Ivan turgenev asya summary by chapter. "Asya", a detailed retelling of the story by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Title of the work: Asya
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Year of writing: 1857
Genre of work: Tale
Main characters: narrator Mr. N.N. Russian young people Gagin, his sister Anna, who is called Asya.


The protagonist recalls the past - travel abroad, life in a small town on the Rhine. Living in Germany, he meets Gagin with his sister Asya. Gagin dreams of becoming an artist, while Asya has a rather strange character and does unusual things. They become friends, and in the course of communication, N.N. falls in love with Asya. But happiness becomes impossible, since the hero is not sure of his feelings for the girl who has become attached to him. As a result, their paths diverge, and the narrator, realizing the depth of feelings for Asya, strives with all his might to return the lost love. Life never brought them together and only forever hurt the heart of a lonely person.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Turgenev vividly showed a girl who found it difficult to find her place in society. She is capable of various reckless acts, but at the same time, Asya is sweet, kind and pure in heart. Of course, her origins left an imprint on her. Being illegitimate, she could not be like everyone else. Thus, the writer drew attention to the problem of society in families.

The story also shows that real feelings must be held on to. It may be too late to change the situation later. The protagonist did not dare to directly ask for Asya's hand in marriage, her low origin played an important role, because it could harm her reputation. When love comes, it's all just conventions, but N.N. realizes it too late. Excessive impulsivity and lack of open communication led to disastrous consequences for life.

N.N., a middle-aged secular man, recalls a story that happened when he was twenty-five years old. N. N. then traveled without a goal and without a plan, and on his way he stopped in a quiet German town N. Once N. N., having come to a student party, met two Russians in the crowd - a young artist who called himself Gagin, and his sister Anna , which Gagin called Asya. N. N. avoided Russians abroad, but he liked his new acquaintance right away. Gagin invited N.N. to his house, to the apartment in which he and his sister were staying. N. N. was fascinated by his new friends. At first, Asya was shy at N.N., but soon she herself was talking to him. Evening came, it was time to go home. Leaving the Gagins, N.N. felt happy.

Many days have passed. Asya's pranks were varied, every day she seemed to be a new, different - either a well-bred young lady, or a playful child, or a simple girl. N. N. regularly visited the Gagins. Some time later, Asya stopped being naughty, looked distressed, avoided N. N. Gagin treated her kindly and condescendingly, and N. N. grew suspicious that Gagin was not Asya's brother. A strange incident confirmed his suspicions. One day, N.N. accidentally overheard the conversation of the Gagins, in which Asya told Gagin that she loved him and did not want to love anyone else. N. N. was very bitter.

N. N. spent the next few days in nature, avoiding the Gagins. But a few days later he found a note at home from Gagin, who asked him to come. Gagin met N. N. in a friendly way, but Asya, seeing the guest, burst out laughing and ran away. Then Gagin told his friend the story of his sister.

Gagin's parents lived in their village. After the death of Gagin's mother, his father raised his son himself. But one day Uncle Gagina arrived, who decided that the boy should study in St. Petersburg. His father resisted, but gave in, and Gagin went to school, and then to the guards regiment. Gagin often came and once, already at the age of twenty, he saw a little girl Asya in his house, but did not pay any attention to her, having heard from her father that she was an orphan and was taken by him "to feed".

Gagin was not with his father for a long time and only received letters from him, when suddenly one day the news came of his fatal illness. Gagin arrived and found his father dying. He bequeathed to his son to take care of his daughter, Gagin's sister - Asya. Soon the father died, and the servant told Gagin that Asya was the daughter of Gagin's father and Tatyana's maid. Gagin's father became very attached to Tatyana and even wanted to marry her, but Tatyana did not consider herself a lady and lived with her sister with Asya. When Asya was nine years old, she lost her mother. Her father took her into the house and raised her himself. She was ashamed of her origin and at first she was afraid of Gagin, but then she fell in love with him. He, too, became attached to her, brought her to St. Petersburg and, no matter how bitter it was for him to do this, gave her to a boarding school. She had no friends there, the young ladies did not like her, but now she is seventeen, she has finished her studies, and together they went abroad. And now ... she is naughty and fooling around as before ...

After the story of Gagin, N.N. it became easy. Asya, who met them in the room, suddenly asked Gagin to play a waltz for them, and N.N. and Asya danced for a long time. Asya waltzed beautifully, and N.N. later recalled this dance for a long time.

The whole next day, Gagin, N. N. and Asya were together and had fun like children, but the next day Asya was pale, she said that she was thinking about her death. Everyone except Gagin was sad.

Once N.N. brought a note from Asya, in which she asked him to come. Soon Gagin came to N.N. and said that Asya was in love with N.N. Yesterday she had a fever all evening, she didn’t eat anything, she cried and confessed that she loved N.N. She wants to leave ...

N.N. told his friend about the note that Asya had sent him. Gagin understood that his friend would not marry Asa, so they agreed that N.N. would honestly explain to her, and Gagin would sit at home and not pretend that he knew about the note.

Gagin left, and N. N.'s head was spinning. Another note informed N.N. of the change in the place of their meeting with Asya. Arriving at the appointed place, he saw the hostess, Frau Louise, who led him to the room where Asya was waiting.

Asya was trembling. N.N. hugged her, but immediately remembered Gagina and began to accuse Asya of telling her brother everything. Asya listened to his speeches and suddenly burst into tears. N. N. was at a loss, and she rushed to the door and disappeared.

N. N. rushed around the city in search of Asya. He was vexed with himself. Thinking, he went to the Gagins' house. Gagin came out to meet him, worried that Asya was still missing. N.N. looked for Asya all over the city, he repeated a hundred times that he loved her, but he could not find her anywhere. However, having approached the Gagins' house, he saw a light in Asya's room and calmed down. He made a firm decision - to go tomorrow and ask for Ashina's hand. N. N. was happy again.

The next day, N.N. saw a maid at the house, who said that the owners had left, and handed him a note from Gagin, where he wrote that he was convinced of the need for separation. When N. N. walked past Frau Louise's house, she handed him a note from Asya, where she wrote that if N. N. had said one word, she would have stayed. But apparently it's better...

N. N. looked everywhere for the Gagins, but did not find them. He knew many women, but the feeling awakened in him by Asya never happened again. The longing for her remained with N.N. for the rest of his life.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev


N.N., a middle-aged secular man, recalls a story that happened when he was twenty-five years old. N. N. then traveled without a goal and without a plan, and on his way he stopped in a quiet German town N. Once N. N., having come to a student party, met two Russians in the crowd - a young artist who called himself Gagin, and his sister Anna , which Gagin called Asya. N. N. avoided Russians abroad, but he liked his new acquaintance right away. Gagin invited N.N. to his house, to the apartment in which he and his sister were staying. N. N. was fascinated by his new friends. At first, Asya was shy at N.N., but soon she herself was talking to him. Evening came, it was time to go home. Leaving the Gagins, N.N. felt happy.

Many days have passed. Asya's pranks were varied, every day she seemed new, different - either a well-bred young lady, or a playful child, or a simple girl. N. N. regularly visited the Gagins. Some time later, Asya stopped being naughty, looked upset, avoided N. N. Gagin treated her kindly and condescendingly, and in N. N. the suspicion grew stronger that Gagin was not Asya’s brother. A strange incident confirmed his suspicions. One day, N.N. accidentally overheard the conversation of the Gagins, in which Asya told Gagin that she loved him and did not want to love anyone else. N. N. was very bitter.

N. N. spent the next few days in nature, avoiding the Gagins. But a few days later he found a note at home from Gagin, who asked him to come. Gagin met N. N. in a friendly way, but Asya, seeing the guest, burst out laughing and ran away. Then Gagin told his friend the story of his sister.

Gagin's parents lived in their village. After the death of Gagin's mother, his father raised his son himself. But one day Uncle Gagina arrived, who decided that the boy should study in St. Petersburg. His father resisted, but gave in, and Gagin went to school, and then to the guards regiment. Gagin often came and once, already at the age of twenty, he saw a little girl Asya in his house, but did not pay any attention to her, having heard from her father that she was an orphan and was taken by him "to feed".

Gagin was not with his father for a long time and only received letters from him, when suddenly one day the news came of his fatal illness. Gagin arrived and found his father dying. He bequeathed to his son to take care of his daughter, Gagin's sister Asya. Soon the father died, and the servant told Gagin that Asya was the daughter of Gagin's father and Tatyana's maid. Gagin's father became very attached to Tatyana and even wanted to marry her, but Tatyana did not consider herself a lady and lived with her sister with Asya. When Asya was nine years old, she lost her mother. Her father took her into the house and raised her himself. She was ashamed of her origin and at first she was afraid of Gagin, but then she fell in love with him. He also became attached to her, brought her to St. Petersburg and, no matter how bitter it was for him to do this, gave her to a boarding school. She had no friends there, the young ladies did not like her, but now she is seventeen, she has finished her studies, and together they went abroad. And now ... she is naughty and fooling around as before ...

After the story of Gagin, N.N. it became easy. Asya, who met them in the room, suddenly asked Gagin to play a waltz for them, and N.N. and Asya danced for a long time. Asya waltzed beautifully, and N.N. later recalled this dance for a long time.

The whole next day, Gagin, N. N. and Asya were together and had fun like children, but the next day Asya was pale, she said that she was thinking about her death. Everyone except Gagin was sad.

Once N.N. brought a note from Asya, in which she asked him to come. Soon Gagin came to N.N. and said that Asya was in love with N.N. Yesterday she had a fever all evening, she did not eat anything, she cried and confessed that she loved N.N. She wants to leave ...

N.N. told his friend about the note that Asya had sent him. Gagin understood that his friend would not marry Asa, so they agreed that N.N. would honestly explain to her, and Gagin would sit at home and not pretend that he knew about the note.

Gagin left, and N. N.'s head was spinning. Another note informed N.N. of the change in the place of their meeting with Asya. Arriving at the appointed place, he saw the hostess, Frau Louise, who led him to the room where Asya was waiting.

Asya was trembling. N.N. hugged her, but immediately remembered Gagina and began to accuse Asya of telling her brother everything. Asya listened to his speeches and suddenly burst into tears. N. N. was at a loss, and she rushed to the door and disappeared.

N. N. rushed around the city in search of Asya. He was vexed with himself. Thinking, he went to the Gagins' house. Gagin came out to meet him, worried that Asya was still missing. N.N. looked for Asya all over the city, he repeated a hundred times that he loved her, but he could not find her anywhere. However, having approached the Gagins' house, he saw a light in Asya's room and calmed down. He made a firm decision - to go tomorrow and ask for Ashina's hand. N. N. was happy again.

The next day, N.N. saw a maid at the house, who said that the owners had left, and handed him a note from Gagin, where he wrote that he was convinced of the need for separation. When N. N. walked past Frau Louise's house, she handed him a note from Asya, where she wrote that if N. N. had said one word, she would have stayed. But apparently it's better...

N. N. looked everywhere for the Gagins, but did not find them. He knew many women, but the feeling awakened in him by Asya never happened again. The longing for her remained with N.N. for the rest of his life.

The protagonist of the story, a certain N.N., recalls his early years. Once, while traveling to different cities, fate brought him to a quiet German town N. There, at one of the parties, he became friends with the Russian artist Gagin and his sister Anna, whom the artist himself called Asya. N.N. tried to stay away from the Russians, but he immediately liked these two.

Gagin invited a new acquaintance to visit. Asya was a little afraid of N.N., but then she got used to it, and she herself spoke to him. In the evening, when it was necessary to leave, N.N. sadly left new friends. Time has passed. Asya behaved differently every day, either she was an educated young lady, or a simple girl, or a small capricious child. N.N. often visited the Gagins. Looking at Gagin's treatment of Asya, N.N. I suspected that they were not related. An accidentally overheard conversation confirmed N.N.'s guesses, Asya really loved Gagin, and from this N.N. felt crushed. He spent some time alone. Then he received an invitation from Gagin to come to visit. He told Asya's story.

Gagin's mother died, the father took care of the boy. Uncle Gagin insisted that the guy go to study in St. Petersburg. Coming to his father, he saw a little girl, the father said that she was an orphan, and he took her for maintenance. Later it turned out that this is the daughter of the father and the maid. When the girl was nine, her mother died, and her father took her to be raised. After the death of her father, Asya was taken to Gagin in St. Petersburg. Asya confessed to N.N. in love by sending him a note. N.N. and Gagin agreed that he would honestly explain himself to the girl. After another meeting with her beloved, Asya was offended by N.N. He was looking for a girl everywhere, but returning to the Gagins' house, he was convinced that she was at home. He decided that tomorrow he would ask for Asya's hand in marriage. In the morning it turned out that Gagin had taken his sister away, believing that it would be better this way.

Asya left a message to Frau Louise, in which the girl wrote that she would have stayed if N.N. just wanted. N.N. I was looking for Asya, but everything was unsuccessful. The feelings experienced with this girl never happened again.


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N.N., a middle-aged secular man, recalls a story that happened when he was twenty-five years old. N. N. then traveled without a goal and without a plan, and on his way he stopped in a quiet German town N. Once N. N., having come to a student party, met two Russians in the crowd - a young artist who called himself Gagin, and his sister Anna , which Gagin called Asya. N. N. avoided Russians abroad, but he liked his new acquaintance right away. Gagin invited N.N. to his house, to the apartment in which he and his sister were staying. N. N. was fascinated by his new friends. At first, Asya was shy at N.N., but soon she herself was talking to him. Evening came, it was time to go home. Leaving the Gagins, N.N. felt happy.

Many days have passed. Asya's pranks were varied, every day she seemed to be a new, different - either a well-bred young lady, or a playful child, or a simple girl. N. N. regularly visited the Gagins. Some time later, Asya stopped being naughty, looked distressed, avoided N. N. Gagin treated her kindly and condescendingly, and N. N. grew suspicious that Gagin was not Asya's brother. A strange incident confirmed his suspicions. One day, N.N. accidentally overheard the conversation of the Gagins, in which Asya told Gagin that she loved him and did not want to love anyone else. N. N. was very bitter.

N. N. spent the next few days in nature, avoiding the Gagins. But a few days later he found a note at home from Gagin, who asked him to come. Gagin met N. N. in a friendly way, but Asya, seeing the guest, burst out laughing and ran away. Then Gagin told his friend the story of his sister.

Gagin's parents lived in their village. After the death of Gagin's mother, his father raised his son himself. But one day Uncle Gagina arrived, who decided that the boy should study in St. Petersburg. His father resisted, but gave in, and Gagin went to school, and then to the guards regiment. Gagin often came and once, already at the age of twenty, he saw a little girl Asya in his house, but did not pay any attention to her, having heard from her father that she was an orphan and was taken by him "to feed".

Gagin was not with his father for a long time and only received letters from him, when suddenly one day the news came of his fatal illness. Gagin arrived and found his father dying. He bequeathed to his son to take care of his daughter, Gagin's sister - Asya. Soon the father died, and the servant told Gagin that Asya was the daughter of Gagin's father and Tatyana's maid. Gagin's father became very attached to Tatyana and even wanted to marry her, but Tatyana did not consider herself a lady and lived with her sister with Asya. When Asya was nine years old, she lost her mother. Her father took her into the house and raised her himself. She was ashamed of her origin and at first she was afraid of Gagin, but then she fell in love with him. He, too, became attached to her, brought her to St. Petersburg and, no matter how bitter it was for him to do this, gave her to a boarding school. She had no friends there, the young ladies did not like her, but now she is seventeen, she has finished her studies, and together they went abroad. And now ... she is naughty and fooling around as before ...

After the story of Gagin, N.N. it became easy. Asya, who met them in the room, suddenly asked Gagin to play a waltz for them, and N.N. and Asya danced for a long time. Asya waltzed beautifully, and N.N. later recalled this dance for a long time.

The whole next day, Gagin, N. N. and Asya were together and had fun like children, but the next day Asya was pale, she said that she was thinking about her death. Everyone except Gagin was sad.

Once N.N. brought a note from Asya, in which she asked him to come. Soon Gagin came to N.N. and said that Asya was in love with N.N. Yesterday she had a fever all evening, she didn’t eat anything, she cried and confessed that she loved N.N. She wants to leave ...

N.N. told his friend about the note that Asya had sent him. Gagin understood that his friend would not marry Asa, so they agreed that N.N. would honestly explain to her, and Gagin would sit at home and not pretend that he knew about the note.

Gagin left, and N. N.'s head was spinning. Another note informed N.N. of the change in the place of their meeting with Asya. Arriving at the appointed place, he saw the hostess, Frau Louise, who led him to the room where Asya was waiting.

Asya was trembling. N.N. hugged her, but immediately remembered Gagina and began to accuse Asya of telling her brother everything. Asya listened to his speeches and suddenly burst into tears. N. N. was at a loss, and she rushed to the door and disappeared.

N. N. rushed around the city in search of Asya. He was vexed with himself. Thinking, he went to the Gagins' house. Gagin came out to meet him, worried that Asya was still missing. N.N. looked for Asya all over the city, he repeated a hundred times that he loved her, but he could not find her anywhere. However, having approached the Gagins' house, he saw a light in Asya's room and calmed down. He made a firm decision - to go tomorrow and ask for Ashina's hand. N. N. was happy again.

The next day, N.N. saw a maid at the house, who said that the owners had left, and handed him a note from Gagin, where he wrote that he was convinced of the need for separation. When N. N. walked past Frau Louise's house, she handed him a note from Asya, where she wrote that if N. N. had said one word, she would have stayed. But apparently it's better...

N. N. looked everywhere for the Gagins, but did not find them. He knew many women, but the feeling awakened in him by Asya never happened again. The longing for her remained with N.N. for the rest of his life.

The story "Asya" was written by Turgenev in 1859. At this time, the writer was no longer just popular, he had a significant impact on the life of Russian society at that time.

Such significance of the author is explained by the fact that he was able to notice the moral problems that arise in society in the most ordinary events. These problems are also seen in the story "Asya". A brief summary of it will show that the plot chosen is the simplest. in which there are experiences and regrets about the past.

"Asya", Turgenev: a summary of chapters 1-4

A certain young man N.N. escaped from his father's house and went abroad. He did not want to continue his education there, he just wanted to see the world. A trip without a plan and purpose: he made acquaintances, watched people, and everything else interested him little.

And in one of the German towns N.N. makes acquaintance with Gagin and his sister Asya. They invite him to their home. And after the very first evening, N.N. remains impressed by the romantic image of Asya.

Weeks have passed. N.N. was a regular visitor to new friends. Asya has always been different, sometimes she is a playful child, sometimes a well-bred young lady, sometimes a simple Russian girl.

But once Asya stopped “playing” her roles, she was upset about something and avoided N.N., who began to suspect that Gagin and Asya were not brother and sister at all. And the story of Gagin partly confirmed these assumptions.

The fact is that Asya was the daughter of Father Gagin and their maid Tatyana. After the death of his father, he takes Asya to St. Petersburg, but on duty he has to send her to a boarding school. Asya spends four years there, and now they are traveling abroad together.

From this story, N.N. becomes easier at heart. Returning to his place, he asks the carrier to let the boat down the river. Everything around, and the sky, and the stars, and water, everything is alive for him and has its own soul.

The story "Asya": a summary of chapters 5-9

When next time N.N. comes to the Gagins' house, he finds Asya somewhat thoughtful. She says she thought a lot about her "bad" upbringing.

She does not know how to sew beautifully, does not play the piano and those around her are undoubtedly bored. She is interested in what men value most in women, and N.N. would be upset if she suddenly died.

N.N. surprised by such a question, and Asya demands that he always be frank with her. Gagin sees Asya's dejection, offers to play a waltz, but today she is not in the mood to dance.

The story "Asya": a summary of 10-14 chapters

N.N. wanders aimlessly around the city. Suddenly, a boy hands him a note from Asya. She writes that she must see him. The meeting is scheduled near the chapel.

N.N. returns home. At this time, Gagin comes and informs him that Asya is in love with him. Gagin asks if N.N. his sister. He answers in the affirmative, but now he is not ready to marry.

Gagin asks N.N. to go on a date with his sister and have an honest explanation with her. After Gagin's departure, N.N. suffers, he does not know what to do. But in the end he decides that there is no way to marry a young girl with such a disposition.

The story "Asya": a summary of chapters 15-19

Asya has changed the meeting place, now it is Frau Louise's house. Despite his decision, N.N. succumbs to the charm of Asya, he kisses her, hugs her. Then he remembers Gagina and begins to reproach the girl for telling her brother everything, that she did not allow their feelings to develop.

Asya cries, falls to her knees, the young man tries to calm her down. The girl breaks out and quickly runs away from him. N.N. angry with himself, wandering through the fields, regretting that he lost such a beautiful girl.

At night, he goes to the Gagins and finds out that Asya did not return home. They go in search of her, disperse in different directions. N.N. reproaches herself, thinks that Asya has done something to herself. The search does not give a result, and he comes to the Gagins' house.

There he learns that Asya has returned after all. He wants to ask Gagin for the hand of Asya, but the time is late, and he puts off his offer. On the way home, N.N. looks forward to future happiness. He stops under a tree and listens to the singing of a nightingale.

Summary: "Asya" Turgenev 20-22 chapters

In the morning, N.N. hurries to the Gagins' house. He is full of happiness, but he sees that the windows are open, there is no one, the Gagins have left. He is given a note from Asya. In it, she writes that she will never see him again. And if yesterday he had said at least one word to her, she would undoubtedly have stayed. But he didn't say anything, which meant she'd better leave.

N.N. looked for the Gagins for a long time, he followed them everywhere, but he could not find them. And although later he thought that with such a wife he would still not be happy, he never had such a feeling again.