How to speak correctly. Expand your social circle

Not every person can correctly express thoughts in words and on paper. Therefore, we will consider the topic of how to learn to speak competently with people in English and Russian.

If you want to succeed in life, learn, improve and try to become better. An educated person is a useful person, before whom paths and roads are opened.

Step by step action plan

As practice shows, people have to write infrequently, since computer technology has flooded all areas of activity. But sometimes you can’t do without the skills of competent writing. You have to speak daily.

  • Be patient and mentally tune in. Only a literate person can manage life, become an independent and leading person.
  • Read more . Reading will help develop visual memory. I advise you to read the classics, because modern publications, due to the constant haste and rhythm of life, are not without errors.
  • Choose books based on personal interests . Some like fantasy, others prefer adventure. It doesn't matter what genre you choose. The main thing is that reading is enjoyable.
  • Read aloud to train your auditory memory . After each comma in the text, make a short pause. As a result, during a conversation, speech will begin to sound correct and balanced.
  • Rewrite the pages of books . People know the rules well, but they make mistakes while writing the text. It doesn't hurt to rewrite a few pages from your favorite book every day. With this technique, increase the level of literacy.
  • Learn texts by heart . Poems or short passages from the story will do. Learning stimulates memory. Perhaps the lesson will initially be scary, but after a little practice, you can easily cope with the task and increase your IQ.
  • Exercise regularly . We are talking about writing vocabulary and text dictations, speaking in front of a mirror. Do not forget that literacy is not a gift from God, but the result of training.
  • Involve an outsider in training . Have a dialogue with him, discuss various topics, correct each other.
  • Buy a spelling dictionary . This guide will help you make sure that the words are spelled correctly. The dictionary will help out in case of unexpected difficulties.
  • Create a dictionary of difficult words . We are talking about words and phrases, with the spelling and pronunciation of which there are difficulties. Using a dictionary, gradually “tame” difficult words.
  • Keep a diary . Record results and achievements, highlight moments that deserve attention. This will allow you to effectively work on the bugs.

Each person has their own abilities. Some have a developed auditory memory, while others have an excellent visual memory. Listen to the advice that is best for you. This is the secret of success.

How to speak well with people

Competent speech often becomes a recommendation in various situations. We are talking about passing exams, employment, private conversations and public speaking. Poor vocabulary and inability to correctly present information often fails. Continuing the topic of the article, I will talk about the intricacies of mastering a competent conversation with people.

Video tips

How to speak Russian fluently

Competent speech is a component of the image. It accounts for 25 percent of the impression of a person. Interlocutors pay attention to the beauty and correctness of speech, and only after that to diction and voice.

Competent speech is a help in life. It promotes career growth, increasing popularity and respect, helps to find a girlfriend or boyfriend.

If you are striving to get a leadership position, knowledge will help, because a real boss should be able to ignite the team. They will also be useful to an ordinary person who wants to make life comfortable and multifaceted.

Video secrets of literate speech

Learning to speak English correctly

If you want to find a job in Europe or like to travel abroad, check out our resource on speaking English correctly. It is believed that it is not easy to overcome the language barrier, and this is true. But if you use the means to achieve the goal, everything will work out.

When talking, people understand the interlocutor, but they cannot answer. The reason for this is not a modest vocabulary or lack of knowledge, but a lack of conversational practice and a psychological barrier.

The main bugbear is the language barrier. There are many reasons why he appears, it makes no sense to consider them. I will direct your forces to remove the barrier. I will share tips with which you will improve your spoken English.

  1. Learn the words first . This will open access to new conversational topics.
  2. Learn antonyms and synonyms . Thanks to this, speech will become beautiful and rich. When learning a new word, look in the dictionary for antonyms and synonyms.
  3. Use phrases, speech structures and phrasal verbs . These designs will help to start a conversation beautifully and competently.
  4. Expand your active vocabulary . These are the words that are used in speech. The number of ways of self-expression depends on the size of the stock.
  5. Improve your pronunciation . The indistinct pronunciation of English sounds often becomes the reason why the interlocutor does not understand the speaker. For this purpose, imitate the speech of correctly speaking people. Use the speech of an English-speaking friend, favorite actor, teacher or announcer as a guide.
  6. Pay special attention to audio recordings . They will help you learn conversational phrases. Load several of these audio recordings into the player and listen. If possible, repeat after the speaker. This will increase the effectiveness of the lesson.
  7. Work with videos . Watch videos of topics of interest and listen to the speech of native speakers. This will help you learn a lot of colloquial phrases and master the technique of articulation.
  8. Sing in English . I think you constantly listen to musical compositions in English. I recommend not only listening, but also singing, keeping up with the pace of the singer and pronouncing every word.
  9. Read aloud . If you can't listen to audio or watch videos, read aloud. This method is inferior to the previous two in terms of efficiency, but you should not discount it, especially if you are improving the language yourself at home.
  10. Speak more often . Constant communication in English will bring the moment of achieving the goal closer. Finding an English-speaking interlocutor is easy if you connect the Internet and voice communication technologies.
  11. Record your voice . Choose a general conversation topic, turn on the voice recorder and record your voice. Next, listen to the recording carefully, paying attention to the moments characterized by the appearance of hitches and long pauses. As a result, you will see what to work on.
  12. Practice . Do not forget, only the constant practice of speech will bear fruit and one theory is not enough. You can read a lot of useful manuals, but you won't master English without practice. I recommend working with a partner. It can be a brother, a neighbor or a beloved wife.

I hope you carefully read the tips and apply them in real life. If it doesn’t work out, ask a mentor for help or sign up for a language course.

In conclusion, I will add that literacy is a factor that determines a person’s ability to speak their native language, the ability to speak coherently and logically, and the skills to use words correctly in conversation and writing.

What is literacy for?

Today, when the rules of the language are being simplified, and people are slowly forgetting what reading and writing with a pen are, literacy remains an indicator of culture. It is the basis on which the development of personality is built. Many books and textbooks provide access to the treasure trove of knowledge created by previous generations.

Speech is part of a person's image. According to statistics, speech accounts for 25% of the impression of a person. The interlocutor pays more attention to literacy and beauty of speech, diction and voice. Let's talk about how to learn to speak beautifully and competently in Russian and in English.

Even if you have to communicate only with family members and neighbors, good speech will come in handy in life. Communicating with you, people will listen to your opinion and consider you a great conversationalist.

A good conversation will help in a career, increase the level of importance in the eyes of colleagues and ensure respect. Correct, beautiful and competent speech will be of help for speaking at meetings, conferences and other events.

The skills of competent speech should be owned by a person who occupies a leadership position or claims it. The head is the face of the company, and only with the help of competent speech can he conclude contracts, find partners and lead a team. Poor vocabulary brings a lot of trouble at the wrong time.

Step by step action plan

Consider a time-tested algorithm, using which you can quickly master the art of competent speech at home. Having reached certain heights, share knowledge and experience with loved ones. Those skills don't hurt.

Video tips

With the help of this algorithm, learn to speak beautifully and competently in Russian or English at home. As a result, the interlocutors will consider you an educated and intelligent person. Speaking correctly and beautifully, you will achieve success in life.

Learning to speak Russian competently and correctly

Russian language is difficult. It is not surprising that it is not easy even for a native speaker to master the correct and beautiful speech. Fortunately, there are no unattainable goals, it is enough to set a goal.

Video instructions

If you don’t like learning on your own, sign up for a collective public speaking course. Studying in a group, you will quickly polish a speech that will become a source of pride.

We speak English correctly

The English language pushes the boundaries of the picture of the world, but the school method of teaching does not give the desired result. It intimidates the level of complexity and does not provide the knowledge necessary to talk with a foreigner.

Learning English literate speech is easier than learning how to spell. The main thing is to remember the pronunciation of words and learn how to make sentences.

Skills for learning English

First of all, I will highlight the main character traits that will be needed to successfully achieve the goal. Then we will consider effective methods and ways of mastering English speech.

  • Regularity . Only a serious approach will bring results. Study regularly to expand your vocabulary and combinations without forgetting the material you have learned.
  • Honesty. Not every person boasts a penchant for self-study. If you doubt that it will be possible to organize training on your own, use the services of a tutor. With it, learn English faster at home.
  • perseverance . A trait of character necessary to achieve a goal. Learning to speak English is not easy. You will have to learn words, memorize the translation, use it correctly in sentences. What to say about pronunciation. Audiobooks and the Internet will help with this.
  • Motivation. Remember, even a person without positive characteristics can succeed. Desire is enough to eclipse the negative qualities, since the desiring person will easily step over the obstacle for the sake of the goal. Even laziness won't hurt.
  • self control . To make training effective, control yourself and objectively evaluate the results. Only you can determine when to repeat material and when to move on.

Where to start learning

In none of the above paragraphs have I ever mentioned the need to have certain talents in relation to this language. This proves that, if desired, everyone will master English speech.

Why is it necessary to speak correctly and competently?

If you learn to correctly, correctly and beautifully convey a thought, you will always be heard, regardless of the volume of your voice. This truth was proved by the ancient Greek sophists who were engaged in teaching.

    SPEAK, ryu, rish; ryonny (yon, ena); incompatibility 1. Possess oral speech, own some kind of n. language. The child is not speaking yet. G. in Russian. 2. what, about whom (what) and with the union “what”. To verbally express thoughts, to communicate. G. the truth. G. slowly. G. with a big ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    The significance of the subject of the article is called into question. Please show in the article the significance of its subject by adding evidence of significance to it according to particular criteria of significance or, if private criteria of significance for ... ... Wikipedia

    Logo of the action "I speak Russian" with the flag and coat of arms of Odessa "I speak Russian" action in support of the regional status of the Russian language in Odessa in 2007. Contents 1 Reasons for holding and organizers of the action ... Wikipedia

    Logo of the action "I speak Russian" with the flag and coat of arms of Odessa "I speak Russian" action in support of the regional status of the Russian language in Odessa in 2007. Contents 1 Reasons for holding and organizers of the action ... Wikipedia

    Logo of the action "I speak Russian" with the flag and coat of arms of Odessa "I speak Russian" action in support of the regional status of the Russian language in Odessa in 2007. Contents ... Wikipedia

    Anastasia Chaikovskaya Anastasia Manahan, Anna Anderson Date of birth: ca. December 22, 1896 Place of birth ... Wikipedia

    Anastasia Manahan (Chaikovskay) Anna Anderson, 19 ... Wikipedia

    - (Ukr. Russian language in Ukraine) one of the two most common languages ​​spoken by the population of Ukraine. During the All-Ukrainian census of 2001, 29.6% of participants called Russian their native language, including 14.8% of Ukrainians. ... ... Wikipedia

    Nikolai Gogol, Russian classic writer, native of Poltava region Vladimir Dal, compiler of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, native of Lugansk ... Wikipedia


  • Let's speak Russian correctly! , Mokienko Valery Mikhailovich. We offer readers the second book of Doctor of Philology V. N. Mokienko. Like the first book of the author - "Do we speak Russian correctly?", It is addressed to people who are in love with their native language, ...
  • Let's speak Russian correctly. Proverbs ... How to understand and use them correctly. Interpretation, origin, foreign language correspondences, V. Mokienko. We offer readers the second book of Doctor of Philology V. N. Mokienko. Like the first book of the author - "Do we speak Russian correctly?", It is addressed to people who are in love with their native language, ...
  • Let's speak Russian correctly! Proverbs: how to understand and use them correctly, interpretation, origin, foreign language correspondences, Mokienko Valery Mikhailovich. We offer readers the second book of Doctor of Philology V. N. Mokienko. Like the author's first book Do we speak Russian correctly?, it is addressed to people who are in love with their native…

Competent? Literacy does not come immediately. Rules and recommendations will not help if you do not read books, if you are not interested in reading. The issue of expanding vocabulary is solved only through reading books. The language of Russian literature is the standard of Russian literature: Gogol, Leskov, Chekhov, Zoshchenko.

The main purpose of communication is to convey information using known speech means. Stiffness in speech reduces the effectiveness of communication, makes it difficult to understand.

To learn how to speak correctly, you needmotivation . First of all, you need to understand why you need a competent speech(for a prestigious job and career, for performances, personal motives, etc.). Answering this question, clearly, clearly and legibly state the arguments in favor of competent speech, if they are convincing and serious, your brain will respond and begin to work in this direction. School knowledge of the Russian language sits deep in each of us. They are not forgotten, just put on hold. It is necessary to create a situation in which the subconscious will give out the necessary information.

Start changing. To change yourself, you need to change your habits.Speech- indicator of culture. Develop the habits of a cultured person. Even if you do not speak well, learn to speak slowly, with a smile, do not gesticulate. Develop intonation skills. Practice saying, for example, the phrase "yes" with different intonations. There are over 40 pronunciations for this word.

Russian language -intonation language. Learning to speak beautifully means intonation, focusing on words that are important for meaning, pausing. It is very useful to listen to recordings of performances of past years (of the old theatrical school) or performances by artists, for example, Irakli Andronnikov.

To bring speech success closer, you must experienceneed to know more about good speech. On the Internet you can find books about correct Russian speeches, but it is better to purchase in a store so that it is convenient to carry the book with you. Will definitely come in handy. In addition to educational books, purchase various dictionaries: accentological, orthoepic, explanatory, dictionary of phraseological units, synonyms, etc.Reading dictionaries or just leafing through them is an interesting, exciting and useful activity, during which you will learn about the correct pronunciation, stress, meaning of words and memorize them imperceptibly. Stress in Russian words and their pronunciation is the Achilles' heel of many. Be head and shoulders above your interlocutors - read dictionaries! Reading professional dictionaries related to your field of activity will also be of great benefit. From them you will learn a lot of new things in your work.

Are you interested in knowing how your interlocutors perceive you?write down your talk recorder and listen. Video recording will bring the greatest effect. Remember that the purpose of speech is to convey information. Has your speech goals? Precisely, succinctly or long, did you state what words did you use in order to be understood? Do you know how to restrain emotions in a conversation, is the sound of your voice pleasant? You will understand a lot about yourself by hearing your own and seeing yourself in a communication situation.

Don't get carried awayusing foreign words , the interlocutor may not know their exact meaning, and then it will not make sense. If you want to learn how to speak correctly, choose simple and understandable Russian words. It's better to say nopermanent movement, andcontinuous traffic; notrarity, avaluable rare thing. Russian words create a special structure of speech, give it clarity, meaningfulness, and lightness.

What does it mean to speak well? This means listening to your speech and hearing its sound, hearing your mistakes and correcting them in a timely manner, referring to dictionaries and reference books. Only you can help yourself. In addition, it is also necessary to see and hear errors in the speech of others, to feel the misuse of words and not be afraid to point out to the interlocutor. But do it delicately, within the accepted etiquette.

If you decide to change, then resist the temptation to talk like everyone else; strictly ask yourself, control your behavior and emotions. By building your language, you change yourself for the better.And constantly be interested in the Russian language and speech.

    April 11, 2012 at 08:02 pm

    03 May 2013 at 18:04

    11 September 2013 at 21:09

    January 16, 2014 at 11:02 am

Learn to correctly, correctly pronounce, write the words of the Russian language.

Believe me: in any society, with whomever you communicate, it is very important to pronounce the words properly.

Your speech is your face.

You do not know how to pronounce or write words correctly? Check out our article.

The most common mistakes we make in words

  1. Doubt how to say: D you” or “when Y you"?

Only "when Y ti"!

  1. Waiting at the cafe To spresso"? Well, it makes sense: a quickly prepared drink is “express coffee”. Not! It's called espresso. And it's not about doing it quickly. Translated from Italian, this means "squeezed out" - the way it is prepared.

By the way, "coffee" is a masculine word. And you will not drink "hot HER", and "hot ii espresso".

  1. You don't know how to: DOJ”, “pobe JU”, “pobe I AM WAITING»?

Don't rack your brains: all three options are wrong.

The verb "to win" does not have the form of the I person singular of the future tense. Just replace it with a synonym - the Russian language is rich in them - “I can, I will be able to win”, “I will win”, “I will win”, “I will become the winner”, “I will be the best, the first”.

  1. The same applies to the toast "To dreams come true!".

The word "sale" means "sale", "getting rid of something". And "dream" does not have a singular form of the genitive case.

  1. Remember: in Russian there are no words "in general", "in general" - there is only "in general" or "in general". You don't need to merge them.
  2. You often think about what is right: to put your “ UNDER letter" or " ROS letter"?

Remember: when you sign, put " UNDER writing."

BUT " ROS writing” you can admire on the walls of temples, architectural objects.

  1. Lexically, the phrase "the best" cannot exist. This is a logical tautology, "oiled butter": both words are in superlatives. How can one say, for example, "the largest possible", "the purest"? Sounds like? Of course not!

It turns out that the directors who shot "The Best Movie" overdid it with the title.

  1. Do you urgently need money, but you don't have enough? You "occupy" them, right? And ask a friend: "Loan me money."

They don't say that: "to borrow" means "to borrow." That is, only you can “borrow”, and a friend will “loan” you.

So if you ask, say, "Can I 'borrow' money from you?" or "Lend me."

  1. Correct spelling: "during E" means "in continuation E certain period of time." And "during And” refers to the movement of a river, a liquid.

And remember: both words are written separately.

  1. The popular, little-understood expression "a D crown ko LL ider".

Doesn't exist a ND crown ko L idera" is not a person's name; "hadron collider" - technical equipment. "hadrons" (Greek word meaning "heavy") - a class of elementary particles; "collider" is a ring-shaped tunnel, it accelerates charged particles, accelerates protons.

  1. You should write "you And play" and not "you Y play." The word is derived from the noun And gra". BUT " Y gra - what is it?
  2. As soon as they do not distort the word "go".

Do not know what is more correct: "go", "go"? Both options are not correct. The imperative form of the verbs "to go", "to go" - " PER go", " ON go", " AT go”, etc.

In some cases, the form of the word “drive” is allowed - in special literary devices, but not in colloquial speech.

  1. There is no word "them" NIY"! It sounds as terrible as "from here OVA, from there OVA».

union "if F” does not exist in nature, only “if”.

The word "to R idor" is spelled and pronounced with " R". What is "ko L idor"?

Such "words HER» is not available in Russian.

  1. To everyone who writes "from E nor”, ​​we advise you to go through the elementary school course again. The verb "from And neither" is checked by the word "pov And ny".
  2. Your young man wrote in a message that you are "simp O pretty girl"? think well whether it is worth continuing to communicate with him if he is not able to find a test word for the adjective "simp BUT tic"?

Do you know him? This is "Simp BUT tia." In some variants, the slang word "symp" is allowed O tnaya”, but not everyone will appreciate such slang.

With the noun "girl O nka "more and more difficult - spelling" Oh-yo» after the sizzling pass in elementary school. Interesting? Open the textbook and check it out.

  1. Do you think that you O kid" on a date? Nothing! " O you can only "child" someone, but you yourself should " ON THE put on clothes.
  2. The words "sorry" and "sorry" have slightly different meanings.

“Sorry” - You ask for an apology from a person, you want him to forgive you.

“I apologize” means that you have begun to say words of forgiveness. “I apologize to you! What else do you need? - that's the meaning.

  1. Writing " b” in the verbs of a literate person will not baffle, but how annoying when you read: “He doesn’t want to“ divide T sya" with me "and" He said that "share TH sya "with me"!


(what they do b? what will they do b?) – “del TH sya", "share TH sya."

(what's up ET? what did you do ET?) – “del T sya", "share T sya."

Difficult? Not!

  1. "Where are you from?" " FROM Moscow!

Don't believe! Living in Moscow arrived " FROM Moscow".

Speak correct, literary Russian:

I FROM Tashkent, you FROM Tula, he FROM Russia.

  1. "According to you E mu", "in-mo E mu", "your way E mu" always write with a hyphen and with " E" In the middle.

Well, what kind of slop is this - "pomo Y mu"?

  1. Know: you need to congratulate on (what?) “happy day” (what?) “born AND I»; go (where?) "for a day" (what?) "born AND I»; was (where?) "at the bottom" (of what?) "born AND I»; came (from where?) "from the day" (of what?) "born AND I».

Neither "be on", nor "congratulate on", nor "go to" birthday IE" it is forbidden!

And one more thing: all words in the phrase "birthday" must be written with a small letter.

  1. There is a delicacy "moro WOMAN”, “pyro ZhN oh", not "moro ZhN oh ice cream ENN oh", "pyro WOMAN oh."

By the way, these are vocabulary words that are taught in the third grade.

  1. Just learn how to spell it correctly:

all - still; vrya D whether; P FROM little by little; VC ratz E; and ZR caustic BUT; really THEN; as if O; VP consequences And.

  1. Thinking about writing: - then - ka CT o", "who - or - kt OL for", "something - what - to EC then", "than - anything - what MN ibud"?

It's very simple: particles something, something, anything written with a hyphen.

  1. Love sausages? Pronounce it correctly: suck SC and" and not "sausage b ki". They are made from animal meat, and not from a prominent part of the human female body, right?
  2. With accents, too, many are "not friends."

How to say: "l O live" or "lie And t"? It will be true: ON lodges And t ”- this word is not pronounced without a prefix. It can be replaced by a synonym for "put" (no prefix is ​​needed for it).

  1. The word “call” is also bad.

It would be correct to say "call And t", not "sv O nit" - the verb is formed from the noun "ringing O k", not "zv O nok"; "ringing And sh”, but not “call O niche" - from the word "ringing And t”, not “zv O a thread".

  1. It says "beautiful And Vee", not "beautiful E e", because there is a word "beautiful And vyy", not "beautiful S y".
  2. An incorrectly placed stress, an incorrect ending “cuts” the ear of a literate person like a knife.

Just learn:

Always speak correctly! No one has ever gotten in the way of good speech.

The words spoken by a person reflect his inner world. And our literacy is the best way to tell about his wealth.

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