What does chvs mean. What is chsv vkontakte

You have probably come across the fact that you do not understand all the words, many people use special jargon, expressions and abbreviations, such as IMHO, HZ, TP, SFS and many others. One of these abbreviations is CHSV. What does CHSV mean? when communicating orally and in writing?
Just like "SPS", the abbreviation "ChSV" is one of the most popular on the World Wide Web. I think that each of us has come across people who think a lot about themselves, I mean that they are pompous, conceited, and stick out their importance in society. The abbreviation CHSV stands for " Feeling of self worth"or in a slightly different way" Feeling of greatness". Many people are interested in what CSV means in VK, what CSV Vkontakte means, so we will consider these issues in more detail.

CHSV- these are people who consider themselves irreplaceable, standing above others, they are obsessed with pride, arrogance, conceit. In simple words, these individuals are clearly overrated

This concept was first developed by Carlos Castaneda, who is the author of many books on the mystical theme. However, whether this person was really a magician or a fraudster is not known, although the hype about this has not subsided to this day. He had a character, Don Juan, who allegedly taught him mysterious knowledge, and so, for a long time he tried to explain to that same Castaneda, what does chsv mean.

As a result, summing up everything that Carlos Castaneda, his own book hero, told, we can conclude that people are not born with a feeling of HFW, it is introduced into a person from the outside. The capitalist system is designed in such a way that it constantly provokes a person to buy more things in order to have a high status in the eyes of other people, while his ego and HR are on the rise. The only disadvantage of such a way of life is that such individuals discard as unnecessary everything that does not satisfy its CSF value.

Such a vision of the world can go quite far, because in some cases people resort to suicide, as this becomes their only chance to maintain their CVV. You need to understand that such a feeling has destructive roots and does not carry anything other than an overestimation of one's capabilities.

Unfortunately, on the Internet, the concept of CVW has become more and more often used, which has become one of the most popular memes. There are many images on the web that ridicule the exaggerated importance of individuals and the significance of one's person, both in the face of the whole society and individuals.

Characteristics and symptoms of CSF:

demonstrative behavior;

Exaggeration of one's role and one's talents;

Exceptional selfishness and excessive narcissism.

If you find similar symptoms in your friend, then be sure that he sick with CSF. A striking feature of this state is his conviction that everything around is UG (dull g @ clearly), and he is one d "Artagnan in white. Either everyone around is marginal and lumpen, and he himself is an exceptionally educated and reasonable person, although in fact he clearly not distinguished by great intelligence, reasonableness and progressiveness.

A special "caste" of people with CVD is beautiful girls. Such maramoys feel the eyes of many men on themselves, and they understand that the vagina will help to earn money without getting out of bed. Since they try to develop only that part of their body that is responsible for appearance, their intelligence does not rise above a five-year-old child. They only know the words "Give", "I want", "I need". Sobering up for these ladies comes only after forty years, when their appearance leaves much to be desired, no matter how much plaster you put on yourself, and they are replaced by new top chans with the same requests. Therefore, these former favorites often come up with thoughts that it is better to get drunk than to vegetate in oblivion.

Among the huge number of memes on the Internet, there is one common and incredibly relevant in our time - CHSV, the decoding of which is known to many and, unfortunately, is close. It's about a sense of self-importance. Like it or not, but the vast majority of the population (if not the country, then the Internet for sure) has an overly high opinion of themselves and their own judgments. Their view of certain things is a priori the most reasonable, correct and non-negotiable. Such people require special treatment, although their significance is usually exaggerated and questionable. They say about such people: "CSV is going through the roof!"

And they are also ridiculed with the help of funny aphorisms, thematic pictures on social networks. Where do such individuals come from? Who came up with the idea that has become so common. Which of the famous people can be diagnosed with CSV syndrome? How to understand if you have the prerequisites for its development? Why is it dangerous and how to deal with it? Read about all this below.

About how we found out about CSF

Let's start with where the term came from. It was introduced by the famous esoteric scientist Castaneda. It was from him that we first learned about such a phenomenon as CHSV. Deciphering this abbreviation today does not cause difficulties for any of the active Internet users. And all thanks to the Russian-language wiki encyclopedia "Lurkomorye" - it was she who popularized the CHSV meme, as well as many other well-known Internet phenomena. Due to the absence of strict formalities (as in Wikipedia itself), this resource covers a larger number of the most diverse objects of the modern world and gives a more complete and understandable idea of ​​them.

Who are they - people with high heart rate?

So, we understand, ChSV, the decoding is known, and the source that spread knowledge about it, too. But after all, a sense of self-importance could not appear by itself; there must be its "carriers". And, of course, they are. There have always been enough such people, it's just that the Internet helps them "go out into the world", a huge number of people (network users) and, accordingly, demonstrate their brightness. It is very easy to find the carrier of the CHSV - you just need to stumble upon his messages, comments on posts a couple of times, and everything will become clear right away. All his conversations are conducted with one main goal - to draw attention to himself, to declare to the public about his own coolness and uniqueness, thereby at the same time fueling his CSV.

Among people whose heart rate is overestimated and unshakable, there are many well-known media personalities. So, for example, often in social networks this characteristic was applied to the Russian designer and blogger Artemy Lebedev, TV and radio host, as well as the scandalous blogger, Russian publicist, blogger and popularizer of Satanism Varraks. All of them are known for their outrageous antics, selfish attitude and expressive expressions in work/creativity. Around them there are always some disputes, noise, discussions and emotions (often negative), however, in most cases this is part of their plans.

HCV in real life

With regard to celebrities and popular figures in the media, everything seems to be quite logical - they need PR, it is important for them to be talked about. And what about ordinary, non-public people, such as you and me? Have you ever paid attention to your behavior and how you position yourself when communicating with other people (even on the Internet, even in real life)? After all, excessive heart rate can be very, very disturbing.

Why can an overestimated heart rate be dangerous?

Firstly, it can negatively affect communication with other people: friends, relatives, colleagues and just those around us everywhere every day. How does your heart rate affect them? The decoding of this concept may sound like this: "I am the navel of the Earth." Who would like this position? It is unlikely that your colleague, and even more so the boss, will be happy to work with a person for whom his own interests are above all else. What about native people? Is it easy for them to get along with you and try to please all the whims? Sooner or later, the one who communicates with the carrier of the SSF will run out of patience, and the relationship will crack.

Secondly, an overestimated heart rate harms you most of all. The position "I am the best / ideal / always right" can easily lead to degradation, lack of self-development, deafness and blindness to the opinions and desires of others. As a result, you can withdraw into yourself and lose touch with reality. Of course, this is in especially difficult cases, but everything starts small.

How not to fall into the trap of the CSF?

If you notice such behavior, thoughts, statements behind you, then you should stop and think: "Why am I behaving like this and what can it result in?" Of course, by itself, each person should have a CSF, but in a reasonable proportion. just as dangerous and harmful as overpriced. Try to find a balance. Stick to your views and judgments if they are justified, considered and weighed, but respect opposing, different opinions as well. Be true to yourself, but listen to others - it can be helpful. As for social networks, sometimes it’s better to “pass by” a post than to get involved in empty conversations, it’s better to do something more useful and productive. Good luck!

In his books, he describes it as a moral feeling of exaltation over someone or something, emphasizing the significance of himself and his actions. In other words, a sense of self-importance is self-evaluation. Since a person is usually constantly in this state, it prevents him from soberly assessing the situation and making the necessary decision. According to Castaneda's books, it is the feeling of self-importance that takes away most of our energy in everyday life, thus leaving it only to live according to social prescriptions and conventions.

It does not matter whether our sense of self-importance is positive or negative. The belief that you are a failure is as much an expression of self-importance as the belief that you are better than others. Overestimation of oneself, megalomania, arrogance and narcissism are identical in their main motivation to self-compassion, an inferiority complex, repentance and martyrdom. All these and similar motives suggest that too much importance is attached to one's own person - at any rate, great enough to justify the day-to-day madness that follows. A sense of self-importance puts blinders on us, reducing the world to selfish interests and allowing us to see only what is directly related to our person. This is the only way to explain how we manage to exploit nature and the people around us and at the same time complain about environmental pollution, social injustice and the widespread spread of selfishness. We are absolutely unable to observe the world and ourselves without making judgments about it, and come to a view of things in which we do not play any significant role, which in the vast majority of cases is true.

Loss of self-importance is the main prerequisite for achieving the state warrior, along with such as erasing personal history and taking responsibility for actions.

These prerequisites are explicitly highlighted in the third book, Journey to Ixtlan, where each item is devoted to a separate chapter. Other books also constantly mention the key role of the HRW in our limitations as human beings.

Loss of self-importance

The loss of CSV leads to the restoration of our primordial energy resources, which can be applied to the expansion of our perception of the world. Mankind used to think that self-esteem is an important element of personality, however, according to Castaneda, this is not so. A person without a sense of self-importance does not critically reduce self-esteem, but does not take it into account, and therefore it loses its meaning for him. Thus, the view of the world can be more conscious if this feeling is avoided. That's the concept

For the nagual Julian, self-importance was a monster with three thousand heads. And the one who entered into battle with her could defeat her in one of three ways. The first way was to cut off each of the heads in turn, the second was to achieve a mysterious state of being called the place of no pity, which destroyed its own importance, slowly killing it with hunger, the third was to pay for the immediate destruction of the thousand-headed monster with its symbolic death.

(Carlos Castaneda "The Power of Silence")

One of the ways to deal with CSF is to "use" petty tyrants, because the constant humiliation on their part allows you to train your control over this feeling.

To perceive this thing, the teacher of Carlos Castaneda - don Juan Matus - very correctly used the term feeling because importance is not some kind of moral inference, but only a sensation, a feeling.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "CSV" is in other dictionaries:

    CHSV- a sense of self-importance CSV is a member of the family of a military man… Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    hsv- Abbreviation. It stands for "Feeling of Self-Importance". negative quality of a person. Theoretical maximum heart rate is 8500. For some, it goes over 9000. Don’t fuck off, lower your heart rate ... Internet slang ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

Social networks have brought a lot of terms into the language, one of them was CSW. It is difficult to find out what this means and where it is applied if a person does not know about the decoding, and there is no one to tell him. Internet slang uses the abbreviation CHSV only to indicate the offended excessive importance of the opponent.

What does CHSV mean and how is it deciphered

For the first time, the combination of CHSV appeared on the Russian-speaking Internet among the fans of Carlos Castaneda, a Spanish esotericist and mystic. He described in books moral elevation over another person in speech, not in deeds. Interested in the abbreviation CHSV - what does the abbreviation mean? These three letters are revealed as "a sense of self-importance." Otherwise, FSW can be called self-evaluation, which is difficult to get rid of.

Due to the fact that a person constantly evaluates his significance and dignity highly, it takes a lot of time, prevents a sober look at the situation and making a decision. According to the books of the esoteric, the feeling of self-importance is negative, you need to get rid of it, because it uses a lot of energy, leaving strength only to follow social prescriptions and conventions.

Overestimated heart rate in social networks

Often the use of the phrase CHSV is found on social networks, where you can hide behind an avatar photo and assert yourself in importance at the expense of others. The terms arrogance, swagger and pride serve as an analogue of the abbreviation. People with a sense of self-importance constantly present their merits to others. Neglect of one's own merits also indicates an inflated sense of self-importance.

Another option where you can find the term is online games. There it is used in different ways - in various types of games, but is often mentioned in a context similar to social networks. A player with delusions of grandeur, overestimation of himself and his abilities, arrogance and narcissism deserves to be "rewarded" with this description. From online, the characteristic passes into life, manifesting itself as boasting and ambition. Getting rid of this is difficult.

What does CHSV Vkontakte mean?

Not all people know what CSV is in VK. You can learn about this feeling inherent in a person by the following manifestations:

  • a person is proud of himself, considers himself important, puts the opinion above the words of others;
  • vanity, ambition, excessive sense of dignity;
  • a person is not able to hear criticism addressed to him;
  • cannot understand people normally, it is difficult to talk with him;
  • demands maximum respect towards himself, even in the absence of real deeds;
  • constantly pays attention to his account - leaves comments to himself, "likes" his posts, writes many articles, leaves spoilers in movie reviews, not respecting the wishes and opinions of other people.

Who is a chsvshnik in Dota

If you like the competitive game of Dota 2, then it does not hurt to know better: FSW - what does it mean when communicating with other users. All players reach different levels of skill, which can cause conflicts in the chat between the best and those who do worse. Most of the winners boast of incredible levels of skill, and can be accused of excessive HR.

Self-importance implies that a person greatly exaggerates and exalts his importance or skill, demonstrating to others non-existent talents. The player develops aggression towards any words or actions, because in fact inside he also considers himself inferior. A person with an overestimated sense of importance in Dota is too dependent on the opinions of others, gives him a lot of attention, and therefore is distinguished by vanity.

What is dark age

Another popular game - Dark Age - in the section of popular questions answers about CSW - what does this term mean. It stands for the number of the power of things. Each player has slots - things that increase the importance in the game and the level of protection. Significant categories include the things themselves, sharpening, gems. The more such slots a player has, the higher his strength. You can learn more about these terms directly on the websites of Dark Age MMORPG servers.

The number of the power of things is expressed quantitatively, making up the sum of all available items. This can be influenced by clothing, skill stones, items that pets and horses have. The parameter of the number of the power of things is directly dependent on the number of acquired or received amulets, magic items. You can increase their level by sharpening, decorating with gems and stones, and remelting.

Video: the danger of self-importance

Self-importance and vanity are the strongest signs of ego.. They always push people away.

If a person has a highly developed ego and heart, it is impossible to communicate with him for a long time.

In the words, energy and nonverbalism of such people one can feel false arrogance, social conditioning, vanity and ambition.

The concept and decoding of CHSV

Ego is attachment to self-importance.

ESW stands for Sense of Self-Importance.

A person with an inflated sense of self-importance is very susceptible and reactive to the actions and words of others. Often feels inferiority and inferiority.

Obvious signs of an overestimated heart rate in humans:

Ego is your false self, your personality, your cowardice.

Maharaj said: To know who you are, you have to know who you are not.”.

Clear signs of a big ego

  1. The ego keeps you in your comfort zone.
  2. It doesn't want you to meet new people. The ego is against everything new.
  3. The ego is always small, it constantly craves someone else's approval, recognition, fame.
  4. It's chasing numbers. More money, more recognition, more honor.
  5. The ego wants someone else's respect.
  6. It prevents you from realizing that you are already self-sufficient without external stimulation.
  7. If you don’t trust anyone, easily give in to your emotions, have a bad mood, are angry at everyone, this means that the ego dictates your behavior. You are under his influence.
  8. Ego prevents you from being in the moment, focusing on one thing. Random thoughts, confusion in the head - this is his handiwork. If there is no identification with thoughts, this will not happen.

To identify with the ego or not is always your choice. You decide for yourself.

You can love yourself at the most natural level, without ego. You must not be arrogant.

What people need to know and why they don't change

Your ego is attachment to the body, its limitations, its fears. These are your thoughts that haunt you, your emotions, your body, your internal dialogue.

Man's mistake is to believe everything that his thoughts tell him. He believes his thoughts tell him what, how and when to do.

Everything that comes and goes is not you. Your thoughts, emotions, body are not you.

Ego is your personality, it is a sense of self-importance and pride.

Personality is what is imposed on you from the outside by society, your masks, social layers, projections of not the real you. The ego is the invisible fence around you that keeps no one close.

Be an individual - this is your truth, this is how God made you when you were born, this is your reality.

When you hate, your ego is satisfied.

In hatred you feel your superiority.
In hatred, you distinguish yourself from others.
In hate you become certain. One feels identified with someone or something.

To define oneself means to limit oneself.

Love is dissolution in others. Love requires the sacrifice of the ego.

Only those who are ready to become nobody are able to love.

Video "How people are dependent on someone else's approval and recognition"

Watch the next video. It talks about what a person's ego is and sv.

How to get rid of excess and become more conscious

What should be done to get rid of CVD:

If you act arrogant, look down on others, then everyone will turn away.

Nobody wants your boast.

No one is interested in listening to your words - what a navel of the earth you are, how cool you are and how beautifully you can comb your hair.

If you want to increase your level of awareness and better notice the signs of ego in yourself, then the following books are useful:

  • Osho Courage. The joy of living at risk.
  • Nisargadatta Maharaj "I Am That".

About boastful and arrogant people

I don't know why, it happens automatically, I'm disgusted by guys who measure their toughness, compare themselves to me or tell me: Did you see what I did? Have you seen how good I am?

I don't care who you are or what you did there. You can tell your mom, maybe she will appreciate and pat you on the head. I don't need to talk about it.

All this is reminiscent of kindergarten. Just take it away from you.

: self-awareness, enlightenment, self-exploration - get out of the endless wheel of suffering and understand who you are.

: how to meditate correctly - posture, technique, practice + 2 videos.

: a wonderful article about love, happiness, inner balance and harmony.

Boasting is a sign of an inferiority complex

When communicating, as soon as a person begins to show off in front of you, he begins to wait for your reaction.

A person boasts and expects to be admired and respected, because he does not love himself and does not respect himself.

He treats himself badly, but demands a lot from others.. It's easier for me to get away from such people and not waste my time.

The seeker will find what he is looking for. A sleeper should not be awakened. He will resent you for the truth.

Just because you learned something new or read a couple of books, you won't change. It's not enough just to read.

You have to work hard on yourself! One must inculcate awareness, observe oneself and change oneself with great passion.