Lesson of the Russian language of the mood of the verb indicative mood. Indicative mood of the verb

Indicative mood of the verb

Verbs in the indicative mood denote an action that is happening, has happened or will happen in reality.

In the indicative mood, verbs change in tense, i.e. can be in present, future or past tense.

Compare three sentences:

1) In the summer I swim a lot in the sea.

2) In the summer I swam a lot in the sea.

3) In the summer I will swim a lot in the sea.

Verb to swim in these sentences it is in the forms of present (1 sentence), past (2 sentence) and future (3 sentence) tense. But in all three sentences, we are talking about a real action that has already happened, will happen or is happening now. Depending on the tense, verbs in the indicative mood can change by person (present and future tense) and gender (past tense).

Consider the table. It shows how verbs change by tense, gender and person in the indicative mood.

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Imperative Mood Task No. 11. Imperative Mood Test questions on the topic “Verb Mood” Transitive and intransitive verbs Reflexive verbs Impersonal verbs Task No. 1. Transitive and intransitive verbs Task No. 2. Transitive and intransitive verbs Task No. 3. Transitive and intransitive verbs Task No. 4. Reflexive verbs Task No. 5. Reflexive verbs Task No. 6. Impersonal verbs Task No. 7. Impersonal verbs Test questions on the topics "Transitive and intransitive verbs", "Reflexive verbs", "Infinite verbs"

Specify transitive verbs

Write off a sentence, express thoughts, underline su (f, ff) x, make a sequence of numbers, touch the stove, close the apartment, ra (s, ss) t .. to lay a tablecloth, to .. dream of a question, did not see a mistake, zag .. a paradise on the beach, zag .. the sun came out.

verb mood



(the action is real, there are forms of time): I know, I knew, I will know

(request, order): a) cut

b) tell


(action possible): would know

I am indicative. I live with you in everyday life. I denote actions that have happened, are happening or will actually happen.

I speak, spoke, I will speak or I will tell.

Complete the table by writing out the verbs from the poem and forming three tenses.

initial form

was reading

present tense

Future tense


let's read

Noise, seethe, boil,

Play, work and dream

Sew, live, whistle and sing.

Find indicative verbs


Bush..t the sea. Rapidly rushing (t, t) clouds. In their gaps peeped ..t the moon. Moonlight pierced the damp air. The water glitters and shimmers (t, t) with silver on the riverside stones. And soon the mysterious (n, n) silhouettes of rocks emerge from the dark depths of the sea.

Choose in the sentences the verbs of the indicative mood of the future tense.

1. A frog settled in a barrel of rainwater near the porch.

2. Swallows fly above the ground itself.

3. The first autumn frost will tell you that winter is just around the corner. It will descend thickly on the steps of the porch, on the roof of the house, until the sun appears in the foggy smoke of an October morning.

4. Tree trunks drown in a gray shroud, field and lake distances blur.

Choose the verbs in the indicative mood.

1. Rash you, bird cherry, with snow, sing you, birds, in the forest

2. The scarlet light of dawn wove out on the lake. Capercaillie are crying in the forest with bells.

3. Burn, star, don't fall mine. Drop cold rays.

4. I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry, everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.

5. And September knocked on my window with a crimson willow branch.

6. I would not like to become a thunderstorm, it has too - too much thunder. I'd rather become dew, she knows quiet happiness.

Purpose: to acquaint students with the grammatical category of the mood of the verb; give the concept of the indicative mood; improve the skills of finding verbs of the indicative mood; improve the skills of education and use of indicative verbs in speech. equipment: textbook, educational texts, table. Lesson type: combined.

We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical.

K. Paustovsky


I. Organizational stage

II. Updating of basic knowledge

What does dissimilar verbs mean?

What have you learned about the verbs to eat and eat?

2. Practical work

Compose and write down on the topic “At breakfast”, including the verbs to eat, eat.

Better talk

About yourself politely inviting others to a meal

I want to eat.

I eat, we will eat, we will eat Please eat

III. Motivation for learning activities

teacher's word

Verbs have a permanent controller in the form of mood, which always correlates the action with reality and calls the real

It is either supposed, desired, or only expresses an impulse to action.

I am the Indicative mood, - the first form presented itself, - my actions are always real. If he says: “I am building,” then he definitely does it.

And we, - said the other two forms, - designate actions that are not performed.

Here I am, the Conditional, denoting the desired or intended action, so my hero probably won't lift a finger.

And I, the Imperative Mood, denote only an impulse to action, but whether my hero will work, I don’t know ...

IV. Learning new material

1. teacher's explanation: work with the table

Characteristic features of mood moods of verbs

indicative conditional imperative

What does it mean An action that actually happened or will happen An action that is possible under certain conditions, as well as a desired action Expresses a request, advice, order; denotes a desired action

Grammatical signs Change by tense: past, present, future Do not change by tense; always have a particle would not express Time; have special shapes:

Combined with particles let, yes

Examples I wrote, I write, I will write; wrote - I will write I would sing if I had a voice Say (those) Read (those) "Let's go!" -

Danko May there always be sunshine

2. familiarization with the theoretical material of the textbook (p. 72–73)

V. Generalization, systematization and control of knowledge and skills

1. Complicated cheating

Bush..t the sea. Rapidly rushing (t, t) clouds. In their gaps peeping ..t the moon. moonlight penetrating ..t air filled with moisture. The water glitters and shimmers (t, t) with silver on the riverside stones. And it’s as if the mysterious (n, nn) ​​silhouettes of rocks emerge from the dark depths of the sea.

(I. K. Aivazovsky)

1) Read the text, name the verbs in it.

2) Indicate the types of orthograms in place of gaps and brackets.

3) Orally convey the content of the text, using verbs whenever possible.

4) Determine the conjugation of verbs, find the verbs of the indicative mood.

2. work with the exercises of the textbook

Exercise 182 (oral), exercises 184, 186 (written).

VI. Reflection. Summing up the lesson

Is the inclination a constant feature of the verb?

In what moods can it be used? Give examples.

What did you learn about indicative verbs?

VII. Homework

1. Learn the theoretical material of the textbook on the topic of the lesson.

2. Run 185 (in writing).

Open lesson in Russian

in 6th grade

Topic “Inclinations of verbs. Indicative"

What shouldknow - about the moods of the verb, about the change of the verbs of the indicative mood.

What should you know - to distinguish moods of verbs.


    Organizational moment.

    Identification and assimilation of students' knowledge.

    front poll.

What big topic are we studying?

What do we know about the verb?

What do we know about verb conjugation?

What is interesting about conjugated verbs? Name them.

(want, run, eat, give)

What do we know about transitive and intransitive verbs?

    Let's consolidate what we know about verbs.

BOARD! a) 2 students on the board write down transitive and intransitive verbs in the appropriate columns. (check homework).

Card number 1 is attached.

b) 1 student writes on the board on the card the aspect pairs for the following verbs:

Deputy and R a t - deputy e tret

To a with a tsya - to about sleep

Otp and R a t - otp e tret

Dist and l a t - distance e pour

Zat and R a t - zat e tret

What is the difference between verbs in aspect pairs?

(vowel at the root of the word)

And what is that vowel?


Identify the roots and explain the choice of vowel in them.

c) Checking working on transitive and intransitive verbs. BOARD!

How to prove that the first column contains transitive verbs?

(can be combined with nouns, pronouns, numerals in the accusative case without a preposition)

Form phrases with them.

    Incorrect use of verb forms can lead to the appearance of speech errors. This happened to the author of a short story about the Cat and the Dog. They will not find their way home from the forest until we correct the mistakes.

Card number 2 (attached to the lesson summary)

I read the text.

Let's do it ourselves in notebooks.

Reading the text after correction.


    New material.

Let's listen to the poems of the poetess Lyudmila Tatyanicheva.

He is energetic, versatile,

He is used to acting.

He needs - that's where the salt is!

(special weight, sharpness)

I tell him: speak!

Verb - noun

The verb is the verb!

It means speak.

To verb - to speak (obsolete).

Can you name a proverb, where is this word?

(Through the mouth of a baby he saystrue ). Synonym for truth.

    Our guests are far from babies, but the truth will now “speak” through their lips, especially since they are subjects of His Majesty The verb is his inclinations.

But we do not have an auditorium, but a scientific audience, so you have to listen to your subjects and draw conclusions about what the verbs of 3 moods in our language mean.


Imperative, indicative, conditional.

    Thank you messengers. And now let's try to put their intricate speeches on a scientific basis.

A) Verbs of what mood denote an action that happened, will happen or is happening? (indicative)

B) What mood indicates an action that can be performed under a certain condition? (conditional)

C) What mood verbs express an impulse to action? (imperative)

    THE TEXTBOOK will help us get to know the indicative moods better.

Page 175, par. 82 textbooks.

    Let's write down the phrases, determine the forms of the verb according to the model.

Pada no (I ref, exv. Inc., present Time, 3 years old, unit number)

Slowly; creeps on the ground; take out the sled; remember the walk.

Once again we saw that verbs in the indicative mood change in time.

    Ex. 458 with a teacher.

    Ex. 459 on my own.



Composition-miniature "Snowstorm February". Specify the tense of the verbs.

Topic: Inclination of the verb. Indicative

Goals: give an idea of ​​the category of mood of the verb, of the three moods of the verb; show the features of the indicative mood; develop spelling skills.

Planned results: knowledge of the concept of verb mood and grammatical features of verbs in the indicative mood; the ability to recognize verbs in the indicative mood to explain linguistic phenomena; development of motivation for analytical activities.

Subject: Learn to determine the mood of the verb, construct syntactic units with verbs of the indicative mood


To: use adequate language means to display in the form of speech statements in order to plan, control and self-evaluate actions

R: design a route to overcome learning difficulties through inclusion in new activities and forms of cooperation

P: explain linguistic phenomena, processes, connections and relationships revealed during the study of the mood of the verb

Personal: formation of sustainable motivation to study and consolidate the new.

Equipment: textbook, presentation

Lesson type: lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge

During the classes

1. Organizational moment(Checking readiness for the lesson)

The bell has already rung
The lesson starts.
Attention! Check it out buddy
Are you ready to start the lesson.
Is everything in place, is everything in order?
Books, pen and notebooks?

Have you checked? Sit down!

2.Checking homework

(Ex. 536)

3.Updating knowledge

Make a syntactic analysis of the sentence. Explain spelling. Indicate the grammatical features of the verb, the categories of pronouns. Explain the ironic meaning of the proverb.

If you don't praise yourself, no one will.

4.Self-determination to activity

-Read the sentences.

I would like to eat something delicious.

Go get some bread.

I ate ice cream

Petya is reading an interesting book.

Today we will go to the circus.

Try to explain what is the difference between these sentences. (The first sentence expresses a wish, the second - a request, the third, fourth and fifth - a real action.)

And what indicates this? (The form of verbs.) The verb has another category, which has an interesting name - mood. Mood is a grammatical category denoting the relation of action to reality.

In what form are verbs used that indicate the reality of the action? (In past, present and future tenses.)

What are the objectives for today's lesson? (To get acquainted with the features of the indicative mood of verbs, learn to recognize such verbs and determine their morphological features.)

5. The stage of explaining the new material.

Work on the topic of the lesson

Reading theoretical material and rules (p. 114).

Ex. 538 - collective execution on the board and in notebooks.

6. Physical education minute.

7. Consolidation of the studied material

Textbook work

1. Control 538.539

2. Work according to the textbook

(Ex. 541 - expressive reading of the text, discussion, writing assignments.)

3. Vocabulary work

8. Summing up the lesson

What actions do verbs in the indicative mood indicate?

9. Homework:§ 91, ex. 540, 542 (draw up an outline).