Tell a preschooler how speech is formed. Games for the development of speech

Diverse, rich in additions, descriptions and synonyms, speech in children aged 3 to 7 years is an extremely rare phenomenon. Development of speech in preschoolers is of paramount importance, since this is the time the child is most receptive to its comprehension.

Children learn their native language by imitating the spoken language of others. It is a pity that constantly busy parents during this period often forget about this and leave the process of forming the child's speech to chance. Children spend very little time surrounded by adults (most often watching TV, at a computer, or with toys), they rarely hear fairy tales told by mom and dad, and planned classes for the development of speech preschoolers- very rare. So it turns out that by the time the child enters school, a lot of problems appear. Therefore, when solving the problem, speech development in preschoolers, consider what problems in this area are encountered by parents and teachers most often.

Typical problems in the development of speech of preschoolers:

1. Monosyllabic speech, which consists only of simple sentences (it is also called "situational" speech). The inability to correctly and competently build a common sentence.

2. Poverty of speech. Small vocabulary.

3. Speech in which there is an excess of slang words (the result of watching TV), the use of non-literary expressions and words.

4. Poor dialogue speech: inability to ask a question in an accessible and competent way, build a detailed or short answer, if necessary and in the right place.

5. Inability to build a monologue: for example, a descriptive or plot story on a specific topic, retell the received text in your own words.

Lack of rationale in their conclusions and statements.

7. Lack of speech culture: inability to use intonation, adjust the pace of speech and voice volume, etc.

8. Bad diction.

And how to develop the speech of preschoolers?

Posing a problem, bad speech development in preschoolers most parents pin their hopes on her kindergarten permission. It is believed that planned classes will come to the aid of the baby in such a difficult job. Quite often, these hopes are not justified: in many kindergartens, the development of speech is not given the necessary attention. But if you are lucky enough to have a kindergarten, and enough time is allotted for speech in the classroom, it is still necessary to trace whether the child develops vocabulary, diction, the ability to use intonation, detailed answers, including evidence, to build a dialogue normally. If not, you will have to think about how to make it diverse speech development in preschoolers.

Let's look at what exercises we can do ourselves. To do this, you need to have information about the stages of speech development of a preschooler. That is why we have accompanied the exercise games with a detailed commentary.

The normal development of speech in preschoolers occurs with the help of a set of exercises:

Exercise for the development of speech of preschoolers: "Conversation in the picture"

Given exercise for the development of speech of preschoolers suitable for children from three to six years old and is aimed at the formation of coherent speech. For a consistent conversation, any desired plot, beautiful picture is suitable. It is best to perform the exercise when reading books, assembling a puzzle or any other interesting game, so that the crumbs do not have the feeling of a "boring lesson". Your task is to captivate the child with a simple question-and-answer game. Ask a variety of questions using the full "assortment" of question words: When? Why? What for? etc. In order for the child to start talking, use introductory phrases (“Do you think?”, “Have you ever met such a thing ...”) or assumptions (“But if ...”, “Maybe they wanted to say here ...”, “And you how would you do it..."). If the child finds it difficult to answer, help him build a sentence, show what and how to tell.

Exercise for the development of speech of preschoolers: "Small - big"

When doing this exercise with a child over the age of two to five, use your favorite picture book, and preferably his toys. Look at the illustrations with your child and ask them to name what they saw. For example:

Look, who is in the picture?

Cat and kittens.

What cat?


Yes, a cat is bigger than her little kittens. The cat is tall, and the kittens are shorter than her.

Do you think kittens will be big when they grow up too?

Nowadays, there are special books and games on sale that are aimed at developing this side of speech. They contain tasks and texts that will teach the child to find close words in meaning, to remember the meanings of words.

Reading nursery rhymes and singing lullabies.

Starting from the moment of birth, read baby nursery rhymes, fairy tales, sing lullabies every day. It is very helpful to read before bed. When reading, make sure that the pronunciation is clear and precise, emotionally correct.

Nursery rhymes and lullabies enrich children's vocabulary by containing information about the world around them and objects, they teach children to create words with the same root (for example, "kitten", "cat", "cat"), and due to the positive emotional coloring, mastering is more successful.

Exercise for the development of speech of preschoolers: Journalist.

This exercise can be done with children over 4 years old. Make the child an offer to interview as a journalist. You will be a famous actor or sportsman, and the kid will prepare an article about you. Prepare a list of questions and detailed answers together! You will not only have fun with your child, but you will also develop your child's conversational speech.

Exercise for the development of speech of preschoolers: Riddle.

The game is suitable for children 3-7 years old. Solving riddles multilaterally develops speech. In riddles, more vivid signs of phenomena and objects that have a compressed form are given. Guessing riddles develops in children the ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions and be able to highlight the typical features of an object. Separate riddles will enrich the vocabulary of children due to the ambiguity of words. And, of course, they are taught to think figuratively.

Exercise for the development of speech of preschoolers: "What does this mean?" (children over five years of age)

The emotional coloring and intonation of speech are important, because, in fact, by tone, we often learn about the mood of the speaker and the meaning of what he conveys to us. To present to children how important this side of speech is, it is necessary to use phraseological units of the Russian language and folk proverbs and sayings. Precisely and concisely, not only thoughts and ideas are revealed in the phraseological units of folk tales, but also their emotional coloring (encouragement, condemnation, joy, affection, sadness, anger, etc.). tell your child a series of proverbs or phraseological units. Think about what they could mean.

For example, what does it mean "to beat the buckets", "to ask a brainwasher", "to hang one's nose". Acquaintance with phraseological units improves imagination and develops thinking.

Tongue twisters and sayings.

Saying tongue twisters and sayings is useful for children of different ages, even if the child's diction is normal at first glance. In preschoolers, the speech apparatus still works rather poorly and is coordinated. There are children who, while pronouncing words, are in a hurry, swallowing the endings, while others, on the contrary, speak slowly and drag out words too much. It must be remembered that diction is formed with the help of special classes, because no one has an impeccable pronunciation by nature. Therefore, use good and old tongue twisters, and your baby's speech will become much better.

Problem speech development in children especially keenly felt by primary school teachers. Pronouncing sounds incorrectly, the student writes with errors, a meager vocabulary interferes with the perception of new material. Already "from the cradle" it is necessary to develop the child, thereby the baby develops as a whole.

The role of parents in the development of children's speech
Children, imitating others, learn colloquial speech. But, unfortunately, many parents often do not pay the necessary attention to this and let the process of developing the child's speech skills take its course. This problem is especially relevant at the present time, in the age of technological progress, since the baby spends a lot of time watching TV, at the computer, which replace his parents. Children lack simple human interaction. Some parents shift this issue to Kindergarten. But, unfortunately, not always in the staff of a children's institution there is a specialist who conducts the necessary classes for the development of speech with children. Therefore, parents need to take care of their children at home. It is not necessary to turn learning into strict school activities, games for children are easy to use on the way to the store or kindergarten, walking or putting the baby to bed. Closer communication will benefit, relationships will become closer and more trusting.

Speech problems of preschoolers
The consequence of insufficient live communication of children with others are problems before entering school:
- the child's speech is monosyllabic, built only from simple sentences;
- Vocabulary is very poor;
- the use of non-literary expressions, the use of slang;
- inability to retell in your own words any plot or story;
- poor diction, inability to change the pace of speech and voice volume, use different intonations.
Exercises and games for children will help to form the expressiveness of speech, enrich vocabulary, develop clarity of pronunciation, and literacy.

Games for children 3-4 years old
The main attention is paid to the correct pronunciation of sounds, the development of speech and the articulatory apparatus.
Combine pronunciation exercises for hissing sounds by topic. For example, according to the picture “Hedgehog and hedgehog”, say a few exercises: Ms. Ms. - we will look at the hedgehog, Ms. Ms. - we will give a leaf to the hedgehog, Ms. Ms. - bumps on the back carry hedgehogs, etc. By pronouncing phrases and words and paying attention to a certain sound, the child will learn to separate the concepts - sound and word.

The game "Whose voice or sound?"
It is advisable to use imitation of musical instruments or animal voices. For example, they give a baby a bell and say: “The bell is ding-ding.” Similar comparisons: a cow "moo-moo", a dog "woof-woof", a chicken "wee-wee", a duckling "quack-quack".

Game "Guess"
The goal of the game is the ability to find an object by its features and actions. Show your baby some toys first. Then describe one: the bunny is gray, he has a small tail, he loves carrots. Let the child try to guess.

Game "Describe the item"
Put some fruits and vegetables in the box. When you take it out, name it: it's a tomato. The way the child will describe it: it is red, round, juicy. Or: watermelon - striped, large, sweet. So the baby will learn to identify the signs of objects.

Game "Comparison"
The child is offered two dolls, he gives them names and finds differences. For example, Masha has blue eyes, while Tanya has brown eyes. Similarly: the hair is blond and red, one in a dress, the other in trousers. The child will be able to compare objects with different characteristics.

Exercises and games for children 5 years old.
At this age, more attention is paid to the components of the word - sounds. The child learns to determine by ear whether a given sound is present in a word. The kid distinguishes between close and different words by sound. All this contributes to the development of speech. Performing exercises, games for children, include dialogues in the narrative, diversify the actions of the characters.

Game "first sound"
Invite the child to choose from several toys and ride in the car only those whose names begin with a certain sound, for example: k - doll, cat, clown. If a child chooses the “wrong” toy (for example, a dog), the car will not drive. Explain that in the word "dog" the "k" sound is in the middle of the word, not in the first place.

Game "Who's Lost?"
Teach your child to form single-root words, find synonyms for words. Encourage your child to think and reason. Imagine the following plot situation: a hare is lost in the forest. Name affectionately: bunny, bunny. Where is he, why is he crying? Lost, lost, wants to eat. What is he? Sad, hungry, sad. How to help him? Heal, soothe, feed. The child suggests a possible description of the hare.

Game "Make up a story"
Together with the child, you can dream up, come up with a story. In the process, the child will understand the sequence of the story, the logical structure of the story. Suppose, for example, that a squirrel went into the forest and met a wolf. What is she? Nimble, bold. And the wolf? Angry, angry. Then the adult begins to tell, and the child continues: the squirrel went out for a walk ... and to collect nuts, she climbed ... on a tall tree, and there nuts ... apparently, invisible, then towards ... a wolf, but she ... was not scared, and threw a nut ... right at the wolf .

Games and exercises for children 6-7 years old.
During the course on the development of speech in children preschool age, speech hearing is improved, the skills of correct and clear speech are fixed. Tongue twisters, poems are used in the classroom, this will help develop diction, regulate the power of the voice, its pace.

Game "Syllables and sounds"
When pronouncing words in syllables, learn to determine their number in words, for example: beetle, poppy - words from one syllable; za-bor, heron-la - words of two syllables. Ask the child to name a few words that begin with one sound: “sh” - a hat, chess, “zh” - a beetle, a toad. Learn to distinguish between the hardness and softness of the sounds "r" and "l": hard "r" - carrots, pear, soft "r" - radish, apricot.

Lesson "Sketching observations of a walk"
Get paper and colored pencils ready. After the walk, the child draws what he saw during the walk, commenting and reasoning, taking the first sheet: “Outside, the sky is blue (paints the top blue), “the sun was shining (draws the sun)”. On the second sheet, he continues to draw the changed picture: “A cloud came and covered the sun (draws a cloud)”, “it started to rain (draws drops in the form of lines from top to bottom)”. Then on the third sheet: “The rain stopped, the sun came out (draws a cloud, and from under it the sun)”, “Puddles appeared on the ground (draws blue oval islands on brown earth)”. Then lay out all three drawings in front of the child, it turned out like three frames from a movie. The emotional response of the child will be fixed in the form of visual memory, which will help to expand the vocabulary.

Exercises for the development of speech breathing
For the development of speech in children and for the child to pronounce the sounds “s-z”, “zh-sh” well. "r", it is important to learn how to take a strong breath. Simple exercises will help with stuttering and skipping sounds and words in a child’s conversation.

Exercise "Snowflakes"
Take small pieces of cotton wool or paper napkins, put the baby in the palm of your hand. Show how to blow off the snowflakes by puffing out your cheeks and getting more air into your mouth. Let the child repeat 3-4 times.
Exercise "Butterflies".
Hang a few paper bright butterflies at face level. Blow on them and they will fly. The way the baby will also blow on them, but not more than seven to ten seconds, as the head may feel dizzy.
As a result, thanks to the patient and purposeful work of adults with children, the child's speech will become richer, brighter, and he will come to school fully prepared.

Human speech is a unique tool, it has developed in the process of evolution, and it is possible to master it only in a certain period of life, communicating with other people.

Possession of coherent speech skills allows the child not only to communicate freely with others, but also to develop intellectually. The development of speech in preschool children is a long and difficult process, requiring the attention of parents, and sometimes the participation of specialists.

The sequence of work on connected speech

  1. Development of meaningful perception of coherent speech;
  2. Development of dialogic coherent speech;
  3. The development of a monologue consists of the following stages:
  • learning to write a story-description;
  • learning to compose a story from pictures of one plot;
  • learning to compose a story from a separate picture;
  • learning to compose a retelling;
  • learning to write a new story.

Techniques and methods

A picture for building a plot must meet a number of requirements:

  • be attractive and colorful;
  • comply with the "age limit";
  • the number of actors should be limited;
  • few additional details.

Algorithm for working on retelling:

  1. Expressive reading of an accessible story.
  2. Finding out what you like.
  3. Clarify details with leading questions.
  4. Explaining unfamiliar words, highlighting beautiful turns of speech.
  5. Viewing pictures, re-reading.
  6. It would be useful to additionally familiarize yourself with the habits of animals, looking at photographs.

So that the transition to independent compilation of the story does not become a problem, let the first of them be about a really lived day in the life of a child, about events that are memorable for him.

Stages of formation

Any healthy child from birth has the physiological prerequisites for speech. However, for the implementation of speech activity, the little man needs a social environment.

Preparatory stage - from birth to a year

The first stage is not in vain received such a name. During the first year of a child's life, the baby's vocal apparatus is being prepared for the reproduction of articulate speech.

Chronology of events:

  1. By the end of the third week of life the newborn begins to react to sounds, for example, freezes with a sharp knock, clap.
  2. By three months the child can correlate the presence of the sound of a voice and the presence of an adult, a manifestation of an orienting reflex is observed. The appearance of the so-called babble speaks of a new stage in the development of verbal communication.
  3. After the sixth month life, the baby can "boast" the ability to find a connection between a combination of sounds and actions. The appearance of this feature is a sign that the child begins to master words.
  4. At the end of the first year meaningful words appear in life. The number of actively used words is small compared to the number of words available to the understanding of the "year-old".

Preschool stage - from 1 to 3 years

At the beginning of the second year of life, the circle of needs of the child expands. This is due to the period of active development of space. Increasing motivation to communicate with adults contributes to an increase in vocabulary.

The development of speech occurs in leaps and bounds: having learned a new word today, tomorrow the baby can replace it with a familiar statement or sound.

In the speech of a two-year-old child, words are not grammatically connected, there are no conjunctions and prepositions. The plural is used, a complex sentence and interrogative intonation are formed.

By the age of three, difficulties appear in the pronunciation of sounds, so special attention should be paid to the volume, clarity and slowness of speech. In such cases, special language tasks are used, lasting up to 10 minutes.

Preschool - 3 to 7

In the speech of preschool children, defects in the pronunciation of whistling, hissing, softening, etc. are very often encountered. During this period, auditory control of one's pronunciation is actively developing. The active dictionary can reach 5000 words.

With the growth of the experience of verbal communication, a “sense of language” is formed - the skill of word creation. The grammatical structure of speech develops, the pronunciation of sounds is formed, and most children speak clearly by the age of 6.

Features of seven-year-olds are free operation of complex and complex sentences, the possession of a formed contextual (generalized) speech.

Physiological imperfections of sound pronunciation

Imperfections in the sound pronunciation of a preschooler are associated primarily with the incomplete development of the articulatory organs: the lower jaw, soft palate, lips and tongue.

The second most relevant reason is the insufficiently formed ability to perceive and distinguish speech units (phonemes). These problems make the child's speech insufficiently pure and clear. Violations of sound pronunciation in their manifestation are quite diverse.

Typical imperfections in preschoolers:

  • softening of hard consonants: "tul" (chair), or less often - toughening of soft "tota" (aunt);
  • replacement of hissing whistling: “sapka” (hat);
  • loss of sound p from speech or its replacement with l, v, d;
  • softening or replacing the sound l: “toy” (table), “yampa” (lamp);
  • the absence of sounds x, g, k, or their replacement by d, t;
  • loss of unstressed syllables from a word.

Most preschoolers gradually get rid of these shortcomings by the age of five.

Conditions for the development of speech in preschool children

The indifferent expectation of the moment when the baby himself “speaks out” can lead to the loss of the period bestowed by nature for the formation of speech. Not only teachers, but also parents should recognize the great importance of the development of pure speech of a preschooler.

It should be remembered that speech is formed solely under the influence of adult speech, and the child should be surrounded by a full-fledged speech environment. Lisping and babbling of adults when communicating with a baby are unacceptable; such a manner will easily and firmly fix existing shortcomings.

Playing activities to help the formation

The main activity of preschool children is the game, which means that the game form in the development of the speech of such children will be the most productive.

It is difficult to unequivocally determine what type of games, didactic or creative, make a big contribution to the development of speech in preschool children. The number of such educational games is so large that you can easily choose the right one for working in a preschool educational institution, and for family activities.

Perhaps the most beloved and widespread of the creative ones is the theatrical game.Its varieties:

  • table theater;
  • flannelograph;
  • shadow play;
  • visiting fairy tale
  • puppet theatre.

Being engaged in theatrical activities, the child in a relaxed way activates the dictionary, trains dialogic speech, realizes the need for clear speech, increases vocabulary and improves diction.

The purpose of didactic or educational games is to enrich the vocabulary, improve the child's auditory perception, strengthen the articulatory apparatus, improve the pronunciation of sounds, and develop the vocal apparatus.

Educational games are different:

  • "Wonderful bag". The tasks are adjusted for different ages: it is enough for a young child to name an object from a bag, for an older child - to describe the object, compose a story or make a riddle about it;
  • "Emotions". It is necessary to pronounce the same word or phrase with different intonations, showing different emotions. Such a game will not only show the expressiveness of speech, but also develop the imagination, save the child from constraint;
  • "Guess". An adult, having named a word, invites the child to name the sounds: first, last, all in turn. If the baby has already learned all the sounds, you can switch roles with him, let him check you. The game develops phonemic hearing, prepares for reading;
  • Games related to onomatopoeia: “The clock is ticking”, “Ringing the bell”. Children will be happy to repeat funny sounds after you. The game helps to strengthen the articulatory apparatus.

To activate the attention of a preschooler, it is worth using visual objects - toys, household items, pictures. Mastering speech, the child goes from part to whole: from individual words, through phrases to a simple phrase and a complex sentence.

In order for the speech of a preschooler to acquire all its qualities, it is necessary to live with him this difficult, but such an interesting period - the preschool period of speech development. It is in our power to make it not problematic and joyful.

Video: Advice for parents

A person who speaks cleanly and correctly is self-confident, not afraid of new acquaintances, open to others. Fuzzy speech becomes the cause of complexes, complicates the process of communication. At preschool age, correct speech is an indicator of a child's readiness for school. Parents should worry about this issue from the birth of the baby.

Stages of speech development

Experts have identified the stages of speech development of preschoolers:

  • 3-4 years. The kid names the shape, color of the object, size, gives qualitative characteristics. Generalizing words are used: vegetables, clothes, furniture. The child gives monosyllabic answers to questions from adults, makes short sentences from pictures, and retells his favorite fairy tales.
  • 4-5 years. Children use adjectives in speech, denoting the properties of objects, verbs and nouns are used to characterize actions. The kid is guided by the time of day, the location of objects, describes the mood of people. Improving communication skills through dialogue. The child answers and asks questions, retells short stories and makes up short stories from pictures.
  • 5-6 years. All parts of speech are used in the correct form. The child retells small literary works in the correct sequence, composes stories. There is an easy communication with adults.
  • 6-7 years old. Children have a rich vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms are used in speech. A culture of communication is being developed. The child easily composes stories, independently conveys the content of the heard work.

The described stages are averaged. Consider the individual characteristics of the child. And if the baby has problems with the formation of speech, then special means of developing the speech of preschoolers will be needed.

Games for the development of speech

For a child, the best option is the development of speech through the game. And a loving parent will have at least 15 minutes a day for short activities with a child. Experts recommend using games that build vocabulary, develop logic, and help master coherent speech skills. Check out some of these games and include them in your development piggy bank.

"Guess What Sounds"

The game is suitable for children 2-3 years of age. You will need a screen, a drum, a hammer and a bell. Show the child musical instruments, name and ask to repeat. When the baby remembers all the names, let him hear how they sound. It is better that the child himself knocked with a hammer, beat the drum and rang the bell. Then put a screen and use each tool in turn behind it. At the same time, the child guesses what exactly sounds. Make sure your child pronounces the names clearly.

"Magic bag"

The game is suitable for the smallest, but it will be interesting for children up to 4 years old.

Materials needed: any bag, toy baby animals, for example, a duckling, a frog, a gosling, a pig, a tiger cub.

Put the toys in a bag and invite the child to take out one and call it out loud. The task is to ensure that the child clearly and clearly names all the animals.

"Who's doing what"

Game for children from 4 to 6 years old. It will help to replenish vocabulary with verbs. For the game you need themed cards with the image of objects. There is real room for imagination here. You can show your child anything - things and objects that are used in everyday life.

Speech development exercises

Use a variety of methods for developing the speech of a preschooler. Exercises that can be done both at home and in the classroom have proven themselves.

"Picture Conversation"

The exercise is suitable for children aged 3 to 6 years. Any storyline will do. You can study while reading a book or picking up a puzzle. The main thing is that the baby does not have the feeling that there is a lesson.

Ask your child different questions to get him talking. Use the phrases: “What do you think?”, “Have you met something similar?”. In case of difficulty, help the child make a sentence, show clearly what kind of story can be obtained from the picture.

"Big small"

Exercise for kids 2.5-5 years old. Use picture books or toys. Together with the child, look at the illustrations and ask what he sees:

- Look who is it?

- A boy and a girl.

- What boy?

- Small.

- Yes, the boy is younger than the girl, and she is his older sister. The girl is tall and the boy is shorter than her. What is the girl's hair?

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Pashkina

Chief Physician of the Central Clinical Hospital of Omsk

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 05/16/2019

Children begin to learn this world from the moment they are born. They study everything that surrounds them, develop physically and mentally at a rapid pace. By the age of 3, most children are already fluent. After 3 years, active social integration begins, in which speech plays a crucial role. Therefore, it is so important to develop coherent speech in preschool children.

Stages of speech development of preschoolers

Speech is not an innate, but an acquired skill. That is why it is necessary to engage in its development from an early age. Parents should know the norms and features of the development of the speech of preschool children in order to notice deviations in time, consult a doctor and solve problems at an early stage of their appearance. To do this, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the main stages of the development of colloquial speech:

Stage 1. Preparatory (from birth to 12 months). The first months of life, the newborn only screams and cries. He does not understand words, only intonation. At about 3 months, the baby begins to make other sounds - babbling. It does not carry a semantic load, but requires mandatory encouragement, as it stimulates the speech apparatus.

After 5 months, the child tries to remember and repeat the sounds heard from adults. At about 8 months, he begins to understand that they are talking to him.

Stage 2. Pre-preschool (from 1 to 3 years). After 12 months, most already say a few words (from 5 to 10). Until the age of 3, the vocabulary is actively growing, but the kids still understand more words than they can pronounce.

Stage 3. Preschool (from 3 to 7 years). During this period, colloquial speech is actively developing. Children become inquisitive. They ask adults a lot of questions, each of which must be answered so as not to discourage the child from the desire for self-development. Children who are 3 years old can characterize various objects and even build short stories. Their speech is fuzzy, many sounds are pronounced incorrectly: usually it is [Ш], [Ш], [Ч], [Ж], which are replaced by [С] and [З]. The sound [R] is especially difficult. It is either replaced by the sound [L], or skipped altogether. Even at the age of 5, not everyone obeys this sound.

By the age of 5, children can speak in a way that is understandable not only to parents, but to everyone else. They already know how to pronounce phrases, compose stories from pictures, and answer questions in detail.

By the age of 6, most children pronounce all sounds correctly. With babies who distort some sounds, it is imperative to conduct correction classes. Otherwise, the wrong pronunciation will take root and it will be difficult to retrain the child.

The main reasons that have a negative impact on the development of speech in preschool age:

  1. Unfavorable home environment. A tense atmosphere in the family, daily quarrels and screams of parents.
  2. Incorrect speech of others, with errors.
  3. Inattentive attitude of parents to the speech of the child. Perhaps they simply do not pay attention to the fact that their child pronounces some sounds incorrectly.
  4. Defects of the speech apparatus (for example, a short frenulum of the tongue).

Many preschoolers have violations of the emotional and sensory sphere, which has a negative impact on the development of speech in preschool age. Usually the reason for this lies in the relationship with the parents. This happens if mom and dad allocate little time to communicate with the baby, do not engage in its development or are engaged, but only in narrow areas. Parents are able to bring beauty and goodness into the life of a child, motivating him for creative impulses, creating conditions for a constant desire to explore the environment.

It should be noted that screen media (watching TV, playing computer games), which occupy most of the leisure time, slow down the formation of coherent speech and communication skills.

In order to stimulate the speech development of preschoolers, classes with them should be held not only in a kindergarten with a teacher, but also at home with their parents. Moms and dads should often communicate with their children in everyday life, stimulating the development of oral monologue and dialogic speech, and demonstrate personal examples of intonational expressiveness.

The development of the child's monologue speech

Monologue speech is the speech of one person. A child with well-developed monologue speech is able to freely express his thoughts in an expanded form, convey them to the listener, and evaluate the events that have occurred. The development of monologue speech stimulates logical thinking. An important point is the presence of motivation, that is, the desire to tell something to someone.

Monologue speech has several functions:

  • Informational. With the help of a monologue, specific information is conveyed. This function is the most basic for children 3-7 years old.
  • Emotionally appraisal.
  • Influenced. A monologue is able to convince or even convince of something, to stimulate action.

The development of monologue speech is aimed at teaching the child the ability to clearly, clearly and consistently voice their thoughts. This is necessary not only for preparing for school, but also for the development of the child as a full-fledged personality.

For the development of monologue speech, it is necessary to constantly enrich the child's vocabulary, to arouse the need to express one's thoughts, and to help formulate the meaning of one's words grammatically correctly.

Development of dialogic speech

To establish communication with other people, dialogic speech is used - a form of linguistic communication, consisting of the exchange of statements. Through dialogue, contact is established and social relations develop.

Dialogic speech is more difficult than monologue. The child needs to be able to listen to the interlocutor, understand the idea that they want to convey to him, think over his remarks, formulate them correctly.

For the development of dialogic speech, two methods are used:

  1. Conversation is the most accessible form of communication. It is necessary to talk with children constantly and on any topic: what they see, what they read about, what they learned, etc.
  2. Conversation. During the conversation, questions are asked, answers are given, riddles are guessed, logical problems are solved. The child learns to intuitively feel when a question needs to be answered in monosyllables, and when - deployed.

One of the types of conversation is secular conversation, which involves a dialogue on a free topic (bright impressions, funny cases, heard stories). At the same time, an adult person communicates with a child as an equal interlocutor.

The best way to improve dialogic speech is a theatrical performance. Everyone tries on someone else's role, moves away from his egocentric point of view.

Development of intonational expressiveness of speech

At the age of 5, most children already have intonation expressiveness due to regular communication with adults. But some children continue to read poems monotonously and inexpressively, voice their role at festive performances, theatrical performances. Often they do not understand what an important role is assigned to intonation in conveying the meaning of what was said and reflecting their feelings.

The development of intonation expressiveness occurs in 2 stages:

  1. Formation of the ability to perceive intonation.
  2. Learning how to use it in your own monologues.

The most obvious way to demonstrate to preschool children the importance of intonation is to read the same text, first monotonously, and then with expression.

The development of intonational expressiveness includes learning:

  1. The pace of speech(slowly, moderately, quickly). Various phrases are used for this. At first they speak slowly, and then the speed increases.

The game "Carousel": the kids stand in a circle, hold hands and slowly dance . The teacher says: “The carousel slowly spun, and now it’s faster!” Children speed up, and after a few laps, they slow down. The gradual slowdown and stop is accompanied by the words: “Hush, do not rush! Stop the carousel! One, two, and the game is over! At the next game, the children pronounce the words together with the adult and, simultaneously with the pace of the round dance, change the speed of the spoken phrases.

  1. Timbre of speech(high and low). For such classes of intonational expressiveness, reading the fairy tale "Teremok" is suitable. In it, the mouse speaks in a high voice, and the bear, on the contrary, in a low one.
  2. The rhythm of speech. In the classes of intonational expressiveness, voice phrases are accompanied by movements and gestures. Have the children stamp their feet and clap their hands to the rhythm of the words. When learning, you can use the famous children's song "Tra-ta-ta, we are taking a cat with us" and other similar rhythmic pieces of music.
  3. The power of the voice. All children are divided into two groups and stand opposite each other. One group loudly pronounces combinations of vowels "ay", "ow", "ai", "io" and others. The second - repeats after them, but much quieter. Then the groups change roles: the second one speaks loudly, and the first one quietly.
  4. Melodike- voice change in interrogative, exclamatory and affirmative sentences. The lessons explain that the human voice can rise and fall (rise and fall). Up and down arrows are clearly drawn on the cards. The teacher calmly narrates (“There was a fluffy Christmas tree in the forest”), exclaims (“How beautifully the ice glistens in the sun in winter!”) And asks (“Where is Marya Petrovna?”).

Thus, the development of coherent speech of preschoolers is an important process that should be given maximum attention. It includes the development of monologue, dialogic speech and intonational expressiveness. Children need to be properly motivated to learn, interested in this process, choosing the most entertaining game tasks and exercises.