What is the power of man. What is the inner strength of a person? Three Principles for Developing a Strong Personality

It's easy enough to imagine a strong person. Powerful physique, large muscles, confident look. But do these signs always prove true strength? And what is this inner strength that one hears about so often? Does it match the imposing appearance? Can a physically less developed person be stronger than his superior opponent? In what cases is the inner strength of a person manifested? Is it possible to develop it, or is it an innate quality that is inherited? Let's try to understand this issue.

What is inner strength?

Inner strength is the strength of the spirit, a set of strong-willed qualities that make it possible to overcome various life difficulties. Accordingly, it manifests itself in stressful cases, when a person, feeling that he cannot control the situation, still continues to act “in character”.

This quality literally endows people with superhuman abilities, allowing them to pass where even two-meter bouncers will break. Inner strength does not depend on age, gender or other parameters of a person.

It can manifest itself in anyone, the main thing is not to suppress it. The main factors that suppress the development of inner strength can be considered bad habits, complexes, negative attitude, stress, fears, resentment, worries and fatigue.

How does inner strength come about?

The inner strength of a person does not depend on his external power, but does not exclude it either. After all, for any power, there is always a greater power. And in the event of a collision with it, it is precisely the inner strength that manifests itself.

Of course, it is easier to defeat a weaker opponent. But we all know examples when a small but “spiritual” person emerges victorious from a skirmish with someone who is clearly superior in size. Why is this happening? Apparently he is more confident in himself and this confidence is transferred to the enemy, literally disarming him. According to the principle of the textbook Moska, which strikes terror into all local elephants.

There are five main components that make up the inner strength of a person:

  • The strength of the spirit is the core of the personality;
  • Life energy is all that is necessary for life;
  • Willpower is an internal reserve that opens up during times of difficulty;
  • Self-control - the ability to control your body and thoughts;
  • Psychic energy - emotional and mental stability.

Their interaction determines how strong a person will be in a given situation, therefore it is very important to pay attention to the development of each of these components.

Strength of mind- the ability to take responsibility for your life on yourself. It determines the determination of a person, his character and assertiveness. It develops both through physical self-development and spiritual self-improvement.

Vital energy implies the necessary resources for activity. All processes occurring in the body require energy. It is replenished by the nutrients we consume. After all, we are what we eat.

Strength of will- the ability to move towards the intended goal, despite all the obstacles and difficulties. It is strengthened in the fight against its weaknesses, fears and stereotypes. Daily work on yourself is the best hardening of your strong-willed qualities.

self control allows you to not lose control in any situation. Inner strength is based on inner calmness and composure. It is necessary to develop the ability of self-control by leaving the zone of your inner comfort. After all, this quality manifests itself only in unusual situations.

Psychic Energy- the emotional stability of a person, his ability to control his psyche, especially its darkest corners. Strengthening the mind is no less important than exercises to develop strength, endurance or agility.

Secrets of Inner Strength

Like any other human quality, inner strength can be trained and developed. Its nature and causes of manifestation should be understood. The simple rules for tempering character are given below:

  • Do not avoid difficulties, but boldly face them;
  • Learn to control your emotions;
  • Overcome fear and not panic;
  • Tune in a positive way, be an optimist;
  • Believe in your "second wind";
  • Learn to make strong-willed decisions;
  • Fight laziness in all its manifestations;
  • Avoid communication with "energy vampires" and manipulators;
  • Do not take "to heart" stress factors;
  • Pay attention to proper rest and recuperation.

If you strictly follow these rules, then the internal reserves of the body will always be in combat readiness, thereby increasing the ability of a person to endure difficulties and failures.

The bulk of the points does not need explanation, we argue only the question of "second wind" and "energy vampires".

The fact is that the capabilities of the human body and mind have not yet been fully explored. Therefore, being in a difficult situation, a person is able to demonstrate skills that even Olympic champions in various sports will envy. The inner strength manifests itself approximately at the stage when the “first wind” closes and the “second wind” is about to open.

What does this mean? The internal reserves of the body, which are included when all the usual arguments have been exhausted. Their nature is not fully understood, but the fact of existence is obvious. That is why it is important to know that the “second wind” is inherent in every person and in case of certain conditions it will definitely come to the rescue.

There is also no unequivocal scientific point of view regarding "energy vampires", which, however, does not prevent such people from doing their "dark" deeds. In fact, it’s just that the energy of certain people doesn’t mix well, which causes some discomfort.

In addition, there are individuals who like to provoke negativity in others, as if fueled by their emotional energy. It is difficult to judge how true or fiction it is, but if there is a person in the environment with whom it is unpleasant to communicate or even be in the same territory, then it is better not to do this. The inner voice rarely deceives and its advice should be heeded.

As mentioned earlier, an important component of a person's inner strength is a positive attitude and thinking. Psychologists recommend clearly presenting yourself as a winner.

For example, imagine yourself with a goblet in your hand, standing on a pedestal. You should remember the sensations that appear at such a moment, and remind yourself of them in situations where your hands begin to fall. The fact is that everything in the body is interconnected. We smile in response to the production of "hormones of happiness" in the blood.

What prevents the process from starting in the opposite direction. And if someone tries even by an effort of will to “pull” a smile on his face and keep it for a while, the body may in response begin to produce the same hormones, raising the mood. Similarly, the euphoria of success. If you remember these feelings, you can take a break from difficulties for a while and mobilize your internal reserves.

The inner strength of a person cannot be measured or analyzed. It arises as a result of the action of stress factors and subsides during periods of stability and comfort. There is inner strength in each of us, it's just that someone has it better developed. You can develop this quality in yourself through training and self-development. The main thing is to always believe in yourself and your strengths, and also not to forget that a person is capable of much if he wants to.

What is the inner strength of a person? “Willpower” immediately comes to mind, but willpower is not the only inner strength that each person develops in himself. Inner strength is a kind of human resource given to him by nature. There are many variations of these resources: willpower - spirit - thought - mind - emotions. Also, human resources include self-control, self-development, the ability to influence other people.

Each inner strength implies certain qualities of a person, over which he worked and developed for a long time. However, if the qualities are different, then they feed on the same source - energy, the very positive energy that is in every person, and which energy vampires love to “select” so much. The more internal forces a person has, the more expressive he is. looks like a person against the background of his fellows.

Everyone can become an expressive person with a good list of developed internal forces, because there are those forces that are inherent in everyone, but not everyone wants to develop them. Finding the courage in yourself and making you do what is difficult is also one of the internal resources that is referred to as willpower. From childhood, they try to instill in the child the desire to develop themselves, to control, to monitor their actions, to refuse desires at the moment when they need to complete a more important task than satisfying their personal needs for pleasure.

How to become successful

Having grown up, the children themselves want to express themselves in the crowd as brightly as possible, and here the first desire arises to develop any inner strength in themselves to the maximum. Those who manage to raise themselves in their own eyes, grow up in the eyes of others. Over time, these individuals occupy an authoritative position in society, they are equal, they are envied. Having become successful, these people are able to overcome any obstacles. that arise along their life path.

What do you need to work on to be successful? and what to pay attention to your children so that they also grow up successful? Strength of mind refers to the ability of a person to take responsibility for their actions. Willpower - this resource affects the ability to achieve a goal. Self-control is the control of your emotions. Self-development is the ability to force oneself to develop throughout their conscious life, these people are always not enough of the knowledge that they already have. A person who has set foot on the path of self-development seeks to receive new information from the most reliable sources and does not stop at the achieved result.

The internal forces of a person can be spent uselessly, when this happens, the personality begins to disappear, instead of it, an “internal emptiness”, facelessness, lethargy will appear. Useless waste of internal forces occurs then When a person chats a lot with different people about the same situation, he violently shows emotions that are inappropriate at the time of their manifestation. Internal clamps (mental attitudes that block the subconscious), dialogues with oneself are also options for the useless waste of internal resources. Be that as it may, nature gives internal forces to a person not for useless waste, but for the opportunity to survive, break through among his fellow tribesmen, grow “spiritually” and benefit the whole society with this growth.

If you want to become stronger psychologically, read:

  1. Amy Cuddy Presence of mind. How to direct the forces of your personality to achieve success”
  2. Eric Bertrand Larssen “Without self-pity. Push your limits”
  3. Yvonne Rubin self-confidence. Simple practices for gaining inner strength and firmness”
  4. Joe Rubino Code of Success. 29 principles for achieving success, wealth, gaining charisma and inner strength”
  5. Thomas Chamorro-Premusik “Self-confidence. How to increase self-esteem, overcome fears and doubts”
  6. Mikhail Kopytov, Sergey Gudkov “Self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis. How to inspire yourself with health, confidence and success”
  7. Craig English, James Rapson “Praise me. How to stop depending on the opinions of others and gain self-confidence”

Looking forward to your evaluation

We remember the upbringing of a strong personality only when we notice that we ourselves did not turn out to be a strong personality. Nevertheless, we are full of hope: maybe it will still work out? Or maybe it will turn out from our children? For there are numerous examples of strong personalities before our eyes - so what prevents us and our children from becoming like them? Are there secrets of human spiritual power? And what is this spiritual power?

Strength is the result of effort

Strength is not the first thing that is given to us, as a quality of character or a property of the body, it is a consequence or result of our work, our own efforts. Only thanks to the correct actions of either ourselves or our parents in childhood, we receive at our disposal, as a gift from above, spiritual strength. A strong personality arises from 1) proper upbringing in childhood, 2) efforts that we consciously make in adulthood. This is a common misconception when it is believed that a person can be strong by nature, and since you initially do not have this strength, it means that this is not given to you at all and it is useless to strive to become strong. And there is another misconception, which is that you can allegedly convince yourself that you are strong - such self-hypnosis, of course, does not give anything either. On the contrary, it is even better to think that you are the weakest of all and cannot master something that your friends can easily, for example, learn a foreign language. Then the efforts of a person, aimed at taking this easy level and becoming like everyone else, really help him gain spiritual strength. Thus, spiritual strength is the result of a large number of small victories over oneself and one's weakness.

Raising a strong personality from childhood

The first thing that can be done is to help a person become strong in childhood. Very few parents really want this, and if their children grow up strong, it is most often not because of the upbringing received, but in spite of it. It’s just that they really don’t want to be equal to their parents, and this resistance, if they don’t break you, sometimes helps to develop their own strength.

What needs to be done so that children grow up strong?

Few people ask this question, usually parents, on the contrary, want to make life easier for their child. They prepare him in advance for some position or profession that will allow him to take a place without much difficulty, adapting to life from an early age. For example, they teach him music so that he learns to play the guitar, or the violin, or the cello - and thus, he would always be in demand as a musician who knows how to earn money with his skill. Or they try to teach him any other profession: computer programming, construction, modeling, etc. This is all good, but such a preparation prescribed by parents for any science or professional field, sometimes makes a young person not only stronger, but, on the contrary, weaker. Most of these children grow up completely unadapted, because their parents forgot about the spirit at one time.

Why is it so important to strengthen the free spirit in a child?

Because it is important for a young spirit not to find itself, but to try. Try yourself in mathematics, try yourself in literature, try yourself in painting, etc. What gives strength to a person is not the fact that you liked doing something, but the fact that you try and feel the feedback received from the world in the form of your achievement. For example, I tried my hand at blacksmithing, and forged a product that you are proud of and admire. Or you tried your hand at embroidery, and you feel joy at one glance at the pattern you embroidered. Or you tried yourself in running a hundred meters, and you rejoice at the first place taken. We need to get as much joy as possible from all these attempts and trials! You are free to choose, and the more sciences, crafts, professions and games you try, the better for you, and the more independent and stronger you will be later in adulthood.

Waldorf education.

It gives the opportunity to the younger person to try himself in a variety of activities and arts. He gets not only an idea about the subject, for example, about philosophy, that there were such and such philosophers who comprehended the truth, but he also gets an experience of what it means to be a philosopher. He receives a wide variety of experiences from school: how to invent, how to travel, how to build, how to cook, how to look after, how to fight, how to compose music, fairy tales, poems, etc. - that is, he gains experience in every vital business. It is not important that he learned something well or comprehended (ate a dog on something), but that he went through it. And in later life he will continue to go through new professions, up to 25 - 30 years.

Until the age of 28, a person is allotted for professional experiences: he must experience different areas of life, different life roles, as well as ups and downs, successes and failures, the ability or inability to work together with other people, he must maximize his entrepreneurial horizons in various kinds of affairs. Tried one thing - got the result. Tried something else - got another result. Life begins with the fact that you continue what you started at school, but in a more practical way and now without a teacher: you try the work yourself and draw your own conclusions. This time of conclusion gives a person the necessary vitality, provides a variety of experiences, as well as employees and friends with whom you will work in the future, when in the 40th or 50th year you really find your favorite thing. That's how far Waldorf pedagogy looks!

Self-education in adulthood

A strong personality does not arise just like that, but only as a result of the fact that in childhood or adolescence the appropriate sprouts were laid. Whether it was brought up on negative or positive examples does not really matter, but what is important is that life wisdom or maturity that begins to manifest in you and requires that one of the sprouts planted in childhood develop into a powerful tree. This can happen at 40, and at 50, and even at 70, and only then will a strong personality be able to fully realize itself. If something hasn’t worked out for her for decades, then it even has a positive value, because the previously experienced weakness, inability to find oneself, temporary defeat, all kinds of difficulties and illnesses are then the reason why a strong personality begins to manifest itself.

Three Principles for Developing a Strong Personality

Man, as the spiritual science of anthroposophy teaches us, consists of three systems: 1) the head system or nervous system, 2) the respiratory and circulatory system (the so-called rhythmic system), and 3) the system of limbs and metabolism. In a word, there is an upper, middle and lower man. An organism is strong and integral only when all these three systems - the head, chest and limbs - are equally well developed, and this three-part principle operates not only in the body, but also in society. Social life is just as tripartite as organic life. And a strong personality will grow into society in three directions at once: 1) into the spiritual world, 2) into his immediate environment (family) and 3) into his distant environment, that is, into the outside world. Here is how you can formulate these 3 principles of successful development of a strong personality, starting from the far:

  1. If you want a lot of money, learn to create an outgoing flow from yourself into the outer human world.

  2. If you want a lot of health and strength, learn to receive energy from your inner circle.

  3. If you want to develop a great desire, will, learn to create an outgoing flow into the spiritual world.

A strong person radiates light in two directions: to the rest of humanity and to the spiritual world. And he takes the power to shine from his immediate environment, for example, a man from a woman, and a woman from a man. Weak people do the opposite - they eat what they get from the distant environment and from the spiritual world, and they want to feed their immediate environment, relatives and family with this. Everything they have earned and learned in the outside world, they carry into their home. But the truth is that a strong person finds the strength in himself to turn these flows in the opposite direction. This is at first as difficult as making the river turn back, and not just one river, but three at once. If earlier two weak streams flowed into you and one flowed out, now you make it so that the first two flow out of you into the outer world (human and spiritual), and the third flows in from your immediate environment, from what you are doing. Doing your favorite thing, you kind of open a source in yourself, and this inner source is so strong that it turns the flowing streams into two powerful streams. Here are the three pillars on which the world of a strong personality rests - we will analyze them separately:

Outflow to the outer human world

It is important not to rely on help from the outside world, but to give it from your source. Insects flock to the candle flame because the candle is burning. It does not matter how it is arranged, whether it is made of wax or paraffin, on which expensive candlestick it stands, etc., but the power of light that this source radiates to the outside world matters. People see this light and they are attracted to it. It can be employees, customers, and visitors, and thus our outgoing flow creates, in turn, an incoming flow, which brings more money to the enterprise, the stronger the first outgoing flow. It is important to focus on what comes from you outside, and not shine inside. Internal reorganization, all sorts of improvements and changes within the enterprise, if the goal is to make it big and strong, do not give as much as an increase in the outgoing flow. At present, there are no closed communities at all that would be rich on their own. In the modern world, if you want to have money, you need to shine. The stronger the outgoing light, the greater the profit will be. The bottom line is that you must first give to the outside world - your favor, your wisdom, your expertise - in order to get something material in return.

Energetic interaction with neighbor

The relationship between a man and a woman in a family is the topic to which we will devote more than one article. Here is the very root of the development of a strong personality. A man will then be strong when he gets a lot from a woman, and vice versa; it is not about sex, but about conscious spiritual work in relation to each other. A strong man and a strong woman come together to enter into a state of development, and then the power invested in their relationship reaches a colossal amount. This can be called either a perpetual motion machine, or the secret magic of the male and female principles. But we will not talk about this here, and if you have a question, then please ask it through on our website. Any of your questions will be very relevant, and we will try to answer it as soon as possible in one of the following articles. Paradoxically, speaking about the relationship between a husband and wife, people very rarely ask how these relationships can be brought into states of development so that both he and she receive an abundance of energy necessary for a healthy life of the soul.

Outflow to the spirit world

This is a fundamental point, without which no leader, no society can achieve great goals. You simply do not want to put them on, and if you do, you will constantly postpone the implementation until later, because your personality does not have enough will (or desire) to take them on. The desire must be passionate and strong, so that nothing can stop you - and in order to develop such a desire, you need to do spiritual work, shine into the spiritual world, support your spiritual guides. This is very important, and we will also talk about this in subsequent articles, because there are so many forms of spiritual work - in particular, reading in a group of lectures by Rudolf Steiner - but it should be work, not prayers and not the expectation that the spiritual the world will help us. In the same way as in the case of the outgoing flow to the outer world, we ourselves must create the outgoing flow so that the spiritual world becomes interested in us and enters into our will. The stronger this flow outgoing into the spiritual world, the stronger will be - and this is perhaps the most important thing on which the spiritual strength of the individual is based.

Here is a brief summary of what spiritual science tells about the development of a strong personality, and this topic will be continued in the next publications on the website of the Waldorf school.

As soon as I first started studying psychology, I realized how strong we humans are internally, but as a rule we don’t realize it. I realized that a truly enormous power is hidden in a person, this is the power of his spirit. However, since childhood, they have been trying to suppress this strength of ours. It is understandable, because a depressed, morally weak person is very easy to manage. The human psyche is arranged in such a way that he initially feels his superiority over others. The behavior of children is a direct confirmation of this. The child's psyche is sharpened to suppression, it is the same as in animals who are trying to get around their brothers and sisters in the struggle for mother's milk.

We do not know who we are and why we are here, we can only guess about it. But we see that for our survival in this world, we have the most necessary qualities for this. But in the social environment, humility, humility, fear are laid in us for generations, so that it is deposited at the genetic level. Thus, our inner strength is suppressed for many generations. The word “no” is just for such people with a depressed psyche. Ancient rituals, shamanic rites, all of them were aimed at training the psyche. The North American Indians were finally exterminated only when all the shamans were destroyed. It was the shamans who made the warriors invincible, they pumped up their psyche so much that they were not afraid of anything, and if a person is not afraid of anything, it is impossible to defeat him.

In sports, in business, in any kind of activity, a strong character and fortitude are needed everywhere. This is all, the mental state of a person, which can be trained or suppressed. Manipulation is the skillful application of the knowledge of psychology for personal gain. And although I have repeatedly convinced myself that it is possible to manipulate all people, regardless of their mental state, people with a weak psyche are still subject to this to a much greater extent. You can pick up the key to any person, but a weak person is just an open door. But a person with a pumped psyche is an insurmountable wall. Character must be tempered, the psyche must be trained.

Of course, there are people who are all right with this, they are not depressed people, adapted to life. They are like uncut stone, nothing is impossible for them. Everything in this life is trainable, and the psyche is no exception. If you were humiliated, suppressed, oppressed in childhood, it does not matter, believe me. You can become a strong person, you can change and move away from your past, if you just stop putting up with your weakness and start working on yourself. You can do it yourself or with the help of a good specialist.

It is not only his protection, but also a way to find happiness, joy, the meaning of life.

Why does one always manage to carry out his plans, while the other has many obstacles? Someone finds a lot of reasons to abandon their plans, someone starts to act, and then quits, finding many excuses. But there are also people who, having conceived something, bring it to the end.

Human strength is an important condition for the successful implementation and completion of the intended goals. If it is present, any undertakings will become successful, otherwise there will always be some obstacles.

The lack of vitality is reflected in the quality of our life, and neither water nor food can make up for it. The vital forces of a person, which is the totality of the nervous and, contribute to our harmonious development and existence.

What powers does a person need?

Physical strength is very important for any undertakings. A healthy working person can do a lot.

How to develop physical strength

This will help with any kind of sport. The main thing is that the loads are regular. In addition, you need proper nutrition.

It has been proven that the power of faith can have a specific physiological effect on a person. For example, when tablets that do not contain any active substances work better than real drugs due to a person's confidence in their healing properties. The mind, waiting for healing, initiates physiological processes that help restore health.

What are our thoughts capable of?

According to many modern researchers, human thought is a material phenomenon - energy. It has been proven that at the moment of strong emotions, the thoughts that come into our heads throw vibrations into the surrounding space, which can affect the course of events. That is, with a strong desire, there is a chance that the plan will come true. And for a greater effect, you need to learn how to use the power of thought, visualizing what you want.

How does the power of thought work?

Thoughts that are constantly present in a person’s head become his beliefs, which, forming internal images in our brain, thereby materialize the objects of dreams.

Thought can bring not only benefit, but also harm. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to control your thoughts and not wish harm to others. The power of a person's thought, having punished the offender, can return to the owner with the opposite effect.

We can attract more than just good things. For example, as soon as thoughts of self-doubt arise, and this immediately undermines our faith in our strength, we step back. Unfortunately, a person is more inclined to believe negative thoughts. Therefore, you should not get hung up on them, it can move us away from the intended goal.

Where are our powers going?

Unfortunately, we waste a lot of vitality. The strength of a person, his energy is spent on outbreaks of both negative and depression, self-flagellation, criticism of both others and himself.

No less energy is spent on unnecessary chatter. No wonder we feel devastated after heated arguments. In addition, endless internal dialogues are a waste of energy.

Motor energy is hindered by muscle clamps that arise from a sedentary lifestyle, heavy loads. Removing bodily clamps, we influence the psyche, harmonizing it.

How can you replenish lost strength?

The most effective remedy is a full sleep, as well as various types of massage and thermal procedures. This cleanses internally and externally: toxins are removed, fatigue is relieved, a boost of energy appears.

In addition to rest for the body, rest is also necessary for the soul, which will bring peace and harmony. This is facilitated by music, dancing, walking, art. Traveling and new experiences are very useful. It is important to remember what brings you pleasure and makes you happy, and turn to it more often. A person who lives to the fullest, does something that requires knowledge and skill, feels joy.

In addition, it is necessary to try to identify the sources of fatigue and realize your own level of satisfaction with life. Most often, the lack of internal strength causes mental tension and resistance.

To gain strength, you need to make an effort and spend a lot of time. Do not think that this will happen immediately, you need to work on yourself all your life.