Head teacher's speech at the last call. Solemn speech for the teacher at the graduation, presentation of certificates and the last call

Today I realized for the first time: it will be sad to leave. Just sad, without metaphors and unnecessary comparisons.

Eleventh grade. It's time to look back and remember the most pleasant, kind moments of our lives. Now you take from the school everything that it gives, and do not wait for the lesson to end, when you can close the classroom door behind you, rush at full speed along the corridor, run down the stairs, jump like a grasshopper: “Home, home! ". Don't want to now!

Eleventh grade is fun to learn. joke more often, laugh
louder, fight less. At the lessons there is no time for studying, because I like to look around at my maturing classmates, sigh: "What ...". Remember who was in love with whom, who liked whom. Who is funny, who is touchy, who is eccentric, who will always help, and who will postpone.

I see how you have matured during this time. For me, you are children who have become cramped within the walls of their home, you leave it and begin your independent journey into life.

For me, you are not just students, but relatives and friends. We learned to live, work and play in a team, and I hope that the experience we gained together will help you in your adult life.

You have a huge potential, you have proved it more than once at various school events. In each of you there is that special creative inexhaustible spirit, from which you sometimes get tired, but at the same time, it always charged me to life. This is exactly what every teacher dreams of. I wanted to create, surprise with you (by the way, you always surprised: at extracurricular events with non-standard and creative numbers, at the olympiads with excellent results, you became laureates and prize-winners of various competitions, conducted interesting lessons for younger students, printed your work in magazines and newspapers) . For the past few years, I have lived your life with you. I have always remembered you. It so happened that I was not with you at the visiting school. But I knew everything, very carefully I could only find out about pranks by telephone conversation, I rejoiced at the successes.

The class has always been dominated by interest in performances. Rather, we liked not the performances themselves, but the preparations for them. Everyone liked the New Year's fairy tale, where you showed your acting skills. After all, only we know with what enthusiasm we prepared it. Undoubtedly, director Olga Alekseevna gave you a great school of acting stage skills. You approached the celebration of the anniversary of the Lyceum with full responsibility, presenting

Builder's Page. Behind all this is painstaking work, weeks of rehearsals. I saw with what interest and dedication you did it. After all, the scripts were written by everyone together and each separately. With Nadezhda Ivanovna, we admired you, watching you dance at a real ball in a noble estate (though Nadezhda Ivanovna was then more fascinated by her boys). Then we also could not imagine that we would be so friendly with gallant gentlemen. Really, girls? I will not hide the fact that friendship with previous graduates gave us its results. Remember, joint trips to theaters, museums, the event “What? Where? When?". We will not hide, it has always been a pleasure for us to observe your creative union. And it seemed to each class teacher that it was his children who were better. You have always needed a special approach. If it was found, then your dedication was high. In the lessons, I always tried to make you feel the reality of someone else's suffering, taught you to feel it. Pity, cherish, help, provide active assistance, not be a passive, detached observer. I saw the response in your eyes. With special awe, pain and pride, I watched your performance at the annual city event "Festival of History Connoisseurs". Your support during the competition "Teacher of the Year" is also worth a lot. You supported me, I saw excitement and love in your eyes.

Dear parents, from the bottom of my heart I am grateful to you for the mutual understanding and help that you have given me in raising children. We were one team that fought for the minds and hearts of our troubled children. Be happy and healthy. May your children never upset you. May there be more joy and kindness in your families.

My dear children, I hope that you will persevere towards your intended goal, that mercy, diligence and luck will be companions in life. I wish you to correctly find your path in life, so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years. Be happy and loved. Remember that for a teacher, the greatest reward is a good reputation for his students. Overcome with dignity the difficulties and do good on your way.

Your awesome mom

Dear friends!

Dear graduates and your parents, and, of course, teachers!

Each school release leaves very special memories of itself. Therefore, on the eve of graduation, let me, first of all, congratulate those who did their best not only to give their students the necessary knowledge in the subjects of the curriculum, but also to help them navigate the stream of rapidly changing reality, to teach not only to know, but to reason, to think think, make fair decisions and be responsible for them.

Of course, we are talking about the director of the school, the teaching staff and especially the class teachers! I am sure that today you are experiencing mixed feelings of joy, perhaps pride, but also a little sadness. Indeed, over the years spent within the walls of your own educational institution, passing on experience and knowledge to your students, not only have you become real mentors for them, but they have inevitably left a mark in your heart.

Thank you for your kindness and professionalism! With all my heart I wish you to see in the future the success of those who, after graduation, will go on an independent voyage. After all, there is no greater reward for a teacher than the triumph of a student!

Graduation is also a very important date and a kind of milestone for parents. Congratulations on your children's matriculation and the beginning of adulthood, which from now on they will build more independently. I am sure that you will always help them by giving them a shoulder, by which, first of all, I mean timely advice and the most important happiness in a person's life - the possibility of free choice and unlimited pursuit of your dream!

I address these words to you, the main heroes of the occasion, dear graduates!

Be worthy of your teachers and parents, be even better than them if you succeed. Try, look for yourself, concentrate on the main thing, reject the secondary, have ambition and ambition, be flexible, but never break down and always stand your ground if it is really valuable for you.

Remember, now only you are responsible for shaping your tomorrow. And out of your millions of “tomorrows”, not only your own life will be formed, but also the life of our city, our country, and, perhaps, even the whole world.

I congratulate you on the day of farewell to the school! And I invite you to take the first step on the path you choose. Let it be the choice that you can be proud of. And of course, great luck to you, dear friends.

Happy holiday!


Moscow City Duma Pavel Poselenov

Graduation speech.

Graduation from school is the most important thing in a young person's life. This is a farewell to childhood, to friends, to teachers. This is a summing up of what constituted the meaning of life for a whole ten years. And so the question always arises of what to say to boys and girls at the prom. We understand that what has been said should become a lesson in morality, kindness, and gratitude, but, as always, there is not enough time to prepare a speech.
I will be very glad if my speeches during the years of work as a director will help you.

Dear graduates! (one).
So the school years, the unforgettable days of childhood, adolescence, and early youth were left behind. And today bright pages of fulfillment of desires, accomplishment of events will be inscribed in the book of your life: summing up the results of 10 years of study, 10 years of your own development, personal improvement, obtaining a state document on education - a certificate of complete secondary education and the long-awaited finale to everything - Prom all night.
From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you all and everyone on a wonderful holiday. (Applause). How beautiful and elegant you are today, how your soul sings, everything around blooms under the magic of your charm. Your parents and teachers admire you, we all rejoice for you together and wish you happiness, a lot of happiness. (Applause). Your youth passes through a many-sided, difficult time for our country, it is not so easy to find yourself in this time, and therefore we wish you to take the right, independent path, choose a university or a job that meets your needs, opportunities and interests.
We all dream of a worthy future for our Motherland, it is personally connected with each of you; dedicate your work to the Motherland, make your contribution to its prosperity. You all dream of a beautiful life, it is very fashionable now, but know that a beautiful life requires a lot of money, which is very difficult to earn honestly. Be afraid to lose your soul for the sake of such a beautiful life, as they say, to sell it to the devil, be merciful to the poor, old, disabled.
Know how to bring joy to people with your existence, do not upset your parents, love them, strengthen family traditions and your family; know how to find that one, only one, without which life is impossible, and it is only that one person chosen by you who is reported to be the father or mother of your children. Know how to create a good family, raise happy children. Remember your teachers, school, that reliable step from which you stepped into a great adult life. And may all our wishes come true! (Applause). And now we start the graduation ceremony.

Dear graduates! (2).
Dear teachers! Dear parents and guests!
The holiday in honor of the graduates of ... the year of the municipal educational institution, school No. ..., completion of training and obtaining a state certificate of secondary (complete) general education is declared open.
(Anthem plays.)
Dear boys and girls. We sincerely congratulate you on the wonderful and unique holiday of Youth, which is the last in a long story called "School Years". By tradition, it begins with words of gratitude to everyone who has invested their work, the energy of the heart and mind in each of you. Yes, dear teachers, a deep bow and a million scarlet roses at your feet. May the joy of today, love for students, faith that your work will not be in vain, hope for a good future for each graduate give you new strength, health and happiness!
10 years ago, together with my parents, figuratively speaking, we planted a garden, carefully cared for, worked, grafted, uprooted, and now we are admiring what a beautiful, wonderful garden we have grown. It blossomed with beautiful flowers of knowledge, purity. We sincerely congratulate you, dear parents, for your work and good results. Thank you for fulfilling your parental duty with honor and love.
Dear graduates!
We thank you for the fact that you studied with us, you are dear to us, you are already good because we were together on weekdays and school holidays, that there have never been, are not and never will be like you, you have always been full of strength and health, spontaneity, the sun was reflected in each of you. And we rejoiced at this together with you, our love woke up from your love for life, our heart softened from your charming smile and kind heart, you were always hardworking, interesting boys and girls, intellectually developed boys and girls. Next to you, our life was amazing and multifaceted. And God forbid that everyone you meet in your life could say this about you: university professors, friends, work colleagues and, most importantly, your family, loved one, your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. And so be it! (Followed by the graduation ceremony).

Dear graduates! (3).
That's all. Last exam passed.
The hour of parting is coming.
The sadness of farewell, the joy of waiting
In the feelings, thoughts of each of you.
The solemn meeting dedicated to the completion of studies at school No. ... and the receipt of certificates of education is declared open. (Hymn).
Dear graduates!
All teachers, students, parents congratulate you on your graduation and wish you, each and everyone, only happiness. Your graduation is significant, it will go down in the history of the school as a graduation per year (an event in the country, city is indicated). Your graduation is special, because each of you is a unique, unique personality, just like our Galaxy, our Russia is unique. And so we appeal to you, dear graduates, spare no effort for the prosperity of the Fatherland and your small Motherland - the city in which you live. We have made every effort so that you leave the school flourishing spiritually, morally, physically. And we hope that you have received a decent education and, first of all, for higher education. We hope that you will find your paths, but remember that any road begins with a path, the sea and ocean - with a stream, and fate begins with a parental and school home. Do not forget your teachers, show love and care to your parents, do and say only what elevates the soul.
Youth, take it with you on the road
The most cherished dream
For people care and concern,
Hearts of heat and thoughts of beauty.
May the star of luck that accompanies our school shine on you everywhere and in everything. Carry your life with honor on our beloved planet, live and protect the Russian land, the homeland on which you were born. And now we are moving on to the ceremony of presenting the state certificate of secondary complete general education.
This year, certificates are received by ... graduates. The gold medal "For success in learning" and a certificate of secondary complete general education with gold embossing are received by ... (full name of the graduate. A brief description of the achievements of the graduate is given. Similarly, graduates are invited to be awarded a silver medal. And then the presentation proceeds according to the generally accepted school of tradition.)

Dear graduates! (4).

(And then to everyone). Happy holiday to you, dear graduates, with a big significant date in your biography, with a wonderful event, with the end of your school years. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations from everyone present here today! (Applause). When a person graduates from school, he faces many problems. One of them is especially acute, because it is connected with the fact that the world of adult, independent life, into which he enters, is very complex. On the one hand, this world is full of fascinating things. And, on the other hand, it cannot but frighten, since the burden of independence and adulthood is not so easy: you must definitely stand on your own feet, choose a profession, determine your life goals, values ​​and principles. It is clear to everyone that this will require knowledge, long and serious reflections - all this you learned at school. We aimed to give you a competitive education. Together with you, we tried to comprehend the answers to eternal questions: Why do you live, what is your place in the world? What is the meaning of human life? These same questions will arise before you repeatedly and all subsequent years. This is how we are arranged: we must get to the bottom of the truth in everything, to the essence.
Today you will be given many instructions on how to live, how to become happy. Accept one more thing, it was written by A.S. Pushkin in the album of Pavlusha Vyazemsky:
My soul Paul
Stick to my rules
Love something, something
Don't do that.
Say it's clear.
Farewell, my beautiful.
In these cheerful lines, our love for you, edification - stick to the rules that you were given at school, love, do not do what is contrary to conscience, that do not accept the laws of adults, serious people and society. And if you want to harvest fruits in this garden of life, you must turn your whole life into unceasing exercises. And we, your teachers, releasing you into this wonderful, wonderful world, want to hug you with tenderness and love. And may you be all right!
Next comes the graduation ceremony.

Dear graduates! (5).

There is no preface to today's holiday, everything speaks for itself. Beautiful, well-dressed boys and girls, yesterday's schoolchildren are in the spotlight. And we all want to tell them the best and kindest words, parting words on the road. And the first word is the word of love. Yes, and how else? We have been inseparable for ten years. Before our eyes, you grew up physically, your appearance changed, developed mentally, comprehended the heights of the human spirit. But behind all this are everyday life, which is entirely woven from work, reading and thinking, preparing for lessons, doing tests, answering at the blackboard, etc. Every day, in joint work, you pushed the boundaries of your knowledge about the world, about nature, about man. The path of ascent to the heights of knowledge was more difficult, the sciences looked at you with shining, unconquered peaks, but in joint work with the teacher, difficulties receded. And I sincerely thank every teacher who has worked with you all the years, Low bow to you, dear teachers, favorite flowers at your feet. Thank you, big words of gratitude to the parents, with whom we have always found mutual understanding and support in your education and upbringing. Dear graduates, colleagues, parents. If I were to ask each of you now: “What would you most like in the life of our graduates?” - I would receive a lot of answers of the most diverse. But the essence of these answers is the same - "Be happy."
Today, many people believe that human happiness directly depends on material wealth, the more wealth, the more happiness. It seems like wealth, comfort guarantee happiness. Of course, material comforts can be a positive factor in our lives. But happiness is not in money. And empty people are happy! There is a phenomenon more weighty and fair - this is the meaning of life. Even happiness without meaning will soon begin to cause heartache, that is, it will not turn out to be happiness at all.
People show exceptional ingenuity in order to deceive their soul, slip it some kind of ersatz, a dummy instead of the meaning of life. To remember finding the meaning of life is not a consequence of literacy and intelligence, but a personal product of spiritual, moral development.
Therefore, we appeal to you, dear graduates, develop yourself, improve yourself until the end of your days. Art, music, theater, folk culture and traditions, highly moral spiritual literature should enter your life as a need. Otherwise, it may happen that the memory of them will be associated only with school years.
May this world, as old as eternity and forever young, reveal to you the beauty and meaning of human life. (Applause). And now we turn to the presentation of certificates of secondary (complete) general education.

Dear graduates! (6).
The unique sounds of the School Waltz announced to everyone about a significant event in the life of the school. For 17-year-old boys and girls, the main stage of growing up - school years - is over - ahead is the choice of a profession, the construction of an independent life. ... graduates, beautiful and smart, dear parents and teachers, came to school for the last time for their farewell ball, graduation party. The teaching staff wholeheartedly congratulates you on completing your studies at school and receiving a certificate of secondary full general education. We are happy for each of you and wish you, each and every one, a happy future life. (Applause).
Dear our graduates. Your youth is spent in critical, difficult times for our Motherland, when our country is thrown under the wheels of history. And more than ever, she needs you, young and inquisitive, able to spare no effort for the sake of lofty goals and ideals.
Youth is always beautiful. The future cannot be stirred with a shovel, there is enough strength for a hundred lives, the abundance of options is breathtaking and dizzy. And we can do everything. Of course, at times a feeling of one's own smallness, mediocrity, obscurity overtakes, but after all, fame and genius are within easy reach. And so we say, do not get confused and do not fantasize, reasonably assess your capabilities, but be sure to get a profession, and may the hand of unemployment and hopelessness never touch you. Today is the most convenient time to look back at the past years, remember the joyful and sad moments of your school life, good communication with peers, classmates, teachers and forgive all insults.
Starting today, your classes, as parts that have served their time, will be disbanded. And we tell you: be faithful to school friendship and in such difficult times help each other in life, know how to help.
Today you will be given many instructions, but remember: no one but you knows what you need for happiness. But all the instructions, all the values ​​that we received at school are necessary; they are milestones on the way; turn off them and you will find yourself in the position that the car is in a ditch.
If you stick to milestones along the way, then there are more guarantees not to make a mistake in life. A broken life cannot bring real happiness. Remember that the road to happiness is a freeway for those who know where the curb is. The driver is you. Happy journey, dear boys and girls.

Dear graduates! (7).
Dear Colleagues! Dear parents and guests!
The solemn sounds of the national anthem announced an important event in our country and our school. …school graduates have written another page in the annals of apprenticeship, in the history of the school. They have passed a difficult way, thorny, but joyful. For to know the world, to assert a personality in oneself is always interesting and exciting. The power of influence of these school years is great, the eternal attraction of childhood and early youth will forever remain with you, dear boys and girls. Here you dreamed unusually, here everything was done for the first time, there was the first call, the first of September, the first time, the first class, the first words that they learned to write: mother, world, work, the first discoveries of the secrets of nature, the universe, the meaning and beauty of human life.
Starting today, your classes are being disbanded and the magazines are being archived. Years will pass, and much that you will experience and see in life will be forgotten, and this day will forever remain in your memory and heart, as the most expensive and exciting. You are now young, full of strength, you have so much enthusiasm, so many bold darings that all mountains are within your reach. And so be it. Perhaps, in your beautiful impulses, you can find the keys to the happiness of our people and to your own happiness. May the sun of reason, kindness and justice, your deeds warm and delight you and the people around you, and work will always be a pleasure. Remember, as in Gorky: “When work is pleasure, life is good, when work is a duty, life is slavery.” From tomorrow you will enter the great community, which is called the majestic word "people", you will enter the number of honest and kind people. "Kind people!" - address the world, "Honest people!" - just as forests, lakes, fields, rivers - the earth are left to you, so are the riches of love and conscience left. Maintain a sense of belonging to the best kind of honest and decent people. We tried so hard to educate you, and you must stand on that.
And now we are moving on to the solemn act of presenting a certificate of graduation from school. A certificate is a state document certifying the civil maturity of a person, the level of his preparedness for life and work. Congratulations to all of you on this wonderful event in your life.

Dear our graduates! (eight).
Dear colleagues, parents, guests!
Today we have a common holiday, which will enter the biography of every family, every graduate of our school as an important historical date.
... graduates have completed the course of sciences, ahead of the choice of their fate. Behind the years of apprenticeship, and today, dear young men and women, you have come to school for the last time as the owners of this house, and tomorrow you will already be guests. Ten years ago, we, the teachers, planted a beautiful garden and worked according to all the rules of pedagogy and human rules, with love and hope. In our garden there was the most important tree - the tree of knowledge, its fruits are both bitter and sweet. That is why we say to you: “Everything will be in your life, but be able to distinguish the fruits of good from evil, we taught you this every day, and God forbid that you do not forget this science.
Remember that you came into this world to increase goodness, to fill it with truth, goodness and beauty. Do not forget that the world is not a playground, but a school where you study all your life. Your life is not a vacation, not an experimental laboratory, but learning. And the eternal lesson for all is the same - to learn to love better. Happy is he who knows how to learn, and not only from his own mistakes, but also from those of others. The main thing is not to get confused and not make demands on life. She teaches us every step of the way. Live consciously, think, because your actions and thoughts today are your destiny tomorrow. You yourself sow and reap. May the truths that you learned at school, our instructions and parting words follow with you everywhere in all your affairs at any time on all your life paths. Maybe they will help you take a different look at yourself and the world in which you will live, rethink your attitude and try to change yourself for the better. May joy and health, goodness and light, happiness and prosperity accompany you.
And now we are moving on to the presentation of certificates of secondary complete general education. (And then comes the graduation ceremony).

Dear graduates! (nine).
Dear Colleagues! Dear parents, guests!
The solemn meeting in honor of the graduation by graduates ... of the year of study at the MOU (name) and the receipt of a certificate of secondary (complete) general education is declared open. (Anthem plays.)
Dear boys and girls. Happy holiday to you, with a wonderful holiday of youth: today we close the page called "School Years" and open the last, joyful and cheerful "Graduation Ball".
By tradition, the last page begins with words of gratitude to all those who honestly and conscientiously worked. To you, students, who have increased the honor and glory of our school; you, dear teachers, who did not just work, but served education, children, they served you, our dear students; to you, dear parents, who helped us with their selfless love and care for children. The entire teaching staff, every teacher of our school is happy for each of you and is proud of you that you have reached this wonderful holiday. I congratulate you all and myself too. (Applause).
When evaluating any activity, they usually proceed from certain norms, ideals, and values. But is it possible to think that over the long years of studying at school, teachers and parents never made a single mistake, they absolutely fulfilled all the requirements that are made to ensure the growth and development of each of you? Of course not. And so let's forgive each other offenses, if any. Together with you, we sought to seek answers to the eternal questions of being and the destiny of man in our world. And thank you, dear students, that you came to study with us, that you trusted me to touch your personality, your secret of turning from a baby into an independent person. “But in every science, in every art, as in nature, there are fundamental prohibitions. It is impossible to build a perpetual motion machine, it is impossible to raise a person who is ideally kind in a world where there is so much evil, it is impossible to grow a person with a clear conscience in a world where there is so much injustice and it is impossible to raise kind, honest, sympathetic and sensitive people if you do not believe in the power of love and truth ". So, dear young men and women, know that we love you and will always love you, we believe in you and will believe, only you live with love and truth. And if it's hard for all of you to be perfect people, then at least you can be perfect people. And it's great, it's real. Strive to take the bar higher, try to fly higher, look farther. And then your life and our world will be better. Good luck, dear graduates!

Dear graduates! (ten).
Today you have the most extraordinary holiday, your soul and thoughts are on the rise of joy and a sense of happiness. And how could it be otherwise, behind the state exams, The last call and here is the result, like the fulfillment of desires, Graduation ball. And all those present here: teachers, parents, guests - admire you and rejoice with you. May this festive upsurge and inspired mood not leave us today. Happy holiday, dear! With a wonderful holiday of youth. (Applause).
When, having experienced the difficulties of learning,
We start putting words together
And understand what they mean -
"Water. Fire. Old man. Deer. Grass."
As a child, we are surprised and delighted
The fact that the letters were not created in vain,
And the first stories are our reward
For the first pages of the primer.
But life is often hard on us.
Another century happens to live,
And he can't have a meaningful word
To add up from the sorrows experienced.
It seemed that just recently mom and dad brought you to school. And now ten years have passed. We developed you, formed, trained, educated. And involuntarily we ask questions: “What are you? How do you enter this world? How are you going to live in it? We are well aware that the knowledge you received at school does not guarantee a happy life. They are a small foundation that must be constantly increased and built on its basis of a single life. And in order to be able to put together a meaningful word in old age, you need to recognize the Laws of life, try to live according to them, constantly develop and improve. It is no coincidence that there is wisdom: "A person in his life must plant a tree, build a house, raise children." The human vision of the world is not given by nature, it is obtained by labor, reflection, relationships - this is the labor of the soul, heart, mind, spirit. It is sanctified by love, kindness. Without them, the beauty of your life is impossible. The root, the source of love and kindness is in creation, in creativity, in the affirmation of truth. They go far into childhood, and are born only in labor, worries, excitement, goodwill, cheerfulness. And we believe that you have gone through the school of kindness education over the years of study. Life without kindness is like a dark street without light.
So be tolerant, merciful, generous to any person, to all living things. Remember, there is no greater value in the world than a person. Happiness, joy, love to you, dear boys and girls!

Dear graduates! (eleven).
After the Day of the end of all lessons, state exams, the most long-awaited and unusual holiday came - Graduation Party (ball). The leitmotif of our holiday is the words “Wonderful school years” (or “This never happens again ...”) And we all turn our eyes to the past again and again, and the memory highlights a kaleidoscope of various events of school life. And, although they are all connected with the lessons, it was on them that your worldview attitudes were formed, the next portions of the educational material were chewed, the joy of knowing the unknown, the feeling of one's own growth came. Remember who you dreamed of becoming, restore your image, which seemed to you then desirable. Remember the feelings that filled your heart and soul when you wanted to become just that. And let these memories visit you in subsequent years, when it suddenly becomes painful or difficult. Let the bright images of childhood, early youth help you in life.
But today you are happy. As happy as you are determined to be happy. Happiness lies within you, it is, as it were, the answer of your soul to the fact that you have coped with the circumstances of life. And today you say to yourself: “Tomorrow I start a new life.” And if you are starting a new life, you cannot do without teacher's advice. There are many contradictory, complex, mysterious things in life, and this has its own meaning, purpose and interconnection. A person who thinks in terms of goodness, beauty, truth and justice, listens to the voice of his conscience and acts in accordance with this, is more often rewarded with life.
We do not tell you that good always wins in the world. Good and evil are real physical interactions opposing each other on all levels of the universe, from your actions, thoughts and feelings of real life to innumerable and possibly endless gravitational, magnetic, photonic and other copies. And man is the measure of everything. Do not be pawns in the game, in life, but strive and try to accept the challenge, submit it to your courage, determination of the will, moving along the path of truth and justice. Remember: taking a step today, you leave a mark in the future.

Dear graduates! (12).
Dear Colleagues! Dear parents and guests!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you all on the holiday, the celebration of which includes the presentation of the state certificate of secondary (complete) general education and the general fun of the graduation party. And I wish our graduates a joyful festive mood, unforgettable impressions and, of course, happiness, a lot of happiness. (Applause).
Dear boys and girls! Take the very last word of the teacher, so to speak, "on the track." Have you noticed that our segments of life are like stages of a rocket. The time of the lived life and energy is expended on working off each stage of life. These carrier levels are different for everyone, but segments of life, such as childhood, adolescence, maturity, aging, include an educational qualification, an intellectual level, various, vital episodes of human existence: the first bell, the last bell at school, graduation party, admission to a university or a job, a wedding, the birth of a child, etc.
These carrier stages can take you to a high orbit, or they can slowly burn and smolder, and nothing happens in a person’s life, he simply exists.
To prevent this from happening, although who knows how it should be, know that the rocket man is driven by the interest of knowledge, the desire for absolute truth, and everyone leaves a unique mark during his life on earth.
Remember that each of you is a living person who is looking for purpose, meaning, interest, creativity in everything. Good luck, dear graduates.

Dear graduates! (thirteen).
Dear Colleagues! Dear parents and guests!
So that day and hour has come to pass when the farewell sounds of the school waltz will pour into every heart with joy and a festive mood. The focus is on young men and women, our hope and pride, the future of our Motherland.
And we wish every graduate happiness in their future independent adult life. (Applause). What can be compared to the well-being of a teacher who makes a graduation? With the feeling of a landowner who went out into the field to harvest? With the excitement of a designer bending over the contour of a conceived machine? Or maybe with the inspiration of a sculptor who stands with a chisel and hammer in front of a finished work in marble?
Yes, dear teachers of graduates, your work is harvesting, designing, and modeling ... All creative human professions have merged in your art. It cannot be otherwise, since we would never have raised such intelligent and beautiful young people who are before us. And it remains only to say warm words of gratitude to you for each graduate. Heavy bread in the field of raising children from parents. They studied together with their son or daughter, moving from class to class, having rare breaks during the holidays.
Accept the words of recognition of your hard work, and let the word "thank you" sound more often in your address.
To you, dear graduates, we say: "Hold on!" "Hang on guys!" Everything will be in your life - both good and bad. Learn to say “no” to yourself when you need to. Don't do even once what you should never do. Try not to turn your life into a stream of grief, courageously accept all difficulties. You must be confident. And we would like to see you always happy, free, loving. Good luck, our students. (Graduation Ceremony).

(14) The solemn meeting of school graduates, teachers and parents, dedicated to the completion of schooling and the presentation of certificates of secondary (complete) general education, is declared open. (Anthem plays.)
Dear graduates!
Dear Colleagues! Dear parents and guests!
Happy holiday to you, with a wonderful holiday, graduation evening! By tradition, it begins with congratulations, wishes and the presentation of state certificates. And with all my heart I wish our graduates the happiness of creative work, love and creativity in a new independent life. (Applause).
There is such a popular wisdom: “Raising children is not easier than running a state. Children, that flowers love care. And although many of you, dear young men and women, know how to say “Don’t teach me how to live!”, “Don’t educate me”, “Don’t read morals to me”, nevertheless, everything was “yes” on the contrary. We taught you how to live, educated you, read morals, used all sorts of pedagogical methods and means so that you grow, develop, and improve. And now we confess to you that progress in our school was impossible without you. Together with you, she also developed, her authority and prestige grew. So your contribution to the school is invaluable. Professing a dialectical approach to education, we have always seen you as free individuals. We were sometimes surprised and admired by your versatility, talent, morality, sensitivity.
Thank you for being with us, that our life paths crossed not only for the past ten years. For in each of us there will remain a particle of the heart forever; even when we pass by each other without recognizing.
Remember that here, at school, your best years have passed. Parents! Smile and look at your children. You see their childlike thirst for life and knowledge. They still need a smile, support, caress of their own hands and attention.
Teachers! Give your warm look and smile to the beautiful, young, coming into life! (And then the graduation ceremony).

Dear graduates! (fifteen).
Let our evening become
Brighter and more wonderful
Let's sing about school
Farewell song.
(Everyone sings the school hymn).
Dear boys and girls!
Now it's time for parting. Journals are closed, notebooks and diaries are pushed aside, and almost nothing that once connected with school is needed anymore. And only in some moments of suddenly surging memories does the thought flash up to pick up the old attributes of school life. In the meantime ... Hello, new, interesting, adult life, so big, long, exciting. More than once you dreamed: “What will happen there ?!” And they believed that life would be wonderful. Yes, and how else?! You are young, beautiful, energetic and well educated at school. This is how it should be, this is a normal growth process, one of the greatest gifts you can use for your own good. It must grow as the awareness of life grows. And the more you become aware of life, the more needs will become. And if in childhood your needs were provided by others, you can easily believe that in the future everything will depend on others. Remember that as you grow older, your needs change, you must understand that you yourself have everything in order to make life useful, amazing and valuable, do not turn the arrows to others.
Remember that you have every chance for this, you are a unique, inimitable human personality, which is formed over the years, starting from childhood and sometimes until death. Man is not born, but made.
Today you will be given many instructions and good wishes. They all speak of great love for you, each of you. And if you are so loved by your parents, teachers, you do not need to commit unloving deeds. Always be worthy of love, which means be glad, happy, bring goodness and creation to this world. (Graduation Ceremony).

Congratulations in verse. (17).
June is here, summer is coming
Graduation is coming, of course.
Girls, boys, teachers!
Congratulations on your holiday, friends!
Dear words said to each other
When we celebrated the last call,
The time for all exams quickly passed,
You are happy, we are happy! But what about friends?!

And now comes the exciting time.
Your certificate is being handed out now.
And again your memory will rush there,
When was the first time you entered here.
And the first books, and the first lesson,
And the first boisterous school bell,
And the first mentor, dear teacher,
You follow the road of discovery with fate.
The years have flown by - you grew, grew,
You learned a lot and did a lot,
But time - the queen of nature stands,
She tells you her laws:
It's time to make a choice and learn life,
It's time to choose a profession, work.
It's time to create in this world
Goodness, beauty, and the meaning to find.
And we say to you: fly, friends!
May your native land be in joy,
May the sky and the sun, native country
Your love, tenderness will be fully recognized.
Let your ideas, dreams find you
And faith with hope leads you along the way.
Love that you know forever, friends.
How wonderful to live on planet Earth!

(Graduation Ceremony).

Congratulations in verse.

Dear graduates! (eighteen)

I send you congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
Your parents, your friends,
To all your peers, teachers!
School time is over
You passed the exams at the same time,
And now it's time for fun:
Your graduation begins, friends!
In the solemn part of the message we send:
That we love you all, we live meeting again,
That we don’t give you a certificate in vain:
You worked hard, worked hard, friends!
The sciences have been learned, the darkness has dissipated,
That knowledge is power - wisdom is given to you.
Now you have to find your choice,
Reliable choose roads, paths.
And we wish you to be friends with love,
To give a smile and joy to all people.
So that you have everything and be in full.
Happy holiday, dear friends!

(Graduation Ceremony).

Wishes to graduates in verse

Parting words, wishes to school graduates in prose

Kind words, a solemn parting word to dear school graduates in prose, a text from the class teacher, from teachers, wishes from parents for the last call and graduation party. Dear friends!
Dear our graduates!
This holiday is a bright and exciting event for all those who have gathered. It is important for us, teachers, for whom each graduation is a milestone. After all, we've been through so much together.

Parting with you, we feel sadness, but at the same time pride for each of you. This holiday is important for parents who for 11 years rejoiced at the successes of their children, worried about them, supported them in failures and who did a lot to make this evening truly festive.

And, of course, it is important for the heroes of this holiday. I say heroes, not culprits. After all, you have overcome a very important stage on a long journey called "life". A person paves his own way in life, even if he follows someone.

You have been on the road for many years, and prom is like a crossroads. The meeting point, from where a new countdown will begin - the countdown of kilometers-days of independent adult life.

We, your teachers and parents, tried to help you pave your own path, helped you in the search for knowledge, supported you in moments of difficult choice, and sometimes even laid straw to soften the blows. We are confident that the knowledge you gained at school will be in demand.

We hope that the thirst for knowledge, determination and the desire for self-improvement will help you become successful people. May the path you have chosen lead you to success. Of course, you can take breaks along the way, because you are tired, cry because it is difficult.

But success won't come any closer. Therefore - only forward!
Don't deviate from the route!
And when you achieve success, do not forget to share it with your loved ones. After all, success is multiplied by division. But all this is in the future, and today here, at the crossroads of our roads, a wonderful holiday is a graduation party. Holiday of friendship and fidelity, beauty and youth.

May this evening remain in the heart of everyone present as a kind and bright memory. Beautiful words, parting words to students graduates of the school in prose, wishes from the class teacher
Dear graduates!
The day that we both waited for and feared at the same time has come. This is a solemn and a little sad day when the last bell will sound for you in our school. On the one hand, this is the moment of parting. On the other hand, the beginning of your road to adulthood. Remember how just recently you, so small and curious, came to your first line.

Funny white bows, huge bouquets, joyful smiles... And now we have boys and girls with serious views, with their plans for life. Over the years, the school has become a second home for all of you. School is small

Here you learned to be friends and love, to be responsible, to understand others. You grew up and every day became a little smarter and wiser. Now you remember with a smile your first deuce, how you didn’t want to get up in the morning and study lessons in the evening.

Years will pass, some moments of the school time will be forgotten, but your memories of school will always be warm and full of love. Now you are at the very door leading to adulthood. Nobody knows what's behind them.

Of course, there will be joys with victories, and disappointments with defeats. There will be life. Life, the beauty of which lies in solving complex problems. But, no matter how difficult it is for you, I would like to wish each of you, first of all, to always remain human.

Remaining a person with a capital letter, you will definitely find your happiness, love, vocation. We believe that everything will work out for you in life, and all your cherished dreams will come true. Don't be afraid to live; let kindness, self-confidence and spiritual strength help you to constantly move forward.

We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become family to us. We hope you love this house and will miss it. And we will be very happy if at least sometimes you come back here for a short time to tell us about how your life is going, about your plans and dreams. The doors of the school will always be open for you.

Last call!
Such a sonorous, clean, calling ... But .. Alas, ah!
It's too late for us to rush to him!
However, there will be more exams... But you have nothing to worry about, you will definitely pass them easily!
And then - there will be graduation ... and hello, adulthood!
I recommend starting it in such a way that by the next meeting of graduates you will be among the youngest millionaires in the world!

Congratulations on the last call in prose is beautiful

Now you are listening to how it rings
Last school bell.
And for someone it will sound for the first time in the fall ... The flight of time is faster than the flight of a swallow!
Accept congratulations and wishes from us - successfully pass the exams, take a walk at the graduation ball, as if in a fairy tale, spend an unforgettable summer and choose the right path in life that leads to happiness!

Congratulations in prose on the last call

It sparkles with gold, the school bell rings with silver. Congratulations on
Last call!
Isn't it true, it was impossible to imagine how good, how sweet this long graduation party would be? And even exams don't scare you, right?!
So fly ahead, birdie!
That is, yesterday's schoolboy!
Believe in yourself and keep your nose proudly up!

Congratulations on the last call in prose

Today they sway, tremble, not field bells, but those that are called school bells ... On the Day
Last call, please accept my congratulations and wishes to successfully demonstrate all your talents in the final exams!
May they come to you more easily than anything has ever been taught!

Good congratulations on the last call in prose

Today you hear the school bell for the last time, it accompanies you... But don't be sad!
And even more so, don’t think about the upcoming exams… You know, in
The Middle Ages in schools were a hundred times more difficult, and even then they wrote with a quill pen!
But, this is me digressing from the topic ... You are a graduate of the 21st century and the whole world is open before you!
And if they conquer
Mars... Maybe the whole cosmos!

Parting wishes to graduates

Heartfelt congratulations in prose on the Last Call

Just yesterday it seemed so hard to study for a long time!
And today - look around, how quickly the school has flown by and will ring very soon
Last call!
Don't you already miss your school days? Of course, it’s better to adore them while you’re learning… But honey nostalgia is also not bad!

Cheerful congratulations in prose with the Last call

On the day when the school bell rings for the last time, I want to tell you that I appreciate and adore you so much that I could tell you in exams ... But firstly, this is dishonest, and secondly, you have a brilliant mind!
So I just congratulate you and wish you good luck!

In prose, congratulations on the last call

So the school adventures are over!
The last bell is ringing!
So many years - behind, and ahead ... ahead of a whole life!
Don't think of everything strictly now, just tune in to look for your path and if it seems that it is found... don't stop there!
After all, the world and human possibilities are truly limitless!
Congratulations on
Last call!

Cool congratulations on the last call in prose

Last call!
Bright holiday today, there are many hopes, like freshness on a summer morning!
It's time to give parting words ... Always be an honest, courageous and dreamy person!
Appreciate what you have and yearn for more!
Do not give up in difficult times and be able to consider prospects and real chances to fulfill your dreams even beyond the very horizon!

The best musical greetings for the beginning of a happy birthday. Animated postcard

With the last call, good congratulations in prose

Congratulations on
Last call!
And only yesterday it seems like it sounded for you for the first time!
How much has been learned since then!
It's time to brilliantly apply the acquired knowledge and pass the final exams so that your results stun absolutely everyone!
From classmates to the principal!

Good congratulations on the last call in prose

At school, we all learn from textbooks, but we could hardly manage on our own, without teachers, even today, on the day
Last call, I want to thank them for their work, in which they, without exaggeration, invested a lot of warmth and attention to all of us!
I also want to wish them bright, warm happiness and long years!

Sincere congratulations on the last call in prose

Today when it sounds
The last call, I want to say words of gratitude to the teachers ... Let the years pass, but I will not forget the school, my native class and their science, care and attention!
I wish you good health, new grateful students and simple, lasting happiness!

Congratulations on graduation in prose

Grade 4 graduates Grade 9 graduates Grade 11 graduates - date (when, what date is the holiday) Graduation is a ceremony associated with the graduation from an educational institution. The ceremony is most often divided into two parts - official and solemn. At the official part, those who graduate from an educational institution are awarded certificates or diplomas. Showing!type of congratulations: sms | | in verse | all
Today you leave your native school, and everything that awaits you in adult life now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to treat knowledge with care, that is, they gave the basis of what it is impossible to become real without.
A man with a capital letter!
We wish you not to lose all this, but to increase, cultivate the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams come true. Good luck, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in later life!

This is the end of another stage in your life. You are moving into adulthood, more responsible. Therefore we want to say
You parting words. Always follow your dream and don't back down, find happiness in life and don't miss it. Good luck and success to you on a difficult, but very interesting life path. So school time is over!
Over the years, you all have matured and turned from touching chicks into real birds, ready to fly, spreading their wings. Ahead is a long interesting life, and we wish everyone to find their own way in it. Let all the knowledge and skills that you received at school become a solid foundation for further achievements, and the people who have been with you all these years will remain in everyone's heart for a long time. Have a good trip!
A ticket to life has already been received, and you have closed the doors to childhood forever.

So let graduation be your starting point for a journey through a happy and eventful youth. May youth give you a million chances, most of which will resonate in your heart and be successfully implemented. Let all the chosen roads be correct, and the temptation to turn onto a narrow path will not force you to abandon the right goal. Happy graduation evening everyone!
I wish graduates a bright road in life, so that everyone chooses their favorite profession, creates a strong family, finds a decent and well-paid job. I would like to thank the teachers for their patience and understanding, and wish: strength, health, good and sympathetic students. Graduation!
For young people, as you know, all doors open. May the doors you choose lead you to happiness, joy and fulfillment. May what you achieve make your family and your teachers proud of you and remember the years before graduation with nostalgia.

Graduation is the end of studies, and the beginning of a free life, without boring student worries. But as soon as you plunge headlong into adulthood, you immediately want to go back to the same desks, to the same boring classmates. With all my heart I wish you to achieve your goals, let this knowledge help you with this. Happy holiday guys!
Graduation is a memorable event in everyone's life. Leaving the walls of the educational institution, we enter into a new life.

So let each of us today be able to say with confidence that his future will be bright, and his plans are grandiose. May everything that they wish us today come true, and the people who said warm words will not be forgotten. Graduates!
You enter adulthood, leaving the walls of the school, and take the first serious steps on your way. We wish you strength and courage to accept this responsibility and avoid irreparable mistakes. Do not be afraid of difficulties and boldly make decisions using reason and your own feelings. Let life be an exciting journey for you, which will give you valuable lessons for future use. Dear Guys!
Surely, everyone remembers how they were looking forward to their graduation day, and now you can see barely restrained tears in your eyes. Know that the doors of the school are always open to you, despite the fact that the paths of many of you will part. We hope that this is where you will bring your children here, and we will teach them everything that we have taught you. Pages: 23 -total congratulations: Today, you stand on the threshold between childhood and youth!
Today, the very day has come, which all schoolchildren are so looking forward to, and when it comes, for some reason, it’s sad and annoying in my soul!
Graduation party ... this phrase hides a lot of emotions, both joyful and sad at the same time!
After all, it is today that you realize that the carefree time for children has already ended!
And those with whom you sat at the same desk will scatter like birds to different parts of the country!
May this evening remain in your memory forever. And bright photos, on cold evenings where you are with those who are dear to you, warm you. Happy holiday to you graduate. Elegant girls in bright dresses, boys in tuxedos, flowers in their hands, tears in their eyes ... Graduation came.

And no matter how difficult it is now to believe that the doors to your childhood have already been closed. Time is like water, and now the hour that you have been waiting for has arrived!
It's time to say goodbye to school, because you won't sit at your favorite desk anymore, you won't stand at the blackboard with trembling knees and you won't get a grade in your diary!
You no longer have to stand at school meetings and fool around at recess. Now you are already a graduate, and the school is in the past. Happiness ahead of you and a bright future!

Today, you are like a princess, standing in a chic dress, lighting up everything around with a smile. Even though cats are scratching their hearts, didn’t you think that it would be joyful and fun? Saying goodbye to school, but when it's time, it's already, for some reason, not fun, not joyful. The realization came that the end of school had come. It all ended so quickly, late for the lesson, the sound of the bell, notebooks, uniforms, bows, classmates, strict and wise teachers. And even though you've been waiting for this day for so long, you're no longer having fun. You have adult life ahead of you, institute, couples, lectures, seminars. Good luck to you in the future. May this evening remain in your heart forever.

Graduate, sounds so proud!
It’s just a pity today, you have to let go of your childhood, leave behind all school joys and troubles. I wish you to take with you all the experience that your wise teachers passed on to you. I wish you never forget your school friends!
It’s sad, after all, to realize that we will have to say goodbye to school today. And now, when would you return b with joy there, but, alas, there is no way back. For others, now there are desks, a bell, notebooks and diaries.

Remember school, because it gave you a ticket to life. Happy holiday to you graduate!
Today, not only graduates are sad, teachers are also sad. They are sorry to say goodbye to you, because you are like children to them, they will remember everyone, and will remember with a smile your childish jokes, timid answers at the blackboard, and requests to rate higher!
No, everyone is sad today!
And you stand with tears in your eyes, because you know for sure that after this farewell waltz, with a classmate who once pulled your pigtails, everything will end. Childhood will recede forever. There will be no more first call, now you will hear your last, farewell call, which will lead you into adulthood!
May this evening remain in the memory and in the heart!
May you have a bright road to the future!
Happy holiday, albeit so sad!
Congratulations on graduating from school and we wish that the road to adulthood would go through a flowering garden, that the carriage of life would easily and happily take you along the roads of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need was nearby.

Good luck and prosperity!
Let the stars shine especially brightly today, illuminating the road that you are just entering with a mysterious light. Let it be even and smooth, like the ribbons of graduates that are now on you.

May your life be as vibrant as champagne in your glass, and as beautiful as your first school love. Dear our most talented and smart graduates!
We are all very happy to congratulate you on such a significant and important day - your graduation!
Today you are very joyful, happy and cheerful. So let your whole life be just like this - illuminated by boundless joy, cloudless happiness and carefree fun. We wish you to choose exactly the profession that will bring you good luck and victory. We wish you to realize all your planned plans and dreams!
We love you very much, we are very proud of you and we believe in you very much!
Today we are happy and glad to congratulate our esteemed, dear and smartest graduates of our school!
There are so many talented and capable guys among you. There are future programmers, and businessmen, and actors, and singers, and doctors, and athletes. We kindly ask you not to lose the invaluable knowledge and skills acquired in our school. We will always remember you and give you an example to the younger students. We wish you to find a wonderful job that will bring joy and satisfaction. Remember our school and us, come visit and tell us about your successes and victories.

Just yesterday you were high school students, and you ran to your native school as if it were a second home, but today is the first ball in your life, graduation ball!
The boys became all serious, and even seemed to have matured, and the girls, like those flowers in spring, all blossomed with a gentle radiance!
You are all graduates today, today you open the start to an adult, serious life!
And by your faces and smiles it is clear that all this is impatient to know already!
Remember one thing, that after even a little time, you will all miss your desk, your classmates, your teachers, because school and youth, unfortunately, cannot be returned!
But seeing your striving for the future, I want to believe that each of you will achieve all the peaks you have planned! Advertising: The guys at the school graduation resemble passengers at the airport, train station or pier. Everyone is in anticipation of an interesting new life, and there are many unknown roads ahead. I wish that each of today's graduates quickly and correctly choose their own, albeit confusing, but true, happy and free path to a new life. Congratulations!
In a dozen years, as today, we, already quite adults, will meet here.

Someone, perhaps, will become a scientist, someone - a lawyer, doctor, analyst. Someone will have time to travel the whole world, someone will save up for the coolest car, someone will give the world charming children. But the main thing is that we all remain no less optimistic and friendly than we are now. Congratulations!
Our unique graduates, parents, teachers!
Today is a very touching holiday, today we celebrate school graduation!
We wish young people who are stepping into adulthood not stop believing in miracles and remember the moral principles that they learned in our school walls!
You, graduates, are like a beautiful bouquet, multi-colored, fresh, saturated, which gives its beauty to others. We wish you not to lose this beauty, we wish you to acquire new skills and open beautiful horizons!
Appreciate friendship and the school experience that will support you in your future happy life!
Congratulations, graduates!
I do not want to start with a banality, and talk about the importance of this day.
I just want to congratulate you with all my heart on your graduation!
And to say that it is not this day that is important, but the principles and knowledge that you take out of school. This is one of the components of your successful future. Now you are young, brave, strong, daring, passionate, loving, taking risks. And if you can put together your upbringing, principles, knowledge, existing life experience, advice from loved ones, then you will definitely succeed!!!
This is what I wish you, so that you can and know how to achieve your goals!
So one of the most difficult and crucial moments in life came up - this is a school graduation. So many doors are open before you, new knowledge and opportunities await you.

The main task before you is only to make the right choice, to find your life path and vocation. We wish you to listen to your heart, inner voice and follow the right path that will lead to true happiness and satisfaction from life. May the new routes ahead of you be successful and enjoyable. Follow your dreams without giving up or giving up. Lightness to you and harmony in your soul!
Well, what can I say today, student? Here comes graduation.

So all the boring lessons, annoying homework, strict teachers, deuces in diaries, calls from parents to school ended. You must be happy and sad at the same time. After all, there were so many good things at school - beloved friends, cheerful breaks, delicious pies in the dining room, favorite books in the library and much, much more. I sincerely congratulate you on your
graduation. I wish you to enter your new adult life confidently and cheerfully. I wish this life to be filled with success, love, happiness, fun and true friendship. Graduation! See also: The day of bright sadness is approaching, the day of expressing gratitude to teachers, the day that will become a step into a new, unknown life full of serious adult events. School years were to some extent a carefree time, as well as kaleidoscopic, vivid and nostalgically memorable. But still, the time comes when childhood needs to say “Farewell!” and take a step towards a new stage of life. Many factors will influence how it will be, but teachers and parents wholeheartedly wish each of the graduates to adequately withstand the tests of a strict examiner named “life”. On the day of the last call there will be many bright tears, congratulations and wishes - on behalf of parents, teachers, students. In order to facilitate your task of finding congratulations of a similar orientation, we have combined congratulations on the last call in prose into a special collection. The selection presented here is unique, interesting, and varied. Its compilers are the guests of our site, and congratulations have a diverse focus. Both teachers and their students will find the option they need here. And, of course, parents can also pick up congratulations on the last call in prose - in order to use them on a solemn day. Many will find it difficult to find the right words in moments of excitement, so the support of our collection will be quite relevant. Anyone who wants to provide all possible assistance to our site and express their feelings towards this day can come up with congratulations on the last call in prose and place them in the form below - many will be grateful to him. And we, in turn, congratulating the current graduates, wish them a good journey on the road, whose name is “Life”!

After a long winter, the first spring rays of the sun are especially pleasing, playing on the roofs of houses and transparent window panes. The clear skies are filled with sonorous bird voices, and the first leaves bloom on the trees, filling the air with the unique aroma of fresh greenery. In addition, for schoolchildren, the onset of spring means that the end of the school year and the long-awaited summer holidays are already “just around the corner”. However, before that, the Last Bell will be held in all domestic schools - a traditional holiday with a solemn line, speeches by representatives of the city administration, graduates of grades 9 and 11 and their parents. As a rule, for this important event, students from different classes learn songs and poems as a gift to their favorite teachers, and graduates are preparing to dance their farewell school waltz at the Last Bell. A touching speech on the last call from the headmaster and class teacher causes a whole storm of emotions in the soul of "yesterday's" schoolchildren, who are now entering adulthood. So, we have prepared the best speech options at the Last Bell in verse and prose (texts and videos), which can be included in the scenario of the “main” school holiday or add your own author's notes.

Thanksgiving speech for the last call from parents of grade 11 students to teachers - options in verse and prose

For parents of 11th grade graduates, the last bell is an important and exciting event. Indeed, during the solemn line, many mothers and fathers are proud of their adult children, who will soon leave the walls of their native school and become students of different educational institutions. In a solemn and heartfelt speech on the Last Call from parents, words of gratitude are heard - to the first teacher, class teacher and other teachers who have invested knowledge and a particle of their soul in the pupils. Here you will find options for a thank you speech in verse and prose from parents of grade 11 students for teachers. Use our texts when compiling a solemn speech that will touch everyone present at the Last Bell.

Variants of a thank you speech in honor of the Last Bell - for teachers from parents of 11th grade graduates, poems and prose:

You taught our children

Many long, long years

The last call came

And there are no more lessons

We parents want

Happiness to all teachers

May it not be in your life

Sorrow, pain and problems,

We say thank you

For care and work

Knowledge was given to our children,

Let them find their way!

Today is a holiday of a large and friendly family, because school is the initial and bright stage in the life of our children. We, parents, are grateful to the teachers for the fact that they have become the same parents to our children, their friends and mentors. Let the final bell ring! For some, this is a joy, because there is a hot summer ahead. For many, it is sadness and farewell to school. We are grateful to the teachers! After all, their smile met and saw off our kids, for many years their hand led our children to new knowledge and heights. Thank you for that. Happy Last Call!

The last bell rang

Who rejoiced, who roared,

Teachers will wipe away tears

This is how the paths parted.

We express gratitude

We appreciate you, love you, adore you,

After all, we taught our children,

Let's bow, say thank you

for knowledge, skills,

You have our respect!

Touching speech in prose from parents grade 9 on the last call

School years fly by unnoticed, and now yesterday's first-graders have "turned" into students of the 9th grade. So, for some ninth graders this year, the school bell will really ring for the last time, because ahead is admission to a college, technical school or college. For those who decide to continue their studies at school, the solemn line in honor of the Last Bell only means the end of the next academic year. Be that as it may, parents congratulate their children on finishing grade 9, wishing them success in their studies and further life achievements. In addition, in their solemn speech at the Last Bell, moms and dads do not forget to express gratitude to school teachers for their everyday and such important work. How to prepare a beautiful speech for the last call? We bring to your attention the best speech examples for the Last Bell event - the best touching texts from parents to teachers and graduates.

Examples of a touching speech in your own words in honor of the Last Bell - to teachers and students in grade 9:

9 wonderful years have flown by, which we will forever remember in the same way as the guys. Everything happened, not everything turned out to be smooth. But we knew for sure that they would listen to us here, help us, support us. Dear teachers, administration, all specialists of the friendly school team, thank you for our children. Gratitude for your work is difficult to express in words and just as difficult to evaluate. We wish you and our school only good luck, success and prosperity. Thanks again!

You have already come a long way in school life. For some of you, today is really the last school call, and adult worries are ahead. We wish them to achieve their goal, to get the desired profession. And someone has only a couple of school years left before the coveted certificate. We wish you a good rest on vacation - and forward, into battle, for new knowledge. After all, you should not relax, ahead of you is a large number of formulas, tasks, works of art. Special thanks to the teachers. Thank you for investing in our children knowledge and soul. Your work is invaluable! Thank you very much!

The last bell has rung! The results of the next academic year have been summed up. Our children spent nine years shoulder to shoulder with each other. Now someone will leave to conquer new horizons, and someone else will sit at their desk for a couple of years. We wish you to find yourself, find your purpose and decide on the place you want to take in this world. I wish you success, good luck, ease and great achievements!

Beautiful speech on the last call from graduates in prose - to parents and teachers

The last bell is a touching and somewhat sad holiday, which is remembered for a long time by graduates, their parents and teachers. So, for young men in formal suits and girls in touching brown dresses with white aprons, all this is the last time - a solemn line, and parting words from teachers, and the sonorous trill of a school bell. In turn, the graduates are preparing beautiful solemn speeches for the Last Bell to their beloved teachers, who have become truly relatives and close people over the years. As a rule, a "speaker" is chosen for such a speech - a graduate with good diction, who, on behalf of all "yesterday's" schoolchildren, delivers a thank-you speech in prose or verse. In our selection you will find several original texts of speeches for the Last Bell - they can be used as a template when compiling a speech for teachers and parents.

Template texts of solemn speeches in prose for the Last Bell from graduates for parents and teachers:

Today we are graduates, all doors and all paths are open to us. And we have to make a difficult choice in favor of a particular profession. But no matter how our future life develops, we will never forget our native school and our beloved teachers. After all, everything that we will achieve in life will be only thanks to you and the knowledge that you have given us. Today the last bell will ring for us, and its ringing will remain in our hearts forever, just like you and your lessons. Even though our relationship was not always smooth, even if we sometimes misunderstood each other. But we always found a compromise and a way out of difficult situations. We have learned a lot from you and understood a lot about life thanks to you. Thank you for this, because school is the first serious life test.

Dear our teachers! We, the graduates, want to thank you for your hard work. To thank you for giving us knowledge, and with it a "ticket" to adulthood. Today we will become "free" people, because we will become more mature. But this will give us responsibilities, because we have to become more responsible and independent. Now we have no one to rely on, nowhere to wait for clues. Now we are solely responsible for the correctness of the decision. But we believe that we will be able to endure all this and pass the test of life perfectly well. And all because we had the best teachers in the world, our favorite teachers!

Our beloved parents! Dear mothers and fathers, irreplaceable grandparents, dear aunts and uncles! Today is a responsible day for us to say goodbye to school and enter a new life stage. We are grateful to you not only for being there at such an important moment, but also for guiding us through life all these years. We know that sometimes it was not easy for you, but you steadfastly and courageously overcame all obstacles, hiding your children behind a reliable back.

Parting speech of the class teacher at the last call in grades 9 and 11 - in verse and prose

Many adults often remember their class teacher with warmth. And it is not surprising, because it is this person who occupies a special place in the life of every student - sometimes on a par with moms and dads. Releasing their pupils from the walls of their native school, each class teacher feels a sense of pride and concern for their future fate. According to tradition, in the parting speech at the Last Bell from the “cool mom”, students in grades 9 and 11 receive a lot of good wishes - achieving their goals, success in their careers and happiness in their personal lives. To prepare for a speech on the line dedicated to the Last Bell, we recommend using our examples of speech in verse and prose on behalf of the class teacher.

The best examples of parting speech on the Last call from the class teacher - poetry and prose for graduates of grades 9 and 11:

I am finishing 11th grade for the second time in my life. I remember how I stood and listened to the parting words of my class teacher, and did not even suspect that many years would pass, and I would finish grade 11 again, only not as a graduate, but as a class teacher. My role has changed, but my feelings - not a bit! I have a feeling that there is no you and me ... there is WE! There is one big soul. I so want you to keep the warmest memories of the school!

Do not be afraid of obstacles and difficult tasks,

Live for success and bright luck!

Learn, comprehend, get carried away, dare

And everything that is useful for life, know!

Let the sail of love not wander in the darkness,

Look for your soul mate on earth!

Dream, be surprised and delight your friends,

Stay light and happy for loved ones!

Always remember that you are unique, talented, funny, kind, worthy people! Be confident! Achieve the goals you set for yourself!

Heartfelt speech on the last call from the headmaster

The director's speech with a solemn speech has long become a good tradition at the school-wide line dedicated to the Last Bell. Every year, the principal of the school congratulates the graduates of grades 9 and 11 on the beginning of their new adult life, expressing in his speech the best wishes and words of encouragement. In order for the Last Bell to be remembered by all those present as an amazing and bright event, it is important to deviate from the “standard” phrases and fill your speech with heartfelt warmth and sincerity. So, the director's words that each of the graduates, whether it is an "excellent student" or a "triple student", is an amazing and worthy of respect person, will surely arouse the attention and "live" interest of the listeners. We are sure that the speech options we have proposed for the Last Bell will find a sincere response from graduates, parents and the entire teaching staff of the school.

Variants of the speech of the school principal on the Last Bell - graduates of grades 9 and 11:

We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become family to us. We hope you love this house and will miss it. And we will be very happy if at least sometimes you come back here for a short time to tell us about how your life is going, about your plans and dreams. The doors of the school will always be open for you.

Now you are listening to the last school bell ringing. And for someone it will sound for the first time in the fall ... The flight of time is faster than the flight of a swallow! Accept congratulations and wishes from us - successfully pass the exams, take a walk at the graduation ball, as if in a fairy tale, spend an unforgettable summer and choose the right path in life that leads to happiness!

Congratulations on graduating from school and we wish that the road to adulthood goes through a blooming garden, so that the carriage of life will easily and happily carry you along your life path, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties. Let everyone you need be around. Good luck and prosperity!

Solemn speech at the Last Bell - from the city administration, video

As guests of honor, it is customary to invite representatives of the administration of the city, district or village to the solemn line dedicated to the Last Bell. Addressing the audience with a speech, the officials express their gratitude to the teaching staff of the school for the work done to educate the new generation, and congratulations to the graduates on this important life event. The solemn speech of the head of the city administration, presented in the video, can be included in the script for the upcoming Last Bell for any comprehensive school. Congratulations, dear graduates!

How to prepare a solemn speech for the Last Bell? On our pages you will find various text options and video speeches on the Last Bell - from graduates of grades 9 and 11 and their parents, a class teacher and school principal, a representative of the city administration. Touching speeches and grateful listeners!