Lesson on the theme of Altai. Altai peoples

Open lesson in 8th grade. Geography of Kazakhstan.
Subject: Altai. Physical and geographical characteristics.Target: Highlight the features of the nature of the Altai mountain range.Lesson objectives: 1. Determine the features of the geographical location ridges of Altai and highlight its uniqueness in stock minerals and other types of resources. 2. To develop the cognitive interest of schoolchildren in a unique object of nature - a mountainous region. 3. Raising a sense of responsibility, the ability to work in team, increasing interest in the study of the subject.Equipment: physical map of Kazakhstan, atlas grade 8, test tasks (2 options), color cards, dictionary, herbarium, Altai cards.

Look what it is, our golden Altai!

Where there are such cedars, mirror lakes,

Strong unruly rivers.

M.V. Borodin.

Methods: work with maps, textbook, dictionary, notebook.Lesson type: learning new material with elements of self-knowledge.Type of lesson: combined.
During the classes: I. Organizational moment. Teacher: My friends! I am very pleased Enter your friendly class. And for me already a reward - Attention of your smart eyes. I know that everyone in the class is a genius But without effort, talent is not for the future. Cross the swords of your opinions - Let's write a lesson together! My co-authors and judges, I won't judge you. For a strange syllable do not blame me, And then I'll say it in prose. We opened our workbooks, write down the number. Today we have an unusual lesson for you. Let's call it a lesson in Creativity and Mastery. Why exactly? But because during the lesson you will show our guests and yourself your creativity and skill, i.е. your ingenuity and invention, originality and poetry, and many other qualities. II . Checking homework. Guys, let's mentally travel to the edge of the mountains. A crossword puzzle will help us with this.1. Work with a crossword puzzle.

a) A natural area that can be called "golden" - (Altyn).b) Diverse vegetation cover, which gives this area a unique and inimitable beauty - (forests).c) Waters flowing in the spring due to the melting of snow and ice and reviving nature after a long winter sleep - (thawed).c) A lake formed in a tectonic trough - (Zaisan).d) Natural zone consisting of coniferous species - (taiga).2.- In the highlighted cells you see the name of the natural area that we have to study. The purpose of our lesson is to get acquainted with the unique natural features of the Altai mountain range and prove that these are really "golden mountains" (Altai - from the Mongolian language "altyn" - gold). Here is how the traveler M.V. Borodin about Altai (an epigraph to the lesson). III . Brainstorm: 1. "What do you know about the Altai Mountains?" Answers of students of the association in drawings. The class is divided into 2 groups.2. Working with a contour map Mark the Altai Mountains on the contour map.3. Filling in the concept map (by levels)
FGP Altai

A - a difficult level map is drawn on the boardB - average levelC - easy level4. Characteristics by students a) FGP Altai. b) The formation of mountains.c) Relief and minerals (cards No. 1,2,3).d) Climate (card No. 4).e) Inland waters.f) Natural complexes of Altai (card No. 5). IV. Consolidation of the studied material. 1.Creative work:ESSAY "Where can I use the knowledge of this lesson?". 2. Pentistish: Golden Altai, ore Stretched out, formed, bordered "Altai is the pearl of Kazakhstan" The mountains. 3. Working with tests 2 options.4. - I want to finish the lesson with the words of N. M. Yadrintsev, another traveler in Altai: Having traveled the heights of the icy mountains, I saw a beautiful land And gave his soul With my passionate soul.- With these words, I express my attitude to the wonderful land - the Altai Mountains, and you guys, reflect your feelings that you had after meeting them in the lesson. The Altai cluster will help you with this: Beluga whale endemic
Writing down homework: §457. Grading.



Lesson topic: Republic of Altai Grade 8

Educational -creating conditions for expanding and deepening students' knowledge about the nature of their homeland RA

Developing - the development of students' cognitive interest, the desire for an independent search for knowledge, the communicative competence of students.

Educational -increasing the motivation of students to study the nature and cultural heritage of the RA, the formation of a patriotic feeling, conviction in the need to protect the environment.

Equipment: , physical map of the Republic of Altai; tokens for assessing the correct answer, DYD-film, computer, textbook "The nature reserve of Altai"

Lesson type: new knowledge


1. Organizing moment The class is divided into groups

2.New theme

Now you look at the film and tell me what territory we are talking about now?

(film screening)

3 Listen to G. Kondakov's poem The Bell of the Earth p.8. (The world reserved nature of Altai).

What beautiful corner of our Motherland are we going to talk about today?

What associations do you have with the word Republic of Altai?

(the student writes down the words about Altai on the blackboard)

Now make a legend using these words.

Now you will open the textbook world reserved nature of Altai and read the text p.8-21.

By reading the text, you will highlight for yourself what you are:


Learned something new?

Dialogue between children

In front of you is a sheet you must

The topic of our lesson?

What is the purpose of the lesson we set for the study of this topic?

You have a sheet in front of you and you must now create a project:

1.-Method "Zigzag" - mini cluster

Lesson summary:

Humanity has recently crossed the threshold of the millennium. What awaits us, Russia, Altai beyond this line. The desire to love and protect our native land is not an easy task. It is necessary to have a good idea of ​​the features of nature, to correctly assess human activity.
Today you showed the first successes on this not easy path of knowledge.
I wish you further success in the study of your small homeland "Republic of Altai"

Organizing time

Checking readiness for the lesson

Introductory speech of the teacher

Questions are written on the board. Students answer questions.



Slide show ( Appendix 1)

Videos salon "We were lucky to be born here"

The song of Evdokimov M.S. Altai(triggered by mouse click)

Creative team work - slide show and comments

slide 2

The Altai Territory is a unique territory of Siberia. Altai is not just mountains, forests, rivers, waterfalls. This is a living spirit, a generous, rich giant-giant. He is fabulously beautiful with his multi-colored clothes of forests, flowers and herbs.

slide 3

70 years of the Altai Territory!

slide 4

The oldest in Altai, he was one of the creations of Peter, although not as fateful for the state as the northern capital, but extremely important for the defense of the Russian state.
On June 18, 1709, the fortress was cut down by the callused hands of the Siberian Cossacks.
He survived the historical milestones of Russia. Today, despite its age of 300 years, it is getting younger and more beautiful - the city of Biysk

slide 5

Biysk! How much is in this word -
Museums, exhibitions, sculptures...
Flattery will not be appropriate here.
So much culture in the city!
Students city, no doubt,
Wherever you look - institutions.
Science of the future is here light,
Years go by, minutes go by...
So many famous people here!
Inquisitive minds are a treasure trove!
Many wonderful discoveries!
And Biysk is now a science city!

slide 6

Our Altai land has nurtured many famous people. The following names are forever inscribed in the history of the region: I.I. Polzunov, inventor of the world's first steam engine; Anosov P.P., metallurgist, creator of the first iron-steam road. Cosmonauts G.S. lived here. Titov, V.G. Lazarev; V.M. Shukshin writer and director and many others

Slide 7

The landscapes of the Altai Territory are unique. The mutual penetration of foothill steppes, desert landscapes and mountain taiga creates contrasting combinations that captivate the eye. Here are almost all the natural zones of Russia, with the exception of the subtropics.

Slide 8

More than 21% of the region's area is occupied by forest ecosystems - this is not only a source of wood, food and medicinal plants, but also a stabilizer of the composition of the biosphere.

Slide 9

Pine belt forests are unique natural formations found nowhere else in the world. Pine there is unusual, it is resistant to pollution and salinization - these relics are confined to dry riverbeds that arose after glaciation. Until that very glaciation, which destroyed all the lush broad-leaved vegetation in Altai, except for two groves of lindens in the northeast of the region. Sorokinskaya and Boturovskaya groves suffered glaciation, and live to this day.______

Slide 10

Larch is considered the champion of our forests - it forms park forests.

slide 11

The real miracle cedar. This tree is a plant, gives nuts that are not inferior in nutritional properties to cream

slide 12

The unique landscapes of the balneological climate of the foothills, pine belt forests and steppe lakes attract people from all over Russia for recreation and tourism.

slide 13

The wealth of any territory is determined by the presence of natural resources. Altai Krai is a source of agricultural products. This is due to the presence of large areas of land resources (Kulunda and Pre-Altai plains).Gold of Russia - Altai Chernozems. In terms of fertility power, they occupy a leading place.

Slide 14

Our region has a solid mineral resource base - polymetals, iron ore. "There is no region in the world in which decorative stones of such a variety of colors were concentrated. Jaspers and porphyries, marbles, granites glorified us all over Russia" wrote the geologist, academician A.E. Fersman.

slide 15

Features of the geographical position determined the diversity of not only flora, but also fauna. In the region lives about90 species of mammals, 270 species of birds, numerous class of insects. Panty, musk deer musk gland, bear bile, furs are Russia's reliable foreign exchange reserves.

slide 16

There are good prerequisites for the use of non-timber plant resources. Significant reserves of medicinal raw materials. Used in scientific medicine for about 60 plant species, 80% of all pharmaceutical products completely exclude the presence of chemical components

Slide 17

The lakes of the edge are his eyes, looking into the Universe. Waterfalls and rivers - his speech and songs about life, about the beauty of the earth, mountains. The territory of the Altai Territory is located in the Ob River basin. This is the largest river in the world that crosses the flat part of Altai for 453 km. On the plains of the region there are many lakes (more than 5000) - the largest are Kulunda (728 sq. M), Bolshoye Yarovoe.

Slide 18

Rivers, small and large, perform a huge geochemical work in the circulation of substances. It is a habitat for native vegetation and animals, especially birds.

Slides 19-20

Altai - the gold of Russia , its endless feather grass steppes and hilly foothill plains, birch pegs and pine forests, mountain ranges and valleys, mighty cedars, larches, fast mountain rivers and the wide majestic Ob deserve the highest standard.

slide 21

We must save it for others! In our region there are standards of natural beauty– 36 reserves, 143 monuments nature and of course, reserved places - a museum of nature -Tigirek Reserve

slide 22

The Altai Territory is truly wonderful.
Your gift to searching hearts
And all the words from the best songs
Weave your coming crown

The song of Evdokimov M.S. "Altai" (launched with a mouse click)

Kokurs "Connoisseurs of the native land"(the presentation is not offered because it does not meet the standards of the competition).

Topic: Minerals. Inland waters

Question 1. What does the names of the rivers Biya and Katun mean in translation from Altai?

1. Friend and girlfriend
2. Spring and mountain river
3. Master and girl

Question 2. What mineral deposits in Altai are not used?

1. Iron ores
2. Polymetallic ores
3. Marble

Question 3. What factory made this vase (on the slide)?

1. Pushtulinsky
2. Kolyvansky
3. Zmeinogorsky

Question 4. Which clays presented on the slide are mined in Altai?

1. Yellow
2. Beige
3. Red

Topic: Flora and fauna

Question 1. Which of the presented plants is relic in Altai?

1. Birch
2. Oak
3. Linden

Question 2. How many nature reserves are there in the Altai Territory?

1. Two
2. Three
3. One

Question 3 . Object of the RED BOOK of the Altai Territory?

1. Grouse
2. Gyrfalcon
3. Raven

Question 4. Plant status Deviating peony (Maryin root)

1. Resource protected species.
2. Disappearing species
3. Rare endemic species

Topic: monuments of nature, history and culture

Question 1. What category of specially protected natural areas do these objects of the city need?

  1. natural monument
  2. Reserve
  3. national park

Question 2. The name of the street of the old "merchant" Biysk?

1. Socialist
2. Kuznetsk
3. Kirov

Question 3. The oldest manufacturing enterprise in the city of Biysk?

1. Tobacco factory
2. Biysk flax mill
3. Plant Sibpribormash

Question 4. When and for what purpose was this building built?

1. House of the Sychovs, 1890
2. People's House, 1914
3. Ignatiev Trading House, 1914

Summing up the results of the competition

Definition of a leading expert on the native land.
(With an equal number of tokens, a Blitz tournament is held)

Teacher: Questions for Blitz Tournament

1. Name the cities of the Altai Territory
2. Name the waterways of the Altai Territory
3. Name the explorers of Altai(1-3 according to the principle of who will name more)
4. What features of the location of the city of Biysk can you name.
(Located between the riversa sacred place, located on two plains: the Pre-Altaiplain and on the Bie-Chumysh Upland)

Token Counting

Summing up the lesson. Grading


1. Did the lesson help expand your horizons in local history?
2. Evaluate the form of the lesson.
3. What skills and abilities did you get while preparing for the lesson?

Teacher: Humanity has recently crossed the threshold of the millennium. What awaits us, Russia, Altai beyond this line. The desire to love and protect our native land is not an easy task. It is necessary to have a good idea of ​​the features of nature, to correctly assess human activity.
Today you showed the first successes on this not easy path of knowledge.
I wish you further success in the study of your small homeland "ALTAI"

Topic: "The Republic of Altai is our home"
Purpose: to instill a sense of love for the native land; Tasks: to expand children's knowledge about the sights of the Altai Republic;
develop a sense of beauty on the example of the unique nature of Gorny
cultivate respect for everything that surrounds us.
Equipment: presentation with views of the Altai Mountains, music CD with
musical works about Altai.
Lesson type: UNZ

During the classes.

Introduction: teacher. SLIDE 1.

Presenter 1. SLIDE 2.
Altai is not just mountains, forests, rivers, waterfalls, but a living spirit, a generous, rich giant - a giant. He is fabulously beautiful with his multi-colored clothes of forests, flowers, herbs. Mists, his transparent thoughts, run to all countries of the world. Lakes are his eyes looking into the Universe.
Waterfalls and rivers - his speech and songs about life, about the beauty of the earth, mountains ...
(G.I. Choros - Gurkin)
1 dude. SLIDE 3.
Brontoy Bedyurov
How beautiful and kind is my Altai!
How rich he is - go and count!
I am forever indebted to him.
How can I glorify him?
How can I thank him?
Where can I get these words?
Presenter 2. SLIDE 4.
In the very center of Asia, on the border of China, Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan, there is an amazing and mysterious country of Gorny Altai! Translated from Turkic, "Altai" means "golden mountains", and in ancient times it was the center of a peculiar culture of nomads.
Presenter 1. SLIDE 5.
Mountain Altai! There are very few places on earth that could compete with this amazingly beautiful island of nature, towering in the very center of vast Asian spaces. The Altaians, who have been living here for centuries, call their homeland the majestic and sacred Kan-Altai.
The Altai Republic is a subject of the Russian Federation.
Presenter 2. SLIDE 6.
The territory of the republic is 92.6 thousand square kilometers. From north to south, its territory stretches for 400 km, and from west to east for 360 km. To cross the Republic of Altai from north to south or from west to east, you need to drive all daylight hours by car. Compared to Russian expanses, this seems a little. However, Gorny Altai occupies the same area as the European states of Portugal and Hungary, and slightly less than South Korea.
Presenter 1. SLIDE 7,8,9,10,11 ..
The Republic of Altai has its own state symbols:
flag, coat of arms, anthem. The state languages ​​are two equal languages ​​- Altai and Russian. Population: 201.7 thousand people. National composition: Altaians - 31%, Russians - 60%, Kazakhs 6%, 3% - other peoples. Of the total population, 75% living in rural areas are born livestock breeders. From generation to generation they pass on their ability to raise cattle in the mountains. Altaians are also excellent hunters. The local taiga is rich in sable, squirrel, and lynx. Fur trade is one of the main occupations and an important help for the inhabitants of distant villages.
Presenter 2. SLIDE 12,13,14.
The republic includes: 1 city, 10 rural areas, 248 settlements.
The capital of the republic is the city of Gorno-Altaisk. (views of the city) It is located in its northeastern part. Our capital has not always been a city. It arose as the village of Ulala in the 19th century. Today Gorno-Altaisk is the scientific and cultural center of the republic. Located in a small valley among the mountains, it is immersed in greenery in summer, and ski competitions are held right in the city in winter.
Presenter 1. SLIDE 15,16.
Our city is small, a little over 51 thousand people live in it. The population of the city, like the republic, is mixed. In addition to the indigenous population, the Altaians, there are Russians, Kazakhs and representatives of other nationalities.
The city is located in the picturesque basin of the Maima River. Wherever you look, mountains are everywhere.
Reader 2. SLIDE 17.
Alexander Zhukov
My city.
My city lies in the valley
In the necklace of proud mountains,
Where in the blue-blue firs
Rosy voiced conversation.
And it's so easy to find it:
Do not swim and do not fly - the Chuysky tract will always throw
To my city Gorno-Altaisk.
Forever young and forever green
He is used to hospitality.
Our blue spruces - Decoration of Moscow!
My city lies on the paths
Pathfinder Rangers:
Worn by fashionistas in Europe
With the chic of our sables.

Lead 1.
SLIDE 18,19.
The city of Gorno-Altaisk is the administrative, scientific and cultural center of our republic. It has a very favorable geographical position, proximity to transport routes, more favorable climatic conditions in relation to other regions.
Presenter 2. SLIDE 20.
Among the numerous rivers, the largest and longest is the Katun. It originates from the glaciers of Mount Belukha on the southern border of the republic and extends beyond the Altai Mountains in the northwest. The second largest river is the Biya. Katun and Biya, merging outside the Altai Mountains, form the Ob River, one of the largest rivers in Siberia. Due to the abundance of rapids, the rivers of the Altai Mountains are not navigable, with the exception of the lower reaches of the Biya. Many rivers are characterized by a very fast current, due to which they freeze in winter only in certain sections. (views of Katun)
Reader 3. SLIDE 21.
Arzhan Adarov
Rush, Katun, playing with light,
Noisy stream!
There is no wave in this world
Better than yours!
So it shines, blue! ..
It reflects
Younger, smiling
Old moon.
You fly from the heights of Altai
Down, to warmth, to housing,
Song inconsistently composing
my long...

The myth of Biya and Katun.
Once, according to the ideas of the Altaians, these rivers were spouses. Biy is the master, Katun is the wife. The wife was grumpy, quarrelsome, and the husband was calm, quiet, intelligent. He supped with other rivers, was at peace with giant mountains. His quarrelsome wife Katun quarreled with all the rivers and mountains, and
gave peace to her husband. Then the rivers and mountains advised Biy to challenge his wife to a contest, that is, to bet. Whoever wins this dispute, he should rule in family life.
They set up a race for speed. In the presence of witnesses, the conditions of the competition were determined and a decision was made: who
spouses will reach Mount Babyrgan earlier, which rises in the north of the Altai Mountains, and that is to be the head of the family.
Thus began the competition between them. Standing on the banks of the Biya, the taiga and mountains moved apart, giving him a way, because sympathies were on his side.
And on the way of the Katun, on the contrary, the mountains moved, powerful rocks were obstacles. The grumpy Katun, having overcome all obstacles with difficulty, finally broke out into the valley and reached Mount Babyrgan, confident that she had arrived first. But, to her surprise, Biy had long passed this mountain. Babyrgan, seeing Katun lagging behind her husband, laughed out loud.
"What are you laughing with your mouth open?" the grumpy Katun asked Babyrgan.
To which the answer followed: “Your husband has been waiting for you in the valley for a long time, and you are still trudging here!” Even more embittered, Katun hit Babyrgan on the cheek with all her might, and carried her water further. Having overtaken her husband, in a fit of anger, she also slapped him, but then, thinking better, she said: “Although I lost the argument, but I am not the wife of an ordinary person, but Biya, the master.”
Since then, the second name “Biy - suu- (lord of the waters)” has been assigned to the spouse of Katun.
Both rivers, the Biy and Katun, having merged together, continued their way to the North, forming the Ob.
Lead 1.
SLIDE 25..
Our republic is rich not only in rivers, but also in lakes.
There are about 7 thousand lakes in Gorny Altai. The largest is Altyn-Kel (Teletskoye), so affectionately called by the Altaians, which literally means "golden lake".
Since time immemorial, it has attracted beauty and it can be called the Altai Sea. Its area (230.8 sq. km) is larger than the territory of the European state of Liechtenstein. The depth of the lake reaches 325 m, which makes it one of the deepest lakes in the world. "Altyn-Kel" attracts with mystery, legends and richness of the surrounding nature. This is a reservoir of unusually clean fresh water.
SLIDE 28,29,30.
Reader 4.
SLIDE 31, 32, 33,34.
If you look from the side,
Not to see the edges of Altyn-Kel
If you look from above
You are like a mirror, Altyn-Kel.
The rocks of the coastal bliss of granite,
Like a fortress keeps you
Schools of fish here and there
Like clouds in the sky, floating.
And your wave is always
The star will wash.
And forever free people
About you, Altyn-Kel, he will sing.
Presenter 2. SLIDE 35,36 ..

Why is our republic also called Gorny Altai?
Yes, the whole territory of the republic is occupied by mountains. The height of many peaks exceeds 3-4 thousand meters. The highest peak is located in the extreme south. This is Beluga.
In 1842, geologist Pyotr Chikhachev visited Altai. Struck by the beauty revealed to him, he recalled: “I climbed to the top and trembled with delight. The pillars of the Katunya rose like a jagged giant. Mists curled in snakes in the gorges. But where are the words, where are the colors to convey this picture? .. I grabbed the album, but my hand was trembling; it seemed to me that I saw the living God, with all his strength and beauty, and I felt ashamed that I, a poor mortal, dreamed of conveying his image.
Presenter 1. SLIDE 38.39.
The Altai people considered Belukha sacred, associated it with the legend of the insidious and evil spirit Erlik, who must punish anyone who dares to step even on its slopes. Believe me, even look at. this shrine, a refuge for formidable forces (avalanches, rockfalls, landslides) was impossible. It is no coincidence that it was here, in Altai, that for two centuries in a row Russian people were looking for the mysterious Belovodie, a fertile country arranged like an earthly paradise, where they can live in complete happiness.
Presenter 2. SLIDE 40.
It is not for nothing that Belukha sunk into the soul of Roerich, who painted it repeatedly. “From the top of Studenoy, Belukha itself is visible, about which even deserts whisper,” he wrote in 1926.
SLIDE 41,42.
Belukha is the highest peak in Siberia, covered with snow and glaciers. The highest point of Belukha is 4506 meters.
SLIDE 43,44.

Alexander Eredeev
Reader 5. SLIDE 45,46,47.
Altai mountains.
Like steam from steamed horses
Mists swirled along the slopes of the ridge,
As if the herd raced for many years, many) her,
And the devil's horizon beckoned in the distance;
As if some angry khan or prince Followed the lassoers, angry, inflamed, But the Altai guys, clutching their manes, Ride to the best, to our times!
It was half a century ago
But for the mountains half a century is a moment, a trifle,
And in the fog the Altai mountains stand
And they still can't catch their breath...
I woke up in the Altai taiga ..
The light of dawn shone through the branches.
The mountain ridge rose, proud.
Capercaillie moaned from love.
Reader 6. SLIDE 48.
Lazar Kokyshev
I woke up in the Altai taiga,
I breathed in the freshness of growing in my native land, As I returned from another planet
Again on my dear land ..
Reader 7. SLIDE 49.
Georgy Kondakov
My Altai hug you.
In loud rivers and silent lakes
Blue living water.
Celestial white mountains,
I am your son, I am your son forever.
Here a small stone is dear to me,
And a birch over a mountain path.
Let the rocks bend over the years,
I will stay my Altai, with you.
Presenter 1. SLIDE 50.
The nature of the Altai Mountains is beautiful and majestic, everything around is filled with transparent mountain air, the honey smell of flowers is perceptibly heard. High ridges seem to be frozen waves. Dense forests roar on the steep slopes. Gorny Altai is amazingly picturesque and generously endowed with natural resources. Our task is to preserve the beauty of our Altai.
Take care of these lands, these waters
Loving even a small bylinochka,
Take care of all the animals inside nature,
Kill only your own animals.

Reader 8. SLIDE 51.

Pasley Samyk
Praise for the beauty of Altai.
You lay down under the sun and moon, my beautiful Altai, your life-giving streams break from the mountains!
You stand like a giant, your strong shell is heavy, the steppe, like a noisy ocean, splashes into a stone hem.
Here, rich in foliage, poplars stood up powerfully, the hero rushed into battle here - the earth was all in hoof marks. SLIDE 52.

Here, ridges scatter from the main ridge - it is not without reason that it is said that, my Altai, you are like a giant arrow, a feathered arrow that swept over the world, glowing with a blue flame, splitting the darkness of the night!
I hear in your silence the tread of fabulous horses, I hear the hail and the chant of the legendary wondrous maidens! SLIDE 53.

Municipal educational institution

"Belokurikha Secondary School No. 2"




Lesson Objectives:

1. Joining the poems of Altai poets, getting acquainted with the statements about Altai by famous people, collect material during the lesson that will help students collect material during the lesson that will help students create creative work on the topic of the lesson;

2. awaken in students a conscious feeling of love for their small homeland;

3. promote the development of associative thinking and speech.

During the classes.

Calm beautiful music sounds

Teacher. Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Remember that today you are not in a lesson, but in a creative workshop. The teacher is your master, and you are not just apprentices, but creators. Relax. Set yourself up for success, for active work. Close your eyes. Mentally repeat after me:

"I've calmed down. I try to understand and comprehend as best as possible what will be discussed. Now I can easily put my thoughts into words. I become a sociable person, an interesting conversationalist. I have a correct, beautiful speech. Everyone listens to me with pleasure, and communication with people gives me pleasure.

Draw the globe. Get a circle. The circle is a symbol of eternity, eternal life. In the upper half, where Russia is located, draw a heart.

What is the symbol of the heart?

A symbol of love, affection...

Conditionally mark the location of our small homeland - Altai - inside the heart with an asterisk. An asterisk is a symbol of happiness, good luck, light.

Look at the resulting image: in your heart, in every heart, the image of a small homeland (i.e., the stars in your drawing) lives invisibly, the place where a person was born, grew up, spent his childhood, the place where his roots are.

I want to continue our lesson with the best, in my opinion, words that have ever been said about the motherland. These are the words:

“Altai… My beautiful homeland. Her beauty, her heavenly clarity is rare on earth... My homeland. My. I say this with a feeling of deep righteousness, because all my life I have carried my homeland in my soul, I love it, I live by it, it gives me strength when it happens in life is difficult and bitter.

Announcement and recording of the topic of the lesson.

"Altai ... My beautiful homeland," - these are the words we will call

our lesson.

How many wonderful words were said about our homeland by poets, artists - and

our countrymen, and those who, having visited here once, were forever fascinated, bewitched by its extraordinary beauty, power and grandeur. The famous children's writer lived in Altai for only four years (). But when, in 1958, a soldier asked him for advice on which place to choose for permanent residence, Bianchi answered this way:

“... I can tell in a few words which corner of our country I liked the most, I liked it ... This is Altai. I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life. I lived there in my youth for four years - and still ... I remember this time like a wonderful dream ... I would

chose Altai…”

Music. Viewed slides with views of the nature of Altai. Poetic lines are read against their background.

Every blade of grass has a soul

And the giant cedars are not soulless ...

Mother earth, how good you are

And the road from the bump to the top!

A. Adarov

And I see my dear edge,

There is no more beautiful place in the world!

Trihedral rises Khan Altai,

Sparkling in the cold sun.

A. Adarov

This is the music of nature! Who will convey the wonderful harmony of these rocks, these colors? Where is Beethoven, where is Mozart?

I read about Switzerland, I know about Nice,

The edge is good, I do not argue

But with such beauty

Can it compare?

One hundred more beautiful Switzerland

My native Altai!

M. Dlugovskoy

At the top of Altai, the winds shook the cedar.

He has a golden bark, like the sun.

He is slimmer and taller in these mountain forests.

He has an abyss of blue cones on the branches.

Flowers, scattered on the slopes,

Like fighters, they storm the heights ...

I. Vetlugin

Flowers are blooming. The grass is growing.

The sun is shining in the clear sky.

And the bird sings merrily.

Oh, how simple and wonderful!

V. Timofeeva

The lake is calm and drowsy.

The mountains are majestic and quiet.

And fall on the soul willingly

First autumn flowers.

L. Merzlikin

Like throwing a torch

In the foothills of Altai:

Over spills of herbs -

Lights, lights...

I repeat that Altai is beautiful -

Trees, mountains, sun, clouds!

A. Adarov

Students' performance of the song "The mountain cedar branch" (music by M. Starikov, lyrics by G. Panov)

The tired winds rest on the rocks,

Tomorrow we are leaving and taking with us,

Like a good song, a branch of a mountain cedar,

A branch of mountain cedar and Teletsky surf.

Over the belated fire, farewell sparks,

A branch of mountain cedar will smell resinous

At my head, far from the taiga.

A branch of a mountain cedar, like a green flame,

Bewitch, spin, fall on the shoulder,

A branch of mountain cedar will reach the locks,

A branch of mountain cedar will call to Altai.

Living far from Altai, he wrote: “Whenever they say “Altai”, you shudder, your heart licks to the point of pain with an instant hot feeling.” What feelings are you experiencing now? Write down one or more words that you would use to evaluate your state of mind at the moment?

Socialization. Read what you wrote. Listen carefully to others and add to your notes what is close to you.

Write down the word ALTAI. What epithets would you choose for this word? What is Altai in your imagination?

Socialization. Reading out the words . Complete your notes with words that you find interesting and reflect your feelings.

And now listen to what figurative poetic means our countrymen, Altai poets, and other famous people used in their poems. Find them, write them down.

: "Altai is not only the pearl of Siberia, but also the pearl of Asia."

Arzhan Adarov:

And the waves run, silvering under the moon,

And the mountains are on guard for eternity,

And all my Altai is in front of me,

Immortal and endless.

My Altai, my dear, my eternal,

multi-forested they multi-fluid,

It's not named for nothing gold.

Pasley Samyk:

My Altai mysterious,

Ancient, pure distance

You god to me donated

Magical and pure crystal!

Erkemen Palkin:

Wherever I am, everywhere I hear

Your call is inviting

Fatherland eternal my,

My Altai marvelous!

Socialization. Read what you have written. Underline the words that touched your heart.

When pronouncing a word aloud or mentally, it is often combined in our minds with visual images, pictures. Write down: “At the word ALTAI, I see…” Close your eyes for a moment and try to catch what you see while saying the word ALTAI. Write down what you saw.

I distribute photos with views of Altai.

Look at them and add to your paintings those that you saw in the photographs.

Next page "The unique world of Altai". Read as a group the material you will now receive. Get ready to read aloud.

Altai lies in the very heart of Asia, almost at an equal distance from the three oceans of the Earth - the Arctic, Pacific and Indian. In area - more than 260,000 square kilometers - Altai is approximately the size of Great Britain, three times the size of Austria, eight and a half times the size of Belgium.

Translated from the ancient Turkic languages, Altai means "golden". This name reflects both the legends about the untold riches of nomadic tribes, and the real deposits of gold in the generous land, and the unique beauty of the mountainous country. Of particular interest is the diversity of neighboring natural areas: only here you can meet the dawn on the plain, noon in the taiga, and the sunset of the same day - on a mountain pass.

In the ridges of Altai, the Ob, one of the five largest rivers in Russia, is born. Its source is the confluence of Biya and Katun. In the bowels of the Altai ranges, the deepest cave in Siberia Ecological was discovered. The highest waterfall in Russia, the 160-meter cascading waterfall Chulcha, also falls from these mountains.

Lake Teletskoye is one of the 15 deepest lakes in the world. Its length is 82 km, width - 5.2 km, depth - 325 m. The greatest peak of Altai, the two-headed Belukha, is unique in beauty and natural features. It is easy to find on any physical map of the world. The height of the Belukha is 4,506 m.

The Altai resort of Belokurikha surpasses the best resorts in Switzerland in terms of the healing properties of mountain air. In Belokurikha, in the vicinity of the village of Chemal, on Lake Akkem, there are more sunny days per year than in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

The special pride of Altai is the people whose names are inscribed in history in golden letters. In the village of Srostki on the Chuisky tract was born. Altai is the birthplace of cosmonaut No. 2 German Stepanovich Titov, the creator of the world-famous small arms Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov, and the famous poet Robert Rozhdestvensky. Mikhail Sergeevich Evdokimov, beloved by the people, spent his childhood and ended his life here.

What are your thoughts and impressions from what you read? What did you learn new? What did you find particularly interesting?

The teacher distributes poems, words of famous people about Altai. What words, phrases made a strong impression on you, especially liked?

May Altai be the spring of my song,

And trendy trends contrary to all,

I am sure that the song will not be born close,

Because its expanses are wide!

It has steppes and snow-white peaks,

And the mighty Ob, and the river Toposh,

And in the taiga, if a couple of Belgium hide,

That, perhaps, is not so easy to find.

Mark Yudalevich

Look where you live

Rich in gold and bread,

Blooming meadows, sky,

In the lakes splashing the dawn.

Native land! Do not overlook

From Belukha to its wondrous breadth!..

Altai is a pearl With ibiri,

He is free to take over the heart!

Valentina Timofeeva

My native Altai, wonderful Siberian land!

I see him either in winter attire - in snowdrifts and snowy zastrugi, when the endless distance glows with thousands of sparks scattered by the sun, then in the lush flowering of gardens, then in the unique fantastic colors of autumn. Yes, Altai is good, its nature is wonderful: if winter is so good winter, with all its charms, summer is so summer! Nothing is half, everything, everything is given to a person in full measure.

German Stepanovich Titov, our countryman,


I love this charming region… I love its sky-high peaks shining with the whiteness of eternal snows. I love wooded hills shrouded in purple haze. I love the silence of malachite lakes, the insane talk of fast rivers, the unique aroma of centuries-old cedar thickets, the thin arrows of fir-trees directed to the sky, and endless scatterings of flowers...

Afanasy Koptelov

My dear home is blue Altai.

I live in Altai in leaf fall and thunderstorms.

I breathe Altai in colorful May,

Altai bask in severe frosts!

Yuri Gusev

Ridges stitched

hunting trails,

Forests inhabited

Pichugami timid,

The streams are wild

Peaks are gray-domed,

The fogs are quiet

Milky, curly.

And the slopes are smooth

And strong-stemmed cedars,

And glorious in songs

In the valleys - free horses.

And the summer is red

With a shrill cuckoo -

The land is beautiful

Altai is amazing!

Erkemen Palkin

My land, Altai,

Your greatness of spirit

Steppe Kulunda,

Summit Belukha.

Ob Plain Reach,

The cliff that saw antiquity

We were not surrounded by bread

And he didn't hurt me with a word.

Frost - iron tears,

Heat - the concrete is melting,

And my countryman sings

And flies in space!

And those on earth

The stars are missing from the sky -

Reflections on the forehead

About the eternal essence of bread.

Noise in the fields of bread,

And it shines from the bread.

Enviable fate -

Born in Altai...

Gennady Panov

Group work. Each person in the group reads expressively. Whoever does it better is instructed to read them to the whole class. Answer the questions written on the blackboard, summarize, speak to the class.

What imagery did you use?

So, we have come to the most important and interesting stage of our work, the moment for which we have been working the whole lesson. Now each of you will write your literary masterpiece (in verse or prose), your creative work. In your work, use those words, expressions that you wrote down during the lesson.

Sample topics of work:

1. "Altai ... My beautiful homeland."

2. We have something to love and cherish.

3. You will not find such beauties on earth.

4. Wonderful corner of nature.

5. "Native land, how good you are ..."

Reading works.

Let's thank each other for communication and ourselves, beloved, for warm thoughts, feelings, experiences, beautiful words. Stroke yourself approvingly on the head, while saying: “As in childhood, I want to stroke my head with my hand” ( relieve stress, fatigue


How did you work in class?

· Are you satisfied with your job?

What difficulties did you experience?

What did you especially like?


Creative work of students.

Altai, beautiful and mighty,

You are vast and great.

To you I extend my arms

With love, pride. For a moment

I represent these mountains

Your white spines

And these clear lakes

That carried the secret of time.

With its mysterious distance

You beckon more and more, more and more.

And these wonderful spaces

I will keep in my soul!

Makarova Tanya

“Altai ... My beautiful homeland,” said Shukshin. And for me there is no more beautiful place on earth than marvelous Altai.

Altai is a place on earth where every person is pleased to live and everyone likes it. Altai is so different. There are also large mountains, the tops of which are covered with snow caps, mountains from which small crystal streams flow, turning into fast raging mountain rivers. And then fast rivers flow into the wide expanses of Altai and turn into quiet, calm ones, along the banks of which there are birch groves, thickets of sea otters and bird cherry. What person wouldn't like that?!

Huseynov Rafael

I am happy that I live in Altai. This beautiful crystal temple of the holy light is located in the depths of Russia. Altai is rich in majestic mountains that rise high into the air clouds, endless, unique forests. Altai has the most beautiful lakes in the world, the mysterious distance of which cannot leave anyone indifferent. Poets called Altai golden. Many go on long journeys to see this pearl. It seems to me that you will not find such beauties on earth, and we have something to love and cherish.

Astanina Elena

Your beauties, Altai, are unique, you will not find such on earth. Your meadows are beautiful, look at them and eat. Immortal, endless distance, mysterious world, silence, sonorous rivers and beauty. I look around and I can't take my eyes off. And it seems to me that I will not find you anywhere better. Here is a birch nearby, behind it a pine, and a tall cedar stands next to me. A mysterious world, a mysterious land - the native and beloved Altai since childhood!

Chernyshova Olga

Lesson "Altai"

Lesson learning new material

Purpose: To study the natural region "Altai"

1. Compile a physical and geographical description of the natural region of the Altai Mountains.

2. To form the ability to work with various sources, select the main thing, make brief notes, compare, draw conclusions, establish causal relationships.

3. To form an ecological culture, patriotism, interest in the subject.

Equipment: map of natural areas of Kazakhstan, handouts, demonstration material, interactive whiteboard.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

Terms for repetition to a new topic: altitudinal zonality, secondary mountain building, natural zone, natural region of the PTC.

II. New topic

1.Geographic location. Rk map. Definition of GP. (children)

Orographic scheme of the Kazakh Altai with selected parts (Rudny, Southern, Kalbinsky).

Option to perform the work - kartoscheme.

1. Recall into which parts Altai is divided. Select parts of Altai, draw boundaries.

2. What ridges belong to each part? We plot the heights of the ridges on the map. Those that are on the diagram. Use Pages 185-186 of the textbook.

Conclusion: Differences in the relief of parts of Altai.

Demonstration of photos and description of landforms by the teacher. In conclusion - the highest point - Belukha (photo).

III. Tectonics. Work with the atlas (tectonic map). Define structures. Why are these folded-blocky mountains, why are they high. Secondary uplift.

Minerals are independently marked on the map. Textbook page 72 and test 187.

IV. Climate. Advance task. A short note on the map. (message + whiteboard writing)

V. Rivers, lakes, glaciers - video fragment. Teacher's text + Bukhtarma.

VI. Natural zones: comparison of parts of Altai by natural zones. (Photo from the library?).

1. Question: what do you think, will the altitudinal zonality be the same in different parts of Altai?

Why? -different gp, and height. - demonstration of the scheme.

Option 1 - similarities (similar belts on Kalba and South Africa)

Option 2 - features of difference (snowfields, mountain tundra, at different heights).

VII. Economic development, resources, environmental problems, PC protection. (messages: okhr territ, household mastered - ecolprobl) demonstration of photos of reserves.

VII I. Test (5-7 questions)

A. Kalbinsky Ridge

B. Rudny Altai

V. Southern Altai

City of Western Altai

2. The border between the Southern and Rudny Altai passes along the river:

V. Bukhtarma

G. Kurchum

3. The bowels of Altai are especially rich:

A. polymetallic ores

B. iron ores

B. coal

G. oil

4. What altitudinal belt is found in all parts of Altai :

A. alpine meadows

V. glaciers and snowfields

G. forest-steppe

5. Select from the list all specially protected natural areas of Altai (!):

A. Markakol Reserve

B. Kurgaldzhinsky Reserve

V. Katon-Karagai National Park

G. West Altai Reserve

D. Bayan-Aul National Park

6. What environmental problem distinguishes Altai from other areas:

A. Soil erosion

B. Change in the natural complex

B. Deforestation

D. Water scarcity


Homework: § 45