What is the age of the earth within. The history of the development of planet earth

First of all, install mountain age. When traveling through the mountains, you can always find such stones that easily break into pieces, or even completely crumble with weak pressure. This convincingly suggests that the stone does not remain unchanged, but ages under the influence of weathering and gradually collapses. The mountains are getting older.

Mount Montserrat

known to exist. The Ural Mountains belong to the old ones; to young ones - the Caucasus Mountains, Crimean, Carpathians, Alps, Himalayas and others. Some mountains arose a very long time ago, others much later, some reached their peak, while others once completely disappeared from the face of the Earth.

In addition to the old mountains, there were those that do not exist now, of which not a trace remains. Such, for example, are the Donetsk tori, or the Donetsk ridge, the existence of which can only be judged by those underground folds that were clearly identified during the construction of coal mines and other structures.

Among the mass of stones that come across along the way, along the river, in the ravine and the old quarry, you can always find petrified shells. Sometimes there are so many of them in the breed that it is called shell limestone. These shells are not at all like those that can be seen in a pond, on the banks of a river or the sea.

If in some area fossilized shells or the remains of marine animals are often found, this definitely indicates that here, on the plain, there was once a sea, and even a very warm one.

The richest tropical vegetation grew along the shores of this warm sea. Colonies of heat-loving corals nested at shallow depths, and predatory voracious sharks and such antediluvian monsters up to 13 meters long, which combined the signs of a fish, a dolphin and a crocodile, rushed in the sea. Maybe someone will be lucky enough to find the vertebra of this monster in the black clays of deep ravines somewhere in your area.

Fossilized shells and other remains of marine organisms are often found on high mountains. How could they get there? Did the seas once cover even the tops of the mountains? Was there ever a global flood? Not at all: the remains of the most ancient organisms do not lie on top, not on the surface, but in the very thickness of the rock that makes up the mountains.

Sea and land throughout the long history of the earth, changed places. The outlines of continents and oceans changed. There have been more startling changes as well.

This once again suggests that not only did land and sea change places repeatedly, but even deeper changes took place, when the bottom of the ancient sea was crumpled into folds, and in those expanses where waves once went, mountains and volcanoes arose, spewing streams lava.

So it was, for example, in the distant past of the Urals and the Caucasus. Changed unrecognizably. Great changes took place in the plant and animal world.

Development of flora and fauna

The study of the geological age of the Earth convinces us that, judging by the preserved traces on the stone, judging by the fossil remains, flora and fauna developed very slowly, (more:). In its development from the simplest organisms to man, he went through a difficult path.

Indeed, all nature, starting from a grain of sand and ending with the Sun, starting from the simplest primary organism and ending with man, is, as scientists say,

in eternal arising and destruction, in continuous flow, in relentless movement and change.

The most valuable contribution to the knowledge of the life of the Earth was made by the brilliant son of the great Russian people - Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. More than two hundred and fifty years ago, he confidently spoke of the fact that in nature there have always been

great changes, they are happening now, and hardly ever stop.

But how can you find out how long ago certain geological events took place? It can be known and even quite accurate.

Determination of the geological age of the Earth

Determining the geological age of the Earth, or the geological prescription of certain events in the life of the Earth, one must always proceed from the fact that the processes occurring on the surface of the Earth and in its depths took place earlier.

Rain streams also eroded loose rocks, contributing to the growth of ravines, and devastating floods occurred. The earth was repeatedly shaken by devastating earthquakes. Powerful lava flows poured out of the splits, which then solidified as a continuous cover on the Deccan Peninsula, in Eastern Siberia, in the Western States of America, in Iceland and in many other territories.

Separate examples help to look more confidently into the past of the Earth. The river carries sand, clay, silt into the sea, sometimes in huge quantities. This material settles both at the mouth of the river, gradually forming a series of islands that make up its delta, and is carried away far into the sea.

Having determined the amount of sediment contained in one cubic meter of river water, as well as calculating how many cubic meters of water the river annually takes out on average, it is easy to calculate the total amount of precipitation accumulated at the mouth of the river over a given period of time.

The presence of any historical objects (for example, ancient weapons, coins, parts of lost ships, etc.) in coastal marine sediments provides some indications for determining the age of a given sediment layer.

The layering of the sediment helps to determine the time of formation of the entire rock mass. At the bottom of salt lakes, such as Baskunchak, a layer of salt is deposited annually, which is separated from last year by a thin layer of spring silt. When drilling salt deposits, a mass of such layers of silt is found.

Having calculated them, it is not difficult to determine the time of formation of deposits. At one salt deposit, a drilling rig was laid, which, without reaching the bottom of the deposit, gave ten thousand layers. Consequently, it took at least 10 thousand years for the formation of only the passed stratum.

Sometimes a measure of time can be, for example, the thickness of sediments, which buried certain historical structures under it.

So, the famous buildings erected in Egypt by Pharaoh Ramses II, who lived about 3,000 years ago, are covered with a three-meter layer of sand. In other words, the formation of sediment proceeded at a rate of one meter per millennium.

The accumulation of marine sediments is much slower: it takes approximately 7,000 years to form a layer one meter thick.

The total age of the entire thickness of the sedimentary rocks of the earth's crust, which, however, has not been completely preserved anywhere, can be taken, according to the proposals of scientists, as two billion years.

Age of the Earth

The results of the determination are very different. And only in our time, over the course of approximately the next quarter of a century, scientists managed to approach the solution of this innermost secret of nature, but in a completely different way.

There are such substances in nature that turn any rock containing them into a truly magical watch with a windmill for billions of years. And as if looking into such a wonderful stone, we can determine the time imprinted by it and say when it was formed.

Such a wonderful substance is a chemical element Uranus, which in the course of many hundreds of millions of years spontaneously turns into lead. The average life span of uranium is 8 billion years.

Over this long period, it turns into uranium lead, which a specialist scientist can easily distinguish from ordinary lead.

Knowing how much lead is released from one gram of uranium per year (and this is well known to physicists), and determining how much uranium lead falls on one gram of uranium in a given rock (chemists will accurately calculate this), it is possible to determine the time of formation of the rock itself, i.e. her age.

These studies are carried out by means of especially sensitive sophisticated equipment. With the help of it, it was possible to establish that the rocks of one of the regions of Karelia were formed over a billion seven hundred million years ago.

Studies by scientists from other countries have discovered even more ancient rocks - over two billion years. It can be assumed that the earth's crust is about three billion years old. The formation of the earth's crust is the beginning of the geological chronology.

The total age of the Earth is determined by modern science no less than five billion years.

Everything has its beginning and its end. This statement also applies to life on Earth, which, of course, someday will stop. How much time do we have left in order to be able to recognize the inevitability?

What does history teach us?

Fossils found on our planet tell us that life has existed here for at least 3.5 billion years. During this gigantic period of time, the Earth experienced everything: the ice age, the displacement of the continents, the extinction of dinosaurs and the release of a lethal dose of radiation into the atmosphere. Until now, not a single cataclysm has been able to completely destroy life. Is it possible to repeat one of the scenarios that our planet experienced during its existence on a larger scale? This is how scientists think about possible options for the development of the universal apocalypse.

Volcanic apocalypse

Estimated timeframes: 0 to 100 million years.

The last volcanic eruption, which claimed the lives of 85% of the species living on land, and 95% of the inhabitants of the deep sea, occurred 250 million years ago. It was during the mass extinction of the end of the Permian period of the Paleozoic era. The lava that erupted in the place where the Cis-Urals is now located covered an area 8 times larger than the territory of Great Britain.

None of the scientists is sure why such a cataclysm turned into a tragedy of apocalyptic proportions, but no one doubts that the ancient volcano influenced the course of history. In light of past events, some scientists are concerned about the giant volcano Yellowstone. However, even he is not able to bring such devastating damage to the planet, as the volcano once did, which put an end to the Permian period.

Henrik Svendsen from the University of Oslo in Norway notes that such large-scale eruptions were not uncommon in that period, they occurred 200, 180, and 65 million years ago. It is almost impossible to track their cyclicity, but it is also not necessary to exclude the repetition of this in the future.

It all depends on the location of the eruption.

Based on his own research, Svendsen concluded that a mega-eruption would be capable of destroying all life, depending on the place in which it occurs. So, 250 million years ago, salt could presumably be the “killer” of most of the life on the planet. The bowels of the Urals and Siberia are rich in salt deposits to this day.
During the Permian period, salt, which became an element of volcanic activity, entered the atmosphere. This caused a huge number of adverse chemical reactions for the ozone layer. The living species inhabiting the planet at that time, without protection in the form of ozone, could not oppose anything to harmful cosmic radiation. Thus, most living organisms died.

Currently, massive salt deposits exist on the territory of the Perm Territory, Eastern Siberia, and also on the territory of Brazil. And if the next potential volcano forms in any of these regions, there is no doubt that most of the living species that inhabit the planet will die.

What will be left after the volcanic apocalypse?

Of course, life itself will not disappear from the face of the planet. This happened 250 million years ago, when bacteria and unicellular organisms remained untouched by cosmic radiation.

Asteroid impact threat

Estimated timeframe: 450 million years.

If one massive asteroid contributed to the destruction of all large dinosaurs, could this happen again? In fact, such strong impacts of asteroids on our planet have happened only occasionally in history. The Earth experienced "acquaintance" with some large asteroids, but this did not result in such large-scale tragedies. So, one of the largest craters on our planet - Manicouagan, is located on the territory of modern Canada.

Scientists suggest that the age of this giant funnel is supposedly 215 million years old. The surviving fossils speak eloquently of the fact that the impact of that asteroid did not lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs. This was made possible by the relatively inert crystalline rocks contained in the resulting crater. And if the giant crater contains sedimentary rocks, it will release gases into the atmosphere and, as a result, cause massive poisoning of living beings.

The earth will lose its magnetic field

Estimated timeframe: 3 to 4 billion years.

Something similar could happen on Mars. According to scientists, the Martian magnetosphere collapsed approximately 3.7 billion years ago, at which time the planet entered a permanent snowball state. It is now Mars dry, cold and barren. But it probably wasn't always like that. We do not attach importance to the words that the Earth's magnetic field is gradually weakening. Because many of us are aware that such processes complete their cycle over billions of years. In addition, Richard Holm from the University of Liverpool argues that if the magnetic field changes, it does not mean that it dies. Perhaps it simply makes some kind of transformation, but this fact cannot affect life as a whole.

Encounter with wandering stars

Estimated timeframe: next millions of years.

What would happen if another star invaded the solar system? It may seem implausible, but some astronomers have identified stars that are on a collision course with the Sun. So, 70,000 years ago, when ancient people left Africa, Scholz's star, or Red Dwarf, was within the boundaries of the solar system, passing through an area called the Horta cloud.

The sun will get too hot

Estimated timeframe: 500 million years.

Scientists say it could happen sooner than we think. We can't escape the inevitable. The sun will gradually become too bright and too hot. The oceans will dry up, and the carbon dioxide on the planet will become so abundant that plants will not be able to cope with photosynthesis. The death of plants will inevitably entail the death of animals and humans. This may happen unexpectedly, but there will still be microbes on Earth, which, however, will now be vulnerable.


In the famous work by Agatha Christie "Murder on the Orient Express" there were several killers. Scientists do not exclude a similar development of events regarding life on Earth. There may be several factors that destroy living things, and they can act at approximately the same time.

The history of the Earth is imprinted on its stones. In places like the Grand Canyon, the water that erodes its walls exposes the layers of rock from which the walls formed.

Because the old layers lie beneath the new ones, geologists can get some idea of ​​how the earth's crust was formed. But knowing that the deeper layers are older does not tell us anything about their absolute age, that is, how old they are.

How was the age of the Earth calculated?

Scientists in the 19th century tried to calculate the age of the Earth based on the timing of rock formations in recent times. But they could only guess. According to their results, the age of our planet ranges from 3 million years to 1.5 billion years. The spread is 500 times, such a result cannot, of course, be called accurate. Naturally, another way was required. Scientists wanted to find a clock that, being wound at the time of creation, would continue to run until our time. By looking at such a clock, one could accurately determine the age of the Earth.

How can you accurately calculate the age of the Earth?

And it turned out that such clocks exist: in rocks, trees and in the depths of the ocean. These natural clocks are radioactive elements that decay over time to form other elements. Determining the age of rocks or fossils using radioactive elements is called radiometric dating. A strictly defined part of the radioactive material decays per unit time. This fraction does not depend on the mass of the initial radioactive substance.

Related materials:

Center and mantle of the Earth

radiocarbon method

Let's take radiocarbon dating as an example. It is based on the fact that living organisms absorb both ordinary carbon-12 and its radioactive isotope, carbon-14, from air and water. It is assumed that the ratio of these two isotopes in water and air remains constant.

It is in this ratio that carbon isotopes are found in living organisms. When an organism ceases its mortal existence, after many years, the amount of ordinary carbon in its remains remains the same as it was at the time of death, and the radioactive isotope decays (carbon-14). This isotope decays by half within 5730 years. So by measuring the ratio of two carbon isotopes in the remains of a once living organism, scientists can determine the age of these remains.

Not only terrestrial samples, but also meteoric matter. They are produced primarily by the lead-lead method, developed by Claire Patterson. This number corresponds to the age of the oldest terrestrial and lunar samples and has hardly changed since 1956.

After the scientific revolution and the development of radioisotope dating methods, it turned out that many mineral samples were over a billion years old. The oldest found so far are small zircon crystals from the Jack Hills in Western Australia - their age is at least 4404 million years. Based on a comparison of the mass and luminosity of the Sun and other stars, it was concluded that the solar system cannot be much older than these crystals. The nodules rich in calcium and aluminum found in meteorites are the oldest known examples to have formed within the solar system: they are 4567 million years old, which makes it possible to establish the age of the solar system and an upper bound on the age of the Earth. There is a hypothesis that the accretion of the Earth began shortly after the formation of calcium-aluminum nodules and meteorites. Because the exact time of Earth's accretion is unknown and various models give anywhere from a few million to 100 million years, the exact age of the Earth is difficult to determine. In addition, it is difficult to determine the exact age of the oldest rocks that come to the surface of the Earth, since they are composed of minerals of different ages.

see also

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  • Hal Hellman. Great confrontations in science. The Ten Most Exciting Disputes - Chapter 6. Lord Kelvin vs. Geologists and Biologists: The Age of the Earth = Great Feuds in Science: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever. - M .: Dialectics, 2007. - S. 320. - ISBN 0-471-35066-4.


An excerpt characterizing the Age of the Earth

“But, dear princess,” Anna Mikhailovna said meekly and convincingly, stepping out of the way from the bedroom and not letting the princess in, “won’t it be too hard for the poor uncle at such moments when he needs rest? At such moments, talking about worldly things, when his soul is already prepared ...
Prince Vasily sat on an armchair, in his familiar pose, with his legs crossed high. His cheeks jumped strongly and, drooping, seemed thicker at the bottom; but he had the air of a man little occupied with the conversation between two ladies.
- Voyons, ma bonne Anna Mikhailovna, laissez faire Catiche. [Leave Katya to do what she knows.] You know how the Count loves her.
“I don’t even know what is in this paper,” the princess said, turning to Prince Vasily and pointing to the mosaic briefcase that she held in her hands. - I only know that the real will is in his bureau, and this is a forgotten paper ...
She wanted to bypass Anna Mikhaylovna, but Anna Mikhaylovna, jumping up, blocked her way again.
“I know, dear, kind princess,” said Anna Mikhailovna, clutching her briefcase with her hand and so tightly that it was clear that she would not let him go soon. “Dear princess, I beg you, I beg you, have pity on him. Je vous en conjure… [I beg you…]
The princess was silent. Only the sounds of the struggle for the portfolio could be heard. It was evident that if she spoke, she would not speak flatteringly for Anna Mikhailovna. Anna Mikhailovna held on tightly, but in spite of that, her voice retained all its sweet malleability and softness.
- Pierre, come here, my friend. I think that he is not superfluous in the family council: isn't it, prince?
- Why are you silent, mon cousin? the princess suddenly cried out so loudly that her voice was heard and frightened in the drawing room. - Why are you silent when here God knows who allows themselves to interfere and make scenes on the threshold of the room of the dying. Schemer! she whispered angrily, and tugged at the briefcase with all her might.
But Anna Mikhailovna took a few steps to keep up with the briefcase and grabbed her hand.
- Oh! - said Prince Vasily reproachfully and in surprise. He got up. - C "est ridicule. Voyons, [This is ridiculous. Come on,] let me go. I'm telling you.
The princess let go.
- And you!
Anna Mikhailovna did not listen to him.
- Let go, I'm telling you. I take over everything. I will go and ask him. I... that's enough for you.
- Mais, mon prince, [But, prince,] - said Anna Mikhailovna, - after such a great sacrament, give him a moment of peace. Here, Pierre, tell me your opinion, ”she turned to the young man, who, going up to them, looked in surprise at the embittered face of the princess, which had lost all decency, and at the jumping cheeks of Prince Vasily.
“Remember that you will be responsible for all the consequences,” Prince Vasily said sternly, “you don’t know what you are doing.
- Nasty woman! cried the princess, suddenly throwing herself at Anna Mikhailovna and snatching her briefcase.
Prince Vasily lowered his head and spread his arms.
At that moment, the door, that terrible door that Pierre had been looking at for so long and which opened so quietly, quickly, with a noise, leaned back, banging against the wall, and the middle princess ran out of there and clasped her hands.
- What are you doing! she said desperately. - II s "en va et vous me laissez seule. [He dies, and you leave me alone.]
The eldest princess dropped her briefcase. Anna Mikhailovna quickly bent down and, picking up the controversial thing, ran into the bedroom. The eldest princess and Prince Vasily, having come to their senses, followed her. A few minutes later the eldest princess came out first with a pale and dry face and a bitten lower lip. At the sight of Pierre, her face expressed irrepressible anger.
“Yes, rejoice now,” she said, “you have been waiting for this.
Sobbing, she covered her face with a handkerchief and ran out of the room.
Prince Vasily followed the princess. He staggered to the sofa on which Pierre was sitting, and fell on him, covering his eyes with his hand. Pierre noticed that he was pale and that his lower jaw was jumping and shaking as if in a feverish tremor.

By the word of the Lord the heavens were created, and by the spirit of his mouth all their host: he gathered, like heaps, the waters of the sea, he laid the abyss in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all who live in the world tremble before him, for he spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it appeared (Ps. 32:6-9).

Obsolete methods for determining age in archeology

First of all, it is necessary to deal with the methods that provide science with dating in millions of years, describing the existence of the planet Earth.

Now, when determining the age of archaeological finds, both human bones and ceramics, the following methods are used: radiocarbon, potassium-argon, uranium-thorium, rubidium-strontium, ionium-radium, etc. The radiocarbon method is considered the most trustworthy by everyone.

Western scientists, who, unlike the Soviet ones, were not subjected to censorship, write the following: “The radiocarbon dating method undoubtedly has deep and serious shortcomings. Although it has been significantly improved and mastered over the past thirty-five years, the assumptions underlying it are highly controversial and there are many indications that it may soon find itself in a crisis situation ... It is not surprising, therefore, that a good half of the dating results are in doubt ”( Robert E. Lee Radiocarbon Ages in Error, Anthropologial journal of Canada, 19, 1981, 9.).

“Regardless of the usefulness of the radiocarbon method, it must be recognized that it is not able to provide accurate and reliable results. The contradictions encountered within the framework of this method are enormous, the chronological data obtained are unsystematic and dependent on each other, and the dates considered correct are essentially taken from the ceiling ”(Ydid, p. 29.).

“In recent years, scientists have realized with horror that the rate of radioactive decay is not as constant as previously thought, and, moreover, is subject to the influence of external factors. This means that during global catastrophes, the “atomic clock” can go wrong, and as a result it may turn out that the end of the Mesozoic period did not come 65 million years ago, but quite recently, when man already existed on Earth ”(Frederic B. Jueneman,“ Secular Catastrophism", Industrial Research and Development (June 1982), p. 21.).

Here are some dates of the most accurate, according to evolutionists and atheists, method.

"Carbon-14 dating showed that only the killed seal died 1300 years ago" (Antarctic Jornal, Vol. 6, 1971, p. 211.).

Checking the shells of live snails showed that they died 27,000 years ago! (Science, Vol. 224, 1984, pp. 58-61.).

"The age of the shell of a living mollusk has been determined to be 2300 years" (Science, Vol. 141, 1963, P. 634-637.).

Even in Soviet times, it was believed that "... the radiocarbon method can only be used in a limited chronological range ... dates over 35-40 thousand years must be treated very carefully ..." (Geochronology of the USSR, The latest stage, L., vol. 3, 1974, pp. 21-22.).

In turn, with other dating methods, the situation is even narrower. This was recognized even by Soviet scientists, but Western scientists speak out uncompromisingly: “When using the potassium-argon method, it is common practice to discard those dating results that significantly differ up or down from the rest of the sample of results or from other available data, such as, for example, the existing geochronological scale. The difference between taken into account and discarded data is unreasonably attributed to the capture or loss of argon" (A. Hayatsn "Pottassium-Argon Ysocron Age of the North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 16, 1979, p. 974.).

Thus, with the collapse of the USSR, which was the center of evolutionary theory, discussions about the age of the earth in billions of years became quieter.

You can see on the example how the dating of the finds contradict each other. Until now, the period of the reign of King Hammurabi has not been precisely established. There are three options in academic circles: 1955-1913. to R. Khr.; 1792-1750 BC, and, finally, 1728-1686. to R. Chr.

There are other options in which the dates of his reign are presumably named according to the British Encyclopedia - 2067-2055. to R. Chr., according to the French encyclopedia "Larus" - 2003-1961. to R. Chr. So you can see that even with a large number of finds (as in this case with the reign of Hammurabi) and the age of the finds is not more than 4000 years, the disagreements reach 400 years. The science of the Soviet era, despite the restrictions on the impossibility of dating more than 35 thousand years, managed to date the remains of a person and his tools at hundreds of thousands and even millions of years.

Material evidence refutes the billion-year theory

There are irrefutable facts that confirm the youth of our planet. Let's consider them without delving into physical, chemical, astronomical scientific evidence.

Earth's magnetic field. Everyone knows the fact about the intensity of the earth's magnetic field, which falls twice in 1400 years. It turns out that 1400 years ago the planet's magnetic field was twice as strong as it is today. 2800 years ago - the magnetic field was four times stronger than today. According to these indicators, the maximum age of the Earth was determined, which amounted to about 10,000 years, since further the strength of the earth's magnetic field would be unacceptable.

meteor dust. Dozens of tons of meteoric dust fall on the earth, given this, the conclusion is obvious that if the age of the earth were millions of years, then our planet would be, first of all, under a large layer of cosmic dust (up to several tens of meters in height), and secondly, the earth's crust would have very large deposits of nickel (meteor dust includes up to 2.8% nickel). According to today's indicators of nickel content and the amount of meteoric dust, we can safely say that the earth has an age of no more than 6000-7000 years.

Age of the Moon. When sending an American spacecraft to the moon, there were fears that it could fall deep into meteor dust, since the moon, according to the theory of evolution, was formed several billion years ago, just like the Earth, according to these conclusions, the dust should have been very a large number of. To everyone's surprise, when the crew landed on the surface of the moon, they found that the moon was covered with a thin layer of dust, it was discovered that the moon has a magnetic field, seismic activity, thermal radiation, and thus it was revealed that its age does not exceed 6000 years.

Silicon supply to the ocean with river water, does not make it possible to set the age of the earth more than 8000 years. The amount of nickel supplied to the ocean with river water indicates the young age of the planet - this age can be a maximum of 9000 years.

The slow removal of the moon at a rate of 4 cm per year from the Earth. Previously, the speed was higher. If we assume that the Moon was in contact with the Earth, then it took 1.37 billion years to move away to today's distance. This age is not real, but the maximum possible, but even this age does not suit evolutionists, because they claim that the Moon is 4.6 billion years old. In addition, this age is much less than the ages obtained by radiometric dating of the rocks of the Moon.

Salt is entering the oceans much faster than it is leaving them.. If we assume that the processes took place over billions of years, then the water in the seas and oceans would be much saltier. Even with a variety of assumptions, the seas cannot be more than 62 million years old (this is not a real, but the maximum possible age), evolutionists claim an age of billions of years.

Red blood cells and hemoglobin have been found in some (non-fossilized) dinosaur bones. This gives the right to claim that the last dinosaurs existed no more than a few thousand years ago, and not 65 million years, as evolutionists say. (Humphreys, D. R., 1986. Reversals of the earth’s magnetic field during the Genesis Flood. Proc. First ICC, Pittsburgh, PA 2:113-126.)

Evidence for Rapid Formation of Geological Strata after the Flood Period: absence of erosion between rock layers, which are supposedly separated by millions of years; the absence of a disturbed rock structure, which appears as a result of the existence of organisms (worm passages, plant roots, etc.); lack of soil layers; polystratic fossils (they cross vertically several layers of rock - if we assume that the burial was slow and gradual, then it turns out that they were in an upright position for millions of years); curved, but solid, layers are of great thickness, indicate that earlier the rock was soft and flexible and many other examples.

population growth. To correctly calculate population growth, it is important to know three indicators: the average number of children in a family, the average age of a generation, and average life expectancy. Using these generally accepted parameters, we can calculate, taking as a basis the 5th chapter of the book of Genesis, the approximate population in the antediluvian world. When calculated, the following figures come out: the average life expectancy is 500 years, the average age of a generation is 100 years, and suppose that the average number of children in a family is six, then we get that 235 million people lived on the planet before the Flood. Provided that a person exists for a million years according to the theory of evolution, and the average age of a generation is 35 years (taking into account epidemics, wars, accidents), then it turns out that there were 28,600 generations on earth. If we assume that each family had an average of two children (this figure is deliberately underestimated), then it turns out that by now the population of the earth should have corresponded to an over fantastic sum: ten to the five thousandth power! In turn, studying the growth of the earth's population, we can say that our planet has more than 4000 years after the Flood, and this exactly matches the data of the Bible (H. M. Morris ed. Scientific Creationism (public school), San Diego, 1974, p. 149- 157; 185-196.)

In his pamphlet Evidence for a Young World, Dr. Russell Humphreys gives examples of other processes that do not agree with the billion-year theory.

Only 6 thousand years

While studying at school, from an early age we were diligently invested in the theory of evolution with billions of eras. It is important to note that the number of theories of evolution was about a thousand, and all of them often went in opposite directions, contradicting each other. We indicated that "it was" in the past tense, because the theory evolution in the West is no longer taught in most schools and universities, since this theory does not correspond to the data of science and does not even have scientific justification.

Often in the territory of the former Soviet Union, the topic of the origin of life on earth was hushed up, because upbringing in an atheistic spirit did not allow talking about the Creator.

The Bible, on the other hand, reveals a completely different picture to us. It says that man was created on the sixth day of creation about six thousand years ago. Thus, according to the time scale, which is based on Biblical data, places man at the beginning of the history of the world, and not at the end, as the theory of evolution claims.

Now Eastern philosophy is very popular, which is admired by many and is elevated in the understanding of the universe above the Bible. It is worth referring to the “sacred” texts of Hinduism, which describe the state of the world at the very beginning: “When the world began to exist several million years ago, it had a flat triangular shape with high mountains and many reservoirs. He rested on the heads of elephants, standing on a turtle, "resting", in turn, on a giant snake. If the elephants started to shake themselves off, there would be an earthquake.” In turn, the Bible tells about the structure of our world in this way: “He is the One who sits above the circle of the earth ...” (Is. 40:22) and “hung the earth on nothing” (Job 26:7).

That is, the Bible for another 2500 years, before the discovery of Copernicus, already said that the earth has a round shape. About 1700 BC. Job wrote that the earth was "hung on nothing." Such information from Scripture was difficult to understand for many centuries, and today we can confidently say that God gave understanding to the ancient patriarch about the structure of our planet.

So on the scales on one bowl there are turtles and elephants that make you smile, and on the other bowl there are very accurate scientific data. For all that, the Bible describes the water cycle in nature many centuries before the advent of scientific conclusions. “All rivers flow into the sea, but the sea does not overflow; to the place from which the rivers flow, they return to flow again ”(Eccl. 1: 7), it is also said that“ air has weight ”:“ When He gave weight to the wind, and arranged the water according to measure ... ”( Job 28:25).

Which is correct 6 days or 6 periods?

There are those who perceive the 6 days of the creation of the Earth as 6 great periods. Where is the truth? Everything was as described in the book of Genesis in the first chapter, and there are constantly used a few words "... and there was evening and there was morning ..." (Gen. 1:5). "Day" in this case equals days, namely 24 hours. Leviticus 23:32 says that the day is counted "from evening to evening." This confirms that the Earth was created in six calendar days. Such information is justified by the logic of creation. It is important to remember that vegetation was created on the third day, and the sun on the fourth. The existence of vegetation would not be possible if it were not a literal day, a long time, would it?

The fourth commandment again says that the days of creation were literal: “... for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it” (Ex. 20:11).

Every day and every night they talk about the Creator as the Creator of time for man - day and night, and a week of seven days.