The author's attitude to the heroes asya. Writing history and prototypes

I think there is no such person who would not read the famous work of Ivan Turgenev "Asya". Through this story, I will try to express my personal attitude to the main character of this work. The structure of my story is as follows:

  • features of the origin of the main character of the story;
  • personal attitude to Asya;
  • conclusions.

Features of the origin of the main character of the story

I think that the origin of Asya significantly influenced the formation of her character. Asya was the illegitimate daughter of a landowner and a servant. Her mother tried to raise her in strict conditions, but after Tatyana died, Asya's father took up the upbringing, in connection with which the girl's soul knew proud and distrustful feelings. She was controversial and playful towards all people. As for the girl's attitude to everything that exists, at first glance, she looked at him with interest, but in fact she didn’t delve into or peer into anything. However, she had a strange predilection - she made acquaintances with those who were lower in class than herself.

Personal attitude to Asa

I believe that Asya had a wild, original disposition, she was smart, emotional and impulsive. She was extraordinary, did not want to be like others. Even Mr. NN noticed her artistry, that she was plastic, impetuous, incredibly emotional and wanted to live vividly and memorablely. Asya, in fact, was timid from birth, but she deliberately behaved loudly and sometimes not quite appropriately. She was not afraid of anything and in the name of love she could move mountains. Asya had the honor and never complained about anything. She wanted to be remembered after her death. Remember her and her actions. True, Asya was ashamed of her not entirely decent origin.

Personal Conclusions

Thus, in conclusion, I would like to say that Asya was insanely playful and impudent. She didn't really care what others had to say about her. Sometimes she behaved not quite naturally. She was sincere, honest and open. Asya was a truly original, unique girl. These are still to be found.

The writing

Topic: My attitude to the story Asya

For I.S. Turgenev, the impetus for starting work on the story, according to the author, was the following impression: “While driving by a boat past a small house, I saw the sweetest girl. Suddenly, a special mood came over me. I began to invent who this girl was, what she was like and why she was in this house - and so right there, in the boat, the whole plot of the story took shape for me. Work on the work ended in 1858.

The plot of Asya is extremely simple. A certain Mr. N.N. meets a girl Anna Nikolaevna (Asya), falls in love, does not immediately dare to offer her a hand, but having decided, he finds out that the girl has left, disappearing from his life forever.

The heroine of the story, seventeen-year-old Asya, is a girl with a difficult Russian fate. The heroine, the daughter of a landowner and a maid, was brought up in a village family for a long time. Childhood lived with her mother in poor conditions, and adolescence - in the master's house. This could not but affect the formation of Asya's character. N.N. describes her as gracefully built, very pretty, who “had something of her own, special, in the warehouse of her swarthy round face, with a small thin nose, almost childish cheeks and black, bright eyes.” Her "black hair, cut and combed like a boy's, fell in large curls around her neck and ears."

N.N. first met Asya and Gagin at the students' holiday. Asya introduced herself as Gagin's sister. Every day the protagonist visited them and every meeting he found something new in Asa. “What a chameleon this girl is!” he thought again. N.N. admired and a little annoyed by this uncertainty in the girl. The hero fell in love...

Turgenev masterfully shows the origin of love feelings in the hero. At the first meeting, the girl seemed to him very pretty.

Next - a conversation in the Gagins' house, Asya's strange behavior, a moonlit night, a boat, Asya on the shore, throwing an unexpected phrase: "You drove into the moon pillar, you broke it ..." - this is enough for the hero to feel happy . Somewhere in the depths of his soul, the thought of love is born in him, but he does not give it a go. Soon, with pleasure, the hero begins to guess that Asya loves him. He drowns in this blissful sweet feeling ....

Asya's strange behavior is explained by the fact that at first she lived in a village house, and after her mother's death, her father took her to the master's house. From the events that took place, Asya began to be shy of strangers, she really got used only to her older brother Gagin. Asya all the time tried to overcome her constraint, timidity. She was shy and did not know how to behave with the young man she liked. And trying to hide her shyness, the girl did not sit still for a single moment. And also, perhaps, this was due to the fact that she did not forget about the fact of her fate.
During the meeting, Asya hoped for reciprocity, waiting for warm words addressed to her. But N.N. although he loved, he did not understand the hints, or, perhaps, did not understand his feelings. The first love of the heroine remains unhappy. After the date, Asya and Gagin disappear. The search for the girl does not yield results.

The indecision of Mr. N.N. due to Turgenev's feeling about the irresponsibility of youth, the belief that life is endless and everything can happen again. Obviously, that is why N.N. in those years, he did not feel sad for Asa for too long, only many years later he realized the significance of meeting her in his life.

After reading the story, I deduced for myself - A person should feel a sense of responsibility for himself and others in every minute of his life - I learned such an important life lesson for myself from the story.

First of all, it is worth noting that I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” tells how the acquaintance of the protagonist, Mr. N. N., with the Gagins develops into a love story, which turned out to be a source of both sweet romantic languor and bitter torment for the hero , then, over the years, which lost their sharpness, but doomed the hero to the fate of a bean.
Interesting is the fact that the author refused the name of the hero, and there is no portrait of him. There are different explanations for this, but one thing is certain: I. S. Turgenev transfers the emphasis from the external to the internal, immersing us in the emotional experiences of the hero. From the very beginning of the story, the writer evokes sympathy among readers and trust in the hero-narrator. We learn that this is a cheerful, healthy, rich young man who loves to travel, observe life, people. He recently experienced a love failure, but with the help of subtle irony, we understand that love was not real love, but only entertainment.
And here is the meeting with Gagin, in which he felt a kindred spirit, the proximity of interests to music, painting, literature. Communication with him and his sister Asya immediately set the hero in a sublime romantic mood.
It is worth noting that on the second day of their acquaintance, he carefully observes Asya, who both attracts and causes him a feeling of annoyance and even hostility with inexplicable, free actions. The hero is not aware of what is happening to him. He feels some kind of vague unease, which grows into an incomprehensible anxiety; then a jealous suspicion that the Gagins are not relatives.

So, two weeks of daily meetings have passed. N. N. is more and more upset by jealous suspicions, and although he was not fully aware of his love for Asa, she gradually took possession of his heart. He is overwhelmed during this period with persistent curiosity, some annoyance at the mysterious, inexplicable behavior of the girl, the desire to understand her inner world.
But the conversation between Asya and Ganin, overheard in the gazebo, makes N. N. finally realize that he has already been captured by a deep and disturbing feeling of love. It is from him that he leaves for the mountains, and when he returns, he goes to the Ganins, after reading a note from brother Asya. Having learned the truth about these people, he instantly regains his lost balance and defines his emotional state in this way: “I felt some kind of sweetness - it was sweetness in my heart: it was as if they secretly poured honey into me ...” The landscape sketch in chapter 10 helps to understand the psychological state of the hero in this significant day, becoming the "landscape" of the soul. It is at this moment of merging with nature that a new turn takes place in the inner world of the hero: what was vague, disturbing, suddenly turns into an undoubted and passionate thirst for happiness, which is associated with the personality of Asya. But the hero prefers to give himself thoughtlessly to incoming impressions: "I'm not only about the future, I didn't think about tomorrow, I felt very good." This indicates that at that moment N.N. was ready only to enjoy romantic contemplation, he did not feel in himself that it removes prudence and caution, while Asya had already “grown wings”, a deep feeling came to her and irresistible. Therefore, in the meeting scene, N.N. seems to be trying to hide behind reproaches and loud exclamations his unpreparedness for a reciprocal feeling, his inability to surrender to love, which so slowly matures in his contemplative nature.
In my opinion, having parted with Asya after an unsuccessful explanation, N.N. still does not know what awaits him in the future "the loneliness of a familyless bean", he hopes for "tomorrow's happiness", not knowing that "happiness has no tomorrow ... he has a present - and that is not a day, but an instant. N.N.'s love for Asya, obeying a whimsical game of chance or a fatal predetermination of fate, will flare up later, when nothing can be corrected. The hero will be punished for not knowing love, for doubting it. “And happiness was so close, so possible…”

    The story of I.S. Turgenev "Asya" is rather a drama, a drama of this very girl Asya. She meets in her life N.N., a young man who not only attracts her, but who also likes her brother, a very well-read and intelligent young man. Maybe...

    Asya in Turgenev's story is a girl who has a richly gifted nature, not the corruption of light, smart, has retained purity of feelings, simplicity and sincerity of the heart; she has a very captivating and direct nature without any falseness, hypocrisy, ...

    The term "Turgenev's girl" hides the image of captivating heroines with a dramatic fate, possessing special qualities of the soul. Asya "Turgenev girl" from the story "Asya" is a girl with an unusual fate. Turgenev saturates not the outer, but the inner...

    N. N. - the hero-narrator of the story. Embodies the features of a new literary type for Turgenev, who replaced the "superfluous people". First of all, in "Ace" there is no conflict with the outside world, which is common for Turgenev's "superfluous people": the hero of the story is portrayed ...

  1. New!

The story of I. S. Turgenev "Asya" tells how the acquaintance of the protagonist, Mr. N. N. with the Gagins, develops into a love story, which turned out to be a source for the hero of both sweet romantic languor and bitter torment, then, over the years, lost their sharpness, but doomed the hero to the fate of a bean.

Interesting is the fact that the author refused the name of the hero, and there is no portrait of him. There are different explanations for this, but one thing is certain: I. S. Turgenev transfers the emphasis from the external to the internal, immersing us in the emotional experiences of the hero. From the very beginning of the story, the writer evokes sympathy among readers and trust in the hero-narrator. We learn that this is a cheerful, healthy, rich young man who loves to travel, observe life, people. He recently experienced a love failure, but with the help of subtle irony, we understand that love was not real love, but only entertainment.

And here is the meeting with Gagin, in which he felt a kindred spirit, the proximity of interests to music, painting, literature. Communication with him and his sister Asya immediately set the hero in a sublime romantic mood.

On the second day of their acquaintance, he carefully observes Asya, who both attracts and causes him a feeling of annoyance and even hostility with inexplicable, free actions. The hero is not aware of what is happening to him. He feels some kind of vague unease, which grows into an incomprehensible anxiety; then a jealous suspicion that the Gagins are not relatives.

Two weeks of daily meetings have passed. N. N. is more and more upset by jealous suspicions, and although he was not fully aware of his love for Asa, she gradually took possession of his heart. He is overwhelmed during this period with persistent curiosity, some annoyance at the mysterious, inexplicable behavior of the girl, the desire to understand her inner world.

But the conversation between Asya and Ganin, overheard in the gazebo, makes N. N. finally realize that he has already been captured by a deep and disturbing feeling of love. It is from him that he leaves for the mountains, and when he returns, he goes to the Ganins, after reading a note from brother Asya. Having learned the truth about these people, he instantly regains his lost balance and defines his emotional state in this way: “I felt some kind of sweetness - it was sweetness in my heart: it was as if they secretly poured honey into me ...” The landscape sketch in chapter 10 helps to understand the psychological state of the hero in this significant day, becoming the "landscape" of the soul. It is at this moment of merging with nature that a new turn takes place in the inner world of the hero: what was vague, disturbing, suddenly turns into an undoubted and passionate thirst for happiness, which is associated with the personality of Asya. But the hero prefers to give himself thoughtlessly to incoming impressions: "I'm not only about the future, I didn't think about tomorrow, I felt very good." This indicates that at that moment N.N. was ready only to enjoy romantic contemplation, he did not feel in himself that it removes prudence and caution, while Asya had already “grown wings”, a deep feeling came to her and irresistible. Therefore, in the meeting scene, N.N. seems to be trying to hide behind reproaches and loud exclamations his unpreparedness for a reciprocal feeling, his inability to surrender to love, which so slowly matures in his contemplative nature.

Having parted with Asya after an unsuccessful explanation, N.N. still does not know what awaits him in the future "the loneliness of a familyless bean", he hopes for "tomorrow's happiness", not knowing that "happiness has no tomorrow ... he has the present is not a day, but a moment. N.N.'s love for Asya, obeying a whimsical game of chance or a fatal predetermination of fate, will flare up later, when nothing can be corrected. The hero will be punished for not knowing love, for doubting it. “And happiness was so close, so possible…”

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    • Kirsanov N.P. Kirsanov P.P. Appearance A short man in his early forties. After an old fracture of the leg, he limps. Facial features are pleasant, the expression is sad. Handsome well-groomed middle-aged man. He dresses smartly, in the English manner. Ease in movements betrays a sporty person. Marital status Widower for over 10 years, very happily married. There is a young mistress Fenechka. Two sons: Arkady and six-month-old Mitya. Bachelor. Has been popular with women in the past. After […]
    • Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a remarkable Russian writer of the 19th century, who already during his lifetime gained a reading vocation and world fame. His work served the cause of the abolition of serfdom, inspired the struggle against the autocracy. In the works of Turgenev, pictures of Russian nature are poetically captured, the beauty of genuine human feelings. The author was able to deeply and subtly comprehend modern life, truthfully and poetically reproducing it in his works. He saw the true interest of life not in the sharpness of its external […]
  • Asya in Turgenev's story is a girl who has a richly gifted nature, not the corruption of light, smart, has retained purity of feelings, simplicity and sincerity of the heart; she has a very captivating and spontaneous nature without any falsehood, hypocrisy, strong in spirit and capable of difficult accomplishments.
    Asya had a very unusual character. She was always busy with something. She was not afraid to take risky actions, for example, to climb the ruins. She loved to play pranks and portray someone. One can give such an example when Asya tried to be like a soldier, putting a branch on her shoulder and tying her head with a scarf. And on the same day she put on her best dress for dinner, gloves and combed her hair carefully. Asya in this form wanted to be like a young lady. And the next day she was completely different. She was wearing an old dress, she combed her hair behind her ears and sat, not moving, sewing with her fingers by the window, modestly, quietly. Her appearance was that of a maid. But here it was completely natural. Asya spoke French and German well. There was something special about her: a semi-wild charm and an attractive soul. She was gracefully built.
    Asya seemed natural all the time, except for those cases when she portrayed someone. She loved nature. Such a trait manifested itself in her when Asya watered the flowers located on the walls of the ruins. She had a complex and strange "inner" world. She went through many changes during her childhood. She was first raised by her mother. And very strict. And when Tatyana died, Asya was taken to her father. He made her feel completely free. He was her teacher and did not forbid her anything, but did not coddle with her. Asya understood that she could not become a lady, because she was illegitimate. Therefore, pride, distrust and bad habits soon began to develop in her. She wanted the whole world to forget her origins. She did not have a single hand by her side that could guide her on the right path. Therefore, she was independent in everything and developed herself. Asya did not want to be worse than others and all the time tried to avoid this. She always got her way and did not yield to those who did not love her. Asya valued every opinion and listened to it, as she wanted to correct her character. She didn't like any of the young people. Asya needed a hero, an extraordinary person.
    Her character was very similar to the way of life. He was just as weird. After all, many changes happened in Asya's life. That's how her character changes.
    When Asya got to know Mr. N., she gradually began to understand that she loved him. But he didn't understand it right away. Therefore, Asya tried to hint or make it clear to him that she likes him. And when she made an appointment at Frau Louise's house, she made it clear to Mr. N. that she loved him. But instead of reciprocating, he began to condemn her for what she did wrong when she told Gagin about her love for Mr. N. In this case, Asya turned out to be rejected from the person she loved. But he soon realized that he had made a mistake and wanted to correct it, but it was too late.
    What I really liked about Asya was that she knew how to be confident and defended her opinion. She could change, but at the same time remain herself. She had an unusual and attractive soul, which pulled her towards her. And I also liked the fact that she had certain goals that she wanted to achieve.