Characteristics of Volodya from the story quiet morning detailed. The image and characteristics of Volodya from the story quiet morning Kazakov essay

Yu.P. Kazakov writes about typical things from an uncharacteristic side.
Main part
Volodya and Yasha are the main characters of the story:
- portrait characteristics of heroes;
- characters of heroes;
Nature is in tune with the mood of the boys:
- the whirlpool scares with its depth;
- Volodya fell into the water;
- Yasha saves a friend;
- Yasha's tears.
Both characters performed at their best.
Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov - prose writer of the second half of the twentieth century. The writer has a special ability: to write about typical things, but to characterize them from an unusual side.
In Yuri Kazakov's story "Quiet Morning", two boys are depicted as the main characters: the city dweller Volodya and the simple village boy Yashka. Yashka is a typical resident of the countryside, a connoisseur of real fishing. The portrait of the hero is remarkable: old pants and shirt, bare feet, dirty fingers. The boy contemptuously reacted to the question of the city Volodya: "Isn't it too early?" The city boy is the complete opposite of Yashka: he was going fishing in boots. The guys quarreled over a trifle, so they are angry with each other. But Volodya has a softer and more compliant character, so he does not ask unnecessary questions, fearing to anger Yashka even more. Gradually, thanks to Volodya's complete delight from the early morning walk, the tension between the boys subsides, they begin to have a lively conversation about fishing. Yashka readily talks about the peculiarities of biting at dawn, about the fish that is found in the local reservoirs, explains the sounds heard in the forest, and talks about the river. Future fishing brings the boys closer. Nature, as it were, is in tune with the mood of the characters: it attracts with its beauty. Volodya, like Yashka, begins to feel nature, the gloomy pool of the river frightens with its depth. After some time, Volodya fell into the water. Yashka, seeing that his partner is drowning, makes the only right decision: he rushes into the cold water to save Volodya: “Feeling that he was about to suffocate, Yashka rushed to Volodya, grabbed him by the shirt, closed his eyes, hastily pulled Volodya’s body up ... Not letting go Volodya's shirt, he began to push him to the shore. Swimming was hard. Feeling the bottom under his feet, Yashka put Volodya on the shore with his chest, his face in the grass, he heavily climbed out himself and pulled Volodya out. Yashka's tears at the end of the story testify to the great relief experienced by the hero. Seeing Volodya’s smile, Yashka “roared, roared bitterly, inconsolably, shaking with his whole body, choking and ashamed of his tears, he cried for joy, from the fear experienced, from the fact that everything ended well ...”.
Both heroes from Y. Kazakov's story "Quiet Morning" showed their best side, and Yashka saved his friend like a real hero.

There are two main characters in the story - Yashka and Volodya. Yashka - country boy, quite independent, good knowledge of fishing spots, many times walking on thrushes. Volodya - a Moscow schoolboy who never held a fishing rod in his hands, never caught birds.

The guys got up early to go fishing. Yashka got up two hours earlier, dug up worms and woke up Volodya. He, although he was looking forward to this morning, almost ruined both Yashka and himself fishing, since he had not yet woken up.

Children look at the little things in life differently. Yashka despises the Muscovite for the fact that he goes fishing in boots: “I should have contacted this Muscovite, who probably didn’t even see fish in his eyes, he goes fishing in boots! ..” For Volodya, walking barefoot means showing off: “Just think, the importance of walking barefoot is great! What imaginations!” The feeling of resentment does not interfere with Volodya be ashamed of your awkwardness and admire Yashka's tan, clothes, gait. And Yashkin's anger was softened by Volodya's confession that he had never fished. They just almost got into a fight, and immediately they are enthusiastically discussing the prospects for future night fishing. Unashamed of your ignorance, a Muscovite asks about everything that is interesting and incomprehensible to him. Yashka answers in detail, without asking and without teasing. Volodya enjoying the morning: “How nice and easy it is to breathe, how you want to run along this soft road, rush at full speed, bouncing and squealing with delight!” Finally we came to a fishing place, a pool in which none of the locals bathe, because it is deep, the water is cold, and Mishka Kayunenok is lying that octopuses are found there. Volodya clumsily throws, and the fishing line clings to the willow. Yashka, swearing at the inept Muscovite, himself missed the fish. Volodya at first not so much catches as watching the fight between Yashka and a big bream, his "heart was pounding furiously", and then, unable to maintain balance in the fight with his fish, falls into the pool. Yashka first swears(“Damn stupid!”), Then he takes a clod of earth to throw in the face of the clumsy as soon as he emerges, but in the next moment he realizes that Volodya is drowning.

Saving Volodya is the merit of Yasha, he himself would not have gotten out, and at some point Yasha no longer believed that Volodya would survive.

This scene, of course, characterizes Yasha, here he becomes the main character of the story. At first, Yasha automatically backed away from the water, firstly, so as not to fall off himself, and secondly, because he remembered the stories about the octopus. Then, “driven by terrible sounds,” he rushed to the village for help, but stopped, “as if stumbling, feeling that it was impossible to escape,” there was no one to rely on. When Yashka returned, Volodya had already disappeared under the water. Overcoming himself, Yasha "shouted and rolled down", "jumped into the water, swam up to Volodya in two strokes, grabbed his hand." Volodya clung to Yasha and almost drowned him. Pulling the Muscovite away from him, Yasha swam away and caught his breath. So everything around was beautiful, the morning was so quiet, “and meanwhile, just now, quite recently, a terrible thing happened - a man just drowned, and it was he, Yashka, who hit him, drowned him.”

The author does not describe Yasha's feelings at this moment. Volodya is no longer visible, and Yashka has to dive to find him. There is no description of feelings here, there is only a description of actions: “Yashka blinked, let go of the sedge, moved his shoulders under his wet shirt, breathed deeply, intermittently and dived.” It turned out that Volodya got entangled with his foot in the tall grass. Yasha, out of breath, swam out himself and pulled Volodya out. But the tests didn't end there. Yashka began to do artificial respiration - it does not help. It became even more terrible, because everything turned out to be in vain: "I would run away somewhere, hide, just not to see this indifferent, cold face." You can't run away, there's no one to help you. And the boy acts again, does everything he can and knows: “Yashka sobbed in horror, jumped up, grabbed Volodya by the legs, pulled him up as far as he could, and, turning purple from the effort, began to shake.” Water gushed out of Volodya's mouth when the exhausted Yasha wanted to "drop everything and run wherever his eyes look." Not every adult would force himself to do what Yashka could do in this short time. And again, Yashka reacts to the situation in stages: first " he didn’t love anyone now more than Volodya and then tears welled up in his eyes. Both guys came to their senses, both in shock from what had happened. The only thing that can now, horrified and surprised, Volodya say: “How am I drowning!” ah…”

And all this happened to them in a short time, in the morning. During these few hours, especially during the few minutes that passed in the struggle for Volodya's life, we learned what kind of person Yasha would be when he grew up, how he would behave in a critical situation.


Yu,P. KAZAKOV "Quiet morning"




age, love of fishing, interest in scary stories, in desperate deeds



Citizen, came from Moscow

Independent, well-versed in fishing spots

A schoolboy who never held a fishing rod in his hands, did not catch birds

At first, he despises the Muscovite

Ashamed of his awkwardness

Answers in detail, does not ask

Not ashamed of his ignorance






mocking face

Tanned, "special walk", spitting

patched pants, barefoot

Get used to comfort. dressed in urban

Blushing in response to jokes, ready to burst into tears

Doesn't show resentment, but looks "hating"


At first he speaks with disdain, maliciously ironic, sarcastic, laughs hoarsely

Holds back angry responses at first, then exhales enthusiastically

Fishing Behavior


Deliberately scares a friend

Excitement while fishing

Ashamed of his awkwardness

Superstitiously believes that Volodya was captured by an octopus


Fun, excitement

"tense-suffering expression" of the face

Psychological state in moments of danger

and after its successful completion

He coped with fear, makes artificial respiration, raises and shakes. Lost all strength in the struggle for life. Sobs from the horror of death, exhausted and lost heart.

“He loved no one now more than Volodya,” roared

Almost drowned Yasha when he was drowning.

Horrified and surprised "How I drowned!"

Frightened, pale face

One of the main characters of the work is a boy named Volodya, presented by the writer in the form of a typical city dweller who was visiting the countryside during the summer holidays.

Being a true city dweller, not knowing the wisdom of a simple village life, a curious boy enthusiastically gets acquainted with the various subtleties inherent in the countryside.

In the village, Volodya acquires a friend called Yashka, an ordinary village barefoot boy with always dirty hands, wearing old shabby clothes.

Yashka, being the best expert on fishing among the village children, invites Volodya to morning fishing, promising an unforgettable experience from the walk.

Volodya gladly agrees, because he has never participated in such an interesting event in his life.

One day, early in the morning, Yashka runs after a friend and finds that Volodya cannot wake up in any way. Awakened, the boy begins to quickly pack up and put on his boots. Looking at this action, Yashka laughs merrily at Volodya and, laughing, tells his friend that in the village in the summer all the inhabitants go barefoot. The embarrassed Volodya, by virtue of his soft and compliant nature, decides not to be offended by Yashka, and the friends set off.

Moving towards the reservoir, Volodya listens with interest to Yashka's story about the forest sounds he heard, about the river inhabitants and the peculiarities of catching them, about the uniqueness of biting in the morning dawn.

Feelings of the upcoming successful fishing, as well as the beauty of the surrounding nature, bring together the boys, who settle down with fishing rods near a dark pool, famous among the locals for various legends, in which it is forbidden to swim.

At the moment when Volodya's hook twitches, the boy loses his balance and falls into the cold water. Yashka, seeing his friend drowning, thinks to run to the village for help, but decides to jump into the water to save Volodya. With difficulty pulling a frightened friend ashore, Yashka is greatly relieved, bitterly roaring with joy, experienced fear for Volodya, a little ashamed of his tears.

Narrating an episode from the life of two friends, the writer reveals in the images of boys the features of real men who are always ready to provide support and help.

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Both characters performed at their best.
Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov is a prose writer of the second half of the twentieth century. The writer has a special ability: to write about typical things, but to characterize them from an unusual side.
In Yuri Kazakov's story "Quiet Morning", two boys are depicted as the main characters: the city dweller Volodya and the simple village boy Yashka. Yashka is a typical resident of the countryside, a connoisseur of real fishing. The portrait of the hero is remarkable: old pants and shirt, bare feet, dirty fingers. The boy contemptuously reacted to the question of the city Volodya: “Isn’t it too early?”. The city boy is the exact opposite of Yashka: he was going fishing in boots. The guys quarreled over a trifle, so they are angry with each other. But Volodya has a softer and more compliant character, so he does not ask unnecessary questions, fearing to anger Yashka even more. Gradually, thanks to Volodya's complete delight from the early morning walk, the tension between the boys subsides, they begin to have a lively conversation about fishing. Yashka readily talks about the peculiarities of biting at dawn, about the fish that is found in the local reservoirs, explains the sounds heard in the forest, and talks about the river. Future fishing brings the boys closer. Nature, as it were, is in tune with the mood of the characters: it attracts with its beauty. Volodya, like Yashka, begins to feel nature, the gloomy pool of the river frightens with its depth. After some time, Volodya fell into the water. Yashka, seeing that his partner is drowning, makes the only right decision: he rushes into the cold water to save Volodya: “Feeling that he was about to suffocate, Yashka rushed to Volodya, grabbed him by the shirt, closed his eyes, hastily pulled Volodya’s body up. Without letting go of Volodya's shirt, he began to push him towards the shore. Swimming was hard. Feeling the bottom under his feet, Yashka put Volodya on the shore with his chest, his face in the grass, he heavily climbed out himself and pulled Volodya out. Yashka's tears at the end of the story testify to the great relief experienced by the hero. Seeing Volodya’s smile, Yashka “roared, roared bitterly, inconsolably, shaking with his whole body, choking and ashamed of his tears, he cried for joy, from the fear experienced, from the fact that everything ended well. “.
Both heroes from Y. Kazakov's story "Quiet Morning" showed their best side, and Yashka saved his friend like a real hero.

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What artistic techniques does Yu.P. Kazakov in the story "Quiet Morning", describing the main characters: Yashka and Volodya?

Yu.P. Kazakov characterizes the main characters of the story: Yashka and Volodya.
Main part
The relationship between boys.
The description of events unfolds against the backdrop of nature.
Description of Yashka.
Description of Volodya.
The main artistic device used by the writer to describe the characters is the characterization of actions.
Arguing over the problems of conscience, honor and duty, love for one's neighbor, the author characterizes the main characters of the story: Yashka and Volodya, describes their relationship.
Solving the problem of the relationship between the boys among themselves, the writer prepared for his heroes a difficult test. Volodya almost drowned, and if not for the courageous act of Yashka, something irreparable could have happened. The description of the events that happened to the boys unfolds against the backdrop of nature. The story "Quiet morning" Yu.P. Kazakov begins with a description of the early morning and fog that almost completely covered the village. Volodya, a city dweller, and Yashka, a simple village boy, are going fishing together. Going to go fishing early in the morning, Yashka feels like an adult, a real expert in fishing. Volodya, who is not accustomed to getting up so early in the city, still cannot fully share all the delights of Yashka. Describing Yashka, the author characterizes his attitude to everything that happens around him. He treats his city friend somewhat condescendingly, since he does not know the elementary things known to every village boy. Volodya is a city dweller who has never fished, never seen real fogs, never woke up so early; Yashka has been living in the village since childhood, walks barefoot, catches fish, knows how to communicate with nature. Yashka grew up in nature, so he subtly feels and knows how to understand it. Landscape is one of the artistic techniques that helps to describe the characters. Yashka said that a loud crack in the field means the sound of a tractor, that they have all kinds of fish in the river; determined the voices of birds; explained how to catch a thrush. All changes in Yashka's mood are now related to fishing. He wants to show himself as a real expert in fishing. Volodya, on the contrary, does not know much about the life of nature. His way of life in the city is far from understanding natural phenomena, so he is clumsy, loses his balance and falls into the water.
To understand the character of Yashka, the act that he committed, realizing that Volodya was drowning, is very important. At first, Yashka experienced fear, but then, overcoming his fear, he jumped into the water. Then Yashka is terrified that Volodya will drown him; then again the desire to save Volodya. The author very subtly conveys all the feelings that Yashka experiences after saving Volodya: “Yashka crawled to the side and looked at Volodya in a relaxed way. He loved no one now more than Volodya, nothing in the world was dearer to him than this pale, frightened and suffering face. A timid, loving smile shone in Yashka's eyes, he looked tenderly at Volodya ... ".
The main artistic device used by the writer to describe the characters is the characterization of actions.