Game methods and techniques at the stage of automation of sounds. Methods of speech therapy work at the stages of sound automation

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1 Borodina Irina Petrovna, speech therapist, Kindergarten 17 MBDOU, Livny, Oryol region, Russia sounds in children's speech and make this process more interesting for both the child and the teacher. Keywords: violations of sound pronunciation, automation of sounds, pronunciation skills and abilities. Recently, the problems of speech correction are of particular relevance. The number of children with speech disorders is constantly increasing. Timely detection of children with speech disorders, the conduct of specially organized training can correct the primary defect. When forming the correct sound pronunciation, a number of general requirements for the sequence of stages of speech therapy work are observed: the preparatory stage, the stage of setting the sound, the stage of sound automation, the stage of sound differentiation. The stage of automation of sounds is indicated in the methodology of speech therapy for correcting sound pronunciation as the stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities. Its purpose is to teach the child to pronounce the already delivered sound correctly. As you know, at first the pronunciation is fixed in isolation, then in syllables, words, phrases, coherent speech. At the same time, work continues, begun in the preparatory period, to develop the skills of sound analysis, the ability to determine the position of a sound in a word, to select words with a given sound.

2 To automate the sound, the techniques of reflected repetition and independent naming of language units from pictures, diagrams, symbols are used. With severe speech disorders, the automation stage is delayed, the child is not able to correctly pronounce the set sound in syllables and words for a long time, not to mention phrases. Repeated repetition of the same speech material tires the child. In addition, these children often have disinhibition, hyperactivity, or, conversely, isolation, low performance. Working with such children forces us to look for new interesting game methods and techniques. At the stage of automating an isolated sound (for different groups of sounds) and fixing the correct pronunciation of this sound in syllables, we use the following game methods and techniques. "Exercise with a top". A wooden or plastic top is spun alternately with the thumb and forefinger, thumb and middle, thumb and ring finger, thumb and little finger. The exercise is performed first with the fingers of the leading, then the other hand. While the top is spinning, the child pronounces a practiced sound. "Labyrinth". The child runs his finger along the drawn labyrinth (path), draws with a marker (later he simply traces with his eyes), pronouncing the sound. "Singing Rope". Laying out the rope (multi-colored laces, ribbons of different textures) along the drawn line, we draw the sound. You can wind the ribbon around your finger, pronouncing a given sound. "Ball". During the pronunciation of the sound, the children roll (transfer from hand to hand) a ping-pong ball, a ball. "Steps". You need to walk your fingers up and down the drawn steps, repeating the sound correctly. The steps are laid out by the child himself on the table from counting sticks.

3 "Say the same number of times." Throw a die, count the points, say the given sound the same number of times (based on the visual analyzer); choose one of the inverted cards, count how many circles (squares, flowers, etc.) are drawn; say the sound the same number of times; the child closes his eyes, the speech therapist hits the child's palm several times with his finger; the child counts and pronounces the sound the required number of times (based on the skin-kinesthesia analyzer). "Colorful clothespins". The child takes a clothespin out of the bag, fixes it on the picture and makes a sound. The number of options for working with clothespins and colored laces depends on the imagination of the teacher. "Collector". Small stamps with different pictures: we call sounds or syllables, if it turned out correctly, then the child puts a stamp in his leaf. The task for the child is to collect as many stamps as possible. "Ladder". We “step” with our palms up and briefly pronounce the sound / syllable, then the palms smoothly roll down and the sound stretches. When automating sound in syllables, when it is not yet possible to use subject and plot pictures with a given sound, we practice such exercises to attract the interest of children. "Walk the rope." We walk along the rope, put the toe of the foot to the heel and pronounce the syllables. "Piano playing". The child, imitating playing the piano, pronounces the given syllable 5 times: RA-RA-RA-RA-RA. Walking game "Swipe a syllable along the sound track." One path is even and, walking along it, the syllables must be pronounced in a calm, quiet voice, the other path leads over bumps and the syllables are pronounced either loudly or quietly. But the third path leads uphill, and at the beginning of the path the syllable is pronounced very quietly, then louder and louder, and at the top of the mountain it is very loud. "Chamomile". In the child's notebook, the teacher draws a large chamomile, in the center of which he writes the necessary consonant letter (p, l, s, s, g, c, etc.). Vowels are written on the petals of chamomile. Baby going from one

4 petals to another, reads direct and reverse syllables. The exercise is carried out with children 5-7 years old who know the letters. "Add a syllable." Children stand in front of the teacher, the speech therapist, throwing the ball, calls the beginning of the word, and the children finish with the desired syllable. "Pyramid". Stringing the rings on the rod, the child repeats the syllables. "Talking Pencil" Use the marker to circle the tracks, pronouncing the desired sound. When automating sound in words, children really like the following games. “I don’t have ...” The child names the picture, then hides it behind his back, says: “I don’t have a car (a word in the genitive case).” "Find everything" (universal game for automation in words) find all objects with a given sound in the office. Games with orientation in space. The child gets up, behind him, in front of him, on the right and on the left, we put the picture and ask what is behind, what is in front, what is on the right, and what is on the left. Or, with a movement, the child says: “I moved away from the rrryba and went to the samovarr.” "Dry pool". Toys with automated sound are buried in the grits. The child takes out a toy, pronouncing a certain sound in the name. "Dangerous Word" The child repeats the words after the speech therapist, one given word cannot be repeated. Who repeated, he lost. "Shadows". Identify objects by touch, clearly pronouncing the automated sound. Working on the automation of sound in sentences, we use the effective and useful game “Live Sentence”, when children themselves become “words” and, holding hands, form a “sentence”. This game is often used by speech therapists, as it allows children to learn the concept that sentences are made up of words, words in a sentence are in order. "Go skiing." The child puts his feet in shoeboxes, walks as if on skis from one end of the room to the other, pronouncing a sentence or a tongue twister.

5 "Disenchant objects." It is necessary to connect objects at points (disenchant) and make sentences. At the automation stage in coherent and independent speech, much attention is paid to compiling stories based on a picture and a series of pictures, retellings and stories, retellings-dramatizations, dramatization poems. In order to correct speech defects in children, we widely use ready-made manuals by such authors as S.V. Konovalenko, V.V. Konovalenko I.V. Baskakina, M.I. Lynskoy, E.A. Azova, O.E. Gromova, L.A. Komarova. N.V. Galskoy, Yu.V. Gurina and others. In their work on the automation of sounds, information and communication technologies provide indisputable assistance. In games with interactive characters, children are happy to practice new skills. "Mysterious Picture" A game for automating "difficult" sounds and guessing words from a description. Children have the opportunity to repeat many words for the selected sound, and then make up a story based on the picture that appears after the guessed words. "To all voices." The game is multifunctional, the child not only repeats phrases with the sound R, but also learns to distinguish who said the phrase: mom or dad, grandfather or grandmother. "Laughing talkers". A set of tongue twisters will help children improve their speech quality. At the same time, auditory attention develops, because some of the heroines of the game pronounce tongue twisters with errors. The child listens and repeats only the correct option. From the foregoing, we can conclude that in-depth work on automating sounds using gaming methods and techniques allows you to speed up the process of automating sounds, arouses interest in speech therapy classes, increases the level of speech development of older preschoolers and allows you to prepare them for school. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

6 1. Speech therapy: Textbook for students defectol. fak. ped. universities / ed. L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskaya. M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, with. 2. Soloidenko O.A. Game methods and techniques at the stage of sound automation // Preschool Pedagogy C

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From a physiological point of view, the stage of sound automation is the consolidation of conditioned reflex speech-motor connections on various speech material. The delivered sound is still very fragile, the conditioned reflex connection without reinforcement can quickly collapse. To automate sound means to introduce it into syllables, words, sentences, coherent speech. Children with defects in sound pronunciation have fixed stereotypes of incorrect pronunciation of words, sentences, etc. The automation of sound requires the active use of the process of internal inhibition, the ability to differentiate between correct and incorrect articulation patterns. It is carried out according to the principle from easy to difficult, from simple to complex.

It is possible to proceed to automation of the set sound only when the child pronounces it in isolation, completely correctly and clearly with prolonged or repeated repetition. In no case should you introduce into syllables and words a sound that is not yet pronounced clearly enough, as this will only lead to the consolidation of incorrect skills and will not improve pronunciation.

Automation of the delivered sound should be carried out in a strict sequence:

automation of sound in syllables (direct, reverse, with a confluence of consonants);

automation of sound in words (at the beginning of a word, in the middle, at the end);

automation of sound in sentences;

automation of sound in tongue twisters, tongue twisters and poems;

audio automation in short and then long stories;

automation of sound in colloquial speech.

First of all, sound is included in syllables. A syllable is a simpler speech unit than a word. In addition, syllables are meaningless; therefore, the child does not have stereotypes of pronunciation of words, which facilitates their automation.

Automation of fricative sounds begins with direct open syllables, then continues in reverse and closed syllables. When fixing stop sounds and affricates, the sequence is different: first, automation in reverse syllables, then in direct open ones. Later, the pronunciation of sound in syllables with a confluence of consonants is practiced.

At this stage, exercises are offered for pronunciation of syllables with stress transfer: sa-sa, sa-sa, sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa. At first, you should actively work on syllabic tables. Appendix No.2.

Automation in words is first carried out based on syllables (sa - garden). At the initial stages, the pronunciation of words in which the given sound is at the beginning of the word is consolidated, then words in which the sound is at the end and middle of the word. At first, the sound is automated in words that are simple in phonetic composition and do not contain disturbed sounds, then in words with a confluence of consonants. To automate the sound, they use the techniques of reflected repetition, independent naming of words from the picture, reading words. Useful tasks that direct the child to search for words containing a given sound (inventing words with a given sound). You should not be limited only to training sounds in words, you need to introduce creative exercises, games, move from pronouncing individual words to building phrases with them and short statements.

At this stage, the sound is automated in phrases, pure phrases, sentences, coherent texts, colloquial speech. Initially, sentences are offered with a moderate inclusion of sound, then automation is carried out on speech material saturated with this sound.

At this stage, work is also carried out on complex forms of sound analysis and synthesis, on the formation of the ability to isolate a sound in a word, determine its place in relation to other sounds (after which sound, before which sound). This work contributes to the efficiency of the automation process. The ability to clearly and quickly determine the sound structure of a word is necessary for the correct and rapid flow of the automation stage.

In the process of automating sounds, work is carried out on the prosodic side of speech: on stress when automating sounds in syllables and words, on logical stress in the process of automating sounds in sentences, on intonation when fixing the pronunciation of sound in a sentence, coherent speech.

Along with the development of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech, at the stage of automation of sounds, the vocabulary is enriched, its systematization, and the grammatical structure of speech is formed.

The structure of a speech therapy lesson at the stage of setting sounds

Subject:"Staging sound..."

Target: put sound...

Tasks:Educational (software, educational): formation of a concept about the mechanism of sound formation and its acoustic features; formation or consolidation of knowledge about the syllable, about the word, about the sentence; consolidating a dictionary or clarifying words containing a given sound on a topic (this can be “toys”, “transport”, “furniture”, etc.).

Corrective: development and improvement of articulation motility; formation of oral exhalation rules taking into account this phoneme; development of phonemic hearing and voice; the formation of conditioned reflex connections to a given articulatory-acoustic image.

Educational: correction of the personality of the child as a whole.

Equipment: mirrors, spatula, probes, alcohol, cotton wool, subject and plot pictures, syllabic tracks and tables, toys; articulation profile, various schemes.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Articulation charging:

ü general articulation exercises;

ü special articulation exercises;

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

4. Sound production (by imitation, from a preserved phoneme, from articulation exercises, by mechanical action).

5. Analysis of articulation according to the plan:

ü the position of the lips;

ü the position of the teeth;

ü position of the tongue (tip, back, root);

ü character of the exhaled stream.

6. Consolidation of isolated sound: individual and choral pronunciation, onomatopoeia games.

7. Development of phonemic hearing:

ü recognition of a sound in a series of isolated sounds distant in terms of articulation and acoustic characteristics;

ü in words;

ü in offers;

ü in the text.

8. Fixing the pronunciation of sound in syllables.

9. Homework.

10. The result of the lesson:

ü repetition of what sound was practiced in the lesson;

ü analysis of the main provisions of the articulation of the studied sound;

ü final pronunciation (choral, individual).

11. Evaluation of the work of the child in the classroom is carried out with a positive psychological orientation.

Subject:"Sound Automation [...]"

Target: automate sound ... in direct syllables (reverse syllables, words, phrases, sentences, etc.)


Educational: consolidation of knowledge about the mechanism of sound formation, its acoustic features. Consolidation of the dictionary on the topic: "Sound Automation...".

Corrective: development and strengthening of speech motor skills. Fixing conditioned reflex connections to a given articulatory structure. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation of the phoneme [...] in an isolated form, in syllables, in words, sentences, in the text. Development and consolidation of phonemic hearing on the acoustic image of a given phoneme. Teaching sound-syllabic analysis.

Educational: cultivate perseverance, attention, memory, diligence, purposefulness.

Equipment: mirror, cotton wool, syllabic tracks, cards with letters, subject pictures, counting sticks, toys, plot pictures, homework notebook, pencil.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Articulation gymnastics (special articulation exercises).

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

4. Pronunciation of an isolated sound (choral, group, chain, individual).

5. Analysis of articulation according to the plan.

6. Sound characteristics (vowel - consonant, deaf - voiced, hard - soft).

7. The connection of sound with the letter.

8. Development of phonemic hearing.

9. Fixing sound in syllables. Sound analysis and synthesis of syllables, graphic recording, reading.

10. Fixing sound in words. Sound-syllabic analysis of words with graphic notation.

11. Fixing sound in a sentence. Graphic record of the proposal.

12. Fixing the sound in the text.

13. Homework.

14. The result of the lesson.

15. Evaluation of the work of children in the classroom.

Wrong, careless babble

Inaccurate pronunciation of speeches

Still a heartbeat

Will produce in my soul.

A.S. Pushkin.

Prepared Soloydenko Olesya Anatolyevna

Speech is the most important creative mental function of a person, the area of ​​manifestation of the inherent ability of all people to cognize, self-organize, self-development, to build their personality, their inner world through dialogue with other personalities, other worlds, other cultures. Dialogue, creativity, cognition, self-development - these are the fundamental components that are involved in the sphere of attention of the teacher when he turns to the problem of the speech development of a preschooler. These are the foundations on which modern didactics of preschool age is built.

Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The sooner the teaching of the native language is started, the freer the child will use it in the future.

The idea of ​​the patterns of speech development of preschool children was put forward in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonina, A.A. Leontiev, F.A. Sokhina, A.M. Shakhnarovich. The views of the authors of studies of the directions of speech development are reflected in the following provisions:

  • the child's speech develops in the course of generalization of linguistic phenomena, perception of adult speech and one's own speech;
  • language and speech are a kind of knot into which various lines of mental development are "woven" - imagination, thinking, memory, emotions;
  • the child's orientation in linguistic phenomena creates conditions for independent observations of the language, for the self-development of speech, gives speech a creative character;

Research by psychologists, teachers, linguists created the prerequisites for an integrated approach to solving the problems of speech development of preschoolers.

In recent years, there has been a significant decrease in the level of speech development of preschool children. When examining the speech of children aged 4-5 years, speech therapists in different regions of the country showed that 79% of children had various speech defects. What is the reason for this? First of all, this is due to the deterioration in the health of children. According to the leading neuropathologist of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences I.S. Skvortsov, at present, 70% of newborns have perinatal lesions of the brain, the central organ of speech function. Such deviations can negatively affect the subsequent development and learning of the child, and since the development of speech is directly dependent on the maturation and development of the brain, one of the first suffers from diseases of the latter.

Recently, the problems of speech correction are of particular relevance. The number of children with speech disorders is constantly increasing. Timely detection of children with speech disorders, the conduct of specially organized training can correct the primary defect.

The stage is indicated in the method of speech therapy influence on correcting sound pronunciation as the stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities (according to L.S. Volkova). Its purpose is to teach the child to pronounce the already delivered sound correctly. As you know, pronunciation is first fixed in isolation, then in syllables, words, phrases.
In parallel, work continues, begun in the preparatory period, to develop the skills of sound analysis, the ability to determine the position of a sound in a word, to select words with a given sound. To automate sound, the techniques of reflected repetition and independent naming of language units from pictures, diagrams, and symbols are used. The work proceeds sequentially and gradually, from simple to complex.
With severe speech disorders, the automation stage is delayed, the child is not able to correctly pronounce the set sound in syllables and words for a long time, not to mention phrases. Repeated repetition of the same speech material tires the child. The matter is further complicated by the fact that for some sounds the speech material is very limited (for example, [g], [d], [d], [u], etc.). If the child is "stuck" on the automation of an isolated sound, then there is no need to talk about a variety of techniques. He loses interest in classes, the desire to visit the speech therapist's office disappears.

I often face the need to diversify the methods of my work and keep the attention of children in the course of the lesson. For kids, speech therapy classes on automating sounds are often difficult, monotonous, and besides, children with speech disorders have unstable attention and they get tired quickly.

To increase the interest of children in speech therapy classes, we need a variety of creative tasks, new approaches to exercises to consolidate the correct pronunciation.

At the stage of automation the main objective- to achieve the correct pronunciation of the set sound in all forms of speech: in syllables, in words, in sentences and in free speech, and easier, most accessible of all this happens in the game, game exercises - the leading form of activity for preschool children.
Game methods, as well as exercise and modeling, are necessarily included in speech therapy practice.

This allows you to solve several tasks:

  • to awaken in the child the desire to actively participate in the process of correcting sound pronunciation;
  • expand and enrich the range of gaming skills and abilities;
  • increase the cognitive activity and performance of children;
  • activate the processes of perception, attention, memory;
  • smoothly regulate the behavioral difficulties of children, gradually accustoming them to obey the rules of the game;
  • increase the amount of corrective action by including game exercises at various regime moments.

Work on the automation of sounds is carried out in stages from simple to complex: First, in syllables, words, sentences, in coherent speech and in spontaneous speech.
The most difficult in terms of variety of exercises is work on syllables. The fact is that a single syllable, like a sound, does not evoke a specific image in the child, is not recognized by him as a structural component of a speech statement. And if a sound can sometimes cause an auditory association (z-z-z - a mosquito rings, rr - a dog growls), then a syllable for a preschooler is a very abstract concept.

When the work on automation reaches the stage of fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds in words and phrases, you can significantly diversify the lessons using picture material. The use of game techniques will help to effectively carry out the stages of automating an isolated sound and fixing the correct pronunciation of this sound in syllables.
And speech therapy games help to make tasks for children interesting, emotionally colored, developing and cognitive.

To learn to speak well, to speak the sound correctly, you need to be friends with your tongue, then it will be obedient, and will clearly pronounce all sounds. To prepare the articulatory apparatus of children for the correct pronunciation of sounds, fairy tales-games about the “Merry Tongue” are very suitable. 5 and 7 year olds like to do useful, necessary exercises when traveling with the Tongue. For this I use “Tales of the Merry Tongue” and visual aid "Merry Tongue". It is good to understand and remember that vowel sounds are easy to sing, helps "Sound field".

When the sound is already good, it sounds right in the child in isolation, but you need to fix, automate this correct pronunciation in syllables, in words, sentences and coherent, independent speech. And this is at least 10-15 lessons. And I want this difficult and important stage of speech correction to be easy and interesting.

When automating sound in syllables, when it is not yet possible to use subject and plot pictures with a given sound, to attract the interest of children, I practice using:

  • "Magic Wand" which, with her light or knock, exercises the children in counting and asks to repeat the syllable several times.
  • Exercises "Piano playing", when, imitating playing the piano, the child pronounces the given syllable 5 times:



And then all 5 “songs” - syllables “play” together: RA-RO-RU-RE-RY.

  • The exercise is done in the same way. "Flower", when syllables and words are pronounced with extension and bending of the fingers (the petals open and close).
  • Games “Swipe a syllable along the audio track” one path is even and, walking along it, the syllables must be pronounced in a calm, quiet voice, the other path leads over bumps and the syllables are pronounced either loudly or quietly, but the third path leads uphill, and at the beginning of the path the syllable is pronounced very quietly, then everything louder and louder, and at the top of the mountain - very loud.

When automating sound in words, children really like games:

  • "Fishing", in the aquarium there are fish on which letters are attached, and with the help of a fishing rod with a magnet, we pull the fish out to a given sound. Having caught “fish” - words, children learn not only to pronounce the sound correctly, but also to divide words into syllables, determine the position of this sound in a word, learn to ask questions “Who is this? What is it?”, to form a plural, and much more can be done with these “fish”.
  • More interesting game “Happy Harvest”(put the name of a vegetable or fruit on a given sound) ,
  • “Decorate the Christmas Tree” dressing her up with toys (with sound C).

After a few lessons, it is easy for children to say the sound correctly if it is the very first in a word or at least the last one, but if it is in the middle of a word, it is difficult, because children with impaired phonemic perception do not always know exactly where the right sound is located. For the development of phonemic perception of sounds, playing with sound-eater, which “steals” the sound from the word, and the children must save the sound - return it to the word and say this word correctly: eye ... a - eyes, to ... from - mole, Alyona ... ka - Alyonushka ... This is very difficult, but gives children the pleasure of being in the role of rescuers and coping with the villain Sound Eater. Children look forward to new meetings with him.

Working on automating sound in sentences, I often use an effective and useful game “Live offer” when the children themselves become “words” and, holding hands, form a “sentence”. This game allows children to learn that sentences consist of words, the words in a sentence should be in order, separately, but be “friendly” (coordinated), at the end of the sentence you need to put some kind of sign:. ! ? Children remember the gestural display of signs: a dot - a clenched fist, an exclamation mark - a straight hand is placed on the fist, a question mark - a hand curved in the form of a question is placed on the fist. Thus, not only is the correct pronunciation of sound in sentences fixed, but work is also being done to prevent dysgraphia.

At this stage of automation, guests “come” to classes, most often these are Karkusha, the girl Masha, the bear cub “Tishka”, who become the heroes of travel games, dramatization games, etc.

Heroes make mistakes all the time - in their sentences the words are not friendly ( Roma chop wood. Egor somersault down the hill), or the words are out of place: The mouse ate the cat. The coat has a beautiful Masha. Children help the characters correct their mistakes, explaining what they did: they “made friends” the words in the sentence, put the words in order. They make riddles for them and ask them to complete difficult tasks: finish the sentence by suggesting the last word from the picture, independently come up with a sentence from the picture or with the given word, assemble the cut picture and come up with a sentence, make a sentence scheme.

And finally, children pronounce sound quite well in words and sentences, and the last stage of automation comes - in coherent and independent speech. At this stage of the work, various retellings are used, making up stories based on a picture and a series of pictures. These types of work are tedious for children and therefore, in order to generate interest, I use retelling and stories using figurines on flannelgraph dramatizations, dramatizations.

In order to correct speech defects in children, I widely use didactic games in my work. After all, it is known that in the game the development of the child goes much faster than when using only traditional methods of education and training. For children studying at speech therapy centers, this is all the more important, because, as speech therapists are well aware, our children are often characterized by low cognitive activity. But even with the use of a didactic game, a speech therapist is not always able to achieve activity and high performance of children throughout the lesson. The reason is that most of the pupils are somatically weak, they have an incorrect posture, there are disorders of the autonomic and central nervous systems, there is a lack of mental processes, emotional instability. In my classes, I always combine speech therapy tasks and didactic games with movement, which relieves stress, increases the efficiency of children, and improves the quality of learning. In addition, outdoor games contribute to the development of the motor sphere (here, speech pathologists have some lag) and independence, which is the bottleneck in the field of preschool education.

The game method gives the greatest effect with a skillful combination of play and learning. The game is considered the leading activity of a preschooler. The game is one of the types of children's activities that is used by adults in order to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In the game, the child develops as a person, he forms those aspects of the psyche, on which the success of his educational and labor activities, his attitude towards people will subsequently depend.

A great influence on the development of children's speech is provided by games, the content of which is the staging of a plot, they contribute to the development of expressiveness of speech, form an arbitrary memorization of texts and movements. In this regard, I developed abstracts of speech therapy holiday games and collected them in the album “Holidays of Talkers”, which was presented at the second regional festival of psychological and pedagogical ideas. We spent holiday games with children to consolidate lexical topics. For example, to fix the season “Winter”, we held a festive game “Journey to the Kingdom of Zimushka-Winter”. The children really enjoyed this fascinating journey, they became interested in further education. At the end of the school year, we held a festive, final performance "The Holiday of Correct Speech" with the participation of parents.

I developed, tested and presented at the methodological teaching hour, an album of speech therapy outdoor games, for use by educators in the pedagogical process.

Two file cabinets were made - physical culture speech minutes and grammar games.

As for children with speech disorders, along with the general course of play, it has a specific effect on the development of speech throughout the entire course of their mental development. Children should be constantly encouraged to communicate with each other and comment on their actions, which helps to consolidate the skills of using initiative speech, improve conversational speech, enrich the vocabulary, form the grammatical structure of the language, etc.

Studying the works of E. I. Tikheeva, I came across the opinion that if the development of children proceeds normally, then speech errors will gradually and consistently become obsolete. She argues that compulsory pedagogical measures should be not to repeat the mistakes of children, but to always speak to children with perfect correctness.

It is necessary to protect children from the perception of speech forms that can spoil their language; take care that the child's hearing perceives images of only perfect speech. But the most important thing is to tirelessly work with children. First of all, one should carefully register the most important, predominant mistakes of children and pay special attention to them, come up with appropriate oral and written exercises, influencing the minds of children in the same direction, and help eradicate these mistakes.

But these exercises should not be abused, and most importantly, they should be conducted in a fun, lively way, allowing children to diversify their content at their discretion.

Correcting hastily, in passing, in the midst of a game or work, when the children are passionate about something, is in no case impossible. At best, it will go unnoticed; at worst, it will irritate children.

From what Tikheeva has said, the idea logically follows that it is best to work on eradicating errors in a game, and a didactic game.

Didactic games- an effective means of automating sounds, because due to the dynamism, emotionality of the conduct and interest of children, they make it possible to exercise the child many times in repeating the necessary sounds. Didactic games can be played both with toys, objects and pictures, and without visual material - in the form of word games built on the words and actions of the players.

Didactic games develop children's speech: the vocabulary is replenished and activated, correct pronunciation is formed, coherent speech and the ability to express one's thoughts develop. The didactic tasks of many games are designed in such a way as to teach children to independently compose stories about objects and phenomena. Some games require children to actively use generic and specific concepts. Finding synonyms, antonyms, words similar in sound is the task of many word games.

1. Games with objects very diverse in terms of game materials, content, and organization of the event. Toys and real objects (household items, tools, works of arts and crafts, etc.), natural objects (vegetables, fruits, cones, leaves, seeds) are used as didactic materials.

2. Board games varied in content, teaching tasks, design. They help clarify and expand children's ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes. These games contribute to the development of logical thinking, concentration, attention and fixing the correct sound pronunciation.

This is a rather incomplete list of games and game techniques that I use in speech therapy classes on automating sounds. Their number and variety in each lesson depends on the goals of the lesson and the stability of the attention of children. And the benefits of using them are undeniable.

The development of speech, the consolidation of the set sounds, involves the active interaction of the teacher - a speech therapist and the educator of the group. Moreover, the smaller the children, the more direct participation from adults should be in their games. With children with speech disorders, educators conduct individual work on notebooks for evening speech therapy classes, which helps to consolidate the results achieved, effectively correct speech defects.

To master the correct methodology for performing speech therapy exercises (articulatory breathing exercises), educators attend frontal speech therapy classes. And we, in turn, are also present at the classes on the development of the speech of educators.

In the process of classes, we recommend that educators draw the attention of children to the correct pronunciation of the set sounds, to monitor the correct speech of children. To this end, I developed, tested and presented at the methodological teaching hour, an album of speech therapy outdoor games, for use by educators in the pedagogical process.

Card indexes were made - physical culture speech minutes and grammar games.

One of the conditions for the development of correct speech is the correct figurative speech of parents, which should be a model for children. Every word of the parents should be meaningful, help the child to learn about the world around him and learn the language. The active participation of the children themselves in the correctional process and the comprehensive support and assistance of their parents is the key to success in this work.

Starting, I explained to them that their participation in the child's speech development should not be one-time, it should be systematized. If parents do not follow the recommendations given by me (speech game, fixing the set sound), then the integrity of the pedagogical process is violated, as a result of which the child suffers. A difficult problem for us was the search for forms of involving parents in the speech development of their children. Effective forms in this direction are: workshops, business games, conferences, presentations of didactic games, competitions and exhibitions, joint holidays and entertainment.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that in-depth work on automating sounds using game methods and techniques, with the assistance of parents and educators, allows you to speed up the process of automating sounds, arouses interest in speech therapy classes, increases the level of speech development of older preschoolers and allows you to qualitatively prepare them for school .

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From a physiological point of view, the stage of sound automation is the consolidation of conditioned reflex speech-motor connections on various speech material. The delivered sound is still very fragile, the conditioned reflex connection without reinforcement can quickly collapse. To automate sound means to introduce it into syllables, words, sentences, coherent speech. Children with defects in sound pronunciation have fixed stereotypes of incorrect pronunciation of words, sentences, etc. The automation of sound requires the active use of the process of internal inhibition, the ability to differentiate between correct and incorrect articulation patterns. It is carried out according to the principle from easy to difficult, from simple to complex.
It is possible to proceed to automation of the set sound only when the child pronounces it in isolation, completely correctly and clearly with prolonged or repeated repetition. In no case should you introduce into syllables and words a sound that is not yet pronounced clearly enough, as this will only lead to the consolidation of incorrect skills and will not improve pronunciation.
Automation of the delivered sound should be carried out in a strict sequence:

  1. automation of sound in syllables (direct, reverse, with a confluence of consonants);
  2. automation of sound in words (at the beginning of a word, in the middle, at the end);
  3. automation of sound in sentences;
  4. automation of sound in tongue twisters, tongue twisters and poems;
  5. audio automation in short and then long stories;
  6. automation of sound in colloquial speech.

First of all, sound is included in syllables. A syllable is a simpler speech unit than a word. In addition, syllables are meaningless; therefore, the child does not have stereotypes of pronunciation of words, which facilitates their automation.
Automation of fricative sounds begins with direct open syllables, then continues in reverse and closed syllables. When fixing stop sounds and affricates, the sequence is different: first, automation in reverse syllables, then in direct open ones. Later, the pronunciation of sound in syllables with a confluence of consonants is practiced.
At this stage, exercises for the pronunciation of syllables with stress transfer are offered: sa-sa, sa-sa, sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa. At first, you should actively work on syllabic tables. Appendix No.2.
Automation in words is first carried out based on syllables ( sa - garden). At the initial stages, the pronunciation of words in which the given sound is at the beginning of the word is consolidated, then words in which the sound is at the end and middle of the word. At first, the sound is automated in words that are simple in phonetic composition and do not contain disturbed sounds, then in words with a confluence of consonants. To automate the sound, they use the techniques of reflected repetition, independent naming of words from the picture, reading words. Useful tasks that direct the child to search for words containing a given sound (inventing words with a given sound). You should not be limited only to training sounds in words, you need to introduce creative exercises, games, move from pronouncing individual words to building phrases with them and short statements.
At this stage, the sound is automated in phrases, pure phrases, sentences, coherent texts, colloquial speech. Initially, sentences are offered with a moderate inclusion of sound, then automation is carried out on speech material saturated with this sound.
At this stage, work is also carried out on complex forms of sound analysis and synthesis, on the formation of the ability to isolate a sound in a word, determine its place in relation to other sounds (after which sound, before which sound). This work contributes to the efficiency of the automation process. The ability to clearly and quickly determine the sound structure of a word is necessary for the correct and rapid flow of the automation stage.
In the process of automating sounds, work is carried out on the prosodic side of speech: on stress when automating sounds in syllables and words, on logical stress in the process of automating sounds in sentences, on intonation when fixing the pronunciation of sound in a sentence, coherent speech.
Along with the development of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech, at the stage of automation of sounds, the vocabulary is enriched, its systematization, and the grammatical structure of speech is formed.
For example, at the stage of audio automation with in syllables and words, you can offer the following topics for classes:

  • Automation of the sound "s" in direct open syllables: sa, sy, se, so, su.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in reverse syllables: ac, os, ys, is, mustache, etc.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in closed syllables (sound at the beginning of a syllable): sol, sot, sak, etc.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in closed syllables (sound at the end of a syllable): los, tos, cas.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in syllables with a confluence of consonants: hundred, ska, ist, ost, usk.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in simple monosyllabic words (sound at the beginning of a word): garden, cheese, juice, soup, dry.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in simple monosyllabic words (sound at the end of the word): forest, fox, weight, nose.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants: flock, table, chair, leaf, eats, bush, bridge.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in simple two-syllable words (sound at the beginning of a word): sleigh, damp, dry.
  • Automation of the sound “s” in simple two-syllable words (sound in the middle of a word, at the end of a word): wasp, braids, scales, oats, etc.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants: bag, beetroot, glass, flock, helmet.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in three-syllable words without a confluence of consonants: boots, crackers, airplane.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants: bench, steps, cabbage.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in four-syllable words without a consonant confluence.
  • Automation of the sound "s" in four-syllable words with a consonant confluence: frying pan.
2. Voicing for the Russian language is a differential feature. The voiced-deafness correlation is characteristic only of noisy consonants. Of the 26 noisy consonants, only 11 form pairs: V-F; 3-C; W-W B-P; D-T; G-K V "-F"; Z "-S" B "-P"; D "-T"; G "-K" fricative stop-plosive and 4 consonants are extra-pair deaf: Ts, Ch, X, X. There are physiological, acoustic and compatibility differences between voiced and deaf: 1. physiological differences are associated with the work of the vocal folds. They differ in the degree of tension and the degree of intensity of the air stream, which are more energetic (intense) with deaf consonants. 2. the acoustic difference lies in the fact that deaf consonants are pure noises, while in voiced consonants, the noise is superimposed on the main tone of the voice. 3. compatibility differences : a) voiced consonants at the end of a word are stunned. For example: pillar, moros, burden, met b) voiced consonants are stunned before deaf ones. For example: corpse, propka, loshka, korofka c) voiceless consonants are voiced before voiced ones (except for the sound [c]) For example: request, burnt For vowels, the position in relation to stress and the quality of neighboring consonants is significant.For consonants, in addition to these two circumstances, it is also important that their position ie in a speech chain - the absolute beginning or the absolute end of a word or phrase. Voicing disorders appear in three ways: 1. voiced consonants are replaced by voiceless ones (quite often) 2. voiceless consonants are replaced by voiced ones (rarely) 3. a mixture of existing voiced and deaf voices Often these disorders are due to the following reasons: - varying degrees of hearing loss, sometimes even minimal - insufficient development of phonemic hearing - poor coordination of the combined work of the vocal and articulatory apparatus. Accordingly, both the methods of correction and the tasks facing it will change somewhat in each case, i. the accent will change, but in all cases the work will go in three directions: -> development of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and refinement of the pronunciation of isolated sounds, both deaf and voiced -> development of phonemic hearing -> achievement of simultaneous work of these articulatory movements and vocal cords three types of violation of voicing: a) the complete absence of voiced consonant sounds in speech, i.e., their constant replacement with paired deaf sounds (Daddy went to panya-Grandma went to the bathhouse); 6) insufficient voicing (I have a stake and a corlo - I have a headache and a sore throat; Kolupi flew into the creation - Pigeons flew into the yard; kid-grandfather, etc.). P,); c) insufficient stunning (Tied in the hair with a band of land; In the hair tied with a bow) Stunning of voiced consonants is observed more often than voicing of deaf ones. A specific disadvantage that combines voiced phonemes of various ways and places of formation, hard and soft, is their reproduction in the form of corresponding paired deaf ones (“females”, “shuk” instead of a castle, beetle; “pulka”, “terevo”, “bite” instead of a roll , tree, geese). This disadvantage is often a companion of hearing loss. Since with it some phonemes are replaced by others, the considered lack of pronunciation is one of the phonological ones. It often has a hard effect on the assimilation of writing.