Others do not play a significant role. See what "does not play a role" in other dictionaries

Boundary control to sections 1 and 2.


in the discipline "Social science (including economics and law")

1 course, 1 semester

Option 1.


With the development of science and technology, the advent of machines in industrial production,mental ( physical) labor has been increasingly replacedphysical ( mental) .

2. Add the missing concept.

There are two types of communication:

    verbal communication;

    ………………… .. . ( nonverbal communication)

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

Mythological worldviewproclaims ( denies) ability to comprehend and explain the world.

There are several functions of culture:

    regulatory function;

    ……………………… ...; ( educational function)

    educational function;

    ………………………… ...; ( unifying function)

    …………………………… . ( relay function)

    Fill the table.

Student rights

Student Responsibilities

1. The right to receive knowledge.

2. The right to transfer from one educational institution to another.

3. The right to enter a university.

4. The right to receive scholarships, financial assistance.

5. The right to live in a hostel, preferential travel.

6. The right to deferment from military service.

1. Obligation to comply with academic discipline, fulfillment of educational tasks

2. The obligation to comply with educational norms and standards.

3. The obligation to take care of the property of the educational institution, to maintain cleanliness and order in the premises.

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

The sciencenot ( not - redundant) associated with practical activities, therefore (not - add) unimportant are the relations of science in general and the scientist in particular with society.

Option 2.

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

Satisfying needs ismeans ( goal) labor activity.

    Fill in the missing concepts.

There are several forms of communication:

    ………………………… .; ( household)

    business conversation;

    ………………………… .; ( convincing)

    ………………………… ..; ( educational)

    cultural communication;

    …………………………… ; ( intercultural)

    …………………………… ; ( scientific)

    ritual communication, etc.

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

spiritual productionnot at all ( directly) associated with material production.

    Fill in the missing concepts.

There are several types of values:

    …………………… .; ( values ​​of society as a whole)

    values ​​of individual social communities, classes, groups.

5. Fill in the table.

Student rights

Student Responsibilities


Science originated historicallybefore ( later) other types of human activity.

Option 3.

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

In modern society, the role of knowledge, qualifications, moral qualities is significantlydeclining (rising) .

    Fill in the missing concepts.

Depending on the methods of interaction, communication is distinguished:

* …………………….; ( perceptual)

* verbal;

* ……………………. . (interactive)

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

The level of education and general culture of the individual directly affects the consumption of spiritual values. The higher the culture of a person, the higher the level of his education, thesmaller ( more) he seeks to allocate funds and time to satisfy spiritual needs.

    Fill in the missing concepts.

There are several forms of culture:

    ……………………… .; ( folk)

    ……………………… .; ( elite)

    Mass culture.

5. Fill in the table.

Student rights

Student Responsibilities

6. Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

The question of the social responsibility of a scientistnot ( not - redundant) plays a significantoh ( essential) rolland ( role) none ( In some) from the fields of science.

Option 4.

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

During the period of formation and development of industrial production, the worker began to be considered, along with machines, asactive subject production ( machine appendage) ; such an approach excluded initiative in the performance of labor duties.

    Fill in the missing concepts.

Communication performs several important functions:

    information function;

    …………………………… ..; ( learning function)

    educational function;

    ………………………… . ( the function of supporting the joint activity of people)

    Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

Spiritual production is aimed at satisfyingmaterial ( spiritual) human needs.

    Fill in the missing concepts.

The main elements of culture are:

    ……………………… ; ( colloquial)


    ……………………… . ( norms)

5. Fill in the table.

Student rights

Student Responsibilities

6. Correct the mistakes in the sentence .

doing sciencenot ( not - redundant) require special training, the availability of basic knowledge and skills in the use of special research tools, special education.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must step down. This was stated by the head of the delegation of the Syrian opposition "Higher Committee for Negotiations" Asaad al-Zoubi. On April 13, the next round of talks on Syria started in Geneva. Earlier, US Secretary of State John Kerry said that the transfer of power in the country can be agreed in the coming days. Political scientist, international relations expert Mikhail Troitsky answered questions from Kommersant FM host Oksana Barykina.

- Tell me, do you agree with the opinion of the US Secretary of State that Syrian President Assad should leave his post?

- This is a political issue. I'm not a politician, I'm just an expert. The situation is such that, most likely, the opposition to President Assad will continue to insist on such guarantees in order to continue the process of negotiations and the formation of a coalition government. They feel the support behind them - not so much the United States, but Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other countries of the Persian Gulf. This factor, at the very least, whether I agree with this opinion or not, will greatly complicate the negotiations for a final settlement in Syria.

- What do you think about the parliamentary elections: did they take place on time now?

- Again, of course, it is difficult to say what the elections could look like in a country in which, firstly, there is still a civil war, and, secondly, large terrorist units that hold at least two important provinces in the country. Either way, the parliament does not appear to play a significant role in Syrian domestic politics.

The most important thing is who will form the government, who will become the head of the government. Parliamentary elections are probably good that they took place, but, as we see, neither the opposition nor those powers that support the opposition recognize them.

- Tell me, what should happen now, happen so that the parties can agree?

- I think it is necessary to start determining the fate of President Assad, who, of course, has a very serious grudge against the opposition, against whom a lot of facts and accusations of violating not only human rights, but also crimes against humanity in general, have been accumulated. Representatives of the opposition will all refer to this.

I think, one way or another, it is necessary to agree on some kind of perspective regarding Assad and his associates, if indeed the negotiations are to be successful, as if in the spirit of the 2012 Geneva communiqué. And another option is that President Assad will still try to finally take over the opposition and not conduct any negotiations with it. Then the alignment will be completely different - external powers have warned that they will support the opposition much more strongly. Apparently, Assad will not succeed.

So, frankly, I don't see how a final and lasting settlement of the situation in Syria can be achieved through the current negotiations. Most likely, this situation of neither peace nor war will continue for some time. And then, it is quite possible that hostilities will be resumed, although none of the major external sponsors of the truce wants this.

Professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Maryland, author of Laughter: A Scientific Study, on the role of consciousness:

Until proven otherwise, why not assume that consciousness plays no significant role in human behavior? At first, this idea may seem quite radical, but it is actually quite conservative and involves the fewest hypotheses. It is the perfect cure for the philosopher's disease - an inadequate preference for rational, conscious control over irrational and unconscious processes. The issue is not that we are not conscious enough, but that we overestimate the conscious control of behavior.

I believe that this statement is true, but it is quite difficult to prove it, because it is difficult to think about consciousness. We are misled by the inner voice, which creates reasonable, but often false versions and explanations of our actions. The ray of consciousness illuminates our actions from time to time, and this only complicates the task. We are not aware of our own unconscious states, and therefore greatly overestimate those periods of time when, for one reason or another, we are aware of our actions.

My views on unconscious control were formed during the course of my field research on the primitive vocalization of laughter. I asked the subjects to explain why they laughed in a particular situation, and they came up with plausible explanations for the reasons for their behavior ("She did something funny", "She said something funny", "I wanted her to relax") . At the same time, observations of the social context showed that such explanations did not correspond to reality. In a clinical context, such explanations are called "confabulations" - honest but misguided attempts to explain one's actions.

The subjects also incorrectly assumed that they had made a conscious decision to laugh, as if laughter was under conscious control. Therefore, the subjects so confidently, although incorrectly, explained their behavior. But to laugh is not to say "ha-ha-ha", it is not a word that can be chosen arbitrarily. If we are asked to laugh on command, we are unlikely to be able to do it. In a certain, usually informal, social context, we just spontaneously start laughing. But this lack of volitional control does not preclude the possibility of orderly, predictable behavior. Laughter arises in those places where punctuation marks should have been in a written record of a conversation; it rarely breaks the structure of a phrase. We can say, "I have to go, haha," but hardly "I have to, haha, go." This punctuation effect is very reliable and requires the coordination of laughter with the linguistic structure of speech. In this case, laughter occurs in addition to the conscious control of the speaker. Other airway processes, such as breathing and coughing, also interrupt speech and also occur unconsciously.

The discovery of structured but not consciously controlled laughter - when people could not adequately explain why they were laughing - led me to the idea of ​​extending this situation to other behaviors. Perhaps all our lives we listen to the inner voice that whispers to us certain confabulations of the reasons for our actions. Is it true that critical details of the neurological process that governs human behavior are not accessible to introspection? Maybe we need to turn the question of animal consciousness upside down? Is it worth guessing whether other animals have consciousness, how much more or less human consciousness is, how different it is from ours? Can we consciously control our behavior better than animals? The complex social structure of bees, ants, and termites shows that intelligent behavior is possible in the absence of conscious control in the form we used to think of it. Is it possible and desirable to create a mechanical mind? Is intelligent behavior a sign of conscious control? What tasks require consciousness? To answer these questions, a paradoxical approach to the functions, evolution and development of consciousness can be useful.

One of the types of social roles, a set of expected patterns of behavior (or norms) for men and women. Role in social psychology is defined as a set of norms that determine how people should behave in a given social position. First… … Gender Studies Terms

Nonna Mordyukova: the best roles- Nonna Mordyukova died in Moscow on Sunday evening at the age of 83. The funeral of the People's Artist of the USSR will be held on Wednesday at the Kuntsevo cemetery. During her career, Nonna Mordyukova starred in about 60 films. Her film debut took place in 1948 ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

MAIN ROLES, Russia, film studio "Agat", 2003. Series (12 episodes). The main characters of the television series are two friends, Ira and Zhenya, who came to Moscow from Voronezh. They dream of conquering the capital, Ira dreams of becoming an actress, Zhenya's passion is cars. In Moscow they... Cinema Encyclopedia

SEX ROLES- - differentiation of activities, statuses, rights and obligations of individuals depending on their gender. Differentiation P. r. manifested in the age and sex division of labor, the system of sexual stratification, the distribution of power and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Contents 1 Releases of the show 1.1 On the BBC 1.2 On Thames Television ... Wikipedia

Administrative division of the state of Rajasthan The population of the state of Rajasthan is distinguished by the presence of a large number of ethnic, ethnic ... Wikipedia

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't mean anything, it doesn't matter, it's the tenth thing; bad; anyway, unimportant, bad, nasty, bad, shitty, everything is one, spit, on the drum, unimportant, disgusting, disastrous, shitty, indifferent, well ... ... Synonym dictionary

Patrick Warburton Patrick Warburton ... Wikipedia

Market- (Market) The market is a system of relations between the seller (producer of services / goods) and the buyer (consumer of services / goods) The history of the emergence of the market, the functions of the market, the laws of the market, the types of markets, the free market, government regulation ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

ALCOHOLISM- a term first established by the largest Swedish fighter for sobriety Magnus Huss om (1852), who meant by it all the stalemate. changes in the body that develop under the influence of alcohol. Over time, this term in the works ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia


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  • Working with risk (collection), Andrey Kivinov. It's hard to be macho A large construction supermarket "Planet-House" finds itself in the epicenter of criminal events. Against this explosive background, the passionate love of the head of the service unfolds ... electronic book
  • Bibliography in my life: Scientist, writer, worker, engineer on the role of bibliography in their work and creativity,. The editors of the scientific and practical journal "Soviet Bibliography" turned to scientists, writers, engineers, local historians, workers with a request to tell what role bibliography plays in their lives and ...

old name Nayas (Najas microdon).
The naiad family is Najadaceae.

Widely distributed throughout the Americas.

One of the most resistant and unpretentious plants. Forms dense openwork thickets in the water column. Widely used by aquarists as a substrate for fish spawning. Placed in the background, nyas makes a great backdrop for large-leaved plants. Grows evenly throughout the year.

The temperature of the water, at which the naia feels satisfactorily, can fluctuate over a fairly wide range - from 18 to 30 ° C. It can be kept in tropical and moderately warm aquariums. Water hardness does not play a significant role, but in very soft water the plant develops somewhat more slowly. The active reaction of water can be anything. Water changes 3-4 times a month are desirable, as naia grows better in fresh water. The plant is relatively undemanding to lighting conditions, it withstands long-term shading, but beautiful thickets of juicy green color are formed only in strong light.

Both natural and artificial light are suitable for lighting the aquarium where najas grows. When using fluorescent lamps of the LB type, the optimal power of the illuminators should be approximately 0.4 W per 1 liter of volume. You can use LD type fluorescent lamps, but in combination with low power incandescent lamps. The length of daylight hours can vary over a very wide range and depends on the illumination of the aquarium.

The nature of the soil does not play a significant role for this plant. Nyas can be grown floating in the water column.

When planted in the ground, it forms an underdeveloped root system, which serves mainly to attach the plant. Nayas absorbs nutrients with its entire surface. In this regard, neither the degree of silt nor the nature of the substrate have a significant effect on its growth.

Nayas does not need mineral supplements, the plant has enough of those substances that enter the aquarium with fish food.

Nyas is very easy to propagate from cuttings. It is enough to take one of the many shoots and create more or less suitable conditions for it to get a new dense thicket.

The plant can be recommended to beginner aquarists not only because it is easy to maintain, but also because it is able to actively influence the metabolism in the aquarium, provide fish with oxygen and prepare water for many demanding plants.