Why do people keep the memory of the war years. Why is it necessary to preserve the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War? Lifelong war

It is known that a person lives in the past, present and future. A person's comprehension of these three components has a significant impact on the formation of consciousness, worldview. The war became for the peoples of the Soviet Union, the Great Patriotic War of the peoples of the USSR for their freedom and independence. Namely, the Great Patriotic War.
At the final stage, we wrote an essay with the guys.
Essay (from French essai "attempt, test, essay", from Latin exagium "weighing") - a literary genre, a prose essay of a small volume and free composition.
Here are our works:

"Do you need a memory of the war?" Of course we need it! Today it is difficult for us to imagine what hunger, cold, bombing, death are ...
Thanks to those who died defending their Motherland 70 years ago, today we can study, work and be happy!
Stories about that war will not allow you to make mistakes that could start a new world war.
Thank you veterans for the victory! Lisa Sh.

Someone today can say: "No, you don't need it! It's scary!" And I will say "Yes! It is necessary to remember, to honor those people who gave their lives for their family, their Motherland, so that we all live in peace now!
It must also be remembered because people went to fight not for glory and orders, but for freedom, peace on earth! Eternal glory to them! Lisa P.

I was lucky to be born in peacetime. The horror of war is not easy for us to imagine! We watch films, read about the war, talk about the events of the Second World War ...
My great-grandfather, like many then, went to the front to defend his Motherland and family. He died in Ukraine, in the village of Syrovatka.
We must remember and be proud of our great-grandfathers about the war! Sasha B.

We were not at war. But we must know about it and remember this event in our history. Our troops fought for their Motherland, they were not afraid to look death in the eyes. The Nazis have crippled millions of destinies. But our people did not break! We won! The memory of the war is in our hearts. Masha Sh.

Shots, fierce battles, hunger, disease, death of ordinary people... War is a terrible time!
Today, thanks to our heroes, we do not know the sounds and taste of war. Only thanks to them, we understand the value of a peaceful sky above our heads.
In our time, there are very few veterans left, we must say thanks to all those who did not spare their lives for ours.
I think we need to keep the memory of the war.
Thanks to all the participants of the Great Patriotic War for the peaceful sky above our heads, for our happy childhood! Sofia P.

I, Alyosha Sveshnikov, a student of the 3rd grade, I think that the memory of the war is needed! So that we remember and thank all those who did not spare their lives for our future. Now we have everything - food, beautiful clothes, technology, the world. And what then, 70 years ago, during the war years? They probably dreamed about it. Did they want to die? I think no! Was it scary? Probably yes!
But our people did not give up, they persevered and endured all hardships.
Our country won thanks to the fortitude, courage and courage of our people. We are proud of it! The memory of the war is needed! Alyosha

Children of the war ... There are very few of them left. A little more, and there will be no one to tell about how war looks in children's eyes. Somewhere far away, bullets are whistling and shells are exploding. People who have not yet begun to live are dying. And all because even today there are those who want war. About how scary it is when death becomes the first thing a person sees in his life, an essay on the topic “Memory of the Children of War” will tell.

See someone else's pain

The great Russian humanist Leo Tolstoy once said that if, at the sight of someone else's grief, heavy depressing sensations arise that force you to leave, turn away and protect yourself from such a spectacle, then this is nothing but bad feelings. It's not worth listening to them. They should be destroyed in yourself before they kill the capacity for compassion.

The essay on the theme “Memory of the War” is an attempt to overcome bad feelings, to see the tragedy through the eyes of those who looked into her face and felt her stinking deadly breath on themselves. Few of today's children in peaceful regions are interested in the topic of war. It is too distant and abstract. But the essay on the topic “The Memory of Children Who Survived the War”, written in the form of reasoning, makes schoolchildren think, feel the trials of their peers, whose childhood ended on June 22, 1941.

Lifelong war

Four years is not a long time for an adult. For a child, this is an eternity. He sees something new every day. Everything around causes irresistible curiosity. Every minute he learns something, learns something.

And what did those who were five, ten, twelve years old during the war see and understand? They often witnessed the death of their parents. Watched strangers die. Everywhere there was death from bullets and starvation. The first thing they learned was to be afraid. The last thing they remember is the faces of the German occupiers.

An essay on the topic “Memory of the children of war” will lead to sad comparisons. The author, whether he wants it or not, will put himself in the place of one of those who survived the greatest tragedy of the last century. He will, at least for a tiny fraction, experience the feelings of a child who suffered, but was only to blame for being born too early.

distant war

How to write an essay on the topic “Memory of the War” for children and adolescents if it began more than half a century before their birth? It touched every family in the huge multinational Soviet country. Stories about her are passed down from generation to generation. Those from whom this terrible thread comes are becoming less and less. But eyewitnesses who are still alive will tell about the war better than any writer, artist and director.

The children of the war will tell about how their mothers hid them from the Germans. They will describe how their house burned, and how fragile women had to build a new one with their own hands. They will talk about how they continued to play it even after the war, and their mothers scolded them for it, which they did not do until the forty-first year. Those who are still alive are in their ninth decade, but they were, are and will remain “children of war” until the end of their days. This phrase seems scary and paradoxical. As if the one who deprived them of their childhood adopted them and replaced their mother.

Non-child stories

They are leaving, there are fewer of them ... But they must pass on what they see to the next generation. However, there are things that children experience that children are not supposed to know about. A school essay on the topic “In Memory of the Fallen” cannot include the recollections of a person in front of whose eyes their parents were shot seventy years ago. And after that, the child's eyes had nowhere to go: the sky is black from airplanes, the earth is red from dead bodies.

A modern child, perhaps, should not know that when mothers were separated from their children during the war, women tried at all costs to ensure that their daughters and sons did not witness the execution. Because they feared it more than death.

The child's psyche is a rather strange phenomenon. The first murdered child that a child sees may not cause fear, but only surprise. Or maybe even curiosity. The consciousness of the child protects him from understanding what can cripple his soul. But then, years later, this picture pops up before my eyes and becomes more and more distinct and scary.

living father

An essay on the topic “Memory is alive” is a task on a sublime patriotic theme. Is it really possible to tell in it how, during the war years, the girl's mother sewed a dress from soldier's footcloths? And then, in May 1945, their father returned to them. And everyone came to see him. The children wanted to know what a "living father" is.

Children of war... They are almost gone. They told what they could remember. Talking about the worst - about childhood memories that even adults are afraid to hear - must be very painful and hard. But they told. Their heartfelt stories were listened to by schoolchildren for half a century, and then they wrote an essay on the topic “Memory of the War”. But somewhere far away, bullets are still whistling, shells are exploding and children are dying. For some reason, even today there are those who want war.

The composition "Memory of the War" by a student of the 7th grade of secondary school No. 7

Arbite Anna.

The war has passed
The suffering has passed
But pain calls out to people.

Come on people never

Let's not forget about it.

A. Tvardovsky

May 9... Victory Day is a holiday that has become a national holiday, because there is no such family in our country that the most terrible of wars, the Great Patriotic War, would not have touched with its black wing! On this day, to the sounds of a brass band, those to whom we owe our lives, the peaceful sky above our heads, will come to the square in front of the monument. And then poems and songs will be heard in their honor. But, in my opinion, there are no words that can convey my gratitude to the old gray-haired warriors, for whom the war has become a new starting point, according to which they are used to reconciling the meaning and price of their actions.

War is sorrow, tears. She knocked on every house, brought misfortune: mothers lost their sons, wives lost their husbands, children were left without fathers. Thousands of people went through the war, experienced terrible torment, but they survived and won. We won the hardest of all wars. And people are still alive who defended their homeland in the hardest battles. The war in their memory emerges as the most terrible and sad memory. But it also reminds them of perseverance, courage, friendship and loyalty.

We are lucky, we live in a relatively peaceful time, and for this - a deep bow to all those who fought for the liberation of our country from the fascist invaders: in the rear and at the front, people did not spare their strength and life, “everyone simply had a choice: I or Motherland. And people chose their homeland so that their children and grandchildren would have a future, so that the Russian land would not disappear. Thanks to this true patriotism, we exist.

Many works, newspaper articles, and films have been written about the terrible people's misfortune. But the most vivid and truthful in my memory for the rest of my life will remain the stories of eyewitnesses.

Many of the heroes on whose shoulders the hardest trials fell belonged to the generation of those young people who got to the front as soon as they graduated from school. Young men and women, who only yesterday made plans for the beginning of life, instead stepped towards danger and death, faced with the inhuman and cruel forces of fascism.

A man of amazing destiny lives in our city. His name is Shulgin Vladimir Mikhailovich. In 1941, he voluntarily went to the front. Its part defended the famous Road of Life, which passed through the ice of Lake Ladoga. Food and weapons were transported by cars along it to the besieged Leningrad. The soldiers had a very hard time. Neither day nor night it was impossible to get out of the trench. They slept and ate at the post. Enemy attacks from the air did not give a respite. One night, a barely alive boy found himself in a trench. The soldiers picked him up and fed him. Vladimir Mikhailovich accompanied him home, covering himself during the bombing. As a keepsake, I gave him my belt and the entire soldier's food ration, which was given out only to soldiers. And they were fed no better than the blockade, and they always went hungry.

On one of the days, when the Nazis were especially fierce, the fire was heavy, and the shell hit the trench, in the place where Vladimir Mikhailovich was just. Everyone fell asleep, screams and groans were heard. Vladimir Mikhailovich came to his senses when a young, short nurse was dragging him across the field where they were shooting. She dragged and persuaded to be patient.

Vladimir Mikhailovich was wounded by many fragments. A military surgeon fought for a soldier's life for a long time. Vladimir Mikhailovich survived, but his legs ... they barely move. Every step comes with pain. After the hospital, he was demobilized. Until now, the medals “For Courage”, “For Military Merit”, “For the Defense of Leningrad” shine on the dress jacket of a soldier. After the war, Vladimir Mikhailovich worked at a school as a history teacher in Kazakhstan. After the death of his wife, he, already old and sick, was taken to her by his own sister, and now he lives here, in the city of Kirzhach. Vladimir Mikhailovich is an amazingly kind and modest person. He does not like to talk a lot about himself, does not like to be in the spotlight. He claims: “I didn’t do anything special, I just fought and defended the Motherland just like everyone else.” And the awards speak of the courage and valor of a soldier.

It was about such defenders of the Motherland that the famous Admiral Ushakov once said: “The native land can do everything: feed with its bread, drink from its springs, surprise with its beauty. It just can't protect itself. Therefore, the protection of the native land is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, admire its beauty. People are given honorary and respectful titles. The highest title of all is the defender of the Motherland ... "

The people of the military generation are special people. From the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, they brought into the difficult life of the country faith in the future, a willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others. The height of human achievement is determined by the power of love in life. The stronger this love, the more incomprehensible is the dimension of the feat performed by a person for the love of life. We will never forget those who died in the war, we will always remember those who sacrificed themselves, saving and defending the Motherland.

Coming soon May 9th. And this means that fireworks will sound over Red Square for the 65th time. For 65 years, the Russian people have been celebrating a great holiday - Victory Day! The only pity is that there are fewer and fewer participants in the battles, veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, real heroes will soon die, who don’t even consider themselves heroes, and, like Vasily Terkin, they talk about their exploits somehow in passing, by the way, they say, “everything happened.” And what lies under this "everything" - it's scary to imagine! The death of comrades, the loss of loved ones as a result of bombing and captivity, the first shot at a person ... And I want to say a huge thank you and bow to the ground to the people who gave us a chance - just to live. And I will take the liberty of saying that many of us young people have not lost their love for the Motherland and are grateful to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. And I also want each of us to at least occasionally think about whether he uses this chance to the fullest, so that someday, looking back, look at the life he lived and with a clear conscience tell you, the people who defended our Motherland, that everything you did was not wasted and will never be forgotten, because "there is a memory that will never end"!

And let the alarm silence the war,
Flowers bloom in their native land,
But the soldier will live forever
That the death of the brave fell in battle.
He kept you and me
And to all humanity
Peace and happiness of peaceful days.
You stand up and bow to him.
And in this peaceful time of the century
I'm ready to sound that alarm:
"People, it's mean to forget a person,
whose name is a Russian soldier!

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B. L. Vasiliev raises such an urgent problem.

The author, arguing over the issue, tells about the Brest Fortress, about the heroism of its defenders, who accepted torment and death. But B. L. Vasiliev pays special attention to the unknown hero, who "kept the enemy in suspense for almost a year." The writer notes: this man fought alone, "without neighbors on the left and right, without orders and rears." The author regretfully reports that "time has not conveyed either his name or title."

The writer sadly notes how many lives the war claimed. This can be seen in the sad story of an old woman who "every year on June 22 ... comes to Brest." She reads the same inscription all day without stopping. The writer emphasizes: with what reverence the elderly woman looks at the marble slab and stands "as if on guard of honor."

B. L. Vasiliev notes: "It is not so important where our sons lie, it is important that they fought and they should be remembered."

I agree with the opinion of the author. Why can't we forget the war? Kind words are far from the only way we can express gratitude to the dead. Remembering the people who died in our lives is proof that the sacrifices made were not in vain.

To prove my thoughts, I will give examples from fiction. Yes, in a poem

A. T. Tvardovsky "There are such names and there are such dates", the lyrical hero feels his and his generation's guilt before the dead soldiers. The protagonist judges himself by the highest court - spiritual. This is a man of great conscience, honesty, aching soul for everything that happens. The author notes: the hero feels guilty because he simply lives, he can enjoy the beauty of nature. And the dead can't be brought back! They gave their lives for our life, for our happiness. We must honor the memory of those to whom we owe our lives.

This is also narrated in the story of A.P. Platonov "The Search for the Dead". A mother who lost three children in the war traveled thousands of kilometers to return to the house, to the place where her children died. The author notes: grief made her invulnerable. Mentally communicating with the children, the mother did not lose touch with them. She believes that if the people corrected all the untruth on earth, then they would raise all the righteous dead to life. Death is the first untruth. These words, in my opinion, are the essence of the story.

Thus, it is the duty of living people not to allow any more of that great grief and injustice that the war has brought. I urge people not to forget our heroes, thanks to whom we are here now. No wonder they say: "We are alive as long as our memory is alive."

Updated: 2017-03-21

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