The program for the adaptation of first-graders to schooling “I am a first-grader!”. School Adaptation Program

Adaptation lesson with first graders

"Hello school"

The purpose of the adaptation lesson : the creation of socio-psychological conditions for the adaptation of first-graders in the situation of schooling, which will allow the child to successfully function and develop in the school environment.Tasks:
    creating conditions to ensure emotional comfort, a sense of security for first-graders when entering school life; creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom as a necessary condition for the development of self-confidence in children; assistance to first-graders in understanding and accepting the rules of school life and themselves as students; creating favorable conditions for getting to know each other; creation of prerequisites for group cohesion of the class.
Lesson progressThe song "First Grader" sounds Hello guys! How beautiful you all are! Today you came to school for the first time. From today you are not just children, you are now students, first graders. Now you, like your parents, have the main job of studying. All students come to work in a special house. Who knows the name of the house where the students study? (school). I would like to wish you to learn a lot of interesting things at school, find new friends and be very, very friendly and inquisitive. And before you take the first steps in this country, let's get to know each other. Game "Let's meet" Everyone calls his name and smiles at everyone present. The game begins with a teacher: my name is ... I am your first teacher, then a psychologist, and my name is ... I am your psychologist, then all the students. Well, now we know who's name is. Now look at those on the right, on the left, look around you and smile at everyone. Let's try to start every day at school with a smile. Game "Applause" And now I want everyone who is in a good mood today to clap their hands. Let me try to guess why you are so happy today. If I guess right, you clap your hands. Deal?
    you are happy because you have a beautiful knapsack; because there are a lot of new school things in your satchel; because today you are very smart and beautiful; because you came to school for the first time today; because today you have become schoolchildren; because you met your teacher today.
Well done! So, welcome to the land of knowledge! But what we see is that the gates to this country are locked, and the evil witch hid the key from it, who does not want to let you into this wonderful country. She believes that children who have come to the first grade are not ready for school, do not know how, and wants them to never learn to count, write and read. What to do? Well, of course, look for this evil witch and prove to her that we already know a lot and are ready for school! And in order for us to prove it to her, we need to pass a series of tests. And the wise owlet and fairy-tale heroes will help us in this. And these tests will be called "The smartest first grader." The wise owlet brought us first of all to visit Dunno. He loves to draw very much, but as always he messed everything up. Let's show him where he went wrong. And Mikimaus will help us in this. The game "What the artist mixed up"“Look carefully at this picture and tell me if everything here is in its place and drawn correctly. If something seems wrong to you, out of place or incorrectly drawn, then point it out and explain why it is not so. Next, you will have to say how it really should be. Well done! They did a good job with this task. Let's move on. And now the wise owlet invites us to visit Winipukh, who invites us to play the game “The Fourth Extra” with him. The game "The Fourth Extra"“In each of the following pictures, one of the four objects depicted in it is superfluous. Look carefully at the pictures and determine which item and why is superfluous. Well done! They did a great job with this as well. The next fairy-tale hero, to which the owlet led us to, is Carloson, who lives on the roof. And he needs to remember the pictures. Let's help him. Game "Memorize pictures"“Look carefully at the pictures that are shown here and remember them” “Now remember what those pictures were there?” Children should name the pictures that they remember. Well done you did a great job. Now all the fairy-tale heroes, together with the wise owlet, have come to the evil witch and demand from her the key to the land of knowledge. But she does not want to give it away, claiming that you do not know what supplies you will need at school. Let's prove to her that it's not. And now the wise owlet will ask us riddles, and you try to guess them. Game "Guess the Riddles" 1. I am ready to blind the whole world - House, car, two cats. Today I am the lord - I have ... (clay) 2. A straight line, come on, Draw it yourself! It's hard science! It will come in handy here ... (ruler) 3. I look like a box, You put pens in me. Student, do you recognize me? Well, of course, I ... (kicked) 4. She speaks silently, But it is understandable and not boring. You talk more often with her - You will become four times smarter. (book)
5. If you sharpen it, Draw whatever you want: Sun, sea, mountains, beach. What is this? (pencil) 6. There is a wonderful bench, you and I sat on it. The bench leads both of us From year to year, From class to class. (desk)
Vanya is a first grader. Help him get ready for school. Put in the backpack the items that he needs for the lesson. Well done! You have done well in all tasks. And now the evil witch has no choice but to give us the keys to the land of knowledge. And we can open it, look how beautiful it is, how much everything interesting and new is in it. And so that the evil witch no longer wants to take the keys to this wonderful land of knowledge from us, we need to learn the rules of well-behaved children at school. And at the end of our lesson, listen carefully to our wise owlet. I'll tell you in conclusion: It's not about luck at all. And "five" he will receive, Who sits and honestly teaches. Who is not afraid of work, Who likes to study, Who will drive away laziness, Who is ready to help friends, Who wants to become smart And know about everything in the world! Good luck with your studies!!!
    Vasilyeva-Gangnus L.P. ABC of courtesy. - M: Pedagogy, 1989. Elkina N.V., Tarabarina T.I., 1000 riddles. A popular guide for parents and educators - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2005. Tikhomirova L.F., Basov A.V. Development of logical thinking of children. A popular guide for parents and teachers. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1997 Tsukerman G.A., Polivanova K.N. Introduction to school life. - M: New school, 1992.


The author's program of the teacher-psychologist IVANOVA ELENA MIKHAILOVNA


The first grade of school is one of the most significant critical periods in a child's life. Entering school for many of them is an emotionally stressful situation: the usual stereotype changes, the psycho-emotional load increases. How the adaptation takes place in the first year of study largely depends on the performance and academic performance in subsequent years.
When entering school, a child is influenced by a complex of factors: a class team, the personality of a teacher, a change in the regime, an unusually long restriction of motor activity, the emergence of new, not always attractive duties. The body adapts to these factors, mobilizing a system of adaptive reactions for this.
From the very first days, the school sets a number of tasks for the child. He needs to successfully master educational activities, master school norms of behavior, join the class team, and adapt to new conditions of mental work and regime. The performance of each of these tasks is directly related to the child's previous experience.
With the child entering school, under the influence of education, the restructuring of all his cognitive processes begins, they acquire the qualities characteristic of adults. This is due to the fact that children are included in new types of activities for them and systems of interpersonal relations that require them to have new psychological qualities. The general characteristics of all cognitive processes of the child should be their arbitrariness, productivity and stability.
Psychologists have proven that ordinary children in the lower grades of the school are quite capable, if only they are taught correctly, they also learn more complex material than that given in the current curriculum. However, in order to skillfully use the reserves available to the child, it is necessary to solve a preliminary important task: to adapt children to work at school and at home as quickly as possible, to teach them to study without wasting unnecessary physical effort, to be attentive, assiduous.
Most of the life of a first grader is connected with the game. The game for them is one of the main ways to comprehend the world around them. With the help of games, children learn to use the surrounding objects, explore the world of human relationships, and establish themselves in a peer group. Without the game it is impossible to imagine the world of childhood. Therefore, the program developed by us for the adaptation of students to school is based on game material. It contains games and exercises for the development of the basic mental processes of children with disabilities: attention, memory, thinking, speech, imagination, fine motor skills of hands; games and exercises to adapt students to a school with a day stay in the GPA; games and exercises for the development of interpersonal relationships in a team, etc. In the society of peers, the child is given the opportunity to think about himself and the people around him, try to understand how the world around him works, find friends among peers and children who are nearby.

Let's put ourselves in the place of a child, it is very difficult to build our behavior in accordance with the new system of socially given rules. He becomes a student who crosses the threshold of the school building for the first time. What do we know about him? He will have to adapt to a system that is fundamentally different from everything he (as a preschooler) has dealt with before. He needs to learn. Finally, he must form the internal position of the student. The child learns a new, completely unfamiliar activity. He needs to understand and remember the new rules of behavior. Finally, now the results of his activities will be evaluated by the teacher. Recall that the admission of a child to school means, first of all, an increase in the load on his body. And if, in addition to these loads, the child experiences constant stress and anxiety caused by the complexity and incomprehensibility of the new social situation, the process of adapting the child to school becomes much more complicated. Reflections on how to help children when they meet a new school situation for them led to the development of a cycle of psychological sessions for children who had just crossed the threshold of the school.

The main goal of this cycle is the psychological adaptation of the child to school and the prevention of possible difficulties that arise during the educational process. The following tasks are solved:

Formation of an adequate idea of ​​school life; - awareness by the child of the specifics of the student's position;
- development of adequate responses to possible difficulties in school life;
- increasing school motivation.

Classes are held in groups.

Number of participants in the group: 7 - 10 people.

The duration of one lesson is 30 minutes.

The cycle of classes can vary from 10 to 20, depending on the capabilities of a particular group of children (how positive is the dynamics of students' adaptation to learning).


  1. Welcome Ritual
  2. Warm up
  3. Main content:
Alternation of activities:

mobile - quiet
- Mind games
- Relaxation

4. Reflection: Like it or not. Why?
Semantic content: Why did they do it? What did we play for? As a rule, classes are held from mid-September, after the primary diagnostic examination of newly enrolled students in grade 1. Based on the results of the classes, secondary diagnostics are carried out, which reveals how successfully students have adapted to school. If there are students in the group who have not adapted well to school, classes can be continued (in group or individual form).

Explanatory note

Adaptation of first gradersto school education is one of the main activities of a school psychologist. This fact alone speaks of the relevance and significance of work in this direction.
In its most general form, school maladjustment is understood, as a rule, as a certain set of signs indicating a discrepancy between the sociopsychological and psychophysiological status of the child and the requirements of the situation of schooling, mastering which for a number of reasons becomes difficult. Among the main primary external signs, doctors, teachers, and psychologists unanimously attribute learning difficulties and various violations of school behavior.

Among the main causes of school maladjustment are the following:

1. Disadvantages in preparing the child for school, socio-pedagogical neglect.

2.Somatic weakness.
3. Violations of the formation of individual mental functions and cognitive processes.
4. Movement disorders.
5. Emotional disorders.

Depending on the social conditions of the child's life and its individual characteristics, different levels of maladjustment are distinguished:

1. In the absence of interest in the child of significant adults, he develops low self-esteem, the experience of failure is fixed and the meaning of learning and development is lost; as a result, poor academic performance, communication difficulties, and sometimes refusal to study are observed.
2. The group of mild cases of maladaptation includes children for whom study is hard and backbreaking work, they get very tired, they have no focus on learning, their interests are mainly related to communication. Such students usually do not have goals and interests, they do not expect their own success, they do not know how to plan their activities - they get bored.

"Good" children who please adults with good grades, but at the same time are afraid of mistakes and failures and realize not their own goals, but the expectations of parents and teachers. Sometimes such children learn at the limit of their abilities and are severely exhausted. They are characterized by periodic breakdowns - suddenly a sharp drop in academic performance, an increase in somatic diseases, depression. In this case, we can talk about hidden maladaptation. Training and developmental work is designed to eliminate or mitigate the effect of maladaptation and return the child to the path of development.
Children's adaptation training is aimed at preventing the difficulties associated with the process of entry of first-graders into school life in the classroom.


· creation of conditions for uniting the children's team during the period of adaptation;

· the formation of children's relationship to each other as partners in cooperation in various spheres of life.


· Provide psychological comfort for first graders;

· promote mutual understanding between children, unity of the class team

The training program has been drawn up for first grade students in the period of adaptation to school

Deadlines:first week of training, 3 lessons of 30 minutes

Expected results:

1. Removal of psychological stress in children.

2. Close-knit team of first-graders;

3. Painless adaptation to school.

4. Development in children of a sense of trust in adults (parents, teacher, psychologist).

Classes are carried out according to the following structure:

1. Warm-up (greeting, 3 - 5 minutes).

2. The main part (exercises of the adaptation period, 20-25 minutes).

3. Final part (farewell ritual, 2 min).

Thematic plan.

— Name of the lesson

- The purpose of the lesson

– Games, exercises (30 minutes)


Set up the participants of the training for group cohesion and activation of the work of the group.

1. "Snowball" - 5 minutes

2. "Caterpillar" - 7 min

3. "Transformation" - 5m

4. "Titanic" - 9 min

5. Reflection - 3 min

6. Farewell -1 min

"One for all and all for one"

Development of communication skills, cohesion, responsibility; development of non-verbal communication skills

1. "Say hello" - 3 min

2. "Build" - 7 min

3. "Confusion" - 8 min

4. "Scratch your back" - 10 min

5. "Palms" - 1 min

« We are friendly guys."

Teambuilding. The development of communication skills, cohesion within the team, the ability to coordinate their actions with others, and solve assigned tasks.

1. "Let's talk with our hands" - 2 minutes

2. "Touch and colors" - 5 min

3. "Puzzle" - 5min

4. "Bumps in the swamp" - 10 min

5. "Strongmen" - 5 minutes

Lesson 1. Acquaintance. Establishing contact with children.

Lesson progress

1. Warm up.

The social educator welcomes the children.

Guys, today I will lead the lesson. My name is Yulia Yurievna. But first, let's get to know each other better.

Exercise "Snowball". Greeting in a circle (children stand in a circle, hold hands and greet each by name, naming the names of all previous participants).

Familiarity with the rules of working in a group.

It was nice to meet you. Now listen carefully to the rules of conduct in our classes.

You probably noticed that I have a toy in my hands, and I hold it for a reason, there is such a rule: "Whoever has a toy, he speaks." Let's repeat this rule together. The next rule, the stop rule. I think you will easily remember this rule. After all, it says that you can not interrupt each other and listen carefully. Let's repeat this rule together. There is one more rule. It sounds like this: "Be active." Let's repeat this rule together.

2.Main part

- Now let's let's play.

Exercise "Caterpillar" - the class becomes one after another in a column, holding the neighbor in front by the waist. After these preparations, the host explains that the team is a caterpillar, and now cannot be torn apart. The caterpillar must, for example, show with its long body how it sleeps, how it eats, how it washes, how it exercises, etc.

- Well done! Did you like the game?

Our game will be called "Transformation". That is, I will name animals, people, objects in which you must “turn into”. Let's try. Now you are all "turning" into a cat. You can make sounds that are characteristic of a cat, that is, meow, purr, you can stretch, as cats do, etc.

So, you...


· tired man

· Doggy

· Mouse

· A person who is very upset

・Cheerful person

· Wood


Exercise Titanic. You did great. And as a reward, I want to offer you a boat trip. But first you need to choose a captain. Who wants to be? (if several guys move their hand at once, then the captain is chosen with the help of a rhyme). Being a captain is not so easy, because he is responsible for the ship, for the passengers, for the crew. And in case of misfortune, the captain must come to the aid of people. All clear, captain?

Then I'll ask everyone to come up on deck. Our journey begins! We are sailing on our small ship, admiring the sea, watching the dolphins. But suddenly the wind picked up, the sky was covered with clouds, it began to rain, lightning flashes. And, oh, misfortune, our ship began to sink. (The teacher removes one chair at a time until there are three chairs left, the children sit on the remaining chairs). Fortunately for us, they found out about the wreck of the ship on the shore and sent a rescue team to help us. And now you can already leave the deck of a sinking ship, report back, did you manage to save all the people?

- Fine, I see that you are ready to help each other, which means you will be able to quickly make friends. Well done! Keep it up! And now I ask everyone to take their seats.

3. Final part.

- Now I will ask you questions, and pass this ball around. For example, I give the ball to Dima, he must answer my question and pass it on. But before passing the ball must wind the thread around the finger (shows how). The game will continue until the glomerulus is again with me.


· Did you enjoy today's lesson? Why?

· Did you get to know your classmates better? What did they look like to you?

· Did you like the caterpillar game? Why?

· Would you like to play the transformation game again?

· Did you like to depict animals or the feelings and emotions of people more?

· What do you think is more difficult to portray, animals or people?

· When we played the Titanic game. Were you not afraid that your comrades would not let you into their chair, that is, they would not help you? Did you trust them?

- Well done! Look guys, we've got a vicious circle. And each of us is a part of it. If, for example, I raise my finger, then I will also have to do this if he does not want to break the thread. We are one. We are a team.

- We will unravel as follows, but first answer my question: have you ever had the desire to say thank you to each other for the day spent together?

“Now you have that opportunity.” And at the same time we can free ourselves. That is, I now pass the ball and tell him: “Thank you for a wonderful day,” unwinds the thread from his finger, passes the ball and tells her “thank you for a wonderful day,” etc. until we all unravel, and the ball is back to me.

Adaptation classes with first graders. Group work with children in elementary school

Adaptation of the child to schoolis a rather lengthy process. Not a day, not a week is required for a little student to get used to the school for real. The main role in creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, of course, belongs to the class teacher. He needs to constantly work on leveling up.learning motivationto baby xtired of going to school, was the desire to acquire knowledge. The class teacher must create for the childsituations of success in the classroom, during recess, in extracurricular activities, in communication with classmates.

The most effective prevention of maladjustment isgroup work with children. It can be carried out by both a school psychologist and a class teacher. Such work is carried out in the form of group adaptation classes at the beginning of the school year after school hours 1-2 times a week.

Such activities will help create the conditions forfavorable adaptation of the childat school, by creating a positive microclimate in the student environment, a friendly atmosphere, emotional comfort, will assist in establishing interpersonal relationships between children based on respect, empathy, acceptance and trust in each other, will help improve interaction, develop group cohesion. Classes will teach children the rules of school life, and the class teacher will be introduced to the personal characteristics of the children.

Feature of adaptation classesin that they are always carried out with an emotionally positive attitude. They should be pleasant and interesting for children. In the classroom, games and creative tasks are widely used, as well as psychological exercises. Of great importance is the discussion with the children of the completed tasks, the generalization of the results, the placement of collective and individual work in the classroom in order to express the personal significance of each child.

It is better if the children will be in the adaptation classes sit in a circle . This will allow each of them to see each other's eyes, and not the backs of their heads.

At the beginning of classes, be sure greetings . The class teacher asks the guys to smile at each other: the neighbor on the right, the neighbor on the left. Then greet him affectionately, shake hands. The next task will be a request to call each other affectionately (for example: "Hello, Lenochka") and affectionately answer ("Hello, Borenka").

First lesson

It is advisable to dedicate the first lesson with first-gradersgetting to know each other guys. After the greeting, everyone will say their name. But it's hard to remember everyone this way. Therefore, the class teacher can use the following technique: ask those guys whose name is Natasha (Lena, etc., with all the names) to go to the board first.

Children with the same name receive paper flowers of the same color. When all the flowers have been handed out, the class teacher asks the children named Natasha to raise the flowers, etc. You can invite the children to spin to the music to the “Waltz of the Flowers”, and at the end of the lesson, make a clearing on a sheet of green drawing paper. Each child in turn is invited to find a place in the clearing and stick their own flower on their own. The class teacher draws the attention of the children to what a wonderful meadow turned out, what a big class, and each student has a place in it.

At the end of the lesson, you need to ask the students if they liked the lesson, what specifically they liked, whether they want to conduct such classes in the future.

Second lesson

The second lesson can be devoted to teaching children compliment each other. After the traditional greeting, the class teacher asks the children to compliment each other (for example: "Helen, you have beautiful bows today"). As a rule, this task causes laughter and confusion. Therefore, children must be taught to compliment.

The class teacher asks the guys about who is pleased to hear kind words addressed to them? As a rule, everyone answers in the affirmative. Then the class teacher says that she has a Katya doll who loves to receive compliments. Each child is invited to give the doll a compliment. The teacher on behalf of the doll comments on the compliments, praises the guys for the most successful ones. After working with the doll, the class teacher offers to playgame "Compliments".

Game "Compliments"

Compliments game. Children sit in a circle. Starts to speaka compliment to a childclassroom teacher. The child who received the compliment says a compliment to his neighbor, and so on in a chain. The last child in the circle compliments the class teacher. At the end of the game - a discussion of the results. Each child talks about how he felt when he heard a compliment addressed to him and when he complimented a neighbor. Did he enjoy listening and giving compliments?

The class teacher notices that after the compliments in the class it became brighter, and to make it completely light, he suggests drawing a sun for each child. Painted suns, at the request of the children, are placed in the classroom to warm and remind them of compliments.

Third lesson

The third lesson can be devotedthe formation of observation and empathyin relation to each other. After the traditional greeting, the class teacher invites the children to sit in a circle and playgame "What are we like".

Game "What are we like"

The game "What are we like." The class teacher starts the game: he invites one of the guys to the circle by his resemblance to himself. For example: "Katya, please come out to me, because we have the same color shoes." Katya enters the circle and invites one of the participants to leave in the same way.

The game continues until all the members of the group are in the circle. The game can be repeated several times. After the game, the class teacher says that all people are different, but all people have something the same (lists what the same features of appearance, clothing items were named). At the end of the lesson, each child is invited to draw their own self-portrait and place self-portraits on a stand prepared in advance. The result of the lesson is that we are all different, but we have something in common and we feel good together.

Fourth session

The fourth lesson can be devotedself-esteem. After the traditional greeting,applause game.

Game "Applause"

Applause game. The guys sit in a circle. The class teacher asks those who have a certain skill or quality to stand up (for example, stand up those who can draw, read, count, swim, like to watch children's films, etc.). The rest of the participants applaud those who stood up. After the game "Applause", the class teacher invites each of the guys to tell a little about themselves, about what they do in their free time, what they can do well, for which adults praise him. Each speaker is applauded. This story can be carried out not on behalf of the child, but on behalf of any of his things.

Game "What does my thing know about me"

Game "What does my thing know about me". One of the children, following the example of the class teacher, takes any object of his own (pen, pencil case, notebook, jacket, etc.) and begins to talk about himself on behalf of this object. For example: "I am Serezha's pen. He picks me up when he writes something. He tries very hard to write beautifully," etc. At the end of the lesson, the class teacher sums up what capable children are in the class.

Fifth session

The fifth lesson can be devoted to continuingdating first graders. After the traditional greeting, the teacher invites the children to remember their favorite games. After the discussion, the class teacher invites the children to draw their favorite game or toy. You can draw the process of the game. At the end of the drawing, the class teacher notes how many good drawings turned out.

Asks each of the children to tell about their drawing (their game, toy). After each story, the class teacher asks who else from the class drew a picture about this game (toy). Based on the results of the discussion, he summarizes the interests of the children, concludes how many interesting games and toys the children have, how much they have in common in interests, and how good it is to play together.

The final lesson is aimed atformation of interaction skills, development of creative abilities of first graders. As a warm-up game "Smile" with a toy, such as a dog.

Game "Smile"

The class teacher passes the dog to the child and smiles, the child passes the dog to his neighbor and smiles, etc., until the dog returns to the class teacher. The teacher then proceeds to the main part of the lesson.

Game "Enchanted tree"

Class teacher (addressing the children who are sitting in a circle): Do you want to take a trip to a magical land? Then we stand in a circle. This is a time machine. In order to get to the magical land, we take 3 steps to the right in a circle. Here we are in a magical land. A beautiful tree grew in this country. It was a wish tree. (A piece of drawing paper is attached to the easel, on which a tree without leaves is drawn.)

The tree fulfilled only good wishes. One day an evil wizard came to this country. He made an evil wish, and the tree did not fulfill it. Then the magician got angry and bewitched the tree of desires. Let's try to break it down, shall we? And the tree itself will help us in this. It asks us for something, and these requests are written on the leaves. (The leaves were prepared by the class teacher in advance, each sheet contains a task that the guys must complete.) Let's read them. (The class teacher reads the tasks.)

Exercise 1. The evil wizard is always in a bad mood, his face is always angry, displeased. If you look at the face of this wizard, then immediately no one wants to be friends with him. Why? The tree asks you to draw for the wizard the faces of guys with whom you yourself would like to be friends. Maybe the magician will look at these drawings, become kinder, change his expression, want to have friends, and everyone will want to be friends with him? (The children begin to draw. The class teacher helps the children stick the finished drawings next to the tree.) How do you think the magician will feel when he sees your drawings?

Task 2. The evil wizard has no and never had friends. Why? The wizard does not know what a real friend should be. The tree asks you to write a letter to the wizard and tell him what a real friend should be like. Let's think about how we can continue the following unfinished sentences:

A true friend is a person who...

Together with a friend I would like...

Friendship gets in the way...

I appreciate in a friend...

I like it when a friend...

Friendship helps... (After the discussion, the class teacher asks the guys questions.)

Do you have real friends?

Can each of you be a true friend?

Task 3. No one has ever spoken kind words to an evil wizard. Why? Do you ever say kind words to each other? Let's play the game "Compliments" (with a ball). (The guys and the class teacher sit in a circle. The class teacher starts the game. He gives the ball to the child sitting next to him and says a compliment. The child who received the ball compliments the neighbor and passes the ball, etc., until the ball returns to the class teacher .)

Task 4. Do you remember that in the country of Joy, the Sun, Happiness and Kindness, not a simple tree grows, but a tree of desires. What is missing from the tree? Leaves. The tree asks you to wish something good for your friends. And with every wish, a new leaf will grow on the tree. Draw a leaf, make a wish and glue it to the tree.

In the final part of the lesson, the class teacher tells the children that the journey is over, offers to stand in a circle, form a time machine, take 3 steps to the left and end up in the classroom.

Developing classes of an adaptive nature for first-graders "Hello, school!"

Author: Spiridonova Alla Vasilievna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Proletarian secondary school" p. Proletarka, Krasnogvardeisky district, Orenburg region.
Work description: this development will be useful for primary school teachers in a general education institution working according to the Federal State Educational Standard. When preparing children for school.
The problem of adaptation of first-graders to school is relevant for the entire education system. Coming to school, getting into a new situation for themselves, almost all children experience and worry. This is expressed in different ways: some try in every possible way to attract attention to themselves and really attract it with their mobility and not always justified activity, others, on the contrary, seem to freeze, speak more quietly than usual, hardly come into contact with other students and the teacher. With all the variety of different manifestations of children's behavior during the period of adaptation, we can say that all first graders need help and support from adults during this difficult period for them.
Target: creating conditions for living and understanding new experiences, new situations of life and communication.

Creation of conditions for ensuring emotional comfort, a sense of security for future first-graders when entering school life.
Creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom as a necessary condition for the development of self-confidence in children.
Helping future first-graders in understanding and accepting the rules of school life and themselves as students.
Organization of interaction between children as a prerequisite for the formation of skills of educational cooperation.
Creation of prerequisites for group cohesion of the class.
The main idea of ​​pedagogical activity is to help children adapt to school, as one of the elements of successful socialization.
The main forms of developmental work: psychological lessons (because it puts children on educational and cognitive activity), games (because it expands horizons, immersing the child in other worlds and relationships., Gives experience in their creation, choice, construction), training (because the task of learning is openly set in the training. The training involves stopping, reflection, returning to what has turned out and incomprehensible).

Progress with children

Familiarization of the teacher with the characteristics of the class.
Acquaintance. Introductory conversation. The game "Flowers - names."
Why do they go to school.

Purpose: To create conditions for future first-graders to get acquainted with a teacher, a psychologist, and with each other.
Lesson progress:
The psychologist and the teacher greet the children, greet them.
Teacher “I am very glad to meet you. You have come to school, and our school will become a place where you will learn a lot of new and interesting things, get answers to various difficult questions. And, of course, you will meet many friends here. And in order for us all to get to know each other better, to get to know our future classmates and our school better, we will meet at dating lessons. In these lessons, you can work and play together.
Guys, the signal for the beginning of the dating lesson will be these words, listen: - One, two, three - listen and look!
- Three, two, one - we'll start now!
Guys, in order for this lesson to begin, let's say these words together. Please stand by your tables. Look at me and repeat the movements that I will show. Try to repeat the words after me in order to remember them better.
The psychologist, together with the teacher, pronounces the words that serve as a signal to start the lesson, accompanying them with the following movements:
- One, two, three (claps his hands 3 times) - listen (points to his ears) and look (points to his eyes)!
- Three, two, one (claps hands 3 times) - we will start now (holds out hands to the class with palms up)!
Psychologist: Thank you! Please sit down in your seats and look at me!”

"I am a psychologist. My name is (says the name and attaches to the board a flower cut out of colored paper, on which the name of the psychologist is written in block letters)
Teacher: "I'm your future teacher...
Look around how many kids are in the class. You don't know each other yet, you don't know everyone. Of course, everyone has their own name, and it can be difficult to remember who's name right away. And we will study together, and therefore you need to know all the guys in the class.
Let's get acquainted. When I say: "Three-four" - everyone on command will shout out their name. Well, let's try! Oh-oh-oh!... They seemed to be shouting loudly, but I didn’t hear a single name! Have you heard all the names?
Let's try differently. If it doesn't work out loud, let's say our names in a whisper. Again, something is not right ... No one shouted, but still nothing is clear. Have you heard many names? Also no?
Probably, the thing is, guys, that everyone is talking at the same time. It’s good to work together, it’s fun to play, it’s great to sing, but it’s bad to answer: when everyone says different words at once, nothing is clear. Let's try to talk in turn, one at a time and listen to the names of the boys and girls of our future class. I will approach each of you in turn, and the one on which I touch the shoulder will loudly and clearly state his name. I have flowers with your names in my hand, I will give everyone one of the flowers. Thank you! Now all the names were heard.
There are flowers with your names in front of you. Listen carefully to the task. Flowers can fulfill them for you.

The psychologist asks those whom he names to raise flowers. Examples of tasks: “Boys, lift up the flowers”, “Girls, lift the flowers” ​​“Pick up the flowers, those whose names begin with the letter ...” ”(Names several letters in turn).
“Let's grow a large flower meadow on our board. Let's do it this way. I will call some guys to the board, they will come here and put their flowers on the board. You need to listen carefully if I call you. I ask you to come to the board, all those who are called ...
The teacher takes out a sign that says "OUR CLASS". “Guys, look how many flowers we got, just as many as us. And we are all one class (places a sign above the names). Here it is, what our class is.

Now I will ask those who are sitting to come to me. Please stand next to me, in a line, facing the class. Well done! I will ask (says name) one of the children to touch everyone’s hands and determine who has the warmest hands.
Another child determines who has the warmest ears, forehead, nose, etc.

“Let's make our class a gift: decorate it with golden suns! Let each of you draw a sun that can warm, cheer and cheer you up! Then our class will become the brightest and most comfortable. (Quiet music is used during the task).
“Whoever has finished the drawing, put the pencils in place, and the drawing in front of you. I’ll come up, and you will quietly tell me what place in the class your sun liked.”

Purpose: Creation of conditions for preliminary awareness of children of their future status as a schoolchild.
Lesson progress:
The teacher and psychologist greet the children and the lesson begins with a familiar action.

“Now we will play the game “One, two, three - whisper.” Squeeze your hands into fists. I will ask questions, and you will answer me, but answer in a special way. I ask a question, and you whisper to three: one, two, three, raise your thumbs and whisper the answer. Let's try. What is the name of the roommate? Etc.

Guys, what do they call you in the kindergarten? What will you be called when you go to school? Tell me, what is the difference between a schoolchild and a preschooler? That's right, a schoolboy does his homework, goes to school, studies in the classroom. What do preschoolers do? Can a student play and run? In fact, the student can also play and run. I'll tell you a little secret: each of you can behave like a schoolboy, and sometimes like a preschooler. You need to know when you can behave like schoolchildren and when you can behave like a preschooler. Now I will name different situations, and you will think about how you should behave in this situation - like a schoolboy or like a preschooler. - On the lesson. - Houses. -With friends. Etc.
Thank you very much, you did a great job with this difficult task. You know when you can act like a schoolboy and when like a preschooler. And now, let's see if you can quickly turn from schoolchildren to preschoolers and vice versa .. Now we will play a game that many of you probably know. This game is called "The sea is worried once ...", but we will play it in a special way. Instead of a marine figure, we will depict the figures of a schoolboy and a preschooler. The driver will say: "The sea worries once, the sea worries two figures of a schoolboy (or preschooler) freeze in place." While the sea is worried, you can walk around the class, and anna the word “freeze” you need to freeze, depicting the named figure. The driver chooses the most school student or the most preschool preschooler. I will be the first driver. Please stand up and come to me."
Task "what's in the portfolio"
“Now tell me what do students go to school with? That's right, with a briefcase. What does he take with him in his briefcase? What do preschoolers want to take with them? Now we will draw drawings-riddles. Draw three items that schoolchildren would take with them, and one extra item that a preschooler would take with him, which is not needed at school.
(Children draw)
"Who wants to give their own riddle to the class?"
“Thank you, now we know a lot about real schoolchildren. Real schoolchildren are distinguished by the fact that they go to school, do their homework. At school, you need to behave like schoolchildren, but at home, on the street, you can behave like preschoolers.

Purpose: to create conditions for children to realize their future new status.
Lesson progress:
The teacher and psychologist greet the children and begin the lesson with a well-known ritual.
“Guys, and now we will learn a new game. It's called Nose, Ceiling, Mouth. In order to play it, you need to be very careful. Look up. What is above our head? Let's point the finger and say: the ceiling. Excellent. What's under your feet? Let's point a finger at it. And now he points his finger at his nose and says: nose.
And now I will confuse you. I will name one and show another. You don't say anything, only point to what I call. Believe what you hear, not what you see. Be careful.
Teacher: "Well done guys. And I'll tell you a story about first grade animals.
THE BEST FIRST GRADER. On a clear September morning, the animals came to the forest school. The bright sun shone outside, the breeze played with golden autumn leaves. The bell had not rung yet, and the animals sat at their desks and talked. They really enjoyed going to school, and each of them wanted to become the best first grader.
- Let's try to help the animals and each of you, receiving a drawing of the animal, will say why his ward is the best first grader.

I will name what they go to school for, if it is correct, then you will clap your hands, and if it is wrong, you will stamp your feet.
They go to school to play.
They go to school to read.
They go to school to be friends. Etc.
And now we will draw riddle drawings again. Now I will distribute the sheets to you. Draw a schoolchild on one side, and a preschooler on the other so that you can understand, immediately guess who is drawn where.
And now you take your drawings and exchange with your desk mate. Try to guess where the schoolboy is drawn, and where the preschooler is.
So, today we learned that people go to school in order to study, to learn a lot of new things, etc. Thank you for your work.

Purpose: creation of conditions for acquaintance of future first-graders with the skills of educational cooperation.
Lesson progress:
The teacher welcomes the children and offers to start the lesson with poetic lines, which are accompanied by the movements of the children and the teacher.
“In one children's song it is sung: “Together it is fun to walk across the expanses and, of course, it is better to sing in chorus.” Of course, sometimes you want to play alone, and there are things that a person must do on his own. But it often happens that it’s not interesting to play alone, and there are things that are better done together. Today in the lesson we will work together when it will be necessary to complete tasks not alone. And with some of the guys.
Each pair will have only one leaflet. It is necessary to draw together, together holding on to one pencil. Draw a picture together on any topic, but in this picture a house and a tree must be drawn. What they will be, and what else you will draw on your picture, decide for yourself. During the assignment, remember that you must work together, without quarrels and resentments.
(After finishing work, those who wish can tell the class what they have drawn)
Now we will play "Echo" with you. Start the game (8-9 children).
I will ask you to go to the blackboard (the child is called by name). Listen carefully. I'll clap the rhythm now, and you try to repeat it exactly. You will be my echo. Well done, you did it, now call yourself an assistant. Who will you invite? You can call by saying, "Help me please, and name."
Now try together, together repeat the rhythm that I will clap. Ready? Listen carefully.
Well done, you completed the task, and now you can invite another assistant with the words "Help me, please ..."
(and so a few people)

Dear friends, I congratulate you on the fact that our classes have come to an end. You got to know each other well. But this is not the end of our adventures, they are just beginning. Today we have to go on a great journey through a fairy-tale country. Here it is (map opens). Wish you luck. Are you ready to hit the road? Then let's start.
So we come to the island of strangers. This test will be easiest for those who remember their classmates well. You will need to guess who came out of the island of strangers. But, attention: as soon as you guessed who we are talking about, in no case do not shout out his name, do not point at a stranger with your hand, but just ... smile. I can tell by your smile that you recognized him. When I say stranger, appear - the one who recognizes himself will simply get up from his seat (description of children).
Well done, you recognized everyone who appeared in the Grove of Strangers, they were our friends. But maybe one of you will be able to name all the guys because there are so many of us.
And now attention! What is this island? This is Friendship Island. You can only get to this island together. So, we got to the island with you, we need to help the grains of sand build a new city. There is a tray with sand. Let's all build a city together. So, if you are friendly and rallied together like these grains of sand, then any business is up to you.
Now let's give it a name.
Let's draw an emblem.
And write wishes for grains of sand. Here are the good guys! We passed the tests, and we built the city, and drew the coat of arms. AND NOW ... Everyone who has mastered all the tests is waiting for a prize to your applause.
Well, dating lessons have come to an end. But the acquaintance itself will only begin in September, when you come to school. You have to learn a lot of new, interesting and important things. Sometimes we will remember our magical activities, and play games that will make us even more attentive, even smarter, even smarter! Goodbye, see you again!

It should be noted that this methodological development made it possible to fulfill all the goals and objectives. Within the framework of this study, a comparative analysis of the level and nature of children's adaptation was made. The results of the comparative analysis showed that the first-graders showed cohesion of the class team, an increase in the level of school motivation, emotional stability, positive self-esteem, which was also noted by parents. Opportunities to continue working. The proposed developmental work can be continued in the first days of the child at school and be more "school" in nature.
Where children can be introduced to the rules of school life, grades, etc. with the help of psychological exercises, games. Which will also lead to a faster and better process of adaptation of the first grader to school. The proposed program can be expanded.