money test. Will you have big money? Wealth test! A few steps to financial freedom

Simple tests for associations have long been loved by many of us. They always reveal something interesting about our personality.

Let's unwind a little. Your attention is invited to a simple and very interesting test.

Among the variety of banknotes you need to choose one. Be guided only by your inner feeling.

The results coincided in a strange way, although such tests can be considered far from accurate! Moreover, the results reflect clear desires at a certain stage of life.

So, here are some banknotes. Which one will you choose?

1. Dollars are a classic currency.

Most likely, you are generous and moral. You strive to become the best. You have the highest ambitions and standards. Even simple things you look at from an original angle. It may seem to partners and work colleagues that it is difficult with you, but it is most difficult for you with yourself.

2. You are an original and humorous person.

These qualities can help you in business. You are a responsible, enthusiastic person who loves to take care of others. You believe in honest work and make commitments easily. You have a good character. You inspire confidence in people.

You are bright, fast and witty. You are a dimmident, you always have something interesting to tell.

3. You know how to think outside the box.

You know how to highlight the essence and build a business scheme. Details of the business plan can be drawn up later. The idea itself is important. You are a smart and thoughtful person. You are a good thinker. Your thoughts and ideas are the most important. You like to ponder your theories and views alone. You are an introvert.

4. Original thinking can help you in business and business.

You can achieve more! Insightful and philosophical, you are a unique person in your own way. There is no one next to you, even slightly, similar to you. You are intuitive and a bit quirky. But therein lies the potential for your success in work and business! You are often misunderstood and it hurts you.

5. Classic and simplicity are your priorities in work and business.

At times, your job or business may suffer from this, but nevertheless, a stable and correct calculation in business will ensure your success. Have you encountered certain difficulties in work or business. But don't be discouraged, you just have to keep moving forward. Confident and dominant, you are quite an independent person.

6. Having chosen Soviet rubles in the test picture, you apparently miss stability.

But nostalgia for the USSR will not interfere with your success in work and business. Kind and sensitive, you easily build business relationships with people. You have many friends and you love making their lives better. You have a warm and light aura. You respect a good and stable business.

7. Your business and your investments should be like the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Stability and originality are your priority goals in business and work. Happy and calm, you are a sensitive and understanding person. You often listen to your colleagues attentively and without judgment. You believe every person has their own path in life.

8. Dollars are old. The outlook for the euro is hazy.

The English pound is a symbol of the stability of good old England. Herd instincts are not for you. You are not like everyone else and you know how to think outside the box. This should be the key to your success in work and business. Charming and energetic You are often a cheerful and positive person.

9. Gold and dollars are a sign of financial stability.

Gold is a currency for centuries. You are full of optimism and a lucky person. You choose reliability, against ill-considered risk. In business and work, you are steadily moving forward, despite the difficulties. Try to keep this quality. You believe that life is a gift and you try to do as much as you can.

And one more test:

what thoughts and actions resulting from them lead to well-being,

and which - to poverty

Wealth is not only luxurious mansions, holidays in five-star hotels in exotic countries, expensive restaurants, cars. It originates in the thoughts of a person and, over time, transforms into a lifestyle. Without internal readiness for big money, you can waste any amount, miss all opportunities.

Take our test and find out if a rich life awaits you in the near future, or if it's time to change something in yourself.

Question 1

You are in an expensive clothing store. But for financial reasons, you can't afford to buy it. What do you do and feel about it?

A. I look at the outfits with pleasure and imagine which one could suit me.

B. I feel embarrassed, secretly look back at the sellers. I don't want anyone to notice me. I hurry to leave the store.

Q. Looking at price tags and trying to figure out why clothes cost so much.

Question 2

Do you agree with the statement: “Money is evil”?

B. Sometimes this is true.

B. Disagree.

Question 3

How do you feel about rich people?

A. With respect (admiration). As a rule, the most intelligent, resourceful, energetic, self-confident people become rich.

B. I don't like all these pretentious personalities. Among them are thieves and liars.

B. Rich people are lucky. Hopefully someday I will too.

Question 4

You have a strong desire to buy an expensive item (car, furniture, designer dress, jewelry, and so on) or go on a trip. And the funds are not enough. What to do?

A. Since there is no money, there is nothing to want. We must live within our means.

B. I will start saving and saving money. Perhaps in a few months I will be able to buy the desired thing.

V. Naidu (change of job, starting your own business, part-time job, investment, and so on).

Question 5

What do you think is the most important thing in a job?

A. Be hardworking and responsible.

B. Ability to see opportunities and communicate with people.

B. High salary and prestigious position.

Question 6

You were walking down the street and noticed a small coin under your feet. Your actions.

A. I will pick up a coin. It won't hurt.

B. I will pick up a coin and mentally thank good luck.

B. I'll pass by. Now, if there was a normal bill lying on the road, I would pick it up.

Question 7

Do you love your job (business, business)?

A. I love it.

B. I'm looking for a case that could take me over my head. For now, I'm happy with what I have.

Q. I hate my job, but I can't help it. You have to work somewhere and earn money.

Question 8

If you were offered three jobs at the same time, which one would you prefer?

A. The one that pays more.

B. Where I could gain useful experience and contacts.

B. To the one where there are prospects for career growth.

Question 9

Do you share money with others?

A. Yes. For example, I can give a few coins to a beggar in the city or help my relatives financially. I also respect charity.

Q. If someone is in a very difficult situation, I can lend him money or give him a small amount.

Question 10

Do you sometimes allow yourself to buy (try) something expensive and refined, for example, going to a good restaurant?

A. No, you have to live within your means.

B. Yes, but then my conscience torments me for a long time because the money could have been spent more wisely.

Question 11

How do you behave during financial difficulties?

A. I worry, I suffer and constantly think about the fact that there is less and less money.

B. I console myself with the fact that financial difficulties are temporary. Cutting costs and looking for ways to improve my situation.

B. I turn to friends and relatives for help, I borrow money.

Question 12

Imagine that you have won a large amount of money in the lottery. How do you manage them?

A. I will buy myself something expensive and cool: a car, chic clothes, jewelry, a ticket to the islands, and so on.

B. Invest in education or a hobby.

B. I'll hide it under the mattress (I'll put it in my bank account).

Question 13

Money or family?

And money.

B. Both!

Question 14

Do you agree with the statement: "To achieve something, you need to work hard and hard."

A. I agree.

B. Luck is more important in life.

C. You need to find the right point of application of efforts and work smart.

Question 15

Do you like to take risks?

Q. Yes, but the risk must be justified.


Question 1. A - 2, B - 0, C - 1.

Question 2. A - 0, B - 1, C - 2.

Question 3. A - 2, B - 0, C - 1.

Question 4. A - 0, B - 1, C - 2.

Question 5. A - 1, B - 2, C - 0.

Question 6. A - 0, B - 2, C - 1.

Question 7. A - 2, B - 1, C - 0.

Question 8. A - 0, B - 2, C - 1.

Question 9. A - 2, B - 0, C - 1.

Question 10. A - 0, B - 1, C - 2.

Question 11. A - 0, B - 2, C - 1.

Question 12. A - 1, B - 2, C - 0.

Question 13. A - 1, B - 0, C - 2.

Question 14. A - 1, B - 0, C - 2.

Question 15. A - 1, B - 0, C - 2.


0-10 points.

Unfortunately, with your current thinking, you should not count on big money. After all, you yourself set yourself up for the fact that wealth is something from a foreign world, so cold and hostile. Mental discomfort while staying in expensive places (restaurants, shops), negativity towards wealthy people, eternal savings and counting pennies, fear of being left without the most necessary things. Familiar? It's never too late to change everything. If your brain is only occupied with thoughts about how difficult it is without money, switch your attention to something else. Take up a hobby, work, go to a meeting with friends or relatives. Most importantly, don't think badly about money. When the situation begins to improve, begin to thank life for any amount that will come to you.
11-21 points.

You are unlikely to ever be in dire need of money, as you are used to doing everything right. Careful goal setting, hard work, internal discipline, self-development, useful contacts. You always have money. But you don't feel really rich. Do you think that for this you need to either have unique brains and talents, or catch the bird of happiness by the tail. And you imagine that you already live in luxury. Behave proudly and nobly, help "younger in rank", pamper yourself with pleasant expensive things that you deserve. Then you will not notice how an interesting game smoothly flowed into a rich life.
22-30 points.

Your wealth is a matter of time. And you probably won't have to wait long. You love and understand money, and they love you.

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Ancient Tibetan wealth test - reveal your purpose! Pass the ancient Tibetan wealth test. Monkey - millionaire will reveal your destiny.
We offer you to choose one of the monkeys in the picture and determine the right direction of work or business for yourself.

Ancient Tibetan wealth test. RESULTS:

1. The source of your wealth- a profession associated with publicity, advertising, fame. It is important for you to care about appearance, good taste. You must be effective, and your ideas must be effective.

It is quite possible that your vocation is journalism, beauty salon, modeling business, sale of jewelry and branded items. The creative career of a singer or actor is also not excluded.

2. Your source of wealth- you yourself. Your ideas, reflections, logic. You are able to come up with a new system or qualitatively reconstruct the old one.

Your mind is rational, your successful field of activity is finance, law, science. You are able to think broadly and freely. Feel free to say it out loud.

3. Your source of wealth- Vera. Sincere, deep and strong. This is the most important thing in your life. And it doesn't have to be a religion. You can believe in your dream, your strength, in what you are doing, and also in the people around you.

And you should be able to give this bright faith to others, share it more often. Any work aimed at helping people is suitable for you: a teacher, a doctor, a priest.

4. Your source of wealth- work in a team, in a circle of like-minded people. You can work from the office, from home, or become the head of your own business.

But in any case, it is important for you to have close-minded people nearby: relatives, childhood friend, spouse, reliable partner. In a word, the one who will always support you and your ideas will help if it is difficult.

5. Your source of wealth- absolutely everything related to home comfort. Your strong point is cooking various dishes, kitchen appliances and their repair, gardening, creating comfort.

You can be the owner of a cute shop or cafe, you can be engaged in the textile industry, plants and garden tools. Or you can completely go into household chores, devoting yourself to your family and children.

6. Your source of wealth– activity, actions and movement forward. Your unchanging motto: "Movement is life!". Your profession must certainly be connected with travel and travel. In addition, it is important for you to devote time to sports. If your job is not like that, then choose a similar hobby. And do not grow old in spirit. Move!

7. The main source of wealth- greed, desire. This, by the way, is not necessarily greed. For example, greed for life, for the joys and pleasures that it brings.

You are more likely to be "like a duck to water" in the entertainment or restaurant business. You expect sensual joys from life, strive to bring pleasure not only to the mind, but also to the body. And one more important condition - you must love your job.

8. The source of your wealth- Holidays and festivals. You can arrange children's matinees, work as a photographer at celebrations, be a toastmaster or a musician.

You will make a talented designer, graphic designer or florist. You will perfectly cope with the duties of a travel agent and will be able to breathe life into the publications of the printing house. Remember that you need a bright life, because you will soon get bored from the gray monotonous everyday life.

9. source of wealth for you- feelings, the ability to empathize, understanding others. You can become a good psychologist, although in this case, excessive emotionality may interfere with you. Strive for harmony. Any creative work is ideal for you, you, like no one else, know how to express your feelings. You are merciful and always full of sympathy for those who are offended by life.

10. Your source of wealth- strict kindness. You strive in this life to "do" good. You are probably too strict and picky with people, and it seems to you that a stick will help them rather than a carrot. However, behind your prickly severity, you still hide the warmth of the soul. Your kindness is always with fists. You are called to work in the police or serve in the army. And also in any area where criticism is needed. But do not forget that it is constructive.

11. The source of your wealth- Own business. Well, if it is connected with the construction. After all, you constantly need to create something new, something that will serve people for more than one year. You are a serious and responsible person, you know how to be self-critical and learn from your own mistakes. You are a pretty good mentor and teacher for those who are younger than you and are just starting their journey.

12. The main source of wealth- everything related to metal and speed. This is the automotive industry, and everything that has to do with trains and planes. You are a modern person, speed is important to you. As well as reliability and quality. Sometimes it seems to you that you are completely exhausted from the race and do not have time to live. At times like these, you definitely need a break.

13. Your source of wealth- to give warmth, joy. To yourself and those around you. An important point: do not get hung up on trifles, let others do it. Your task is to gush ideas, come up with a framework, create a foundation. And if at first it seems that it is not well tailored, when it is sewn, everyone will be convinced of the scope of your idea. You may sometimes be considered a rude person, but in reality you only want the best for everyone.

14. The source of your wealth- sense of humor. You can brilliantly manifest it in any area. In many areas of activity, you are simply irreplaceable. Your wit will not only help you find real friends, but will also be the engine of your career. The main condition is that the jokes are not evil.

15. source of wealth for you- any profession related to cleanliness, even to some extent sterility. A career as a doctor or scientist can be successful. And in life, you must also keep your thoughts pure, be a moral person with an unsullied conscience. It is you, like no one else, who should not lie, commit vile deeds. All this immediately reflects on you.

16. The source of your wealth- across the seas, in a distant land. By the way, the sea will always play a big role in your life. Therefore, it is best if your work or hobbies are related to water. But it is not necessary to become a fisherman or a plumber. You can just occasionally take diving lessons or set up an aquarium and meditate while looking after the colorful swimming fish while tending to them.

If you liked it! Show your friends this test, they will definitely find two minutes for the result! They will be grateful to you for this. Leave your comments if you agree with the results.

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The wealth test is a way to find out when you will become rich. Many people want to understand whether financial well-being will come soon.

Take a simple test that will allow you to predict the future. To do this, you just need to select a symbol from those presented in the picture. Below is a breakdown of the values.

What does the test say about the first figure

This symbol characterizes you as a hardworking person. You are not used to being lazy, and you are determined to get results. The desire to improve well-being will eventually lead to success. The main thing - do not deviate from the goals and continue to work. The key to success in the future is the desire to get results.

Financial prosperity always comes to those who work hard. The test says that in your case, you should expect wealth in about a couple of years.

Second character

According to the results that the test gives in this case, enrichment can be expected in the near future. This figure is an indicator that you are doing everything right and moving in the right direction. If you were able to choose a path, you cannot turn off it now. You are half a step away from achieving your cherished goals. Within a year, your well-being will improve. It remains to wait a bit for the end of the path and not deviate from the goals.

Third figure

The test evaluates this symbol as the most difficult. If you decide to choose a figurine with five corners, you still have a lot of work to do. Now you are at the beginning of the journey. With due diligence and diligence, after 3 years you can achieve prosperity.

Everyone needs money, that's a fact. What exactly does the material side of life mean to you? Safe to exist? An opportunity to make your dreams come true? Wearing expensive clothes? Visit expensive beauty salons and fitness centers? Travel to the most fashionable resorts? Or maybe you are neutral about material goods? To understand this, we advise you to take a test on the attitude towards money.

Test your relationship with money

Write down the points next to the chosen answer. Add up all the numbers and the result will give the answer at the end of the test.

1. Unexpectedly, you won 1,000,000 rubles. How will you deal with this amount?

a) spend every penny (0 points);
b) spend part of the money on what you have long dreamed of (a fur coat, a trip to the sea, jewelry), and put some in the bank by opening a deposit (1 point);
in) invest almost the entire amount in a profitable business or buy real estate (2 points).

2. Your good friend, with whom you communicate regularly, suddenly became rich. Will your relationship with her change because of this?

a) it is unlikely that anything will change - you will only be happy to borrow money from a friend if necessary (0 points);
b) perhaps you will move away from a friend, because she will have other interests and new acquaintances (1 point);
in) your friendship will definitely end - you will not be able to hide your envy (2 points).

3. Which of the following statements most accurately describes your relationship with money?

a)"A smart person keeps money in his head, not in his pocket (1 point);
b)“Making money is too “expensive”” (0 points);
in)“It is unlikely that a person living within their means has a rich imagination” (2 points).

4. Do you count change in the store?

a) never (0 points);
b) sometimes (1 point);
in) always or almost always (2 points).

5. If you wanted to get "extra" money, you ...

a) would cut their expenses (1 point);
b) would borrow money (0 points);
in) would invest in a profitable business (2 points).

6. You were given an expensive item for your birthday. What is your reaction?

a) you suspect that the person who gave you a valuable thing wants something from you (2 points);
b) you will experience embarrassment (1 point);
in) you will experience pleasure (0 points).

7. The person who borrowed money from you is in no hurry to give it back. How will you do it?

a) you will wait until he gives them back (0 points);
b) you remind the debtor that he owes you (1 point);
in) if the debtor does not repay the money for a long time, you will ask him to return the debt to you immediately (2 points).

8. On the street you saw something shiny. Turned out it was a coin. Will you pick her up?

a) it all depends on the mood (1 point);
b) no (0 points);
in) yes (2 points).

9. Do you have to talk to anyone about money?

a) yes (2 points);
b) no (0 points);
in) yes, if it is necessary for the “case” (1 point).

10. Are you interested in stock ticker information?

a) yes, you often watch stock news (2 points);
b) no, you have no idea what it is (0 points);
in) you are interested in such information, but only if it concerns the discussion of world problems (1 point).

Let's summarize and find out what attitude to money you have today:

17-20 points- you take money too seriously: for you it is the main and main component of life. Undoubtedly, you dream of becoming a rich woman: you make a lot of efforts for this and often do everything possible and even impossible to achieve your goals.

Unfortunately, this drive and desire to get rich no matter what, can leave you vulnerable to setbacks in business, especially if you have to endure a financial shock.

Advice: you should relax a little and allocate some money for yourself every month for entertainment, shopping, beauty rituals. Remember that you can’t earn all the money (and this definitely won’t affect your health in the best way), and life should bring pleasure and not turn into a “hunt” for money.

11-16 points- you make a lot of efforts to earn more money: often you do this in order to fulfill your desires (you save money for the purchase of durable items, jewelry, etc.). In principle, this is a good approach to life and finances (a little tip: try not to overwork yourself and do not overwhelm yourself with overtime work).

4-10 points- you can be congratulated: you manage not only to earn money, but also to spend it wisely, putting aside part of the money in reserve. You are not chasing super positions and do not strive to earn all the money in the world, but you can very well provide yourself with a decent life.

0-3 points- money is not an area that you pay close attention to. You could even say that sometimes you are careless about your budget. This attitude towards money is unlikely to bring you financial success, but, apparently, you live well without it.

Advice: you should not be a spender and spend all your money clean - it is advisable to set aside about 10-15% of the money earned for unforeseen expenses or, for example, travel.

We hope that the test helped you understand yourself. Subscribe to site updates so as not to miss new interesting tests.