Methodical piggy bank.

Control dictation in grade 11 No. 1


Aimed at identifying the level of development of choice skills

- in complex sentences.

Conditions for writing :

- prefixes and prepositions;

- not with different parts of speech.

Grammar tasks

- building a complex sentence from a simple complicated sentence;

- making sentences with direct speech.


grammar task

Hunting with a hawk

Old man Aitei could not fall asleep, he thought about his son.

One day he and Abdrakhman went hunting with a hawk. The boy was already a real hunter. With a ratchet, the boy rode forward, and Aitei waited on the top of the hill, riding a large bay horse.

Little Abdrakhman knew that if you scare the bird wrongly, you can spoil the whole hunt.

As soon as a flock of geese rounded the lake and approached the hill where Aitei was standing, the hunter threw his hawk up. The bird, whistling through the air with its sharp wings, flew over the very earth.

The geese sensed danger. Two of them continued to fly forward, three shied away somewhere to the side, the rest rushed down.

The hawk soared into the sky like an arrow shot from a bow.

The hunter saw a goose and a hawk cross in the sky. Now both are falling like a stone. The boy was captivated by the sight. Not remembering himself, he drove his horse to where the bird fell. Aitei could hardly keep up with his son.

Grammar tasks.

1. Parse the sentence:

Ioption: The hunter saw a goose and a hawk cross in the sky .

IIOption:Not remembering himself, he drove his horse to where the bird fell.

2. Transform the sentence:Bird with a whistle dissecting ... into a complex sentence, determine its type and build a diagram.

3. On the topic of the text, make a sentence with direct speech, corresponding to the scheme:

Ioption: "P," - a.

IIoption: A: "P".

Control dictation in grade 11 No. 2

Target : check the compliance of the knowledge, skills and abilities of students with the requirements of the curriculum at the beginning of the school year.

The content of the test

- a dash in a simple sentence;

- with homogeneous members of the proposal;

- under separate definitions and circumstances;

- in complex sentences.

Conditions for writing :

- checked unstressed vowels and checked consonants in the root of the word;

- prefixes and prepositions;

- unstressed case endings of nouns, adjectives and participles;

- spelling s-s at the end of prefixes;

- not with different parts of speech;

- n-n in participles;

- spelling of verb endings.

Grammar tasks aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills:

With phonetic parsing of a word;

Performing syntactic analysis of a complex sentence;

Replacing a sentence from direct speech to indirect;

The ability to determine the types of subordination in phrases.

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge


"5" - for the work in which there are no errors.

"4" - for the work in which 1 - 2 mistakes were made.

"3" - for the work in which 3 - 4 mistakes were made.

"2" - for the work in which more than 5 errors were made.

grammar task

"5" - error-free execution of all tasks;

"4" - if the student completed 4 tasks with small errors;

"3" - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor flaws

"2" - if the student does not cope with most grammar tasks.


Inspiration is a strict working state of a person. Spiritual uplift is not expressed in a theatrical pose and elation. As well as the notorious "torments of creativity."

Each person, at least several times in his life, has experienced a state of inspiration - spiritual uplift, freshness, a vivid perception of reality, the fullness of thought and consciousness of his creative power.

Yes, inspiration is a strict working state, but it has its own poetic coloring, its own, I would say, poetic subtext.

Inspiration enters us like a radiant summer morning that has just thrown off the mists of a quiet night, spattered with dew, with thickets of wet foliage. It gently breathes its healing coolness into our faces.

Inspiration is like first love, when the heart beats loudly in anticipation of amazing meetings, unimaginably beautiful eyes, smiles, omissions.

Then our inner world is finely tuned and true, like a kind of magic instrument, and responds to everything, even the most hidden, most inconspicuous sounds of life.

Tolstoy said about inspiration, perhaps the simplest of all: “Inspiration consists in the fact that suddenly something is revealed that can be made; the brighter the inspiration, the more painstaking work must be to fulfill it.” But no matter how we define inspiration, we know that it is fruitful and should not disappear without a trace, without giving itself to people. (170 words, according to K. Paustovsky)

Grammar tasks

1. Title the text of the dictation.

2. Find a sentence with direct speech, draw a diagram for it. Replace direct speech with indirect speech and write down this sentence.

3. Make a phonetic analysis of the word:

Rise - 1st option state - 2nd option

4. Write out two phrases from the text for all types of subordination and parse them:

1 - 4 paragraph - 1st option the rest of the text - 2nd option

Tchaikovsky argued that inspiration is a state when a person works with all his might, like an ox, and does not at all coquettishly wave his hand. - 1st option

Inspiration is like first love, when the heart beats loudly in anticipation of amazing meetings, unimaginably beautiful eyes, smiles, omissions. - 2nd option

Control dictation in grade 11 No. 3

Target : check the compliance of the knowledge, skills and abilities of students with the requirements of the curriculum at the beginning of the school year.

The content of the test is aimed at identifying the level of development of skills in choosing the punctuation marks:

- with homogeneous members of the proposal;

- under separate definitions and circumstances;

- in complex sentences.

Conditions for writing :

- checked unstressed vowels and checked consonants in the root of the word;

- prefixes and prepositions;

- unstressed case endings of nouns, adjectives and participles;

- not with different parts of speech;

- writing s-s at the end of prefixes.

Grammar tasks aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills:

- performance of syntactic analysis of a complex sentence;

- phonetic analysis of the word;

- analysis of the word by composition;

- analysis of phrases.

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge


"5" - for the work in which there are no errors.

"4" - for the work in which 1 - 2 mistakes were made.

"3" - for the work in which 3 - 4 mistakes were made.

"2" - for the work in which more than 5 errors were made.

grammar task

"5" - error-free execution of all tasks;

"4" - if the student completed 4 tasks with small errors;

"3" - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor flaws

"2" - if the student does not cope with most grammar tasks.

To the river

Yaik winds like a light ribbon among the floodplain meadows, cut by countless tributaries and branches, goes into the floodplain forests like a silver road.

Quiet summer evening. Crimson, the big sun is rolling towards the horizon.

The path to the river is not close - about two miles. And at this time, when the sun is going down, and the hollows are covered with a purple haze, women usually do not walk alone on the water.

The sparkling river greeted me with a soft coolness. A fresh breeze blew from her expanses. In the distance, bordered by the velvety green of the banks, the trembling living silver of the water went away.

In the spring, during the flood, Yaik overflowed its banks, muddy waters captured vast spaces, splashed over flooded meadows, fish walked in the flooded forests. And now, in the height of summer, the river was light and unhurried, majestically it carried its waters to the distant sea.

The evening air rang with the trills of frogs. In the sedge of dried-up streams, in the greenish-blue slime of stagnant water, bug-eyed singers hid and announced the fragile silence with endless roulades.

All these sounds merged into a motley symphony. (171 words, according to Kh. Yesenzhanov)

Grammar tasks

winds - 1st optionpurple - 2nd option

floodplain, rugged, clouded - 1st option

sparkling, countless, captivated - 2nd option

3. Write out from the text one phrase for all types of subordination and parse them:

1 - 4 paragraphs - 1st option the rest of the text - 2nd option

4. Make a parsing of the sentence:

And at this time, when the sun is going down, and the hollows are covered with a purple haze, women usually do not walk alone on the water. . - 1st option

Here in the pool a huge fish splashed lazily, somewhere a hoopoe screamed loudly, as if waking up the sleepy laziness of the river, a distant cry of a sandpiper came. - 2nd option

Control dictation in grade 11 No. 4

Target : check the general level of formation of spelling and punctuation literacy of students at the end of the 1st half of the year in accordance with the requirements of the state standard.


Spelling of words with alternating vowels at the root of the word;

Separating b and b;

The distinction is not and neither;

Punctuation marks:

When working with a period;

Syntactic parsing of phrases;

Choose the same root words and word forms.

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge


"5" - for the work in which there are no errors.

"4" - for the work in which 1 - 2 mistakes were made.

"3" - for the work in which 3 - 4 mistakes were made.

"2" - for the work in which more than 5 errors were made.

grammar task

"5" - error-free execution of all tasks;

"4" - if the student completed 4 tasks with small errors;

"3" - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor flaws

"2" - if the student does not cope with most grammar tasks.


No matter how hard people tried, several hundred thousand gathered in one small place, no matter how they stoned the ground so that nothing would grow on it, no matter how they cleaned off any breaking grass, no matter how they smoked with coal and oil, no matter how they cut the trees and did not drive everyone out animals and birds - spring was spring in the city.

The sun warmed, the grass, reviving, grew and turned green wherever they scraped it off, not only on lawns and boulevards, but also between slabs of stones, and birches, poplars, bird cherry blossomed their sticky and odorous leaves, lindens puffed out bursting buds; jackdaws, sparrows and pigeons were already happily preparing their nests in the spring, and flies were buzzing along the walls, warmed by the sun. Plants, and birds, and insects, and children were cheerful. But people - big, adult people - did not stop deceiving and torturing themselves and each other. People believed that sacred and important is not this spring morning, not this beauty of the world of God, given for the benefit of all beings, but sacred and important is what they themselves invented in order to rule over each other.

(174 words) (According to Leo Tolstoy)

Grammar tasks

1. Perform phonetic analysis of the word:

Oil - 1st optiontrees - 2nd option

2. Pick up the same-root words and forms of the same word:

Grass - 1st optionleaves - 2nd option

3. Write out phrases for all types of subordination and parse them:

The sun warmed, the grass, reviving, grew and turned green wherever they scraped it off, not only on lawns and boulevards, but also between slabs of stones, and birches, poplars, bird cherry blossomed their sticky and odorous leaves, lindens puffed out bursting buds; jackdaws, sparrows and pigeons were already happily preparing their nests in the spring, and flies were buzzing along the walls, warmed by the sun.

Control dictation in grade 11 No. 5


Content control dictation is aimed at identifying the level of development of skills, the choice of conditions for writing:

Checked unstressed vowels;

Unchecked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of the endings of nouns;

Writing unpronounceable consonants:

Separating b and b;

N-nn in suffixes of adjectives and participles;

The distinction is not and neither;

Punctuation marks:

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Comma in a complex sentence;

Commas when separating definitions, application;

Commas with clarifying members of the sentence;

With direct speech.

Grammatical tasks are aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills:

Syntactic parsing of the sentence;

Phonetic analysis;

Analysis of the word by composition;

Determine the way words are connected in phrases;

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge


"5" - for the work in which there are no errors.

"4" - for the work in which 1 - 2 mistakes were made.

"3" - for the work in which 3 - 4 mistakes were made.

"2" - for the work in which more than 5 errors were made.

grammar task

"5" - error-free execution of all tasks;

"4" - if the student completed 4 tasks with small errors;

"3" - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor flaws

"2" - if the student does not cope with most grammar tasks.

In St. Petersburg

It was deep autumn. Low swollen clouds floated across the sky, occasionally a fine drizzle drizzled. Single cannon shots were heard from the harbor: the inhabitants of the city were notified of the impending flood. But no one paid attention to the sowing rain, which covered the clothes of passers-by with silvery dust. No one was interested in gunshots. A lively stream of people flowed along the wide Nevsky Prospekt, and shiny carriages rushed past. Often walkers ran ahead of the gilded carriage, warning the people: “Fall down! Fall!”

A narrow beam of sunlight suddenly flashed through the broken clouds and flashed on the Admiralty's needle. And this momentary golden radiance presented the city in a different way. Among the bare groves and foggy dampness, he rose with a beautiful and unique vision. The walls of the houses, painted in various colors of colors, washed by the rain, delighted the eye with their freshness. Strict, harmonious lines of buildings - the creations of great architects - stood up in all their grandeur and beauty. Semi-circular arches above the canals, dressed in granite, slender colonnades, cast-iron garden gratings near the mansions - everything seemed like a miracle, from which it was impossible to tear off enthusiastic eyes.

The ray of the sun faded away, and again everything went away and hid in the gray dusk of a chilly autumn day.

(169 words) (According to E. Fedorov)

Grammar tasks

1. Make a phonetic analysis of the word:

Sowing - 1st optionshine - 2nd option

2. Parse words by composition:

Silver, gold plated, bare - 1st option

hazy, stained, washed - 2nd option

3. Make a morphological analysis of the word:

swollen - 1st optionthreatening - 2nd option

4. Write out two phrases and analyze them:

From the 1st paragraph - the 1st option from the rest of the text - the 2nd option

5. Make a parse of the sentence:

But no one paid attention to the sowing rain, which covered the clothes of passers-by with silvery dust. 1- option

The ray of the sun faded away, and again everything went away and hid in the gray dusk of a chilly autumn day. . - 2nd option

Control dictation in grade 11 No. 6

Target : to check the general level of formation of spelling and punctuation literacy of students at the end of the 1st half of the year in accordance with the requirements of the state standard.

Content control dictation is aimed at identifying the level of development of skills, the choice of conditions for writing:

Checked unstressed vowels;

Unchecked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of the endings of nouns;

Writing unpronounceable consonants:

The letters O-Yo after hissing words at the root;

N-nn in suffixes of adjectives and participles;

Not with adjectives, adverbs and verbs;

The distinction is not and neither;

Punctuation marks:

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Comma in a complex sentence;

Commas when separating definitions, circumstances.

Grammatical tasks are aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills:

Syntactic parsing of the sentence;

Phonetic analysis of the word;

Group spellings;

Make sentences with direct and indirect speech.

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge


"5" - for the work in which there are no errors.

"4" - for the work in which 1 - 2 mistakes were made.

"3" - for the work in which 3 - 4 mistakes were made.

"2" - for the work in which more than 5 errors were made.

grammar task

"5" - error-free execution of all tasks;

"4" - if the student completed 4 tasks with small errors;

"3" - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor flaws

"2" - if the student does not cope with most grammar tasks.


From four sides, the Mongols attacked the small family of Bersh. The Kipchaks were falling, because light arrows with hard black feathers were flying towards them from four sides. The Mongols quickly tied up the living men. They also tied up the young women and put them in thick woolen bags on saddles. Long-maned Kipchak horses were herded into one herd by the Mongols. Only the sick and the elderly were not taken by them. And they did not take small children, who need to be fed for a long time in order to be sold.

And the Mongols did not take the old man with a scar near his left eye. The old man came from somewhere and sat down by the fire of the extreme family. They gave him food and did not ask anything, because he was silent. And the old man did not raise his hand to cover his face when a young, red-eyed Mongol, sweating with blood, hit him with kamcha.

He stood and watched how the Mongols killed, how they knitted men and threw women on the sand. And the old man was silent.

And when the Mongols rushed off, the Kipchaks had nothing left. There were very few of them, old and sick. They covered the dead with red sand, and they wept, and raised their hands to the white sun.

And when the white grass began to turn red from the evening sun, the old man gathered the rest. And they followed him without asking anything.

(187 words) (According to M. Simashko)

Grammar tasks

1. Make a phonetic analysis of the word:

(not)asking - 1st optionfeathers - 2nd option

2. Group spellings and find examples for them from the text of the dictation.

3. Make a sentence on the topic of a text with direct speech, then redesign it into a sentence with indirect speech, write down these sentences and draw up diagrams for them.

4. Make a parse of the sentence:

1st option: And the old man did not raise his hand to cover his face when a young red-eyed Mongol, sweating from blood, hit him with kamcha .

2nd option: He stood and watched how the Mongols killed, how they knitted men and threw women on the sand

Control dictation in grade 11 No. 7


Writing roots with alternation;

Writing compound adjectives;

Writing is not with a verb.

Punctuation marks:

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Punctuation marks for isolated members of a sentence;

Punctuation marks in complex sentences;

In a sentence with direct speech.

Grammar tasks

Syntactic parsing of the sentence;

Phonetic analysis of the word;

Make sentences with direct speech;

Graphically explain punctuation marks in a sentence.

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge


"5" - for the work in which there are no errors.

"4" - for the work in which 1 - 2 mistakes were made.

"3" - for the work in which 3 - 4 mistakes were made.

"2" - for the work in which more than 5 errors were made.

grammar task

"5" - error-free execution of all tasks;

"4" - if the student completed 4 tasks with small errors;

"3" - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor flaws

"2" - if the student does not cope with most grammar tasks.

wind and pines

The burning wind, sent by the hot dusty steppe, roared into the pine forest. Knocking with prickly grains of sand on coniferous paws and trunks, he howled from exertion, but soon ran out of breath, bumping all around against the silent resistance of trees.*

The wind got used to its strength and rushed with pleasure across the steppe, sweeping it with sand and dried grass, in order to once again make sure that everything is subject to it for thousands of kilometers around. that everything in the world should be dry and flat, she loved the wind, which could sweep away everything that had risen and grown above her and leveled it to the surface.

But the forest was not given to the force of the wind. The trees, hand in hand and pressed tightly with their shoulders to each other, continued to grow. When the wind was especially violent, they murmured dully with their crowns, waved their dark green paws and swayed from side to side with their whole body. The wind wanted to shake their trunks so that the roots would not hold on to the ground and the trees would fly upside down.

“Well, what a whim - these ridiculous green beaks!” the wind howled angrily. And he worked tirelessly. But strangely, the more he blew, the less he succeeded.

(183 words) (According to V. Mikhailov)

Grammar tasks

1. Make a phonetic analysis of the word:

Steppe - 1st option (from)voltage - 2nd option

2. Find a sentence with direct speech in the text of the dictation, write it out, draw up a diagram for it.

3. Graphically explain the punctuation marks in the highlighted sentence:

* - 1st option ** - 2nd option

4. Make a parse of the sentence:

When the wind was especially violent, they murmured dully with their crowns, waved their dark green paws and swayed from side to side with their whole body. - 1st option

The wind wanted to shake their trunks so that the roots would not hold on to the ground and the trees would fly upside down. . - 2nd option

Annual control dictation in grade 11 No. 8

Target : to check the level of assimilation of the standard at the end of the year, the practical skills of students in mastering topics in the Russian language.

The content of the control dictation is aimed at identifying the quality of assimilation of educational material:

Spelling of checked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of unchecked unstressed vowels;

Writing compound adjectives;

Spelling of the endings of adjectives and participles;

Spelling n-nn in adjectives and participles;

Writing is not with verbs;

Punctuation marks:

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Commas at introductory words;

Commas with separate members of the sentence.

Grammar tasks aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills and abilities of students:

Perform morphological analysis;

Syntactic parsing of the sentence;

Group spellings;

Explain graphically punctuation marks in a sentence;

Parsing phrases.

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge


"5" - for the work in which there are no errors.

"4" - for the work in which 1 - 2 mistakes were made.

"3" - for the work in which 3 - 4 mistakes were made.

"2" - for the work in which more than 5 errors were made.

grammar task

"5" - error-free execution of all tasks;

"4" - if the student completed 4 tasks with small errors;

"3" - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor flaws

"2" - if the student does not cope with most grammar tasks.

March evening

Last year, on the twenty-second of March, in the evening, I walked around the city and looked for an apartment. All day long I couldn't find anything decent. Firstly, I wanted a special apartment, not from the tenants, and secondly, at least one room, but certainly a large one. I noticed that in a cramped apartment, even thoughts are cramped. But when I thought about my future stories, I always liked to walk up and down the room.

In the morning I felt unwell, and by sunset I even became very unwell: something like a fever began. Besides, I was on my feet all day and tired. In the evening, just before dusk, I was walking along Voznesensky Prospekt. I love the March sun in St. Petersburg, especially the sunset, of course, on a clear, frosty evening. The whole street suddenly flashes, bathed in bright light. All the houses seem to suddenly sparkle. Their gray, yellow and dirty green colors will lose for a moment all their gloominess; as if your soul will clear up, as if you shudder or someone will nudge you with an elbow. New look, new thoughts. It's amazing what a single ray of sunshine can do to a person's soul! But the sunbeam went out; frost begins to tingle in the nose; twilight grew thicker; gas flashed from shops and shops.

(188 words) (According to F. M. Dostoevsky)

Grammar tasks

1. Group spellings and find examples for them from the text of the dictation.

2. Make a morphological analysis:

(went) in the evening - 1st option to yourself - 2nd option

3. Explain graphically the punctuation marks in the selected sentence.

4. Write out from the text one phrase for all types of subordination and parse them:

From 1st paragraph - 1st option From 2nd paragraph - 2nd option

5. I noticed that in a cramped apartment, even thoughts are crowded . - 1st option

But when I thought about my future stories, I always liked to walk up and down the room. . - 2nd option

Annual control dictation in grade 11 No. 9

Target : to check the level of assimilation of the standard at the end of the year, the practical skills of students in mastering topics in the Russian language.

The content of the control dictation is aimed at identifying the quality of assimilation of educational material:

Spelling of checked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of unchecked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of the endings of adjectives and participles;

Spelling of the endings of verbs of the 1st and 2nd conjugation;

Spelling n-nn in adjectives and participles;

Writing -tsya - tsya in verbs;

Writing is not with a verb.

Punctuation marks:

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Commas in complex sentences;

Commas at introductory words;

Punctuation marks for isolated members of a sentence.

Grammar tasks aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills and abilities of students:

Syntactic parsing of the sentence;

Phonetic analysis of the word;

Parsing words by composition;

Make sentences with direct speech.

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge


"5" - for the work in which there are no errors.

"4" - for the work in which 1 - 2 mistakes were made.

"3" - for the work in which 3 - 4 mistakes were made.

"2" - for the work in which more than 5 errors were made.

grammar task

"5" - error-free execution of all tasks;

"4" - if the student completed 4 tasks with small errors;

"3" - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor flaws

"2" - if the student does not cope with most grammar tasks.

in the grove

The heat forced us to finally enter the grove. I rushed under a tall hazel bush, under which a young, slender maple beautifully spread its light branches. Kasyan sat down on the thick end of a felled birch. I looked at him. The leaves swayed feebly in the sky, and their liquid-greenish shadows glided back and forth over his frail body, somehow wrapped in an overcoat, over his small face. He doesn't look up. Bored with his silence, I lay on my back and began to admire the peaceful play of tangled leaves in the distant bright sky. Surprisingly pleasant experience - lie on your back and look up! It seems to you that you are looking into the bottomless sea, that it spreads wide under you, that the trees do not rise from the ground, but, like the roots of huge plants, descend vertically into those glassy clear waves, the leaves on the trees either shine through with emeralds, or thicken into a golden almost black green.

Like magic clouds, round clouds quietly float and quietly pass - and then all of a sudden the whole sea, this radiant air, these branches and leaves bathed in the sun - everything will stream, tremble with a fleeting brilliance, and a babble will rise, similar to the fine sand of a suddenly running swell. You look: that deep, pure azure excites a smile on your lips, innocent, like itself, like clouds across the sky, and as if together with them, in a slow string, happy memories pass through your soul, and everything seems to you that your eyes are leaving further and further, it pulls you along with itself into that calm shining abyss, and it is impossible to break away from this height, from this depth. (187 words) (According to I.S. Turgenev)

Grammar tasks

1. Make a phonetic analysis of the word:

Pleasant - 1st optiondescend - 2nd option

2. Parse words by composition:

felled, rushed, ran - 1st option

Spread, felled, rise - 2nd option

3. Make a proposal according to the scheme on the topic of the text of the dictation:

"P, - a, - p." - 1st option "P. - a. -BUT?" - 2nd option

4. Make a parse of the sentence:

I rushed under a tall hazel bush, under which a young, slender maple beautifully spread its light branches. . - 1st option

The leaves swayed feebly in the sky, and their liquid-greenish shadows glided back and forth over his frail body, somehow wrapped in an overcoat, over his small face. - 2nd option

Annual control dictation in grade 11 No. 10

Target: check the compliance of knowledge, skills and abilities with the requirements of the State Standard and the Russian language program.

The content of the control dictation is aimed at identifying the level of development of skills in choosing conditions for writing:

- checked unstressed vowels;

- spelling of unchecked unstressed vowels;

- unstressed personal endings of verbs;

- writing prefixes pre- and pre-;

- -n- and –nn- in adjectives;

- unpronounceable consonants in words;

- writing o-yo after hissing,

For punctuation marks:

- with introductory words,

- with clarifying members of the proposal;

- with separate members of the proposal;

- in the SSP; in SPP; in SBP.

Grammar tasks are aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills of students:

- syntactic analysis of complex sentences and phrases;

- phonetic analysis;

- analysis of the word by composition;

- the ability to draw up a scheme for the specified proposal.

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge


"5" - for the work in which there are no errors.

"4" - for the work in which 1 - 2 mistakes were made.

"3" - for the work in which 3 - 4 mistakes were made.

"2" - for the work in which more than 5 errors were made.

grammar task

"5" - error-free execution of all tasks;

"4" - if the student completed 4 tasks with small errors;

"3" - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor flaws

"2" - if the student does not cope with most grammar tasks.

On the Black Lake

Once we spent the night on the Black Lake, in high thickets, near a large pile of old brushwood.

We took a rubber inflatable boat with us and at dawn we rode it over the edge of coastal water lilies to fish. Decayed leaves lay in a thick layer at the bottom of the lake, and snags floated in the water.

Suddenly, at the very side of the boat, a huge humpbacked back of a black fish with a dorsal fin sharp as a kitchen knife emerged. The fish dived and passed under the rubber boat. The boat rocked. The fish surfaced again. It must have been a giant pike. She could hit a rubber boat with a feather and rip it open like a razor.

I hit the water with the oar. In response, the fish whipped its tail with terrible force and again passed under the very boat. We quit fishing and started rowing towards the shore, towards our bivouac. The fish always walked next to the boat.

We drove into the coastal thickets of water lilies and were preparing to land, but at that time a shrill yelping and a trembling, heart-grabbing howl were heard from the shore. Where we lowered the boat, on the shore, on the trampled grass, a she-wolf with three cubs stood with her tail between her legs and howled, raising her muzzle to the sky. She howled long and dull; the wolf cubs squealed and hid behind their mother. The black fish again passed by the very side and hooked the oar with a feather.

I threw a heavy lead sinker at the she-wolf. She jumped back and trotted away from the shore. And we saw how she crawled along with the cubs into a round hole in a pile of brushwood not far from our tent.

We landed, made a fuss, drove the she-wolf out of the brushwood and moved the bivouac to another place. (K. Paustovsky. 235 words)

Grammar tasks.

    Phonetic analysis of the word:

Giant - 1st option Yip - 2nd option

2. Divide words according to composition:

Coastal, getting ready – 1-optionGrasping, rebounded – 2nd option

3. From your proposal, write out one phrase for all types of subordination:

4. Syntactic analysis of the sentence:

We drove into the coastal thickets of water lilies and were preparing to land, but at that time a shrill yelping and a trembling, heart-grabbing howl were heard from the shore. - 1st option

Where we lowered the boat, on the shore, on the trampled grass, a she-wolf with three cubs stood with her tail between her legs and howled, raising her muzzle to the sky . – 2nd option

5. Write out the SPP and draw up a diagram for it. – 1-option

Write out the SSP and draw up a diagram for it. - 2nd option.

Collection of dictations

in Russian for grades 1-4

Nurieva Gulnara Asylbekovna

This collection contains texts for test papers in the Russian language with grammar tasks for grades 1-4.

The use of this manual will provide practical assistance for primary school teachers.


A collection of dictations for grades 1-4 is intended for primary school teachers, as well as for parents.

Dictations serve as a means of testing spelling and punctuation skills. This type of work allows the teacher to have data on the level of knowledge and skills of each student in individual classes as a whole, to identify gaps in knowledge and to provide timely assistance to students and eliminate shortcomings.

This collection contains dictations with grammar tasks.

All material of texts and tasks in the collection is arranged in order of increasing difficulty.

The use of this manual will provide practical assistance not only to primary school teachers, but also to students in replenishing their vocabulary, improving literacy.

1 class

Basic requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of 1st grade students

Students should be able to:

1) correctly pronounce sounds and designate them with letters;

2) correctly write all the letters of the Russian alphabet (printed and written, lowercase and uppercase), combine them in a syllable, word in accordance with the existing standards of calligraphy, draw up a sound-letter scheme;

3) write off words, sentences from handwritten and printed text (no more than 10 words); write sentences (of 3-4 words), text (for more than 10-15 characters);

4) correctly draw up sentences in writing (capital letter in the first word of the sentence, dot at the end of the sentence);

5) write words (5-6 words) from dictation, the spelling of which does not differ from the pronunciation;

6) apply some spelling rules in writing (transfer of words by syllables (the simplest cases); a capital letter in the names and surnames of children, nicknames of animals);

7) distinguish the stressed syllable, put the stress mark in the word.

Exercises and techniques used to form phonetic skills in grade 1.

Phonetic dictations.

  1. Underline all the vowels with a red pencil.

A, g, p, t, o, y, k, s, e, s, w, i, f, a, t, i.

  1. Underline the soft consonants in green and the hard consonants in blue.

Mu, mo, those, sa, wa, ve, xia, ve, tu, dy, re, di, ry, bi, gee.

  1. Perform a sound analysis of the words in the sentence.

Laura washed her hands.

  1. Write the syllables in two lines.

Sa, zo, zi, wasp, isa, asa, si, ava.

  1. Fill in the missing letters C or Z.

amok, mu yka, ro ah, take a,

kra ka, ma lo, ve_na.

6. Read the sentence, fill in the missing letters.

Orobey _flew to the _ortochka.

7. Divide the words into syllables:

School, pencil case, school desk, pen, pencil, textbook, notebook.

Milk, bread, candy, apple, butter, potato, radish, carrot.

Astana, Kazakhstan, steppes, Motherland, Baiterek, street, yurt.

Pot, bowl, plate, teapot, cauldron, spoon, knife.

8. Distribute the words into columns, put stress in each word: 1 column with voiced consonants at the end of the word, 2 columns with deaf consonants at the end

A) Snowdrift, sheepskin coat, coat of arms, dove, tooth, club, forehead, pillar, oak bread, soup, sickle, chain, dill, mushroom,

B) Eyebrow, fine, beak, catch, lion, carrot, breakage, sowing, roar, sleeve, crib, scarf, island, shoes, closet, blood,

C) Diary, enemy, friend, juice, apron, circle, scream, meadow, ravine, bow pie, snow, boot, hook, syllable, varnish, haystack, hammer, horn, beetle, cottage cheese, tongue, iron, park, flag , fisherman, step, south, tank, side, bull, wolf, tie, beep sound, poppy, hunter, sand, cancer, lesson, tank, shore.

D) Robe, year, nail, city, grandfather, bow, rain, report, twig, thrush, round dance, plant, honey, horse, fireworks, bear, ice, people, outfit, elevator, garden, dinner, detachment, parade, fruit, area, fleet, hike, train, pond, glad, garden, trail, warehouse, notebook, cold, bandage, brother, sideboard, screw, guest, bouquet, bone.

E) Hour, watermelon, cart, eye, dirt, ear, frost, bottom, sailor, story, dog, state farm, basin, waltz, taste, to, weight, voice, goose, forest, collective farm, elk, cargo, nose, prize, oats

E) March, luggage, garage, hut, hedgehog, knife, beach, swift, pencil, watchman, snake, lily of the valley, siskin, reed, experience, ruff.

9. Write from dictation (zhi-shi)

Dinner, ski, liquid, car, giraffe, spikes, jug, sew. cones

  1. Write from dictation (ca-cha)

Thicket, locust, clock, grove, cup, dacha, tea, sorrel, food.

  1. Write from dictation (chu-shu)

Pike, miracle, dragging, looking, stockings, scarecrow, alien, let go, pull out.

Test write-off

Nurlan has a drawing of a lynx.

Alma has a drawing of a cat.

Rear: Write off. Underline the vowels in each sentence.

Marat has a braid. And Myra has a braid.

Saule has a pencil.

Rear: Write off. Divide all words into syllables.

My motherland is Kazakhstan!

Astana is the capital of our country.

Rear: Write off. Emphasize soft consonants

There is a tree by the road.

A bird sits on a tree.

Rear: Write off. Divide all words into syllables, put stress.

Dew dripped from the leaf.

Gopher mink in the steppe. Birds fly over the steppe.

Rear: Write off. Find and underline the voiceless consonants with a simple pencil

Control write-off

Cat Barsik.

The cat's paws and ears are fluffy. And the antennae are long. Claws are sharp.

Rear: Write off. Underline all voiced consonants with a simple pencil

Winter has come. I am going to the forest. The snow crunches. At the edge of the forest is a guard. A squirrel hid in the thick paws of the spruce.


Danat and Gulmira lived in the village. They had a dog friend. The friend lived in the yard. The children loved Druzhok.


Siskins sing in summer. Swifts fly. Lilies of the valley bloom in the forest. Hedgehogs rustle under the tree. The guys are looking for cones in the forest.

In autumn.

Wet wind is blowing in the garden. The grass in the steppe has fallen. The shepherds stopped driving their flocks to jailau.

Test dictation

Serik has a cat. Vaska rolled a ball. They played merrily.

Yerlan is small. He washed his own hands. The boy loves cleanliness.

Summer has flown by. Tanya went to school. She drew a picture.

In the village.

We live in a village. My dad drives a truck. Mom takes care of animals. I will also work in the village. I will build big houses for people.

Grammar task:

Underline the words with the spelling zhi-shi


I wake up early. Am brushing my teeth. My things are in place. I am not looking for them. I study well. I often go skiing and skating. I want to be strong. I will fly to the stars.

Grammar task:

Underline the words with the spelling chu-shu, cha-scha.

Who lives where?

An owl lives in a hollow. A fox lives in a hole. The bear sleeps in a den. The house of the rook-nest. And the fish live in the house.

Grammar task:

Put stress and underline unstressed vowels

1 option 2 option

Owl Bear

In a hole In a den


Mom and dad came home from work. Askhat set the table. He put cakes on the table. He poured milk into glasses.

After dinner Askhat cleared everything off the table. He washed the dishes.

Grammar task:


Option 2

Underline the words that answer the question what?

Visual dictations

Set No. 1
1. Children sing.
2. Anwar is sleeping.
3. Owl calls out.
4. Milk is boiling.
5. Milana has a leaf.
6. The sun is shining.

Set No. 2
1. Beautiful watch.
2. Maple grows here.
3. Margarita has glue.

4. The wind howls in the steppe.
Morning has come.
Arthur is carrying mushrooms.
Set No. 3
1. Alisher grew onions.
2. The cow gives milk.
3. Children have fun playing.
4. Kirill was bought a book.
5. Barsik laps milk.
6. Julia reads well.

Set No. 4
1. Sparrow jumps on the roof.
2. Nargiza washes the dishes.
3. Aliya wiped the board.
4. A car drove out onto the road.
5. Arthur has clean hands.
6. Pinocchio goes to school.

2nd grade

Requirements for the level of preparation of students in grade 2

By the end of Grade 2, students should be able to:

  1. Distinguish sounds in speech: vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants, deaf and voiced consonants; correctly pronounce them and denote them with letters;
  2. Find an unstressed vowel in a word, checked and not checked by stress; pronounce it correctly; be able to apply methods for checking unstressed vowels (changing the form of a word, selecting single-root words);
  3. Recognize in a word paired consonant sounds (voiced and voiced) at the end and in the middle of a word; pronounce and write them correctly; be able to apply the method of their verification - to select a verification word;
  4. Designate the softness of a consonant in a word with the letters E, E, I, Yu, I and a soft sign (b);
  5. write words with b sign at the end and middle of a word. With dividing soft (b) and hard (b) signs;
  6. Write words with combinations chk-,-chn-, -schn-; zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu;
  7. Transfer words by syllables, words with the letters Y and b, with double consonants;
  8. Produce sound-letter analysis of words; analysis of sentences by members (main members - subject and predicate, secondary members);
  9. Parse words by composition: find the ending, root, prefix, suffix; graphically designate significant parts of the word;
  10. Select single-root words;
  11. Write words with diminutive suffixes -onk, -enk-; words with prefixes with, by, about, from, for, in, re, etc., which do not change in writing;
  12. Recognize parts of speech (noun, adjective, verb, preposition) by question and meaning; determine their grammatical features (gender, number);
  13. Write b at the end of feminine nouns after sibilants;
  14. Capitalize proper names (names of animals, names and surnames of people, geographical names);
  15. Select nouns, adjectives, verbs, similar and opposite in meaning, use in oral and written speech;
  16. Use the words of speech etiquette in speech: apology, request, gratitude, greeting, farewell;
  17. Compose sentences, find the main and secondary members of the sentence;
  18. Read sentences with the intonation of a message, question, order, request. Observe pauses when reading sentences;
  19. Capitalize sentences; put punctuation marks at the end of sentences (period, question mark);
  20. Find prepositions, write prepositions with words correctly, distinguish between a preposition and a prefix;
  21. Determine the topic of the text, divide the text into semantic parts, head the text in accordance with the topic; compose a text based on key words, on questions. Restore the sequence of action development in the text. Draw up a question plan for the text.
  22. Write vocabulary dictations of 6-8 words; training and control dictations 25-30 words; presentations - 40-50 words, essays - 4-6 sentences.

Input control dictation


It's a warm morning. Alpamys has new fishing rods. He runs towards the pond. The boy threw the bait. There was a pike on the hook, and then a bream. Grandmother Aida cooked an ear.

Dictation №1

Aigul had a siskin. Chizh in a cage. He didn't sing. Why doesn't the siskin sing? Aigul released the siskin into the wild. In the garden he began to sing all day. He flew from bush to bush and sang. Then he flew into the grove. That's when he sang!

Grammar task:

Underline the capital letter at the beginning of each sentence.

Dictation №2

Autumn in the forest.

Beautiful forest in autumn. Trees put on autumn clothes. Yellow, red and brown leaves cover the ground. Squirrels look for nuts and hide them in a hollow. The hedgehog found a mushroom and carried it into the hole. The birds have already flown south. Quiet in the forest. You can only hear the leaves rustling underfoot.

Grammar task:

Choose test words

1 option 2 option

In the forest in autumn

Dictation #3


The snowy winter has come. Everywhere big snowdrifts. Lakes and rivers froze. The fields and hills were covered with a fluffy white carpet. Low trees and bushes. Powdered with snow. There is a strong frost. Cold wind is blowing. It's hard for the birds. The children hung feeders in the garden.

Grammar task:

1) Pick up single words

1 option 2 option

Frost Fields

Snow River

2) Choose a test word

Feeder Carpet

Dictation #4

Winter has come. Until spring, the oak and birch dozed off. Spruce and pine put on winter clothes. They covered themselves with snow blankets. Animal footprints in the snow. The fox is looking for prey. The hare hid in the bushes. There is fluffy snow all around. Beautiful forest in winter!

Grammar task:

1. Write related words from the text. Put emphasis on them.

2. Highlight the ending and the root in the words

1 option 2 option

birch trail

Pine Snow

Dictation #5


Nurlan and his parents went to the capital of Kazakhstan. The Ishim River flows in Astana. Nurlan and dad went for a walk around the city. We came to Ryskulov Avenue. We walked along the embankment. There are many monuments in the capital. This city is beautiful even at night. Fireworks in honor of the city's holiday was especially wonderful!

Grammar task:

  1. Determine the number of nouns

1 option 2 option

Monuments With parents

Salut River

  1. Write out the feminine nouns from the text.

Dictation #6

Winter in the forest.

The winter sun played over the forest. Rays of bright light lit the snow with an amber sheen. The flexible branches of birch trees were decorated with silver frost. A nimble squirrel jumped from a spruce branch to a nearby tree. A mouse squeaked under a hummock in a winter nest. Handsome black grouse flew out of the soft snow, sat on the birches and began to peck at the fragrant buds.

Grammar task:

  1. Give the number of the adjective

1 option 2 option

Winter Bright

Fragrant Flexible

  1. Determine the gender of adjectives

Agile Neighboring

Dictation #7


The sun is shining. The snows are melting. Icicles are crying. Ice cracked on the river. Seagulls are circling over the water. The bear woke up. An elk and a calf came out to the river. Woodpeckers are loudly knocking. A hare sat on a stump. Animals and birds are happy with the warmth and spring.

Grammar task:

  1. Determine the number of the verb

1 option 2 option

Melt Cracked

Shining Out

  1. Underline the noun, adjective, verb.

Seagulls are circling over the water.

Dictation #8


April has come. The last patches of snow are disappearing. A light haze dissipated in the forest. The air has warmed up considerably. The rooks have already taken their quarters on the tops of the birches. They mercilessly break last year's shoots with their strong beaks in order to repair old nests.

Grammar task:

A light haze dissipated in the forest.

The last patches of snow are disappearing.

Dictation #9

Traffic light.

A traffic light was placed at the corner of the intersection. It burns all day. The red light stops the movement, and the green light allows it. Yellow light warns. Traffic lights protect our lives with their signals. You need to know traffic lights.

Every student should remember this. Then there will be no accidents with children on the roads in our village.

Grammar task:

  1. Underline the main and secondary parts of the sentence

Yellow light warns.

It burns all day.

  1. Determine the gender and number of nouns

Traffic Light Pupil

Signals Roads

Dictation #10

Summer's soon.

Summer's soon. We are going for a walk in the forest. Dog Barbos and cat Murka are with us

Last summer in the wilderness we found a very large porcini mushroom. The forest greeted us with the sonorous songs of birds. Behind the forest is a meadow and a river. Juicy greenery and bright forest flowers grew in the forest clearing.

Grammar task:

1) Underline the main and secondary parts of the sentence

The sky was covered with clouds.

The path is overgrown with grass.

2) Make a phonetic analysis of words

Greenery Wormwood

Native Kazakhstan.

Our rivers are wide. Our forests are dense. Good spacious fields. How many big cities and small villages we have! There is a lot of construction going on in our country. Wonderful people live and work everywhere. Homeland sentries stand at our borders.

Grammar task:

Pick 3 words spelling chu-shu

Pick 3 words spelling cha-cha

Our class.

I'm eight years old. I am in the second grade. Here is my school. Our classroom is spacious and bright. Asem and Temirlan dusted the desks. Gaukhar and Milana watered the flowers. Our teacher Tatyana Alexandrovna handed out notebooks.

Grammar task:

1 .From the last sentence, write out the words that answer the questions who? what?

2. Underline the capital letter in proper names.


The woodpecker sat on a birch. There he had a workshop for peeling cones. He ran along the trunk with a bump on his beak to a familiar place. He placed a cone in his workshop and earned it.

Grammar task:

  1. Underline the words of the same root mountain, hill, mountain, burn, bitter.
  2. Split for word wrap:

Woodpecker, hares, birch, earned, housing.

New form.

Second-grader Mukhtar was bought a new school uniform. Everything on it shines: both the buttons and the belt. On his feet - boots. Also new and also shiny. Not a speck of dust on them.

Grammar task:

1. Underline the nouns.

2. Define animate nouns and inanimate nouns.

Visual dictations

Set No. 1
1. Children are reading a book.
2. Raspberries ripened in the garden.
3. Ruslan solved the problem at the blackboard.
4. Magpie sat on the roof of the house.
5. Brother gave Radik a book.
6. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.
Set No. 2
1. Children play football.
2. Cat Vaska laps milk.
3. White fluffy snow fell.
4. Adil went skiing down the hill.
5. The sun shines brightly and warms.
6. Pupils read poetry.
Set No. 3
1. A large and prickly hedgehog snorts.
2. My sister works at a factory.
3. A hungry wolf roams the forest.

A warm, humid wind blows from the south.
5. The crow flew up onto a pine branch.
6. A woodpecker hammers a tree with its beak.
Set No. 4
1. Mom reads.
2. There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest.
3. The guys are having fun.
4. Timur has a clean notebook.
5. We love to go to nature.
6. The cow is grazing in the meadow.

Control write-off

We are waiting for winter. We called winter. The house has snowdrifts. Nurzhamal rolls a snowball. Here is the snowman. Baurzhan and Nurzhamal play merrily.

Roses for mom

Beautiful bushes grew in the garden. They were roses. They were raised by Yerlan and Yura. Good roses! The boys cut three roses for their mother.

Bird food

Fluffy snow all around. He falls silently to the ground. The old stump is covered with snow. Tlegen goes to the forest. In the hands of the boy is food for birds. It helps birds to survive in winter.

Nurlan and Azamat were walking from school. Thick snow fell. The boys went down to the Ural River. White trees surrounded and guarded the peace of the river. Azamat goes to the skating rink. Uncle Kairat teaches all the guys to skate.

Ground is covered with snow. Winter roams in the fields and forests. The wind blew off the white dress of winter from the hill. The frozen brown earth appeared. Here is the sun. The quiet ringing of a drop wakes the forest. A bright stream gurgles under the snow. The song of the birds resounded along the deaf paths.

Letter from memory

Topic 1. Repetition

  1. Wormwood does not grow without a root.

2. Where someone is born, it will come in handy there.

3. On a clear September morning

Villages thresh bread

Birds rush across the sea -

And the school opened. S. Marshak

Topic 2. Vowels and consonants and letters

  1. Lives quietly, not in a hurry,

He carries a shield just in case.

Under it, not knowing fear,

The turtle is walking.

  1. Lives in a mink, gnaws crusts.

Small legs, afraid of cats.

Topic 3. Noun

  1. There are workers in the river

Not joiners, not carpenters,

And build a dam

At least paint a picture. (Beavers)

2. It's easy to pronounce:
"I love my country
I bow before her
I catch her voice. M. Makataev

Topic 4 Verb

  1. ... The sea will swell violently,

Boil, raise a howl,

Will rush to the empty shore. A. Pushkin

  1. motherland

In the beginning, the Motherland is the breast of the mother,
Behind her is the native hearth, the surroundings of the village,
Where did you play among the grasses, among the stones,
From where the wind of wanderings pulled.

Yes, Motherland - and home, where is your home,
And your native people, who have grown in you
Yes, the Motherland is not only an ancestral salt marsh,
And blue forests and a quiet valley.

Yes, Motherland from the why porch

It will stretch to the far pier.
The Motherland has no edge, no end,
But your dear home is its beginning. U. Turmanzhanov

Topic 5. Adjective

  1. The dark forest glowed in the sun

In the valley of steam, thin whitens,

And sang an early song

In azure the lark is sonorous. V. Zhukovsky


There is tall grass
Nice to wallow in it!
Nearby - the sky is blue,
Do not climb higher!
Even though the evenings are chilly
Sleep sweetly in the yurt
And until the morning
I dream of my home.
I lie down on the grass
I'll raise the curtain a little, -
Berries in the grass
In pure ant! K. Bayanbaev

3rd grade

Requirements for the level of preparation of students in grade 3

Students should be able to:

  1. Understand and reveal the lexical meaning of the word; select synonyms, antonyms, use an explanatory dictionary; make thematic groups of words;
  2. Find in the word its significant parts: ending, stem, root, prefix, suffix; select single-root words; check unstressed vowels using single-root words; form words with the help of a prefix, write words with prefixes s-, from-, o-, pro-, under-, over-, for-, on-, form words with the help of suffixes -enk, -onk, -yushk, ushk, -ik, -ek; - chik-, -schik-; determine the meaning of suffixes in a word; connect words into sentences using endings;
  3. Recognize parts of speech by their meaning, questions, grammatical features (noun, adjective, verb, numeral, pronoun); decline nouns according to cases; determine cases for questions and prepositions; recognize the gender of nouns by ending (sound and zero endings): change nouns by numbers; correctly write the names of feminine and masculine nouns with a basis in hissing ( night, sword); select noun synonyms and antonyms;
  4. Decline adjectives of masculine, feminine and neuter singular; change the adjective according to numbers, gender in connection with the noun; determine and write the case endings of adjectives; select adjective synonyms and antonyms;
  5. Recognize personal pronouns in a sentence, determine their role in the sentence (subject);
  6. Recognize the verb (by question and meaning), name its grammatical features (number, tense, person); change the verb by tenses, numbers and persons; write NOT with a verb; select verbs synonyms and antonyms;
  7. Establish a connection between words in a sentence, graphically designate it; analyze the proposal by members: find the main and minor members - definitions, additions, circumstances;
  8. Determine the text according to the signs of coherence and a single theme; identify the topic and main idea of ​​the text; title the text divide the text into parts, name them (beginning, main part, ending), draw up a text plan; set the type of text (description, narration);
  9. Competently write off and write a dictation test (55-60 words), including the studied spelling;
  10. Repair deformed text; create a text based on key words, sentences;
  11. Write a presentation on questions, with a grammar task, according to a collectively drawn up plan (60-70 words.).
  12. Write an essay - a description, an essay based on a plot picture, personal observations (55-60 words); determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text.

Dictation #1

Our street.

Our street is good. The houses are beautiful and tall. In the yards there are playgrounds and flower beds. There used to be little houses on our street. They lived in the world for a long time. Their walls sagged. It was hard for people to live in wooden houses. Now a wide street with tall houses and shady trees has replaced the narrow lanes.

Reference words: wooden.

grammar task

  1. Choose antonyms for the words

1 option 2 option

high - small -

Wide - white -

  1. Choose synonyms for the words



Dictation #2

Cold month.

October is the first cold month of autumn. Harsh winds blow. Morning frosts have also become more frequent. The puddles were covered with thin crystal ice. Paths and paths are slick with rain. The timid sun appeared. But then a wind came up from the north and caught the cold. The first fluffy snow fell. Winter is on the doorstep. Nature is waiting for winter.

grammar task

  1. Pick up single words

1 option 2 option


Frosts - Sharp -

  1. Take words apart

Morning- Fluffy-

Powdered - Ran -

Dictation #3

Help the rabbit.

The guys were in the forest. They found a hare under a bush. The hare crouched down on the ground. The animal had a broken leg.

Timur brought the hare home. The boy bandaged the hare's foot and put it in a box. Mom gave the animal carrots and some water. The hare lived in the house for a month. The leg of the animal has grown together. It soon snowed. The guys took the bunny into the woods and released it into the wild.

grammar task

  1. Determine the gender and number of the noun

1 option 2 option

Beast Paws

Bunnies Carrot

  1. Find and underline the noun in the sentence

The guys were in the forest. It soon snowed.

Dictation #4


It was late evening. Around the wilderness. The frost was getting stronger. Stars twinkled in the sky. The moon illuminated the area. A rabbit ran along the path. We drove up to the forester's house. Forester Yerbol Turlanovich invited us to the lodge. Sharik the dog happily wagged his tail. The forester fired up the stove. The forester's daughter invited us to the table. We began to drink fragrant tea with honey.

grammar task

  1. Decline the noun

1 option 2 option

frost daughter

Dictation #5

Magical forest.

A blizzard blew. The forest is like in a fairy tale. Spruce stands like a silent knight. Coniferous chain mail on the shoulders. A bird perched on thorny needles. Small Christmas trees on a snowy meadow. They were completely covered in snow. How good and pretty they are! The blizzard made fashionable hairstyles for the trees. An elegant snow cap adorned the top of a pine tree. A clear birch has loosened its silver braids from the hoarfrost. Shines gently in the sun - pink thin birch bark. (61 words)

Words for reference: murmured, decorated.

grammar task

  1. Determine the gender and number of the adjective

1 option 2 option

Snowy meadow small Christmas trees.

  1. Find and underline the adjective in the sentence

Spruce stands like a silent knight. The blizzard made fashionable hairstyles for the trees.

Dictation #6

Winged alarm clock.

Arman had a feeder outside the window. At first, only sparrows began to fly there. From all directions they flocked to have breakfast. But then one day he noticed a titmouse among them. The new guest began to visit his dining room willingly. Once Arman's alarm clock went bad. The bird flew in for breakfast. Nobody opens the window. Nobody throws food. She jumped with sparrows on an empty table and began to knock on the glass with her beak. Armand woke up. From that time on, the titmouse got into the habit of knocking on him every morning.

grammar task

  1. Find and underline the particle not with verbs

1 option 2 option

  1. Determine the tense of the verb

I jump, drew Run, played

Dictation #7


The bright sun shines over the fields and forests. Darkened in the fields of the road. Ice turned blue on the rivers. The brooks gurgled in the valley. Resinous buds puffed out on the trees. Soft puffs appeared on the willows.

A timid hare ran out to the edge. An old moose cow with a calf came out into the clearing. The mother bear took her cubs for the first walk.

Grammar task:

1. Parse the proposal by the members of the proposal.

1 option

The brooks gurgled in the valley.

Option 2

Ice turned blue on the rivers.

  1. Choose adjectives that are opposite in meaning:

Narrow stream - Cowardly boy -

Tall Bush Diligent Student

Dictation #7

A trip to the village.

In the summer we decided to go to my grandmother in the village. What a hassle before leaving! Here we are on the train. How interesting to look out the window! Departure soon. The train stopped. I see my grandmother. A joyful smile on her face. She waves to us. Now we are being driven by the horse Orlik. There are wide fields on the sides of the road. Grandmother explained to me how bread grows. By evening we entered the village.

grammar task

  1. Underline the main and secondary parts of the sentence

1 option 2 option

In the summer we decided to go to my grandmother in the village. There are wide fields on the sides of the road.

  1. Make a phonetic analysis

Pit Spruce

Dictation No. 8

On fishing.

The road went through the rye to the river. Golden ears rustled in the wind. We went fishing. A field mouse ran under my feet. A cry was heard in the depths of the forest. This owl sang his song. Here is the river. Quiet all around. The fishing has begun. Soon a ruff caught the bait. Then we pulled out a pike and a bream. The night was coming. We made a hut. In the morning the sun illuminated the surroundings. We continued fishing.

Grammar task:

1Disassemble by members of the proposal

1 option 2 option

2 Disassemble the composition of the word:

Light up, morning, birches; hung out, cheerful, place

Dictation No. 9

On the way to the forest.

Nariman went to the forest. He walked along the road and hummed a cheerful song. Suddenly, Nariman heard a creak. He jumped away frightened. From the cab of the truck, the driver was looking at him angrily. He shook his finger at Nariman and pointed to the left. Then Nariman remembered the rules of the road that he had learned at school. He moved to the left side of the road. Now the cars were moving towards him. This is how they walk on country roads when there are no sidewalks.

Grammar task:

  1. Parse by sentence members

1 option 2 option

First offer Second offer

  1. Make a phonetic analysis

Car Pedestrian

Dictation No. 10


How nice to wander through the spring birch grove! How nice to admire the wonderful nature! We are walking a narrow path. The earth around dried up, the young grass turned green, the first flowers opened. A light breeze blew. In the warm air, the sonorous voices of songbirds are heard. A strict woodpecker beats a tree trunk with a strong beak. Here the sparrow sang his joyful song. The sun is shining in a clear sky, clouds are floating in small feathers. A beautiful world has awakened to a new bloom. We returned home with good feelings.

Grammar task:

  1. Find in the text and write out a sentence with homogeneous members of the sentence.
  2. Designate homogeneous members of the sentence.

Abai Kunanbaev.

In the very center of Uralsk on Dostyk Avenue, there is a square named after Abay. Its main decoration is the monument to the great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbayev. Love for poetry, folk tales and songs was brought up in him by his mother Ulzhan and kind, wise grandmother Zere.

In the long winter evenings, by the hearth, they told the boy stories, legends, tales. Abai's work is known all over the world.

Grammar task:

  1. Write out proper names from the text.
  2. Analysis of the composition of words: told, winter.


Tengiz in Kazakh means sea. This huge bitter-salty lake is spread among the uneven steppe. There are many large and small islands here. Pink flamingos live on the islands.

These birds have chosen a good place to live! Flamingos are listed in the Red Book. The fate of beautiful birds is in our hands!

Grammar task:

1. Pick up cognate words for the word sea.

2 Underline the main members of the sentence

Flamingos are listed in the Red Book.

Ural river.

Ural is a calm river. Traveling on it is interesting and not dangerous. It has no thresholds. Throughout the entire length from Uralsk to the Caspian Sea you will not encounter obstacles. Ural is always free for travelers. Groups and families can go hiking in the Urals

Grammar task:

1. Underline the names of rivers and seas.

2. Phonetic analysis of the word hike

Visual dictations

Set No. 1
1. Beautiful nature of the Urals.
2. Kazakhstan is our great motherland.
3. Factories pollute the air.
4. Gray clouds float far away.
5. There is a big birch by the window.
6. Flickers, the first snow curls.
Set No. 2
1. There are many monuments in Uralsk.
2. The sun shines brightly and warms.
3. Danat went skiing down the hill.
4. Nauryz - the beginning of the year in nature.
5. My sister works at a factory.
6. There are books and albums on the table.
Set No. 3
1. By the winter, the Kazakhs made stocks of meat.
2. The guys go sledding down the hill.
3. Reeds grow on the shore of the lake.
4. Grow quickly at a construction site at home.
5. Koumiss was prepared from mare's milk

6 Livestock breeding is developed in Kazakhstan.

Set No. 4
1. Radion and Bolat made a snowman.
2. Children of all countries want to live in peace.
3. Camel milk is healthy.
4. An old spruce fell from a strong storm.
5. A white hare ran out to the edge of the forest.

Control write-off


The storm was coming. In the evening the sun hid among the crimson clouds. At midnight, like hordes of terrible monsters, they crawled to the east and covered the whole sky. A strong wind blew with all its might, climbing into the very wilderness of the old garden, breaking the young branches of pear and apple trees. The trees moaned plaintively, as if calling for help. A bright lightning flashed in the black sky, a deafening thunder rolled.

Grammar task:

Highlight the endings of the adjectives.


The blue sky smiled broadly. The joyful sun fluttered everywhere. The earth breathed the fresh scent of wormwood and mint. It's wonderful to run on wet grass on such a gentle day. We wander along the banks of the Chagan River and rejoice in everything. And around it drips from the trees, the gentle sun plays. Birds are singing.

Grammar task:

Underline the main and secondary members of the sentence.

In the woods

The rain came down suddenly. Lightning, like a knife .., cut through the darkness. Lightning lightning gave me the opportunity to survey the surroundings. A key gurgled in front of me ... a stream ran out of it. Around the black forest wilderness .... There was a terrible roll of thunder. Trembling .. ran through the trees. At the edge of the building was poorly visible. I came closer and saw a hut…. There I found shelter for the night ... .

Grammar task:

Soft sign in feminine nouns.

Grandpa's house.

The house was full of wonderful items. On the st..nah in..there were ancient paintings in those..yellow frames. Low cabinets on lion's paws lit up with ..loty bindings of books with beautiful illustrations. On the crystal shelves were porcelain cups, transparent as eggshells. From the sofas see .. trills with sad eyes pr .. flattering dolls., chairs, sofas in these sky...large rooms were...of the bottom style.

Grammar task:

Unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

True tracks.

We walked r ... bata through the forest in a straight road. Tr ... kicks covered with snow. The children visited ... by the stars ... rinimsl ... ladies and got lost. The r... boy was frightened in the forest. They started screaming and calling for help. M ... speaks the winter forest. Suddenly Sabit saw familiar footprints. Here I ran from ... a tank. Footprints with ... tanks will always lead a person to housing. That's how the grandfather taught the boy. R ... the little brothers followed the trail ... of the ladies and went out to the l ... snaya st ... horn.

grammar task.

Insert the missing letters in the words, pick up the test words.

Letter from memory

Topic 1. Repetition

1. It’s not scary for the native land and into battle.

2. Whoever fights for the Motherland is given double strength.

3. Small business is better than big idleness.

4. Three apples from the garden
The hedgehog brought
The most ruddy
Gave Belka.

Topic 2. Noun

1. There is a glass pond on the window,

The fish live in it.

On transparent shores

There are no fishermen (Aquarium)

2. With you, I am frank as sons,
You fed me for kindness.
You gave me wings to inspire
And you showed the way to the heights.
Your greatness is not in the breadth of the steppes.
You are close to me with a different beauty.
Like an image of a mother
We are dear and accustomed,
So dear and familiar is your image,
My land!
In a green flying dress
You catch the sun of the next day.
Dear, what a happiness
that you always
With me and for me! S.Seifullin

Topic 4. Verb
1.We don't look at the weather

And we do not sit idle.

We go hiking with songs

Or we make something. G. Ladonshchikov

2. Be the nightingale that sings
In the groves of their land,
Wind carrying moisture
For golden steppes.
Be a tempered saber
Sheathed, glorious
The one in the time of disaster
It will become more necessary. M.Makataev

Topic 5. Adjective

  1. My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you run off to?

yellow, red, blue,

Don't chase after you. S. Marshak

3. Free, majestic and primeval,

Like a star among lands and countries,
Kui of happiness you play loudly,
My dear, radiant Kazakhstan! D. Bersugurova

4th grade

Requirements for the level of preparation of students in grade 4

Students should be able to:

  1. Distinguish direct and figurative meaning of nouns, verbs, adjectives, use them in speech; reveal the lexical meaning of a word with the help of techniques: interpretation of the meaning, selection of synonyms;
  2. Use explanatory dictionaries;
  3. Determine the type of declension of nouns, decline and write the case endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension (except for nouns in -iya, -iya, -iyi -mya); distinguish cases: accusative and nominative, accusative and genitive, accusative and prepositional; correctly write unstressed case endings of nouns; use indeclinable nouns correctly in speech;
  4. decline adjectives in singular and plural; to establish the connection of an adjective with a noun in gender, number and case; use adjective + noun correctly in speech;
  5. Decline personal pronouns; write pronouns with prepositions correctly; use pronouns correctly in connected speech;
  6. Change verbs according to persons and numbers; determine 1 and 2 conjugation of the verb; correctly write the personal endings of the verb 2 person singular;
  7. Distinguish between the indefinite form and the forms of the verb of the 3rd person, singular and plural, write correctly - THAT and - TSYA;
  8. Distinguish between questions of perfect and imperfective verbs;
  9. Change verbs by tenses; change past tense verbs by gender; correctly write and use verb tenses in connected speech;
  10. Write a particle NOT with verbs;
  11. Distinguish numerals by meaning and questions, correctly write numerals from 1 to 30;
  12. produce an elementary one with a graphic designation of the main and secondary members of the sentence (definition, addition, circumstance); characterize the sentence according to a set of features: structure (simple), emotional coloring (exclamatory / non-exclamatory), purpose of the statement (narrative, incentive, interrogative), grammatical basis ( subject and predicate), the presence or absence of secondary members of the sentence (common / non-common);
  13. Find signs of text; determine the main structural parts of the text (beginning, main part, ending), restore the order of its parts;
  14. Distinguish types of texts: description, narration, reasoning, analyze the content of the text, compose texts of different types of speech;
  15. Correctly copy and write texts from dictation (75-80 words) with studied spelling;

Dictation #1


I went to work through a rye field. The field is getting better every day. Yellow mustachioed ears poured. From the warm light breeze they swayed to the beat. It seemed to me that dense cast waves were moving across the field. Two birches grew at the very edge of the field. They seemed to have run away from the forest edge and basked in the sun. The trail ran alongside. The birch sisters greeted me in a whisper in the early morning and saw me off in the evening.

Grammar task:

1. Break it down into sentences.

I went to work through a rye field.

Yellow mustachioed ears poured.

2 Write test words:

T .. yellow - ..., Wed .. zayut - ... .

Take…ki-…. Le..someone……

K..moose-… Prob..gala-…..

Dictation #2

Autumn time.

The hot summer has passed. The golden autumn has arrived. Look into the forest. Mushrooms grow along the edges. Aspen mushrooms blush among the withered grass. Along the edge of the spruce forest you can find slippery milk mushrooms, fragrant mushrooms. Old stumps are covered with honey agarics. Mossy swamps are strewn with ruddy cranberries. Clusters of mountain ash are burning in the clearing. The days are fine. The sky is high and transparent. At the bottom of the stream, every blade of grass is visible. The bird voices are silent.

Peace and quiet in the forest. Good in the forest!

Grammar task:

1. Parsing a sentence

Aspen mushrooms blush among the withered grass

Clusters of mountain ash are burning in the meadow

2 Phonetic analysis of the word

Bunches Elnik

Dictation #3

Rare guest.

The guys lived in a village near the forest. On the edge of the forest, under the tree, they set up a bird's canteen. Spruce branches protected the feeder from a blizzard. Children have prepared food for birds since autumn. Anvar and Arsen walked along a narrow path to visit friends. Fox, hare, bird tracks are visible on the snow tablecloth. From the thicket a flock of goldfinches flew to the feeder. Suddenly, a squirrel appeared on top of the tree. The animal looked around and jumped onto the birdhouse. A rare guest deftly began to eat berries from a rowan brush.

Grammar task:

1. Parsing a sentence

The guys lived in a village near the forest

Spruce branches protected the feeder from a blizzard.

2 Determine the case and declension of nouns

Under the tree From the forest

From the brush From the blizzard

Dictation #4

In the morning.

I left the tent early in the morning. There are heavy snow caps on the trees. Trees stand straight. Strong spruce paws hold the snow. The winter sun shone brightly on the veil of snow. Snow that had fallen at night covered a wide pasture. I took a few steps. I saw deer tracks in the snow. The animals approached the tent at night. The trace of the hare stretched out in a long loop. The first snow revealed the secrets of the nocturnal life of the animals. We descended into the valley. On a bright background of snow we saw a bear. He noticed us and quickly sped away.

grammar task

1 option 2 option

1. Determine the gender, number and case of the adjective

Early morning snow caps

2. Parsing a sentence

I left the tent early in the morning. There are heavy snow caps on the trees.

Dictation #5

Brave penguin.

There was a little penguin on the rock. He has just grown three fluffs on his head and a short tail. He watched adult penguins bathe. The penguin stood for a long time. He is afraid to jump into the sea. Finally, the little penguin made up his mind and went to the edge of a high cliff. The wind blew him away. The penguin closed his eyes and rushed down. Then he surfaced, whirled in place and quickly climbed onto the stones. He looked proudly at his friends. His mother was happy for her son. It was a brave penguin. He was the first to swim in the cold sea.

Grammar task:

1) Find and underline the pronouns in the text.

2) Decline the pronoun YOU

Dictation #6

On the ice.

In winter, the Ural River froze over. The boys ran to the river. The little boy jumped out onto the ice. He was not afraid to ride on the ice. Other children followed the daredevil. Here they are in the middle of the river. There was a crack. Water came out. The children rushed to the shore like sparrows. The daredevils found themselves up to their necks in the water. They were screaming and calling for help. Men and women ran to the shore. The guys clung to the thin ice with their hands. He began to break and crumble. A worker with a long board crawled towards the guys. He saved them. The children decided not to go to the river anymore.

Grammar task:

1) Continue the chain

1 option 2 option

(Verbs to be) (Verbs to be)

Swimming, playing….. Spinning, spinning….

2) Write the verbs in the indefinite form

crumble break

Dictation #7

Here it is - spring!

March skies are blue and clear. Such a sky only happens in spring. The sun shines and warms. Through the glass you feel the spring warmth. Melts on the sunny side. A long icicle hangs on the roof. Droplets fall from its end. Sparrows chirp and look smart. A crow flew up on a branch of a birch. She cranes her neck and screams hoarsely. A young jackdaw is looking for a place to nest. On the far hedge, magpies turn their heads, shake their tails and crackle. Here you hear the gentle song of oatmeal. Her song sounds like a little bell.

Grammar task:

1. Determine the conjugation, the person of the verbs.

1 option 2 option

Do you feel, do you hear

2. Determine the tense of the verbs

Shining Warm

Carrion Cries

Dictation #8

squirrel worries

Cheerful squirrels frolic in the sun near an old pine tree. They rejoice in the bright spring. Squirrels changed their fluffy coats by spring. Their backs and tails turned red. Squirrels lived in the high forest for a long winter. On rainy days they basked in deep hollows of trees. In good weather, they rushed through the forest. On the trees they gnawed resinous cones.

Squirrels will have many worries in the summer. You need to feed the squirrels. For the winter, squirrels need to stock up on nuts and mushrooms. Peaceful squirrels in the forest do no harm to anyone. They chase each other through the trees.

A flock of squirrels is playing merrily near an old pine tree.

grammar task

  1. Disassemble the third sentence by the members of the sentence and mark the parts of speech.

Squirrels changed their fluffy coats for spring

On the trees they gnawed resinous cones.

  1. Sort by composition

Resinous Coats.

Dictation #9


During the war years, I looked to the east with longing and waited in the wings. That's when I really learned the price of the Motherland! And overhead, shoal after shoal, geese fly. Calling to each other, cranes swim, swans pull. And all to the east, to where my dear Motherland lies. I look at them, wave my hand after them, send greetings to the Motherland. When in autumn the birds flew back to the south, in their voices I heard, as it were, a response from my native land. So for three years, I kept in touch with the house through these migratory birds.

Grammar task:

1. Parsing a sentence

Sticky leaves bloom on the trees in spring .

A nightingale sang in the spring garden.

  1. Phonetic parsing

Apple Anchor

Dictation #10

Know how to swim

On a hot summer day, there is often a desire to swim, swim in clean, cool water. Water is one of those elements that have long been known to man. Despite this, people continue to drown in the rivers. Swim, but remember some rules of behavior on the water. The first bathing should be started in windless sunny weather, when the water has warmed up enough. You can swim in the morning and in the evening and only in safe, specially designated places. You can not swim alone, because in case of trouble no one can help you. To avoid misfortune, know and follow these simple rules. Be careful on the water!

Grammar task:

1. Define homogeneous parts of the sentence.

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of goodness, truth, happiness.

Suddenly a thin, hissing, intermittent sound resounded in the air.

2 Determine the gender, number, case of a noun

In cool water. Simple rules.

City `s history.

The famous fabulist Ivan Krylov lived and was brought up in Uralsk. His father served as a captain in the fortress, which was besieged by Pugachev's army.

The names of Zhukovsky and Dal are connected with the history of our city. Uralsk is the only city in Kazakhstan visited by the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Here he began to write the history of the Pugachev rebellion, collected materials for The Captain's Daughter.

Grammar task:

1. Underline the pronouns in the text.

  1. Specify the person, number and case of the pronouns he .

West-Kazakhstan region.

The West-Kazakhstan region is unique in its geographical position. It borders on five regions of Russia at once. The length of the state border in our region is 1532 kilometers. This is the border of friendship and good neighborliness.

Grammar task:

1. Find numerals in the text, indicate whether they are simple or complex, ordinal or quantitative.

2. Write down the numbers in words: 60 years, 12 months, 500 km.

Storerooms of the Urals.

Underground pantries of the Urals contain large reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials - oil, gas. The Karachaganak field, unique in terms of its reserves, is known all over the world. This is where most of the natural gas is produced.

In addition to oil and gas, the bowels of the region are rich in deposits of sand, clay, gypsum, chalk, various ores and water.

Grammar task:

1 .Determine the gender, number and case of homogeneous members in the last sentence .

Visual dictations


1. There are many good cities in the republic.
2. Borovoye is a bright pearl of Kazakhstan.
3. A large gray cloud floats over the field.
4. Almat saw white snow outside the window.
5. Baurzhan ata grazes the collective farm herd.
6. The red fox hid in a deep hole.
Set No. 2
1. Yurt is a portable dwelling of the Kazakhs.

  1. A sweet berry blushes in the thick grass.
  2. Oil and gas are being produced in Aktau and Atyrau.
  3. Kazakhs are hospitable and hospitable people.
  4. Grandfather and grandson Nurbulat go up the hill.
  5. The girl Dilnaz has a fluffy puppy.
    Set No. 3
  6. Titmouse settled down for the night under a bush.
  7. Kids love looking at smart animals.
  8. Each nation has its own customs and traditions.
  9. In the evenings, all kids love to listen to fairy tales.
    5. Flag, coat of arms, anthem - the symbols of our country.
  10. Busy ants ran along the paths.
    Set No. 4
  11. Chapan - outerwear made of durable fabric.
  12. Ruddy cones hang on the very top of the pine tree.
  13. Chekmen - knitted clothes made of camel wool.
  14. The poodle Artemon was running around on the grass around the house.
  15. In summer, each bush lets animals spend the night.
  16. Kamzol - women's national clothing made of velvet.

Set No. 5
1. The Great Silk Road passed through the land of Kazakhstan.
2. He transported Chinese silk along the Great Silk Road.

  1. The anthem is performed on public holidays.
  2. The village is located on a high hill.
  3. Kazakhstan is an independent and proud state.
    6. The emblem of Kazakhstan depicts a snow leopard.

Control write-off

Resourceful birds.

Who has not seen the first dream ..? A beautiful sight! Finally, a soft fluffy snow fell on the black earth .... Every tree and every bush put on snowy, white hats.

In the evening, from high b. They tried .. took a few steps under the snow, crushed the m .. stack around them. Out .. dila cozy snowy bedroom. From above, the beast will not see it, but inside it will be so .. flat and cozy.

Grammar task:

Write out two words with unstressed vowels in the root and two words with voiceless consonants in the root.

Late fall

It's October outside. Potatoes have already been removed from the fields. Cabbage is cut in gardens. Heavy light heads of cabbage lie in baskets. Sweet turnip and red carrots are scattered between the beds.

At the edge of the forest, rowan blossoms red. Her curly tree is strewn with berries, like bright beads. Ripe berries of viburnum redden along the edges. The autumn wind blows stronger. The windows sweat in the rooms .

Grammar task:

Disassemble the fourth sentence by members of the sentence.

Underline vocabulary words.


D..October. Strong m ... roses Around l .. lives a silver dream ... On the tree ... trees push ... thick snow ... From the bere .. and aspen leaves have long fallen. Leaves turn yellow only on oak trees. Hush… on. Suddenly I heard a .. village song. I looked back. On b..regu r ... ki with ... the affairs of birds (?) ka. I stepped towards her. The bird(?)ka rushed into the water and disappeared. I decided that she drowned..nula. Who is it b.. lives on the bottom of the river? This is a dipper, or in ... a diana in ... shy.

Grammar task:

Disassemble the third and tenth sentences by members.

Disassemble the composition of the word: aspen, transition.

The bright stars still sparkled sharply and coldly, but the sky in the east was already beginning to brighten. Mighty trees stepped out of the darkness little by little. Suddenly, a strong, fresh wind passed over their peaks. The dense forest immediately came to life, rustled loudly and loudly. The cold wind died down suddenly, as it had flown. The huge trees were frozen in a cold stupor again. The forest stands frozen and hushed. The trees were preparing to sleep in their usual order. Deciduous trees took off their autumn clothes before going to bed. The conifers fell asleep dressed.

Grammar task:

  1. Sort out the underlined words.

Disassemble the second sentence by members and by parts of speech.

Letter from memory

Topic 1. Repetition

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.


Let me breathe in the air of my native land,
I will renew and purify my soul.
I do not hide my face from the frost of the steppe -
I recognize his unrelenting fight.
Let him bite and pinch, peeling his face,
Giving way to your habits.
Naughty fun of the native land
Can't the returned son endure?
Play, blizzard! Throw me out of the saddle
Seat me with a swing in a snowdrift, lodenya.
Deafen with a howl, and a whistle, and a boom.
Cool down, enlighten me fidget.
Santa Claus, elder, raise your stick,
Teach me a lesson, grandfather Ayaz - ata!
I put myself under the blows - it's not a pity.
If I'm scared, I'll run away - I'm not good for anywhere,
Forget, my storm! I accept everything native
Everything that is familiar from childhood and sweet to tears,
I love my land in any weather -
Under the icy crust, and in a blizzard, and in frost! M.Makataev

Topic 3. Noun

Who if not you?

Poor deer

You can't catch a cold

After all, for deer

There is no hospital.

Who will treat the sick

If in the steppe

There are no doctors?

The leaf sways patterned,
In a blue puddle on the water.
Black rooks walk with rooks,
In the garden, in the ridge.

Showered, turned yellow
The sun's rays are rare.
Fly away, fly away
The rooks have also flown away. E.Blaginina

Topic 4. Verb

White birch

under my window

covered with snow,

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

snow border

Brushes blossomed

White fringe. S. Yesenin

It's freezing cold outside,

And my house is warm.

Clouds hung over the village

And swirled, froze

Snow-covered house, my window

And the convoy leaving for the steppe.

Topic 5. Adjective


In a white coat, broad-shouldered, all gray from the snow.

Blind and mute, with a big silver beard,

An enemy to everything that lives, with a darkened brow,

He, creaky, walks in the steppes, snowy.

Old matchmaker, white grandfather did a lot of trouble.

From his breath - cold, snow and snowstorm.

Pulling a cloud over his eyebrows with a hat,

He walks, groaning, decorated, ruddy.

Eyebrows hung menacingly - a frown;

He shakes his head - boring snow will fall.

He's angry like a mad old camel

And then the six-fold yurt trembles. Abai Kunanbaev

If they say the word "homeland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river there is a shy birch

And chamomile hillock ...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard. Z. Alexandrova

1. Preface…………………………………………………………… 2

2. Requirements for the level of preparation of students in grade 1…………………3

  1. Test dictations for grade 1……………………………… 5

Requirements for the level of preparation of students in grade 2………………..8

Test dictations for grade 2……………………………….. .9

Requirements for the level of preparation of students in grade 3……………… 19

Test dictations for grade 3……………………………….20

Requirements for the level of preparation of students in grade 4…………… ..30

Test dictations for grade 4……………………… …. . . 31

10. Used literature ………………………………………………….. 44


  1. Instructive - methodical letter for the 2015-2016 academic year
  2. Curriculum in the educational field "Language and Literature"

level of primary education (grades 1-4)

  1. "From Uralsk to the Caspian" K.Telyatov, F.Ignatov.
  2. "Tourist trails of the Urals" V. Fomin.
  3. Excerpts from the works of M. Sundetov, M. Alimbaev, Y. Altynsarin. G. Skrebitsky.




Hello pine forest!

Soon the path led to the right, on a rather steep hillock. We walked along it, and in half an hour a seasoned pine forest surrounded us.

And there were pine trees in bloom. As soon as we struck a pine branch with a stick, a thick yellow cloud immediately surrounded us. Golden pollen slowly settled in the calm.

Just yesterday, just this morning, forced to live within four walls no more than five meters apart from each other, we suddenly got tipsy from all this: from pine forest flowers, from the sun smelling of resin and pine needles, from luxurious possessions, suddenly for nothing nothing that we got. I was still held back by a backpack, and Rose either ran forward and shouted from there that lilies of the valley were caught, then went deeper into the forest and returned frightened by the “huge bird” that fluttered out from under her very feet.

Meanwhile ahead, through the trees, the water sparkled, and soon the path led to a large lake. This lake was, one might say, without shores. There was a dense juicy grass of a forest glade, and suddenly water began to flow at the level of the same grass. So it was thought that grass also continues under water and that it was flooded recently and not for long. But through the yellowish water, a dense sandy bottom was visible, which went deeper and deeper, and the more it went deeper, the lake water became blacker and blacker.

1 option

There was a dense juicy grass of a forest glade, and suddenly water began to flow at the level of the same grass.

3. Find participial phrases in the text and underline them as members of the sentence.

Option 2

1. Perform a syntactic analysis of sentences.

As soon as we struck a pine branch with a stick, a thick yellow cloud immediately surrounded us.

2. Write out words with a spelling: an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, checked by stress.

3. Find homogeneous members in the text and underline them as members of the sentence

Control dictation in grade 10 No. 1



Writing s-s at the end of prefixes;

Writing derivative prepositions;

The distinction is not and neither;

Commas with qualifying members of the sentence.

Phonetic analysis and composition analysis;


A strong wind rustled in the tops of the islands, and along with the noise of the trees came the restless quacking of chilled ducks. Already for two hours the raft had been carried along the rapids, and neither the coast nor the sky could be seen. Turning up the collar of her leather jacket, Anya sat on the boxes and, shrinking from the cold, looked into the darkness, where the lights of the city had long disappeared.

Only the day before yesterday, after boarding an internal plane from a train, she arrived in this Siberian town, an old, merchant town, with modern loudspeakers on the streets strewn with yellowed needles, and, having received an appointment one day, not finding the courage to ask about a new place , was now swimming in a geological party with complete strangers. She was restless, as she had been during the one and a half hour flight on the shaking plane, and the feeling of a strange dream that was about to break off did not go away. However, everything was real: the yellow sparks of lanterns melted in the impenetrable darkness, she sat on the boxes, and from the gusts of wind at the end of the raft, the flame of someone's pipe flared up; the oar creaked evenly; a black spot showed a human figure. (160 words) (According to Y. Bondarev)

Grammar tasks

(on the)boxes - 1st optionneedles - 2nd option

Restless, chilled, shrunk b - 1st option

vintage, modern, break off - 2nd option

3. Write out two phrases for all types of subordination and parse them:

From the first paragraph - 1st option From the second paragraph - 2nd option

Turning up the collar of her leather jacket, Anya sat on the boxes and, shrinking from the cold, looked into the darkness, where the lights of the city had long disappeared. . - 1st option

Already for two hours the raft had been carried along the rapids, and neither the coast nor the sky could be seen. - 2nd option

Control dictation in grade 10 No. 2

Target : to check the general level of formation of spelling and punctuation literacy of students for the course of the basic school in accordance with the requirements of the state standard.

Content control dictation is aimed at identifying the level of development of skills, the choice of conditions for writing:

Checked unstressed vowels;

Unchecked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of the endings of nouns;

Writing unpronounceable consonants:

Separating b and b;

N-nn in suffixes of adjectives and participles;

Not with adjectives, adverbs and verbs;

The distinction is not and neither;

Punctuation marks:

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Comma in a complex sentence;

Commas when separating definitions, circumstances;

Grammatical tasks are aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills:

Syntactic parsing of the sentence;

The way words are formed;

Determine the way words are connected in phrases;

Group spellings.


Alyonka put her clothes by the birch and entered the water, feeling the sandy bottom with her feet. When the water reached her waist, she sat down and, splashing her feet, swam to the opposite shore; in the middle, a weak current was felt, and Alyonka, turning over on her back, lay for a long time, looking at the boundless sky, which was already filling with the sun.

Alyonka swam for a long time, plunging her face into the water and looking at the bottom and the fish scurrying through the algae. There was a world under water. In the middle of the river, where there was already a thick strip of sun and it was light under the water, a quiet current was noticed by the barely moving tops of the water grasses, and when it approached the shaded shore, the light changed under the water, and there seemed to be deep gaps filled with darkness. and secrets. The shadow from Alyonka's body touched the dark crayfish moving its whiskers, and it immediately disappeared somewhere.

Having waited for the water to calm down, she again looked closely and saw: among the scattered bush of algae, small fish scurried about, unexpectedly rushing in all directions, but, however, not leaving the limits of the spacious bush. Trying not to move, she followed the rhythmic dance of the fish, who did not want to move away from their bush.

(166 words) (According to P. Proskurin)

Grammar tasks

1. Group words according to the type of spelling:

In the 1st and 2nd paragraphs; in the 3rd and 4th paragraphs - 2nd option

2. Make a morphological analysis of the word:

wiggling - 1st optionfilled - 2nd option

Sandy, filled, scattered - 1st option

boundless, approaching, algae - 2nd option

Trying not to move, she followed the rhythmic dance of the fish, who did not want to move away from their bush. . - 1st option

Alyonka swam for a long time, plunging her face into the water and looking at the bottom and the fish scurrying through the algae. - 2nd option

5. Spelling analysis of the text.

Control dictation in grade 10 No. 3

Target: to test the knowledge, skills and abilities of students at the beginning of the school year.

Content control dictation is aimed at identifying the level of development of skills, the choice of conditions for writing:

Checked unstressed vowels;

Unchecked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of the endings of nouns;

Spelling b in the middle and at the end of nouns;

Spelling of proper nouns;

N-nn in adjectives;

Spelling of verb endings.

Punctuation marks:

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Punctuation marks in a complex polynomial sentence;

Punctuation marks in SBP.

Grammatical tasks are aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills:

Produce syntactic analysis of the sentence;

Determine the type of subordination in phrases;

Perform phonetic and morphological analysis.

Old musician.

The old violinist loved to play at the foot of the monument to Pushkin, which stands at the beginning of Tverskoy Boulevard. Climbing up the steps to the pedestal itself, the musician touched the strings on the violin with a bow. Children and passers-by immediately gathered at the monument, and they all fell silent in anticipation of the music, because it consoles people, promises them happiness and a glorious life. The musician laid the violin case on the ground; it was closed, and there was a piece of black bread and an apple in it, so that you could eat whenever you wanted.

Usually the old man went out to play in the evening: for his music it was necessary that the world become quieter. The old man suffered from the thought that he did not bring people any good, and therefore he voluntarily went to play on the boulevard. The sounds of the violin resounded in the air and reached the depths of human hearts, touching them with gentle and courageous power. Some listeners took out money to give it to the old man, but did not know where to put it: the violin case was closed, and the musician himself was high at the foot of the monument, almost next to Pushkin.( 162 words)

Grammar tasks.

1. Perform phonetic analysis of words:

IOption:happiness IIoption:Apple

2. Morphological analysis of words:

Ioptionmonument IIoption:of good

3. Write out from the text of the dictation one phrase for all types of subordination and analyze the phrases:

1st option: 1st paragraph 2nd option: 2nd paragraph

4. Syntactic analysis of the sentence:

Ioption:The old violinist loved to play at the foot of the monument to Pushkin, which stands at the beginning of Tverskoy Boulevard.

IIoption:The old man suffered from the thought that he did not bring people any good.

5. Draw a proposal scheme

1st option: 1st paragraph, last sentence 2nd option: 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence

6. Spelling analysis of the text.

Control dictation in grade 10 No. 4


Content control dictation is aimed at identifying the level of development of skills, the choice of conditions for writing:

Checked unstressed vowels;

Unchecked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of the endings of nouns;

Writing unpronounceable consonants:

Separating b and b;

The letters O-Yo after hissing words at the root;

N-nn in suffixes of adjectives and participles;

Not with adjectives, adverbs and verbs;

The distinction is not and neither;

Punctuation marks:

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Comma in a complex sentence;

Commas for comparative turns.

Grammatical tasks are aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills:

Syntactic parsing of the sentence;

Phonetic analysis of the word;

Morphological analysis of the sacrament;

Group spellings.


Our village is located in the foothills of the plateau, where noisy mountain rivers run from the gorges. Below is a yellow valley, a huge Kazakh steppe, bordered by spurs of black mountains and a dash of a railway.

And above the village, on a hillock, there are two large poplars. I remember them as long as I can remember myself. From whichever direction you drive up, you will first of all see them, they are always in sight, like lighthouses.

There are all sorts of trees here, but these are special - they have their own special language and, probably, their own special, melodious soul. Whenever you come here, they sway, overlapping branches, making noise incessantly. Now it seems as if a quiet wave of the tide is splashing on the sand, then it will run through the branches, like an invisible light, a passionate, hot whisper, then suddenly. Having calmed down for a moment, the poplars at once, with all the agitated foliage, will sigh noisily, as if longing for something. And when a thundercloud comes up and the storm, breaking the branches, cuts off the foliage, the poplars buzz like a raging flame.

To this day, poplars on a hillock seem to me unusual, alive. There, beside them, my childhood remained, like a piece of magic glass. (165 words) (According to Ch. Aitmatov)

Grammar tasks

1.Group spellings and pick up examples from the text for them.

From the first and second paragraph - 1st option from the third paragraph - 2nd option

You will drive up - 1st optionfoothills - 2nd option

3. Make a morphological analysis of the word:

fringed - 1st option agitated - 2nd option

4. Make a parse of the sentence:

Our village is located in the foothills of the plateau, where noisy mountain rivers run from the gorges. - 1st option

When you come here, they sway, overlapping branches, making noise incessantly .

2nd option

5. Spelling analysis of the text.

Control dictation in grade 10 No. 5

Target : to check the general level of formation of spelling and punctuation literacy of students at the end of the 1st half of the year in accordance with the requirements of the state standard.

Content control dictation is aimed at identifying the level of development of skills, the choice of conditions for writing:

Checked unstressed vowels;

Unchecked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of the endings of nouns;

Writing unpronounceable consonants:

Separating b and b;

The letters O-Yo after hissing words at the root;

N-nn in suffixes of adjectives and participles;

Not with adjectives, adverbs and verbs;

Spelling of derived prepositions;

Hyphenated spelling of adverbs.

Punctuation marks:

Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence;

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Comma in a complex sentence;

Commas when separating definitions, circumstances;

Commas with clarifying members of the sentence;

Grammatical tasks are aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills:

Syntactic parsing of the sentence;

Parsing words by composition;

Determine the way words are connected in phrases;

Graphically explain punctuation marks in a sentence.


In the morning I, having slept, full of fresh strength, went to the watch. How good it is when the smell of iodine spreads in the air and the ocean spreads around like green silk.

There was, however, an admixture of some strange smell in the fresh air, and I could not understand what it smelled like. Looking around the horizon, I noticed a dark stripe in the distance, sort of like from a cloud that had come up. The sky was still shining blue, and yet there, on the brilliant surface of the sea, something darkened. Are we approaching another depth, or is a storm approaching?Lost in conjectures, I suddenly see: dolphins are rushing towards us . In a clear formation, now emerging, then disappearing, they flashed along the port side, and it seemed to me that they were running, as if fleeing from something.

The navigator, who had been looking through binoculars for a long time, finally guessed: oil! It is clear what smell was mixed with the freshness of the ocean. We encountered oil streaks more than once while sailing, but this was the first time I saw this: there was a continuous oil field ahead. First, rainbow stains appeared - orange, blue-violet, then some kind of silvery spots, which became more and more. Soon we saw: it was a dead fish swimming upside down. (167 words) (According to A. Sobolev)

Grammar tasks

1. Explain graphically the punctuation marks in the highlighted sentence.

2. Write out two phrases from the text for all types of subordination and parse them:

In the first and second paragraph - 1st option in the third paragraph - 2nd option

3. Parse words by composition:

Sleepy, spreading out, getting lost - 1st option

blue, looking around, floating - 2nd option

4. Looking around the horizon, I noticed a dark stripe in the distance, sort of like from a cloud that had come up. – 1st optionIn the morning I, having slept, full of fresh strength, went to watch . - 2nd option

5. Spelling analysis of the text.

Control dictation in grade 10 No. 6

Target : to check the general level of formation of spelling and punctuation literacy of students at the end of the 1st half of the year in accordance with the requirements of the state standard.

Content control dictation is aimed at identifying the level of development of skills, the choice of conditions for writing:

Checked unstressed vowels;

Unchecked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of the endings of nouns;

Writing unpronounceable consonants:

Separating b and b;

The letters O-Yo after hissing words at the root;

N-nn in suffixes of adjectives and participles;

Not with adjectives, adverbs and verbs;

The distinction is not and neither;

Punctuation marks:

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Comma in a complex sentence;

Commas when separating definitions, application;

Commas with clarifying members of the sentence;

Grammatical tasks are aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills:

Explain the placement of punctuation marks;

Syntactic parsing of the sentence;

Analysis of the word by composition;

Determine the way words are connected in phrases;

Tropical downpour

February was over. The rain became less and less. But one night there was a special downpour with a tropical thunderstorm. During the day, the hot sky, greedy, became too heavy from the drunk moisture and now angrily returned it to the sea. From the mountainous peaks and steep coasts of Madagascar, squalls broke, fell noisily into the bay and, blowing up its surface, rushed around the squadron with a frenzied howl.Discharges of atmospheric electricity with thunderous blows were so frequent that they did not allow one to come to their senses, and one got the impression that heaps of stone cliffs and iron were taking place overhead. Fiery flashes continuously pierced the darkness, scattering through the clouds in serpentine ribbons, falling in an unfolding spiral, scattering garlands for a moment. Sometimes the black sky would split into many golden branched cracks that descended to the very horizon. The storm got drunk and performed its coven. And in this light and roaring turmoil, through the haze of rain and squall, the silhouettes of ships, gloomy and motionless, loomed indistinctly. (153 words) (According to A.S. Novikov-Priboy)

Grammar tasks

1. Make a phonetic analysis of the word:

Greedy - 1st optiongot drunk - 2nd option

2. Parse words by composition:Tropical, red-hot, heaps - 1st option

Rainy, rolling, daytime - 2nd option

3. Write out two phrases from the text for all types of subordination and analyze them.

4. Parse the sentence:

Fiery flashes continuously pierced the darkness, scattering through the clouds in serpentine ribbons, falling in an unfolding spiral, scattering garlands for a moment - 1st option

Sometimes the black sky split into many golden branched cracks, descending to the very horizon. . – 2nd option

5. Explain graphically the punctuation marks in the highlighted sentence.

Annual control dictation in grade 10 No. 7


Punctuation marks:

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Commas at introductory words;

Colon at the generalizing word.

Grammar tasks

Syntactic parsing of the sentence;

Phonetic analysis of the word;

Morphological analysis of the verb;

Parsing phrases.

Red slut.

In our area in the winter, no, no, yes, and you will meet a red cheat.

One early morning I was walking through the forest, admiring the patterned ligature of birch branches and suddenly met a fox. Frankly, I have never seen a redhead so close. How beautiful is her fiery fur coat! Among the crystal whiteness, it was as if a flame had been thrown onto the snow. She took a few steps, froze in place, then instantly disappeared into the thickets.

The silence is extraordinary. Nothing will move. Only frost reigns: it blushes the cheeks, pinches the ears. And I'm happy! Or because he met a redhead, or because for the first time in the winter the sun shines so brightly. Or maybe because a haystack had just been opened at the very edge of the forest. And fragrant, warm summer seemed to have escaped from it and scattered over the snow!

And the frost is getting stronger. The sun rose higher above the smoky bush from the hoarfrost, a haystack. And in its sparkling rays, small crystals of snowflakes shone on the bushes.

For a long time I stood in one place, and winter and summer were arguing more than ever in me.

Grammar tasks

1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

One early morning I was walking through the forest, admiring the patterned ligature of birch branches and suddenly met a fox . – 1st option

In its sparkling rays, small crystals of snowflakes shone on the bushes. - 2nd option

2. Phonetic analysis of the word:

Elm - 1st optionbrightly -2nd option

3. Morphological analysis of the word:

met - 1st optionshone - 2nd option

4. Write out from your sentence one phrase for all types of subordination and analyze them.

5. Spelling analysis of the text.

Annual control dictation in grade 10 No. 8

Target : to check the level of assimilation of the standard at the end of the year, the practical skills of students in mastering topics in the Russian language.

The content of the control dictation is aimed at identifying the quality of assimilation of educational material:

Spelling of checked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of unchecked unstressed vowels;

Writing words with alternation at the root;

Writing compound adjectives;

Spelling of the endings of adjectives and participles;

Spelling of the endings of verbs of the 1st and 2nd conjugation;

Spelling n-nn in adjectives and participles;

Writing -tsya - tsya in verbs;

Punctuation marks:

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Commas in complex sentences;

Commas at separation.

Grammar tasks aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills and abilities of students:

Syntactic parsing of the sentence;

Phonetic analysis of the word;

Morphological analysis;

Group spellings.

The road to the pass

The road wound along the slope of a rocky hollow and led the traveler in a wide semicircle, opening it from afar. Closer to the pass, the road climbed along the edge of a cliff, along a sheer wall. Here, having met, it was possible to miss each other, only holding on to each other. Opposite the road, on the other side of the hollow, on a sharp ridge grew, closely pressed against each other, as if from one root, three old aspens. Immediately behind the aspens, a puzzling descent began, covered with warts of red rocks, on which only a goat could hold on. And at the foot is a dark forest, it is easy to hide in it both on foot and on horseback.

These aspens on the slope, their matte silver trunks for a long time lovingly caressed Bakhtygul with rough, chilled hands, coming to the pass with dawn.

With anguish, without hope, he looked around the world in which he lived. The autumn sky was increasingly covered with a dirty gray haze. The distant gray peaks were covered with a turban of clouds. Gloomy shadows lay on the stone face of the mountains, and even at noon the ridges and peaks frowned, raised their furry eyebrows, as if they, too, were dissatisfied with something. Silence all around. In the light of the dawn, breaking through from under the blue clouds, the road against the aspens turned densely crimson, as if swelling, and seemed bloodied. Red spots flickered on the surrounding rocks. (183 words) (According to M. Auezov)

Grammar tasks

1. Group spellings and give examples from the text of the dictation.

2. Make a phonetic analysis of the word:

opening - 1st optionpass each other - 2nd option

3. Perform morphological analysis:

snuggling up - 1st optionswelling - 2nd option

4. Parse the sentence:

Immediately behind the aspens, a puzzling descent began, covered with warts of red rocks, on which only a goat could hold on. . - 1st option

Gloomy shadows lay on the stone face of the mountains, and even at noon the ridges and peaks frowned, raised their furry eyebrows, as if they, too, were dissatisfied with something. . - 2nd option

5. Spelling analysis of the text.

Annual control dictation in grade 10 No. 9

Target : to check the level of assimilation of the standard at the end of the year, the practical skills of students in mastering topics in the Russian language.

The content of the control dictation is aimed at identifying the quality of assimilation of educational material:

Spelling of checked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of unchecked unstressed vowels;

Spelling of the endings of adjectives and participles;

Writing compound adjectives;

Spelling n-nn in adjectives and participles;

Writing o-e after hissing;

Writing -tsya - tsya in verbs;

Spelling not-neither in pronouns.

Punctuation marks:

Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Commas in complex sentences;

Commas with separate members of the sentence;

Commas when comparing.

Grammar tasks aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills and abilities of students:

Syntactic parsing of the sentence; - phonetic analysis of the word; analysis of the word by composition; - analysis of phrases.


"3" - for the work in which 3 - 5 errors were made.

grammar task

"4" - if the student completed all the tasks with small errors;

"3" - completed at least 3 tasks with minor errors;


The sun, like a golden saucer, stopped, one of its edges resting on the distant horizon. Like a beautiful weaver who scattered her golden yarn, the sun, going to rest, gathered clouds. From this, the steppe was changeable and enchanting. The grasses rolled away like waves of the sea, the rays of the setting sun played on them with a thousand colors. The clouds covered the steppe either with light gilding, or with the finest bright red silk, or with the finest dust, or with a translucent lilac scarf. The boundless, boundless steppe looked like an ocean, and it seemed that this ocean had neither end nor beginning. And now the ocean turned dark blue, now he frowned, and the waves of grasses, painted by the last rays of the sun, became barely noticeable in the thickening warm haze of twilight. The dark blue sea began to turn black. The thin edge of the solar disk, like an expensive molten metal, shone on the dark boundary of the horizon. It got smaller and smaller and suddenly somehow quickly disappeared. The scarlet dawn covered the entire western half of the sky, sparkled with luxurious colors, then subsided, faded, a greenish veil spread out in its place, and twilight approached, and trees and mountains began to stand out in bright black silhouettes, as if painted. A quiet July evening has come. (170 words) (According to S. Seifulin)

Grammar tasks

1. Write out two phrases from the text for all types of subordination and parse them.

2. Perform phonetic analysis of the word:Resting - 1st optiontrees - 2nd option

3. Parse words by composition:Scattered, the thinnest, it seemed - 1st option

Setting, the smallest, resting - 2nd option

4. Make a parse of the sentence:The boundless, boundless steppe looked like an ocean, and it seemed that this ocean had neither end nor beginning. . – 1st optionAnd now the ocean turned dark blue, now he frowned, and the waves of grasses, painted by the last rays of the sun, became barely noticeable in the thickening warm haze of twilight. - 2nd option

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge


"5" - for the work in which there are no errors.

"4" - for the work in which 1 - 2 mistakes were made.

"3" - for the work in which 3 - 4 mistakes were made.

"2" - for the work in which more than 5 errors were made.

grammar task

"5" - error-free execution of all tasks;

"4" - if the student completed 4 tasks with small errors;

"3" - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor flaws

"2" - if the student does not cope with most grammar tasks.



Egorushka listened a little, and it began to seem to him that the air became stuffier, hotter and more motionless from the mournful, lingering song ... (220 words) (According to A.P. Chekhov)

Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of the word, checked by stress. Spelling of vowels not checked by stress. Spelling n and nn in adjectives; endings of entities; indefinite pronouns with - then; adverbs; not and neither with different parts of speech; derived prepositions; particles would with other words.

Punctuation marks in compound and complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Punctuation marks with homogeneous members of the sentence (with repeating unions and with a generalizing word); with isolated definitions expressed by adjectives and participial phrases; at comparative speeds.


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

("zero" cut).


Yegorushka, out of breath from the heat, which was especially felt now after eating, ran to the sedge, from here he surveyed the countryside. He saw the same thing that he had seen before noon: the plain, the hills, the sky, the purple distance. From behind a rocky hill rose another, wider; a small settlement of five or six households was molded on it. There were no people, no trees, no shadows to be seen near the huts, as if the village had suffocated in the hot air and dried up. Having nothing to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the grass.

Suddenly, a soft hum was heard. Somewhere not far away a woman sang. The song, quiet, viscous and mournful, like a cry and barely audible, was heard now from the right, then from the left, then from above, then from under the ground, as if an invisible spirit was hovering over the steppe and singing. Yegorushka looked around and did not understand where this strange song came from. Then, when he listened, it began to seem to him that it was grass singing. In her song, half-dead, already dead, without words, but plaintively and sincerely, she convinced someone that she was not to blame for anything, that the sun burned her out in vain; she assured me that she passionately wanted to live, that she was still young and would be beautiful if it were not for the heat and the drought; there was no guilt, but she still asked someone for forgiveness and swore that she was unbearably hurt, sad and sorry for herself.

Yegorushka listened a little, and it began to seem to him that the air became stuffier, hotter and more motionless from the mournful, lingering song ... (220 words) (According to A.P. Chekhov)


    Analyze the words according to the composition: strange, sun, listened

    Perform phonetic analysis of words: Yegorushka, singing.

    Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Having nothing to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the grass.


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

("zero" cut).

From early childhood to old age, the whole life of a person is continuously connected with the language.

The child has not yet learned how to speak properly, and his ear already catches the murmur of grandmother's fairy tales, mother's lullaby. But fairy tales and jokes are language.

The teenager goes to school. A young man walks to an institute or university. Through the lively conversations of teachers, through the pages of hundreds of books, for the first time he sees the immensely complex Universe reflected in the word. Through the word, for the first time, he learns about what his eyes have not yet seen.

The new man is related to ancient thoughts, to those that have developed in the minds of people millennia before his birth. He himself acquires the opportunity to address great-grandchildren who will live centuries after his death. And it's all thanks to the language.

And you, and I, and each of us - we all constantly think. Is it possible to think without words?

Everything that people do in the truly human world is done with the help of language. It is impossible to work without it in concert, together with others. Without his mediation, it is unthinkable to advance science, technology, handicrafts, and art a single step.


    Write down the keywords of the text.

    Find synonyms and antonyms for the words:

joyful -


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

Renaissance art.



written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

Renaissance art.

What was new in the art of the Renaissance was that ideas about the deity and heavenly forces were no longer interpreted as an incomprehensible mystery and, most importantly, this art was imbued with faith in man, by virtue of his mind, creative possibilities.

Art sought not only to fill churches and palaces, but also to find a place for itself in city squares, street intersections, on the facades of houses and in their interiors. It was difficult to find a person indifferent to art. Princes, merchants, artisans, clergy, monks were often people who were knowledgeable in art, customers and patrons of artists.

The development of art was greatly facilitated by the fact that quickly acquired wealth accumulated in large cities. But easy success did not spoil even the most avid artists for fame and profit, since the strict foundations of the guild organization of artistic labor were still strong. Young people were trained by working as an assistant to a mature master, which is why the artists knew the craft so well. The works of art were made with care and love. Even in cases where they do not bear the imprint of talent or genius, we are invariably admired by excellent craftsmanship.

(From the encyclopedia of a young artist) (168 words)


    Choose from the text a complex sentence and perform syntactic analysis.

    Write out phrases with the word most often found in the text.

First half

1 quarter


When the boy was seated, he seemed to have somewhat calmed down. Despite the strange feeling that overwhelmed his whole being, he nevertheless began to distinguish individual sounds. The dark gentle waves were still rushing uncontrollably, and it seemed to him that they were penetrating inside his body. But now they brought with them either the bright trill of a lark, or the quiet rustle of a blossoming birch, or the barely audible splashes of the river. The swallow whistled with a light wing, describing bizarre circles in the distance, midges rang.

But the boy could not grasp these as a whole, could not put them together. They seemed to fall, penetrating into the dark head, now quiet, obscure, now loud, bright, deafening. At times they crowded together, mingling unpleasantly into an incomprehensible disharmony.

And the wind from the field kept whistling in his ears, and it seemed to the boy that the waves were running faster and their roar drowned out all other sounds. And as the sounds faded, a feeling of some kind of tickling languor flowed into the boy’s chest. His face twitched with the rhythmic ripples running through it; the eyes first closed, then opened again, the eyebrows moved uneasily, and in all the features a question broke through, a heavy effort of thought and imagination. The consciousness, not yet strengthened and overflowing with new sensations, began to faint: it still struggled with the impressions surging from all sides, trying to stand among them, merge them into one whole and thus master them, defeat them.

But the task was beyond the power of the dark brain of a child, which lacked visual representations for this work.

The boy groaned softly and leaned back on the grass. His mother quickly turned to him and cried out too; he lay on the grass in a deep faint. (245 words) (According to V.G. Korolenko)

Spelling of prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

Spelling of vowels and consonants at the root of the word; vowel in verb suffixes. Spelling of adverbs.

Punctuation marks with homogeneous members of the sentence; in sentences with separate members; in complex and non-union complex sentences. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of connection.


Chekhov is on his way.


3 quarter


Chekhov is on his way.

Already many painful road inconveniences and sorrows had been experienced, but nowhere had one seen such a difficult road, such an impassable crossroads, as between Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk. Here, together with the coachmen, they had to fight without rest against the cold, spring slush, colossal river floods, and dirty pits. How many times has the wagon broken down! How long did it take to sit on the banks of different rivers in the rain, cold, wind and spend days and nights waiting for ferries and boats. And how sad it was to get off the wagon and in felt boots to spank through icy puddles, mud, swear, not sleep for twenty-four and thirty hours in a row, eat only bread and tea, and even starve in the county towns of Siberia, because it was impossible to get a single sausage in the shops , no cheese, no meat, and even herring.

He never lacked life observations. The impressions of adolescence and youthful years were not forgotten, and he, as an artist, was able to expand them, tone them up, and thanks to this, sitting

on Malaya Dmitrovka in Moscow, he could write 120-130 stories a year. But on the road, with difficulty, he only had time to keep a travel diary, send short letters to his relatives and small correspondence to Suvorin for New Times.

A whitish mist crawled low on the ground. It was gloomy in the silent ocean of the cold taiga. The cold was inexorably pestering, and it already seemed that summer in Siberia would never come.

It was sad to look at the ugly road, which seemed to

some kind of monstrous black pox was wiping everything out, it was even more dreary to think that this road, murderous for people and horses, is the only thread along which civilization stretches from Europe to Siberia. (250 words)



annual test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

Another day passed, and the hussar recovered completely. He was extremely cheerful, joking incessantly with Dunya, now with the caretaker, whistling songs, talking to passers-by, entering their wayfarers in the post book, and the kind caretaker fell in love with him so much that on the third morning he was sorry to part with his beloved guest. The day was Sunday; Dunya was going to dinner. The hussar was given a kibitka. He said goodbye to the caretaker and Dunya and volunteered to take her to the church, which was located on the edge of the village. Dunya was perplexed.

“What are you afraid of? - her father said to her, - after all, his nobility is not a wolf and will not eat you: take a ride - to the church. Dunya got into the wagon next to the hussar, the servant jumped on the pole, the driver whistled, and the horses galloped off.

The poor caretaker did not understand how he himself could allow his Dunya to ride with the hussar, how he was blinded and what happened to his mind then. In less than half an hour, his heart began to ache, and anxiety seized him to such an extent that he could not resist and went himself to mass.

(A.S. Pushkin. Stationmaster) (172 words)


    Find obsolete words in the text and give them an interpretation.

    Disassemble the composition of the word: bring, third, guest, blinding, allow.

    Choose a sentence with different types of connection and parse it.