What to do when you are at home. What to do at home when bored with a friend

Sooner or later, each of us finds himself at home alone. You don't want to go anywhere and you don't want to. There is a desire to just relax. And so, here the question arises: what to do at home when you are alone? Let's in this article and think about what you can do, what to do with yourself.

Do the cleaning

And do not say that in the whole house, in every corner of it, perfect cleanliness and order reign. Excuses that this mess is creative and suits you perfectly are also not taken into account. Cleaning, preferably wet, is great for improving the overall condition. In addition, you will also benefit from additional physical activity. Make your room, apartment or house perfect. As a result, your self-esteem and mood will increase. And, if you live with your parents, it will give them great pleasure.

Take a bath

Cleanliness is not only a guarantee of health, but also a source of pleasure. By combining this advice with the first, you can make the whole world around you shine. When taking a bath, do not forget to use flavored sea salt, foam, aroma oils. Get the maximum pleasure from water procedures, arrange a real relaxation session. Turn it all into a show. Read a book or sing while listening to music. If boredom does not go away, you want to do something else, read the article on what to do at home alone or alone, further.

To see a movie

Think about the genre in which you would like to watch a movie right now and take up the search. Maybe you want to watch your favorite comedy or horror movie, download something new from the Internet, or look for something interesting to watch on TV. Opportunities abound in today's world.

Read books

Everyone has books at home. Plain, paper, new or shabby. Doesn't matter. You just need to force yourself to go to the shelf and take what you like at this particular moment. Reading books will not only benefit you, but also give you pleasure. There are, of course, those who will say that they do not like to read books or consider it a waste of time and a useless activity. But, do not sit all the time on the Internet, get distracted, develop, in the end. If you don't have a favorite genre, at least read detective stories. Reading books is a very rewarding activity.

Prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner

You can do what girls do at home alone. You have the opportunity to test your culinary skills. And those who are confident in them have the opportunity to demonstrate. Cook something out of the ordinary. Try out new recipes or new techniques. Please yourself and your loved ones, who will return, most likely, hungry.

One can dream

Don't feel like doing anything? None of the above apply? Well then, lie down and dream. Dream about your future, about how you will change your life, dream about a future husband or wife, about children, about a trip to distant countries, about buying an expensive car. Remember, our thoughts are material, and maybe such a pastime will benefit you in the future, and now it will help time fly by unnoticed.

Do exercises

Physical exercise is good for all of us. Just get off the couch or chair and move. You can dance to the music, you can jump, do push-ups, squat, without fear that someone will see you, and even laugh at you because of your clumsiness. This is good advice on what to do if left alone. Physical exercise is health, and it will not hurt anyone.

Play boardgames

Everyone has these games in their home. Checkers, chess, dominoes, cards, finally. Imagine that an imaginary opponent is in front of you and go ahead. If there are puzzles in the house, it helps to kill time very well, and besides, its time also allows it to be very interesting.

take up a hobby

This is a great opportunity to do what you love, when no one interferes. Men, saw with a jigsaw, burn, collect models of aircraft, cars, ships. Girls, embroider, knit, sew. Do what you love and enjoy it.

Go to bed

I'm tired of all? Do you want anything? None of these tips work? Is it just laziness? Go to bed. Gain strength. Rest, and do not be tormented by the conscience that you are messing around. Everything has its time.

child alone at home

You are interested in another question: what do children do at home alone? But first of all, you need to understand whether they can remain alone. We invite parents to take the following test:

  • Does the child play for longer than 2 hours in a row, without distraction, on their own?
  • Is the child no longer afraid of dark rooms and closed spaces?
  • Did the child learn well what is “no” and the consequences that may come?
  • Does the child use the phone confidently and be able to call you?
  • Does the child already have a range of responsibilities, and is he conscientious about their implementation?
  • Does the child independently adhere to some kind of daily routine?
  • The child knows how and knows how to call an ambulance, firefighters and the police?
  • Will the child be able to turn to the neighbors for help?

If, in your opinion, the child coped with the test, then you can leave him at home alone, and he will choose from the tips that we gave above what is appropriate for his age and find something to do at home.

If you are left alone at home

You guys have probably heard the expression “My home is my castle”. Fortresses were built to defend against enemies. Therefore, when you are left alone at home, in order to feel safe as in a fortress, you need to remember a number of rules. They are simple, but their implementation will help to avoid big troubles. And our friends Wise Owl (she always knows everything and about everything) and Grandfather the rhyme expert (he always composes everything and everything) will help us in this, as always.

So, let's listen to the story of the Wise Owl.

Wise Owl: If you are left alone at home, you cannot open the door to strangers. You don't have to do this, even if they are your neighbors. The door can be opened only to those people who have been informed by their parents and asked to do so. When you hear the bell, go to the door and see who's there. If this is a stranger to you, it is better to remain silent. After calling several times and making sure that there is no one in the apartment, he will leave. But if he does not leave, you must urgently call your parents or the police.

Rhyming grandfather: If the bell rings at the door Look first through the peephole, Who came to you, find out, But don't open it to strangers! And they will not answer - Do not try to open the door!

Wise Owl: In no case should you inform "uninvited guests" through the door that none of the adults are at home.If the person at the door introduced himself as an acquaintance of your parents, or an employee of the housing office, police, post office, ask them to come in later, naming the time of your parents' arrival.

Learn the phone number of your parents, by which you can contact them if necessary, if they were not at the workplace, ask them to be found, and they urgently call you back at home.

It may happen that the person who comes says that an urgent telegram has arrived, then ask her to read it, but do not open the door. floors in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. After that, call your parents and let them know about the visit of the neighbors from below. In the event that someone behind the door asks you to open the door for him or asks if there is any adult at home, answer that you are not alone, but dad is sleeping. You can not open the door, no matter what reasons the stranger calls. If he asks you to open the door because he needs to call or drink urgently, find out the phone and call yourself, but do not open the door, or explain where the nearest phone or store is to buy water. And if someone knocks on the window, shout loudly: "Daddy! Daddy! Come here," even if you are at home alone. This will help deter intruders.

In a situation where strangers break the door of the apartment, call the police urgently by dialing "02" or your parents. And if there is no telephone or it does not work, go out onto the balcony or open the window and shout "Fire" loudly. People around you will quickly pay attention to this cry and will come to your aid more quickly.

Rhyming grandfather: If you have a problem, Phone 02 will always save you!

Wise Owl: Learn your address, phone number, first and last name, your own and your parents, you will need this when calling.

If there is a fire in the house - call "01",

if strangers break into the apartment - call "02",

if a misfortune happened to someone close to you or you yourself received a severe injury - call "03",

if you smell gas - call "04",

After contacting these services, when you give the address and the reason for the call, be sure to call the parents. But in no case do not make false calls, because your parents will be responsible for your pranks.

If you are waiting for someone, before opening the door, ask: "Who is there?" and do not open the door to the answer: "I!", But ask the person to name himself, even if it seemed to you that you recognized this person by voice or clothes, seen through the eye.

When your parents come home, tell about the people who came in their absence.

So, guys, thanks to the Wise Owl and the Rhyming Grandfather, we now know how to behave at home if you are left alone and the doorbell rings for you. But what should you do if you need to leave the apartment? There are also rules here, and we will now learn about them.

Wise Owl: read as "first"1. If you go out for mail or to the store, do not forget: before leaving the apartment, look carefully through the peephole and, if there are strangers on the site, it is better to wait until they leave.
2. Even if you leave the apartment for only a few minutes, lock it with a key, even if you can see the door.
3. When picking up mail from the box, do not look through it on the spot, this can be done at home. Better get up to the apartment quickly. 4. If you went down for mail and saw strangers - immediately return to the apartment.
5. When you return, if you see that a stranger is standing at the door of your apartment, do not approach him, go to the other end of the staircase and call your neighbors, when they open, ask them for help.
6. If you come home, and the door in the apartment was open, do not go in, go to the neighbors and call home from them, and if the phone is not picked up, call the police "02". 7. When you are waiting for the elevator, stand so that you have a wall behind you.
8. If a stranger approaches you, do not go into the elevator car with him, even if the person seemed familiar to you.
9. In the event that a stranger tries to drag you into the elevator, scream, call for help, defend yourself: you can bite, scratch and defend yourself with any objects and run away as quickly as possible. 10. Arriving home, be sure to tell your parents about the actions of a stranger.

Rhyming grandfather: If your apartment is high And it's not easy to get there Use the elevator. But just keep in mind: Do not enter the elevator with strangers.

So, let's summarize briefly:

1.Never, under any circumstances, open the door to strangers.

2. when leaving the apartment, be extremely careful and attentive

3. never do not enter the elevator with strangers.

Most likely, your father and mother told you 100 times: " What would you never open the door to unknown people". However, almost all children do not obey the instructions of adults and open the door to strangers and find themselves in trouble.

If it happens that you need to stay at home alone and the doorbell rings, be it the postman or the plumber or friend of your parents. In general, it does not matter who it will be, under no circumstances open the door! Remember that safety is above all, remember the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

And yet, when the doorbell rang, your actions are as follows:

1. Come to the door and look through the peephole who is there.

2. You should not unlock the doors of strangers, even if they ask you to do so in a very affectionate voice, even if it is the police or a friend of mom and dad. Fraudsters often know the names of friends of the father and mother and act supposedly on their behalf.

3. Tell strangers that you are not alone at home and call one of the elders right now. For example: “Mom is in the bathroom now, she will come out and open it” or “Dad is sleeping now, I will wake him up and he will open the door himself.”

4. You can also answer like this: “I can’t open the door for you now, the“ ancestors ”forbid me. I will now ask their permission.” This should be answered especially when your parents are not around. If there is a suspicious person outside the door, then he will hurry to leave, so as not to meet with your dad and mom.

5. You come to the door and ask the question: “Who is there?” - in the answer silence. You look through the peephole, and there is no one there. At this point, you become curious. In such a situation, many children very often make a mistake: they open the door to see who is there.


It is worth answering like this: “Stop bullying! Otherwise, I’ll call my mom and dad now!”

6. If the person ringing the doorbell asks you for help or says that he urgently needs your help, that he feels bad, then DO NOT OPEN the door for him! Better tell him to knock on the next door, perhaps they will help him there. Say that mom and dad don't let you open the doors.

7. It happens that rather than knocking on the door, the villains call on the phone to check if the parents are at home. They may ask an adult to answer the phone.

REMEMBER: when you are left alone at home and a bad person calls you, NEVER tell him that your mom and dad are not at home.. Say, “Father can’t answer the phone right now. If you want, he will call you back later, leave your number.

If a person insists that you open the door, shouts or threatens, somehow tries to open the door himself, you should immediately call for help. It is important that you do not get confused and immediately call 102 and tell what happened. Say something like this: “I am seven years old.

I'm all alone at home right now. Someone knocks and break into the apartment. Help! My home address…". While the police will go to your aid, try to call one of the neighbors, call adults for help from the balcony.

Of course, adults may get mad at you at first if you don't open up, but you don't have to worry. If this person is really a friend of your parents and he values ​​​​your safety, he will understand everything and will not swear. He can wait for your parents outside. If it is a policeman or a postman, they may come another time. There is nothing terrible if you do not open the door, because a person may turn out to be bad and you may be in serious danger.

You must be prepared for such situations. Ask mom or dad, let them write you phone numbers who you can call. Ask for numbers to always be near the phone. Talk to your parents ahead of time about who you should call first.

We rely on your ingenuity and responsibility!