This is how people judge us by our facial features. Sincere belief in success

Cold, lead drops flowed slowly down the glass, separating with a transparent wall an island of light and silence from bubbling jets and lightning flashes sparkling from time to time. I turned away from the window and ordered another glass of brandy.

Usually I don’t allow myself to drink so much, but the recent regimen completely implied complete abstinence from everything that could even slightly change the mode of operation of the convolutions or the rhythm of cardiovascular activity. Isn't that why now, having completed the last mission, I allowed myself to break loose, show up in this familiar tavern from mentions in parental quarrels and go all out?

“The last one,” I stubbornly repeated inside myself. Silencing the thin, squeaky voice of the superstitious part of yourself, insisting on the phrase "extreme."

No, probably, the essence is not only in detente.

I needed to understand myself, take a fresh look at what was left behind, compare the chosen path with other paths. Where is the best place to do this, if not in the old tavern, which is almost a legend in our city?

Pulling the cigarette case out of my pocket, I took out a cigarette and clicked on the lighter. Under the bar sign traditionally hangs a sign "Free smoke" - vegans, zealots of political correctness and opponents of smoking should leave their beliefs at the entrance.

Another pleasure that I was deprived of for a long time.

Do you like it here?

Almost choking on a cloud of smoke, I stared in bewilderment at a person who so indelicately dared to break into my personal sphere.

You see, I've never seen you here before, - as if apologizing, a short plump subject in a gray vest spread his arms. He sat down at the table with such naturalness, as if he had always sat there, or as if it were a neighboring seat in a maglev. “At the same time, your face seems somehow subtly familiar to me. So I, in fact, thought - why not clarify directly?

I exhaled the dirty tobacco air abruptly. No, gone are the days when such a breach of privacy would have embarrassed me.

You may have seen me on the pages of newspapers or the Internet, - I said, shaking off the ashes from the cigarette. - Or on TV.

He peered into my face, peered, it seems, with incredible intentness. His eyelashes fluttered for a moment.


I nodded, refraining from remarks. I felt too good, a strange feeling of comfort reigned inside, which I did not want to disturb.

Here's how ... - A light shadow slid over the stranger's inexpressive face. - Deep space. Three expeditions... Of course, no anomalies, men in black and aliens.

He asserted rather than asked, his face showed that he was familiar with this prose of life - at least intuitively - no worse than me. Perhaps that is why I did not deny myself the pleasure of confirming:


And dragged on again.

The candle on the table between us cracked slightly. My gaze slid around the bar, lingering at times near one or another table, touching either a blonde in a lilac maxi, or a dull red-haired guy in scarlet glasses, cradling a half-empty glass with his fingers.

From within?

Remembering my own unfinished brandy, I took a sip from the glass. The brandy tasted unusually bitter.

Inside, - confirmed the interlocutor. He somehow hunched over, which made his figure for a moment arouse pity. - Did you know that this girl at the third table is called Anita, she comes here every Tuesday when her boyfriend does not have free time for her, which he explains by work matters, while she has long suspected a completely different reason that she lacks spirit to confirm or refute?

Coming here, she orders rum, which she actually hates, but it seems to her like a reminiscence with the tastes of the hero of her favorite childhood book, she tries to tune in to a long-lost wave through the taste of rum, to re-evaluate the path she has traveled anew. Oh, she knows that this hope is ridiculous, she feels that every day she sinks deeper into the abyss without return, but she does not see the strength in herself to change anything.

I shuddered coldly.

The words about the reassessment of the path scratched with something unpleasant. Did I come to this bar to compare my life with other people's lives?

So much tragedy because of the wrong romantic choice, - I reluctantly objected. She has her whole life ahead of her.

All life ... - Lips vis-a-vis distorted in a languid grin. - People over thirty always think so about the young, while young people are convinced that they live only now. Who knows which one is right?

His gaze for a moment rested on my face, for some reason I again felt the proximity of chills. As if there was some kind of double bottom in his question, a bottom that I had to unravel?

Or this man, forty-three years old, sipping whiskey through a straw. The pleasure is below average, but he likes at least in these moments to feel like an aesthete, to imagine himself in the epicenter of attention, putting on a mask that is not there. He poses as a biker named Jurgen, willingly engaging in arguments about the dangers of nighttime highways and urban legends, hiding the fact that he last went out at night seven years ago when his wife asked him to take out the trash at an odd hour.

He is not lying or not completely lying, which partly justifies him in his own eyes, as if not allowing him to completely lose the shores of reality. He could have become a biker, if not in this life, then in some other, once the path of the motorcycle industry was seriously interested in him, but the inertia of life turned out to be stronger, the brave Knight of the Night found himself in the body of a neurotic in his youth, unable to connect couples words in communication with the outside world without an interpreter. Subsequently, having risen on the track prepared by his parents and school, even failing to stay on it without a mat and outside help, he almost stopped remembering the romance of the night streets over the years. No, he does not regret anything, he has a family, children and a home, as for the desire to die that sometimes arises in the morning - it is so fleeting and comes to him less and less every day.

What is the moral? - perhaps more sharply than necessary, I asked. - "Do not betray the dream"? He could very well have died.

No morals, Mr. Markinson. Life is plotless.

After a few seconds of silence, he continued as if nothing had happened:

The guy at the fifth table by the window, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. He comes here in the vague hope of overcoming social phobia, but even prefers to take drinks from the coffee machine and rarely looks at anything other than the pseudo-screen of his VR glasses. Once he dreamed of becoming a talented hacker, dreaming of hacking the Pentagon and revealing government secrets, but now the top of his digital achievements is hitting a virtual pig with a drawn bird on the first try.

And what did that girl in the blue jacket dream about? I asked sarcastically, almost no longer doubting the fictitious nature of the biographies being listened to.

Is that one? - Vizavi turned around. - Oh, this is a former artist, once quite talented.

She traded her gift for lentil stew too? I raised an eyebrow.

Strange, however, she thinks about her old friend, - I grinned openly. - Usually a guy only rejoices when he learns something similar about a girl he knows. Now, if the situation is reversed and if there is no definite relationship between a guy and a girl, then yes, then some tension may hang.

This is not the case. A bitter smile froze on his lips. - Believe me, this story is a bit of a different opera.

You know better,” I remarked, not without irony. - You, I see, know how to win people over, to pull out of them all the ins and outs?

My gift...

The look of his colorless eyes touched me with steel needles.

And my curse.

Ability to dispose?

I chuckled in disbelief. Something, but charm from my interlocutor did not even smell.

The ability to get to know people from the inside. Get to know them completely, get to know them better than they know themselves.

After a pause, he continued:

Enough eye contact. Hand contact. And - voluntary consent.

With this ability, you could become a blackmailer, a stock cheater or a computer hacker, - with these words I shook the ashes from the cigarette. “It’s not so difficult to extract consent by cunning ...

There are certain obstacles that are difficult to explain to someone who does not have a similar gift. - His gaze did not leave my face, which made me, despite the hot cigarette smoke, increasingly cold. - Let's put it this way: there is simply no desire to do such things.

I put out my cigarette in the ashtray.

Well, well, - I said barely audibly, but for some reason believing that the interlocutor would catch my every word. - But why do you need it? Let's say I believe that you are such a telepath ... let's say that I even understand the poor fellows who decided to reveal themselves to you in such a non-verbal way. But why do you need it?

He chuckled, perhaps for the first time in our entire conversation.

Mr Markinson. Tell me, who do you see in front of you?

Colorless eyes, unmemorable facial features, weakly expressed template facial expressions. Almost like the representatives of the special services?

Exactly, he said. He spoke simply and dully, without much pathos. - I'm nobody.

By understanding others from the inside, do you expect to become someone? To fill, so to speak, your own emptiness?

His lips twisted again, unhappily.

If. Emptiness is not allowed to stop being empty, but it is able to forget about it at least temporarily.

Is there no other way?

The stranger's gaze screwed into my face.

That's what you came here for, isn't it? After a pause, he inquired softly. - Find out if another path is possible, if another path is desirable, where you could turn off the astronaut's already mastered path. This is on the surface. Well, deep down...

In depth? I raised an eyebrow politely, though feeling chilled.

The corners of his lips twitched.

You came here looking for an excuse. Came here to find arguments that will give the appearance of free choice to continue your path.

You think we are all puppets. With feigned nonchalance, I drove the last drops of brandy down the bottom of the glass. - Tied each to its route.

Not to say that I was particularly shocked by his reasoning, various modifications of which I had more than once heard from the lips of some melancholics. For some reason, the weaker a person is, the more willingly he philosophizes about such things?

Puppets are tied to crosses, not routes, but other than that - absolutely right. He stared blankly at the glass in my hand. - Although, of course, you can try to dissuade me.

His gaze met mine again.

Ah, well, yes. - I chuckled. - Indeed, why not? At the same time, we will check your mysterious telepathy in action.

I stretched out my hands. The third glass of brandy plunged me into a state in which I did not really want to think and hesitate.

So, eye contact, hand-to-hand contact, and - what else - free consent?

He looked at me without blinking.

Why then? - I did not understand.

For this, - he said simply, stretching his hands forward.

Our fingers touched, our eyes crossed again. They were almost not hindered by the bright candle flame oscillating a little to the side?

My whole life, long and short at the same time, stretching into eternity and at the same time fitting into the moment. In one brief moment of glimpse?

The wick of the candle cracked.

Youth. Puberty. Childhood.

Taste of bitter brandy in the mouth. Puffs of smoke and dim reasoning. Farewell conversation with Atkins, one of the NASA technicians, to whom I told about my hesitation and who confidently said: "You'll be back."

The wick cracked again.

Haze, fog, veiling the eyes, making it difficult to blink, even making it difficult to look away. Why am I feeling all this? Did he say I wouldn't feel anything?

"It's not that hard to get consent by cunning."

I blinked, looking into the opposite eyes, piercing blue eyes.

Already everything? - this question sounded double. The guy opposite pulled his hand out of my sweaty fingers, alarm appeared on his face.

A chill ran down my spine again, a chill much stronger than in all the previous minutes, a chill comparable only to the coldness of the cosmic void. I began to understand - or rather, to remember? - what just happened.

This is how it always happens.

Other people's memories in the first seconds are perceived as their own. I lived with cosmonaut Markinson all his life, sat with him in a bar, listened to the cryptic words of a nondescript interlocutor with him.

"This can't be!" - the hypostasis, which was an imprint of the personality of Mr. Markinson, tore in panic in me. Another hypostasis, cold and calm, knew that it was about the immutable truth.

There would be more hypostases, much more than two, if the emotional influence of most memories did not disappear in a day at the latest?

“After all, can something be done? the other half of my splintered ego continued to scream inside as I rose from my chair under Mr. Markinson's surprised look and headed for the door. - Do something? Well, yes, I, that is, you, a weak-willed slug, now I see your whole life in full view, but is there a chance to tighten up and change something? Like that guy in purple VR glasses, if he forced himself to do programming in time?

My hand touched the doorknob.

Well, yes, the passed stage. And I can really try to do something, take the risk of doing something. To face the consequences a day later, when will the effects of the memories taken from the donor wear off?

I'm sorry, I said again, turning to myself.

Hello my dear readers and guests of the blog! Everyone wants good relationships with people. But they don't add up on their own. Therefore, it is worth mastering the art of adjusting them. Without it, it is impossible to make a friend, create close relationships, or form bonds with co-workers. Their essence lies in creating deep sympathy for themselves, a benevolent attitude and the desire to continue further communication. In fact, there is nothing particularly complicated here, since the interlocutor, in turn, is usually interested in this. And today we will talk about how to win over a person.

Who needs the ability to win people over

First of all, such a useful skill is especially necessary for representatives of certain professions. There are specialties for which communication becomes the core around which all their professional activities are built. Therefore, people in these positions must be able to create an atmosphere of trust from the first word or even, perhaps, at first sight. Their ability to earn a living and be depends on this.

It is very important to have such important skills:

  • teachers;
  • teachers;
  • kindergarten teachers;
  • artists;
  • heads of various departments;
  • sellers;
  • managers;
  • sales agents;
  • journalists;
  • doctors;
  • nurses;
  • officials;
  • politicians;
  • clergy and others.

It is important for these people to be able to create an atmosphere of complete trust, to help their interlocutor relax, to set him up for a detailed dialogue. At the same time, it is necessary to be very patient, to be able not to condemn people for minor shortcomings, to strive to capture their attention. During a conversation, one should not allow indifference to a person, ignore requests or appeals, and respond rudely.

How to win over a person

In addition, you need to be able to actively use non-verbal communication methods. This means smiling at people, listening to them with an interested air, acting natural, but not cheeky. Such simple ways help to completely arrange them for yourself.

It is also very important to be able to apply special methods of communication. Among them may be the following.

These skills will help you quickly win over a person, arouse sympathy, interest in further conversation.

In the event that this has already happened, you should immediately make it clear to the interlocutor about the reciprocal readiness for communication. If you do this sincerely, without hiding your positive emotions, you can make a pleasant acquaintance or even find a new friendship.

Be sure to take into account:

  • age;
  • social status;
  • profession;
  • academic degree;
  • interlocutor status.

Under no circumstances should principles be used. People quickly recognize them and experience a strong dislike for such a person.

It is worth remembering that the most prepossessing feature is. It is she who usually accompanies charm. Therefore, to begin with, you need to be kind to your own personality. This quickly makes it clear to others that in front of them is a pleasant and friendly-minded person. If internal self-esteem is not too high, it needs to be developed by psychological methods, or at least smile at yourself in the morning in the mirror and say: “How good you look!”.

It is equally important to be able to help the interlocutor feel attractive, competent and important. Therefore, from the very first minutes, it is necessary to treat him as a very respected person. If there is something interesting about him, he is beautifully dressed or has achieved some high results, it is better to note this immediately at the beginning of the conversation.

It may not be out of place to compliment appearance, costume or hairstyle. It is not harmful to remember that he is also shy in front of a new person and resorts to the same tricks to create a positive atmosphere. Therefore, it is enough just to meet him with an open mind.

The ability to win over people is necessary not only to learn, but also to maintain this skill every day. It is especially important in the professional sphere, where not only compliance with the position held, but also earnings and a pleasant atmosphere in the team depend on it. See you soon!

Today we'll talk about how to win over a person and consider special services methodology, which was revealed by Jack Schafer, an American psychology professor who had worked as an FBI special agent for a long time. I noticed that recently they began to write a lot about this, and so I also decided to keep up and consider how to achieve the location of a person using the methods of special services using examples.

Let's start with what it's all about. Yes, for anything! The ability to win over a person will definitely come in handy for you both in business and in some personal, household, everyday affairs.

So, Jack Schafer told how the secret services taught to win over people with the help of personal charm. The main conclusion he made is:

To win over a person, you need to make him like himself.

Reception 1. Make a mistake. Yes Yes exactly. When you begin to communicate with a person, you can intentionally make some frank, but insignificant mistake, so that he notices this and corrects you. And you pretend to be embarrassed and get better.

What is the essence of such an approach? Firstly, you will demonstrate to the interlocutor that you are not perfect, you are an ordinary simple person who also tends to make mistakes. This will take the pressure off right away. Secondly, your interlocutor will feel more confident, even psychologically feel a certain superiority, and in this state it is much easier to win over a person, because in this way he will think that he controls the situation, not suspecting that the opposite is true. Further, your communication will become more free and easy.

For example :

  • Until I found this Pushkin, 12, I asked everyone ...
  • Pushkin, 13!
  • Oh yes, sorry, of course, 13!

Reception 2. Talk to your interlocutor about it. To arrange a person to yourself, you need to be interested in him. His affairs, his health, his mood, his interests, his children, his opinion, his life in general. That's when he becomes interested in you. If you focus on presenting yourself favorably, it will have the opposite effect.

For any person it is very important how interesting he is, how significant he is in the eyes of others. Make him believe that he is really interesting to you and really meaningful to you, and you can easily win him over. By the way, the following methods will be based on this.

For example :

  • You have such beautiful paintings hanging in the hall. Are you into painting?
  • We heard that they are going to build a new shopping center nearby. What do you think about this?

Reception 3. Compliment in a third person. If you want to win over a person with compliments, then this will not always work. Because many people will simply mistake them for flattery, which will only make things worse for you. But there is a way to enhance the effect of compliments: you just need to make them not from yourself, but as if from a third person, from someone else.

For example :

  • Your boss recommended you as the most responsible and competent specialist;
  • Heard a lot of positive feedback about your company, and even from competitors.

Reception 4 . Sympathize with the interlocutor. A person will definitely be pleased when you express your sympathy, empathy for something, only the degree of this sympathy must be chosen correctly, the main thing is not to overdo it.

The purpose of this technique is to show the interlocutor that you care about his feelings and emotions, and that you are imbued with them. This will unite you more, bring you closer psychologically and help you easily win over a person.

For example :

  • I can imagine how difficult it was for you to develop your business in the face of such powerful competition ...
  • Yes, now there is a crisis, everyone is in a recession, I understand ...

Reception 5 . Ask the other person for a favor. Thinking about how to win over the interlocutor, you can resort to such a technique. When you ask a person for a favor, he will psychologically feel a little higher than you in his eyes, this will relieve tension, he will relax, and it will be easier for you to take over his mind.

Only this request, of course, should not be very significant and adequate, one that he would definitely agree to.

For example :

  • Could you look after my things, I'll make a quick call and come back?
  • Could you ask someone to show me the building?

Reception 6 . Get the person to praise himself. This is the last, very effective, but also rather difficult technique that allows you to achieve the location of a person. It consists in this: it is necessary to bring the conversation to the fact that your interlocutor praises himself. How to do this - you need to think through already, depending on the situation.

But in this case, the effect will be very good: the interlocutor will feel his importance, his significance, will grow in his own eyes and relax, which will be to your advantage.

For example :

  • Interlocutor: I have been going to create this business for several years.
  • You: I can imagine how hard it is. This requires iron nerves and a steel character!
  • Interlocutor: yes, of course, it was not easy, but I was able to overcome all these difficulties.

These are the methods, according to FBI special agent Jack Schafer, that the methods of the special services teach how to win over a person. I hope that they will be useful to you and will be used only with good intentions.

On this I say goodbye to you! Be successful and financially literate! See you at!

“We form an impression of people and there is nothing we can do about it,” said Alexander Todorov, professor of psychology at Princeton University. In laboratory tests, he received computer-generated faces with traits we associate with attractiveness, trustworthiness, competence, and many other qualities.

Todorov warns that these impressions are very approximate, since people have many prejudices, including the halo effect, when we believe that one positive characteristic will lead to others, as well as stereotypes, under the influence of which we associate a person’s behavior with his appearance. However, the professor says that such effects should be understood so that they can be dealt with.

We decided to acquaint you with the conclusions reached by Todorov and other researchers.

The more attractive people are, the more we tend to assume positive traits in them. We perceive them as more literate, intelligent, trustworthy, and so on.

People with angry faces are perceived as less likable, trustworthy, more powerful, hostile, and threatening. Opposite qualities are assumed in happy faces.

Photo: Tim Green

In Todorov's laboratory, faces with various features were generated by a computer and evaluated by invited college students. To avoid the influence of racial bias, only white faces were used in the study.

The perceived competence of a person increases from left to right in the example of the faces below. The traits associated with competence are dark skin and attractiveness.

Perception of dominance/superiority increases from left to right. Associated features: dark skin and masculine facial features.

The perception of extraversion increases from left to right. Associated features: a broad face and a semblance of a smile.

The ability to win over grows from left to right. Associated features: attractiveness and the likeness of a smile.

Threat perception increases from left to right. Associated features: masculine traits and a semblance of an angry expression.

The degree of perceived reliability of a person increases from left to right. Associated features: female facial features and a semblance of a smile.

The digitally processed image reflects the research of Mirella Walker and Thomas Vetter of the University of Basel. It shows how the same person can look more or less neurotic, extroverted, etc.

Degree of expression horizontally, personality traits vertically.

People respond more positively to faces that resemble their own. This was tested by asking a group of subjects to rate the trustworthiness of individuals who were, to varying degrees, similar to those interviewed.

Woman looking in the mirror. maxriesgo/shutterstock

When we talk about attractiveness, we most often mean appearance. But if you really want to impress others, there are a number of factors that cannot be ignored. We are talking about upbringing, manners, genetics, the unconscious desire to please others and, of course, behavior. Let's talk about how you can win over other people.

Be a good listener

When a person wants to impress an interlocutor, he uses the practice of active listening. There are two extremes that you need to avoid in a conversation: interrupting your partner and playing the role of a stone wall. You can participate in a dialogue without the help of words. To do this, it is enough to show interest with the help of non-verbal signals, which are a slight tilt of the head towards the interlocutor, signs of approval and the exclusion of distractions.

When you show a deep interest in what another person is saying, he or she gains confidence in you. Thus, in a matter of seconds, a deep invisible connection is formed between you. Practice active listening every time you want to increase your level of attraction. But if people like it when the interlocutor gives all his attention to the dialogue, then the presence of a mobile phone in his hands is very annoying.

Language of the body

Our body is sometimes more eloquent than words. What behavior causes people to dislike? Locked fingers, crossed arms and legs, yawning while talking, looking at walls, shaking your foot, and tapping your fingers on the table will automatically write you into the category of unwanted companions. The person trusts you with their thoughts and shares something of value. And this means that you should not spill this important information and pass it on deaf ears. Connect your eyes to listening and use a simple technique that will demonstrate your interest in the dialogue. When the interlocutor finishes his phrase, instead of a monosyllabic approval, paraphrase part of his words, focusing on the main idea. This will show your genuine interest in what has been reported.

act of kindness

When it comes to personality traits, kindness and generosity will always be at the top of the attraction list. Direct your actions to ensure the well-being of the interlocutor, and this will immediately pay dividends to you. One scientific study found that men and women find altruism especially attractive in others. There is nothing surprising. Think back to your personal experience. Which person would you be more comfortable sitting at the same table with: greedy or generous? You will most likely choose the second option. People on a subconscious level are drawn to selfless and compassionate brothers. In addition, generosity and altruism further emphasize physical attractiveness when it comes to finding a partner for a long-term relationship. As you can see, the secret is simple: be friendly, and people will definitely reach out to you.


The easiest thing you can do when interacting with other people is to remember to smile. This simple technique is contagious no less than a yawn. When you smile, others do the same to you in return. At this time, the production of endorphins and serotonin is activated in your bodies. That is why the mood is instantly lifted. In addition, the sight of a smiling person stimulates the part of the brain responsible for pleasure. This explains why it is so pleasant for us to see smiling rather than frowning faces.


We continue to talk about positive emotions. They say laughter is the best cure for all diseases. With proper use, this technique can be a trump card hidden up your sleeve. Have you ever noticed how people gather around jokers and pranksters? This is because they want to experience positive emotions. Laughter is key when it comes to attracting a romantic partner. When making jokes, observe the measure, do not go over to personalities and insults. In this case, a person who knows how to laugh at himself looks win-win. It's good for your physical health too. When you laugh heartily, blood circulation improves, which means more oxygen enters the brain. At the same time, the level of stress in the body decreases and pain sensations go away.

Earn Trust

If you want to be attractive to other people, avoid lying, cheating, and other compromising behavior. Instead, make an effort to earn the trust of others. Speak openly, truthfully, and be sure to keep your promise. A person who does not throw words to the wind inspires respect among people. Step by step, by adhering to these principles, you will create deep, meaningful relationships with your friends. In this case, your true "I" will correspond to the external image.

When it comes to friendships, trust and honesty override physical attractiveness and habits on the priority list. In addition, such qualities as loyalty, reliability, transparency underlie business relationships. On the love front, honesty and openness between partners are also important factors in a fulfilling relationship. It seems that we have found a universal key to success in all areas of life.

Vanilla flavor

Our bodies produce natural pheromones, extrinsic products that provide chemical attraction. Body odor plays a big role in choosing potential sexual partners.

To further enhance the "chemical" appeal, pay close attention to the vanilla. For many people, this fragrance has been a favorite since early childhood. It is associated with joy, mother's caring hands, family dinners, peace and tranquility. Do you want people to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of happiness, being next to you? This is only for vanilla scents.

Scientists examined the effect of vanilla aroma on the brain using magnetic resonance imaging. In the course of the experiment, it was found that this smell helps to reduce stress and anxiety, which once again proves its importance. When you're looking to make yourself more attractive to other people, look to perfume, body lotion, shampoo, soap, lip balm, and other beauty products that contain vanilla extract.

Red color in clothes

This works not only in relation to members of the opposite sex. Clothes, shoes and accessories in bright red will make people pay attention to you. Bright, daring and provocative shade is considered the best choice for a lady who wants to seduce a gentleman. We tend to associate red with romance, love, passion, and even fertility.


At first glance, this habit may seem insignificant to you, but in fact, punctuality speaks volumes about your responsibility. When you arrive at a business meeting a little earlier than the specified time, partners will immediately understand that you can deal with. Punctuality not only indicates your personal principles and priorities, but also demonstrates your attitude towards others. By doing so, you show that you value other people's time and are able to keep promises. On the other hand, if you allow yourself to be late, it means that you only care about your own problems.

You are a pet owner

This is evidenced by many scientific studies, so we take this fact for granted. People seem much more attractive and trustworthy when they walk with pets. Very often, the love of dogs or cats unites people into interest groups. Other scientific studies have shown that pets relieve their owners of stress, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and develop a sense of responsibility. If you have a pet, then most likely you exude positive vibes and self-confidence, so you cannot be unattractive in the eyes of others.