GDZ in physics 7 exercise 30. How the GDZ collection works and how to use it correctly

Many teachers scold solvers and believe that this does not give the student a proper understanding of the subject, but only pushes him to cheat. In fact, this perception of the GDZ is fundamentally wrong, since it makes it possible to independently study the textbook. Scrolling through the paragraph, the student will be able to use this material to solve problems and perform laboratory work. Many students find it difficult to master a new subject in 7th grade Physics.

Answers to the question can not always be found, because a whole paragraph can contain only tasks and nothing more. As a rule, a student cannot solve a physics problem on his own and immediately tries to find it in a book, but he will be disappointed. Contrary to the popular belief of teachers, ready-made homework helps in studying. A with GDZ in physics for grade 7 Peryshkin explain the task in more detail. The child may just not be able to complete the task at home and in a hurry to write it off from classmates. If he had solved the tasks at home, then everything could have been different.

GDZ to the workbook in physics for grade 7 Khannanov can be downloaded.

GDZ to didactic materials in physics for grade 7 Maron A.E. can be downloaded.

GDZ to the collection of tasks 7-9 class Peryshkin can be downloaded.

GDZ to the workbook in physics for grade 7 Kasyanov V.A. can be downloaded.

GDZ for a notebook for laboratory work in physics for grade 7 Filonovich N.V. can be downloaded.

GDZ for tests in physics for grade 7 Khannanov N.K. can be downloaded.

Images of textbook covers are shown on the pages of this site solely as illustrative material (Article 1274, paragraph 1 of the fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

  • Physics grade 7. GEF Peryshkin Bustard
  • Physics grade 7. Collection of problems Lukashik, Ivanova Education
  • Physics Grade 7 Peryshkin (collection of problems) Exam
  • Physics grade 8. GEF Peryshkin Bustard
  • Physics grade 8. Collection of problems Lukashik, Ivanova Education
  • Physics Grade 8 Peryshkin (collection of problems) Exam
  • Physics grade 9. GEF Peryshkin Bustard
  • Physics grade 9. Collection of problems Lukashik, Ivanova Education
  • Physics Grade 9 Peryshkin (collection of problems) Exam
  • Physics grade 10. problem book Rymkevich A.P. M.: Bustard
  • Physics grade 10. Paragraph numbering may not match (profile and basic level) Kasyanov V.A. M.: Bustard
  • Physics grade 10. Collection of problems in physics
  • Physics grade 10 Myakishev, Bukhovtsev Education
  • Collection of problems in physics Grade 10 Gromtseva Exam
  • Physics Grade 11 Kasyanov V.A. M.: Bustard
  • Physics grade 11. problem book Rymkevich A.P. M.: Bustard
  • Physics grade 11 Myakishev G.Ya., Bukhovtsev B.B., Charugin V.M. M.: Enlightenment
  • Stepanova G.N. M.: Enlightenment
  • Physics grade 11. Collection of problems in physics Parfentieva N.A. M.: Enlightenment
  • Physics grade 11 (old edition) Myakishev G.Ya., Bukhovtsev B.B. M.: Enlightenment, 2003
  • Didactic materials in physics Grade 7. GEF Maron Bustard
  • Didactic materials on physics Grade 8. GEF Maron, Peryshkin Bustard
  • Didactic materials in physics Grade 9. GEF Maron Bustard
  • Independent and control work in physics Grade 7. GEF Maron Bustard
  • Control and independent work in physics Grade 7. GEF Gromtseva Exam
  • Independent and control work in physics Grade 8 Maron Bustard
  • Control and independent work in physics Grade 8. GEF Gromtseva Exam
  • Independent and control work in physics Grade 9 Maron Bustard
  • Control and independent work in physics Grade 9. GEF Gromtseva Exam
  • Independent and control work in physics Grade 10 Eryutkin Enlightenment
  • Zorin Wako
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) in physics Grade 7. GEF Boboshin Exam
  • Zorin Wako
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) in physics Grade 8. GEF Boboshin Exam
  • Lozovenko Wako
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) in physics Grade 9. GEF Boboshin Exam


  • Physics workbook Grade 7 Kasyanov, Dmitrieva Bustard
  • Hannanova Bustard
  • Notebook-workshop in physics Grade 7 Belaga, Vorontsova Education
  • Notebook-simulator in physics Grade 7. GEF Artemenkov, Belaga Education
  • Physics workbook Grade 7. Part 1, 2 Stepanova STP
  • Physics workbook Grade 7. GEF Peryshkin Exam
  • Physics workbook Grade 7. GEF Minkova, Ivanova Exam
  • Notebook for laboratory work in physics Grade 7. GEF Minkova, Ivanova Exam
  • Hannanova Bustard
  • Physics workbook Grade 8. GEF Kasyanov, Dmitrieva Bustard
  • Notebook-simulator in physics grade 8. GEF Artemenkov, Belaga Education
  • Notebook-examiner in physics grade 8. GEF Zhumaev Enlightenment
  • Physics workbook Grade 8 Stepanova STP
  • Physics workbook Grade 8. GEF Minkova, Ivanova Exam
  • Physics workbook Grade 8. GEF Kasyanov, Dmitrieva Exam
  • Physics workbook Grade 8. GEF Peryshkin Exam
  • Notebook for laboratory work in physics Grade 8. GEF Minkova, Ivanova Exam
  • Physics workbook Grade 9 Kasyanov, Dmitrieva Bustard
  • Physics workbook Grade 9. GEF Gutnik, Vlasova Bustard
  • Notebook-workshop in physics Grade 9 Artemenkov, Belaga Education
  • Notebook-simulator in physics Grade 9 Panebratsev Enlightenment
  • Examiner's notebook in physics Grade 9 Zhumaev Enlightenment
  • Workbook in physics grade 10 Notebook for laboratory work in physics grade 10 Tests in physics grade 7. GEF Physics tests Grade 8. GEF Physics tests Grade 9. GEF Gromtsev. To Peryshkin's textbook Exam

Manuals-workshops on physics and GDZ to them

  • Physics is a school discipline that arouses true and genuine interest in some, while others seem to be an incredibly difficult subject to study. This is a science, the mastery of which opens up broad prospects in practical and research activities for future graduates, therefore there are many who prefer physics as a discipline of choice at the OGE / USE. In order to qualitatively and fully master the entire course of school physics, you will need perseverance, responsibility, effective teaching aids and solutions for them.
  • Since they begin to study this school subject in the seventh grade of the school, students are already able to independently organize classes with GDZ- such a technique is recognized as successful by a number of experts and subject teachers. You should start working with:
    - building a high-quality training plan that takes into account the basic level of knowledge, capabilities and abilities, goals and objectives. Among the latter, for example, improving academic performance, the current score in the subject or preparing for participation in various olympiads and competitions in physics;
    - allocation of a sufficient amount of time for the preparatory work on the collections;
    - periodic self-control and self-examination of their achievements and their dynamics. If necessary, plans are adjusted, including as a result of changes in the training tasks themselves;
    - selection of the optimal set of educational literature.
  • The latter includes, in addition to the basic textbook on physics, special manuals-workshops. They can be universal, that is, freely combined with various textbooks in the discipline, or special, suitable for a particular book on theory. Among the most popular and relevant workshops:
    - workbooks in physics;
    - collections of verification, control and independent works on the discipline;
    - didactic materials;
    - problem books;
    - KIMs;
    - notebooks-simulators and notebooks-examiners in the subject;
    - Notebooks for laboratory and practical workbooks;
    - tests in physics, especially popular with graduates of the 9th and 11th grades who pass the OGE and the Unified State Examination in the discipline.
  • Among the authors whose manuals are considered the most effective and interesting are Peryshkin, Maron, Lukashik, Dmitrieva, Minkova, Gutnik, Zhumaev, Artemenkov, Stepanova, Belaga, Gromtseva, Myakishev, Rymkevich and others.

In the 9th grade, a colossal load falls on schoolchildren, and physics plays an important role in this. During this time period, students go through topics such as the laws of interaction and movement of bodies, mechanical vibrations and waves, sound, electromagnetic field, the structure of the atom and the nucleus. Each section must be taken seriously. In addition, some students choose it as a subject for the OGE exam.

The vast majority of schools use the classic textbook on the subject by Peryshkin A.V. and Shutnik E.M. These methodologists are known for their textbooks, which millions of people have learned from. In addition to detailed theoretical material, the book also contains questions after paragraphs and exercises to consolidate knowledge. Often, students have difficulty finding answers and solving tasks. In such cases, they can come to the rescue Reshebnik in physics for grade 9 (authors: Peryshkin A.V. and Shutnik E.M.) with pre-made keys.

How is the GDZ collection arranged and how to use it correctly?

The manual contains both detailed algorithms for finding answers to problems and explanations of questions after the paragraph. To find the information you need, just find your number. Among other things, there are also auxiliary materials for laboratory practice and a section for self-examination.

Before viewing the information given, the ninth-grader is recommended to try to solve the task on his own. After that, you can turn to the keys and compare the results. All examples correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard, so there is no doubt about their correctness.

How can homework assignments help?

This edition is designed for students who may not be very good at the subject, but want to get a good grade. The guide will help them:

  • qualitatively analyze their activities and level of knowledge;
  • fill in the gaps in the material covered;
  • improve the average score in the discipline.

GDZ in physics for grade 7 Peryshkin is a collection of ready-made homework that contains answers and solutions to all problems and examples of the course of the textbook of the same name, used as the basis for studying the subject in most Russian schools. It allows you to independently understand the intricacies of the implementation of practical examples in physics.

Ready homework (GDZ) in physics grade 7 Peryshkin

GDZ in physics is not a cheat sheet at all, the answers of which must be carefully rewritten in a notebook to get a good mark. This is a manual that opens up new horizons for studying the subject:

  • Firstly, with its help, students will be able to independently understand the algorithm for doing homework; understand examples that were not learned in class;
  • Secondly, for parents, this is a handy hint that allows them to check the progress of their children.

Finally, any seventh grader can do their homework and check the result with the information from the 7th grade physics solution book Peryshkin.

In order to save time and improve the convenience of using the textbook by our users, we have created a unique search system: now you can find the desired answer not only by the problem number, but also by a quote from its condition.

The site contains only current versions of physics solutions, which allows you to have no doubts about the correctness of the design of examples and tasks.

Physics in grade 7 - white textbook Peryshkina A.V. solver 2013

Ready-made solutions and answers to problems on our website correspond to the 2nd edition of the physics textbook for grade 7 Peryshkina A.V. The manual was published by the Drofa publishing house in 2013. It includes 68 paragraphs covering the basics of the subject:

  • The structure and content of physics as a science of the properties of bodies;
  • Features of the interaction of liquid, solid gaseous bodies;
  • Pressure of bodies in various states and methods of its measurement;
  • Concepts of work, power, energy.

The textbook proposes to consolidate theoretical knowledge in the framework of 11 laboratory works that are carried out in the classroom under the supervision of a teacher.

Ready-made answers to all questions and tasks for each paragraph you can see on our website online. Intelligent search allows you to find solutions to tasks in earlier editions of the textbook.