Fin Yuryev Polish. Administration of the municipal formation Yuryev - Polsky district, Vladimir region

Classification of information products

Chapter 2. Classification of information products

Article 6. Implementation of the classification of information products

Information about changes:

3. The classification of information products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law for the following categories of information products:

1) information products for children under the age of six;

2) information products for children who have reached the age of six;

3) information products for children who have reached the age of twelve;

4) information products for children who have reached the age of sixteen;

5) information products prohibited for children (information products containing information provided for by Part 2 of Article 5 of this Federal Law).


For the definition and age limit of the main television program, taking into account the content of the messages of the "creeping line", see the information of Roskomnadzor dated January 22, 2013.

Information about changes:

4. The classification of information products intended and (or) used for the education and upbringing of children in organizations engaged in educational activities for the implementation of basic general education programs, educational programs of secondary vocational education, additional general education programs is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law and legislation on education .

Information about changes:

5. The classification of films is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law and the legislation of the Russian Federation on state support for cinematography.

Information about changes:

6. The information obtained as a result of the classification of information products is indicated by its manufacturer or distributor in the accompanying documents for information products and is the basis for placing the sign of information products on it and for its circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 7. Information products for children under the age of six

Information products for children under the age of six may include information products containing information that does not harm the health and (or) development of children (including information products containing episodic non-naturalistic images justified by its genre and (or) plot). or a description of physical and (or) mental violence (with the exception of sexual violence) subject to the triumph of good over evil and expression of compassion for the victim of violence and (or) condemnation of violence).

Article 8. Information products for children who have reached the age of six years

The information products allowed for circulation for children who have reached the age of six years may include information products provided for in Article 7

1) short-term and non-naturalistic depiction or description of human diseases (with the exception of serious diseases) and (or) their consequences in a form that does not degrade human dignity;

2) a non-naturalistic depiction or description of an accident, accident, catastrophe or non-violent death without demonstrating its consequences, which may cause fear, horror or panic in children;

3) episodic depiction or description of these actions and (or) crimes that do not incite to the commission of antisocial actions and (or) crimes, provided that their admissibility is not substantiated or justified and a negative, condemning attitude towards the persons committing them is expressed.

Article 9. Information products for children who have reached the age of twelve

The information products allowed for circulation for children who have reached the age of twelve years may include information products provided for in Article 8 of this Federal Law, as well as information products containing justified by its genre and (or) plot:

1) episodic depiction or description of cruelty and (or) violence (with the exception of sexual violence) without a naturalistic display of the process of deprivation of life or mutilation, provided that compassion for the victim and (or) a negative, condemning attitude towards cruelty, violence (with the exception of violence used in cases of protecting the rights of citizens and legally protected interests of society or the state);

2) an image or description that does not induce antisocial acts (including the consumption of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, beer and drinks made on its basis, participation in gambling, vagrancy or begging), episodic mention (without demonstration) of narcotic means, psychotropic and (or) intoxicating substances, tobacco products, provided that the admissibility of antisocial actions is not substantiated and not justified, a negative, condemning attitude towards them is expressed and there is an indication of the danger of consuming these products, means, substances, products;

3) episodic non-naturalistic depiction or description of sexual relations between a man and a woman that does not exploit interest in sex and is not of an exciting or offensive nature, with the exception of the depiction or description of sexual acts.

Article 10. Information products for children who have reached the age of sixteen years

Information products allowed for circulation for children who have reached the age of sixteen years may include information products provided for in Article 9 of this Federal Law, as well as information products containing justified by its genre and (or) plot:

1) depiction or description of an accident, accident, catastrophe, disease, death without a naturalistic display of their consequences, which may cause fear, horror or panic in children;

2) depiction or description of cruelty and (or) violence (with the exception of sexual violence) without a naturalistic display of the process of deprivation of life or mutilation, provided that compassion for the victim and (or) a negative, condemning attitude towards cruelty, violence (with the exception of violence) is expressed applied in cases of protection of the rights of citizens and legally protected interests of society or the state);

3) information about narcotic drugs or psychotropic and (or) intoxicating substances (without their demonstration), about the dangerous consequences of their consumption with a demonstration of such cases, provided that a negative or condemning attitude is expressed towards the consumption of such drugs or substances and contains an indication of danger of their consumption;

4) individual swear words and (or) expressions that are not related to obscene language;

5) images or descriptions of sexual relations between a man and a woman that do not exploit interest in sex and are not offensive in nature, with the exception of images or descriptions of actions of a sexual nature.

Page content

From the history of the Vladimir branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

The Vladimir branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (until June 29, 2012 - the branch of the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics in Vladimir) as an independent division was opened in 1963 as an educational and consulting center. From 1967 to 1970, it had the status of a branch, from 1970 to 1997 - a faculty, and in February 1997 it was again transformed into a branch (Order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation No. 245 dated February 24, 1997). In 2012, as a result of the reorganization of VZFEI in the form of joining the Financial University, it became a structural unit - the Vladimir branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2018, the branch celebrates its 55th anniversary as the founder of the system for preparing financial and
economic personnel of the Vladimir region.

For 55 years, the branch has trained more than 13 thousand specialists in the field of economics, financial activities and state municipal administration.

Over the years of many years of work, the branch was headed by: the first head of the Vladimir branch, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department of economic geography T.D. Smolina (1963–1967), a graduate of the 1967 branch of M.G. Lapusta (1967–1970), A.S. Bezverkhy (1970–1972), A.A. Romanov (1973–1988), graduate of the branch in 1968 and the first chairman of the Student Council of the branch E.S. Biryukov (1988–2003), Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation L.K. Koretskaya (2003 - 2013).

From 2013 to the present, the branch is headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor, graduate of the Vladimir branch of the Financial University in 2012 N.V. Yudin.

Vladimir branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation today

Today, the Vladimir branch of the Financial University is the only state profile university in the region, which occupies a leading position as a basic center for training specialists in the financial sector.

Our branch today is more
one and a half thousand students and undergraduates - economists, financiers and managers. These are professional teachers, more than 90 percent of whom have academic degrees of doctors and candidates of sciences and academic titles of professors and associate professors. This is a creative team of management personnel, an active student council.

Currently, the branch provides training in four areas of undergraduate studies: "Economics", "Management", "Business Informatics", "State and Municipal Administration". Since 2012, the branch has begun training for master's programs: "Financial Management and Markets", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit".

Since 2015, educational programs of secondary vocational education have been opened in the branch: “Economics and accounting (by industry)”, “Finance”, “Banking”. Along with the main educational programs, the branch implements a wide range of programs for additional professional education and advanced training, as well as pre-university training.

Dear graduates of the branch - First Deputy Governor of the Vladimir Region, Director of the Department of Finance, Budget and Tax Policy V.P. Kuzin, head of Vladimir O.A. Deeva, Director of the Department of Culture of the Administration of the Vladimir Region A.M. Biryukova, chairman of the committee on youth policy of the regional administration A.A. Abramova, Vice-President-Head of the branch of the Verkhovna Rada of JSC "Moscow Industrial Bank" A.V. Krutov and many others form the basis of the Alumni Association and the Board of Trustees of the branch.

Graduates of the branch upon graduation with pleasure remain in teaching work in the branch. Currently, the following employees work in the branch: branch director, graduate of 2012, doctor of philological sciences, professor, chairman of the Civic Chamber of the Vladimir region of four compositions, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, corresponding member of IANP, author of more than 190 works published in international, central and regional publications in Russian, English, German and Chinese, author of 3 copyright certificates, accredited expert of RFBR and Rosobrnadzor N.V. Yudin; deputy director of the branch for educational and methodological work, graduate of 2006, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the Department of Management and Business Informatics, chairman of the Public Council under the Department of Finance, Budget and Tax Policy of the Administration of Vladimirskaya T.A. Nikerov; Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History, Law and Intercultural Communication, graduate of 2016, member of the Vladimir regional branch of the Russian Association for the Promotion of Science, member of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Vladimir Region, member of the toponymic commission of the administration of Vladimir E.A. Kuznetsova; associate professors of the branch: candidate of economic sciences N.V. Stelmashenko (graduate of 2001), candidate of philosophical sciences L.S. Andreeva (graduate of 2016); senior lecturer, graduate of 1984, president of the territorial "Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia" (Vladimir TIPB No. 12) E.S. Timofeeva; graduate of 2016, head of the department for organizing practices, career guidance and employment of graduates of the Vladimir branch of the Financial University, chairman of the Youth Duma at the Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir region, member of the Public Chamber of the Vladimir region, deputy chairman of the youth council of the Vladimir regional organization of the All-Russian Trade Union of Workers of State Institutions and Public Services of the Russian Federation Federation, Chairman of the Student Council of the Vladimir Branch of the Financial University P.A. Kasatkina and others.

Branch professors - L.K. Koretskaya, V.T. Malygin, T.V. Levin - are the leaders of recognized scientific schools and play a significant role in the life of the Vladimir region. The branch actively interacts with the Administration and the Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir Region, many employees have experience in expert work as part of various collegiate bodies under state authorities and administration. For example, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation L.K. Koretskaya is a member of the Economic Council under the Governor of the Vladimir Region; Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honored Art Worker of Dagestan, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and MANPO V.T. Malygin is the head of the Supervisory Board of the Vladimir Academic Drama Theatre, a member of the Vladimir Regional Collegium for Culture, chairman of the Society for Partnership Relations of the cities of Erlangen (Germany) and Vladimir, a member of the Council of Elders of Vladimir.

Today, the Vladimir branch of the Financial University is actively developing mechanisms for cooperation with employers in the main areas and levels of training of graduates, with more than sixty organizations in the region - partners and potential employers for students of the Financial University. The employers are territorial bodies, executive and legislative authorities: the Administration of the Vladimir Region and the city of Vladimir, the Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir Region, the Federal Tax Service Department in the Vladimir Region, the Federal Treasury Department for the Vladimir Region, the Federal Antimonopoly Service Department for the Vladimir Region, the Branch Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Vladimir Region, as well as numerous financial organizations (branches of Sberbank, Moscow Industrial Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Binbank, Promsvyazbank), Teleperformance, Big Prime, Utex, Vladimir Business Incubator and many others.

Scientific research conducted at the branch is in demand in practical activities: in the period from 2013 to 2018, more than fifty scientific projects worth more than 5 million rubles were implemented.

Branch students are actively involved both in research work and in public life, not only at the branch level, but also at the regional level, being members of the Youth Government and the Youth Duma of the Vladimir Region, active participants in the volunteer movement. They are active participants in All-Russian and regional student educational and volunteer marathons, patriotic and social events, festivals, projects. At the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum "Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma" for the period from 2015 to 2017. six projects of students of the branch were supported by grants from Rosmolodezh in the amount of more than 1 million rubles.

From 2013 to 2017 7 projects of young scientists of the branch became the winners of the grant competition for young scientists in priority areas of development of science, engineering and technology of the Administration of the Vladimir Region with a total funding of more than 500,000 rubles.

The Vladimir branch of the Financial University looks to the future with confidence. The immediate plans of the branch management are to expand the range of educational services, create new educational programs, including those with international status, the functioning of the youth volunteer service for financial education of the population of the Vladimir region, as well as the continuation of the best traditions in the field of training highly qualified specialists in the field of economics, management, public and municipal administration, business informatics for the benefit of the development of the Vladimir region and the entire Russian Federation.

The media covered such events as.

About the university

Yuryev-Polsky College of Finance and Economics - a branch of the federal state educational institution of higher professional education "Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation" - is one of the oldest secondary specialized educational institutions in the Vladimir region.

The Financial College was founded in 1943. In the 1980s, the technical school celebrated its 40th anniversary, and a museum was opened there. In 1993, the technical school was reorganized into a college. In 2005, the financial and economic college was reorganized into the Yuryev-Polsky financial and economic college - a branch of the federal state educational institution of higher professional education "Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation".

The administration of the college, under the leadership of Polyakova A.I. creates conditions for fruitful creative work of the teaching staff, expanding the possibilities of self-realization of teachers, further improving the training of highly qualified specialists.
14 teachers have awards:
Polyakova A.I. – Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of SPO, Excellence in Financial Work
Prokofieva N.M. – Honorary Worker of the SPO, Excellence in Financial Work
Balynina S.A. - Excellence in Finance
Golubeva T.A. – Honorary Worker of the SPO, Excellence in Financial Work
Gradusova N.F. - Excellence in Finance
Kondratieva I.V. - Excellence in Finance
Kochetkova V.P. – Honorary Worker of the SPO, Excellence in Financial Work
Kudryashov D.V. - Excellent student of physical culture and sports
Kuzina T.G. – Honorary Worker of the SPO, Excellence in Financial Work
Plakhina V.A. – Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Excellence in Financial Work
Solovyov E.E. - Excellent student of physical culture and sports
Solyanova V.M. – Honorary Worker of the SPO, Excellence in Financial Work
Nazarova T.V. - Excellence in Finance
Cmorgunova N.F. has a degree - candidate of pedagogical sciences

College life is interesting and fruitful today. In recent years, the curriculum has been modernized in the college, the educational and technical base has been updated. Currently, the College has "Honored School Teacher of the Russian Federation", "Excellence in Financial Work", "Excellence in Physical Culture and Sports", "Honorary Workers of Secondary Vocational Education of the Russian Federation". The college has a wonderful team of teachers who are not indifferent to everything that happens.

The college has a fairly good material base: 21 classrooms, an assembly hall, a sports hall, a gym, a canteen, 3 hostels, 3 computer classes. Access to the global INTERNET network has been made, the "Consultant Plus" and "Garant" packages are used - there is everything for obtaining solid knowledge and skills.

All students studying for "4" and "5" receive a scholarship with only excellent grades - increased by 50%, in addition, the best students of the college receive a regional trade union scholarship named after Plakhin V.P., a scholarship of the Central Committee of Trade Unions, a special state scholarship of the Government Russian Federation, nominal scholarship of Rosgosstrakh, scholarship Nadezhda of the land of Vladimir.

Students in need of social assistance are assigned a state social scholarship.

The college currently has about 500 students. There is no doubt that all of them will find a job - college graduates will always be needed by society. The college prepares specialists in three specialties:
# "Finance" (by industry) for basic and advanced levels of training with specializations: "State and municipal finance"; "Taxes and taxation"; "Treasury business"; "Finance of organizations"; "Finance and Law"
# “Economics and accounting - for basic and advanced levels of training;
# "Management" - for basic and advanced levels of training.

Teachers take a creative approach to their work, actively introduce new forms, methods and means of teaching, apply elements of new pedagogical technologies. The college has introduced and become traditional, such as self-justifying lessons-seminars, lessons-tests, lessons-competitions, lessons-excursions, lessons-conferences, a rating system of knowledge control is being tested. Increasingly, computer technology is being used for teaching. The college has accumulated extensive experience in methodological work, and the educational and methodological support is being improved. The methodical work of college teachers deserves high praise.

Great importance in the college is given to the education of students of professional interest, the formation of professional skills and abilities, the ability to use knowledge in practical activities. College students have repeatedly become winners of regional Olympiads in accounting, Olympiads in computer science and accounting among students of financial and economic colleges.

Among our former graduates are doctors and candidates of economic sciences, an honored worker of sciences, heads of organizations and institutions, highly qualified economists of industrial and agricultural enterprises, and construction organizations.

Over the years, 20,000 specialists have graduated and work in all regions of Russia in financial and credit authorities. Today, many of our graduates live and work in the Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions: in the financial departments of regional and district administrations, the state tax inspectorate, in federal treasury departments, bank branches, insurance companies, in centralized accounting departments, budgetary institutions, in departments of internal cases, as well as in other organizations of various forms of ownership.
Employment of graduates is about 63%. 33% of college graduates continue their education at the next level in full-time education.