment" in the republic?

  1. Conducting a discussion on the topic of the meeting.

Dear parents! Today we will talk about raising a culture of energy saving in children.

The philosophical dictionary gives the following definition of thrift: “thrift is a moralquality characterizing caringattitude people to material and spiritualbenefits , to the property. Thrift is usually opposed to extravagance, unjustified luxury, mismanagement. This definition directly relates to the topic of our conversation.

What do we mean by energy saving? This is simply the rational use of energy. Every year, an increasing share of electricity, gas, heat, and water is spent on household needs; the use of household electrified appliances is growing on a huge scale. Of all the energy consumed in everyday life, the lion's share - 79% goes to space heating, 15% of the energy is spent on thermal processes (water heating, cooking, etc.), 5% of the energy is consumed by electrical household appliances and 1% of the energy is spent on lighting and television technology.

In big cities, tens of tons of fuel per day is wasted, only because every day we forget to turn off tens, thousands of lighting fixtures.

The same thing happens with water consumption. Unclosed or leaking faucets, alas, are not uncommon. Meanwhile, we pay for heat and light not only with money (which, of course, is forgotten in everyday life), but also with greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere and affect the climate. Energy saving in the house, energy saving in everyday life, ultimately depends on you and me. So, let's talk in more detail about energy saving in everyday life. I will try to give you advice and recommendations on how to spend the least amount of electricity, heat and water in everyday life, without experiencing a lack of them.

Let's start studying this issue with the most energy-intensive equipment - electric heating. The use of electricity for the purpose of heating in itself is irrational, given its high cost.
Often in everyday life, in conjunction with central heating (because of its quality), oil radiators are used. Before using them, take care to reduce heat loss in the apartment. If we consider the heat balance of the dwelling, it becomes clear that most of the heat energy of the heating system is used to block heat losses. They look like this in a dwelling with central heating and water supply: losses due to not insulated windows and doors - 40%; losses through window panes - 15%; losses through walls - 15%; losses through ceilings and floors - 7%;
Obviously, the use of plastic windows will significantly reduce losses. Insulate ordinary windows in a timely manner.

Electric stoves are in second place in terms of energy consumption, their annual electricity consumption is 1200-1400 kW. Here are some rules for the efficient use of electricity:
1. Use the burner at full power only for the time needed to boil. Further, the power is reduced to the level necessary to maintain boiling (the temperature will still not rise above 100 degrees). 2. Foods that require a long cooking time should be cooked on a small burner. 3. The diameter of the cookware should be equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the burner, the bottom should have the greatest contact (preferably flat and even). 4. Pans must be closed with a lid. 5. When boiling and heating water, it is better to pour as much water as necessary for the upcoming tea drinking. Descale promptly. 6. Using a pressure cooker saves a lot of energy and time.

The refrigerator should be located in the coolest place in the kitchen away from the radiator and stove, preferably near the outer wall, but not close to it. Set your home computer to a power saving mode (turn off the monitor, enter sleep mode, turn off hard drives, etc.).

Do not neglect natural light: light-colored curtains, light-colored wall and ceiling finishes, clean windows, and moderate planting on window sills will increase the illumination of your home.

Rationally use three lighting systems: general, local and combined. General lighting fixtures are usually the most powerful fixtures in the room, their main task is to illuminate everything as evenly as possible. In one or more places of the room, local lighting should be provided, taking into account specific conditions. Such lighting requires special lamps installed in close proximity to a desk, armchair, dressing table, etc. Combined lamps due to the selective inclusion of lamps can perform the functions of general and local lighting. The most economical is the principle of zonal lighting, based on the use of general, combined or local lighting of individual functional areas. If you use directional lamps, table lamps, floor lamps, sconces to illuminate these zones of these zones, then the apartment will become cozier, and therefore more comfortable. For such zonal lighting, lamps 1.5-2 times less powerful than in pendant lamps are suitable.

Conventional incandescent lamps used in our homes, the lion's share of energy is spent on heating, not lighting. Currently, there is a huge selection of more advanced light sources. But not all of them are cost-effective (because of their cost).
It is better to use compact fluorescent lamps as they are relatively inexpensive and efficient. Compared to incandescent lamps, they have 5-6 times greater light output and 10 times longer service life. Too frequent switching will shorten their service life. Fluorescent energy-saving compact lamps pay off their high cost only if they work reliably throughout their entire declared service life (typically 8-10 thousand hours). CFLs pay off quickly when used in places where the light is constantly on (vestibules in front of apartments, dark passages, stairs, etc.). In apartments, it does not make sense to use CFLs in places where the light is turned on rarely and for a short time - toilets, pantries, dark rooms, bathrooms. A low price for CFLs can only be at the expense of quality, and, accordingly, the service life, which automatically means that the money spent will not have time to pay off. Focus on quality products of domestic producers.

As a result, I would like to note that the habit of saving electricity is a sign of a reasonable and modern consumer and not necessarily a poor one; in new homes, rich people use modern technologies more often than "ordinary" consumers. Energy-saving technologies are now available to everyone, use and enjoy this process.

Belarus is actively developing, new energy saving technologies are emerging, the main directions of energy saving have been developed and identified, and new energy-saving equipment is being introduced and installed.

On June 14, 2007 the President of the Republic of Belarus signedDirective #3 "Economy and frugality are the main factors of the economic security of the state." In pursuance of the measures of this Directive, the Energy Efficiency Department of the State Standard initiated an information campaign "Minus 60 watts in each apartment" in the republic, aimed at forming public opinion on the need to save electricity and popularizing the use of energy-saving lamps in citizens' houses and apartments. And we must become active participants in this action.

Always remember thatthe best wealth is thrift!

As a memento of our conversation, I leave you the booklets "Memo on Energy Saving".

  1. Miscellaneous.

Answers to parents' questions. Consideration of academic performance, student behavior, etc.

Shulga Tatyana Vasilievna,

additional education teacher

MBOU DOD DEBTS "Smolensk Zoo"

Game scenario

"We will become millionaires..."

Theme "Energy Saving".

Target: education in students of an active life position and a conscious attitude to the problem of energy conservation, the development of creative skills, the development of a sense of collectivism and the ability to work in groups.


Formation of the foundations of frugality among students;

Raising a culture of energy consumption;

Development of students' skills to work with various sources of information; highlight the main thing, compare, generalize, draw the right conclusions.

Formation of a culture of energy consumption among students;

Formation of the economic thinking of a modern person on the scale of the family, educational institution, the whole country.

Working tables for 3-4 teams of 3 people.

Chairs for fans (invited, other students in the class, teachers)

A set of cards for each team with numbers from 1 to 4.

Plates with the name of lamps of various types

Tablets with the name of various types of natural fuels,

Plates with the name of the types of heat losses,

Multimedia projector, screen, presentation slides.

Posters on the walls
Game plan

"We will become millionaires..."

Organizing time.

Leader (teacher)

1. Humanity faces many problems today. It's no secret that one of the leading problems is the problem of energy saving. Newspapers shout - wasteful use of energy resources can lead to a global crisis. The conclusions are disappointing. Currently, energy resources play a decisive role not only in the world economy, but also in world politics. The world community is entering a period of shortage of fuel and energy resources and the struggle for their redistribution. Under these conditions, the problem of energy saving comes to the fore. Moreover, it is becoming a global problem for all mankind, and not just individual countries and regions. It is difficult to imagine our life without light, heat, electricity and other benefits of civilization. But if we do not change the thoughtless, ruthless and irresponsible attitude towards energy resources, how long will these benefits last for us? According to scientists, for 600 years. And what will happen next?

2. An excerpt from the song "Save the Planet"

3. Leading (teacher) Today we play the game "We will become millionaires...", each of us today will directly touch upon the problem of energy conservation, draw certain conclusions for ourselves and make cardinal decisions.

  1. Leading (teacher)
announces the goals of the game and introduces the rules, introduces the participants in the game. Each participant (group of participants) is provided with cards from 1 to 4. The participant gives an answer by holding up a card with a number. The jury evaluates and fixes the scores of students (from 1 to 3 points).

  1. Leading(teacher) Represents the jury.
Playing the game "We will become millionaires..."

1 round.


What do you understand by the term energy saving?

The time for discussing the answer is 30 seconds.

The collective answer is evaluated (1 participant answers)

ANSWER: This is simply the rational use of energy. Every year, an increasing share of electricity, gas, heat, and water is spent on household needs; the use of household electrified appliances is growing on a huge scale. In big cities, tens of tons of fuel per day is wasted, just because every day we have forget to turn off tens, thousands of lighting fixtures.

The same thing happens with water consumption. . Open or leaking faucets Not unusual. Energy saving in the house, energy saving in everyday life, ultimately depends on you and me. How to spend the least amount of electricity, heat and water in everyday life, without experiencing a lack of them. The use of electricity for the purpose of heating in itself is irrational, given its high cost. Often in everyday life in conjunction with central heating (due to its quality) are used oil coolers. Before using them, take care to reduce heat loss in the apartment. In a dwelling with central heating and water supply, they look like this: losses due to uninsulated windows and doors - 40%; losses through window panes - 15%; losses through walls - 15%; losses through ceilings and floors - 7%; Obviously, the use plastic windows will significantly reduce losses. In a timely manner insulate regular windows. electric stoves are in second place in terms of energy consumption. Here are some rules for the efficient use of electricity:
1. Use the burner at full power only for the time needed to boil.

2. Foods that require a long cooking time should be cooked on a small burner.

3. The diameter of the cookware should be equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the burner

4. Pans must be closed with a lid.

5. When boiling and heating water, it is better to pour as much water as necessary for the upcoming tea drinking. Descale promptly.

6. Using a pressure cooker saves a lot of energy and time.

Fridge should be located in the coolest place in the kitchen away from the battery and stove, preferably near the outer wall, but not close to it.

home computer set to an economical mode of operation (turning off the monitor, switching to sleep mode, turning off hard drives, etc.).

light curtains light finish walls and ceilings, clean windows, moderate planting on the windowsills will increase the illumination of your home.

Use rationally three lighting systems: general, local and combined.

Ordinary lamps incandescents used in our homes, the lion's share of energy is spent on heating, not on lighting.
Compact fluorescent lamps as relatively inexpensive and effective.

Fluorescent energy saving compact lamps pay for their high cost only if they work reliably for their entire declared service life (typically 8-10 thousand hours).

Focus on quality products of domestic producers.

Always remember that the best wealth is thrift!
Round 2

1. Incandescent lamps.

2. Energy-saving lamps.

3. Fluorescent lamps.

4. Halogen incandescent lamps.


  1. What lamps are recommended to be used first of all for work areas with a long time of their operation when turned on? (3)

  2. These lamps are designed for directional lighting (4)

  3. These lamps are cheap, have poor light output, but still have good thermal output (1)

  4. What is another name for compact fluorescent lamps, which can be used wherever a long time of their operation is required when turned on (2).
3 round.
Energy-saving lamps economic effect or environmental shock.

(team discussion 10 sec. 1 person answers)


  1. What are the benefits of energy saving lamps?
ANSWER: (service life from 6 to 15 thousand hours of continuous burning, no incandescent filament, choice of glow color (daylight, natural, warm), slight heat generation, softer light distribution due to the absence of a spiral and glow over the entire surface)

  1. What are the disadvantages of energy saving lamps?
ANSWER: (high cost, long warm-up (1.5-2 minutes), some lamps are not designed to operate at temperatures below -15 degrees, strict requirements for mains voltage often in rural areas at the dachas of the electric network do not have standard indicators) .

  1. What is the impact of energy-saving lamps on human health?
ANSWER: (the spectrum is unpleasant for the eyes, it causes eye strain, the emitting light is flickering, which causes eye strain, the light of energy-saving lamps can cause migraines and epileptic attacks, people with sensitive skin may develop rashes, eczema, psoriasis)

  1. What harmful substances are contained inside energy-saving lamps?
Answer: (The lamp contains mercury vapor, the inner wall is covered with a substance containing phosphorus. If even 1 light bulb breaks inside the room, you must leave the room and call the Ministry of Emergency Situations.)
Round 4

1. Gas.

2. Oil.

3. Peat.

4. Uranus.


  1. What energy source is the most common in Russia and serves as a raw material for gasoline production? (2)

  2. What energy source is the oldest of the extracted fuel resources in Russia? (3)

  3. What energy source is used as fuel at the CHPP in Smolensk? (one)

  4. What is the main source of energy for generating energy at nuclear power plants? (4)
Round 5

  1. Wind energy.

  2. Energy of the bowels of the Earth (geothermal waters).
3. Energy of waves and sea tides.

4. Energy of the Sun.


  1. Which type of energy is the most promising for use in Russia? (1,2,3,)

  2. Due to what source of energy is the capital of Iceland (Reykjavik) completely heated? (2)

  3. What is the source of energy in space stations? (4).

  4. What energy is the least promising for use in the Smolensk region? (2, 3).
Round 6

  1. Losses due to not insulated windows and doors.

  2. Losses through windows.
3. Losses through walls.

4. Losses through ceilings and floors.


  1. Which of the presented energy losses is the largest? (one)

  2. Which of the presented energy losses is the smallest? (4)

  3. What energy losses can be avoided? (one)
Round 7

The tasks of the fabulous "Energy Saving"
(the speed and design acumen of the teams are assessed)
Task 1: The previous meter reading in the house fabulous "Energy Saving" amounted to 360 kWh, and the last - 500 kWh. How much money should he pay for electricity if 1 kWh costs 100 fabulous rubles? (14,000 fabulous rubles)

Task 2:. For 1 hour of continuously burning light bulbs, you need to pay 2800 rubles. How much should you pay for the light if it burns for 10 hours? (28000 rubles)

Task 3: One fluorescent light bulb consumes 44 kWh of energy per year. 1 incandescent lamp consumes 263 kWh of energy over the same period. How much kWh of energy will a family save by using three fluorescent bulbs instead of three incandescent bulbs? (657 rubles)

Task 4: In a big city, traffic lights flash yellow at night. The power of one device is small, but there are many traffic lights in the metropolis. The total power is rather big. On the other hand, you cannot turn off the traffic light - it warns rare drivers that there is an intersection ahead. How to be?

One of the possible answers: Let's resolve the contradiction in time. If there are no cars, the traffic light can be turned off. It should turn on if a car is approaching the traffic light. At some distance (several hundred meters) you can place a mass sensor under the asphalt, which turns on a traffic light when a car passes.

Task 5: Huge heat losses occur at enterprises, in heated warehouses, hangars through doorways at the entrance and exit of cars. What to do: put a special employee at the gate or ask drivers to close the door behind them?

One of the possible answers: heating task: the doors must be closed to keep warm. Doors must be open to allow forklift trucks to pass. The contradiction is eliminated as follows: the sashes are made of hard rubber or flexible, but durable plastic, to which a heat-insulating material (for example, felt) is attached. They open and close on their own!

Round 8

Play one player per team. They have to make the most words from the word in 2 minutes. energy saving.
7. Leader (teacher) The final word of the teacher on the need to save electricity.

8. Reflection

Use the technique of an incomplete sentence. The guys in a circle speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning of the phrase from the reflective screen on the board:

1. today I found out ...,

2. it was interesting…,

3. it was difficult...,

4. I realized that…,

5. was bored...,

6. I purchased…,

7. I learned…,

8. I got ...,

9. I could ...,

10. I was surprised ...,

11. gave me a lesson for life…,

12. I wanted ...

  1. Summing up and announcement of the team of future millionaires, his reward.

Scenario of the extra-curricular event "Energy saving - the first step towards sustainable development" Date: 05/19/2011. Venue: School No. 7, assembly hall. Purpose: to instill in students an active life position and a conscious attitude to the problem of energy conservation, the development of creative skills, the development of a sense of collectivism and the ability to work in groups. Equipment: computer, projector, drawing paper, glue, markers, templates, multimedia presentations, film "Environmental Disasters", illustrated light bulb models, drawings, photos, school layout. Event progress. Presenter: There are guests at our event, let me introduce them….. Presenter: I also want to invite an amazing guest, and who is she to introduce herself. Thrifty Country Queen: I am the queen of the Thrifty Country. I came to thank you for this amazing costume you made for me out of scrap material. In it, I'm just great. (circling) And now I want to know what you have learned for the whole school year. Presenter: During the 2010-2011 academic year, the school purposefully worked on the theory and practice of economical use of energy resources. Let's look at the main aspects of the school's work on this issue. Please pay attention to the photographs, drawings, leaflets made by the students of our school on the topic "Energy saving through the eyes of children" as part of the sustainable energy day. (best on screen) In October 2010, our school took an active part in the worldwide competition of photographs on the topic of energy saving. (slide on the screen), and in January, an energy saving project was drawn up as part of the Energy and Environment competition and awarded a certificate (slide). These guys are our vision of the problem, but what do you think? The activity and correctness of your work today will be monitored by a competent jury consisting of: 1…… 2…… 3…….. The jury will evaluate your work with the help of green cards, the team that collects the most cards wins. The event is attended by 4 teams of students in grades 6-10, each team has a coordinator student in grade 10. Each team has a box of useful tips on the tables, in which, at the entrance of our event, you need to put written thoughts about how you would like our work on the topic to be carried out at school further. So, our 1st competition is called “Let's save natural resources at home” (Compilation and defense of a collage-project) Jury evaluation. Thrifty Queen: Yes, you guys are great, and I have a special secret task for you. Attention, “black box” (there are recyclable items in the black box: paper, a plastic bottle, a bag, a piece of material), tell the guys how you can use these materials. Presenter: Thank you, fairy, for an interesting task, we promise that we will continue to be very thrifty in the future (Fairy leaves) Jury score. For a number of years, our school has been working on the improvement of the school, namely: (work with groups) 1. All lamps in the school were changed to energy-saving ones, which not only saved light consumption, but also improved the quality of lighting (photo) 2. This year the heating system is being changed to make our classrooms warmer. (photo) 3. Windows were also pasted over in winter to insulate the classrooms. (photo) 4. Behind the radiators, the guys with their parents installed a heat-reflecting film, which allows you to save up to 20% of heat. (photo) 5. The water supply system has been repaired. (photo) And in order to consolidate our knowledge of how to preserve natural resources in residential premises, we will hold quizzes. You have red and green light bulbs on the tables. You raise the red light if the energy resources are not saved, and the green light if they are saved. Be careful. Grandmother Arina does not know the Rules - The house heats with a gas stove. In order for the house to be cozy, And it was kept warm in it, It is necessary to repair the doors, Insert and close the glass Yas in his apartment Turns on the light everywhere, And that the sun shines, He does not notice. It is necessary to change the gaskets in the taps, And then the water will not drip in vain. Dad on the couch Dozed off a little, TV instead of dad Watches our cat. Turn on the light when it's dark, With the sun - open the window Glad Seryozha in the bathroom Inflatable pillow, And frogs croak from a puddle nearby. Well done guys, you were very attentive. For a number of years, the school has been monitoring the classes "Ecology of nature - ecology of the soul." In the good traditions of our school, a number of actions on ecology are held. The action "Plant a tree", each class in the school reacted with all responsibility to this action, the guys not only planted trees, but also continue to carefully care for them (photo) The action "Green School". The school is our second home and we all really want to make it cozy and green (photo) Action "Waste paper". We are all used to the fact that in our school the guys take this action with all seriousness, because the surrendered 5 kg. waste paper can save the life of one tree (photo) And now I want to check whether your theoretical knowledge is as strong as practical (Presentation "Environmental situations") Water is one of the most important substances for humans. More than half of the human body is made up of water. If you look at the world map, there is more blue on it. And the blue color on the maps denotes water, which no one can ever do without, and there is nothing to replace it with! Water is a good friend and helper of man! It conquers drought, revitalizes deserts, increases the productivity of fields and orchards. She obediently rotates the turbines of hydroelectric power plants. In nature, everything is united into an inseparable whole. Water is also a habitat for many animals. We all know such world-famous waterfalls as Victoria Falls, Neogarsky Falls, and few people know that in our Artyomovsk there is a waterfall, albeit small, but still (video) Our school has been working for years to study the natural features of this picturesque place, namely the first scientific works of the guys appeared there (diploma), we really hope in the future for support in the implementation of the Waterfall project. Our work does not end there, now I ask the representatives to come out and highlight the problems, thoughts on our future work. The problem of energy saving is a worldwide problem. Today we are visiting ... ... Let's give him the floor .. Let's ask the chairman of the jury, director of the school Belikova T.M. (rating table) Awards. We all must remember that not in words, but in deeds, we must take care of the nature around us. It is necessary to change the consumer attitude towards it, otherwise we will soon face the fact of an ecological catastrophe and destroy ourselves. The earth with its biosphere is the greatest miracle, and we have only one. Tomorrow will be what we create today. Watching the video "Forgive the Earth"

Few people today argue with the fact that each person has his own energy. No wonder they say that this is who - then the energy is good, but who- that's bad. But that's not all - our happiness, quality of life, success, relationships with people are directly proportional to the quantity and quality of our energy. How not to waste energy? And how do you learn to fill it up?

Once an amazing epidersia happened to me. After a year and a half of a break from fitness due to a sharp drop in energy as a result of overload caused by professional activities, I returned to my favorite gym. I accumulated energy, improved my health with the help of acupressure massage and the constant support of Master Ji and "took up the old", that is, dumbbells and exercise equipment.

A couple of days after her return, she came to the teacher, all radiant with muscle pleasure and a pleasant tone. Xiaogang stared at me intently and suddenly asked with concern in his voice, "What happened to you?" And with me there was a wonderful bodily joy and, as a result, the excitement of the brain. "Nothing," I say, "nothing bad happened. Everything is fine with me!" However, the master did not let up: "What happened? Your energy has changed. It is not even clear what a strange transformation is!"

Still would! Transformation wow! I couldn’t lift a dumbbell for a year and a half, because huge forces were spent on creating seminars, writing books and articles, daily answers to dozens of letters ... And then a miracle happened - the energy again filled a significant part of my personal volume, and this gave me strength not only to work without fatigue and energetically without loss to pump over a considerable audience of seminar participants, but also to save yourself a "piece" for good physical activity.

This is the "stash" I decided to use, holding the "iron" in skillful and experienced hands. Still, 20 years of regular training is no joke! And suddenly - such a reaction of the teacher! It seemed to me that the master encroached on the sacred! Although, to be honest, of course, I went too far with the load for the first time and splashed out a fair share of the precious energy content from a full glass.

But everything that happens in the life of the writer Lisa Piterkina is not a problem, but a topic! Therefore, I decided to talk with the master about what circumstances affect the energy status, and what are the main causes of energy losses. Since at that moment I, as the author, was concerned about the problem of the influence of the hara or the lower energy center, located in the area behind the navel, on the general state of energy, then the conversation was precisely about this important foundation of our energy structure.

By the way, from the point of view of the Japanese, the lower energy center, hara, is not only a certain anatomical localization of vital energy, but also a certain quality of life.

A developed hara provides the individual with success in all spheres of its realization. We can say that the level of wealth depends on the hara, both in the spiritual and in the material sense. Accordingly, the weaker the hara, the less likely it is to succeed and take place as a person.

Once I had a chance to talk on the topic of hara with a student of Ji Xiaogang, Vice-President of the Wushu and Qigong Federation of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Evgeny Voronin. A trainer with many years of experience watched different groups of people realized in different professional niches, and noticed that in any field there are so-called "naturalists", that is, people with a high level of energy inherent in them by nature from birth.

Such specialists become the best in the profession, they usually manage to achieve results that seem unattainable and impossible for colleagues with the same experience and education. The same thing happens to people who have received a powerful hara as a gift from the Creator. They can definitely be called the lucky ones.

The same individuals who are much less fortunate with the power of the hara have the right to choose: increase their natural strength or squander the little that they got. Since the vast majority of "users" of their own lower energy center have no idea either about its existence, or about the "rules of operation" that guarantee the long-term effective operation of this accumulator of vital forces, expenditure prevails over income, and vital energy fades over the years.

And along with the fading energy, success, both social and personal, also fades. This loss becomes especially dramatic for women, who, due to the loss of energy, become less interesting for men, and even strong marital relationships begin to be seriously tested. It is even more difficult for those mature women who, for various reasons, were left behind by their lovers and embarked on the path of finding new happiness, being far from being young ladies.

If you want to look and feel energetic, remain cheerful, loved and in demand even at a very mature age, I suggest you use the recommendations of the Dao Master Ji Xiaogang. We will identify five reasons for the significant drop in energy levels and its leakage through the lower body, and also outline several ways to maintain and increase your own energy balance.

First of all, let us clarify that not only the lower energy center is responsible for healthy and full-fledged physical activity, but also the internal organs that have fallen into the "lower compartment" of our body.

Of the five Wu-Sin, a system consisting of five dense organs, the responsibility for our well-being is taken, first of all, by the kidneys as the main battery of vital forces, and also by the liver and spleen. These three organs of the famous Chinese pentagon depend on nutrition in one way or another.

The first reason for the loss of energy is the lack of food culture and the destruction of traditions that have historically developed in a particular country.

This applies not only to Russia, but also to the situation in the world as a whole, with its attraction to various forms of fast food and a lot of fried, fatty, salty and sweet. The meal ritual is being replaced by new traditions of satiating the stomach with food of dubious quality and low energy value. Speaking of energy value, we do not mean the calorie content of food, but the amount of vital, vital energy contained in it. For example, millet porridge cooked with water contains more useful energy than a piece of meat, although the calorie content of meat is higher.

The imbalance of food significantly affects not only the processes of digestion and filling the body with energy. Ironically, food affects our character. For example, an excess of salt affects the functioning of the kidneys, and weak kidneys give rise to fears, worries and pathological anxiety.

Too much sugar in the diet is no less a dangerous factor, sugar destroys the spleen, and the violation of the activity of this organ leads to soul-rending doubts that poison the existence and inhibit personal growth, affect the dynamics of success. Alcohol abuse destroys the liver, and problems in the liver give rise to anger and aggression.

In modern psychotherapy, there is a belief that the lack of the ability to restrain aggression, the inability to cope with one's fears and anxieties, the inability to clearly express one's feelings and emotions is often associated with certain dysfunctional behavior that arose as a result of the incomplete solution of various developmental tasks in early childhood.

Without belittling the importance of a quality experience of all stages of personality formation, we want to note that psychotherapy does not consider the possibility of the relationship between individual personality traits and the nutrition system.

Of course, such a connection may seem absurd to representatives of Western science, but the centuries-old practical experience of the Ancient East has no less right to exist and be used in modern methods of therapy than the most promising modern theories, some of which are based, by the way, precisely on ancient Eastern culture. .

Surprisingly, the very theory of Gestalt therapy, one of the youngest but most effective areas of psychotherapy, has a lot in common with Zen Buddhism or Chan Buddhism, if you follow the Chinese transcription. So, in principle, all promising teachings, whatever one may say, have Eastern roots or are in close contact with the philosophy of the Ancient East.

The second reason for the loss of energy is a violation of the daily routine and the mode of life in general.

In Taoist philosophy, there is a theory of twelve channels. The theory is based on the fact that each organ has a certain system, an energy channel that runs throughout the body. The impact on these channels helps to normalize the work of a particular organ, cope with a disease that has arisen, or significantly improve well-being.

The intensity of the channels is not the same and depends on the time of day, month and season. During the day, each channel is active for 2 hours. Violation of the daily routine, which is considered universal in both Western and Eastern medicine, leads to disturbances in the functioning of organs and a weakening of their energy.

For example, from 23:00 to 01:00 is the time of the gallbladder. If you do not fall asleep before 11 pm, your attempts to quickly retreat to Morpheus may be crowned with a complete fiasco, because this is the time for a natural upsurge in activity. But after 01.00, you need to try to fall asleep, since from 01.00 to 03.00 it's time for the liver to work. The liver is responsible for the state of the blood, so a person's well-being is closely related to the ability to give the liver complete rest and rest at this time. Otherwise, the quality of the blood gradually deteriorates, and regular failures occur in the entire system, leading to premature aging and frequent illnesses. Adequate sleep is especially important for women who lose some blood volume every month and need an efficient functioning of the hematopoietic system.

No less important is the mode of life in general, the proportional alternation of rest and work, complete relaxation after prolonged exertion and mandatory vacation once a year. Equally important is the transition from one activity to another. Personally, I noticed for myself that even alternating periods of preparing seminars and working on books has a positive effect on well-being.

And if you switch to the creation of completely different creative products, for example, works of art, stories or poems, then fatigue does not occur at all, because different processes replace each other even before fatigue from monotonous work accumulates. But even with such an environmentally friendly approach, we must not forget about the complete disconnection from professional activities at least one day a week and at least a couple of weeks a year.

The third reason for energy loss is hypodynamia, the lack of necessary physical activity.

Let's not overload your mind with information about this problem of the twenty-first century, for sure you are already quite aware that sedentary work seriously undermines your health. The insidiousness of hypodynamia lies in the fact that it causes slow damage, without causing practically no trouble. Your health is simply fading away, even if you follow the regime of the day and the mode of work and rest, and at the same time eat right.

As a visitor to fitness centers and a fan of various types of aerobic exercise, I often observe the movements of women during dance aerobics classes. It seems that under their bright sports uniform they have iron armor that rigidly fixes the lower part of the body, preventing it from moving freely.

By freedom of movement in the pelvic area, one can easily judge the sexual emancipation of young women. Not about licentiousness and vulgarity, but about the absence of tightness. Stiffness in movements is a symptom that the energy in this area is blocked, therefore, sensuality is also reduced, as a rule.

A simple way to deal with hypodynamia is dance breaks with an emphasis on "wagging the booty" in different directions, left - right and forward - back. At a party, such wild dances may not always be perceived adequately, they will most likely seem like inviting and provocative dances of sexually horny human females, but far from male eyes, it is quite possible to allow yourself to move as nature suggests.

The more obscene these movements look, the more natural and sexual in them. And if you attend aerobics classes in the style of "strip dance" or "latina", then the apparent vulgarity will grow into grace and seductiveness, and you will have more sexual energy. In general, do not pinch yourself from below, let the energy fill your most erotic parts of the body! However, do not bring yourself to that stage of excitement, which leads to loss of energy instead of filling.

The same emotions in limited quantities can be healing, and in excess they can devastate. Energy must remain under control and not flow out through natural openings, and for this, the tone of intimate muscles must always be on top.

In this part of the conversation with Master Ji, the secret of going to the gym was revealed to me. It turns out that working on simulators or with dumbbells is mostly a loss of energy for the sake of muscle tone. The goal is noble, the path to it is unreasonable from the point of view of ancient Chinese medicine, advocating for a long happy life and maximum conservation of energy given by nature. It is common for youth to scatter energy thoughtlessly, without realizing the consequences that such generosity in maturity can lead to. But sooner or later, a healthy shell may turn out to be "empty", like a brand new computer model with a battery that has no charge left.

I received several recommendations from the master that will help me maintain muscle tone, but not be untimely de-energized. First, it is better to train outdoors. The best type of aerobic exercise is jogging. If there is no way to run, just walking intensively is enough.

Of the dynamic forms, squats are especially useful, but not any, but only at a slow pace and maintaining balance in the center of the body. This technique requires a special description, so we do not recommend that you experiment without knowing all the secrets. This is exactly the case when the most important meaning lies in the details.

The fourth reason for the loss of energy is the performance by women of functions not provided for by nature.

The forced assignment of male roles by women adversely affects the balance of energies. In order to organically exist in the male world, one inevitably has to use yang, active, hot energies much more than it is prescribed in the "instruction for the safe exploitation of women" written by the Creator.

It is impossible to restrain progress, and if the female social role is becoming more and more significant, one should simply not forget that violating the laws of nature entails certain not always positive consequences. But you should not be afraid of this, it is only important to remember that no one has canceled the yin-yang balance, and it is important to balance the yang energy with the yin energy.

Set the proportions of this "mixture" yourself, to your taste, depending on how important it is for you to remain a woman, loved, desired and in demand by men, depending on how important conservative values ​​are to you - a happy marriage and no less happy motherhood.

The list of causes of our energy devastation "through the bottom" crowns with dramatic news: sex is harmful! Yes, yes, this is not a joke.

The fifth reason for the loss of energy is unrestrained sex without understanding the laws of working with energy.

After an act of crazy love, the very one that happens "without the mind", that is, without the slightest awareness of the meaning of the process, most often leads to fatigue. Fatigue is a symptom of energy expenditure without replenishing the balance.

In principle, sexual relations are a great way to collect energy and be filled with strength, but for this it is absolutely not necessary to connect some bulges with some more or less suitable or completely unsuitable cavities. "Sex" is an English word and denotes the behavior of a person in accordance with belonging to one of the two sexes. "Sex" is "gender".

But the intimate relationship between a man and a woman is a special behavior in a certain situation, which has a certain sacred character. In general, what sexual relations have turned into by the beginning of the 20th century is far from a sacrament. Sex has ceased to be a science worthy of study and careful preparation for practice. Therefore, no acquisitions from this interaction can be expected, only waste.

On this sad note, we will end our exploration of the ways in which the greatest treasure that nature has given us disappears. But, as usual in the philosophy of Tao, in every phenomenon there is a yin and a yang, an inner and an outer side. The Yin side of the issue is a sad list of reasons for our rapid aging and loss of vital juices that turn a certain creature into a full of life, charming woman who, like a magnet, attracts men.

In the same way, thanks to the stored energy, the being turns into the man of a woman's dreams. And if the creature is not aware of the laws described above, it transforms into a gray shadow that even the most love-deprived woman, who is on the verge of sexual despair, does not notice.

The Yang side of the problem is our opportunity to radically change everything for the better. It is enough just to stop the leakage of precious energy. Great news - now you know exactly how to do it. So, forward, to an energetic and happy new life!