Take a personality test. Psychotype test, determination of the psychological type of personality online (socionics)

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Test Myers-Briggs was created during the Second World War in order to help women find employment and replace their husbands who had gone to the battlefields. After answering a series of questions, they received a brief description, on the basis of which they could choose a job that best suited their abilities.

Some Western companies still use the Myers-Briggs test when selecting candidates for their vacancies.

website created a simplified, short version of this test. Only 4 questions with 2 possible answers each, and - voila! - a combination of letters will tell about your personality type.

1. You are completely exhausted, the week was long and not the most successful. How will you spend your weekend?

  • I'll call my friends, find out what their plans are. Heard there's a new restaurant open / a hilarious comedy is out / the paintball club is on sale. We all need to get out together. - E
  • I'll put my phone on do not disturb mode, stay at home. I will turn on a new episode of my favorite series, put together a puzzle, lie in the bath with a book. - I

2. Which of the two descriptions best suits you?

  • The most important thing for me is what is happening here and now. I start from the real state of affairs, I pay attention to the details. - S
  • Facts are boring. I love to dream and write scenarios of future events. I rely more on intuition than on data. - N

3. A company that is your employer's competitor is trying to poach you. You doubt: they pay much more there, but there is a great team here, and the head of the department hinted that he recommends you to management before retiring. How will you make a decision?

  • I will study all the available information about the competitor company, consult with an HR manager I know, and draw a pros and cons table. In such cases, it is important to soberly evaluate and weigh everything. - T
  • I will listen to my own feelings and sensations. I always try to follow my heart. - F

4. Before the wedding of your close friends 2 weeks. How are you getting ready?

  • Already a month ago, I chose a saxophonist who will perform a medley of songs from our school years / put together a presentation from photos of the couple from the moment they met / composed a poem / ironed a suit / signed up for makeup and styling. I prefer to be fully equipped. - J
  • Why prepare? I will have fun and enjoy the holiday, and I will make a toast impromptu, from the heart. All the best things happen spontaneously. - P

Now look for your Myers-Briggs personality type!


Practical and consistent, he loves order in everything, planning and organizing. But most of all - to convince others that they are right and persuade them to their own point of view. He looks at life soberly and trusts, first of all, the facts.

Open for communication, new acquaintances and noisy companies. He does not forget to take care of loved ones and knows how to show his love.

11% men, 6% women


For him, life is a struggle and an extreme. This is how he gets to know others and himself. Bold and adventurous, he is easily inspired and starts something new. At the same time, he adequately assesses his abilities - both strengths and weaknesses.

Subtly feels trends, open to fresh ideas. Thinks positively. She loves sports and everything connected with it.

3% men, 1% women


Gets along well with people, the soul of any company. Attentive and caring, always ready to help, even if you have to sacrifice your own interests for the sake of another person.

At the same time, he is very independent in his affairs and, as a rule, achieves everything without outside help. From relatives expects only emotional support.

17% women, 8% men


“The main thing is not victory, but participation” - this is not about him. He strives to achieve his goal at any cost, even if he has to use physical force. Adheres to a clear plan of action, does not tolerate submission and compromise.

A born fighter, agile but collected. Able to objectively assess even the most stressful situation and give a quick, accurate answer.

6% men, 3% women


Emotional, eloquent, with expressive facial expressions and developed gestures. Understands and transfers the emotions of other people, catches even the slightest insincerity. In love, distrustful and jealous.

Often he is ready for certain events, having the ability to anticipate them in advance.

3% women, 2% men


Idea generator, is in continuous creation of something new. Quickly adapts to unusual conditions, easily masters different methods of work.

Often, because of his dislike for traditions and routine, he changes professional areas and hobbies, becomes an innovator and pioneer. Most importantly, he is able not only to create an idea, but also to convey its essence to others, make decisions and bring his plans to life.

4% men, 2% women


Masterfully determines the capabilities of others and often uses this for the purpose of manipulation. In dealing with people, he is guided primarily by his own interests, but he strives to impress them and create an image of an outstanding personality.

With both feet in the present moment, does not like to waste time. Waiting for quick results, does not tolerate bureaucracy and red tape.

10% women, 7% men


Energetic and inquisitive, with a pronounced creative beginning. It combines the features of both an extrovert and an introvert, and therefore not only knows how to find a common language with people, but also feels them well. Able to empathize and give good advice.

He perceives life in all its diversity of possibilities, has a developed imagination and a high level of intelligence. A very harmonious personality, able to maintain balance even with a constant change of circumstances.

10% women, 6% men


A lyricist and a dreamer, puts inner harmony, harmony with oneself in the first place. Most of the thoughts directs deep into oneself, however, he is able to intuitively predict events and understand people well.

He likes to dress up, tries to look good in any circumstances. Not distinguished by frugality and often loses a sense of time and reality of what is happening.

5% women, 4% men


Knows how to find joy in simple things, calmly endures routine and monotony. He likes to feel needed, and therefore always helps other people, but never violates their personal space. Does not tolerate conflict situations, knows how to make laugh and entertain.

Very down to earth, practical, caring, gentle, reliable and faithful companion. He accepts the world as it is, does not try to lead and manipulate.

10% women, 8% men


An erudite and philosopher, he does not like a violent manifestation of feelings, he strives for an even emotional background and comfort. Cautious in making decisions, likes to analyze and look for connections between the past, present and future.

Very susceptible to change and rather difficult to tolerate them. He is constantly trying to put together all the incoming facts, thoughts and ideas, which is why he is often in suspense.

5% men, 2% women

Subtly feels people and the relationship between them. Easily determines moods and hidden talents, he is often asked for advice. He himself is easily vulnerable and hard to endure aggression and lack of love.

His driving force - intuition - is not directed outward, but inward. Such people do not stop learning throughout their lives, considering self-development as one of the main priorities. Knowing themselves, they help others.

2% women, 1% men


He has a rich inner world, from where he basically draws his unusual ideas. Strives for excellence, wants to improve everyone and everything.

However, in relations with people he experiences difficulties, often deliberately alienating others, demonstrating independence. Knows how to prioritize, trusts his intuition.

3% men, 1% women


He does not tolerate falsehood and pretense in relationships, he immediately distinguishes “strangers” and “friends”. The first keeps at a distance. For the second, he is ready for a lot, and he never asks for something in return.

Executive, accurate in words and deeds. Good-natured and caring, sees the highest goal in helping others and making them happier.

19% women, 8% men


As a rule, he has a technical mindset and likes to work with his hands. He is not in a hurry to make decisions, I am sure that it is better to measure 7 times. However, he always keeps within the deadlines and is punctual in essence.

Knows the world through sensations, his view of what is happening is extremely objective and concrete. By default, it is located towards other people, but refuses to communicate as soon as it feels insincerity.

9% men, 2% women


Thoughtful, deep, responsible. It inspires confidence, but he does not take anything for granted, carefully analyzing all the incoming information. Not interested in long-term communication, prefers business contacts only for the duration of cooperation. Focused on the end result.

Likes rigor, order, often pedantic. Does not hover in the clouds, is "here and now."

15% men, 7% women

Self test tests

Here are selected tests for non-professional use. Anyone can independently test themselves using these tests. The results obtained from these tests should not be taken too seriously. However, they are good for expanding "inner horizons", developing self-criticism, a source of ideas for self-improvement. Polish doctors from the Institute of National Health, together with graphologists and psychologists, developed a test to determine a person's propensity for certain diseases by handwriting. Do you tend to plan your time and not be at the mercy of external circumstances. The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify the level of honesty, openness of the subject. Designed for professional psychological diagnostics. The "Honesty" questionnaire goes well with those questionnaires that do not include a scale of lies: with low scores, Square, triangle, rectangle, circle, zigzag - diligence, leadership, transition, harmony, creativity. Equal or unequal union. Many of us, well-versed in ourselves people, are able to assess the degree of our activity and show it in accordance with our own potential. At the same time, many people who are endowed by nature with great vital activity, but do not realize it and do not even know about its existence. Anancast has a powerful force of unjustified resistance to circumstances. Instead of adapting to them, he tries at all costs to keep them unchanged. But in life everything changes, much in it is relative or does not matter at all for the existence of a person. Diagnosis of propensity to artistic professions. Diagnostics of the general psychological climate in the family. Prudent people love comfort, before they do something, they "measure seven times." Others rush through life at breakneck speed: they don't care! They are able to risk everything, even if the success of the enterprise is not guaranteed. If you are a girl or a young woman who sometimes finds it very difficult to figure out her feelings for another person (young man), then we hope that this test, developed by Professor Kovalev, will help you sort out your feelings to some extent. This test will help for introspection in determining the nature of the relationship with your spouse. Irritability. How important is sex and related things to you and your life? Evaluate each five years of your life according to the degree of saturation with important events for you. Aggressive or peaceful. If the number of points matches your age, then everything is in order. For those who prefer creative activity, it is desirable that the psychological age is not ahead of the passport one. Do you have significant creative potential that presents you with a wide range of possibilities. If you can actually apply your abilities, then a wide variety of forms of creativity are available to you. Choleric. Sanguine. Phlegmatic person. Melancholic. The level of general communicative tolerance is evidenced by the fact that you do not know how, or do not want to understand or accept the individuality of other people. The individuality of another is, first of all, what is special in him: given by nature, brought up, learned in the environment. Veiled cruelty in relation to people, in judgments about them. Open cruelty in relation to people. Justified negativism in judgments about people. Grumbling, that is, the tendency to make unreasonable generalizations of negative facts in the field of relationships with partners and in observing social reality. ... Exhibitionism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism, polygamy, perversion, animalism, narcissism, voyeurism. Test for women. Bodily health. Well-being. Relationships with friends are very important. And what are yours? Some experts say that you can learn a lot about each of us from the initials. Unbalance. Excitability. Some people find it very difficult to look at themselves from the outside. It seems to many that they are "darlings", they are pleasant in communication, it is pleasant for interlocutors to talk. In fact, it often happens that we underestimate the feelings of our neighbor, are rude and insult, without noticing it ourselves. This test (the so-called Leary Questionnaire) is very popular among professional psychologists because of its convenience and information content. Try it out for yourself as well. There are people who are always on the alert - nothing can surprise them, stun them, confuse them. Their opposite is scattered and inattentive people, lost in the simplest situations. The purpose of this test is to help deal with inner feelings. The main idea of ​​the test is to find the key word that will help unravel the tangle of a person's pressing problems. The key word is just the end of the thread that you need to grab onto in order to unravel the tangle of problems. This test was developed by English psychologists. It will help you figure out how stingy you are with gifts. Are you kind and considerate to others? Are you able to give the last shirt to someone who needs it more? What is the dominance of the organization in which you work, male or female? To find out, just answer a few questions. Your dominant psychological defense strategy in dealing with partners. level of neuroticism. Are you the kind of woman from whom men can lose their heads? Shyness. Introspection of the manner of laughing. What is your management style: directive, collegial or conniving. If you are a pedestrian, then this test is not for you. Otherwise, it will not hurt you to find out for yourself whether you are a good driver or not. The proposed test, compiled by a French psychologist, is at the same time an exercise that will allow parents to better understand the issues of raising boys and girls. Captain or passenger, leader or follower, leader or subordinate? Test for women. Contact people feel free in any company. They easily get acquainted with unfamiliar men. The level of conflict. Sixteen types of functional brain asymmetry. Amusement lover or not, hedonist or ascetic? There are eight types of love for a partner: affection, passionate love, formal, romantic, friendly, fatal, perfect love, no love (or very weak). With the help of this short test, you can determine what type of love you have with you. This test is widely used in America to diagnose the entrepreneurial streak. You can judge the personality of a person by wrinkles: joy, shyness, attention to detail, honesty, intelligence, good nature, disappointment, anxiety, aggressiveness, nervousness, surprise, indifference. Introspection of character. This table for evaluating husbands, candidates for husbands was proposed by American and Canadian sexologists. A worthy man must score at least 100 positive and no more than 45 negative points. Questionnaire aimed at self-assessment of observation. Are you a reliable person? Or is it not always possible to rely on you, are you somewhat, as they say, selfish? The methodology is for personal use only. It will help to identify people prone to fraud in your environment. What is independence? This is the ability to take responsibility at the right time, this is decisiveness combined with a sober approach. Can you attribute yourself to people who are ready to boast of their independence, self-sufficiency? "Who is looking for a treasure - rarely finds it. And who is not looking - never finds." It is persistent people who clearly see goals and stubbornly strive for them to achieve some kind of success in life. Is this perseverance enough for you? Unprofessional test to study the level of motivation for personal wealth. This test is designed to help you understand the subtle question of whether you are too self-confident person. With the help of this test, you can test your ideas about the character and behavior inherent in people of different sexes, knowledge of social stereotypes. Analysis of drawings that are made during boring meetings or just having nothing to do: different patterns in a notebook, on a piece of paper. This test will help you find out if you are really touchy, as you sometimes hear. Or you yourself are tolerance. The level of anxiety. Are you just a pessimist or a morbid pessimist? Are you a healthy optimist or unbridled frivolous? What is he, the father of the family? .. To know this better, the wife must answer 24 questions. A rational hypocrite or a violent libertine. Most people spend about 8 hours a day at work and communicate with their colleagues as much as with their families. Therefore, relationships with colleagues are an important element of human life. Bad relationships with colleagues can not only damage a career, business, but also unbalance any person for a very long time. This stress tolerance test was developed by a psychologist at the University of Boston Medical Center. attitude towards current work. The likelihood of masturbation. The possibility of exhibitionism. Predisposition to deformed relationships with peers. A fighter for truth or an opportunist? Designed for self-testing. Assessment of own entrepreneurial abilities. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to look at himself from the outside. This test is designed to find out how pleasant you are in communication. In countries that pay close attention to the study of workaholism, such as Japan, the United States and Canada, semi-structured interviews are used to identify workaholism. One of these interviews is a questionnaire proposed by B. Killinger. It has long been noted that men and women are often very different in their behavior. The experiments of psychologists have shown that in the presence of other people these differences manifest themselves doubly. This is explained by the fact that we are used to playing roles, the roles of men and the roles of women. As Shakespeare used to say, "The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors." Do you know your role? Alert and meticulous, or dreamy and distracted? Self-analysis of the degree of jealousy. Are you decisive? Answer the test, and, probably, after that you can answer this question more boldly. The level of ambition and readiness for a career. Is there some manipulative tendency or have engrams become familiar to you on the emotional spectrum. Impulsiveness. Emotional excitability. Efficiency. Reproducibility of unreacted experiences. Increased hyperthymia usually leads to a non-critical manifestation of activity. A person claims more than knows, knows how and does, she strives to take on everything, criticize and teach everyone, tries to attract attention to herself at any cost. Excessive energy interferes with clear and logical thinking, so hyperthymia often "carries". The level of unmotivated anxiety. The test is intended for self-testing. Diagnoses the presence or absence of a syndrome of self-destruction, that is, a tendency to self-destruction, self-aggression, self-injury. Tendency to be depressed. Frustration tendency. Tendency to cyclothymia. Tendency to euphoria. Tendency to exaltation. This test was compiled by American doctors. I advise you to answer most sincerely, without prevarication. It should be especially noted that the results of this test are not a definitive "diagnosis". Maybe you need to change your lifestyle in some way. Sometimes it's good to be a tough leader. Here, however, a sober assessment of the peculiarities of the style of one's leadership and one's character is necessary. To help you with this self-assessment, American management experts have developed a simple but useful test. It is based on the thesis that every leader has two types of mental resources: D-resources and B-resources. ... The degree of tension in the relationship. The level of respect for the feelings of a partner. Ability to yield. The test is intended for self-testing. Do you have a true passion for travel or are you a homebody? The questionnaire is designed to identify the level of anxiety of a person in relation to their own mistakes. Indirectly, it also helps to judge the attitude towards the opinions of others, the desire for objectivity, a tendency to self-deception and the use of psychological ones. Are you adamant and, excuse me, stubborn? Does the firmness of your convictions go well with the great subtlety and flexibility of your mind? According to Carl Gustav Jung, there are two ways to adapt to the world around you. One of them is expansion: constantly communicate, expand contacts, business ties, take everything that life gives. Such is the extrovert. Introverts, on the contrary, limit their contacts, withdraw into themselves, as if hiding in a shell. Very insecure, self-confident or overconfident? Questions for my husband. Questions for my wife. Are you a good diplomat? Do you lead the discussion in an authoritarian, overbearing and unceremonious way? Your behavior does not receive an unambiguous assessment in the team?

People often turn to psychologists for help in order to know themselves and understand their problems. To determine some problems, experts recommend taking personality tests. Psychological diagnostics in the form of testing helps people understand their psychological principles and characteristics.

Passing personality tests, a person finds himself and solves bearing problems. Testing is available not only to professionals, but also to ordinary citizens. You can watch the video and get acquainted with the basics of psychology and psychodiagnostics on the channel.

Psychological personality types, their classification

The formation of a typical personality occurs against the background of temperamental and characteristic differences. Temperament combines innate features predetermined for the work of the nervous system. It is directly proportional to the rate of excitation and inhibition that occurs in the brain.

Hippocrates put forward several psychological types, which are most often based on

  1. Phlegmatic typology (phlegmatic) is assigned to a slow and calm person.
  2. A melancholic is a person who is prone to fear and sadness.
  3. A sanguine person is a person who leads an active lifestyle and sees positive and fun in everything.
  4. Choleric is an overly impulsive person, he is capable of rash and risky actions.

To determine your type, it is enough to pass an easy personality psychology test, which, in turn, will help you understand yourself.

Personality Test

To pass a psychological personality test, you need to take a pen and a blank sheet of paper. For convenience, you can print this table and fill in the empty cells. At the end of the table, the result of the test for the psychological type of personality is deciphered, which will help determine the type of personality.

Questions "Yes" "Not"
Part 1
1. Vanity and restlessness predominate in my behavior.
2. I am an unrestrained and quick-tempered person.
3. I don't like to wait.
4. Sharpness and straightforwardness in dealing with people prevail.
5. I often organize various events.
6. I am a stubborn person.
7. I love to argue.
8. I am not rhythmic when doing any work.
9. I am a risk taker.
10. I remember hurtful words.
11. I have a fast and excited speech.
12. I am an unbalanced and hot person.
13. I notice and do not tolerate the shortcomings of others.
14. I tease others.
15. I have a very expressive facial expression.
16. I am decisive in making decisions.
17. I love everything new.
18. I move abruptly.
19. I am persistent and go all the way to the end result.
20. I often have mood swings.
Part 2
1. I love life.
2. I am an energetic person.
3. I don't get things done.
4. I often overestimate my abilities.
5. I learn and assimilate any innovations on the fly.
6. I have no permanence in interests.
7. Failures and failures I can survive without much difficulty.
8. I easily adapt to different situations.
9. I am passionate about any business.
10. After losing interest, I interrupt the process.
11. I can easily switch from one activity to another.
12. I don't like monotony at work.
13. I have a large number of friends.
14. I am a hardy and hardworking person.
15. I have a clear and loud speech.
16. In difficult situations, I do not lose control of myself.
17. I have favor.
18. I have no difficulty falling asleep and get up easily in the morning.
19. I am in a hurry in making decisions.
20. I am an inattentive conversationalist.
Part 3
1. I am dominated by calmness and composure.
2. I love consistency and regularity in business.
3. I am always sober and cautious.
4. I can wait.
5. In the absence of a topic for conversation, I am silent.
6. I carry on a dialogue without emotion.
7. I restrain myself and know how to endure.
8. I bring each case to the final result.
9. I appreciate situations.
10. I develop a habitual pattern of behavior for myself and usually stick to it.
11. I can easily control my emotions.
12. I do not pay attention to laudatory and critical remarks.
13. I am calm about jokes addressed to me.
14. I love consistency in interests.
15. I am slow and switch from one job to another for a long time.
16. Most often, I maintain a balanced relationship.
17. I am clean and love the order of things.
18. I have difficulty adapting to an unfamiliar environment.
19. I am reserved.
20. I gradually make contact with people I don't know.
Part 4
1. I am easily shy.
2. An unfamiliar environment gives rise to shyness and shyness in me.
3. I have difficulty starting a dialogue with an unknown person.
4. I am unsure of my abilities.
5. I'm okay with being alone.
6. Unsuccessful results create oppression in me.
7. I can withdraw into myself for a long time.
8. At work, I quickly feel tired.
9. I have a quiet and shy speech.
10. I can always adapt to my interlocutor.
11. I am an impressionable person, sometimes even to tears.
12. I react strongly to praise and especially to criticism.
13. I am demanding of others and myself.
14. I am dominated by suspiciousness.
15. I am a vulnerable person.
16. I get offended easily.
17. Most often, I pluck my thoughts from others.
18. I am an inactive and timid person.
19. I do not contradict and always follow orders.
20. I am determined to arouse pity in those present.
It is necessary to calculate the total number of pluses (“yes”), (C).

Calculate the number of positive values ​​for each section (C1, C2, C3, C4).

"choleric" \u003d ((C1 / C) * 100%);

"sanguine" \u003d ((C2 / C) * 100%);

"phlegmatic" \u003d ((C3 / C) * 100%);

"Melancholic" \u003d ((C4 / C) * 100%).

The calculated numerical data will show what part each of the typological types makes up in your temperament.

C (gen.) =
Result interpretation
(40%) or more - the predominance of the type;

(30–39%) - a clear expression of the typology;

(20–29%) - the severity is average;

(10–19%) is a weak type expression.

Solving psychological problems

To solve problems related to psychology, you need to seek help from specialists. Psychologist

The psychotype test determines each person, which consists of a genetically given temperament and a character acquired during the first years of life. Character traits can often wear accentuation features, i.e. close to possible personality disorders or neurosis. Similarly, they are classified using a unique system of socionics.

Many people hide the psychotype of a person with a social mask, or, on the contrary, it sticks out more due to a basic personality disorder. All this was taken into account in the preparation of this online test - therefore, all questions are arranged in a strict, coded sequence to give the most accurate result.

To determine your psychotype, including accentuation of character and temperament, go online now psychotype test free and without registration. Socionics systems are one of the most accurate in the world and this technique is available to you on this page! Hundreds of people have already passed the test to determine their psychological type and it helped them get to know yourself better, your main talent , as well as build better relationships with others . Moreover, the psychotype test I offer will help you choose a love partner!

Pass a test for the psychotype of a person's personality:

The psychotype test includes questions that need to be answered quickly, the first thing that comes to mind. Choose the answer that best suits you.

Having learned closer the features of his character, everyone can initially be surprised and amazed at the accuracy of revealing the nuances of his inner world. The a psychotype test gives an answer to the most important question of life - with whom to build relationships and a family, how to find a soul mate . Together with a loved one who will be close to you, life will sparkle with new bright colors and you will feel all the harmony of love and intimacy.

The psychotype test offers you not only to know yourself, but also the opportunity to find a suitable psychotype, and among them - the ones closest to you. After all, in addition to mental supplementation, common interests, and the level of culture and education play an important role. Pass this test completely and your life will change!

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A psychological personality test - everyone should pass. And what do you see? Lips, roots, teeth? Glancing at the picture, different people can immediately see different things.

Someone will say “yes, these are trees!”, someone will clearly see the lips.What do you see? Learn about the meaning of each!


If you cast a glance and saw the roots, then you are definitely an introvert! In cases where you are criticized, you will calmly listen to everything and perceive it constructively.

It can be said that this is a kind of advice on improving yourself, which you will definitely take into account and change everything for the better.

You can't imagine life without discipline. Morality and life principles always come first. This allows you to be a truly strong-willed person and achieve what you want.

There is always a desire to make yourself better. But no one can take away your independence. Even your humility will not prevail if someone wants to impose their opinion on you. A sound mind with a share of stubbornness. It's all about you!


Seeing the trees first, you can be sure that you are an extrovert. You can be polite to people, but you will never let someone sit on your head.

In relation to relatives and friends, you are always as sincere as possible and always faithful. The same you expect in return. You can even say that you are demanding of loved ones. To earn your trust, a person must still try.

You also have a flair. In the combination of all these qualities, there is always a mystery in you. Few people manage to understand what's on your mind.

Did you see the lips first?

You are a calm person. Of course, you overcome life's difficulties. But, if possible, I would prefer to avoid them. Your thoughts are flexible.

Despite your wisdom, you can be naive. It's not about stupidity, it's more about trusting other people too much. Eternal desire to see only the best in others.

Someone may perceive you as weak, or that you need help. But this is far from true. Kindness is not weakness. This is your forte.

Your loved ones can trust you. They will come to you for advice and will definitely listen to it! Did you recognize yourself in one of the points? Be sure to share your results in the comments.