Transit aspects of Jupiter to the planets of the natal chart. Jupiter Transits - Doors to New Opportunities

One of the indications of a partner with a high status, intelligent, educated. A partner is a source of pride. It is well implemented in professions related to going out to the public, working with foreign clients, a judge, a lawyer.

The 7th house is not only marriage partners, but also the people around us (it also signifies enemies), so often the fate of the owner of such Jupiter brings people of the Jupiterian type.
One of my clients said so: “Most of the people who surround me are foreigners and travelers.”

Troubled Jupiter in the 7th house can win back through litigation. In a client, a stricken Jupiter from the 7th house makes opposition to the planet of the 1st house, as a result - long-term persecution of the ex-spouse and multiple litigations.

Jupiter in the 7th house of a woman is one indication of marriage to a foreigner. Focus in relationships on common values, attitudes, views. Such a Jupiter can give a desire to see a bright and successful man next to him (the Sun, Mars on fire, in aspects with the ruler 5/7), and with other indications, reliable and faithful (Venus with Saturn, in aspect with Saturn). Then there is a discrepancy, and over time this can develop into a cause of loneliness. In my practice, it's quite common. Astrology helps to choose a compromise type of a man who will satisfy both conscious needs and needs, at the level of instincts - “male male”.

Jupiter in the 7th house of a man is an indication of marriage with a foreigner or an older partner (+7 years), since Jupiter is a mature planet in its energies. Jupiter can serve well as a career catalyst through social contacts with people of higher status. Also noticed success through unions and associations.

In the negative version - throwing dust in the eyes, as well as the risks of falling for the tricks of scammers.

Celebrities with Jupiter in the 7th house: Vladimir Putin, Nelson Mandela, Angela Merkel, Warren Buffett, Marilyn Monroe

Jupiter in 8th house

Most pages on the Internet come down to describing Jupiter as a benefactor, a benefactor, but the description of the 8th house says something completely different: the house of death, crises, extreme, transformation.
How to proceed then? Let's figure it out.

Jupiter is directly related to the values ​​and worldview of a person. Such a position can enhance interests in the occult, mysticism, give a passion for extreme sports.
In times of crisis, Jupiter remains optimistic and does not despair.

In a harmonious version - an indication of a wealthy spouse, the receipt of large sums of money from wills and public funds. If it didn’t work out with a rich spouse, and there is no financial confidence in the future, it can give a psychological fear of poverty, forcing you to do everything so as not to be in need.

If you dig into the karmic layer, then the ancestors of the owner of the horoscope with Jupiter in the 8th house became impoverished, losing all their property in an instant.

If Jupiter is the ruler of the 8th house, then the scale of nasty things and joys is directly related to its harmony and defeat in the horoscope. If such Jupiter fell into the 3rd house, then this is 1 indication of an accident, in 6 - the risks of layoffs, the 7th - litigation and divorce.

On the return of Jupiter at 23-24, on the transit of Jupiter through the 8th house, try to “cut off” all unnecessary people who slow down the process of your growth. Jupiter loves goals - set specific goals in work, study, and then pleasant changes will definitely occur.

It is well implemented in the following professions: banking, accountant, manager, sex therapist.

Celebrities with Jupiter in the 8th house: Carl Gustav Jung, Al Capone, Richard Branson, Jennifer Lawrence

Jupiter in 9th house

Here Jupiter is in its 9th house. On high floors, such a Jupiter gives the ability to extract morality, allows the mental flow to cover a wide range of problems, to process huge flows of information.

Here, as in no other house, the theme of study and education is emphasized. A strong Jupiter in the 9th house will give an eternal craving for new knowledge. The topic of education is an integral part of the life of the owner of a strong Jupiter.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 9th house is more focused on internal spiritual growth and the knowledge and conclusions gained are not so much given outward as accumulated in themselves.

A person with a strong Jupiter loves to travel, and often new opportunities open up through the topic of travel and contact with foreigners. Among its owners are many scientific leaders, politicians, travelers, culturologists, lawyers, and teachers. I noticed that people with Jupiter in the 9th house are very careful in choosing a mentor so that there is not a single doubt about his knowledge and authority.

In minus qualities: snobbery, arrogance, narcissism.

Also, if strong Jupiter chooses a specific direction and according to the plan (working Saturn) moves towards the goal, then disharmonious Jupiter clings from goal to goal, for example, today I study English, tomorrow I rush into Italian, etc.

Celebrities with Jupiter in the 9th house: Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, Fidel Castro, Johnny Depp, Keanu Reeves.

Spiritual movement of Jupiter in 8,9,10,11,12 and 3 houses, rarely in the 6th house /sacrifice/.


It will give a solid appearance, pride, the ability to inspire confidence, but you need to look at the aspects. Knows how to charm the right person, even if there is a quadrature. The desire for fullness, high growth, solidity in behavior, imposing / Jupiter after 36 years will give these qualities /. Events need to look how well it is worth and what aspects. With Jupiter in the 1st house, the person will make their way to success.
Example: Jupiter in Capricorn, in the handle of a basket, in the 3rd house - an intellectual, for many years he studied the Bible alone, solves problems related to the Bible, but did not connect activities to work with this, there is an effort, there is no result yet / in the sense of recognition / .


Well with money, the overall picture of the house gives the top. Who aspects Jupiter indicates material support in the first half of life. In the second half of life, Jupiter reaches itself. Included at age 24 /100 percent/. At the age of 12, 24, 36 there is a choice of the main direction in life. Weak Jupiter makes it possible to stabilize, but if by the age of 40 nothing has been achieved, then nothing will happen / in a stable society /. The second house does not indicate permanent well-being, but at what point the improvement will begin.


The ability to gain trust, success in a circle of close friends, through journalism, writing, trade. Patrons: brothers, sisters, next of kin. It is pleasant for a person to establish contacts, easily makes new connections. Science in pedagogical activity, teaching.

A good house /sometimes in an emotional sense - a good house/. On transit, often moving, improving living space, material conditions at home. Expanding opportunities, starting a new business, new opportunities provided. If associated with the sixth house - improved health. There may be love in the female chart, although this is more often in the 5th house. The house is a full bowl.


Good luck in financial risk, in shopping. Transit of Jupiter in conjunction with Venus - a series of purchases / desire to buy / is possible. If the situation with pregnancy is blocked, because. there is an opposition or aspect with Saturn, then at that moment it can be unlocked.
Can lead in business if there is an aspect with the 8th house. Love, connection with a child.


In a positive sense: good health, success in the service, if there is support from 10 at home, if not, then just a strong position at work. Achievements at work, craving for professional success. In a negative sense: health complications - with pressure, liver.
/Venus in the 6th house can give success in art/.


Group communication, contacts, connections. Aspect to the Sun and Mars in a female chart, to the Moon and Venus in a male chart - success in love, especially when aspecting Venus and Neptune. Neptune loves to use other planets to gain trust and love. In civil processes, the aspect to Jupiter in the 7th house works well.
The need for teamwork. In a female card, it indicates that love is important to her, the opinion of people in her circle is important, how it looks.


Inheritance, gifts, support from other people, craving for financial activities, sometimes craving for the occult. The 8th house is dual, therefore both white and black magic. Jupiter does not give thrust into the sky and therefore may not give interest in the occult if not supported by the higher planets. Can pull into business, financial support from other people / aspect from the 4th house - from parents /, gifts. Indicates science, analysis, the desire to understand matter and its structure. Form destruction. Invisible Helpers.


Strong ideological motive, white magic, travel-related events. Many philosophers, prophets, ideologues, writing, if there is an aspect to Mercury or the Moon. Thirst for knowledge, enlarged view of things. Higher education if on the cusp Sagittarius, or in the house of Jupiter with good aspects. For example: the Moon in the 11th house is sextile to Jupiter in the 9th house - the wife forced him to get a higher education. Aspect to the 12th house - communication with foreign countries, if Jupiter is the ruler of the 4th house - a change of residence.


Popularity, good success rate. In a woman's chart, success is through her husband or her husband's success. Good support opportunity. Rarely gives a craving for the sciences, if it does, then for philosophy. Craving for social activities / the Sun has a thirst for knowledge, interest in the world /. Forced social activity, but pulls into science if it pulls.


Craving for popularity, charitable, social activities, travel, social interest, social success.


Evil turns into good, invisible helpers, friends. The ability to turn troubles into pleasant things. Success abroad, late success. Aspect of Jupiter to Pluto or Uranus - successful work in closed organizations. A strong motive for withdrawing into oneself. Occultism, mysticism. Difficulties in manifesting oneself, desire to leave.

Here one should separate the position of a strong Jupiter in the radix and a weak one, since it is the strong Jupiter that will turn on the activation of the house in its essence, and the weak Jupiter will give an additional color.


Transit of Jupiter in the 1st house. Weak Jupiter. There is a more active implementation of its main direction. This is the period of performing long-range tasks. Since at this moment Jupiter leaves the XII house, when it moves to the first, we can talk about some release of personal energy, expansion of personal energy. And if this is the second directional movement (movement along the loop), the realization takes place in the second directional movement. Much depends on the size of the house, whether a person who has nothing in the house has time to realize all his needs, which are activated at that moment. It depends on the nature of the element. If this happens in the looping motion of Jupiter, then in the second direct motion there is a realization, because the loop of Jupiter can have the most favorable value. Transiting Jupiter comes and makes its first direct movement, while this zone is activated, some opportunities have appeared, but these are only desires, and Jupiter goes further and activates the following zones. But here a loop can happen to him, he stops and this stationary point fixes the problem, what was done at that moment, what was thought, what was wanted - this is, as it were, the goal to which the transit of Jupiter went. Then there is a retrograde movement of Jupiter, a return and there is some inner awareness, the search for some resources, in the first house there may be a search for social contacts, some conditions. And all this is somehow organized and located during the return movement. He can enter the 12th house and there was a zone of incomprehensibility, it was precisely there that “what I cannot do, there I felt the limits of the 12th house, there were my boundaries, it turned out to be a zone of the impossible for me.” From here it again begins its direct movement, and when it reaches the stationary point, the culmination of this realization takes place, on the second direct movement, the realization of what should have happened, wanted to happen. Therefore, the loop of Jupiter is usually favorable.

Transit of Jupiter in the 2nd house.

Weak Jupiter. After the weak Jupiter from the first house weakly manifested itself, but still tried its best, because the 1st house actively manifests it, it could overstrain a little there, i.e. take on more than he normally does. At the moment when Jupiter is visible to everyone around a person with ASC, it seems that he can do a lot, energy goes to him, events go to him, it seems that he will take everything upon himself, and he is energetically weak, from here he can take on more than he is capable of, and at the end of the cycle some crisis sets in. This crisis enters the second house - the house of health. While Jupiter passes through the II house, he improves his health, he also improves his financial situation. And very often health improvement comes as a result of improved financial situation. This is where the feeling of financial independence comes in. With insufficiently strong Jupiter, a person is still able to make an effort to improve his financial situation, i.e. this coloring can be accompanied by an action here, since the significator of the second house is Venus, together with Jupiter they lead a person to happiness together. Jupiter's momentum may be crowned

Transit of Jupiter in the 3rd house.

Weak Jupiter. It will activate close trips (III house - close trips), will help to expand the horizons of a person, there may be a revival of contacts, some knowledge is acquired. Here teachers pass through the third house. This is the situation when the student is ready for the arrival of the teacher. Strong Jupiter. There is a strong study, a rapture of study, because Jupiter tends to overdo everything. Here, all sorts of seminars, advanced training courses, trips fall on a person, you need to study everywhere, and he is simply torn by choice. This active learning can determine his future activities. During this period, he is gaining new knowledge and skills that will allow him to raise his professional level. Here the circle of colleagues is expanding, new colleagues, foreigners may appear among colleagues, significant people come.

Transit of Jupiter in the 4th house.

Weak Jupiter. There is a harmonization of the conditions of home life. This is accompanied by some kind of conditions under which life becomes freer as a result. Strong Jupiter .. Here it is important to see the specifics of this card, what a person is striving for, since the ambiguity of the fourth house will determine the nature of Jupiter's transit. For example, if he strives for profit, for an increase in the material sphere, then here the conditions for strengthening his material sphere, expanding it, some kind of solid purchase, creating a solid material foundation: a house, land, will approach him. If a person strives for spiritual development, then here the transit of Jupiter will provide an opportunity for emotional liberation, liberation from some internal problems of an emotional nature, this may be accompanied by the elaboration of children's problems that remained and were expressed in complexes of a different nature. There may appear people who contribute to this liberation, techniques, knowledge that make it possible to start living differently. This is also a kind of deep cycle, the 4th house - here is a new deep cycle, the completion of something. Completion, because the 4th house symbolizes the end of something.
Transit of Jupiter in the 5th house.

It is always remembered as a series of an endless holiday, such a "long high". In the weak position of Jupiter, there is a lot of "high", idleness, a lot of entertainment with his completely inert behavior, he does not organize this himself, he is invited all the time. The risk of getting involved in gambling. Shopping for pleasure can be made. Love passes well due to passivity - here Jupiter was walking and fell in love. Especially if a person fell in love during the transit of Jupiter, it makes sense to keep in mind what will happen next year - Jupiter is already in the sixth house there, and there will be a serious retribution for all abuses: either you will have to work for a long time and pay off debts, or a lot of diseases are observed. It must be borne in mind that it is better not to get married during the transit of Jupiter through the 5th house. Creative work is especially good in the 5th house if it is strong. Children's manifestations can be very favorable - the teaching of a child, if he enters the institute for the transit of your Jupiter - you don’t have to worry (though you need to look at the aspects), most likely he will do it. If you put forward your work is not some kind of competition, then most likely they will be successful. Dissertations on this transit are a great success. Adequate use of Jupiter, concert activity including, if it is connected with the activity of an artist, exhibitions, premieres - everything turns out great. Any kind of demonstration work will be very successful. And I want to do it, Jupiter encourages, and not just creates conditions.
Transit of Jupiter in the 6th house.

Jupiter in the 6th house has the weakest position, it is a stable-weak position (Earth). Jupiter usually gives energy, therefore, when he is weak, he is better - his official positions simply improve, a slight improvement in the service (maybe they put a table by the window, which they have long dreamed of). Strong Jupiter in this position will take a lot of energy in the 6th house, you have to use activity in order to get the energy of the 6th house. A strong Jupiter in the 6th house can lead to a crisis, as it is so active in the activities of the 6th house that it can lead to conflict, the 6th house is not intended for the activity of Jupiter, everything should be slow and careful, neat and little by little . Jupiter's intensity twists these tiny doses and Jupiter's inappropriate behavior leads to conflict. Hence, the loop works differently for Jupiter. On the first directional pass, he unsuccessfully turns on the 6th house, but because Jupiter is strong, he persists. And then on the second pass can achieve the goal. But the first pass will be accompanied by a conflict that drags on and repeats on the retrograde movement, and only as a bulldozer sweeps it away during the second directional pass.

Transit of Jupiter in the 7th house.

Weak position of Jupiter. The outward activity of the person of the seventh house during the passage of Jupiter there will give him more popularity, more success than before, some improvement in relations with partners. In a strong position, Jupiter will strive for popularity, will make every effort to achieve it. Here he will show a strong desire for leadership in the organization of group activities, it is important that this be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis activity, in the area where he has already developed some activity. During this period, a person is inclined to engage in asserting himself among equals. The transits of Jupiter in the 7th house are very favorable if they are accompanied by an acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex, which ends in love, a very harmonious union. The beginning of the cycle from the 7th house for marriage is very positive.

Transit of Jupiter in the 8th house.

In a weak position, Jupiter has the opportunity to take on debts that have not been paid for a long time, for example. Either receive nice gifts, or wait for the inheritance. In the 8th house, Jupiter can find all the efforts that have been made this year in the 2nd house. Therefore, it is necessary to look at transits through the II house, who is trying there, how favorable it is. And Jupiter in the VIII house receives the fruits of this activity. In a strong position of Jupiter. Jupiter in the 8th house has an active desire to go beyond limitations, but to go through crisis. Here his goals are tested for strength. This period may be accompanied by deep disappointments in former goals. And this going beyond the limitations, which the previous cycle left him, can occur due to the provocation of some specific conflict, crisis situation. For example, when a person wants to go abroad through some kind of conflict, otherwise it is impossible to escape, as it was not so long ago in our conditions. Where he achieves emigration by his own activity. Just the departure of people abroad, which looks like an escape from the conditions in which they live, liberation from them through the transit of strong Jupiter in the 8th house. There may be an active activity to raise money. Let's say, with the goal of the task of the IX house, a person needs to acquire some material conditions for a start, and now is not the time to earn money, start some kind of business, but there is only an opportunity to borrow or attract some other forces with this money , find sponsors, founders who will lay the foundations. Those. it can be an active preparatory period for the next cycle.

Transit of Jupiter in the 9th house.

A weak position of Jupiter in the 9th house will give increased contact with people from afar. In a strong position of Jupiter, a new purpose, volume, new activity appears. There are signs of new interests and new goals. The emergence of events or people with new thinking. The occurrence of events that awaken new thinking in a person, for example, such a phenomenon as a meeting with a UFO. 5.10 - Transit of Jupiter in the X-th house. Weak position of Jupiter. Usually a promotion. Change of position in the service, as it were, is gaining momentum. The strong position of Jupiter. Jupiter gives the opportunity to gain oneself, to obtain true popularity through one's own achievements, popularity of a different nature than it was in the 7th house. Here, popularity is at the level of recognition, at the level of the appearance of one's own students, at the level of the appearance of one's own teaching, which somehow took shape, was organized by that time. It is good to receive Nobel Prizes and other awards during this period. It all depends on social status, but there will be rewards.

Transit of Jupiter in the 11th house.

In a weak position, Jupiter will expand the circle of friends, new friends will appear, friends will bring friends. Friends at this time will be given great attention, their lives, relationships with them, problems. In a strong position of Jupiter, distant goals are laid, since the XIth house is the future. Here there may be a meeting with a special, non-trivial love, with some unusual person, with a spiritual person. Hopes for the success of children are revived, their perspective is seen, the idea of ​​their own ideals is expanded. A strong Jupiter can satisfy the need for a change of life. Those. "I see my own future differently, I want to change something like that and expand my capabilities in such a way that everything would be different." It is important to be careful with Jupiter here.

Transiting Jupiter in the 12th house

With a strong Jupiter, the possibility of a serious move. Improving living conditions in case of emigration. A person applied energy, actively used Jupiter, and moved, here you can’t even buy a ticket without activity. In the weak position of Jupiter, he will act more on the internal awareness of the process that is taking place, he will rather sum up the results, there will be some completion of past activities. Jupiter, due to its favorable manifestation in the house, smoothes out the problems that exist in the XII house, it softens them. In a strong position, he will give an acute crisis, this crisis will be accompanied by a deep withdrawal into oneself, here the summing up may look like "self-criticism": "I did nothing, I did not achieve anything, I do not deserve anything." Here he sees that he receives less than he bargained for. A deep, internal analysis of what is happening is accompanied by a search for internal, at the level of fantasy, ideas, dreams of a new field of application, "what would I want if I didn't succeed in all this?". In a strong position, a person will stumble upon obstacles of space and time for self-realization, i.e. a strong Jupiter in the twelfth house will become that invisible enemy, the strong enemy that the twelfth house implies. If this is accompanied by a change in social conditions for anything, then the presence of Jupiter in the XII house may suggest that he, as a way out of this crisis, enter the monastery. A strong planet on the map will strongly manifest itself, powerfully manifest itself, actively, eventfully, will in fact be engaged in the expression of this house, and events essentially at home will occur in a person. If the planet is weak in the radix, then this is a certain coloring of the shade of survival, desire, dreams on this topic, in this house. Jupiter retrograde in the radix encounters much more obstacles in outer life. If at the beginning we said that Jupiter does not indicate events (Jupiter transit), it does not cause delay, then this is not true about Jupiter retrograde in the radix - it causes delays in these events. Since it is common for every person with retrograde Jupiter to first breathe in his transit, absorb it, think "what is it that came?" and get comfortable with this energy within yourself. And only then perceive it as a situation that has changed outside, and by that time it often resolves. And if Jupiter is stationary, then he perceives it even more slowly. But it is very important, stationary in what position - in front of directional or in front of retrograde. The current Jupiter is moving in Libra, it is retrograde. And in this chart he falls into the XII-th house. In order to determine whether it hits it strong or weak, we must look at the position of Jupiter in the natal chart. Jupiter is in the 3rd house, Capricorn, square to the Sun, trine to Venus, semi-xextile to the Moon, 108 degrees. with Uranus. Apparently Jupiter this year will bring some opportunities to realize their deep, subconscious processes through solitude, through inner life. Most likely, this woman will be able to understand, to understand her. She can have long conversations with her about herself, about her relationships with people, about difficulties in relationships with people that she does not understand, in which she has certain cycles that bother her. She has some problems in relations with men and she would like to understand what their nature is. This year the transit of Jupiter with the help of perhaps some kind of teaching, technique, knowledge, literature, which she can discuss with a woman who is favorable to her, will give her positive results. And already at the end of this year, she will be able to use the knowledge gained during this period to intensify her activity, to strengthen her ability to express herself verbally, report on her states and have feedback on them. Which she may have been able to do with difficulty so far. Everything turned out to be correct, except that it was not a woman (girlfriend). and younger brother. Next card. Jupiter will transit here in the 3rd house. In the radix, he stands in Virgo in opposition to the Sun, in trine with Mars, in sextile with the Moon, retrograde, in the 3rd house. Here Jupiter is well aspected, he has the opportunity to involve the principles of other planets in solving his problems, and, accordingly, people who can turn on these planets. Since this is a personal planet, then people here can turn out to be specific - and the Moon can call, and Mars, and the Sun. Here the position of Jupiter is weak (Virgo, III house, retrograde), but this weak planet has a powerful tool, well-aspected planets, and those planets are all aspected to each other, they are all closed in a figure. On an instrumental level, this Jupiter has many possibilities. Most likely, many new women will appear in the immediate environment (the transit of Jupiter through the III house), because according to Libra, because the III house, which can cause a relationship with Mars (girlfriends went, but there are a lot of girlfriends, you still can’t check) . There is a need to educate her daughter, to take her, in particular, a private teacher. * the end

It all depends on the natal indicators of Jupiter, the transit configuration and the Houses involved. If there are no inharmonious factors - good luck in business, large cash receipts in the form of profit from your own enterprise, dividends from shares and other securities, interest on deposits, return of a large debt, inheritance, insurance payments, etc. Profitable capital investment, opportunity receiving remuneration for dangerous work or secret scientific developments. Major acquisitions, significant financial support of partners, life at the expense of a spouse are possible.
There may be an interest in the secret sciences, issues of life and death, often at this time dormant psychological or magical abilities of a person are revealed, which he consciously or unconsciously uses in everyday life. During this period, a person can begin a serious study of the esoteric sciences and / or experiments in this area. Whether it is dangerous for him or not depends on the aspects of Jupiter.
In general, the transit of planets through the VIII House of the horoscope is often accompanied by changes. A well-aspected Jupiter says that the changes will benefit the person, that he will benefit from everything that happens to him during this transit, no matter how painful and fatal the events may be. For example, the death of a loved one can occur not only on inharmonious aspects, it often happens on favorable aspects, which suggests that after the death of this person, the life of the owner of the horoscope will improve.
Disharmonious aspects of Jupiter can bring both troubles and trials, the degree of fatality of which depends on other factors. Possible loss of money, bankruptcy, the need to pay fines, compensation to persons affected by the actions of the owner of the horoscope. Income of money and income from business is not excluded, but along with the income of money, large expenses are expected, so that the profit may be minimal, or there will be nothing left of it. Often clashes with the customs or tax authorities, extortion, racketeering, loss of money due to fraud or other criminal acts of the owner of the horoscope or other persons in relation to him. It is dangerous at this time to take on any obligations, as well as loans and credits, to lend money - then it will be difficult to give them back. Deception, betrayal, forgery, severance of relations with business partners are possible. A secret war is often waged against politicians and influential people, aimed at undermining their authority, the circumstances of their personal and business life are revealed, juggling and distortion of facts is possible. With a strong defeat - loss and suffering from a fire, explosion, criminal acts against the person himself or his relatives. Possible death surrounded by a person.

24.06.2016 09:21

Jupiter transit through the 4th house

Here Jupiter becomes the benefactor of family and household affairs. During this period, you can improve your living conditions, successfully resolve issues of family welfare. For 12 years, this is the most favorable time to buy a house, a summer residence, an apartment.

Since this transit indicates the expansion of the family, the birth of a child or the arrival of the husband of a daughter or wife of a son into the family is possible. Also at this time it is very good to study your pedigree. And even look for family treasures.

In the negative, Jupiter can give family problems, difficulties in buying a house, or unexpectedly large expenses for apartment renovation.

Transiting Jupiter through the 5th house

During such a period, Jupiter contributes to fame and glory. For creative people, this is a high point when you can fully show all your talents and abilities, demonstrate your achievements and creations to the world.

Jupiter here becomes a messenger of good luck and someone can win the lottery or take a big prize in the draw. It is possible to meet a famous person and find a patron in his person.

Since at this time the need for love intensifies, the number of love acquaintances may increase, new hobbies appear. Great love, a stormy romance can come to a person.

During this transit, the conception or birth of a child very often occurs. This period is very good for things related to children. It is possible to adopt a child, hold a charity event in orphanages.

In the minus Jupiter can bring scandals related to the name of the owner of the horoscope, and the details of his personal life can become public. There may be losses from extravagance, craving for games and entertainment. Troubles associated with children are possible.

Jupiter Transit in the 6th House

This is the best time to change jobs to better paid or with good working conditions, salary increase or encouragement for good work. Although the same transit may indicate an increase in the volume of work, the combination of several positions.

Being in this house, Jupiter contributes to the return of debts or the owner of the horoscope has the opportunity to pay off debts.

During this period, health improves.

With a negative influence of Jupiter, a person may feel that he puts a lot of effort into work and receives little for it. A change of job or an offer for a promotion may not bring the expected joy.

Jupiter Transit through the 7th House

Here Jupiter promotes and favors relationships. This is the time to make connections, meet the right people. A person is noticed, sympathized with, authoritative people appear in his environment. Good time for any cooperation.

A marriage concluded during this period can become very happy.

In the minus Jupiter can bring abuse of trust, there is a chance to become dependent on other people. A marriage that at first glance looked promising may later reveal its dark sides. With inharmonious aspects, there is a possibility of litigation.

Transiting Jupiter through the 8th house

The journey of the Benefactor through this house inclines a person to changes and crises, which can later be beneficial. Even if at first these changes seem very difficult and do not bode well. The prize for patience and endurance is guaranteed.

Perhaps a profitable investment of capital, large cash receipts, the return of a large debt, significant material support from a partner.

Increased interest in psychology and magic.

In the minus, Jupiter can bring various trials: the loss of a large amount of money, clashes with the tax office, the payment of fines, the rupture of relations with partners. With Jupiter with inharmonious aspects, you should not take loans and borrow money, since it will be very difficult to give them back later.

Transiting Jupiter through the 9th house

During this transit, it is very good to improve your education, write a dissertation, go on a scientific expedition, become a consultant, start teaching. Travels are successful, especially to ashrams, monasteries, holy places. At this time, connections with foreign countries are manifested. Relatives from afar can come to visit, or a person can go to distant relatives himself.

Often such transit indicates emigration. And if the move takes place on this transit, then adaptation to new conditions is much easier.

The right time to resolve issues in the courts.

In the negative, Jupiter creates difficulties in the areas described above: loss of authority, problems with obtaining a visa, mistakes due to overestimation of one's capabilities, excessive faith, trouble while abroad.

Jupiter transit in 10th house

Here Jupiter creates favorable conditions for complete success in all endeavors. But success is possible if a person knows exactly what he wants. If in the 1st house Jupiter makes it possible to gain success due to innate abilities, in the 5th house - thanks to talent, then in the 10th house success is guaranteed only as a result of work, perseverance and focus. If, during such a transit, a person waits for the weather by the sea, then his possibilities will remain only possibilities.

In the minus Jupiter increases the difficulty in achieving goals, obstacles in striving for the heights.

Jupiter transit through 11th house

The time of changes favorable for the owner of the horoscope begins. Being in this house, Jupiter contributes to the emergence of like-minded people, good friends, helps to bring ideas to life, find sponsors.

In the red, you can't count on friends. A person can poorly navigate the situation and rely not on those who should be relied on, support the ideas of radicalism, and participate in revolutionary speeches.

Jupiter transit in 12th house

Jupiter can behave differently in this house. If Jupiter is strong, then it gives a person the opportunity to relax, rest in silence and solitude, take care of their inner world and subconscious, join the study of secret sciences, and meditate. Hidden talents may appear, intuition may open, a craving for spiritual perfection may appear. A person begins to look at many things differently. There is a desire to help the needy and the weak.

For spiritually oriented people, this transit may coincide with a trip to holy places, renunciation of secular life. Emigration is possible. For older people, such a transition may mark retirement.

In the minus Jupiter can contribute to a drop in vitality, fatigue, disappointment, loss of faith in oneself, dissatisfaction with oneself and the environment, and the search for secret enemies. There is a possibility of becoming addicted, an exacerbation of diseases and even imprisonment is possible. Any solitude (including a hospital bed or voluntary solitude in an apartment) indicates the need to pay attention to your inner world, hear the voice of your soul, reconsider your relationship with society, analyze the concepts of success in life, exaltation, authority, expanding the boundaries of your world and your spiritual views, and aspirations.

What will happen next?

The next opportunity to feel the influence of Jupiter in a particular area of ​​​​life will be only after 12 years, since it is during this time that Jupiter makes a complete revolution around the Sun. Therefore, use the opportunities provided by the Great Benefactor, expand only with benefit!