Presentation of the transition from the tribal community to the neighboring one. V



Theme of the lesson: "The emergence of inequality and nobility"

Well:ancient world history

Grade: 5

The date of the: "____" _______________ 20___

Lesson Objectives:

Educational: Lead students to understand the causes of inequality between people.

Developing: To continue the formation of skills to retell the content of the text of the textbook, to compare and describe the tools of labor, to highlight the causes of historical events at an elementary level.

Nurturing: Ensure the assimilation of the concepts of "inequality", "neighborhood community", "know".

Lesson type: combined lesson


Educational board;

Textbook for grade 5 A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Sventsitsky "History of the Ancient World". - M., 2003


World map;

Atlases on the history of the Ancient World;


Handout (card No. 6 and No. 7 for checking d / s);


Basic terms and concepts: hoe, plow, inequality, classes, state.


I. Organizational moment (1-2 minutes).

Greeting students.

II . Updating the basic knowledge of students on the topic: "The emergence of agriculture and animal husbandry" - 5 min.

1. Preparation of an oral answer on cards No. 6 and No. 7


Prepare a detailed answer to the question: “How did agriculture and cattle breeding appear?”

To do this, remember:

1. What property of plants did women pay attention to while gathering?

2. What were the first crops that people began to grow?

3. How did primitive people cultivate the land?

4. What tools did they use in cultivating the land?

5. How were the babies of the killed animals treated?

6. What animals did primitive people breed?

Make a conclusion.

Sample student response: The women noticed that the fallen grains were sprouting. They began to sow it. The first crops that man mastered were wild barley and wheat. The land was cultivated with a hoe (a wooden stick with a sharp knot). Coming from hunting, men sometimes brought the young of killed animals. They left them in their home. So the man got a dog. Later - sheep, goats, pigs, cows. The emergence of cattle breeding and agriculture gave man permanent food.


Prepare a detailed answer to the question: “What new occupations did the ancient people have?”

To do this, remember:

1. What did people make dishes from?

2. What was the fabric made of?

3. What was the significance of these new occupations for people?

Make a conclusion.

Sample student response: People learned to weave baskets from branches, began to coat them with clay. But when it rained, the clay got wet. Then they began to dry and fire clay containers. For strength, sawdust and crushed shells were added to the clay dough. Fabric made from flax and hemp fibers. Wool was spun. The appearance of these occupations gave man clothes and utensils.

2. Class work.

Fill in the missing words:

The first farmers plowed the land with wooden ______(hoe).

Ears cut __________(sickle).

Grind grains on ______________(grain grinders).

Trees cut down(wooden ax).

Agriculture and cattle breeding originated in Western ___________(Asia).

From clay learned to make ______________(dishes).

Women have learned to do __________(the cloth) and _________________ (spin).

3. Detailed response of students on cards No. 6 and No. 7

III . Transition to the study of a new topic.

So, agriculture and animal husbandry provided additional food for humans. Getting them to a greater extent now depended on himself. Therefore, a person improves his skills in these activities. Individual masters appear among people who do something better than others. They are calledartisans, what are they doing -craft. The emergence of artisans (professionals) will cause a change in the tools of human labor, and this will lead to the appearance of inequality among people.

Task for students: What is inequality?

IV . Exploring a new topic.


1. Metal processing.

2. The invention of the plow.

3. The collapse of tribal communities.

4. The emergence of inequality and nobility.

1. Teacher's story.

A very long time ago, people noticed that some stones do not crack on impact. Once in the fire, they soften and harden into a new shape. Have you guessed what these stones are? (Copper nuggets. They could be smelted and made tools that were stronger than wood).

This is what the old man did. He learned to make a mold out of stone, pour it with molten copper, and make metal tools. This happened about nine thousand years ago in Western Asia. Thus began the development of metals by man.

Masters have learned to work with precious metals - gold and silver, to make jewelry from them.

Copper tools made life easier for people. However, copper ore is quite rare in nature, and not every house in antiquity had copper products.

2. Work with the textbook illustration (p. 25).

How was the copper ax cast?

What was the significance of the development of copper for man?(Tools and weapons made of copper were stronger than wood. This means that they could work the land better).

3. Independent work

Find out how the plow appeared.

What was the significance of the plow? (The crops got better, it became easier to cultivate the land. Now some people could work in the field, while others could do crafts. Therefore, they could exchange their products).

4. Solving a creative problem.

During archaeological excavations, archaeologists found two burials. In one of them, beads made of precious stones were preserved on the chest of the deceased, and the remains of a golden crown were on his forehead. Next to the body were copper axes and a dagger. Near the wall of the grave stood gold and silver vessels with images of a leopard, a lion, a horse, and an antelope. In the other - only a copper axe. What conclusions about people's lives can be drawn from these data? (appearance of rich and poor).

5. Working with new concepts. On the board and in the notebook.

Inequality - appearance of rich and poor people.

6. Teacher's story.

Why did inequality appear?

We found out that a person learned to process metal, invented a plow. Now each family could independently cultivate the land. The tribal community will break up into separate families. In relation to each other, relatives become neighbors. The tribal community is replaced by the neighboring community. But how to divide the land among relatives? Probably, that issue is decided by the elder, who sets aside the best plots of land for himself and his close relatives. This is how the rich and the poor appear, i.e. inequality.

Now the tribesmen are divided into more "strong", powerful and more "weak", dependent. In other words, there is a hierarchy. The tribal society becomes much more complexly organized. It needs special management tools - military force, bureaucracy. Thus, the state is born.

State - this is an organization of society in which there are boundaries, power, laws and tax collection.

IV . Consolidation of what was learned in the lesson.

The solution to the crossword "Know how to read."


1. A means of human transportation on water from ancient times to the present day.

2. A group of relatives who worked together and had common property.

3. One of the first occupations of man.

4. The first metal mastered by man.

5. The first tool for cultivating the land.

6. Farmer's tool 5-6 thousand years ago.

7. Pet.

8. Material for the cultivation of dishes on a potter's wheel.

9. The first tool of labor and weapon of the most ancient man.

10. Association of families living in the same area.

Answers: 1. Boat. 2. Genus. 3. Hunting. 4. Copper. 5. Hoe. 6. Plow. 7. Dog. 8. Clay.

9. Chopped. 10. Tribe.

V. Summary of the lesson.

- What new did we learn at the lesson today?(With the development of metals, the tools of labor change, the tribal community is replaced by the neighboring one, inequality appears. That is, the separation of rich and poor people).

Homework: 1. Read §5 p. 24-27 of Vigasin's textbook.

2. Prepare for a recap lesson.

3. Repeat new concepts from the entire section: history, historical source, human herd, tribal community, tools, inequality, religion, art.

Finished works


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The emergence of inequality and nobility

Checking homework:

1. When did agriculture begin?

2. What happened before: the appearance of “reasonable people” (i.e. people like

We are with you) or the emergence of agriculture? How much earlier?

(“reasonable people” appeared on 30 thousand years ago. years before").

3. Let us recall the features of primitive agriculture. He writes on the board, and the students innotebooks:

Three main agricultural tools

What words should be entered under the numbers 1, 2, 3. Entering the words "stone ax", "hoe", "sickle",(open drawing p. 20).

4. What changes in people's lives occurred with the advent of agriculture and animal husbandry? Which occupation provided people with food better: farming or gathering? cattle breeding or hunting?


1. Metal processing.

2. The invention of the plow.

3. The collapse of tribal communities.

4. The appearance of inequality and the nobility.

New concepts: hoe, plow, inequality.

Learning new material:

1. Development of crafts.

Open § 5, item 1; drawings "Manual production of a clay vessel", "Potter's wheel", p. 24

Approximately 9 thousand years ago, people noticed that some "stones" had an unusual yellowish-red color. During processing, they do not split under impact into parts, but are flattened and change their shape. In such "stones" you can punch a hole. Once in the fire, they soften and, solidifying, take a new form. What are these "stones"? And is it "stones"? teacher volclarifies, what strange "stones" were reddish pieces of native copper. Primitive people realized that in front of them was some other material - metal. This great discovery was made in those areas where there were deposits of copper lying on the surface of the earth. Then people learned to smelt copper from copper ore. Molten copper was poured into a mold and a copper product of the desired type, for example, an ax, was obtained.

Consider whether copper tools have advantages over stone ones. Copper is a soft metal. This is why a copper tool is less hard than a sharpened piece of hard stone. Despite this, a tree was cut down with a copper ax three times faster than with a stone one. How is this known?

The Russian scientist Sergei Aristarkhovich Semenov set up an experiment. Under his leadership, precise grinders of ancient axes - stone and copper - were made. They chose two pine trees of the same thickness with a diameter of 25 cm. One of the assistants to the scientist picked up a copper ax, the other assistant - a stone one. They recorded the time by the clock - and ... the experiment began. Both "woodcutters" sought to fell the pine tree as quickly as possible, but only managed to do this with a stone ax fifteen minutes, and copper - for five! The experiment was repeated many times, and the scientist concluded that the copper tool was superior to the stone one.

The reason is that the blade of a copper ax can be made sharper than a stone ax, so it penetrates deeper into the wood. In addition, a copper ax with the same dimensions as a stone ax has a greater weight - this also facilitates the processing of wood.

Copper also has other advantages: a dull copper point was sharpened again, and a chipped stone knife or a broken stone spearhead had to be thrown away. A stone that was not cracked as it should be was no longer good for anything. And a piece of copper that has taken the wrong shape can be melted down or reforged. Small objects of any shape were made of copper (fish hooks, needles, awls).

H along with copper tools, people continued sorry to widely use stone tools - completely replace copper stone could not.

2. The invention of the plow.

About the invention of a draft arable tool by improving the hoe, about the role of arable tools in agriculture, we will read (§ 5, item 2).

The huge advantages of plowing the land with a plow compared to loosening with a hoe proves the experience set by the Russian scientist S. A. Semenov, already familiar to us. Under his leadership, models of an ancient hoe and an ancient plow were made. Each of these tools needed to cultivate a piece of land of the same size. A horse was harnessed to the plow. One of the scientist's assistants led the horse by the bridle, continuously urging it on. Another, straining all his strength, pressed on the handles of the plow. Plowing was disturbed by roots and grass that entangled the plow, so “the plowman stopped from time to time and cleared the plow with his foot. Despite the hindrances, it turned out that it was possible to work the field with a plow and a horse fifty times faster than with a hoe.

3. Each family has its own farm.(Disintegration of tribal communities)

Plowing on bulls, the use of copper tools led to the fact that people had more bread, vegetables, meat and milk. The role of agriculture and cattle breeding in the economy has increased significantly. At the same time, the need for the whole community to work together disappeared. Therefore, a new order gradually took shape in the villages of farmers. The community now consisted of large families. The flock that belonged to the community was divided among the families. The land was also divided into plots, which were transferred to the use of families.

Think about this. Families received approximately the same plots of land, plows, hoes, working cattle. Time passes - and inevitably some families become richer, while others become poorer. Why is this happening? All people are different - some are diligent, hard-working, others are lazy, under any pretext, shirk work. It also happens that some family suffered misfortune, for example, the father and eldest son died hunting in the paws of a bear, there were women and children who had to work in the field, take care of the cattle. Or such a misfortune: wild animals trampled someone's plot sown with wheat... The reasons could be different, but the result is the same - property inequality arose: this means that one family owned many heads of cattle, tools, metal products, a large stock of grain, which could be enough for both seeds and food until the next harvest. And the other family needed the bare necessities...

Before others, the families of the elders became prosperous. How did it happen? The elders, who had great experience and intelligence, continued to enjoy the respect of the rest of the community. They resolved disputes between them, supervised joint work on draining swamps, clearing forests for arable land, digging a pond from which they took water for irrigation. In gratitude for this, the community members gave the elders cattle and grain, gave them the most fertile plots of land.

One way to get rich was war. The men of the tribe gathered together to choose the most brave and courageous military leader - tribal leader . Led by their leader, armed men attacked a neighboring tribe. If they won, they drove away cattle and captives, who were turned into slavery, took away grain, weapons and tools, products made of copper, gold and silver. Fertile lands were taken away from the vanquished and divided among themselves. Most of the land and the rest of the booty went to the leader of the tribe, his friends and associates.

Tribal leaders and elders were called noble people. Noble means "famous". The leaders and elders sought to ensure that respect for them would extend to their sons. Nobility began to be inherited. Now, only from among the nobles began to choose the leaders of the tribes and elders.

The nobles were primarily proud of their "famous" ancestors. They believed that the blood flowing in their veins was different from that of other people; believed that nobility from one birth was entitled to honor, respect and power in the tribe.

That's how it came about inequality between people . Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of elders and tribal leaders turned into noble and wealthy people. Inequality arose within the tribe: some were noble, while others gie - humble, some were richer, while others were poorer.

In the course of the lesson, notes are made on the board and in a notebook:

The emergence of inequality

The poor and the rich

Notable and not famous

Homework: § 5. Questions 1-4.

History lesson in 5th grade

Goals: to bring students to an understanding of the causes of inequality between people; ensure the assimilation of the concepts of "inequality", "neighborhood community", "know"; to continue the formation of skills to retell the content of the text of the textbook, to compare and describe the tools of labor, to highlight the causes of historical events at an elementary level.

During the classes


I. Organizational moment

1. Preparation of oral answers on cards No. 5 and 6.


Prepare a detailed answer to the question: “How did agriculture and cattle breeding appear?”

To do this, remember:

- What property of plants did women pay attention to while gathering?

What were the first crops people started growing?

How did primitive people cultivate the land?

What tools did they use in cultivating the land?

- How did you deal with the young of the killed animals?

What kind of animals did primitive people breed?

Draw a conclusion, what did cattle breeding and agriculture give to man?

Sample student response

The women noticed that the fallen grains were sprouting. They began to sow them. The first crops that man mastered were wild barley and wheat. The land was cultivated with a hoe (a wooden stick with a sharp knot). Coming from hunting, men sometimes brought the young of killed animals. They left them in their home. So the man got a dog. Later - sheep, goats, pigs, cows. The emergence of cattle breeding and agriculture gave man permanent food.


Prepare a detailed answer to the question: “What new occupations did the ancient people have?”

To do this, remember:

What did people make dishes from?

What was the fabric made from?

Draw a conclusion of what significance the appearance of these new occupations had for people.

Sample student response

People learned to weave baskets from branches, began to coat them with clay. But when it rained, the clay got wet. Then they began to dry and fire clay containers. For strength, sawdust and crushed shells were added to the clay dough. The fabric was made from flax and hemp fibers. Wool was spun. The appearance of these occupations gave man clothes and utensils.

2. Work with the class.

a) Workbook (issue 1), task No. 15 (p. 15) or task No. 16 (p. 16).

b) Fill in the missing words:

- The first farmers dug up the earth with wood ... (hoe).

- The spikes were cut ... (sickle).

- Grinding grains on ... (grain grinders).

- Cut trees... (wooden ax).

- Agriculture and cattle breeding originated in Western ... (Asia).

“They learned to make from clay… (dishes).

Women have learned... (weave) and… (spin).

3. Detailed answers of students on cards No. 5 and 6.

III. Transition to the study of a new topic

So, agriculture and animal husbandry provided additional food for humans. Getting them to a greater extent now depended on himself. Therefore, a person improves his skills in these activities. Individual masters appear among people who do something better than others. They are called artisans and what do they do, craft. The emergence of artisans (professionals) will cause changes in the tools of human labor, and this will lead to the appearance of inequality among people.

- What is inequality?

IV. Exploring a new topic


1) Processing of metals.

2) The invention of the plow.

3) The collapse of tribal communities.

4) The emergence of inequality and the nobility.

On the desk: lesson topic, new words: hoe, plow, inequality, classes, state.

1. Teacher's story.

A very long time ago, people noticed that some stones do not crack on impact. Once in the fire, they soften and harden into a new shape.

Have you guessed what these stones are? (Copper nuggets. They could be smelted and made tools that were stronger than wood.)

This is what the old man did. He learned how to make a mold out of stone, pour it with molten copper, and make metal tools. This happened about nine thousand years ago in Western Asia. Thus began the development of metals by man.

2. Work with the illustration of the textbook (p. 23 Vigasina).

— How was the casting of the copper ax made?

- What was the significance of the development of copper for a person? (Tools and weapons made of copper were stronger than wood. This means that they could work the land better).

- Find out how the plow appeared.

What was the significance of the appearance of the plow? (The crops got better, it became easier to cultivate the land. Now some people could work in the field, while others could do crafts. Therefore, they could exchange their products.)

4. Solving a creative problem.

During archaeological excavations, archaeologists found two burials. In one of them, beads made of precious stones were preserved on the chest of the deceased, and the remains of a golden crown were on his forehead. Next to the body were copper axes and a dagger. Near the wall of the grave stood gold and silver vessels with images of a leopard, a lion, a horse, and an antelope. In the other - only a copper axe.

What conclusions can be drawn about people's lives based on these data? (The appearance of the rich and the poor.)

5. Working with new concepts. On the board and in the notebook.

Inequality the emergence of rich and poor people.

6. Teacher's story.

Why did inequality appear?

We found out that a person learned to process metal, invented a plow. Now each family could independently cultivate the land. The tribal community breaks up into separate families. In relation to each other, relatives become neighbors. The tribal community is replaced by the neighboring community. But how to divide the land among relatives? Probably, this issue is decided by the elder, who reserves the best plots of land for himself and his close relatives. This is how the rich and the poor appear, that is, inequality.

Now the tribesmen are divided into stronger, more powerful and weaker, dependent. In other words, there is hierarchy . The tribal society becomes much more complexly organized. It needs special management tools - military force, bureaucracy. Thus, the state is born.

The state is such an organization of society in which there are boundaries, power, laws and tax collection.


To conduct a game lesson, the teacher should inform the students in advance about the game, its rules, assign roles and ask them to prepare for the game after reading the paragraph. The class should be divided into two groups: "from the tribal community" and "from the tribe." Some must defend the advantages of a tribal community, others - a tribal system.

The game

The teacher draws a table on the blackboard.

Pupils, defending the advantages of the tribal community and tribe, should propose items that could be entered in the table. Students can use textbooks, notebooks and any aids available to them. The proposals of the students to enter this or that item in the table must be reasoned. In order for the table to be systematized knowledge, it is assumed that the teacher should guide the students' reasoning along the following plan:

1) composition (students defending the tribal community should talk about close, blood ties within this group - “tribesmen” about the significant size of the tribe, which could solve serious problems);

2) social status (supporters of the tribal community will talk about family relations within the clan; students who defended the advantages of the tribe will say that the relationship of superiors and subordination is more effective);

3) tools of labor (in this case, the “compatriots” have certain advantages: in the tribal community, tools of labor are predominantly wooden and stone, while in the tribe they are metal).

As the students' proposals are received, the teacher must fill in the table, and the students should transfer it to notebooks. For each reasoned proposal, the student should receive a point. The student(s) with the most points gets five.

V. Consolidation of the studied material

  1. A means of human transportation on water from ancient times to the present day. 2. A group of relatives who worked together and had common property. 3. One of the first occupations of man. 4. The first metal mastered by man. 5. The first tool for cultivating the land. 6. Tool of labor of a farmer 5-6 thousand years ago. 7. Pet. 8. Material for the cultivation of dishes on a potter's wheel. 9. The first tool and weapon of the most ancient man. 10. The union of clans living in the same area.

Answers: 1. Boat. 2. Rod. 3. Hunting. 4. Copper. 5. Hoe. 6. Plow. 7. Dog. 8. Clay. 9. Chopped. 10. Tribe.

VI. Summing up the lesson

What new did we learn at the lesson today? (With the development of metals, the tools of labor change, the tribal community is replaced by the neighboring one, inequality appears, i.e., the separation of rich and poor people.)

Homework: prepare for the control and generalizing lesson; read § 5 Vigasin or Mikhailovsky, repeat § 2 and 3; repeat new concepts from the entire section: history, historical source, human herd, tribal community, tools, inequality, religion, art.