A single day for passing the exam to parents. What were they thinking when the exam came up with

The purpose of the Action is to familiarize parents, representatives of executive authorities, the media and the public with the procedure for conducting the exam. On this day at 8.00 am, an examination point (PES) was opened on the basis of the Moscow Autonomous Educational Institution of the Buturlinskaya V.I. audience, technical specialist. In addition, representatives of the Zemsky Assembly, the executive authorities of the district and the workers' settlement, the Buturlin Agricultural College, as well as representatives of the regional newspaper Buturlinskaya Zhizn were present at the exam site. In the presence of the Campaign participants, the examination materials were printed out: forms and assignments in the Russian language. The organizers in the audience instructed parents on the rules for conducting the exam, as well as on filling in the fields of the registration form, answer form No. 1, answer forms No. 2 (1 and 2 sheets). Participants of the Action, under the control of the organizers, filled out all the forms, and then proceeded to perform the proposed work, for which 30 minutes were allotted. Participants of the Action showed good results. After the end of the exam, all participants of the Action exchanged views on the event.

For reference: The head of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Gleb Nikitin, took part in the action "A single day for passing the exam by parents" on February 20, 2018. On this day, in 60 special points in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the parents of schoolchildren wrote the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. “The exam has always been a kind of intrigue for me: when I was at school, we didn’t pass it. My children are still small, so my family and I have not yet gone through this. Thanks to participation in this action, I saw that the USE allows you to assess the abilities of the child: you need not only to choose options from the proposed ones, but also to conduct a logical assessment of the text, ”Gleb Nikitin shared his impressions. The head of the region noted that the exam is well organized in terms of the process itself . “It is impossible to write off - for those who surrender full control. It is also impossible to know in advance what the questions will be. I believe that everything has been done at a high level,” added Gleb Nikitin. One of the tasks in the "parental exam" was writing an essay. According to Gleb Nikitin, he came across a close topic - besieged Leningrad. Answering a question about studying at school, the head of the region said that he was very fond of Russian and literature. “After participating in this action, I understand what the USE is: now I have no fears that this exam does not require great knowledge of the subject. On the contrary, you need to master the logic, the structure of the language, really prepare and read a lot,” the head of the region noted. Also on this day, members of the regional government, deputies of the Legislative Assembly, heads of local self-government, heads of administrations of municipalities, heads of educational organizations passed the exam in the Russian language. “When I was offered to participate in the exam, I immediately agreed. Firstly, to test the theoretical knowledge of the Russian language and see how difficult the exam tasks are. Secondly, this topic is also relevant for me - my eldest granddaughter will also have to take the exam in the future. In general, I want to say that the exam in the Russian language is not as scary as it seems. At least, it is much easier than those tickets that we crammed at the time. I believe that the knowledge that is required to obtain a successful result is practical, vital and necessary for every literate person,” said Yevgeny Lebedev, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the region. According to the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the region, 50 subjects of the Russian Federation take part in the action. At the event, it was possible to find out how the registration for the Unified State Examination is carried out and seating arrangements in the classrooms, how the workplaces of the Unified State Examination participants look like, how the printing and scanning of control measuring materials is organized at the examination point.

Good afternoon!
I will share my experience of attending the exam for parents. Since teachers in our school and the administration pay enough attention to explain to both children and parents (at meetings) how the exam procedure takes place, there was nothing new in this for me. Parents of other schools in the area, who were present at the exam, asked many questions. Apparently other schools do not explain in such detail as our 82nd.
Indeed, organizational and preparatory procedures take a lot of time, even in the parental version.
We were seated in the office according to the list, we were given KIM, we were instructed. In KIM there were 10 tasks (USE Russian), which were given 20 minutes. After that, we were given answer sheets for self-examination. So to say, who remembered what from the school curriculum. I managed to answer correctly 7 tasks out of 10, there was simply not enough time for the last task.
My opinion: if the school administration and teachers conscientiously carry out information and explanatory work with parents, then such ostentatious trial exams are not needed. Waste of government money. In any case, we will not be able to experience all the excitement of our children in the exam by visiting these samplers. Since, for us, this is an opportunity to watch a kind of performance, but not emotionally plunge into the exam. And for children, these are points at stake, the opportunity to enter the desired university. And sometimes, the excitement and tension created by the atmosphere of this exam plays a cruel joke with them. I am not an opponent of the USE format, but I am not a supporter either.
Good luck to all our graduates this year! Parents, be patient! Marina&Alenochka
absolutely right. The students are as excited as ever. Parents even more the atmosphere is pumped up. It's a good thing they don't let them go to school.
We have 3 schools in the town, there were six 11 classes, or seven .. until everyone comes in
In the rest, as they studied, they passed. And parents do not wind children themselves. And the level, by the way, is lower than it was in the Soviet school.
Indeed, you will spend more nerves because of organizational moments than on excitement for the exam itself
My younger sister fell under the first wave of the exam. There was more panic among teachers at school and at mom's house))
I remember that I told her then that you were lucky! She came - answered questions in the form of tests and you can’t soar your head. And so it happened)))
But she lived then in the village and there they passed the exam for a couple of classes. Apparently, it did not take much time for the organizational moments and the children were not tired of waiting for the start. An interesting experience.

I would like to see examples here (I understand that you can go somewhere, search, and the search will give out).
I sent a report to correct "with parents" to "parents". Header with an erroneous letter "c", the meaning changes radically) Ellipsis
I was offered by our classroom, since my daughter was in the 10th grade, and we were invited. We were at our school, this year it is also possible, but since my daughter is taking the exam, I can be an observer, but only at another school. And I myself do not want this year, thoughts will hover around my daughter. To plunge into the atmosphere, one must not "in a truncated form", but conduct a full-fledged exam in order to assess the time spent, the procedure, so that those who narkshil the rules are kicked out, etc.) Schoolchildren are given trial exams - that would be done to parents.) For parents. Last year I myself went and passed with students for admission. The first time I was worried, but it turned out that the beginning of the exam was painful, you sit waiting for the launch, this inspection, it’s not 20 people to miss, then you wait in the audience for time X, then until everything is dictated, until they print it out, distribute it. You can fall asleep. the third time you are nervous precisely because of the delays. otherwise, the same nerves as before any exam. It depends on the psychological state and, in principle, the nervous system of each person.

Added after 24 minutes 56 seconds:

ball is worse scanned. Works are scanned and sent to Moscow as a file. I hate gel pens and cannot write with them.
But they don’t give ballpoint balls?) All school life, children are taught to write a unit with a “nose”, and at the most important exam, suddenly without a nose ....

Added after 29 minutes 42 seconds:

And how to get into the observers of the exam? Marina&Alenochka
Last year, I specifically went as an observer to the exam, so that's the topic.
I agree that the main point is to feel that atmosphere of the Unified State Examination On February 7 at NIMRO (Novosibirsk Institute for Monitoring and Development of Education), as part of the All-Russian campaign “A Single Day for Passing the Unified State Examination with Parents”, an exam in Russian was passed.

Our correspondent also visited this exam and made a report from the USE point at the Novosibirsk Institute for Monitoring and Education Development.

During the action, parents were able, just like schoolchildren during the test, to register, fill out forms, see how control is carried out at the Unified State Examination, how examination materials are printed and processed, and also write a short work composed of tasks similar to those that will be on Russian language exam.

The head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov took part in a trial exam in the Russian language together with the parents of Moscow graduates. The examination center for parents was organized on the basis of one of the capital's schools in accordance with all the requirements that apply to the points of the USE. Together with the head of Rosobrnadzor, the start of the All-Russian action was given by the host of the Premier League KVN Alexander Maslyakov, musician, soloist of the group "Moral Code" Sergey Mazaev and the rector of the State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin Margarita Rusetskaya. On this day, they wished good luck to future graduates and sat down at their desks together with other parents.

Participants of the trial exam in Moscow successfully coped with the test he proposed: everyone managed to overcome the minimum threshold score. After completing the exam, they shared their impressions.

I really enjoy taking exams, I think it's great fun to go write an exam. Because it's just interesting, "Sergey Mazaev spoke about his decision to become a participant in the Unified State Examination. According to him, the exam did not seem difficult to him despite the fact that he himself had been at school for a long time. He advised all future participants in the Unified State Examination to stop panicking. "The one who went to school and studied, he will pass the exam," the musician said.

The rector of the Pushkin Institute said that the tasks proposed at the trial exam seemed very interesting to her in terms of the linguistic material used. According to her, there were difficult places in the texts, but all these difficulties are often solved intuitively. "For a native speaker, a person who has completed a full-fledged course in Russian language and literature, this exam is absolutely within his power," she said.

Margarita Rusetskaya added that not only the grade at the Unified State Examination in this subject depends on the knowledge of the Russian language. "The scores in all exams depend on how well we know the Russian language, since the transition from the test form of the exam to tasks where the ability to express one's thoughts is required," she noted.

Until the end of February, events within the framework of the action "A single day for passing the exam by parents" will be held in all regions of Russia. They are personally attended by representatives of regional authorities, ministers of education, who tell and show parents and journalists how the exam will be held in 2017.

"Perhaps in the future the action will become traditional and will be held every second Tuesday of February," the press service of Rosobrnadzor noted.

Source photo

The Moscow region is among 50 regions participating in a large-scale action initiated by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

The participants of the action passed all stages of the USE procedure - from the frame of a metal detector to passing the exam in the Russian language. Parents took part in the registration procedures, saw how the printing and scanning of control measuring materials (KIM) takes place at the examination point (PES), how the KIM USE 2018 in Russian looks like.

Parents learned from the inside how the entire USE exam takes place - registration, seating in the classroom. Video surveillance was also conducted in the classroom, as was the case for the exams. 1 hour was given to pass the exam in Russian.

Thanks to the action, the parents of schoolchildren near Moscow learned the nuances of the USE-2018 and now they will be able to prepare their children for the exams. An important factor was the psychological situation in the audience - the parents agreed that everything was planned clearly and understandably, the atmosphere was calm, and at the end of the action they admitted that the GIA exams are responsible, but not scary at all!

Together with their parents, the Minister of Education of the Moscow Region Marina Zakharova, pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Pyotr Klimuk, Russian champion in women's football Maria Bryleva took part in the campaign "A single day for passing the exam by parents". After the exam, the distinguished guests shared their impressions of the Unified State Exam - they are unanimous in their opinion that this form of the exam is the most convenient and objective. The action took place in Shchelkovo school No. 4 named after. P.I. Klimuk, it is the point of the exam in 2018.

Marina Zakharova, Minister of Education of the Moscow Region, said: “Participation in this action is a great opportunity for parents of schoolchildren in the Moscow Region to visit their children’s places, see the classrooms in which they will take exams, test exam tasks, and feel the atmosphere in the classroom. Today, together we passed the exam in the Russian language and came to a common opinion that the exam is, first of all, an opportunity to objectively assess the level of knowledge of students. The Moscow region is preparing for the USE-2018, much attention is also paid to psychological work with graduates and their parents. Last academic year, the results of the Unified State Examination pleased the entire region - we have increased the number of multi-score students. In the Moscow region, work will continue to prepare for the Unified State Exam, I am sure that 2018 will also be rich in a large number of graduates who have received the maximum score.”

SIMFEROPOL, February 20. /Corr. TASS Kristina Sulima/. The unified state exam causes fear not only among schoolchildren, their parents are much more afraid of it. And this is easily explained: mothers and fathers do not prepare for the exam during the year and often did not see the exam options in their eyes. In order to calm the excitement of adults, for the second year in a row, Rosobrnadzor has been holding an all-Russian action "A single day for passing the exam by parents."

This time, the Republic of Crimea, which became part of Russia in March 2014, became the starting point for the action. Over the following years, the social institutions of Crimea changed in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation, including the education system. In 2019, the subject will switch to passing exams in the form of the Unified State Examination, and every eleventh-grader of the republic will take the Unified State Examination without fail, like graduates throughout Russia. Thanks to the campaign, parents of current and future graduates of the Crimea will be able to get better acquainted with the USE procedure.

The action began at 12 noon at school number two in Simferopol, which was visited by the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Education and Science - the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov and the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov. Having handed over their phones at the entrance, they, like other participants, went through the metal frames and went to the audience to take the exam in the Russian language. The exam for parents was abbreviated and lasted about 30 minutes.

There is absolute silence in the classrooms. Parents, buried in handouts, answer questions without making any attempts to peep something on the phone. They all came here to try their hand and find out the objective result. Teachers, despite the fact that the exam is "pretend", behave strictly, when they see a raised hand, they approach, but they do not answer questions that are not allowed by the regulations. An attempt by a TASS correspondent to clarify the rules for filling out control measuring materials was unsuccessful.

10 and 5 minutes before the end of the exam, participants are warned that there is little time left, it's time to transfer answers from a draft to a clean copy. Half an hour later we hand over the examination materials, the sad sighs of the parents are heard - not everyone had enough time. However, many come out of the audience cheerful and excited about the new experience. Someone discusses the issues of assignments that raised doubts, someone complains that they did not have time to finish the second part of the work.

An unexpected invitation

Natalya Dorofeeva learned about the action "A single day for passing the exam by parents" from a teacher. “Our class teacher called me and asked if I agreed to take the exam, take the exam. When I found out that the exam was in Russian, I said that I was ready, because I’m not strong in mathematics, but I know Russian,” said Natalia .

According to her, the daughter was surprised, but delighted. “Teenagers, you know, react difficultly to many things, but here attention is paid to her, I am interested in her life and problems. She was pleased with such complicity,” the parent said.

Natalya added that after today she had no fear of the exam. "Now you can read various things on the Internet on the forums, and, of course, as a mother, I also watched these forums, so I had some concerns. But now everything has become more clear. Many, for example, talk about searches, naturally, there are no there are no searches, just children pass through a metal frame, which is now found in any theater," the parent said.

Natalya graduated from a Soviet school, passed exams on tickets, so she had no idea how they were going now. “I was very interested, and I am glad that the school invited me to participate in this action for parents. I was pleased that I found out what was waiting for my child,” the woman shared.

Worry habit

Olga Khoronskaya immediately admitted that she was afraid to take the exam. “It was a little exciting. This old school habit has not become obsolete. But when it all started, it became calm and clear,” Olga said.

Like another parent, the woman decided to take part in the action in order to understand the procedure for herself and dispel some fears. If Natalia was "frightened" by the frames, then Olga was the process of filling in the exam options. "I thought that this whole system of filling out the forms is very difficult and confusing, but nothing complicated. As you know, the exam tasks are typical, and I sat preparing for a week. I figured it out, and I had no problems, but, to be honest, I don’t know if I answered correctly everywhere,” the parent laughs.

Time, as it seemed to Olga, was not enough, but for herself she explained this by the fact that she no longer remembers the school curriculum so well. “Maybe the brains don’t think as fast as those of children, and this is not a real exam, but an action, so there was less time than usual. In any case, it was very pleasant for me to come to my native walls and remember those years when I was sitting at my desk myself," the parent said.

Elena Kakalova, who also tried herself as a graduate today and took the exam, agrees that passing the exam in person is a useful experience that helps dispel many fears. “Emotions are still overwhelming, it was very interesting and great to come and find out how the exam is going,” Elena said.

According to her, now the exam is not as scary and incomprehensible as before. "My opinion about him has changed a lot, and for the better. The only thing that I would note from the minuses is that not all tasks are unambiguous, sometimes, in order to understand what is required, you need to re-read the task several times. But despite this, I am now sure that the exam will not be a problem for children, especially since the knowledge in their head is quite fresh, they go through it all and remember it, unlike us adults," the woman believes.

When asked if she would advise her friends to come to the action, Elena answered in the affirmative. "Absolutely! I highly recommend that all parents go to the exam and I'm going to write about it in detail on my page on the social network. Perhaps this action should be talked about more so that all moms and dads can participate. When you personally took part in the exam, you feel calmer for your child," Elena is sure.