Theoretical foundations of grammar. Subject, methods, terminology

students in linguistic


Moscow "High School" 2002

BBC 81.2 Eng


Department of Theory of Teaching Foreign Languages, Lomonosov Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov (Head of the Department, Doctor of Philology, Prof. S. G. Ter-Minasova)
Bloch, M. Ya.

B70 Theoretical foundations of grammar: correct. - M.: Higher. school, 2002. - 160 p.

ISBN 5-06-004215-4

Proc. - 3rd ed.,

Based on the material of the English language, the book examines the general principles underlying the grammatical structure of the language, establishes the correlation between grammar and semantics, reveals the specificity of the level structure of the language, and demonstrates the paradigmatic aspect of the correlation of language elements as a factor that determines the system structure of the language as a whole.

Particular attention is paid to the disclosure of the connection between the elements of the language of different levels with the construction of the text, i.e. with the output of the language into speech.

Comes with the textbook "Theoretical Grammar of the English Language" (in English) by the same author.

Designed for students and graduate students of philological faculties and institutes of foreign languages.
UDC 802.0

BBC 81.2 Eng

ISBN 5-06-004215-4 © FSUE Higher School Publishing House, 2002
The original layout of this publication is the property of the Vysshaya Shkola publishing house, and its reproduction (reproduction) in any way without the consent of the publisher is prohibited.


This book, published in the second edition (1st ed.-1986) in conjunction with The Theoretical Grammar of the English Language (in English) (2nd ed.-2000), is intended for senior university students and pedagogical universities, graduate students, as well as a wide range of philologists and linguists whose interests are related to the theoretical problems of English grammar and general linguistics. The book on the English language material discusses the concepts and categories that underlie a holistic view of the grammatical structure of the language.

The purpose of the book is to give the reader, who already has a basic linguistic background, theoretical information that should stimulate his independent approach to comprehending complex grammatical phenomena in various conditions of the functioning of the language.

The system concept of the language, which serves as the starting point for the proposed description, proceeds from the functional-dynamic representation of the language as a whole and all its links separately. Accordingly, the grammatical structure is understood as a really acting force that regulates the expression of the information content of speech, primarily through a special, generalized categorical semantics inherent in the grammatical-structure elements of the language at different levels of their existence and functioning. Penetrating deeper and deeper into the mechanism for implementing this semantics, and at the same time into the grammatical mechanism for constructing large and small texts - the direct products of people's speech activity - is the main task of grammar as a linguistic discipline.

When preparing the third edition of the book for publication, the author took into account the experience of its use in universities and pedagogical universities, accumulated since the publication of the first edition. Necessary changes and additions have been made to the text of the book, concerning, in particular, the developing theory of language levels and the segment structure of the whole text.

The author expresses his sincere gratitude to Dr. Philol. sciences, prof. S.G. Ter-Minasova and members of the Department of Theory of Teaching Foreign Languages, headed by her, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov for reviewing the book. The author sincerely thanks his friends, colleagues and students, whose advice and wishes he used in the work on the book.

M. Bloch




In order to build a statement expressing a certain thought, it is not enough to choose the appropriate words and pronounce them one by one. The selected words, or rather, the words selected by the speaker as the speech unfolds, must be connected to each other in a certain order and designed as a single complex, purposefully included in the communication situation.

The totality of the patterns of constructing such complexes from individual words through their categorical change and ordered combination with each other constitutes the grammatical structure of the language studied by the science of grammar.

The organizing role played by its grammatical structure in a language is not limited to the formal regulation of the processes of changing words and constructing statements. On the contrary, the very grammatical regulation of these processes becomes possible due to the fact that all elements of the grammatical structure have their own special semantic content. It is characterized by the maximum degree of abstraction from the specific meanings of words and their combinations that directly reflect objects, phenomena and relations of reality.

Grammar-semantic generalizations, revealed in the forms of words and the forms of combinations of words into statements, do not reflect individual, specific objects, phenomena and relations of the world, but general features of classes of objects and phenomena, general properties of relations between classes. It is this semantic specificity of the grammatical structure that determines its fundamental role in the implementation of the qualitative certainty of the language as a whole, that is, in revealing the essence of the language as an object of reality. Linguists point to this role of the grammatical structure with figurative phrases, calling grammar “the backbone of the language” and “the soul of the language”.

The semantics, expressed by the grammatical and structural elements of the language, is correlated with the generalized content of logical forms of thinking. This correlation is a natural expression of the inseparable connection between language and acting consciousness: if logic serves as the basis for the organization of rational consciousness, then grammar serves as the basis for the organization of language as a means of its existence and expression. It is no coincidence that in the history of European civilization the science of logic and the science of grammar appeared at approximately the same time (Ancient Greece, IV century BC).

However, grammar is connected with logic not by direct, but by complex mediated and dialectically contradictory relations. The essence of these relations is revealed in the provision on grammar as a linguistic means of expressing logical forms of consciousness. At the same time, the role of grammar is far from being reduced to the expression of only these forms. Grammar organizes the language as a whole, mediating the expression by the elements of the language of not only rational, but also emotional consciousness. Grammar is distinctive for each individual language; being an organic part of the people's language, it constitutes the people's own heritage and, like the language as a whole, is marked by the stamp of its historical destinies. Logic, on the contrary, is universal for humanity, since the rational consciousness, the organizer of which it is, although expressed by the folk-original means of different languages ​​and their grammars, reflects common phenomena and relations of the objective world in common forms of thinking. And it must be said that the noted difference between logic and grammar was already well known to the founders of both theoretical disciplines in the initial era of the formation of human scientific knowledge.

grammar is the problem of the nature of the definitions given by linguists to its central concepts and categories. Since these definitions relate to informal categories that reflect the infinite variety of specific phenomena of reality, they, unlike definitions in the exact sciences, cannot be subject to the requirements of completeness and exhaustiveness, as well as absolute operationality (that is, an unambiguous coverage of all phenomena, without exception, brought under the category ). Moreover, we can say that the most complete definition of the corresponding categorical concept is the entire sum of our knowledge about it. It follows from this that the very scientific description of a certain object of the language and its grammar, displayed by the corresponding concept, can be comprehended as a sequence of its essential definitions, which in their totality constitute its complete definition, corresponding to one or another state of its scientific representation.

On the other hand, if one or another of the indicated series of definitions is put forward as the most representative (that is, “canonized” in the form of a representative definition or a classical “definition”), then, although not being exhaustive, it must certainly reflect some essential properties of the described object 1 .

In the following analysis of the theoretical concepts and definitions of grammar that underlie its foundations as a linguistic discipline, we are entirely guided by the noted principles and express the hope that the reader, following the course of the presentation, will constantly keep them in mind with us.

B70 Theoretical grammar of the English language: Textbook. For students of philosophy. fak. un-tov and fact. English lang. pedagogical universities. - M.: Higher. school, 1983.- p. 383 In lane: 1 p.

The textbook deals with the most important problems of the morphology and syntax of the English language in the light of the leading principles of modern systems linguistics. Introduction to the theoretical problems of grammar is carried out against the background of a generalizing description of the foundations of the grammatical structure of the English language. Particular attention is paid to special methods of scientific analysis of grammatical phenomena and demonstration of research techniques on specific textual material in order to develop students' professional linguistic thinking. The textbook is written in English.

BBK 81.2 Eng-9 4I (Eng)

© Publishing house "Higher school", 1983.

Preface ................................................... ................................................. ............ four

Chapter I. Grammar in the Systemic Conception of Language. ........................... 6

chapter II. Morphemic Structure of the Word ............................................... ..... 17

Chapter III. Categorial Structure of the Word ............................................... ...... 26

chapter IV. Grammatical Classes of Words .............................................. 37

Chapter V. Noun: General .................................................... .................................... 49

Chapter VI. Noun: Gender.............................................. ................................. 53

Chapter VII. Noun: Number ............................................... .............................. 57

Chapter VIII. Noun: Case.............................................. ................................... 62

Chapter IX. Noun: Article Determination ............................................... ........... 74

Chapter X Verb: General ................................... 85

Chapter XI. Non-Finite Verbs (Verbids) .................................................. .............. 102

Chapter XII. FiniteVerb: Introduction .............................................. .............. 123

Chapter XIII. Verb: Person and Number ............................................... ........... 125

Chapter XIV. verb; Tense ................................................. ............................. 137

Chapter XV. Verb: Aspect ............................................... ............................... 155

Chapter XVI. Verb: Voice ............................................... ............................... 176

Chapter XVII. Verb: Mood...................................................... ....................... 185

Chapter XVIII. Adjective .................................................. ....................... 203

Chapter XIX. Adverbs ................................................. .............................. 220

Chapter XX. Syntagmatic Connections of Words .................................... 229

Chapter XXI. Sentence: General. . ................................................. ........ 236

Chapter XXIII. Actual Division of the Sentence.............................. 243

Chapter XXIII. Communicative Types of Sentences ............................... 251

Chapter XXIV. Simple Sentence: Constituent Structure ........................... 268

Chapter XXV. Simple Sentence: Paradigmatic Structure. . ...................... 278

Chapter XXVI. Composite Sentence as a Polypredicative Construction .......... 288

Chapter XXVII. Complex Sentence ................................................... ................ 303

Chapter XXVIII. Compound Sentence ............................................... .... 332

Chapter XXIX. Semi-Complex Sentence ............................................... ... 340

Chapter XXX. Semi-Compound Sentence ............................................... .351

Chapter XXXI. Sentence in the Text ............................................... ................. 361

A List of Selected Bibliography .................................................... ......................... 374

Subject Index................................................... ................................... 376

This book, containing a theoretical outline of English grammar, is intended as a manual for the departments of English in Universities and Teachers" Colleges. Its purpose is to present an introduction to the problems of up-to-date grammatical study of English on a systemic basis, sustained by demonstrations of applying modern analytical techniques to various grammatical phenomena of living English speech.

The suggested description of the grammatical structure of English, reflecting the author's experience as a lecturer on theoretical English grammar for students specializing as teachers of English, naturally, cannot be regarded as exhaustive in any point of detail. While making no attempt whatsoever to depict the grammar of English in terms of the minutiae of its arrangement and functioning (the practical mastery of the elements of English grammar is supposed to have been gained by the student at the earlier stages of tuition), we rather deem it as our immediate aims to supply the student with such information as will enable him to form judgments of his own on questions of diverse grammatical intricacies; to bring forth in the student a steady habit of trying to see into the deeper implications underlying the outward appearances of lingual correlations bearing on grammar; to teach him to independently improve his linguistic qualifications through reading and critically appraising the av ailable works on grammatical language study, including the current materials in linguistic journals; to foster his competence in facing academic controversies concerning problems of grammar, which, unfortunately but inevitably, are liable to be aggravated by polemical excesses and terminological discrepancies.

In other words, we wish above all to provide for the condition that, on finishing his study of the subject matter of the book, under the corresponding guidance of his College tutor, the student should progress in developing a grammatically-oriented mode of understanding facts of language, viz. in mastering that which, in the long run, should distinguish a professional linguist from a layman.

The emphasis laid on cultivating an active element in the student"s approach to language and its grammar explains why the book gives prominence both to the technicalities of grammatical observations and to the general methodology of linguistic knowledge: the due application of the latter will lend the necessary demonstrative force to any serious consideration of the many special points of grammatical analysis. of disputes and continued research in manifold particular fields, the grammatical domain of linguistic science arrives at an ever more adequate presentation of the structure of language in its integral description.

We firmly believe that this kind of outlining the foundations of the discipline in question is especially important at the present stage of the developing linguistic knowledge - the knowledge which, far from having been by-passed by the general twentieth century advance of science, has found itself in the middle of it. Suffice it to cite such new ideas and principles introduced in the grammatical theory of our times, and reflected in the suggested presentation, as the grammatical aspects of the correlation between language and speech; the interpretation of grammatical categories on the strictly oppositional basis; the demonstration of grammatical semantics with the help of structural modeling; the functional-perspective patterning of utterances; the rise of the paradigmatic approach to syntax; the expansion of syntactic analysis beyond the limits of a separate sentence into the broad sphere of the continual text; and, finally, the systemic principle of description applied to the interpretation of language in general and its grammatical structure in particular.

It is by actively mastering the essentials of these developments that the student will be enabled to cope with the grammatical aspects of his future linguistic work as a graduate teacher of English.

Materials illustrating the analyzed elements of English grammar have been mostly collected from the literary works of British and American authors. Some of the offered examples have been subjected to slight alterations aimed at giving the necessary prominence to the lingual phenomena under study. Source references for limited stretches of text are not supplied except in cases of special relevance (such as implications of individual style or involvement of contextual background).

The author pays tribute to his friends and colleagues - teachers of the Lenin State Pedagogical Institute (Moscow) for encouragement and help they extended to him during the years of his work on the presented matters.

The author "s sincere thanks are due to the staff of the English Department of the Dobrolyubov State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(Gorky) and to Prof. L. L. Nelyubin for the trouble they took in reviewing the manuscript. Their valuable advice and criticisms were carefully taken into consideration for the final preparation of the text.

Theoretical Foundations of Grammar

Second edition, revised

Ministry of Education

Russian Federation

as a textbook

for students of institutes

and faculties of foreign languages



Department of Theory of Teaching Foreign Languages, Lomonosov Moscow State University M V Lomonosov (Head of the Department, Doctor of Philology, Prof. S.G. Ter-Minasova)

Bloch M.Ya.

B70 Theoretical foundations of grammar: Proc. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Higher. school, 2000.–160 p.

ISBN 5-06-003670-4

Based on the material of the English language, the book examines the general principles underlying the grammatical structure of the language, establishes the correlation between grammar and semantics, reveals the specificity of the level structure of the language, and demonstrates the paradigmatic aspect of the correlation of language elements as a factor that determines the system structure of the language as a whole.

Particular attention is paid to the disclosure of the connection between the elements of the language of different levels with the construction of the text, i.e. with the output of the language into speech.

Comes with the textbook "Theoretical Grammar of the English Language" (in English) by the same author.

Designed for students and graduate students of philological faculties and institutes of foreign languages.


ISBN 5-06-003670-4 © SUE publishing house "Higher School", 2000

The original layout of this publication is the property of the Vysshaya Shkola publishing house and its reproduction (reproduction) in any way without the consent of the publisher is prohibited.


This book, published in the second edition (1st ed. - 1986) in conjunction with The Theoretical Grammar of the English Language (in English) (2nd ed. - 2000), is intended for senior university students. and pedagogical universities, graduate students, as well as a wide range of philologists and linguists whose interests are related to the theoretical problems of English grammar and general linguistics. The book in English language material discusses the concepts and categories that underlie a holistic view of the grammatical structure of the language.

The purpose of the book is to give the reader, who already has a preliminary linguistic background, theoretical information that should stimulate his independent, active approach to comprehending complex grammatical phenomena in various conditions of the functioning of the language.

The system concept of the language, which serves as the starting point for the proposed description, proceeds from the functional-dynamic representation of the language as a whole and all its links separately. Accordingly, the grammatical structure is understood as a really acting force that regulates the expression of the information content of speech, primarily through a special, generalized categorical semantics inherent in the grammatical-structure elements of the language at different levels of their existence and functioning. Penetrating deeper and deeper into the mechanism of implementation of this semantics, and at the same time into the grammatical mechanism of constructing large and small texts - the direct products of people's speech activity - is the main task of grammar as a linguistic discipline.

When preparing the second edition of the book for publication, the author took into account the experience of its use in universities and pedagogical universities, accumulated since the publication of the first edition. Necessary changes and additions have been made to the text of the book, concerning, in particular, the developing theory of language levels and the segment structure of the whole text.

The author expresses his sincere gratitude to Dr. Philol. sciences, prof. S.G. Ter-Minasova and members of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, headed by her, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov for reviewing the book. The author sincerely thanks his friends, colleagues and students, whose advice and wishes he used in the work on the book.

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Bloch M.Ya.

Theoretical Foundations of Grammar

Bloch M.Ya.Theoretical foundations of grammar. Textbook. - 3rd ed., Rev. - M.: Higher. school, 2002. - 160 p.Electronic book. Germanic languages. English. English language

Annotation (description)

In the textbook Mark Yakovlevich Bloch "Theoretical Foundations of Grammar" on the material of the English language, the general principles underlying the grammatical structure of the language are considered, the correlation between grammar and semantics is established, the specificity of the level structure of the language is revealed, and the paradigmatic aspect of the correlation of language elements is demonstrated as a factor that determines the system structure of the language as a whole.
Particular attention is paid to the disclosure of the connection between the elements of the language of different levels with the construction of the text, i.e. with the output of the language into speech.
Comes with the textbook "Theoretical Grammar of the English Language" (in English) by the same author.
Designed for students and graduate students of philological faculties and institutes of foreign languages.

Content (table of contents)

R? SUM? 146

Mark Yakovlevich Bloch is a living legend of the theoretical and practical grammar of the English language, a famous linguist, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of English Grammar of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, winner of the RF Government Prize, Honorary Professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ( RANS), Honorary Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education (MANPE), member of the Russian Writers' Union, member of the Russian Journalists' Union, member of the New York Club of Russian Writers, chairman of the doctoral dissertation council on Germanic and Romance languages. Conducts research work in the field of English language theory, general, typological and Germanic linguistics, translation theory, linguodidactics. Author of more than 200 scientific papers, including well-known textbooks-monographs "Theoretical Grammar of the English Language" and "Theoretical Foundations of Grammar".
A respected recognized scientist, the professor was born into a family of doctors in Kyiv in 1924. The family moved to the village, where the father, a surgeon, worked as the chief physician. The family oriented their son to the profession of a doctor. However, Mark Yakovlevich fell in love with linguistics, and still remains devoted to the classic textbook by Alexander Alexandrovich Reformatsky "Introduction to Linguistics".
However, the Great Patriotic War crossed out peace plans, and Mark Yakovlevich, following the motto "To love the Motherland means to be able to defend it," the Kyivian went to the western front. Mark Yakovlevich has government awards for participation in the Great Patriotic War - the Order of the Patriotic War II degree. After the war, Mark Yakovlevich went to study at a military institute, but a serious illness prevented him from completing his studies. I had to enter the civil educational institution of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. M. Torez, which Mark Yakovlevich graduated in 1951.
Upon graduation, Mark Yakovlevich left Moscow to work in a Siberian city, but in 1957 he returned to the capital to continue his postgraduate studies at today's Moscow State Pedagogical University. According to the scientist, this university did it. In 1962 Mark Yakovlevich defended his candidate's and in 1978 his doctoral dissertations at the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1988, he headed the Department of English Grammar at the Moscow State Pedagogical University, where he has been working as its permanent leader ever since. All teachers of the department are his students. “The whole department is my students. Recently I realized and even got scared. Mark Yakovlevich lectures on general linguistics, history of linguistics, philosophy of language, comparative typology, semiotics, sociolinguistics, theoretical grammar of the English language, stylistics of the English language, translation theory, text interpretation, etc. M.Ya. Bloch formulated and developed a number of fundamental provisions on the structure and functioning of the language (the theory of language levels, the theory of paradigmatic syntax, the theory of the dictemic structure of the text, the theory of predication, etc.)
Regarding whether the master remembers all his students, he answered: "Purely individually." One can only guess how much mental energy was spent on numerous students, graduate students, doctoral students. Everywhere a professor, doctor of philological sciences is surrounded by the care and attention of his wards. After classes, students do not disperse, but go to their teacher to ask a question, chat, prolong the moments of existing good relations. Deficiency over time, but can you refuse. Reciprocal feelings return youth. The teacher wishes his students good health, always a good family, love and harmony. In life, you need to be able to listen and hear. Modern man is a little weaned from this. Accelerated pace of life. Costs of the information environment while being in its midst.
To the provocative question: “Do you have enemies?” - hesitating a little, he answers: “I am not engaged in this business. Maybe there is". It is clear that there is no time to think about it. A typical day starts at 5 am. According to the professor, sometimes you can do more in two morning hours than in a month. Then lectures, business meetings, speeches, work with graduate students, doctoral students, their works. Somewhere after midnight.
M.Ya. Bloch is a professional writer, he began this activity (second creative life) recently, although from time to time he composed “for a desk drawer”, starting from his youth; as a writer M.Ya. Bloch performs under the pseudonym Mark Lensky (he took the pseudonym by the name of his wife - Irina Simonovna Lenskaya, his faithful friend and assistant); he writes stories and novels in a realistic genre, composes fantasy and lyrics, writes fairy tales and processes folklore plots; all his plots and images, despite their diversity, are distinguished by a single substantive principle, this principle is the disclosure of a good and creative human nature, no matter what external, bodily shell it hides.
To the question: “How do you feel about the statement “Be curious and doubt”?” - the answer follows that this is characteristic of any thinking person and, of course, a scientist. A member of the Union of Journalists and the Union of Writers blames our age, its high-speed component, where the costs of an accelerated process affect people's communication. The speed of speech of radio and television journalists, sometimes perceived as mumbling, harms the native language no less than internationalisms and other foreign words that have their equivalent in the native language.
To maintain a form of knowledge of the English language, he listens to programs from English-speaking countries, but not so often. Little time. Today is the age of the cybernetic man.
Regarding interests in life, he loves the theater, good cinema, detective stories. Author's stories. The latter likes to listen and compose. As for the value orientation, it is love and friendship. The highest value is friendship in love. My interlocutor expressed his attitude to his highest values ​​in a novel published 10 years ago, with a long title, which the author shortened in conversation: “What is love?” The literary dedication in the novel is the words: "This novel is for you, dear Becky, and together with you for all wonderful women who do not allow men to get lost in the intricate labyrinths of life's paths."
The traditional question about immediate plans for the future. These are vital professional interests, linguistics, philosophy of language. Preparation of two monographs: "Language", "Language: linguistic and philosophical aspects". By the way, my interlocutor does not like thick books, he believes that they contain something superfluous.
Awards characterize the attitude towards a person. In 2009, the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev presented Mark Yakovlevich with a diploma for his great personal contribution and development of the fundamental provisions of the general theory of language, the creation of a scientific-linguistic school and the leadership of a whole galaxy of scientists. The scientist was awarded the medal of Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova "For Service to Freedom and Enlightenment", the "Lermontov Medal" for personal contribution to Russian culture and strengthening the statehood of Russia.
It is a great honor for us that Mark Yakovlevich is the teacher of our class teacher. She is very proud of this fact, and every time she puts the name of this famous scientist to us as an example.