Garshin frog traveler read a short. Encyclopedia of Fairytale Heroes: Traveling Frog

Fairy tale by V. Garshin "The Traveling Frog"

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog"

  1. Frog, a very smart and cunning frog, who came up with a wonderful way to travel on ducks. but which lacked endurance.
  2. Ducks, kind and sympathetic, they agreed to carry the frog in turn so that it could see the south.

Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog"

  1. Frog in the swamp
  2. flock of ducks
  3. Beautiful south
  4. The frog finds a way out
  5. First day of travel
  6. Second day of travel
  7. Catastrophe
  8. Broken dreams.

The shortest content of the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences

  1. A frog meets a flock of ducks and learns about the warm south
  2. The frog thinks of a way to reach the south with the help of ducks
  3. Frog flying on a stick
  4. The frog asks to fly lower to hear what people are screaming about
  5. The frog screams that she invented everything and falls
  6. The frog stays in the swamp

The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Frog Traveler"

The desire to brag can play a bad joke on a person, and instead of fame, he can expose himself to ridicule.

What does the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog" teach?

This tale teaches the ability to restrain one's emotions, teaches not to brag, teaches modesty. Also, this tale teaches the ability to find a way out in any situation.

Review of the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog"

I really liked the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog". It is impossible to follow indifferently the adventures of a frog who came up with a really wonderful idea to fly on ducks. It was her own fault that she never made it to the south, but still she had a reason to be proud of herself for the rest of her life - after all, she flew.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog":

Boasting will not lead to good

The devil wanted to take off the moon, but he broke.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale "Frog Traveler"

A frog lived in one bolt and now autumn has come. The frog rejoiced in the rain and did not croak just because croaking in autumn is not respectable.

Suddenly, a flock of ducks sat down in the swamp and the frog decided to talk to them. She asked the ducks where they were flying and, having learned that the ducks were flying south, she began to ask the ducks about the south.

The ducks praised the south very much, because it was warm there, and the frog decided to visit the south at all costs.

She thought and came up with a way to fly to the south on ducks using a twig. The ducks were delighted with the mind of the frog and agreed to take her. They found a twig, the frog grabbed it and they flew off.

On the first day, the frog adapted itself to flying, on the second day it hung backwards and it became clearer to her. On the third day, she asked to fly lower to hear what people were saying.

Once upon a time there lived a frog frog. She sat in the swamp, caught mosquitoes and midges, in the spring she croaked loudly with her friends. And she would have lived happily for the whole century - of course, if the stork had not eaten her. But one incident happened.

One day she was sitting on a twig of driftwood sticking out of the water and enjoying the warm fine rain.

Oh, what a beautiful wet weather today! she thought. - What a pleasure it is to live in the world!

The rain drizzled down her mottled lacquered back, drops of it dripped under her belly and behind her paws, and it was deliciously pleasant, so pleasant that she almost croaked, but, fortunately, she remembered that it was already autumn and that frogs do not croak - there is a spring for this - and that, by croaking, she can drop her frog dignity. So she kept silent and continued to bask.

Suddenly a thin, hissing, intermittent sound resounded in the air. There is such a breed of ducks: when they fly, their wings, cutting through the air, seem to sing, or, better, whistle. Fu-fuyu-fuyu-fuyu - is heard in the air when a flock of such ducks flies high above you, and you can’t even see them themselves, they fly so high. This time the ducks, having described a huge semicircle, sank down and sat down just in the very swamp where the frog lived.

Quack quack! - said one of them, - It's still far to fly; gotta eat.

And the frog immediately hid. Although she knew that the ducks would not eat her, a big and fat frog, but still, just in case, she dived under a snag. However, after thinking, she decided to stick her pop-eyed head out of the water: she was very interested to know where the ducks were flying.

Quack quack! - said another duck, - it's already getting cold! Hurry south! Hurry south!

And all the ducks began to quack loudly in approval.

Miss ducks! - the frog dared to say, - what is the south to which you are flying? I apologize for the inconvenience.

And the ducks surrounded the frog. At first they had a desire to eat it, but each of them thought that the frog was too big and would not fit into the throat. Then they all began to shout, flapping their wings:

Good in the south! Now it's warm! There are such glorious warm swamps! What kind of worms are there! Good in the south!

They screamed so much that they almost stunned the frog. As soon as she persuaded them to shut up, she asked one of them, who seemed to her fatter and smarter than everyone else, to explain to her what the south is. And when she told her about the south, the frog was delighted, but in the end she still asked, because she was careful:

Are there a lot of midges and mosquitoes there?

O! whole clouds! - replied the duck.

Qua! - said the frog and immediately turned around to see if there were any friends here who could hear her and condemn her for croaking in the fall. She couldn't stop herself from croaking at least once.

Take me with you!

This is amazing to me! - exclaimed the duck. - How can we take you? You don't have wings.

When are you flying? asked the frog.

Soon soon! - shouted all the ducks. - Quack! Quack! Quack! It is cold here! South! South!

Let me think for five minutes only, - said the frog, - I'll be right back, I'll probably come up with something good.

And she plopped down from the branch, on which she climbed again, into the water, dived into the mud and completely buried herself in it so that foreign objects would not interfere with her thinking. Five minutes passed, the ducks were about to fly, when suddenly, from the water, near the branch on which she was sitting, her muzzle appeared, and the expression of this muzzle was the most radiant that a frog is capable of.

I came up with! I found! - she said. - Let two of you take a twig in your beaks, I will cling to it in the middle. You will fly and I will drive. It is only necessary that you do not quack, and I do not croak, and everything will be fine.

They found a good, strong twig, two ducks took it in their beaks, the frog clung to the middle with its mouth, and the whole flock rose into the air. The frog was breathless at the terrible height to which it was raised; besides, the ducks flew unevenly and pulled the twig; the poor frog was dangling in the air like a paper clown, and with all her urine she clenched her jaws so as not to tear herself away and plop down on the ground. However, she soon got used to her position and even began to look around. Fields, meadows, rivers and mountains quickly swept under her, which, however, it was very difficult for her to see, because, hanging on a twig, she looked back and a little up, but she still saw something and rejoiced and was proud.

This is how I came up with an excellent idea, she thought to herself.

And the ducks flew after the front pair carrying her, shouted and praised her.

Our frog has an amazingly clever head, they said, even among ducks there are few of them.

She barely restrained herself from thanking them, but remembering that if she opened her mouth she would fall from a terrible height, she clenched her jaw even tighter and decided to endure.

Ducks flew over harvested fields, over yellowed forests and over villages full of bread in stacks; from there came the sound of people talking and the sound of flails with which they threshed rye. People looked at the flock of ducks and the frog really wanted to fly closer to the ground, show himself and listen to what they say about him. On her next vacation she said:

Can't we fly not so high? I'm dizzy from the height, and I'm afraid to fall if I suddenly feel sick.

And good ducks promised her to fly lower. The next day they flew so low that they heard voices:

Look, look! - shouted children in one village, - ducks carry a frog!

The frog heard this and her heart skipped a beat.

Look, look! adults shouted in another village, “what a miracle!”

Do they know I came up with this, not the ducks? thought the frog.

Look, look! - shouted in the third village. - What a miracle! And who came up with such a cunning thing?

Then the frog could not stand it and, forgetting all caution, screamed with all his might:

It's me! I!

And with that cry, she flew upside down to the ground. The ducks screamed loudly, one of them wanted to catch the poor companion on the fly, but missed. The frog, twitching all four legs, quickly fell to the ground; but since the ducks were flying very fast, she did not fall directly on the place where she screamed and where there was a hard road, but much further, which was great happiness for her, because she flopped into a dirty pond at the edge of the village.

She soon emerged from the water and immediately again shouted in a rage at the top of her lungs:

It's me! This is what I came up with!

But there was no one around her. Frightened by the unexpected splash, the local frogs all hid in the water. When they began to emerge from the water, they looked with surprise at the new one.

And she told them a wonderful story about how she thought all her life and finally invented a new, unusual way of traveling on ducks; how she had her own ducks that carried her anywhere; how she visited the beautiful south, where it is so good, where there are such beautiful warm swamps and so many midges and all kinds of other edible insects.

I stopped by to see how you live, she said. - I'll stay with you until spring, until the ducks that I let go return.

But the ducks never returned. They thought that the wah had crashed on the ground, and they were very sorry for her.

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Frog traveler

Micro-retelling: The tale of the boastful Frog, who flew with ducks from swamp to swamp, and then told about her travels to distant lands.

Once upon a time there lived a frog frog in a fairy swamp. One day she was sitting on a twig of driftwood sticking out of the water and enjoying the warm fine rain. Suddenly she heard a sound. It was flying ducks. They flew past the swamp and decided to rest. The frog began to eavesdrop on the conversation of the ducks. She learned that they were flying south. She wanted to fly with them. The ducks were surprised at her request. The frog thought and dived into the water, and emerging in its paws, it held a twig. The ducks agreed with her, admiring her. Two ducks took the twig in their beaks, and the frog clung to the middle with its mouth and after that the flock flew away. The frog was breathless at the terrible height to which it was raised; besides, the ducks flew unevenly and pulled the twig; the poor frog was dangling in the air like a paper clown, and with all her urine she clenched her jaws so as not to tear herself away and plop down on the ground. However, she soon got used to her position and even began to look around. Fields, meadows, rivers and mountains quickly swept under her, which, however, it was very difficult for her to see, because, hanging on a twig, she looked back and a little up, but she still saw something and rejoiced and was proud. On the next rest, the frog said: - Can't we fly not so high? I'm dizzy from the height, and I'm afraid to fall if I suddenly feel sick. And good ducks promised her to fly lower. The next day they flew so low that they heard voices: - Look, look! - shouted children in one village, - ducks carry a frog! The frog heard this and her heart skipped a beat. - Look, look! adults shouted in another village, “what a miracle!” - Do they know that I came up with this, not ducks? thought the frog. - Look, look! - shouted in the third village. - What a miracle! And who came up with such a cunning thing? Then the frog could not stand it and, forgetting all caution, screamed with all his might: - It's me! I! Forgetting about caution, the frog fell into a dirty pond at the edge of the village. But there was no one around her. Frightened by the unexpected splash, the local frogs all hid in the water. When they began to emerge from the water, they looked with surprise at the new one. And she told them a wonderful story about how she thought all her life and finally invented a new, unusual way of traveling on ducks; how she had her own ducks that carried her anywhere; how she visited the beautiful south, where it is so good, where there are such beautiful warm swamps and so many midges and all kinds of other edible insects. - I stopped by to see how you live, - she said. - I'll stay with you until spring, until the ducks that I let go return. But the ducks never returned. They thought that the wah had crashed on the ground, and they were very sorry for her.

Frog traveler

A frog lived in a swamp. In autumn, ducks flew south past the swamp and stopped to rest and eat. The frog, having learned that it was warm in the south, wonderful swamps and clouds of mosquitoes, asked to fly with them. She came up with the idea that if two ducks take hold of the ends of the twig with their beaks, and she grabs the middle with her mouth, then the flock, changing, can carry her to the south. The ducks agreed, admiring her intelligence.

The frog first flew forward with its muzzle, after a halt it turned over and asked the ducks to fly lower so that people could see it. People were surprised: who came up with such a cunning thing? Flying over the third village, the frog could not resist and croaked: it's me! And fell into some kind of swamp. There she said that she came up with a wonderful way to travel on ducks and flew to the wonderful south, and now she flew in to see how they live here, and let the ducks go until spring. But the ducks did not return, because thought that the frog had broken and pitied it.

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  5. Title of the work: Frog traveler

    Genre: story

    Year of writing: 1887

    Main characters: frog, flock of ducks

    After reading a brief description of the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog" for the reader's diary, you will get acquainted with a fantastic story that happened to an inquisitive frog in the company of a flock of ducks.


    In one swamp lived the most ordinary frog, which, in fact, was not quite ordinary. She was smart and resourceful. Once, ducks flew south to rest in the swamp. Since the wah was also very curious, she entered into a conversation with them and began to ask about foreign countries. Ducks at first reluctantly, but then enthusiastically told about hot countries, where it is always warm and there are a lot of midges and mosquitoes. The frog also really wanted to visit these places and came up with a strange way of traveling: two ducks took a stick in their beak, and she held onto it with her mouth and thus flew with them. The ducks agreed to this unusual proposal. But when the flock flew over the village, people saw this sight and shouted:

    "What smart ducks!"

    The boastful frog could not stand it and shouted back:

    "That's what I came up with!"

    And of course, she fell into the swamp. The ducks alone flew south, and the frog remained to live in a strange swamp, although there she boasted a lot about her travels on tame ducks.

    Conclusion (my opinion)

    I believe that the frog was smart and creative, he managed to find a solution to satisfy his curiosity and see the world. But her pride killed her, she so wanted everyone to know how smart she was. In my opinion, it happens with people too, they want fame so much that they forget about caution.