Fizmat what lessons. Which universities accept graduates of classes with a physical and mathematical bias? How to prepare for admission to the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum

Hello. In general, I face-to-face, one might say, faced the problem of choosing a profile at school. I moved to the 10th grade, we have 2 directions: physical and mathematical and socio-economic. The second one is much easier than the first one. I studied all 9 classes in physics and mathematics, in the gymnasium "A" class. And now I also went to physics and mathematics, but I’ve been studying for 2 days and I’m already going crazy, as I want to escape from the lesson of algebra and geometry with a new teacher. The old teacher retired and, believe me, I was very happy, because she could not stand me in the same way as I did her. Now we have a new teacher, a little younger, but also not 20 years old. And in her office it’s even somehow scarier, not that it’s ugly, I mean that the atmosphere there is such ... the office is very large and bright, i.e. it’s very scary ... you’ll go to the blackboard and make ends meet ... probably only my peers will understand me in this sense, because everyone is shaking there, although in the first days they don’t call anyone, and if this happens, then they don’t give marks, because to. no magazines yet. So, in the first days, so much has already fallen on us, physics and mathematics, that the social economy will not see it in a year. A bunch of tasks in all subjects, notes, solutions, while social. received only 1 task .... today I spent the whole day poring over algebra, with a psycho I already tore up sheets with wrong solutions, but in the end I decided, but not the fact that it was right. I'm generally a good girl, but now ... I doubt that I will stay in them. And now I’m thinking whether I should go to the social before it’s too late ... after all, it’s easier there. In that class, everything is only for me to go to them, but in ours ... here I have my best friend and if I leave, it turns out she will have to sit alone ... she will not show that she is unpleasant, but I I know ... my mother is also against it, she says, if I go over, I will be disgraced. Although what's wrong with that? And I don’t know how I’ll survive another day in physics and mathematics ... and besides, the mathematician in the social economy is new, young, they say, he explains cool and generally cool ...... which means that I’m not I will be afraid to come up to ask something and shake before the lesson, because if you ask something from a teacher with experience, then they will then call to the board and literally try to find solutions, I experienced this from my own experience. I'm torn and I don't know what to do... I want to leave physics and mathematics for social economy, but people will think that I'm running from difficulties... and I really run from them, because I'm afraid not to endure. My nerves are already to hell, my mother even suggested going to a psychologist somehow. And then there are 2 more years of everyday physics and algebra, and once a week there will be a couple of physics, another couple of algebra. I JUST DON'T KNOW WHERE TO GO. On the very first day of study, after 10 minutes of sitting in algebra, I joked to my girlfriend that I would go to a monastery, and now I’m sitting and thinking, is it really possible to leave?

Fool, age: 16/09/04/2012


A fool signs, but it turns out to be a painstaking girl who is haunted by the idea that she is stupid and does everything wrong.
You wrote as if about me when I was in school. I also studied physics and mathematics, I was also good, I got triples, I was tormented by various thoughts that I was like a bad student, although my mother was more worried about this, which was an excess in control, this was a typical mistake of education at that time.
I constantly did not have time to finish independent or control papers, I got four, then three, but still got a four in the quarter.
He graduated from school, entered the free high school. I remember the first day there: matan, writing like an exam, checking residual knowledge. I have thoughts, like everything here is smarter, faster, and I, as it was at school, will write a three. I wrote a lot, but I was not sure of the correctness. The whole summer passed and there was little left in my head, but it seemed to me that when I found out that I was the only one who got an A, I thought they were just making fun of me. And after that, I stopped worrying about studying at all.
Now the 5th year, I am one of the leaders, I receive a scholarship and I am satisfied)
But you are still in the 10th grade and these problems of yours are not so serious. It is more important for you now to understand what is more interesting, so that later you can decide which exams to take by the end of grade 11. And the admission system is designed in such a way as to simply score the maximum number of points on these exams and when entering a university, so that you have a high rating in order to get into the "lucky ones". And briefly like this: the first is to work on these subjects in order to pass the exam, even just purely mechanically, the second is to decide on the direction, future specialty, ask if it is in demand, how it is paid, what are the pros and cons, ask friends who know how, where they acted, how they study, whether they justify their expectations about their studies and future specialty.
It's a pity that orientation is not conducted at school in this part, and many do not take the choice seriously. You start thinking. I think this should give you an answer, and not jump rashly from place to place. Leave your worries, good luck!

passerby Konstantin, age: 09/21/2012

In general, it all depends on where you plan to go. If you go to a faculty related to mathematics or physics, then you have to endure it, because it will be even more terrible and incomprehensible there. And if you study for a humanitarian specialty, then of course you need to move to another class, no one will tell you anything if, for example, you are going to become a lawyer. Breaking and torturing yourself is not known for what it is not necessary. We are living people, not robots, we have a limited supply of health, nerves, strength and capabilities. It all depends on your goal, where you will do. I myself studied at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, I understand you perfectly. You need to determine your inclinations and abilities, who are you, a humanist or a mathematician. And don't be afraid to be judged. My friend left the lyceum after the 9th grade for a regular school to enter the law school, although she was an excellent student. Now she is an excellent lawyer, so why would she bother with math, instead she studied law and other necessary things. And no one can blame her that she ran away from difficulties, she just made a reasonable choice.

My other friend, on the contrary, came to our lyceum in high school to study mathematics, geometry, etc. and enter the appropriate faculty (Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics) and now she is an excellent programmer. So it all depends on your direction, you can't let the fear of teachers distort it. Perhaps you should really turn to a psychologist to understand yourself.

Lena, age: 09/27/2012

Sunny, have you already thought about your future profession? Who would you like to work? Try to decide for yourself or talk to a psychologist, let him tell you what profession suits you best. Based on this, you will decide where it is better for you to study.

Elena, age: 09/28/05/2012

Hello! I understand you! if you are not going to enter the physics and mathematics or somewhere else for a profession closely related to mathematics and physics, then why do you need to study in a class with a physics and mathematics bias? To study in such a class, one must love mathematics. Otherwise, learning will turn into torment. I myself love mathematics, I received a diploma in mathematics, but all the same, it was hard for me to sit for several couples of mathematics in a row. talk to your mother, explain to her that physics and mathematics are not your element. And as for the girlfriend, I think friendship has nothing to do with it. if she is a true friend, she will remain a friend. So do not hesitate to move into the social economy. why would you suffer in vain.

Mathematician, age: 09/24/2012

You know, in my school there was also such a division, only it was called a little differently. I chose a mathematical profile, as I am good with mathematics and, in principle, I liked it. But there were some guys who switched to a humanitarian profile, since the exact sciences were not given to them. This is normal, because everyone has their own inclinations and their own mindset. Nothing wrong with that. Therefore, you need to make your own choice. If you like socio-economic, and not only because it is easier there, then why not go. Soon you will be entering the university, are you already thinking about your future specialty? By the way, there is nothing to be ashamed of if you talk to a specialist. In our school, the psychologist gave recommendations about the future profession and could explain the moments related specifically to the temperament, the personal abilities of each. Take a career guidance test - you will identify the areas that are most interesting to you. Although you can do it yourself. If you are a humanitarian and spend the whole day on a simple task, there is probably no point in torturing yourself. On the other hand, it will be bad if you are going to switch to social economy. profile and goofing around - there, too, will have to work hard. Step back a little from violent emotions and think with your parents on this topic. Tell them honestly that it's hard for you. Remember - you don't have to be the best, but you always have to try. Good luck to you. And let me remind you again - it is not necessary for everyone to become engineers. The country also needs good lawyers. Good luck to you!

Landish , age: 20 / 09/05/2012

I have the same now. after 9 years of gymnasium I went to the lyceum (which is far from the last in the country)
Result: 7.00 - rise. Then I go to school. 9:00 - classes. At 16:00 I'm already at home. I do my homework before bed. But also a hobby and gambling addiction (probably). And I made the following conclusion: If you pull it now and learn, then
1) During the day of training, a huge amount of knowledge, skills, etc. falls down.
2) Even if you don’t need all this garbage, then you can quickly learn what you need!
In short, the load on the brain is good.
And with questions, there are many sources:
1) Internet
2) Acquaintances
3) Teacher =) just if he calls to the board, then this is not bad, because no one died from "2". And the question needs to be answered. + when calling to the blackboard after a question, the teacher should explain, not ask.
P.S. "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger"

Research Department "Paper" together with JetBrains, he conducted a study to find out why girls study less than boys in physics and mathematics schools, and what can change the situation. We talked to teachers, students and their parents. The study lasted 7 months, covered 6 of the strongest physics and mathematics schools in St. Petersburg and 113 people.

To talk about the main things of this work, the editors "Paper" did - with stories of graduates and parents who sent their daughters to physics and mathematics, interviews with a psychologist and the authors of the study themselves.

What is it like for girls to study in math schools, how do teachers and classmates treat them, and where do the stereotypes about diligent girls and lazy but more talented boys come from?

"Paper" talked with five graduates of St. Petersburg math schools from 18 to 25 years old.


Graduated from Lyceum No. 239 and the Faculty of Physics and Mechanics of the Polytechnic University

I entered the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum in the 10th grade. I myself wanted to go to this school, and my whole family graduated from 239 - dad, mom, uncle. Until 239, I studied at a humanitarian gymnasium, but I always liked mathematics, and I went to additional courses: I wanted the level to be higher.

In our class, there were the most girls in parallel - ten, but one eventually decided to leave. After school, my classmates entered mainly economics and management, and I wanted to go to the Faculty of Economics at St. Petersburg State University, but I did not pass in the first wave and decided to go to the Polytechnic University - to the Faculty of Physics and Mechanics. Many classmates went there too, with some we even studied in the same group.

Initially, I chose a specialty related to programming, but eventually changed it to hydroaerodynamics. Now I work as an engineer in Germany.

In a technical specialty, in principle, it is difficult to study, and if you are a girl - especially. Many teachers say something like: “Why did you come here at all, you don’t understand anything about it.” This is especially true for physics, I didn’t have such stories with mathematics. I really liked the teachers at the university, but they have a slightly outdated perception of the world: it seems to them that if you are a girl, then you definitely don’t understand anything about cars. I don't think they want to say anything bad, but it just happens.

At the same time, girls in the university studied better than boys, devoted more time to study. Maybe because they wanted to prove something. By the end of school there were no more jokes.

In Germany, there was no such [attitude towards girls] at the university. On the contrary, they are very welcome here for girls to study in technical specialties.

I think this attitude [on the part of teachers] rather motivated me, all the time I wanted to prove that I understand. This continues to this day. When I, for example, got my license, my male instructor explained to me how the car works. I really wanted to tell him that I actually studied engineering for six years and understand this as well as he does.

Illustrations: Elizaveta Semakina / "Paper"


Graduated from the Lyceum of the Faculty of Technical Schools and studies at the Faculty of Mathematical and Information Technologies of the Academic University

I fell in love with mathematics in the 5th grade, after I got to the Olympiad and for the first time tried to solve unusual problems. My mother enrolled me in a mathematical circle at the Physics and Technology School, and in the 8th grade I entered the lyceum itself.

I really liked everything in FTS: the school, the atmosphere, the teachers. There were nine girls in our class - a local record. The whole school was surprised, and some were skeptical at first: they say, a class with so many girls cannot be good. But when it became clear that we were all there for a reason, the attitude changed. Our physics teacher even joked that we have a matriarchy in our class.

The girls themselves did not think that mathematics or physics was not for them. I met with such an opinion before the FTS, but I always had an answer to this: “Maybe you don’t need it, but I like it.”

I never heard anything like this from teachers, but once at the city mathematics olympiad they didn’t want to count the task for me, justifying it by the fact that “I’m a little girl, and I have already solved so many problems.” What was the matter, I did not understand - I still wonder. I still managed to pass that problem and received a diploma of the second degree at the Olympiad. For which I am grateful to the teachers from the FTS: having learned about this situation, they took my side.

On the one hand, such stories motivated me - I wanted to fight further. On the other hand, it hits the nervous system hard: for me, the situation at the Olympics, for example, was a huge stress.

Where this attitude [towards girls in mathematics] comes from, I don’t know. Maybe the fact is that once the girls, in principle, could not get an education and sat at home. And it also seems to me that the point is that some people are not confident in themselves and try to push the weak or the one whom they consider weak with their authority.

After school, I entered the Academic University at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology, now I'm doing an internship at Google in Warsaw. There were already more girls in our group at the university, and I think that by this moment the attitude towards boys and girls had become approximately the same. Perhaps this is due to the fact that people think that teenage girls cannot decide to go into mathematics on their own, that someone forced them. And if a person is an adult, then this is sort of like his decision.


Graduated from Lyceum No. 30 and the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University

I got into the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum quite by accident: in the seventh grade I took second place at the regional mathematics olympiad and, apparently, thus got into the base of the “thirty”. They offered me to take entrance tests, and I decided to try my hand. Mom still keeps that letter [from the Lyceum] - it was almost like a letter from Hogwarts.

I tried and entered the first round of the Olympiad. Before that, I studied at a regular school in the Pushkinsky district, but I had a very strong teacher in mathematics. My parents do not have a higher education, so they always told me that education is very important. At my school, I studied “excellently”, but I didn’t know that you could get into some strong school like that, especially from Pushkin.

It was very difficult to study at the physics and mathematics lyceum. I had to do a lot, people gradually flew out. But I liked it. Once I did my math homework for five hours, but at the end, when I managed to solve it, I felt absolutely happy.

There were eight girls in our class, half the number of boys. Approximately the same ratio was in parallels. There was no condescension or special treatment for girls. There was one teacher who thought that the girls were not very smart: my girlfriend, who went to the "five", he put the "four". But this is an isolated case. And this is my personal feeling - no one openly spoke like that, of course. But no one denied that a girl in physics and mathematics is a rarity, especially if she was still advanced in physics and programming. Although I had a classmate who, without preparing, passed the exam in computer science with 97 points.

The boys from our class after school almost all went to technical specialties, mainly at the Polytechnic University. Girls were more likely to study economics. Someone chose a legal specialty and psychology.

I entered St. Petersburg State University with a degree in Mathematical Methods in Economics - I wanted to use my mathematical base, but at the same time get an applied specialty. Now I work as a specialist in the financial department in a law firm.

After school, I had an idea to enroll in mathematics, I even attended preparatory courses, but I realized that this was beyond my understanding. I think it's either given or not.


Graduated from Lyceum No. 366, studies at the Higher School of Management

I studied at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum from 1st to 11th grade. It was difficult to get there, you had to pass entrance tests. But my two sisters and my brother studied at this school - perhaps that's why they took me.

I fell in love with mathematics in the 7th grade, before that I liked literature more. When the division into algebra and geometry began, the problems became much more interesting, there was a lot to think about. Plus, there was also a competitive element: in the 7th grade, we were reorganized and divided into a class with strong mathematics and two weaker ones. I got into a strong one.

Before distribution in our class there were equally divided boys and girls. After that, only seven girls remained. It was insanely difficult to study: a week for 12 hours of mathematics, and we did homework for six hours. 80% of class time was spent on mathematics. But everyone tried very hard.

Until the end of school, I really liked this subject, and I was even going to enter mathematics. But in high school, we had a teacher who for some reason began to treat me not very well. If I solved the problem first and brought it to him for verification, he did not believe that I had done it myself and hinted that I had copied it.

Maybe it was because I was the only one in the class who dressed up and put on make-up; I still had some kind of life of my own besides mathematics. I could let my hair down, for which I was constantly scolded at school. My classmate, who only studied mathematics and programming, was treated well by the teacher.

By the end of the school, there was less and less zeal: I understood that no one would appreciate my efforts anyway. As a result, I wrote the exam quite badly - only about 80 points. It was very embarrassing, and it lowered my self-confidence even more. I decided that I definitely didn’t know mathematics well and would not go to mathematics, and as a result I entered the Graduate School of Management at St. Petersburg State University.

Many classmates went to programming, to mathmech - only one. The class was no longer divided according to the principle of a boy - a girl, but smart - not smart. At breaks, smart classmates sat together, conferred about tasks. Together we went to programming olympiads.

At the same time, the boys were lazier, they could not do their homework. Of course, I don’t really like to believe stereotypes, but the girls [who studied well] sat in class all day. And the boys did nothing at all, but at the same time they solved problems much better in the class.


Graduated from Lyceum No. 239, entered the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes of St. Petersburg State University

I studied at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239 from the 10th grade. Since childhood, I was fond of mathematics, at school it was one of my favorite subjects. I solved mathematical problems, participated in Olympiads, played chess for a while. But until the 10th grade, I did not even think that it was possible to study at another school, and I was not sure that I could enter.

My brother and his wife studied at 239. My parents were also fond of mathematics and instilled this love in me, they are both civil engineers by profession. In the 9th grade, they suggested that I change schools, but where exactly to go, I chose myself. I went to 239 to prove to myself that I can. I prepared myself - and as a result I entered according to the results of the Olympiad, without courses.

There were 11 girls and 17 boys in my class. This is a rather unique situation, there are usually much fewer girls. In parallel, there could be three of them in a class. In general, I never felt pressure, the teachers supported me. Only once did the teacher who took my exam complain: “Why do you let me take an exam with a girl, they never know physics.”

At the same time, I would say that in our class girls studied on a par with boys. Until the end of the 11th grade, all the girls finished their studies, but some boys were expelled.

Basically, my classmates went to economics and management, almost all of the boys entered technical specialties. Three people went to St. Petersburg State University for mathmech. After the 11th grade, I entered the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes of St. Petersburg State University.

I am not afraid to study at the Faculty of Mathematics. I have not yet decided on a specific profession, but in general it is interesting that the physicist instilled in me a love for literature. At the same time, I still love mathematics very much, and I adore geometry in general. In the 11th grade, I thought for a long time where to enter, but in the end I decided to continue studying mathematics. If you have a technical education, then you can still go to the humanitarian sphere, but on the contrary, it is unlikely.

Currently, there are many different abbreviations and abbreviations. Often people are interested in what is physics and mathematics. This article provides information about this term, as well as examples of where this learning profile exists.

What is physics and mathematics: definition

In explanatory dictionaries you can find the answer that faculties.

But there is physics and mathematics not only in universities, but also in schools, colleges and lyceums. Answering the question about what physics and mathematics is, let's take a closer look at physics and mathematics. Of course, each of us studied these sciences at school, but not everyone understands why they are needed, especially with in-depth study.

What is physics

Physics is a science not only about nature (as the definitions say), but also about technology, because thanks to deep knowledge, many different things, devices have appeared in it, buildings and transport systems have been built.

At physics and mathematics (the meaning of the word is “physics and mathematics”), these sciences are studied only in a complex. If mathematics itself can be a separate science, then physics without it is practically meaningless, because it very often needs to resort to calculations, plotting graphs.

What is mathematics

Mathematics is the queen of all sciences. Almost no one can do without it. Sooner or later you have to make elementary calculations, such as percentages or proportions. But for those who study it in depth, the versatility becomes clear - algebra and geometry make it clear that everything is interconnected, everything leads to the final result. Various theories and proofs in calculations help to create new objects, technologies, predict phenomena and situations. On the basis of mathematical theory alone, it is possible to predict exactly any events.

Speaking about what physics and mathematics is, we are faced with the most difficult task. Physics and mathematics are two very complex sciences that require a person to have a high level of intelligence, attentiveness, perseverance, and a desire to see things through to the end.

Where is the physical

Physics and mathematics are available in secondary schools for students in grades 10-11, lyceums. Technical colleges also study these two sciences in depth. At technical universities, higher mathematics and physics are studied not only in depth, but extensively. The latter can be fundamental, applied, theoretical.

You are a physicist, which disciplines are interconnected and why. Remember that only those who are well versed in both physics and mathematics, who want to continue developing their knowledge, can enter departments with such a profile.