In the world of Orthodox culture. Literary and musical composition "teach me, God, to love"

Konstantin Konstantinovich, poetic pseudonym K. R. (August 10 (22), 1858, Strelna - June 2 (15), 1915, Pavlovsk) - member of the Russian Imperial House, Grand Duke, adjutant general (1901), infantry general (1907) , inspector general of military educational institutions, president of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1889), poet, translator and playwright. He received a comprehensive home education. Famous historians S. M. Solovyov, K. I. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, music critic G. A. Larosh, cellist I. I. Zeifert, writers I. A. Goncharov and F. M. Dostoevsky took part in his training and education. . From childhood, the Grand Duke was prepared for service in the Navy. At the age of 7, Captain 1st Rank I.A. Zelenoy was appointed his tutor, who held this position until the age of the Grand Duke. Classes were conducted according to the program of the Naval School. In 1874 and 1876, as a midshipman, he made a long voyage to the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea on the frigate Svetlana. In August 1876, he passed the exam according to the program of the Naval School and was promoted to the rank of midshipman. He was a famous Russian poet, author of several collections. The first poetic works were published in the journal Vestnik Evropy in 1882. The first collection, which included poems from 1879-1885, was published in 1886. In 1888 he published the first poem, Sebastian the Martyr, then the collections New Poems by K. R., "The third collection of poems by K. R." (1900), "Poems of K. R." (1901).
I. A. Goncharov, Ya. P. Polonsky, A. A. Fet corresponded with the Grand Duke, who appreciated his taste and even instructed him to correct his poems.
Belonged to the so-called old school, was the successor of classical traditions. The poet K. R. did not have a first-class talent, but he took his place in the history of Russian literature. Many of his poems were melodious and were set to music (the most famous is the romance "I opened the window ..." with music by P. I. Tchaikovsky, who also composed music for "I did not love you at first ...", "The separation has passed" and other poems K. R.). He himself wrote several romances to the verses of V. Hugo, A. K. Tolstoy, A. N. Maikov.
K. R. translated into Russian the tragedy of F. Schiller "The Bride of Messina", the tragedy of J. W. Goethe, Shakespeare's "King Henry IV". Author of a successful translation of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" into Russian, on which he worked from 1889 to 1898; translation with extensive comments in 3 volumes was published in 1899 and reprinted several times.
The play by K. R. on the gospel story "The King of the Jews" and the author's notes to it M. A. Bulgakov used as material for the novel "The Master and Margarita".


Teach me, God, to love
With all your mind, with all your thoughts,
To devote my soul to You
And all my life with every heartbeat.

Teach me to keep
Only Your merciful will,
Learn to never complain
To your hard lot.

All who came to redeem
You, with Your Pure Blood,
Selfless, deep love
Teach me, God, to love!


The good news is rushing ... How sad and depressing
Bells ring on the foreign side.
Again I remembered the edge of my dear homeland,
And the old longing on the heart leaned.

I see my north with its snowy plain,
And as if I hear our village
Familiar blessing: both affectionately and gently
Bells are ringing from a distant homeland.

You can often meet people who, looking back, remember their youth, the atmosphere of love in their father's house, as something irretrievably gone. Many admit that their life, if not broken, then crippled. The pictures of distant childhood resurrecting in our memory, when everything was so bright, so beautiful, when communication with people made us happy, warmed our soul - this is something that will never come, will not happen again.

Is the world really arranged in such a way that we change from the best to the worse? First we find a pearl, and then we lose it forever in the dust and ashes of passions ... No, of course the world is not like that! But the very moral feeling, the very desire to be simpler, better, cleaner and kinder - which, I hope, all our readers feel - is God's gift.

And true love is the same gift. In no case should one lose this bright, peaceful, joyful state, characteristic of believers and good children. This is not love - something fleeting, surging, and then disappeared, melted like a predawn fog that disappears when the day comes into its own ... A pure-hearted person knows how to rejoice at the coming day, meet people with a smile; he collects love drop by drop and grows in it. We are talking about such people as harmonious, whole natures.

What for a flower is the warm rays of the sun that bring life, then for true friendship and true love God. And if the eternal Sun of Love, Christ, fades in the consciousness of a lover, human feelings, beautiful in themselves, inevitably become clouded, grow thin. The soul, in the end, can feel a terrible emptiness and will no longer be able to be satisfied with communication, which, it seems, just yesterday brought so much joy. Turning away from God, we lose the understanding of true friendship and love. When we become too attached to the person we love, he can obscure Christ the Savior for us. And then sympathies turn into antipathies, then our friendship runs the risk, like a ship, of stumbling upon a dangerous reef - a sense of ownership, a desire to possess, to own another. Here begins the true torment, "a million torments." We are never satisfied with minutes and even hours of being in the company of a person dear to us, because we want to appropriate what is the property of the One God.

How important it is that our children, having entered adolescence, should not be disfigured by coarse passions, but should take care of their purity of heart - so that the Sun of Love, Christ, never sets in their souls! We - parents, educators, elders - must ourselves be able to love and teach our children to love, so that they can give alms with cordiality, strive to visit the sick with us, considering such a visit the most important and responsible thing for ourselves ... We are called, day after day in the daytime to put love into a child's heart, so that the lamp of this Christian virtue, barely lit up, would never be extinguished by the wind of lust, selfishness and selfishness.

Is it because children are so playful, restless - and some are nervous, shy, unbalanced - that we teach them anything (“feeding” them with our not very wise adult love), but we don’t teach them to love, we don’t cultivate in them this sprout; maybe because we don't know how to do it ourselves... The poet said:

Love endlessly, selflessly
With all the fullness of spiritual strength,
Even if love is reciprocated
Nobody repaid you.

Thus, love is something unselfish, something that makes a person like God... He who truly loves is always cautious, helpful, afraid of being intrusive, always feels himself serving a person for the sake of Christ.

In the light of Christ's love, it is so easy to see the darkness and lack of enlightenment of passion, lust, which, awakening inevitably in the hearts of youths, young men and maidens, will deprive them of peace; which, with its characteristic perseverance, impudence, even impudence, will demand its own, will make our children disobedient - as unbroken trotters are disobedient, ready to break off the leash and rush off to no one knows where, in an open field ... Truly, it is not easy for a young and inexperienced creature! And all girls and boys are like that: no matter how much they read, no matter how much they hear (and now they don’t see) stories “on this topic,” they really don’t know anything.

How easy it is to make a mistake and take something dark, fatal for the “star of captivating happiness”, something that will twist all our spiritual strength, empty the heart, put us above the abyss, cripple our moral being ... Such is the lecherous passion that defiles the mind and heart with ugly images, dreams - she is indifferent even to the human face, she longs for possession and says: I do not need you, I need yours! Each of us should be able to recognize in time this proud, selfish, base feeling in ourselves; through prayer and repentance, try to subordinate him to the moral ideal. This moral ideal is called matrimony. For if in your thoughts you call a girl your bride, then how dare you offend the great happiness that God will give you in a crowned marriage with perseverance, demanding passion? This passion wants to deprive you of rest and peace, this passion is like a madman who saws the branch on which he sits!

Superficial, weak, selfish natures (and now it is especially difficult for young people to have a family life, because they have not learned to love and do not even know what true love is) break easily ... Fragile human destinies are crumbling; people disperse each in his own direction, into the darkness of loneliness, impurity and vice. In order to prevent this from happening, you need to feel in yourself a calling to the labors of love. And if we remember that we ourselves desired these labors, we ourselves said to the Lord: “Yes, I have this intention, yes, I will accept this cross,” then these labors, bitter at first, will turn into sweetness as we resolve. Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, who knew how to love her Husband and Children so much, left us notes on family life, invaluable in terms of moral wealth and variety of spiritual experience, in which she teaches us to cultivate love, brick by brick to build the building of family happiness, never despairing, never lowering hands - even if life destroys what has been created, again and again take up your work in the hope of God's help.

We do not need to be ashamed of small good deeds. Unfortunately, it is so difficult for spouses to remember this science of Christian love: a bright face, an attentive word, a warning gesture, a cup served on time ... Oddly enough, monks - people who voluntarily renounce the happiness of family love - understand and feel this well. Why? Because the big is seen from a distance. People who have aggravated themselves to God, reflecting on what they have left, begin, of course, without regret, without contrition - in the true light of Christian love, to feel the true height of family love. They see how good the Creator, who created Adam and Eve, joined their hands, how great this treasure is: to have a person close to you both in soul and in body, who is of one mind with you; the one who is given to you as an everlasting earthly comforter.

When we overcome ourselves, overcoming fatigue and suppressing irritation, when, renouncing our own despondency, we reach out to those who expect sacrifice from us, we die to sin and give up our "I". But to the extent that we die, we are spiritually reborn, because sacrificial, disinterested labors make the human soul lighter, brighter and enlighten it completely ... Alas, in this life you almost never meet people who are so able to give themselves to love. But God Himself is called Love! In order to preserve love, very great wisdom is needed, which manifests itself in prudence and complacency. Spouses are weak people. The irritability of one immediately, like fire, spreads into the soul of another. The village will light up on one side, the wind will spread the flames in the blink of an eye - and now everything around is blazing ...

The spouses are obsequious - in the communicating vessels the liquid level is the same. And therefore, if the husband is constantly gloomy, irritable, then the wife is nervous. If the spouse is excessively playful, frivolous, then the husband often takes revenge on his girlfriend in the same way.

As a rule, we infect each other only with vices, transmit only the bad, darkening the soul that trusts us. On the contrary, how great before God is the person to whom the words of Scripture refer: “... if any of you deviates from the truth, and one turns him, let him know that he who turns a sinner from his false path will save his soul [his] from death and cover a multitude of sins "(James 5:19-20). If you, although this requires infinite patience and infinite wisdom, able to see the best in your loved one, you will stand ... The soul of your loved one will really overheat, be reborn, more under the influence of your life and secret prayer than your words. This is of great value before God.

Wisdom in marriage lies in seeing the light side in every phenomenon, not the dark side. If you truly love, then you must accept even an unfair reproach - much less a justified complaint or reproach - with all your heart, with all your soul, saying inwardly: "Lord, I deserve much worse." When we suddenly see before us the face of a loved one distorted by anger and irritation, let us think: if my neighbor - and who is closer than a husband, closer than a wife? - so angry at me, then how much more God, forgetting about Whose service I became a tempter for this infinitely dear soul to me ...

Unfortunately, there are few spouses who are configured so highly, so philosophically. But each of us should try not to let everyday troubles, like sulfuric acid, eat up, turn into nothing a bright, beautiful, joyful feeling that once made us make a marriage proposal or accept it. Only a soul that has asked God for patience and long-suffering, ready to work endlessly, becomes wise, strong and victorious in the feat of love.

To the extent that love is defiled by jealousy - this grasping feeling, the feeling of unrighteous property - so much is love adorned with sacrifice and disinterestedness, which are based on trust ... Indeed, a real punishment is a jealous husband, ready for every roadside post, for every shadow from the post to be jealous of his beloved wife. An unbearable burden - a jealous wife! She sees betrayals where they do not exist, her nerves are like a bare wire, she pursues her husband with constant reproaches.

Jealousy is a disease that can even lead to murder and suicide ... He who truly loves trusts. We reason about the heart of our neighbor in accordance with our own feelings - and just as a true lover himself is a stranger to dirty thoughts, afraid to tarnish the ideal of love with a single wrong look, so he judges the object of his love. On the example of our wonderful folk songs (remember the well-known “Steppe and steppe all around ...”), one can see that not only grand dukes and princesses, not only knights, but also completely ordinary people who, it would seem, are capable of such sacrifice they thought about the “destinies of the world”, did not think highly of themselves ... For this gift of disinterested love is determined not by a noble origin and not by property, but by the depth of the Christian faith.

From childhood, listening to a song about a dying coachman, I thought about the future fate of his wife. And until now it seems to me that she did not give the ring to anyone - because true love happens only under the sign of eternity. And earthly life is so short that it seems impossible to exchange this gift for something else ... Somehow I can’t believe that she got married again. And you?

They say that turtledoves and swans never change their chosen half. And in the families of priests, it is also arranged: the father and mother do not give the engagement ring to anyone. In essence, this should be the case for everyone, for God created Adam and Eve for mutual love and did not provide for anyone else.

And earthly life is really very fleeting. Ten, twenty years of marriage pass, and if it is overshadowed by God's blessing, then every day is experienced as the first. Feelings are not undermined, but, on the contrary, are becoming stronger: after all, God Himself is their source. Here, the once ruddy wife already has the first gray strand in her hair. And the groom, who jumped so high, ran so far, already short of breath ... Finally, a wand appears in the house, on which either the husband or the wife lean. They go out arm in arm to bask under the rays of the gentle spring sun... Like pebbles in the sea surf, they rubbed against each other for a long time and even outwardly became similar: one soul, one body, one mouth, one eye, the same thoughts... This is, of course, a gift God's ideal, to which none of us married people are forbidden to strive.

Does time have power over human love? Is love, like everything else in this sinful world, doomed to disappear? No, of course: love is stronger than death. That is why the wife, having lost her beloved husband, with whom she has lived for fifty (or maybe more) years, chooses the grave mound on which she plants flowers in the spring as the most cherished place - the meeting place. Here she breathes especially easily; she does not want to see anyone else, a stranger. Here she communicates with her husband ... Loving spouses often fail to survive each other for a long time. You look: a week, two, a month, the second has passed - and the orphaned spouse, the wife suddenly begins to melt, like a candle ... The flame of love flares up brighter, the soul prays and feels the embrace of the one who has long left the mortal body. There is nothing on earth stronger than love. Even spouses carry illnesses together: if one of them does not get up, the Lord, as a rule, gives strength to another so that he appears as a comforting angel and from his hands the weak can take a glass of cold water.

Deprivations and sorrows only harden love, purify it from harmful impurities. Love is tested like gold in a furnace... In the sacrament of the wedding, the Orthodox bride and groom drink the strong and sweet wine of marriage from a golden cup, testifying to their readiness to accept together from the hand of God everything that the Providence of the Lord sends them, be it joy or sorrow. This is united by one name - “happiness”, if the life cross of the spouse is carried together. And God forbid that we all be captivated, wounded, kindled with a thirst to love sincerely and tenderly, holy and sublime, and most importantly, sacrificially, not embarrassed by the fact that there are fewer and fewer examples of love around us ... God grant us to truly believe and love so that, under the influence of faith, love grows warmer, and love raises faith to a degree of boldness.

Here on earth, we have a special reverence for people endowed with the ability to love. You can learn from them even without guidance from them. Such a person, who received from God the gift of sacrificial love, always leaves a bright trace in our memory; moreover, it inspires us even when it is full night, twilight has fallen over our heads… But let us remember that people rise to great love, the ability to contain everyone and everything in their hearts gradually, not suddenly and not immediately. If you figure it out, then the Lord breathed into us filial love - a never-ceasing feeling of gratitude to the mother; parental love - the desire to serve and work for the well-being of children that never changes us; breathed friendship into us - the desire to be close to a person who understands and supports us without words when we do not even ask for it; conjugal love, for the sake of which we leave our father and mother and cling to our half ... All this is for the sake of ascending from various small experiences of earthly Christian love to truly spiritual love.

You love your wife badly if, reveling in feeling, you become deaf and indifferent to the sufferings of this world! You love your children badly if, laying down your life for them in the exploits of parental love, you look indifferently at strangers: restless, orphans, unwarmed, unkindled ... And only then do we love correctly - children, friend, wife - when we ascend from the lower to the higher . And the highest for us is the Gospel commandment: "... be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5, 48). As the sun sends its rays on the good and the bad, as the rain irrigates the face without distinguishing the innocent from the deserving of punishment, we must love sacrificially, leaving nothing for ourselves.

But let's not delude ourselves, friends. Let's not think that if we really choose love as our guiding star, we will be understood in this life, appreciated and praised, our names will be written on the tablets of history. Let's not think that descendants will bow low to us... The Cross of Jesus Christ testifies that true love in this life is often misunderstood, slandered, it is crucified, it is turned away from it in indignation, it is slandered. The One Lord grants His support to a person who walks the paths of Gospel love, filling the heart of a zealous Christian with spiritual consolation. It is a great blessing to see the spiritual sky above oneself and to be in living communion with the saints of God, each of whom has triumphed over the strife of the world and perfected in love. We are also comforted by our relatives, whose souls, like stars, twinkle above our heads, watch over us from eternity, pray for us. With them we will find, if we only carry the candle of faith and love to the grave, an eternal and imperishable union.

On this note, I would like to complete the spiritual and lyrical meditation on love: because where there is love, there is God, where the earth merges with the sky, the eternal with the temporal, and our life itself becomes a paradise, placing before the Throne of the Most High, whose name - Love.

6. What is the peculiarity of the Vladimir Cathedral on the Central city hill in Sevastopol?

A. In the fact that it is the tomb of admirals

"Teach me, God, to love

With all your mind, with all your thoughts,

To devote my soul to You

And all my life with every heartbeat"?

V. Grand Duke K.K. Romanov (K.R.)

8. What is another name for St. Basil's Cathedral, located near the Moscow Kremlin?

B. Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat

9. Which of the concepts does not refer to the type of iconography of the Most Holy Theotokos?

G. Mitra

ten. " The ceremony of consecrating the founding of the Grand Livadia Palace was timed to April 23 (according to the old style) - the name day of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. What is another name for this day?

A. Name days

Grading system:

For every correct answer in task 1 accrued 1 point.

Maximum 10 points for task 1.


Consider two images: an icon and a photograph taken in the Ascension Church on Gorodok.

What moment of the Gospel story is depicted on the icon?

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

What moment of the Liturgy is reflected in the photograph?

Moment before Communion (Permissible variant Communion)

In one or two sentences, describe how the two images are related.

Just as the Most Holy Theotokos humbly accepted the news that the Savior would be born from Her, so also believers, folding their hands on their chests in a sign of humility, accept the Holy Gifts (the Body and Blood of the Savior). They accept Grace with humility through the most important Sacrament.

Grading system:

For the correct answer to the question "What moment of the Gospel story is depicted on the icon?" accrued 1 point.

For the correct answer to the question “What moment of the Liturgy is reflected in the photograph?” accrued 1 point.

For the correct description of the connection between the picture and the icon, from 1 to 3 points, depending on the accuracy of the description.

Maximum 5 points for task 2.


Read carefully the passage from the poem by A.L. Mey "Blindborn". Answer the questions.

Seeing the people, the teacher sat down
On an elevated hill in the middle of the field;
At the behest of his hand
The disciples came to him
And he opened his mouth to speak...
Can't put into people's words
His divine speeches:
There is no human speech before them ...
But all the people, listening to him,
He also knew the blessings of earthly vanity,
He also knew the vanity of the world,
He also knew the perfection of the spirit,
I knew that true bliss
Only he inherits
Who is poor in spirit, who sheds tears,
Who hungers for the truth, longs for the truth,
Who was meek and gentle,
Who is pure in heart, peaceful,
Who suffers innocently from people,
Who is slandered
And insult with an evil word,
Who is exiled for the truth -
They will be rewarded in heaven!..

3.1. What commandments are mentioned in the poem?

About the Beatitudes

3.2. By whom and under what circumstances were these commandments given?

The Beatitudes were given by Jesus Christ during the Sermon on the Mount.

3.3. What is the number of these commandments?


3.4. Using the text of the poem, try to restore the text of the commandments as it is written in the Holy Scriptures.

I am a command. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

I am a command. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

I am a command. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

I am a command. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov"Teach me, God, to love..."

Konstantin Konstantinovich, poetic pseudonym K. R. (10 ( 22) August 1858, Strelna - June 2 (15), 1915, Pavlovsk) - member of the Russian Imperial House, Grand Duke, Adjutant General (1901), Infantry General (1907), Inspector General of Military Educational Institutions, President of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1889), poet, translator and playwright. He received a comprehensive home education. Famous historians S. M. Solovyov, K. I. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, music critic G. A. Larosh, cellist I. I. Zeifert, writers I. A. Goncharov and F. M. Dostoevsky took part in his training and education. . From childhood, the Grand Duke was prepared for service in the Navy. At the age of 7, Captain 1st Rank I.A. Zelenoy was appointed his tutor, who held this position until the Grand Duke came of age. Classes were conducted according to the program of the Naval School. In 1874 and 1876, as a midshipman, he made a long voyage to the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea on the frigate Svetlana. In August 1876, he passed the exam according to the program of the Naval School and was promoted to the rank of midshipman. He was a famous Russian poet, author of several collections. The first poetic works were published in the journal Vestnik Evropy in 1882. The first collection, which included poems from 1879-1885, was published in 1886. In 1888 he published the first poem, Sebastian the Martyr, then the collections New Poems by K. R., "The third collection of poems by K. R." (1900), "Poems of K. R." (1901).
I. A. Goncharov, Ya. P. Polonsky, A. A. Fet corresponded with the Grand Duke, who appreciated his taste and even instructed him to correct his poems.
Belonged to the so-called old school, was the successor of classical traditions. The poet K. R. did not have a first-class talent, but he took his place in the history of Russian literature. Many of his poems were melodious and were set to music (the most famous is the romance "I opened the window ..." with music by P. I. Tchaikovsky, who also composed music for "I did not love you at first ...", "The separation has passed" and other poems K. R.). He himself wrote several romances to the verses of V. Hugo, A. K. Tolstoy, A. N. Maikov.
K. R. translated into Russian the tragedy of F. Schiller "The Bride of Messina", the tragedy of J. W. Goethe, Shakespeare's "King Henry IV". Author of a successful translation of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" into Russian, on which he worked from 1889 to 1898; translation with extensive comments in 3 volumes was published in 1899 and reprinted several times.
The play by K. R. on the gospel story "The King of the Jews" and the author's notes to it M. A. Bulgakov used as material for the novel "The Master and Margarita".


Teach me, God, to love
With all your mind, with all your thoughts,
To devote my soul to You
And all my life with every heartbeat.

Teach me to keep
Only Your merciful will,
Learn to never complain
To your hard lot.

All who came to redeem
You, with Your Pure Blood,
Selfless, deep love
Teach me, God, to love!


The good news is rushing ... How sad and depressing
Bells ring on the foreign side.
Again I remembered the edge of my dear homeland,
And the old longing on the heart leaned.

I see my north with its snowy plain,
And as if I hear our village
Familiar blessing: both affectionately and gently
Bells are ringing from a distant homeland.

Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov (1858-1915) - military and statesman of the Russian Empire, infantry general, famous poet. Son of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, grandson of Emperor Nicholas I. Participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877 - 1878, Knight of St. George. Since 1889 he headed the Academy of Sciences for many years. His first poetic works appeared in print under the pseudonym "K.R." in 1882, subsequently the collections "Poems of K.R." (in 1886, 1889, 1900). About seventy of his poems have been set to music. Konstantin Konstantinovich himself was an amateur musician, contributed to the organization of the Pushkin House, initiated the creation of the Orthodox Palestinian Society (1882), was awarded many Russian and foreign orders and medals. The Grand Duke died on June 2, 1915 in Pavlovsk, was buried in the Grand Duke's tomb of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg.


Teach me, God, to grieve
About my sins before You,
And in the prayers of the saints, hymns,
About the unfortunate soul to hurt.

Teach me, strong man, to go
Only the path of holy teaching;
Just look for my salvation
Keep the righteousness of eternal covenants.

Teach me, God, to love
With all your mind, with all your thoughts,
To devote my soul to you,
And all my life with every heartbeat.

Teach me to believe, Holy One,
What is possible soul renewal,
What is available for sins atonement
And that your right anger is merciful.

Teach me, Father, to hug
All with pure brotherly love,
And for the Church, my mother
Learn to suffer even with blood.

Teach me, Generous, to give
Your forces for good in the service,
To bring comfort to the sufferers,
With them to praise Your grace.

Reinforce, teach to heal
My brothers mental anguish,
To silence the sounds of grief
And so that there was no one to moan! ..


When there is no urine to bear the cross,
When sadness cannot be overcome
We raise our eyes to heaven
Praying day and night
For the Lord to have mercy.

But if after grief
Happiness smiles upon us again
Thank you kindly
With all my heart, with all my mind
Are we God's mercy and love?

When foreseeing a close parting,
The soul hurts with despondency and longing
I say, squeezing your hand:
Christ is with you!

When in excess of unearthly happiness
The heart will beat joyfully at times,
Then I repeat to you again:
Christ is with you!

And if sadness, sadness and grief
Your own timid soul,
Then I tell you in consolation:
Christ is with you!

Loving, hoping, meekly and humbly
Accomplish, oh friend, you are this earthly path
And believe that always and unchanging
Christ is with you!

***Oh, if I could save my conscience,
Like the morning sky, clear,
So that with impeccable impassibility
They breathed deeds, thoughts, speech!

But the dark forces do not sleep,
And the clouds are children of thunderstorms and storms
Heaven's hello azure
They are surrounded by impenetrable darkness.

Like a flame of sunshine
Clouds obscure the sky
In us the image of God is obscured
Evil deeds, false thoughts and speeches.

But the storms will be silent, subside
And forgiveness hello storms
The sun shines again
Among the cloudless azure.

We keep our conscience
Like the morning sky, clear
And joyfully thorny path
We will come to the last pier.