Topic in English with the translation "Our Family Traditions - Our family traditions". Topics in English on the topic family (family)

family tradition.

Each family has its own traditions. They can not only depend on the country of residence, but also from a particular family. I can tell you about traditions in my family, because I am not sure that other families has the same tradition.

Every morning we have breakfast together, discuss our problems, or some important things to do. When everyone goes about their business, we do not see each other until the evening. But we often call each other at lunchtime. I always call my parents when I get home, so they were not worried and knew where I was. In the evening I cook dinner, my parents and sister ate well after a hard days work. It so happened that the train was almost always me, its a good idea I did it. During dinner, we discuss the previous day and prepare for the new. After the meal, we watch movies together or funny sitcoms.

But at the weekend we have much more time that we spend together. Every weekend we visit our grandparents, helping with the farm and talking with them. But the second grandparents from mother live in Minsk, so we visit them a little less often, but I priezdzhayu to them for a month every summer vacation.

And of course, every holiday, such as New Year or Birthday, were going together. Our family decided to give gifts for the holidays. It does not have to be expensive, the important thing is, it could be any trinket - the main focus.

Yet every summer we go somewhere together. It may just be field trips, fishing or big trip abroad, it does not matter! For our family, the main thing is that we are together.

Perhaps the tradition in my family are not very different from the traditions of other families, but personally, I fully agree with our traditions and Im going to transfer them to my family when I grow up.

Each family has its own traditions. They may depend not only on the country of residence, but also on a particular family. I can talk about the traditions in my personal family, because I cannot say with complete certainty that other families have the same traditions.

Every morning we have breakfast together, discussing our problems or some important matters. When everyone goes about their business, we do not see each other until the evening. But we often call each other at lunchtime. I always call my parents when I get home so they don't worry and know where I am. In the evening I cook dinner for my parents and sister to eat well after a hard day's work. It so happened that I almost always began to cook, it’s not bad at me. At dinner, we discuss the past day and prepare for the new one. After eating, we watch movies or funny TV shows together.

But on weekends we have much more time, which we all spend together. Every weekend we visit our grandparents, help with the housework, talk to them. But the second maternal grandparents live in Minsk, so we visit them a little less often, but I visit them for a month every summer vacation.

And, of course, every holiday, such as New Year or Birthday, we get together. It is customary in our family to give gifts for the holidays. It does not have to be an expensive, important thing, it can be any trinket - the main attention.

We also go somewhere together every summer. It can be just a trip to nature, fishing or a big trip abroad, it doesn't matter! For our family, the most important thing is that we are together.

Perhaps the traditions in my family are not very different from the traditions of other families, but personally I completely agree with our traditions and I am going to transfer them to my family when I grow up.

Topic: family traditions

The purpose of the lesson: formation of communicative competence of students.


Educational aspect:

    Automation of the formation of speaking skills

    Introduction and primary automation of new lexical units;

Development aspect:

    Development of language, individual and intellectual abilities of students.

    Development of skills and abilities of listening to English speech.

    Development of cognitive interest in a different way of life.

Educational aspect:

    Raising interest in the study of the topic and the realities of the country of the language being studied;

    Education of independence and personal responsibility.

Forms of work: frontal, steam room.

Lesson equipment:board, computer, powerpoint presentation

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

    Good afternoon, boys and girls. I'm glad to see you today.

    Sit down, please. What date is it today? Who is missing?

Collaborative environment Tangle

2 Statement of the topic of the lesson, message of the goal.

We shall continue to learn the topic “Living together”. The title of our lesson is “Set the table”. We shall continue to talk about your responsibilities and you will know new words and will learn a poem “Helping mother”

3 Phoneticcharger.

I hope you are ready for your lesson. Now it is time to practice today's vocabulary. You can see the cards on your tables. You will have two minutes to write the missing sounds. (Daughter, husband, niece, aunt, nephew, elder, parent, uncle, female, cousin)

4 speechwarm-up.

Now listen to me carefully? You must agree or disagree with me. If I am right, repeat my sentence, If I am not right, disagree with me.

    You have got two sisters.

    You do your homework.

    You made your bed.

    You take out the rubbish.

    Your mother sets the table.

    You help your parents in the garden.

    Children help parents with the washing up.

    5. Updating previously studied material.

Your home task was to ask your parents what responsibilities children and parents have at home.

    Are relations very important in the family?

    What are the children's responsibilities?

    What do you like doing about the house?

    What do you think about parental responsibilities?

    Must members of the family help each other?

Work in pairs: development of the skill of oral speech, writing. Development of previously studied lexical units

There are different families. They have different relations. Look at the board, you must match the word combinations and their descriptions. You will work in pairs.

1. A friendly family

2. A close family

3. A caring family

4. A hospitable family

5. Traditional family

6. A conservative family

a. Members of the family always help each other.

b. Members of the family are near in relationship.

c. Members of the family feel the responsibility of each other.

d. Members of the family are friendly with guests.

e. Members of the family have many traditions.

f. Members of the family do not allow their children to go to the disco.

your next task. Make a list of your responsibilities at home.

I like to do and I do

I do not like to do but I do.


I know you help your parents about the house and often set the table. That's why you must know the following words. Look at the board and read these words.

A cup, a glass, a knife, a spoon, a fork, a plate, to clear the table, responsibility, tradition

What color is the spoon?

What do you use to eat soup?

Did you help your mother to clear the table?

7 Primary consolidation of lexical material.

You have learned some new words. It helps you compose the dialogue.

I'm well, thank you. Do you have the family traditions?

Yes of course. We like to play the Monopoly altogether. And you?

Every year we celebrate altogether New Year, we decorate our home and give presents for each other

Oh, it is very interesting. I think our family is friendly

I agree with you. But in your family every member of the

Who wants to read the dialogue?

8 Summing up, homework. Reflection

Thank you for your work. - You were very active today.

Complete the phrase:

The lesson was……. Now I know………I want to know more…..

    Your home task is page 130 ex 25

Thank you for the lesson, it's over. Good-buy.

Topic: Family Holidays

Theme: Family holidays

What can be more pleasant than and recollecting some past events from your lives or telling exciting stories? It is so wonderful when all the family members come from different parts of the city or even the world to spend time with their relatives. Usually it happens on holidays, as they can be days off and it is a tradition for some holidays to gather together. Such holidays are called family ones and usually they are similar in different countries, though there can be some exceptions. As for me, I think that family holidays are Christmas, New Year, Easter and Birthdays. In spite of a different origin they are celebrated in the family circle, but of course, some close friends can be also invited.

What could be more pleasant than sitting in a family circle and eating delicious meals, remembering some past events from your life or telling fascinating stories? It's so wonderful when all family members come from different parts of the city or even the world to spend time with their relatives. This usually happens on holidays, as they can be days off and for some holidays it is a tradition to get together. Such holidays are called family holidays, and, as a rule, they are similar in different countries, although there may be some exceptions. As for me, I think that family holidays are Christmas, New Year, Easter and birthdays. Despite their different origins, they are celebrated in the family circle, but of course some close friends may also be invited.

Christmas is the first and the most widely known family holiday all over the world. different dates for its celebration because of some religious views, it does not change the way it is celebrated in many countries. The whole family gathers in one place around the table and welcomes . They sing songs, discuss some topics, eat and drink. It is also a great tradition to give presents for this holiday, as children adore finding them in red stockings over the fireplace or under the fir-tree. Different countries serve different food for this holiday. The Americans cook turkey with vegetables, the Germans bake sweet Christmas biscuits, while the Eastern European countries have their own customs and traditions. We are used to cooking twelve dishes, the main one is kutya, sit at the table with the appearance of the first star in the sky and congratulate others singing carols. It is one of the most important days of the year, so everyone is always looking forward to it.

Christmas is the first and most widely known family holiday all over the world. Although there are various dates for its celebration, due to some religious beliefs, this does not change the way it is celebrated in many countries. The whole family gathers in one place around the table and welcomes the birth of Christ. They sing songs, discuss some topics, eat and drink. Also a wonderful tradition is the opportunity to give gifts for this holiday, as children love to find them in red stockings over the fireplace or under the tree. Different countries serve different dishes for this holiday. Americans cook turkey with vegetables, Germans bake sweet Christmas cookies, while Eastern European countries have their own customs and traditions. We are used to preparing twelve dishes, the main of which is kutya, sit down at the table with the appearance of the first star in the sky and congratulate others with carols. This is one of the most important days of the year, so everyone always looks forward to it.

Another popular family holiday is New Year. It is celebrated on December, 31, when people welcome the coming of the next year. Usually many preparations take place before the holiday. People stand in long queues in order to buy products for their New Year tables and spend long hours in front of the cooker or oven some exotic dishes. Our New Year holiday is associated with champagne, fireworks and one famous salad called Olivier, sometimes accompanied by TV programs. When the clock strikes twelve, people cheer and make wishes. They are happy to forget past offenses and misunderstandings and start the new one with everything good.

Another popular family holiday is the New Year. It is celebrated on December 31, when people welcome the coming of the next year. As a rule, many preparations take place before the holiday. People stand in long lines to buy food for their New Year's tables and spend long hours in front of the stove or oven to prepare exotic dishes. Our New Year holiday is associated with champagne, fireworks and one famous salad called Olivier, sometimes accompanied by a TV program. When the clock strikes twelve, people rejoice and make wishes. They are happy to forget past grievances and misunderstandings from the previous year and start a new one with all the goodness.

Easter is a Christian holiday, when people celebrate. It is always a day off, so taking place in spring all the family members try to spend it in nature. Forty days before the holiday people have to follow lent. So it is not surprising for Easter so much. This holiday also has some preparations to be made. All the hostesses bake Easter bread and paint eggs in different colors. In the evening or in the morning of the next day they go to the church. Then the family tries to spend together all the day celebrating and treating others with their pastry. In Germany there is one more tradition for children. They have an Easter rabbit, which hides eggs from children and they look for them everywhere. Easter is a perfect holiday for a family as it has some unique atmosphere and special family traditions.

Easter is a Christian holiday when people celebrate the resurrection of Christ. It is always a day off, and taking place in the spring, all family members try to spend it in nature. Forty days before the holiday, people must fast. Therefore, it is not surprising why they are so eagerly waiting for Easter. This holiday also has some preparatory work. All housewives bake Easter cake and paint eggs in different colors. In the evening or the next morning they go to church. Then the family tries to spend the whole day together celebrating and treating others to their pastries. In Germany, there is another tradition for children. They have an Easter Bunny that hides eggs from children and looks for them everywhere. Easter is a wonderful holiday for the family, as it has a certain unique atmosphere and special family traditions.

One more holiday to invite your near and dear relatives is your birthday. Though with time fewer adult people celebrate it with the members of the family, state that birthdays of kids and elderly people are always visited by them. Who can make a kid happier than beloved grannies, aunts, and cousins? They bring huge gifts, hug, kiss and play with him or her. The same situation is with elderly people. They do not need posh restaurants, cafes or expensive presents: is the presence of children, grandchildren and other close people. So birthday is a holiday that deserves a title of a family one. No matter how old you are, you will be disappointed if someone from your family forgets about your holiday, and you would be very thankful to those your relatives, who found a minute and a penny to congratulate you.

Another holiday to invite your near and dear ones is your birthday. Although over time, fewer and fewer adults celebrate it with family members, but I must state that the birthdays of children and the elderly are always attended by them. Who can make a baby happier than beloved grandmothers, uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and brothers? They bring huge gifts, hug, kiss and play with him or her. The same is true for the elderly. They do not need chic restaurants, cafes or expensive gifts: their only desire is the presence of children, grandchildren and other close people. So a birthday is a holiday that deserves the name of a family holiday. No matter how old you are, you will be disappointed if someone from the family forgets about your holiday, and you would be very grateful to those of your loved ones who took a minute and a penny to congratulate you.

Family holidays are not only an opportunity to celebrate a particular date, but also a possibility to unite all the family members. The more they meet and communicate the closer and more important they become to each other. Do not look for a special day to visit your relatives, as you have a chance .

Family holidays are not only an occasion to celebrate a specific date, but also an opportunity to unite all family members. The more they communicate, the closer and more important they become to each other. No need to look for a special day to visit your relatives, as you have the chance to turn every day into a family holiday.

Hello, friends! In this lesson, we will learn how to write a story about your family in english.

We will review the proposed thread about family, and on its basis we will learn to write our own. The text is quite simple, since this task is usually offered to students with an average / below-intermediate level of English.

English dictionary for beginners on the topic "My family":


Training text

1. Hello, my name is Veronica. Today I want to tell you about my family.

2. My family is not very big. It consists of 3 members - my mother, my father and me.

3. At first I will tell you about my mother. My mother's name is Elena. She is 27 years old. She has got brown hair and brown eyes. She is slim. She is very kind and always ready to help me. Her profession is a teacher. She likes her work very much.

4. Now I'll tell you about my father. His name is Alexander. He is 27, too. He is very tall. His eyes and his hair are brown. He is an electrical engineer. I think he can fix everything!

5. My parents are very funny and energetic people. When everybody is at home, we like to talk about everything. We play different games together. We also like to walk in the street. When we have time, we drive to parks, or such interesting places like big supermarkets, cafes, the center of the city.

6. I've also got grandparents, but they don't live with us. We visit them very often.

7. My family is great, I love all of them very much.

We analyze the educational text, compose our own

1. Introduction

Hello, my name is Veronika . Today I want to tell you about my family. Hello, my name is Veronica. Today I want to tell you about my family.

The introduction must be present, but it should not be too long. No need to talk about yourself in detail, this is not the topic of this text. You don't have to change anything, just substitute your name.

2. Introductory part about the family

My family is not very big. It consists of 3 members - my mother, my father and me. — My family is not very big. It consists of 3 people - mom, dad and me.

If you have a large family, then write

My family is big.

List who is in your family.

Words on the theme "Family"

It consists of … and me.

We use not "I", but "me". "I" in English is used only as a subject

For example: I give - I give, I come - I come

BUT: Give me - Give me, Come to me - Come to me

3. A story about mom

At first I will tell you about my mother.-First, I will tell you about my mother.

My mother's name is Elena . - My mother's name is Elena

‘s - possessive case - name (whose?) of mother (belongs to mother).

Substitute your mother's name.

She is 27 years old. - She's 27.

Enter your mother's age.

She has got brown hair and brown eyes. – She has brown hair and brown eyes.

Indicate the color of your mother's hair and eyes.

blonde - blond hair

black - black

light-brown - blond

green - green eyes

blue - blue

gray - gray

She is slim. - She is slim

plump - complete

sporty - sports

tall - high

not very tall - low

She is very kind and always ready to help me. She is very kind and always ready to help me.

Write that your mom

kind - kind

nice - good

active - active

funny - funny

positive - positive person

Her profession is a teacher. She likes her work very much. Her profession is a teacher. She loves her job very much.

Please indicate your mother's occupation. Use a dictionary.

If mom doesn't like work, just write She doesn't like her job very much.

If mom does not work, write that she is a housewife

She is a housewife.

4. About dad

Now I'll tell you about my father. Now I'll tell you about my dad.

His name is Alexander. - His name is Alexander

Enter your father's name.

His name is ______.

He is 27, too. - He is also 27. (Like my mother.)

If the age of the parents does not match, you do not need to write too.

He is____ years old.

He is very tall. - He is very tall

Describe your father.

not tall - not tall

short - low

strong - strong

His eyes and his hair are brown. — His eyes are brown, his hair is brown.

His eyes are ____ and his hair is _____.

He is an electrical engineer. — He is an electrical engineer.

He is a _______.

I think he can fix everything! I think he can fix everything.

5. In general, about the family.

Here it is worth describing your lifestyle, traditions, habits, way of life. Everything that you consider necessary and that can characterize your family as a whole.

My parents are very funny and energetic people. My parents are very cheerful and energetic people.

My parents are ______ and _____ people.

When everybody is at home, we like to talk about everything . - When everyone is at home, we love talk about everything.

When everybody is at home, we like to ______________.

Indicate what you like to do as a family.

We play different games together. We play different games together.

What can we do together:

We watch TV together - We watch TV together

We work in the garden - We work in the garden

We listen to music - We listen to music

We sing songs - We sing songs

We ride bikes - We ride bikes

We read and discuss books - We read and discuss books

We visit our relatives and friends - We go to visit relatives and friends

We draw - We draw

We also like to walk in the street. We also love to go for walks.

When we have time, we drive to parks or such interesting places like big supermarkets, cafes, the center of the city. — When we have time, we like to go to parks or to such interesting places as big supermarkets, cafes, downtown.

When we have time, we drive to _________ - When we have time, we drive ______

Where else can you go?

cinema - cinema

village - village

cottage-plot - country plot

market - market

theater - theater

exhibition - exhibition

6. About those family members who do not live with you

I've also got grandparents, but they don't live with us. — I also have grandparents, but they don't live with us.

grandparents - grandparents, you can say grandmother and grandfather.

I've also got _________, but they don't live with us. — I have ________, but they don't live with us.

I've also got _________, but he/she doesn't live with us. — I have ______, but he/she does not live with us.

We visit them very often. We often visit them.

If there is only one person, then instead of them write him - his, or her-ee.

7. Completion

My family is great, I love all of them very much. — My family is wonderful, I love everyone very much.

Now you can easily talk about your family in English! Good luck! (600+ video lessons in English);