Which of the writers wrote to children about professions. Essay on the profession of my parents


A teacher is a person who educates and teaches children in a kindergarten. The profession of an educator is important and necessary. He must love and understand children.

In kindergarten, the teacher organizes games with children, teaches them to draw, sculpt, cut out of paper, design, craft. The teacher reads books to children, tells fairy tales, teaches them poems, riddles and counting rhymes, introduces them to the world around them, teaches them to love nature, respect elders.

In the morning, when the children come to kindergarten, the teacher exercises with them - these are simple, but very useful physical exercises.

The teacher teaches children to wash, dress and undress, use cutlery correctly, teaches children the rules of etiquette. While preparing the children for a walk, he helps the children get dressed, tie scarves, fasten buttons.

The teacher sees the relationship of children in the group, knows who is responsive, friendly, who likes to complain, who starts disputes and quarrels. By his behavior and conversations, the educator influences the children, trying to suppress the manifestations of bad qualities in them and bring up good ones.

In the older groups of the kindergarten, the teacher prepares children for school: introduces them to numbers, letters, teaches them to count, and compose stories.

The teacher is a kind, attentive, caring person who loves small children very much.

Vocabulary work:educator, cutlery, etiquette, sympathetic, bad qualities.

Action names:educates, teaches, tells, helps, plays, regrets, reads, shows, explains, introduces, engages…

Names of personality traits:kind, affectionate, cheerful, fair, attentive, caring, strict, patient ...


Who always plays with children

Reads smart books

Take the kids for a walk

And puts you to sleep?


Olga Pavlovna

Who will tell about everything:

Why does thunder happen

How factories work

And what are the machines?

And about how gardeners

Breaking flower beds

And about the north, and about the south,

And about everything that is around

And about coal, and about gas,

About the taiga and about the Caucasus,

About the bear, about the fox

And about the berries in the forest?

Who will teach you how to draw

Build, sew and embroider,

Seating the guys in a circle,

Read them a poem

He will say: "Learn for yourself,

And then read to your mom.

Who will understand now.

Why Oleg fights

Why Gali and Nina

He took the matryoshka

Why is the elephant made of clay

Misha immediately broke?

This is the teacher

This is Olga Pavlovna.

Loves Olga Pavlovna

All my guys

Very Olga Pavlovna

Loves kindergarten.


A junior teacher is an assistant teacher in a kindergarten, in a different way a nanny. The junior teacher takes care of the children, takes care of them. A nanny should be kind, caring, hardworking and responsive.

In kindergarten, the assistant teacher sets the table, beautifully arranging the dishes, feeds the children, washes the dishes and the floor, wipes the dust.

The assistant educator changes the towels and bed linen of the children, beautifully fills the cribs. Thanks to the work of a nanny, the group is always clean and comfortable.

During the preparation of the children for a walk, the junior teacher helps them get dressed, tie scarves and fasten buttons. When the children return from a walk, he greets the children warmly and helps them to undress.

When the teacher is working with a subgroup of children, the nanny plays with the rest of the children, reads books, and talks.

The work of a junior teacher is very necessary in kindergarten.

Vocabulary work:mop, bedclothes, helper, industrious.

Action names:washes, cleans, covers, helps, wipes, cleans, changes, talks, plays, reads ...

Names of personality traits:kind, hardworking, caring, loving children, attentive, affectionate, responsible, patient, responsive ...


Who will help the teacher

Everything in the group will clean up,

Feed the children, put them to bed,

Will you restore order everywhere?

(Nanny. Junior teacher)

Story about our babysitter

Our nanny is just a class

All day long he tries for us:

Breakfast is covered in the morning,

Then he cleans the dishes

Everything will wash, wipe

And put things in order.

Will dress us for a walk

We will come from the street - undress.

Lunch from the kitchen will bring

And take the dishes away again.

Spread out a bed for everyone -

During the day, kids need to sleep.

Here we get up after sleep,

And the nanny brought an afternoon snack.

hard work -

About small children care:

You have to clean up after them.

If necessary, caress

Undress or dress, wash

Set the dishes, the floor and the table ...

Nanny - teacher's assistant,

Works just great!


Order is the soul of everything


A nurse is a doctor's assistant who takes care of sick people and helps them heal.

A nurse must have the necessary knowledge and skills in various fields of medicine: be able to properly treat a wound, apply a bandage, give an injection, and perform other medical procedures. The nurse must strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.

In kindergarten, a nurse monitors the health of children: examines them, weighs and measures their height, and administers vaccinations. She prepares a menu for every day so that the chef prepares tasty and healthy food.

The nurse's office has the necessary equipment: height meter, scales, syringes, various medicines, vitamins.

The nurse always wears a white coat and a white cap. She must be patient, kind, disciplined and observant.

Vocabulary work:nurse, stadiometer, scales, menu, syringes, vaccinations, procedures, medicine, vitamins.

Action names:heals, puts, weighs, measures, checks, examines…

Names of personality traits:kind, considerate, patient, caring, observant, affectionate, disciplined…


After the illness will meet

And kindly greet.

Will measure everyone's height and weight,

And he knows how he sleeps and eats.

And if a child suddenly has a headache,

Immediately rush to help. Who is this? …



I am a nurse

Healthy and sick need:

Here's an injection, a pill -

Medical candy.

I treat children with a doctor

In the white office

To boldly go to the doctor

Small children!

And in our kindergarten

I will measure your height and weight.

I will vaccinate all children

And I will make you be healthy!


A cook is a person who prepares food. He knows how to cook deliciously and appetizingly, beautifully decorate any dish: both salad and cake.

In kindergarten, the cook prepares different dishes in the kitchen. He cooks soups, cereals, compotes, fries cutlets, pancakes, meat. The chef knows how to bake delicious pies and buns. When the chef prepares food in the kitchen, appetizing smells spread around. For cooking, the cook uses a stove and an oven. The "helpers" of the cook are a meat grinder, a potato peeler, a bread slicer, a dough mixer. Food is prepared according to recipes. From the hands of the cook, the first, second and third courses, salads, pastries fall on the table to the children. It is important not only to cook properly, but also to decorate the dishes beautifully, so that even one look of them causes an appetite.

The cook must have a good memory. He knows and remembers how to cook certain dishes, how much and what kind of food to put, what side dishes to serve with cutlets, chicken, fish, meat.

Food must be prepared under sterile conditions. Therefore, the chef is always dressed in a white coat and cap.

A cook is a person who loves to cook, showing imagination, fiction, he must have a subtle sense of smell and well-developed taste sensations.

Vocabulary work:meat grinder, bread slicer, potato peeler, stove, dishes, pastries, appetite, garnish, sterile conditions, smell, taste sensations, fantasy.

Action names:boils, fries, cuts, salts, cleans, bakes, cooks ...

Names of personality traits:hardworking, kind, caring, accurate, patient…


Who is the master of cabbage soup, borscht

And the vegetable stew?

Delicious broth will cook for us,

He can bake a cake

And fry us meatballs.

Who is he? Guess, kids!



Give the cook food:

Meat, poultry, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.


The cook in the cap walks

With a ladle in hand.

He cooks dinner for us.

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

About the cook

It is always nice for people to eat when the food is delicious.

Good cooks always have delicious food.

They probably create dinner like sorcerers,

And it seems that there are no secrets, and the dishes are all delicious:

Roast, fish, vinaigrette, okroshka and borscht,

Salad, cutlets and scrambled eggs, and buns, and cabbage soup.

Everything is always fresh with them, well, as it should be,

Food cannot burn and must not cool.

I once came to dinner, I ate such a soup,

That I almost swallowed a spoon, I almost ate a plate!

That's why they rush to them, they go to dine with them,

And for a long time they are thanked for this tasty work.


Not the oven feeds, but the hands.

What you bake is what you eat.

A good cook is worth a doctor.


A driver or chauffeur is a person who drives a vehicle: car, bus, truck, etc. This profession is very interesting and necessary.

The driver of a passenger car or bus carries people, and a truck driver transports various goods. Trucks are used to transport vegetables, grains, hay, animals in the countryside. In the city, trucks deliver food and manufactured goods to stores.

The driver must know the device of the car well, skillfully manage it, must be able to repair the engine, pump up the wheels, know the rules of the road and never violate them. At gas stations, the driver fills the car with gasoline or gas.

Many drivers work on public transport - trams, buses, trolleybuses. Before entering the tracks, these vehicles are checked by mechanics, and a doctor examines the driver. The driver must be healthy! After all, he is responsible for the lives of many people. At stops, the driver presses a special button and opens the doors. Some passengers get off the bus, while others enter.

The driver must have an excellent memory, endurance, strength, good health and excellent eyesight. He must distinguish all light signals and have excellent hearing.

Vocabulary work:driver, traffic rules, public transport, highway, mechanic, gas station.

Action names:manages, carries, transports, presses, checks, refuels, repairs, repairs, pumps up, looks ...

Names of personality traits:strong, brave, healthy, attentive, responsible, skillful, disciplined, obedient, tactful, competent…


Skillfully who drives a car -

After all, it's not your first year behind the wheel, is it?

Slightly rustling tight tires,

Who is taking us around the city?

(Driver. Driver)

About the driver

The driver worked all day

He was tired, he was dusty.

He drove bricks to the construction site,

He helped build the house.

And now it leads to the sink

Your own huge dump truck.


And again a long road

And the dome of the sky is blue.

He travels a lot

But everyone does not want to rest.

Probably, he hardly remembers,

How much cargo for a country

He moved; waiting for them everywhere

And they all needed it.

He often speaks with a laugh,

Without taking your eyes off the wheel:

“I circled the globe five times,

and the earth is small for me.

I'm very happy so far

What am I driving, what a driver.

My truck

Here's a big truck! I'm used to driving

I carry loads on it if they are building a new house.

To all machines, he is a machine - a real colossus!

Carries bricks, sand, he could move a mountain!

The whole day we are alone with him, I am in the cockpit at the wheel.

He is obedient, as if alive, as if he were my comrade.

Quietly turn on the music and spin the steering wheel,

Whether it's raining, it's snowing, we're going, we're going forward!


The work of the master is afraid.



A seller is a person who sells us various things and products. The profession of the seller is divided into several specialties. There are sellers of non-food products (clothes, shoes, furniture, books, electrical equipment, household goods) and sellers of food products (vegetables, fruits, bakery, confectionery and other goods).

The salesperson works in the store. He must know his product well, its properties, remember prices, sizes, location of goods. So, the seller needs a good professional memory.

In an ordinary store, the salesperson stands behind the counter. He weighs the goods on the scales, tells the buyer the price. The buyer pays the cost of the goods at the checkout, gives the seller a check, receiving in return the desired product. The seller helps to pack the products.

There are new shops - supermarkets. There, all the goods are open on the shelves, the buyer walks and chooses the right ones on his own, and pays when he leaves. In supermarkets, sellers play the role of consultants: they help buyers with a choice, explain the purpose of products, show where the right product is located.

The sellers have their own overalls, which must be clean and tidy. But the main thing for the seller is a kind, respectful attitude towards people, courtesy, tact, a charming smile.

Vocabulary work:seller, buyer, supermarkets, overalls, counter, cash desk, check, tact, charming, consultant.

Action names:sells, weighs, counts, packs, advises, shows...

Names of personality traits:polite, considerate, tactful, kind, patient…


Who sells products

Milk, sour cream, honey?

Who sells boots to us,

Shoes and sandals?

They all know the goods

Don't waste time

Well done in the stores.

Who is this? …



We all go shopping. Vendors in stores

They sell us oranges, coffee, tea and candies.

And potatoes, and carrots, beets, onions and cucumbers

Sellers will quickly, politely and deftly hang on us.

What a profession, and not in vain, after all,

Our girls play "Shop" and "Sellers".

"What do you want?" - they will find out, - “Do you want cabbage? Ogurtsov?

Maybe coffee or tea? There is sausage, ham…”.

What a profession, everyone always needs it.


A laundress is a person who washes, dries and irons clothes. Laundry work is hard, but very necessary for other people.

In the kindergarten, the laundress washes towels, bed linen, bathrobes.

The room where the laundress works is called the laundry room. There is a bath for soaking clothes, a washing machine for washing, a centrifuge for squeezing clothes.

After washing, the laundress places the wet laundry in a special dryer, and in summer you can dry the laundry outside. When the laundry is dry, the laundress irons it and folds it neatly.

Thanks to the work of the laundress, the children in the kindergarten dry themselves with clean towels, sleep on fresh bed linen, and the employees wear clean bathrobes. The laundress makes sure that all linen is always clean and fresh.

To wash clothes, you need washing powder, laundry soap, gloves. Facilitates the work of the laundress household appliances: washing machine, centrifuge, iron.

The laundress should be a hardworking, diligent, responsible and accurate person.

Vocabulary work:laundress, laundry, washing machine, centrifuge, iron, washing powder, dryer, kindergarten staff.

Action names: soaks, washes, wringes, turns on, pours, dries, irons, folds, shakes...

Names of personality traits:hardworking, careful, caring, kind, diligent, responsible, patient…


Who will wash our clothes,

To keep it clean

Dry and smooth

And iron it?


Washing machine

The washing machine loves to work

He is very proud of his work.

She says to Bellew, “Hey, sluts!

Diapers, t-shirts, pants and shirts!

I invite you, dirty, to my drum,

I wash off stains and dirt with powder.

I will arrange a good bath with linen,

The hostess will appreciate my work!


Electric iron -

For linen, a reliable friend.

He floats on clothes

Like a hot steamer.

It remains for us guys

Admire the result:

All linen has become marvelous

Very smooth and beautiful!


Order is the soul of everything.

Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.


A janitor is a person who keeps the street and yard clean. The work of a janitor is necessary and requires respect.

In the kindergarten, the janitor sweeps the playgrounds, collects garbage, waters the sand and plots, and cuts the grass. In autumn, the janitor rakes the fallen leaves and removes them from the plots. In winter, the janitor clears snow from the paths, removes snow in the areas. He makes sure that the yard is always clean and beautiful.

To work, a janitor needs a broom, a shovel, a rake, a cart, a hose for irrigation, gloves. In winter, to facilitate his work, he can use a snowplow.

A janitor must be a hardworking, caring, strong, healthy and disciplined person.

Vocabulary work:janitor, broom, rake, cart, snowplow.

Action names:sweeping, cleaning, raking, watering, cutting, collecting, cleaning…

Names of personality traits:hardworking, neat, caring, kind, strong, disciplined, responsible, patient…


Shoveling snow with a shovel

Sweeps the yard with a broom.

You guys guessed

Who keeps it clean?

(Street cleaner)

Street cleaner

The janitor will rise at dawn,

The snow will clear in the yard.

Janitor picks up trash

And sand will sprinkle ice.


Rake with a clawed paw

Clean up trash

last year's grass

And fallen leaves.


The janitor has it guys

A helpful tool is a shovel.

He digs the earth with it,

Snow is removed in winter.

A janitor needs a shovel:

It makes work easier.


Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.

Without skill and strength, nothing to do with it.


A doctor is a person who treats people for all sorts of diseases.

If the patient cannot come to the doctor himself, the doctor goes to him and provides assistance on the spot. Therefore, the car, but which the doctor drives, is called: “Ambulance”.

Doctors are different: therapists treat all diseases, dentists treat teeth, pediatricians treat only children, otolaryngologists treat ears, throat, nose, neuropathologists treat nerves, ophthalmologists treat eyes, dermatologists treat skin.

The medical profession is very difficult. It requires a lot of knowledge, attentive attitude to the patient. A doctor must know a lot about the structure of the human body, the work of internal organs, must be able to understand various diseases.

At the reception, the doctor will definitely listen to the lungs and heart, look at the throat. The doctor recognizes what his patient is sick with, makes a diagnosis, prescribes treatment, writes out prescriptions for medicines.

The doctor uses tools in his work: a phonendoscope, with which he listens to the heart and breathing, looks at the throat with a spatula. The doctor is always dressed in a white coat.

A real doctor should feel sorry for his sick patients and try to help them recover.

Vocabulary work:spatula, phonendoscope, prescription, medicine, help, diagnosis, patient.

Action names:heals, listens, looks, prescribes, prescribes, helps, explains…

Names of personality traits:smart, attentive, kind, caring, patient, persevering, literate…


Bitter is cured, and sweet is crippled.


If your ear hurts

Or your throat is dry

Don't worry and don't cry

Because it will help you...(doctor) !


All diseases are treated by a doctor,

He pricks - do not cry.

Have fun looking around:

A pediatrician is a friend to children.


Go to the doctor, little children!

This old doctor is the best in the world.

There is no kinder doctor in the world,

He helps everyone: the doctor is a friend of children.

When the head is hot, we quickly call the doctor.

The tummy hurts before going to bed - again we will call the doctor.

He treats mom and dad and my grandmother,

Me, even though I'm stubborn, he treats the whole family.

Let the thunder rumble and the rain fall

The doctor will definitely come!

The doctor is our good, faithful friend,

He will cure any disease.


White car with a red cross

As "Ambulance" everyone knows

And her way in any stream

Always and everywhere inferior!

The car is in a hurry, the doctor is in a hurry

Save someone from the burn

And if the old heart hurts,

And if you break your leg.

A doctor in a snow-white coat will come,

Holding a magical suitcase.

There are stacked tubes and simple iodine,

And the syringe, and the solvent is healing.

Measure the pressure, save with advice

And a kind attentive word,

And if it's necessary, he'll take you to the hospital,

For a person to be healthy.

Illness for the big ones and the kids is a disaster,

But there is a way out of it.

You always call the ambulance!

03 is the treatment number!


A barber is a person who cuts people's hair and does their hair. Hairdressing is a very interesting and creative profession. To become a real hairdresser, you need to study, get a special diploma.

Hairdressers work in hairdressing and beauty salons. The client is seated in a comfortable chair, their shoulders are covered with a special cape, their hair is washed with shampoo, and then they are cut using a comb and scissors. For a female client, a hairdresser can style her hair with a hairdryer and a brush, or curl her hair with curls and cover with a special hairspray.

Hairdressers have their own overalls, which must be neat and clean.

A master hairdresser must have good taste, imagination and, of course, “golden” hands. The hairdresser must be sociable, be able to patiently listen to the client, advise what hairstyle is best to do.

A hairdresser must have good health (after all, he has to spend the whole working day on his feet) and love for people, have a desire to bring joy, to make people more beautiful.

Vocabulary work:hairdresser, barbershop, hairstyle, hair dryer, styling, brush, curls, client, "golden hands".

Action names:cuts, styles, washes, dries, curls, advises, combs…

Names of personality traits:patient, sociable, skillful, fashionable, kind, responsible.


Who will do the hair

Hairdryer, brush and comb.

Magnificent curls will curl,

Shake the bangs with a brush.

Everything in his hands burns -

Who will change the look?



The hairdresser knows the business

He cuts guys well.

Why go shaggy?

Why go shaggy?

It's better to be boys

Beautiful, neat.


Hairdresser by all means

Gives you a modern cut.

Give me scissors, a comb,

He will do your hair.

About the hairdresser

The hair has become like a mane, it is clear that the time has come to cut ...

The barbershop is beautiful, lots of light, mirrors…

They pointed me to a chair. I didn’t have time to say: “Oh!” -

They flashed, scissors flew over their heads.

I came there as a shaggy and unshorn ram.

And I left a neat and handsome little boy.

The hairdresser Uncle Sasha told me: “Do not forget

Our hairdresser. Come, don't grow up."

The hairdresser knows everything: if you want, he will shave his head

Or remove the bangs, or trim the temples -

Cut as you like. He knows his job.

Whoever wants to get a haircut, he will help without problems.


A good hairstyle is more important than an expensive outfit.


A physical education teacher is a teacher who conducts physical education classes with children. He teaches children to be physically strong, healthy, dexterous, hardy.

In the mornings in the gym, the physical education teacher conducts morning exercises with the children to cheerful cheerful music. In special physical development classes, children perform general developmental exercises for the arms, legs, torso, learn to walk, run, jump, rearrange, throw, catch and throw a ball, crawl and climb over.

The physical culture teacher conducts special sports exercises on skis and skates in the winter outside, and if there is a swimming pool in the kindergarten, he teaches children to swim. Another teacher teaches children to play different sports games: basketball, badminton, football, hockey, towns. In summer, it organizes cycling, scootering, and in winter, sledging. The teacher of physical education knows and conducts with children a lot of different outdoor games with running, jumping, crawling, climbing, throwing. And the teacher organizes and conducts relay games, sports entertainment and sports holidays.

The teacher of physical education should always be cheerful, dexterous, slender, cheerful, so that all children want to be like him, love to go to the gym and do physical education, participate in relay races, competitions, and sports games.

This person should love his work very much, come up with interesting and useful games and exercises, so that children in physical education classes are always cheerful, cheerful, gain strength and health.

Vocabulary work:physical education, endurance, sports games, swimming pool, general developmental exercises, scooter, cheerful.

Action names:teaches, explains, teaches, plays, organizes, shows, introduces, tells, conducts, trains, exercises, develops, engages, invents, runs, jumps, throws, catches ...

Names of personality traits:cheerful, agile, cheerful, cheerful,competent, patient, attentive, kind, strict, caring, responsible, persistent, disciplined ...


The teacher is cheerful, kind,

Always fit and alert

Learn to run and play

Jump, climb, throw a ball,

Love for sports instills

Helps improve health.

Guess it guys

Who is this teacher?

(Physical education teacher)

Physical training!

To grow and develop

Not by days, but by hours,

Do physical education,

We need to temper!

We are charging

We start in the morning

To contact less often

For advice to doctors.

The orthopedist prescribed us

Massage mats.

We walk on them

We strengthen the legs.

And massage balls

Useful for fingers

Good for drawing

Hold a pen and a pencil.

We are developing an eye

We play ring tosses.

Gotta hit it right

To win more.

To be dexterous and accurate,

We play skittles.

And also at the gate

We hit right.

Who knows better than us

Spin the hoop a hundred times.

We count: one - two - three,

Spin with us.

We have many sports games:

Basketball, hockey, billiards...

Very interesting in groups

We play and win.

Sport, guys, is very necessary!

We are friends with sports!

Sport is an assistant

Sports - health,

Sport is a game

Physical training!


Physical education and work bring health.


A music director is a person who teaches children to sing, dance and play music.

In kindergarten, the music director conducts music lessons with children. In these classes, children learn and sing songs, learn movements for various dances, listen to music, get acquainted with composers and their works.

The musical director organizes and conducts matinees and holidays for children, various performances. He introduces children to musical instruments (metallophone, tambourine, piano, etc.) and teaches them to play them.

The music director himself is good at playing some kind of musical instrument (piano, button accordion, accordion).

He has creative and musical abilities. He is a kind, considerate, cheerful person.

Vocabulary work:music director, instruments, piano, metallophone, accordion, button accordion, composer, works, play music.

Action names:teaches, sings, dances, plays, shows, listens, organizes, shows, owns, introduces…

Names of personality traits:kind, cheerful, attentive, affectionate, creative, patient, cheerful, cheerful, literate ...


Without a lead singer, the song is not sung.

Where the song is sung, life is easier there.


Who teaches children to sing, play,

And waltzes, polkas dance,

Learn to be friends with music

And love a Russian song?

(Music director)

About music

No music, no music

Can't live at all

Don't dance without music

Neither polka nor hopak!

And you won’t spin in a waltz,

And you won't march

And a fun song

You will not sing on a holiday!

Musical director

Musician and teacher

Helped me to get acquainted with music.

He plays the piano

The musical ear develops.

Learn to sing and dance

And play with the bell.

Tell about the composer

And his portrait will show.

Learn to love music

And be educated.

Prepares holidays and entertainment

To everyone's delight and surprise,

After all, adults and children love

Very holidays all these!

About our music director

There is a difficult person in kindergarten:

Skillful such, groovy, mischievous.

Write a script, set the mood

And everyone will be invited to his performance.

Talents are countless, there is a lot to learn:

She dances like in a fairy tale, sings like a singer.

She certainly has a talent for the arts.

Such is our teacher-musician.


A teacher (educator) of visual activity is a teacher who teaches children to draw and sculpt, develops their creative abilities. This work is very honorable and important for working with children.

In kindergarten, the teacher of fine arts conducts special classes: modeling and drawing. In an accessible form explains and shows children how to sculpt or draw something. The instructor is very good with pencil and brush. To teach others to draw and sculpt, he must himself be a good artist, a creative person. In the art studio classes, children draw with paints and gouache, make crafts from clay. In the process of drawing, special stands are used - easels and palettes for mixing paints.

The teacher introduces children to different types and genres of fine arts: painting, still life, graphics, sculpture, architecture, folk toys, talks about artists, sculptors, architects, teaches children to look at paintings.

A teacher of fine arts is a creative, attentive, observant person who loves and understands beauty.

Vocabulary work:teacher, fine arts, creative person, easel, gouache, paints, clay, painting, still life, graphics, sculpture, architecture, artist, sculptor, architect.

Action names:sculpts, draws, writes (pictures), teaches, shows, explains, tells, introduces ...

Names of personality traits:creative, attentive, observant, kind, intelligent, hardworking, skillful, patient, persevering, literate…


Who is in our kindergarten

The artist is simply the highest class,

Teach kids how to sculpt

And draw and craft?

(Teacher of visual activity)


Can brush painter

Draw on canvas:

This is a hedgehog, this is rain,

It's an asterisk in the window.

On his pictures of paint

They come alive like in a fairy tale.

He is both fruit and nature

Will draw, and a portrait.

Hired an artist

Brushes, paints and easel.

Children love to draw

Here we took the paint in hand -

And there was no boredom in the house.

To make it more fun

Don't skimp on bright colors!

This is true!

Well, what is there to hide?

Children love to draw!

On paper, on asphalt, on the wall

And in the tram on the window!


Masters don't like boredom

All day long at work.

They mold everything: pots and mugs,

Bowls, various toys.

Everything is on the shelves in a row -

Friendly clay team.


Skilful hands do not know boredom.


A teacher-defectologist (typhlopedagogue) is a person who teaches, develops and educates children with visual impairments in a kindergarten.

The defectologist teacher conducts special classes in which he teaches children to look correctly with their eyes, conducts various gymnastics for the eyes and fingers, organizes games, teaches them to think and reason, compare and generalize.

The typhlopedagogue conducts his classes with children in a separate room. In these classes, children play special games and learn various skills and abilities: how to lace, hatch, lay out patterns from shapes, and draw on stencils. A teacher-defectologist introduces children to the objects that surround them, the human body, people of different professions. He tries to help children to correctly navigate in the surrounding space, organizes excursions to various institutions.

In special classes, children get acquainted with geometric shapes, color, size, shape of objects, various sounds and smells, learn to identify products by taste, and objects by touch.

In his classes, a typhlopedagogue teaches children to communicate correctly with each other and adults, speak beautifully, compose interesting stories, and make sure that children are well prepared for school.

A teacher-defectologist is a competent, responsible, patient person who loves and teaches children, gives them his knowledge.

Vocabulary work:teacher, typhlopedagogue, office, institutions, special classes, surrounding space.

Action names:teaches, develops, educates, educates, plays, shows, explains, introduces, tells, conducts ...

Names of personality traits:competent, attentive, kind, affectionate, strict, fair, caring, responsible, honest, persistent, disciplined


Who teaches color to determine

Name the shape of objects

Pictures correctly folded

And put it in order.

Who teaches to think, to reason

And answer questions?

Helped improve eyesight

Who is this teacher?

(Teacher-defectologist, typhlopedagogue)


There are teachers in the kindergarten

They work not in vain -

Children need to be developed

To give them different knowledge:

Why do we need arms or legs,

What kind of transport is on the road

As ears hear, eyes see,

And who is the hero from the fairy tale.

Learn to hold a pencil

And stroke, and lace,

Draw on stencils

Compose pictures, puzzles.

Teach children about nature

About time and weather

And what surrounds us

When and where for what happens.

Learn to recognize shapes

Name the colors of objects

To the touch, to determine the taste

And compare and generalize.

Learn to appreciate vision

Stickers and goggles to wear.

With bad eyesight guys

Living without glasses is torture!


It is not enough to know oneself - one must pass it on to others.

A good person teaches good.


A speech therapist is a teacher who teaches children to speak correctly, develops speech.

A speech therapist teacher works with children in a special room, where there are many different pictures, games, there is a large mirror on the wall, in which they look when they learn to speak correctly. Sometimes, passing by this office, you can hear hissing, buzzing, growling - these are children learning to speak correctly, to pronounce difficult sounds.

A speech therapist with children plays finger games, trains tongues, learns poetry and tongue twisters, develops hearing, introduces children to the sounds and letters of their native language. In the classroom, children learn a lot of new words, learn to parse words, build sentences correctly, and tell beautifully. Children have special notebooks in which they draw, hatch, learn to write the first letters. You can take a notebook home and continue the exercise there, stick or draw a beautiful picture.

Together with the music director of the kindergarten, the speech therapist teacher conducts logorhythms: children perform different movements to the music, learn to breathe correctly, speak, and combine their movements and speech.

A speech therapist can work with a group of children, and with one child. For parents, a speech therapist conducts conversations and consultations so that they know how to help their child speak clearly and correctly.

At the end of the school year, a speech therapy holiday is always held, where children show how well they have learned to speak and pronounce difficult sounds.

A speech therapist is a very competent, patient, responsible person who tries to make children speak correctly and clearly.

Vocabulary work:teacher, speech therapist, office, speech therapy classes, sounds, letters, words, sentences, tongue twisters, logorhythmics, consultation.

Action names:teaches, explains, teaches, plays, shows, introduces, tells, conducts, trains, exercises, develops, practices ...

Names of personality traits:competent, patient, attentive, kind, affectionate, strict, caring, responsible, persistent, disciplined ...


Who teaches to speak clearly

And make all the sounds

Children develop speech

Does he play different games?

Guessed? Don't yawn!

Who is this? Answer!

(Teacher speech therapist)

The speech therapist will help

To speak beautifully

Right and clean

The sounds we made

Slow and fast.

Sounds suddenly appeared

The syllables appeared...

And the words are already coming

On the right road.

Our Yegorka learned

speak tongue twisters,

Nastya no longer burrs

And Stepan does not lisp.

They say beautifully

Bold and slow.

Children are given advice:

A speech pathologist can help!


Learning is the path to skill.


A teacher is a person who works in a school and teaches children. The profession of a teacher is very important and necessary.

A teacher is needed to give children knowledge that will be useful to them all their lives. He teaches to read, count, write, teaches to work and love work, to be friends and help each other.

At school, the teacher works in the classroom. This is a large room with desks for students to sit at and a table for the teacher. There is a blackboard hanging on the wall in front of the students. The teacher uses the blackboard when explaining the material. He writes on the board with chalk, hangs tables and pictures there that help students learn. The time during which the teacher is engaged with the children is called the lesson. Between lessons, students rest - this is a change. After the lessons, the students go home, take a break from school, and then do their homework given by the teacher.

To become a teacher, you need to study a lot yourself: after all, the teacher must pass on his knowledge to the students, make his lessons interesting, and the explanations understandable.

The teacher must love and understand his students, and the students must obey him, must respect the work of the teacher. A real teacher has a generous and kind soul, the ability to give his knowledge, strength, time, talent.

Vocabulary work:teacher, lesson, change, school, class, knowledge, talent, generous.

Action names:teaches, tells, explains, writes, evaluates, checks, asks, listens, shows...

Names of personality traits:smart, kind, fair, strict, affectionate, educated, patient, understanding, competent, persistent, responsible ...


It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

He who speaks, he sows; who listens - collects.


Who at school teaches children to order

And checks the children's notebooks,

Divide, multiply and solve problems?


About teachers

The teacher will call us

The letters are all named.

Explains problem solving

Subtraction and addition.

He talks about the seas

About forests, flowers, animals…

The question will be answered

And give helpful advice.


He teaches us to solve any problems.

His patience and knowledge are great.

A good teacher is a great success

His students will remember him all his life.

Miner and driver, chess player and weightlifter -

Everyone at school once studied,

And they ran skipping into the classrooms,

And they were also afraid of the controls.

But the school days are running faster

And in the past, study remained ...

And their children go to school today -

And everything will be repeated from the beginning.

All parents tell their children about professions . Olesya and I started studying professions at the age of 2 using books from the School of the Seven Dwarfs series. And recently we have a new series of books on professions and it is called "What to be?"

Children about professions - books "Who to be"?

Excellent publishing house Nastya and Nikita "whom we met through a magical project" School Fairy Tales ", sent our Olesya as a gift five books from series "Who to be?" . These books are small - a little larger than a student's notebook. But, their quality is excellent - the books are very pleasant to hold in your hands.

The covers are soft but strong enough. And the content of the books is very interesting. The books have a lot of pictures and little text, but there is enough information for preschoolers in abundance. Here adults will discover something new in each book.

The books in the Who to be series are structured as follows.

First, they tell how a particular profession is useful.

Secondly, the main specific features are revealed (skills and skills, as well as things that are required by specialists)

B-3, a historical background is given: what was before in this profession and what is now, and even in different countries.

B-4, tasks are offered on the topic of the profession

B-5, a creative task is given - to portray something in the profession to which the book is dedicated.

Children about professions - lifeguard

This book tells about human heroes who save people, even risking their lives. Rescuers:

  • put out fires
  • take people out of flooded places
  • removing debris from earthquakes
  • clear roads of snow
  • rescue skiers in the mountains
  • provide assistance to people injured in accidents
  • looking for people lost in the forest
  • help animals in need

Children about professions - "Rescuer"

Rescuers work in special clothes that do not burn or tear in a fire. Rescuers have a helmet on their heads that protects against blows, goggles protect their eyes from sparks. A breathing apparatus is put on the nose so that you can breathe air when everything around is smoky.

Rescuers on the water wear special wetsuits, which are dry and warm even in icy water.

Rescuers have search devices and special tools:

  • vibraphone - helps to search for people under the rubble
  • video endoscope - a thin hose with a small video camera. This hose goes even into a narrow gap and the camera broadcasts to the computer everything that happens under the rubble.
  • microphone - amplifies even the weakest sounds and transmits them to the headphones
  • powerful wire cutters that cut iron like scissors cut paper
  • power cutter - a "saw" that will cut both a brick wall and a steel door
  • expander - a tool that helps to raise and push the barriers in the way of rescuers.

Children about professions - "Rescuer" - collage 2

Only strong and hardy people can work as rescuers, so they constantly go in for sports.

The book "The Rescuer" gives simple advice to children so as not to get into trouble:

  • do not play with matches and electrical appliances
  • do not play with a mercury thermometer
  • do not climb on the windowsill
  • do not swim without adults in the pond

All children must memorize the emergency telephone number: 112

The book contains tasks that allow the child to be rescuers and find mushroom pickers lost in the forest.

And you can also dream up and draw how the child himself saves those in trouble.

Children about professions - "Rescuer" - collage 3

Olesya was simply fascinated by the book "Rescuer". It was conquered by people who risk their own lives to save strangers.

Children about professions - baker

The baker bakes the main product for the Russian people - BREAD.

Children about professions - "Baker"

To bake bread you need:

  • yeast

Butter, sugar, milk and eggs are also added to the buns.

Every baker has such things as scales, a sieve, a sourdough (or a bowl - a container where the dough is placed), a rolling pin, a board, a knife, a baking sheet. And most importantly, bake!

The artist Diana Lapshina depicted the work of a baker in this way - briefly and clearly:

Children about professions - the work of a baker

The book "Baker" tells about the varieties of bread in Russia and foreign countries:

And at the end of the book - the rules of careful attitude to bread.

You can’t leave half-eaten pieces - it’s better to take less bread, but eat it to the end.

Bread must be stored carefully. Stale bread should not be thrown away - it is better to give it to the birds.

At the end of the Baker book, the tasks are to unravel the labyrinths, remember what kind of bread is called and draw your own bread.

The profession "Baker" attracted Olesya most of all - her daughter wants to bake delicious bread herself.

Children about professions - tailor

Children about professions - "Tailor"

In order to sew clothes, a tailor needs:

  • patterns
  • scissors
  • centimeter (measure person and cloth)
  • pins
  • needles, thread and thimble
  • sewing machine
  • iron.

For sewing, many beautiful and useful little things are used - ribbons, braid, lace, buttons, hooks, buttons, zippers. All this is called accessories.

Sew clothes from a variety of fabrics:

  • from flax (grass with blue flowers)
  • made of cotton (there is a cotton "cloud" on its stalk)
  • from silk (threads are made by silkworm caterpillars, weaving a house for themselves)
  • sheep and goat wool
  • from oil, coal, metal and fir cones.

When Olesya learned that silk is made from silkworm cocoons, she was very upset that people were destroying the houses of little caterpillars.

And I was surprised that such unsuitable materials as oil, coal, metal and fir cones are used for clothing. Never heard of it.

The book clearly shows how tailors sew clothes in the atelier and in the factory.

From a historical digression: the first clothes were made from animal skins, then they learned how to make fabrics and simply wrapped them around the body. Then there were wandering tailors who sewed clothes, moving from city to city. And now clothes are sewn both in factories and ateliers. And the most skilled craftsmen are called couturiers.

The book shows the traditional clothes of people from different countries.

At the end of the book "The Tailor" there are tips for kids on careful attitude to clothes.

Handle things carefully! Hang your clothes in the locker.

If the clothes get dirty, they need to be washed and ironed. And if the clothes are torn, then they need to be mended.

At the end of the book - tasks for attention: to find differences in the clothes of children and unravel the artist's mistakes when dressing fairy-tale characters.

And, of course, you need to come up with and draw your own outfit.

Tasks on the topic "Tailor"

After reading this book, Olesya immediately wanted to sew for herself.

Children about professions - a driver

This book will be a hit with boys from 2 to 6-7 years old. Well, our Olesya liked her too.

Children about professions - "The driver"

In the book "The Driver" the device of cars both outside and inside is described in sufficient detail.

Briefly but clearly explains how to operate the machine.

The main signs that all drivers know are shown.

The hilarious pictures show the history of automobiles, from the first carriage-like cars that moved at the speed of a horse to today's racing cars.

At the end of the book, a fun task is given - to find the mistakes of the artist who depicted a flying and floating car. There is a serious task - to remember the names of the parts of the machines.

And the creative task is to draw the car of your dreams.

Jobs related to the profession "Driver"

Children about professions - artist

The book begins with the words “Look how beautiful the world around is! Everything that we see - forests and gardens, houses and people - can be drawn. This is what the artist does."

Children about professions - "Artist"

The artist draws with different colors:

  • watercolor - light, transparent paint: you can see another through one line
  • gouache - opaque, non-shiny thick beauty
  • oil is a bright, shiny, thick paint.

For drawing, the artist also takes pastel, pencils, ink and charcoal.

To work, the artist needs:

  • brushes of various shapes and sizes
  • simple pencils
  • palette
  • canvas
  • easel
  • sketchbook

The most important paint colors are red, blue and yellow. You can get many shades from them.

Artists work like this:

1. Make test drawings with a pencil - sketches (sketches).

2. Draw the main lines with a pencil and paint on the details.

3. They paint a picture with paints, choosing the right colors and shades.

Artists paint pictures on different topics:

  • portraits
  • still lifes
  • landscapes

Some artists depict pictures from life and historical events. This is genre painting.

The profession of an artist is very diverse. There are fashion designers, jewelry artists, miniaturists, ceramic artists, and design artists.

And some artists do not paint themselves, but help to restore and preserve valuable paintings. They are restoration artists.

When working on cartoons and books, a lot also depends on the artist.

At the end of the book, the child can try himself as an artist - you need to color the butterflies and draw your own masterpiece on a free topic.

We liked all the books in the Who to be series - they tell in an accessible and interesting way children about professions adults. But, especially, Olesya admired the book "Rescuers". The daughter was subdued by people who, risking their own lives, save strangers. And for herself, Olesya chose the profession of "Baker" - her daughter herself wanted to bake delicious bread.

The message about professions for children can be used in preparation for the lesson. A story about professions will help children in choosing their future.

Professions Report

Profession - the main occupation, labor activity.

Sometimes a profession is called the community of all people engaged in this type of work. These people work in different parts of the country at different enterprises in different institutions, and, of course, not everyone knows each other by sight. But they are busy with one thing, it makes them related. People of the same profession are engaged in one business, have similar interests, knowledge, skills, lifestyle.

There are a lot of professions on earth. Currently, there are more than 8 thousand professions, and this list is constantly updated. Most likely, you have not heard of the vast majority of them, and you have a very vague idea about many of them.

Some professions disappear, and some appear. More recently, such professions have appeared:

1. Web designer
2. Programmer
3. Blogger
4. Trend watcher
5. Community manager
6. Style Consultant
7. Nano-medic

But I would like to tell you in more detail about professions that have been relevant for a long time.

A story about the profession of a PILOT

The pilot is a very brave profession. There are pilots who fly passenger planes, and there are those who fly cargo planes. And there are pilots who fly small planes: put out fires, scatter fertilizers, deliver food and letters to polar explorers. The pilot must lift the aircraft up into the air and at the end of the flight gently land it on the ground. Devices help him manage such a colossus. They show how fast the plane is flying, what the weather is overboard, they also warn the pilot about problems. In the cockpit with the pilot there is a navigator, a mechanic, a stewardess, and on the ground - an air traffic controller.

A story about the profession of a DOCTOR

The doctor is a very difficult and ancient profession. The doctor must know a lot about the structure of the human body and the work of its internal organs, be able to understand the symptoms (signs of the disease), and there are a lot of diseases in the world. Of course, now doctors have assistants - special devices, for example, x-rays (it was invented by physicists). Doctors need it to make a diagnosis. These devices are very complex, and the doctor must be able to handle them. And most importantly, a real doctor should be kind, feel sorry for his sick patients and try very, very hard to help them recover.

A story about the profession of METALLURGER

Even in ancient times, people made various things from metal: weapons, utensils, jewelry, and today you simply cannot do without iron. It is made from iron ore, which is melted in huge furnaces. The resulting metal is poured into special molds in which it solidifies. Ingots are obtained in the form of large bricks. They make metal products. Parts of planes, trains, cars, and even the hooks on which we hang clothes are all made of metal that is smelted by a metallurgist.

A story about the profession of an ENGINEER

A very necessary profession both in the city and in the countryside. Engineers help scientists, doctors, miners by creating new devices, engines, pumps, machine tools and other useful equipment. Engineers know everything about technology: how it hurts, how to treat it. Engineers work together with inventors. The inventor invented and drew on paper, and the engineer must calculate everything from this drawing and make a drawing. According to these drawings, the workers will assemble the desired machine in detail. The testers will test this machine and report to the engineer what is good and what is bad in it, and he will eliminate these shortcomings.

A story about the profession of a DRIVER

The driver drives cars, trucks and buses, while working on buses controls the observance by passengers of the rules for exiting and boarding, and eliminates problems that have arisen along the way. The profession of a driver is very interesting. But it is simple only at first glance. Firstly, the driver must know the rules of the road well so as not to violate them and not to miss road signs. Secondly, he must know the structure of the car in order to be able to fix it: after all, if his faithful horse breaks down somewhere along the way, the driver will have to repair it himself, not counting on a technical assistance car. In addition, the driver must know the brands of all cars, and there are a huge number of them: Zhiguli, Volga, Mercedes, and BMW.

A story about the profession CARPENT

Many people think that a carpenter is the same as a carpenter, but you should not confuse these two different professions. The only thing they have in common is that they work with wood. A carpenter makes furniture and other products from wooden boards and other materials, and also decorates them with wood carvings. And where does he get all these materials - wooden boards, panels, etc.? All these things are made by a carpenter. The material for them is mainly softwood, from which, after processing, the carpenter makes logs, beams, boards, plates, plywood sheets, wooden plates and other standard wooden structures, from which the carpenter will then make various products, for example, furniture.
A carpenter is also involved in wood processing, and he can work with carpentry tools or use special machines - it all depends on the scale of the construction. For the construction of large objects, wood processing is carried out on woodworking machines, and with a small amount of work, the carpenter does everything himself. His main tools are saw, axe, planer, chisel and others.
Having processed the wood, the carpenter proceeds to manufacture various products and parts from it - building materials. He also works on the installation of various wooden structures. Piling, laying wooden foundations, erecting wooden walls and partitions, floors and roofs - all this is part of his work.
To become a carpenter, you need to get a special education, know geometry, mathematics, physics, chemistry and be a responsible person: after all, the stability and service life of a building, and therefore the lives of many people, depend on the quality of a carpenter's work.


A teacher is a person who educates and teaches children in a kindergarten. The profession of an educator is important and necessary. He must love and understand children.

In kindergarten, the teacher organizes games with children, teaches them to draw, sculpt, cut out of paper, design, craft. The teacher reads books to children, tells fairy tales, teaches them poems, riddles and counting rhymes, introduces them to the world around them, teaches them to love nature, respect elders.

In the morning, when the children come to kindergarten, the teacher exercises with them - these are simple, but very useful physical exercises.

The teacher teaches children to wash, dress and undress, use cutlery correctly, teaches children the rules of etiquette. While preparing the children for a walk, he helps the children get dressed, tie scarves, fasten buttons.

The teacher sees the relationship of children in the group, knows who is responsive, friendly, who likes to complain, who starts disputes and quarrels. By his behavior and conversations, the educator influences the children, trying to suppress the manifestations of bad qualities in them and bring up good ones.

In the older groups of the kindergarten, the teacher prepares children for school: introduces them to numbers, letters, teaches them to count, and compose stories.

The teacher is a kind, attentive, caring person who loves small children very much.

Vocabulary work: educator, cutlery, etiquette, sympathetic, bad qualities.

Action names: educates, teaches, tells, helps, plays, regrets, reads, shows, explains, introduces, engages…

Names of personality traits: kind, affectionate, cheerful, fair, attentive, caring, strict, patient ...


Who always plays with children

Reads smart books

Take the kids for a walk

And puts you to sleep?


Olga Pavlovna

Who will tell about everything:

Why does thunder happen

How factories work

And what are the machines?

And about how gardeners

Breaking flower beds

And about the north, and about the south,

And about everything that is around

And about coal, and about gas,

About the taiga and about the Caucasus,

About the bear, about the fox

And about the berries in the forest?

Who will teach you how to draw

Build, sew and embroider,

Seating the guys in a circle,

Read them a poem

He will say: "Learn for yourself,

And then read to your mom.

Who will understand now.

Why Oleg fights

Why Gali and Nina

He took the matryoshka

Why is the elephant made of clay

Misha immediately broke?

This is the teacher

This is Olga Pavlovna.

Loves Olga Pavlovna

All my guys

Very Olga Pavlovna

Loves kindergarten.


A junior teacher is an assistant teacher in a kindergarten, in a different way a nanny. The junior teacher takes care of the children, takes care of them. A nanny should be kind, caring, hardworking and responsive.

In kindergarten, the assistant teacher sets the table, beautifully arranging the dishes, feeds the children, washes the dishes and the floor, wipes the dust.

The assistant educator changes the towels and bed linen of the children, beautifully fills the cribs. Thanks to the work of a nanny, the group is always clean and comfortable.

During the preparation of the children for a walk, the junior teacher helps them get dressed, tie scarves and fasten buttons. When the children return from a walk, he greets the children warmly and helps them to undress.

When the teacher is working with a subgroup of children, the nanny plays with the rest of the children, reads books, and talks.

The work of a junior teacher is very necessary in kindergarten.

Vocabulary work: mop, bedclothes, helper, industrious.

Action names: washes, cleans, covers, helps, wipes, cleans, changes, talks, plays, reads ...

Names of personality traits: kind, hardworking, caring, loving children, attentive, affectionate, responsible, patient, responsive ...


Who will help the teacher

Everything in the group will clean up,

Feed the children, put them to bed,

Will you restore order everywhere?

(Nanny. Junior teacher)

Story about our babysitter

Our nanny is just a class

All day long he tries for us:

Breakfast is covered in the morning,

Then he cleans the dishes

Everything will wash, wipe

And put things in order.

Will dress us for a walk

We will come from the street - undress.

Lunch from the kitchen will bring

And take the dishes away again.

Spread out a bed for everyone -

During the day, kids need to sleep.

Here we get up after sleep,

And the nanny brought an afternoon snack.

hard work -

About small children care:

You have to clean up after them.

If necessary, caress

Undress or dress, wash

Set the dishes, the floor and the table ...

Nanny - teacher's assistant,

Works just great!


Order is the soul of everything


A nurse is a doctor's assistant who takes care of sick people and helps them heal.

A nurse must have the necessary knowledge and skills in various fields of medicine: be able to properly treat a wound, apply a bandage, give an injection, and perform other medical procedures. The nurse must strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.

In kindergarten, a nurse monitors the health of children: examines them, weighs and measures their height, and administers vaccinations. She prepares a menu for every day so that the chef prepares tasty and healthy food.

The nurse's office has the necessary equipment: height meter, scales, syringes, various medicines, vitamins.

The nurse always wears a white coat and a white cap. She must be patient, kind, disciplined and observant.

Vocabulary work: nurse, stadiometer, scales, menu, syringes, vaccinations, procedures, medicine, vitamins.

Action names: heals, puts, weighs, measures, checks, examines…

Names of personality traits: kind, considerate, patient, caring, observant, affectionate, disciplined…


After the illness will meet

And kindly greet.

Will measure everyone's height and weight,

And he knows how he sleeps and eats.

And if a child suddenly has a headache,

Immediately rush to help. Who is this? …



I am a nurse

Healthy and sick need:

Here's an injection, a pill -

Medical candy.

I treat children with a doctor

In the white office

To boldly go to the doctor

Small children!

And in our kindergarten

I will measure your height and weight.

I will vaccinate all children

And I will make you be healthy!


A cook is a person who prepares food. He knows how to cook deliciously and appetizingly, beautifully decorate any dish: both salad and cake.

In kindergarten, the cook prepares different dishes in the kitchen. He cooks soups, cereals, compotes, fries cutlets, pancakes, meat. The chef knows how to bake delicious pies and buns. When the chef prepares food in the kitchen, appetizing smells spread around. For cooking, the cook uses a stove and an oven. The "helpers" of the cook are a meat grinder, a potato peeler, a bread slicer, a dough mixer. Food is prepared according to recipes. From the hands of the cook, the first, second and third courses, salads, pastries fall on the table to the children. It is important not only to cook properly, but also to decorate the dishes beautifully, so that even one look of them causes an appetite.

The cook must have a good memory. He knows and remembers how to cook certain dishes, how much and what kind of food to put, what side dishes to serve with cutlets, chicken, fish, meat.

Food must be prepared under sterile conditions. Therefore, the chef is always dressed in a white coat and cap.

A cook is a person who loves to cook, showing imagination, fiction, he must have a subtle sense of smell and well-developed taste sensations.

Vocabulary work: meat grinder, bread slicer, potato peeler, stove, dishes, pastries, appetite, garnish, sterile conditions, smell, taste sensations, fantasy.

Action names: boils, fries, cuts, salts, cleans, bakes, cooks ...

Names of personality traits: hardworking, kind, caring, accurate, patient…


Who is the master of cabbage soup, borscht

And the vegetable stew?

Delicious broth will cook for us,

He can bake a cake

And fry us meatballs.

Who is he? Guess, kids!



Give the cook food:

Meat, poultry, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.


The cook in the cap walks

With a ladle in hand.

He cooks dinner for us.

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

About the cook

It is always nice for people to eat when the food is delicious.

Good cooks always have delicious food.

They probably create dinner like sorcerers,

And it seems that there are no secrets, and the dishes are all delicious:

Roast, fish, vinaigrette, okroshka and borscht,

Salad, cutlets and scrambled eggs, and buns, and cabbage soup.

Everything is always fresh with them, well, as it should be,

Food cannot burn and must not cool.

I once came to dinner, I ate such a soup,

That I almost swallowed a spoon, I almost ate a plate!

That's why they rush to them, they go to dine with them,

And for a long time they are thanked for this tasty work.


Not the oven feeds, but the hands.

What you bake is what you eat.

A good cook is worth a doctor.


A driver or chauffeur is a person who drives a vehicle: car, bus, truck, etc. This profession is very interesting and necessary.

The driver of a passenger car or bus carries people, and a truck driver transports various goods. Trucks are used to transport vegetables, grains, hay, animals in the countryside. In the city, trucks deliver food and manufactured goods to stores.

The driver must know the device of the car well, skillfully manage it, must be able to repair the engine, pump up the wheels, know the rules of the road and never violate them. At gas stations, the driver fills the car with gasoline or gas.

Many drivers work on public transport - trams, buses, trolleybuses. Before entering the tracks, these vehicles are checked by mechanics, and a doctor examines the driver. The driver must be healthy! After all, he is responsible for the lives of many people. At stops, the driver presses a special button and opens the doors. Some passengers get off the bus, while others enter.

The driver must have an excellent memory, endurance, strength, good health and excellent eyesight. He must distinguish all light signals and have excellent hearing.

Vocabulary work: driver, traffic rules, public transport, highway, mechanic, gas station.

Action names: manages, carries, transports, presses, checks, refuels, repairs, repairs, pumps up, looks ...

Names of personality traits: strong, brave, healthy, attentive, responsible, skillful, disciplined, obedient, tactful, competent…


Skillfully who drives a car -

After all, it's not your first year behind the wheel, is it?

Slightly rustling tight tires,

Who is taking us around the city?

(Driver. Driver)

About the driver

The driver worked all day

He was tired, he was dusty.

He drove bricks to the construction site,

He helped build the house.

And now it leads to the sink

Your own huge dump truck.


And again a long road

And the dome of the sky is blue.

He travels a lot

But everyone does not want to rest.

Probably, he hardly remembers,

How much cargo for a country

He moved; waiting for them everywhere

And they all needed it.

He often speaks with a laugh,

Without taking your eyes off the wheel:

“I circled the globe five times,

and the earth is small for me.

I'm very happy so far

What am I driving, what a driver.

My truck

Here's a big truck! I'm used to driving

I carry loads on it if they are building a new house.

To all machines, he is a machine - a real colossus!

Carries bricks, sand, he could move a mountain!

The whole day we are alone with him, I am in the cockpit at the wheel.

He is obedient, as if alive, as if he were my comrade.

Quietly turn on the music and spin the steering wheel,

Whether it's raining, it's snowing, we're going, we're going forward!


The work of the master is afraid.



A seller is a person who sells us various things and products. The profession of the seller is divided into several specialties. There are sellers of non-food products (clothes, shoes, furniture, books, electrical equipment, household goods) and sellers of food products (vegetables, fruits, bakery, confectionery and other goods).

The salesperson works in the store. He must know his product well, its properties, remember prices, sizes, location of goods. So, the seller needs a good professional memory.

In an ordinary store, the salesperson stands behind the counter. He weighs the goods on the scales, tells the buyer the price. The buyer pays the cost of the goods at the checkout, gives the seller a check, receiving in return the desired product. The seller helps to pack the products.

There are new shops - supermarkets. There, all the goods are open on the shelves, the buyer walks and chooses the right ones on his own, and pays when he leaves. In supermarkets, sellers play the role of consultants: they help buyers with a choice, explain the purpose of products, show where the right product is located.

The sellers have their own overalls, which must be clean and tidy. But the main thing for the seller is a kind, respectful attitude towards people, courtesy, tact, a charming smile.

Vocabulary work: seller, buyer, supermarkets, overalls, counter, cash desk, check, tact, charming, consultant.

Action names: sells, weighs, counts, packs, advises, shows...

Names of personality traits: polite, considerate, tactful, kind, patient…


Who sells products

Milk, sour cream, honey?

Who sells boots to us,

Shoes and sandals?

They all know the goods

Don't waste time

Well done in the stores.

Who is this? …



We all go shopping. Vendors in stores

They sell us oranges, coffee, tea and candies.

And potatoes, and carrots, beets, onions and cucumbers

Sellers will quickly, politely and deftly hang on us.

What a profession, and not in vain, after all,

Our girls play "Shop" and "Sellers".

"What do you want?" - they will find out, - “Do you want cabbage? Ogurtsov?

Maybe coffee or tea? There is sausage, ham…”.

What a profession, everyone always needs it.


A laundress is a person who washes, dries and irons clothes. Laundry work is hard, but very necessary for other people.

In the kindergarten, the laundress washes towels, bed linen, bathrobes.

The room where the laundress works is called the laundry room. There is a bath for soaking clothes, a washing machine for washing, a centrifuge for squeezing clothes.

After washing, the laundress places the wet laundry in a special dryer, and in summer you can dry the laundry outside. When the laundry is dry, the laundress irons it and folds it neatly.

Thanks to the work of the laundress, the children in the kindergarten dry themselves with clean towels, sleep on fresh bed linen, and the employees wear clean bathrobes. The laundress makes sure that all linen is always clean and fresh.

To wash clothes, you need washing powder, laundry soap, gloves. Facilitates the work of the laundress household appliances: washing machine, centrifuge, iron.

The laundress should be a hardworking, diligent, responsible and accurate person.

Vocabulary work: laundress, laundry, washing machine, centrifuge, iron, washing powder, dryer, kindergarten staff.

Action names: soaks , washes, wringes, turns on, pours, dries, irons, folds, shakes...

Names of personality traits: hardworking, careful, caring, kind, diligent, responsible, patient…


Who will wash our clothes,

To keep it clean

Dry and smooth

And iron it?


Washing machine

The washing machine loves to work

He is very proud of his work.

She says to Bellew, “Hey, sluts!

Diapers, t-shirts, pants and shirts!

I invite you, dirty, to my drum,

I wash off stains and dirt with powder.

I will arrange a good bath with linen,

The hostess will appreciate my work!


Electric iron -

For linen, a reliable friend.

He floats on clothes

Like a hot steamer.

It remains for us guys

Admire the result:

All linen has become marvelous

Very smooth and beautiful!


Order is the soul of everything.

Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.


A janitor is a person who keeps the street and yard clean. The work of a janitor is necessary and requires respect.

In the kindergarten, the janitor sweeps the playgrounds, collects garbage, waters the sand and plots, and cuts the grass. In autumn, the janitor rakes the fallen leaves and removes them from the plots. In winter, the janitor clears snow from the paths, removes snow in the areas. He makes sure that the yard is always clean and beautiful.

For work, the janitor needsbroom, shovel, rake, cart, irrigation hose, gloves. In winter, to facilitate his work, he can use a snowplow.

A janitor must be a hardworking, caring, strong, healthy and disciplined person.

Vocabulary work: janitor, broom, rake, cart, snowplow.

Action names: sweeping, cleaning, raking, watering, cutting, collecting, cleaning…

Names of personality traits: hardworking, neat, caring, kind, strong, disciplined, responsible, patient…


Shoveling snow with a shovel

Sweeps the yard with a broom.

You guys guessed

Who keeps it clean?

(Street cleaner)

Street cleaner

The janitor will rise at dawn,

The snow will clear in the yard.

Janitor picks up trash

And sand will sprinkle ice.


Rake with a clawed paw

Clean up trash

last year's grass

And fallen leaves.


The janitor has it guys

A helpful tool is a shovel.

He digs the earth with it,

Snow is removed in winter.

A janitor needs a shovel:

It makes work easier.


Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.

Without skill and strength, nothing to do with it.


A doctor is a person who treats people for all sorts of diseases.

If the patient cannot come to the doctor himself, the doctor goes to him and provides assistance on the spot. Therefore, the car, but which the doctor drives, is called: “Ambulance”.

Doctors are different: therapists treat all diseases, dentists treat teeth, pediatricians treat only children, otolaryngologists treat ears, throat, nose, neuropathologists treat nerves, ophthalmologists treat eyes, dermatologists treat skin.

The medical profession is very difficult. It requires a lot of knowledge, attentive attitude to the patient. A doctor must know a lot about the structure of the human body, the work of internal organs, must be able to understand various diseases.

At the reception, the doctor will definitely listen to the lungs and heart, look at the throat. The doctor recognizes what his patient is sick with, makes a diagnosis, prescribes treatment, writes out prescriptions for medicines.

The doctor in his work uses tools:a phonendoscope, with which he listens to the heart and breathing, looks at the throat with a spatula. The doctor is always dressed in a white coat.

A real doctor should feel sorry for his sick patients and try to help them recover.

Vocabulary work: spatula, phonendoscope, prescription, medicine, help, diagnosis, patient.

Action names: heals, listens, looks, prescribes, prescribes, helps, explains…

Names of personality traits: smart, attentive, kind, caring, patient, persevering, literate…


Bitter is cured, and sweet is crippled.


If your ear hurts

Or your throat is dry

Don't worry and don't cry

Because it will help you...(doctor) !


All diseases are treated by a doctor,

He pricks - do not cry.

Have fun looking around:

A pediatrician is a friend to children.


Go to the doctor, little children!

This old doctor is the best in the world.

There is no kinder doctor in the world,

He helps everyone: the doctor is a friend of children.

When the head is hot, we quickly call the doctor.

The tummy hurts before going to bed - again we will call the doctor.

He treats mom and dad and my grandmother,

Me, even though I'm stubborn, he treats the whole family.

Let the thunder rumble and the rain fall

The doctor will definitely come!

The doctor is our good, faithful friend,

He will cure any disease.


White car with a red cross

As "Ambulance" everyone knows

And her way in any stream

Always and everywhere inferior!

The car is in a hurry, the doctor is in a hurry

Save someone from the burn

And if the old heart hurts,

And if you break your leg.

A doctor in a snow-white coat will come,

Holding a magical suitcase.

There are stacked tubes and simple iodine,

And the syringe, and the solvent is healing.

Measure the pressure, save with advice

And a kind attentive word,

And if it's necessary, he'll take you to the hospital,

For a person to be healthy.

Illness for the big ones and the kids is a disaster,

But there is a way out of it.

You always call the ambulance!

03 is the treatment number!


A barber is a person who cuts people's hair and does their hair. Hairdressing is a very interesting and creative profession. To become a real hairdresser, you need to study, get a special diploma.

Hairdressers work in hairdressing and beauty salons. The client is seated in a comfortable chair, their shoulders are covered with a special cape, their hair is washed with shampoo, and then they are cut using a comb and scissors. For a female client, a hairdresser can style her hair with a hairdryer and a brush, or curl her hair with curls and cover with a special hairspray.

Hairdressers have their own overalls, which must be neat and clean.

A master hairdresser must have good taste, imagination and, of course, “golden” hands. The hairdresser must be sociable, be able to patiently listen to the client, advise what hairstyle is best to do.

A hairdresser must have good health (after all, he has to spend the whole working day on his feet) and love for people, have a desire to bring joy, to make people more beautiful.

Vocabulary work: hairdresser, barbershop, hairstyle, hair dryer, styling, brush, curls, client, "golden hands".

Action names: cuts, styles, washes, dries, curls, advises, combs…

Names of personality traits: patient, sociable, skillful, fashionable, kind, responsible.


Who will do the hair

Hairdryer, brush and comb.

Magnificent curls will curl,

Shake the bangs with a brush.

Everything in his hands burns -

Who will change the look?



The hairdresser knows the business

He cuts guys well.

Why go shaggy?

Why go shaggy?

It's better to be boys

Beautiful, neat.


Hairdresser by all means

Gives you a modern cut.

Give me scissors, a comb,

He will do your hair.

About the hairdresser

The hair has become like a mane, it is clear that the time has come to cut ...

The barbershop is beautiful, lots of light, mirrors…

They pointed me to a chair. I didn’t have time to say: “Oh!” -

They flashed, scissors flew over their heads.

I came there as a shaggy and unshorn ram.

And I left a neat and handsome little boy.

The hairdresser Uncle Sasha told me: “Do not forget

Our hairdresser. Come, don't grow up."

The hairdresser knows everything: if you want, he will shave his head

Or remove the bangs, or trim the temples -

Cut as you like. He knows his job.

Whoever wants to get a haircut, he will help without problems.


A good hairstyle is more important than an expensive outfit.


A physical education teacher is a teacher who conducts physical education classes with children. He teaches children to be physically strong, healthy, dexterous, hardy.

In the mornings in the gym, the physical education teacher conducts morning exercises with the children to cheerful cheerful music. In special physical development classes, children perform general developmental exercises for the arms, legs, torso, learn to walk, run, jump, rearrange, throw, catch and throw a ball, crawl and climb over.

The physical culture teacher conducts special sports exercises on skis and skates in the winter outside, and if there is a swimming pool in the kindergarten, he teaches children to swim. Another teacher teaches children to play different sports games: basketball, badminton, football, hockey, towns. In summer, it organizes cycling, scootering, and in winter, sledging. The teacher of physical education knows and conducts with children a lot of different outdoor games with running, jumping, crawling, climbing, throwing. And the teacher organizes and conducts relay games, sports entertainment and sports holidays.

The teacher of physical education should always be cheerful, dexterous, slender, cheerful, so that all children want to be like him, love to go to the gym and do physical education, participate in relay races, competitions, and sports games.

This person should love his work very much, come up with interesting and useful games and exercises, so that children in physical education classes are always cheerful, cheerful, gain strength and health.

Vocabulary work: physical education, endurance, sports games, swimming pool, general developmental exercises, scooter, cheerful.

Action names: teaches, explains, teaches, plays, organizes, shows, introduces, tells, conducts, trains, exercises, develops, engages, invents, runs, jumps, throws, catches

Names of personality traits: cheerful, agile, cheerful, cheerful, smart, patient,attentive, kind, strict, caring, responsible, persistent, disciplined ...


The teacher is cheerful, kind,

Always fit and alert

Learn to run and play

Jump, climb, throw a ball,

Love for sports instills

Helps improve health.

Guess it guys

Who is this teacher?

(Physical education teacher)

Physical training!

To grow and develop

Not by days, but by hours,

Do physical education,

We need to temper!

We are charging

We start in the morning

To contact less often

For advice to doctors.

The orthopedist prescribed us

Massage mats.

We walk on them

We strengthen the legs.

And massage balls

Useful for fingers

Good for drawing

Hold a pen and a pencil.

We are developing an eye

We play ring tosses.

Gotta hit it right

To win more.

To be dexterous and accurate,

We play skittles.

And also at the gate

We hit right.

Who knows better than us

Spin the hoop a hundred times.

We count: one - two - three,

Spin with us.

We have many sports games:

Basketball, hockey, billiards...

Very interesting in groups

We play and win.

Sport, guys, is very necessary!

We are friends with sports!

Sport is an assistant

Sports - health,

Sport is a game

Physical training!


Physical education and work bring health.


A music director is a person who teaches children to sing, dance and play music.

In kindergarten, the music director conducts music lessons with children. In these classes, children learn and sing songs, learn movements for various dances, listen to music, get acquainted with composers and their works.

The musical director organizes and conducts matinees and holidays for children, various performances. He introduces children to musical instruments (metallophone, tambourine, piano, etc.) and teaches them to play them.

The music director himself is good at playing some kind of musical instrument (piano, button accordion, accordion).

He has creative and musical abilities. He is a kind, considerate, cheerful person.

Vocabulary work: music director, instruments, piano, metallophone, accordion, button accordion, composer, works, play music.

Action names: teaches, sings, dances, plays, shows, listens, organizes, shows, owns, introduces…

Names of personality traits: kind, cheerful, attentive, affectionate, creative, patient, cheerful, cheerful, literate ...


Without a lead singer, the song is not sung.

Where the song is sung, life is easier there.


Who teaches children to sing, play,

And waltzes, polkas dance,

Learn to be friends with music

And love a Russian song?

(Music director)

About music

No music, no music

Can't live at all

Don't dance without music

Neither polka nor hopak!

And you won’t spin in a waltz,

And you won't march

And a fun song

You will not sing on a holiday!

Musical director

Musician and teacher

Helped me to get acquainted with music.

He plays the piano

The musical ear develops.

Learn to sing and dance

And play with the bell.

Tell about the composer

And his portrait will show.

Learn to love music

And be educated.

Prepares holidays and entertainment

To everyone's delight and surprise,

After all, adults and children love

Very holidays all these!

About our music director

There is a difficult person in kindergarten:

Skillful such, groovy, mischievous.

Write a script, set the mood

And everyone will be invited to his performance.

Talents are countless, there is a lot to learn:

She dances like in a fairy tale, sings like a singer.

She certainly has a talent for the arts.

Such is our teacher-musician.


A teacher (educator) of visual activity is a teacher who teaches children to draw and sculpt, develops their creative abilities. This work is very honorable and important for working with children.

In kindergarten, the teacher of fine arts conducts special classes: modeling and drawing. In an accessible form explains and shows children how to sculpt or draw something. The instructor is very good with pencil and brush. To teach others to draw and sculpt, he must himself be a good artist, a creative person. In the art studio classes, children draw with paints and gouache, make crafts from clay. In the process of drawing, special stands are used - easels and palettes for mixing paints.

The teacher introduces children to different types and genres of fine arts: painting, still life, graphics, sculpture, architecture, folk toys, talks about artists, sculptors, architects, teaches children to look at paintings.

A teacher of fine arts is a creative, attentive, observant person who loves and understands beauty.

Vocabulary work: teacher, fine arts, creative person, easel, gouache, paints, clay, painting, still life, graphics, sculpture, architecture, artist, sculptor, architect.

Action names: sculpts, draws, writes (pictures), teaches, shows, explains, tells, introduces ...

Names of personality traits: creative, attentive, observant, kind, intelligent, hardworking, skillful, patient, persevering, literate…


Who is in our kindergarten

The artist is simply the highest class,

Teach kids how to sculpt

And draw and craft?

(Teacher of visual activity)


Can brush painter

Draw on canvas:

This is a hedgehog, this is rain,

It's an asterisk in the window.

On his pictures of paint

They come alive like in a fairy tale.

He is both fruit and nature

Will draw, and a portrait.

Hired an artist

Brushes, paints and easel.

Children love to draw

Here we took the paint in hand -

And there was no boredom in the house.

To make it more fun

Don't skimp on bright colors!

This is true!

Well, what is there to hide?

Children love to draw!

On paper, on asphalt, on the wall

And in the tram on the window!


Masters don't like boredom

All day long at work.

They mold everything: pots and mugs,

Bowls, various toys.

Everything is on the shelves in a row -

Friendly clay team.


Skilful hands do not know boredom.


A teacher-defectologist (typhlopedagogue) is a person who teaches, develops and educates children with visual impairments in a kindergarten.

The defectologist teacher conducts special classes in which he teaches children to look correctly with their eyes, conducts various gymnastics for the eyes and fingers, organizes games, teaches them to think and reason, compare and generalize.

The typhlopedagogue conducts his classes with children in a separate room. In these classes, children play special games and learn various skills and abilities: how to lace, hatch, lay out patterns from shapes, and draw on stencils. A teacher-defectologist introduces children to the objects that surround them, the human body, people of different professions. He tries to help children to correctly navigate in the surrounding space, organizes excursions to various institutions.

In special classes, children get acquainted with geometric shapes, color, size, shape of objects, various sounds and smells, learn to identify products by taste, and objects by touch.

In his classes, a typhlopedagogue teaches children to communicate correctly with each other and adults, speak beautifully, compose interesting stories, and make sure that children are well prepared for school.

A teacher-defectologist is a competent, responsible, patient person who loves and teaches children, gives them his knowledge.

Vocabulary work: teacher, typhlopedagogue, office, institutions, special classes, surrounding space.

Action names: teaches, develops, educates, teaches, plays, shows, explains, introduces, tells, conducts

Names of personality traits: literate,considerate, kind, affectionate, strict, fair, caring, responsible, honest, persevering, disciplined


Who teaches color to determine

Name the shape of objects

Pictures correctly folded

And put it in order.

Who teaches to think, to reason

And answer questions?

Helped improve eyesight

Who is this teacher?

(Teacher-defectologist, typhlopedagogue)


There are teachers in the kindergarten

They work not in vain -

Children need to be developed

To give them different knowledge:

Why do we need arms or legs,

What kind of transport is on the road

As ears hear, eyes see,

And who is the hero from the fairy tale.

Learn to hold a pencil

And stroke, and lace,

Draw on stencils

Compose pictures, puzzles.

Teach children about nature

About time and weather

And what surrounds us

When and where for what happens.

Learn to recognize shapes

Name the colors of objects

To the touch, to determine the taste

And compare and generalize.

Learn to appreciate vision

Stickers and goggles to wear.

With bad eyesight guys

Living without glasses is torture!


It is not enough to know oneself - one must pass it on to others.

A good person teaches good.


A speech therapist is a teacher who teaches children to speak correctly, develops speech.

A speech therapist teacher works with children in a special room, where there are many different pictures, games, there is a large mirror on the wall, in which they look when they learn to speak correctly. Sometimes, passing by this office, you can hear hissing, buzzing, growling - these are children learning to speak correctly, to pronounce difficult sounds.

A speech therapist with children plays finger games, trains tongues, learns poetry and tongue twisters, develops hearing, introduces children to the sounds and letters of their native language. In the classroom, children learn a lot of new words, learn to parse words, build sentences correctly, and tell beautifully. Children have special notebooks in which they draw, hatch, learn to write the first letters. You can take a notebook home and continue the exercise there, stick or draw a beautiful picture.

Together with the music director of the kindergarten, the speech therapist teacher conducts logorhythms: children perform different movements to the music, learn to breathe correctly, speak, and combine their movements and speech.

A speech therapist can work with a group of children, and with one child. For parents, a speech therapist conducts conversations and consultations so that they know how to help their child speak clearly and correctly.

At the end of the school year, a speech therapy holiday is always held, where children show how well they have learned to speak and pronounce difficult sounds.

A speech therapist is a very competent, patient, responsible person who tries to make children speak correctly and clearly.

Vocabulary work: teacher, speech therapist, office, speech therapy classes, sounds, letters, words, sentences, tongue twisters, logorhythmics, consultation.

Action names: teaches, explains, teaches, plays, shows, introduces, tells, conducts, trains, exercises, develops, engages

Names of personality traits: smart, patient,attentive, kind, affectionate, strict, caring, responsible, persistent, disciplined


Who teaches to speak clearly

And make all the sounds

Children develop speech

Does he play different games?

Guessed? Don't yawn!

Who is this? Answer!

(Teacher speech therapist)

The speech therapist will help

To speak beautifully

Right and clean

The sounds we made

Slow and fast.

Sounds suddenly appeared

The syllables appeared...

And the words are already coming

On the right road.

Our Yegorka learned

speak tongue twisters,

Nastya no longer burrs

And Stepan does not lisp.

They say beautifully

Bold and slow.

Children are given advice:

A speech pathologist can help!


Learning is the path to skill.


A teacher is a person who works in a school and teaches children. The profession of a teacher is very important and necessary.

A teacher is needed to give children knowledge that will be useful to them all their lives. He teaches to read, count, write, teaches to work and love work, to be friends and help each other.

At school, the teacher works in the classroom. This is a large room with desks for students to sit at and a table for the teacher. There is a blackboard hanging on the wall in front of the students. The teacher uses the blackboard when explaining the material. He writes on the board with chalk, hangs tables and pictures there that help students learn. The time during which the teacher is engaged with the children is called the lesson. Between lessons, students rest - this is a change. After the lessons, the students go home, take a break from school, and then do their homework given by the teacher.

To become a teacher, you need to study a lot yourself: after all, the teacher must pass on his knowledge to the students, make his lessons interesting, and the explanations understandable.

The teacher must love and understand his students, and the students must obey him, must respect the work of the teacher. A real teacher has a generous and kind soul, the ability to give his knowledge, strength, time, talent.

Vocabulary work: teacher, lesson, change, school, class, knowledge, talent, generous.

Action names: teaches, tells, explains, writes, evaluates, checks, asks, listens, shows...

Names of personality traits: smart, kind, fair, strict, affectionate, educated, patient, understanding, competent, persistent, responsible ...


It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

He who speaks, he sows; who listens - collects.


Who at school teaches children to order

And checks the children's notebooks,

Learn to read and write and count

Divide, multiply and solve problems?


About teachers

The teacher will call us

The letters are all named.

Explains problem solving

Subtraction and addition.

He talks about the seas

About forests, flowers, animals…

The question will be answered

And give helpful advice.


He teaches us to solve any problems.

His patience and knowledge are great.

A good teacher is a great success

His students will remember him all his life.

Miner and driver, chess player and weightlifter -

Everyone at school once studied,

And they ran skipping into the classrooms,

And they were also afraid of the controls.

But the school days are running faster

And in the past, study remained ...

And their children go to school today -

And everything will be repeated from the beginning.

I always admire my parents. They love to work and devote a lot of time to work. My dad works as a welder. It can work with any metal and perform welding of any complexity. At work, everyone praises and respects him. Dad has a 6th category, which he constantly confirms. He often travels on business trips.

The firm made him a foreign passport and he was even invited to Canada to troubleshoot.
Mom works as a seamstress. She sews women's underwear. She loves her job. She has a friendly team. Mom already has a lot of experience, she is a good specialist who is well versed in her business.

Composition No. 2 Grade 6

There are many professions in our world. Every profession is important. People choose their specialty. My parents chose their future professions for a long time. My dad is a warehouse manager. He received a pedagogical education. He started working at the university in a computer specialty. But, over time, he was offered to manage the warehouse of auto parts. This idea pleased him.

Dad is a very valuable worker who always has a lot of new ideas for organizing the work of the warehouse. He likes his profession. The warehouse is always in perfect order. Each spare part is always in its place, and finding it is not difficult. Any employee of the warehouse can easily find the necessary goods. Relationships in the team are favorable. The work is based on mutual trust and respect. Dad always says that they have a single team tuned to the result.

My mom works as an accountant. Her job is to constantly count the numbers. She also monitors the correctness of registration of accounting documents and their availability. Mom works, requires certain knowledge, experience and education. Mom has an accounting education, so she works in her specialty. There are several accountants in her team. She reports to the Chief Accountant. Chief accountant checks mom's work. Mom is responsible for a large amount of information. She loves her job. She says that being an accountant is her calling.

My parents' professions may influence my choice of profession. I have to carefully consider my future choice. This is necessary in order for the work to be enjoyable and enjoyable. It's hard to work at a job that you don't enjoy or don't like at all. My parents like their robot, which is probably why they have a good result.

3rd grade, 2nd and 4th grade.

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  • Every person on our planet knows about the beauty and possibilities of the Russian language. It is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. The saturation of the vocabulary delights not only the average man in the street

  • Composition The relationship between teacher and student Grade 11 USE

    A teacher is an important person in the life of every student, because it is he who equips the child with a whole baggage of knowledge necessary for life, and also contributes to the formation of many skills and abilities in him.

  • The main characters of the fairy tale Scarlet Flower Aksakov

    The Russian writer Aksakov wrote the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower", this is a fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast" remade in the Russian manner. The characters of this fairy tale are faced with a choice that determined their fate.

  • Characters of the play Undergrowth (Fonvizin's comedy)

    The work of D. I. Fonvizin “Undergrowth” showed the positive character traits that every conscious citizen of the state must possess.