How to develop the brain of oratory skills. Six tips for developing public speaking skills

The ability to speak in public has been a useful skill at all times. People who are fluent in oratory will always be in demand by society and will be able to find a job. It's no secret that there are few such people, they always stand out among others. They turn out to be successful leaders, politicians, businessmen, journalists, writers, teachers, since in many professions knowledge of rhetoric plays a crucial role. The purpose of this oratory course is to provide everyone with the opportunity to learn online materials, lessons, exercises, techniques and rules for mastering the basics of rhetoric for free.

What is rhetoric?

This word is of ancient Greek origin Greek rhetorike), and literally means " oratory". What is "oratory"? And how to develop your abilities for it?

Each of us at least a few times in his life had a chance to perform in public. And, for sure, no one doubts that in order to be fluent in oratory, you need to know and be able to do a lot. It can be said that the ability to speak in public reflects our intellectual development and our social skills.

Martin Luther King's famous speech

According to the definition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, " oratory"- this is a type of monologue speech used in a situation where the speaker addresses a large audience for the purpose of persuasion or suggestion. Oratory is often identified with eloquence, so a good speaker must be well-read, have competent speech, and be able to clearly express his thoughts. But the speaker also needs to be able to manage his excitement, master his diction and have a well-trained voice. In addition, it is important to master speech improvisation, be able to answer questions, maintain contact with the audience, pronounce the text with the necessary intonation, and much, much more.

Most of the described skills, which together form the art of public speaking, can be learned. To do this, it is important to work on yourself, to realize, analyze and correct the unsuccessful moments of your own and others' public speaking, and most importantly, to train your skills in practice. Our training will help you work through all these difficult steps on the way to cultivating excellent public speaking skills.

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Online rhetoric lessons

The public speaking training posted on this site is an integration of many of the techniques described by public speaking experts. Each of the lessons involves the development of a specific skill that contributes to the development of your oratory skills. Naturally, each person can master these skills differently, so try to pay attention to those lessons that seem most useful to you yourself.


In this section of the training on the skill of public speech, you can watch videos of famous speeches by prominent speakers: Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Vladimir Lenin and others. Also here you can find videos from various competitions, presentations and speeches of people in front of investors. In addition, the section contains video tutorials by leading experts in the field of public speaking.

4 rules of rhetoric

  • First rule. Start giving any speech with a strong desire to achieve your goal.
  • Second rule. Try to always prepare for the performance.
  • Third rule. Show confidence even if you don't feel confident.
  • Fourth rule. Practice more (this is true for any other skill).

These four rules of public speaking are, in fact, the foundation of any good speech. If you do not set goals for yourself to achieve great success in rhetoric, but only try to prepare for a specific speech, then they may come in handy.

If you are planning a more detailed approach to the study of the art of oratory, we will be happy to provide you with useful and interesting information in the lessons on our website.

We wish you success in mastering the art of oratory!

When studying the great orators in history - Cicero, Caesar, Churchill, Hitler, Kennedy - one can see that there are many different qualities that an orator should possess. To speak to the public, you need the ability to clearly express your thoughts, resourcefulness, steadfastness, courage, quick wit and others. Great orators are individuals who know exactly how to lead people with the help of oratory: with their word they are able to ignite revolutions and arouse the emotions of the masses. But even if your plans do not include a speech at a political rally of thousands of people, mastering the skills of public speaking will undoubtedly benefit your professional and social life. Below are a few ideas on how to develop your ability if you can't take public speaking classes.

1. Study the material in depth

The first step to the development of oratory skills and the success of public speaking is a deep understanding and knowledge of the topic of speech. Study the background, the details, the nuances, the pros and cons, the prejudices and the mood of the people. It is very important that the audience understands the main idea that the speaker wants to convey. Focus only on the topic of the speech, reveal the problem from different angles, and you will have a better chance of being heard and understood.

2. Don't speak in monotone

Many beginners in public speaking speak in one tone. A monotonous voice irritates listeners and is like scratching on a blackboard, making the speaker's speech dry, boring and uninteresting. To the human ear, sounds are more pleasant, the pitch of which periodically changes either up or down. Voice control skills will help you. Read monologues at home in front of a mirror or in front of friends in different tones and ask their opinion. Only with constant practice can oratory skills be developed.

3. Speak clearly and confidently

Decide on the structure of the presentation, because a well-organized presentation helps to learn the material with the least mental effort. Provide quotes, facts, statistics to complement and reinforce your arguments. Use metaphors if it's difficult for the audience to understand the meaning of your ideas. Believe in what you say and emphasize it with a confident voice. No one wants to listen to an agitated speaker who does not believe his word. Speak clearly, do not mutter, express your thoughts clearly. Pause before taking a deep breath, speak as you exhale, do not shout.

4. Body language is your friend

To develop oratorical skills means not only to learn eloquence, but also to master the skills of non-verbal communication. Every part of the body plays an important role in a speaker's speech, whether it's the arms, legs or body position. Establishing eye contact with your audience helps you connect with them. Each such contact does not go unnoticed and causes a reciprocal interest in the speaker. Don't make eye contact with just one member of the audience. Look alternately into the eyes of those people who listen to you with the greatest interest. Gesticulate and watch your facial expressions. The more people present in the hall, the more energetic your gestures should be.

5. First impression - last impression

When a speaker first enters the stage, the first sign by which the audience forms their opinion about him is his appearance. It should inspire confidence in people, because, as you know, we tend to judge others by how they look. How to dress as a speaker? He is simply obliged to monitor his appearance and at least avoid defiant outfits and hairstyles.

6. Prepare for the speech

Pre-speech preparation helps the speaker plan what issues he is going to address in the speech and estimate the length of the speech. You don't have to write the whole speech from beginning to end. It is better to make a short summary of the speech, which you can peep at at the time of the speech.

7. Create your look

Creating your stage persona does not mean that you have to act extravagant on stage or dress in fancy clothes. It’s just that in public you should look and behave a little differently than you are used to seeing in a close company of friends. This image will be your calling card, the impression that you want to create in the perception of other people.

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Poets are born, speakers are made


The famous saying of Cicero reveals a great truth. Everything can be learned.

The gift of eloquence is not given from birth, it is acquired through hard work and constant training.

Thus, in order to truly comprehend the art of oratory, exercises and training must be systematic and constant. Experts recommend doing them at least once a week.

Skillful command of speech and free expression of thoughts can be achieved with the help of not very difficult, but regular exercises. It is recommended to perform them 20-30 times during the day.

Loud reading aloud

Taking any newspaper or magazine article, you need to read it out loud, referring to an imaginary audience. When reading, you should try to get ahead a little, remembering what was written in a small passage, in order to reproduce it later.

Reproducing the meaning of what is read

A passage consisting of two to five sentences is read and paraphrased. At the same time, the goal is to remember the details, for which, if possible, a literal retelling is used. It is necessary to try to formulate thoughts and speech, telling what you read in your own words.

Development of speech thinking

Oratory techniques include such a thing as "speech thinking", which specifically means that a sentence or phrase is built on the basis of keywords or key sentences. These words encourage the speaker to build sentences and expand the idea around the main keywords.

Thus, keywords become some kind of fixed points, around which there is a free movement of other words. The manager finds points of support and "rotates" thought around them in different formulations. Finding these keywords and their new formulations is the very activity in this exercise.

Another modification of this exercise is to read half of the sentence aloud and continue it in your own words. Here training on the definition is also useful - the formulation of concepts. This exercise will allow the manager, as well as any speaker, to learn how to formulate the definition of the subject as concretely as possible, identifying and defining its essence accurately, clearly and succinctly.


Taking any story, anecdote or note, you need to tell them vividly, vividly, figuratively and excitingly. It can be the story of a life or one day lived. For example, one day in the life of a manager. For a long story, you can mentally develop a short plan.

The beginning of a story or story should always be intriguing, exciting, and tinged with tension. At the climax of the story, the tension reaches its peak, and the end of the story gives the listener a chance to relax and take a breath, while the tension subsides.

Do not focus on mistakes or hitches in speech. Most likely, listeners will not suspect arbitrary pauses in them, so they will look natural. But after all, it is worth taking care and eliminating the interference that has arisen.

Paraphrasing a business message

The task is to reproduce in free form in your own words the essence and content of a newspaper article or article based on the keywords selected from it. The article is paraphrased several times. At the same time, it is necessary to compress its content, fitting it into one sentence and expand it by adding your own opinion.

Speech should be coherent, smooth, without forced and unjustified delays, pauses. In the exercise, you need to achieve a paraphrase of at least ten sentences. The description of the picture and the images depicted on it, details, and mutual relations between them can also be attributed to this exercise.

Thematic message

Having chosen a topic, for example, a hobby, you need to make a five-minute report on this topic. When addressing imaginary listeners, you need to alternate, speaking out loud once, and mentally, to yourself another time.

In the exercise, it is better to adhere to the following tactics: use keywords at the beginning of the message, and end it in free form. At the same time, you should not focus on the correct construction of phrases, but focus on the smooth and calm flow of speech. If there is a mistake in the spoken word or sentence, do not stop, calmly finish the sentence. In order to track errors, it is better to slander a message on a voice recorder.

Oratory and the art of speech, rhetoric exercises imply constant vocabulary replenishment. This is a very important part of the workout. A rich vocabulary will help make the language, speech and its style diverse and unique.

Studying the speech of other speakers

Observing, listening and constantly studying the speech of other speakers is a good practice. Listening to reports, discussions, broadcasts, sermons, the manager should analyze what he heard from the standpoint of content and from the standpoint of speech characteristics.

The first position includes the analysis of the presentation of content, compliance with the plan, the logic of presentation, imagery, and stylistic devices. The second category includes an assessment of the strength of the voice, the height of the timbre, the stress, how smoothly the speaker pronounces the speech, his articulation and gestures.

Speech analysis

Listening to the speeches of speakers, famous politicians, famous personalities, taking rhetorical means as the basis for analysis, is one of the useful and effective trainings. In doing so, you should pay attention to:

  • the way the speaker makes the introduction and conclusion;
  • uses comparisons;
  • imagery of speech;
  • the presence of repetitions, exaggerations and oppositions;
  • play on words.

At the same time, it is imperative to notice where and how the increase in speech tension and its decline occur, as well as to monitor other means of speech influence used by the speaker.

Practice through discussion

Practical exercises have been and remain the most effective method, oratory skills are honed in discussions. You can start practicing with friends or colleagues, only briefly engaging in polemics and speaking out about certain issues.

This practice will help you gradually move on to performing in front of a larger and less familiar audience. A manager or sales agent must learn to speak, discuss, listen to opponents and defend his point of view.

Presentation of a report

So the time has come for a real speech or the first serious speech. Preparing your own business message is another way to develop your public speaking skills. When preparing a business message, it is better to choose a well-known topic.

During the preparation, as well as during the entire speech, it is necessary to constantly ask yourself what rhetorical means can be used to supplement the speech so that it looks visual, organic, plastic and accessible. It may be necessary to present maps, diagrams or graphs to the audience.

It is necessary to try to make an attractive and non-dry beginning, so that listeners from the first words begin to listen to the speech and come into a state of intense attention. To do this, the manager or sales agent must constantly put himself in the place of the listener.

For example, bare numbers will not tell the listener a lot, but if you provide a good example and connect these numbers with life, they will come to life, acquire “flesh and blood”, touch, touch, then the words will catch. And that's what the speaker is supposed to do.

Using the technique of prompting reflection, an unexpected question or statement is a good start. This will arouse in the listener, firstly, interest, and secondly, it will give an impetus to reflect on what they have heard. As the manager or any other speaker will present the facts, it is also necessary to give a solution to the problem under discussion, if such is mentioned in the speech.

If a manager begins to give his personal opinion in a report or business message, then he has moved on to a speech with an expression of opinion. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between what is a business message and what is a personal opinion and is interpreted by the speaker himself.

Expressive speech should become one of the main tools not only for masters of eloquence, but also for every sales agent or manager. It is necessary to develop rhetorical abilities constantly. They will help to improve oratory exercises video online.

The ability to speak convincingly and work with an audience of listeners today is important for everyone. Even those who do not need to speak at conferences every day still need to present themselves correctly - getting a job, salary, career advancement depends on this. No matter how in-demand a specialist you are, it is important that you and your ideas are heard.

Two ways to improve your speaking skills:

  • go to courses in rhetoric or public speaking;
  • do self-study.

The main advantage of the courses is the real opportunity to speak in front of an audience of listeners. However, the courses also have disadvantages - due to the fact that there are many people in the group, the teacher does not devote enough time to everyone. Thus, there is no personalized approach, which is so important when working on the psychological and speech problems of people that prevent them from speaking correctly and freely.

In the case of self-study, the advantages are obvious - you can try different methods, spend exactly as much time on doing exercises and consolidating certain skills as you need, you can study according to a convenient schedule, etc. Oratory lessons do not have to be under the supervision of a teacher: today you can find a variety of video tutorials on the Internet, a tutorial for beginners, as well as many tips.

Beginner speaker mistakes

Those who are just starting out make the same mistakes. These include:

Training can take place in different ways. With the advent of the Internet in every home, video lessons have become very popular. In fact, they are no different from listening to a lecture at a seminar or training to improve rhetoric - except that you can not ask the teacher a question.

Videos can be free or paid. Free can be freely found, viewed and downloaded online. They provide information related to rhetoric, consider the most famous exercises to improve it. Paid lessons can be found on the websites of rhetoric teachers or by contacting them personally.

Popular exercises for developing public speaking skills include:

  • exercises in front of a mirror;
  • exercises with a voice recorder;
  • self-preparation of the performance using the given reference points.

In the first case, you can observe yourself during a speech or monologue. Looking at ourselves in the mirror, everyone will notice excitement and fuss that we ourselves do not notice, but which are visible to those who listen to a public speech. It is also effective to record speech on video - the effect of the exercise will be like in an exercise with a mirror, and the speaker will not be constantly distracted by the reflection in the mirror.

"Reference points" can be independently found on the Internet or in a book, or you can learn from a video in which the teacher talks about them. Knowing the "scheme" of the monologue, it is easy to make a speech. However, over time, the complexity of the task and training in improvisation will be required.

Video tutorials on the Internet also talk about other techniques that you can use in order to become an experienced speaker. The path to this will take some time, however, the result is worth it - you can speak at conferences and meetings in front of strangers, communicate with colleagues, partners and loved ones without hesitation, excitement, instantly formulating thoughts and being able to achieve the desired reaction to them.

Public speaking training is important at every age, for young and experienced professionals, and in a variety of activities. The time it takes to train will pay dividends for years to come. In addition, even if you know how to speak in public, it is worth periodically expanding your knowledge and abilities in the field of rhetoric - this will help in business, study, and personal relationships.

What is oratory? This is the art of public speaking in order to convince the listener of a particular thought using a combination of various techniques. The art of rhetoric itself originated in ancient Greece and ancient Rome and has undergone many changes under the pressure of changing eras.

The importance of rhetoric for human life remains unchanged. Oratory, first of all, teaches how to be self-confident and how to instill this confidence in listeners. Good speakers achieve the desired heights in any field, whether it be their own business or a teaching career.

Rhetoric opens many doors to new possibilities, but becoming a speaker does not happen overnight. In order to master this art, it is necessary to study rhetoric, which can be done independently or in specialized classes. This article discusses the main pillars of the art of rhetoric.

The first training is devoted to writing. Preparation of oratory before a speech is the basis on which the art of oratory is built. A well-crafted speech is already half a step on the way to a successful speech. So, work on speech is usually carried out in several stages.

  • To begin with, it is necessary to collect information and study it thoroughly. It is very important to refer to several sources in order to consider the issue from different angles. The speaker should be distinguished by good awareness not only of all current news, but also of the main trends in all spheres of human life. Take the time to study the information. At the end of this stage, it is necessary to structure the collected information.
  • Next, when working on a speech, the speaker should think about how to attract his audience. The speech of the speaker always has as its goal one or another effect on the listener. When preparing for a speech, it is necessary to study the audience, its interests, manner of communication, and so on. The success of a speech is measured by whether the desired effect was achieved or not. To achieve it, it is necessary to speak in a language understandable to the public about what it is interested in.
  • Learning rhetoric is also about building the purpose of your speech. Aimless ranting in front of the public is the lot of a demagogue. Such speeches do not attract the necessary audience. That is why you need to learn to put one or another acute problem that needs to be solved at the head of your speech. Its solution is the purpose of the speech, uniting the audience and the speaker.
  • The public trusts the speaker who reveals himself to her as a person. Therefore, it is very important to include your own thoughts on the issue under discussion in the speech. Few people will listen to a speaker who does not have a clear position. For this, it is necessary to pass through your experience and your worldview all the information collected and form your own position.

Oratory is, first of all, the ability to prepare a speech so that it captures the attention of the target audience.

It is equally important to properly prepare for the performance itself.

Preparing for a speech

The rules of oratory say that any presentation must be well planned.

Although the speaker must also be prepared for spontaneous speech. The following scheme is usually used to prepare a public speaking speech.

  • First of all, you need to refuse to speak on a piece of paper. You can leave on paper only the plan and short notes about important points that need to be mentioned. Thus, the main part of speech is better to learn. That is why public speaking skills include an excellent memory that needs to be trained regularly.
  • Learning to speak is also about following the structure of a speech. This gives the speech consistency and integrity. It is necessary to clearly limit the introduction, body and conclusion. It is advisable to pay special attention to the introduction, since at this moment the attitude of the public towards the speaker begins to form.
  • It is recommended to think over the organizational issues of the performance in advance, that is, if possible, familiarize yourself with the venue for the performance, discuss with the organizers technical issues regarding the operation of microphones, prepare water, etc.
  • Oratory skills include not only various speaking abilities, but also the ability to look good. The speaker should always look neat, as the appearance is the first thing that the public pays attention to.

Oratory teaches how to attract people and lead them, which is practically necessary for many professions. However, they are not born an excellent speaker, so teaching rhetoric has been relevant since ancient times to this day.

Techniques of a good speaker

Oratory - what is it? These are well-known tricks that a speaker uses to make a speech accessible to the audience and to increase the digestibility of information. There are many such methods. Below are two basic oratory techniques.

  1. Comparison. Often the speaker's speech is replete with abstract descriptions that are difficult to imagine in the mind. Since information is better perceived when it receives a figurative projection in the mind, the speaker resorts to comparisons that make the abstract more material. To convey a certain mood, the speaker sometimes uses hidden comparisons - metaphors.
  2. Repeat. Everyone knows the expression "Repetition is the mother of learning." The art of oratory often refers to this saying, because the more often a person receives the same information, the more firmly it is fixed in his mind. It is very important for the speaker to convey to the listener the main idea of ​​his speech, in which the appropriate repetition of the key idea helps him.

In addition to comparison and repetition, the rules of oratory are also advised to turn to allegories, rhetorical questions, appeals, hyperbole, irony and other means of speech expressiveness.

Speech technique

Speaking in front of an audience is a kind of physical work. Speakers know that this is often difficult. Oratory and the art of speech requires the speaker to work on the technique of speaking, which includes the following aspects.


During active speech, the rate of breathing of a person changes: the inhalation becomes shorter, and the exhalation is longer. The rules of oratory require the performance of special exercises for the production of speech breathing. The speaker during inspiration requires a larger volume of air, as well as its more economical consumption in the process of speech. In addition, evenness of breathing is affected by excitement, from which you need to learn to get rid of.


Oratory and the art of speech lies in the ability to control your own voice. The speaker should speak equally well loudly and quietly, depending on the situation. Also, within one speech, it is necessary to highlight the main information by changing the tone of voice.


Speech is clear and clear. To achieve the correct pronunciation of sounds and syllables, speakers carefully monitor the work of their articulatory apparatus and regularly train their diction with the help of tongue twisters.


Rhetoric oratory tends to the average pace of speech. The speaker should not shoot words like a machine gun, nor should he drawl words. As a rule, in the process of learning and gaining experience, the speaker manages to find the most comfortable pace of speech for himself and for the listener.


Intonation changes make speech bright, lively and more accessible for perception. Expressive reading of fiction aloud helps to train intonation.

Any undertaking, at first glance, seems difficult, but do not be afraid. With the right approach and diligent study, any craft and art can be mastered - even as demanding as rhetoric.