What is school work called? Lessons from technology: will new labor standards make a new person? Manufacturing technology analysis

If for another ten years not a single school could do without a labor lesson, today many consider this subject to be “morally obsolete”. Is this true, and do modern schoolchildren need such classes? So, according to their views on the existing education system, parents were divided into two groups. The first group included those people who believe that labor lessons will not teach their children anything useful, so it is best to devote this study time to another activity, for example, a lesson in English, mathematics, computer science, or even economics. But another group of parents are sure that “you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty”, that is, such lessons are not only useful, but also informative for schoolchildren of all ages. That is, the child learns to work, to show his thinking and ingenuity, as well as to realize himself in another area of ​​life. To understand for yourself whether labor lessons are needed at school, it is worth remembering what girls and boys do at them. As I remember from the school curriculum, girls in such classes sew a skirt and an apron, knit booties and socks, embroider with a cross and stitch, and also get acquainted with the basics of cooking. In addition, they prepare a sweet table with their own hands, and then invite classmates to a friendly tea party. In general, this is very interesting, but the main thing is that young ladies not only get a lot of positive things from the work done, but also comprehend new knowledge that will definitely be useful to them in their future life and motherhood.

As for the boys, they always find a fascinating activity, for example, working with wood, making crafts and souvenirs, the basics of carpentry and minor home repairs. Every boy remembers how he made an original flower vase from a tin can, a planter from old records and a real kitchen stool with his own hands. There are a lot of impressions, but the main thing is that such a future man will be able to hammer at least a nail in his house, and this, as you know, is not so little. Having studied all these school memories, many parents come to the conclusion that labor lessons are still informative for every student, whether it be a boy or a girl.

But, nevertheless, each person must choose for himself what he wants to do in the future - physical and intellectual activities, but just such lessons helped him set his life priorities and try himself in every business. The most amazing thing is that today physical labor has given way to intellectual labor, and the once exciting lessons of labor have now been replaced by a new subject “technology”. This innovation focuses on introducing the child to the computer, as well as obtaining basic skills in work. Of course, we live in a world of scientific progress, but this is not a reason to forget about the past no less entertaining classes at school. In order to finally decide whether it is worth studying such a subject as “labor” at school, he recommends carefully studying all its advantages and disadvantages, and based on the information received, draw appropriate conclusions. Of course, few people care about the opinion of children in a school institution. However, this is a fundamentally wrong approach, because the child, being a full-fledged personality, can independently make his choice....

So, among the significant advantages, it is necessary to remember that work allows children to at least a little distract from the school curriculum and relax morally, because, as you know, memorizing rules, solving examples and equations, as well as reading large texts simply exhaust the child’s psyche, requiring at least a short pause . In addition, work contributes to the development of fantasy, abstract thinking and memory, and also allows you to get your hand in a certain occupation and gain valuable life skills. This subject noticeably raises the spirit of collectivism and unites the class morally, because it is so interesting to work together and help each other.

Also, do not forget that such lessons are always noisy and fun, and this is not surprising, because each student simply offers numerous ideas, showing imagination and ingenuity. In addition, students develop a love and attachment to work, and this will certainly come in handy in life. Many attentive mothers notice that their child is a creative person who strives to make unique things with their own hands, and, as you know, labor lessons at school reveal such potential. Among the advantages, it is also worth highlighting the knowledge of something new, and such a unique experience allows the child to grow above himself, realizing himself in new areas of life. So it is simply impossible to overestimate the benefits of labor, although, again, not all parents think so.

As for the shortcomings of the so-called "labor education", it should not be denied - they really exist. Firstly, today there are no longer those qualified specialists who instilled in children a love for work. Now such teachers only turn children away from this subject, as a result of bad behavior and regular absenteeism, which entail satisfactory grades. Secondly, the program proposed by the teacher is not always interesting for children, especially if classes for girls and boys are combined and, due to the lack of proper space, are held in the same class. Thirdly, the lack of equipment necessary for the lessons, and the theory is enough for children in other lessons. This is where all the disadvantages of labor end, however, the advantages of such activities are still much greater.

If we face the truth, then we can safely say that it is not economically profitable to conduct labor lessons. the fact is that all the equipment used, either due to the expiration of its service life, simply failed, or became obsolete for children living in the era of nanotechnology. As a rule, the school does not have sufficient funding to purchase new machines, devices and mini-workshops, so they have to save money, and replace the labor lesson with technology. Parents, as a rule, do not interfere with such innovations, since they are sincerely glad that their offspring have the opportunity to additionally engage in mental work, mastering the work with a computer.

Today, a huge number of schools have abandoned labor lessons, sincerely believing that such classes are just a waste of children's time and nothing more. There are many reasons for such a refusal, for example, in private schools this is an initiative of parents who want the emphasis in teaching their children to be placed precisely on mental development. As for educational schools, the meager budget itself dictates its own rules, because it is clear that the maintenance of machine tools, the cost of purchasing materials, and even the salary of a teacher are all those expenses that not every school can handle. Also, many directors are afraid that the inexperience of schoolchildren can lead to increased injuries, and such a reputation for any school is certainly useless.

One way or another, labor lessons in elementary school must be. Why? The fact is that physical activity trains fine motor skills of the fingers, and, as you know, it is these parts of the body that transmit signals to the brain, that is, by attending such lessons, the child develops and grows on himself. That is why many parents, sending their child to first grade, are keenly interested in whether the chosen school has labor lessons that are valuable for child development. If there are any, then there is no doubt that they will certainly interest the not yet spoiled schoolboy who is striving for new knowledge.

What valuable elementary school students get from the lessons of labor at school? Firstly, they solve developmental tasks that can train technical and visual-figurative thinking, independence, creativity, spatial imagination, memory, and even speech of a child. Secondly, there are didactic tasks that teach how to work with reference literature and the attached instructions for a particular product. Thirdly, educational tasks teach to be neat, thrifty and tidy, which in the future may also come in handy more than once. The solution of such tasks at each lesson forms a personality, so there will certainly be no harm from a labor lesson to a child.

Every parent must understand that the child must grow up comprehensively developed in order to be able to adapt in time in all life situations. This is not so little, because not always mom and dad will be there, and one day you still have to enter adulthood with all its surprises and surprises. However, one way or another, the choice is up to adults, because only they can decide which school to send their child to. Lessons of labor today are not available in every school, therefore, when determining your child in the first grade, you should ask the director if the school curriculum provides for labor education lessons ....

Technology lessons in Moscow schools are evolving. Homemade stools are being replaced by hand-made robots, and the usual aprons are giving way to fashionable dresses..

The discipline "labor" accompanies students almost all school life: from the first to the eighth-ninth grades. In elementary school, children sculpt from plasticine, make origami and applications. From the fifth grade, "labor" turns into "technology", which is aimed not so much at needlework as at mastering the advanced skills of modern life.

As a rule, in secondary school, boys and girls are trained separately: some are trained to become jacks of all trades, others to be exemplary housewives. But there are exceptions. Some schools teach technology as a whole class. For example, in school No. 1601, young representatives of the stronger sex learn to cook and embroider together with the beautiful half of the population.

There are also educational institutions where computer science teachers teach the boys how to work, considering the basics of programming to be the work of real guys. Regardless of the curriculum, such activities adapt children to real life, where the principle of "do it yourself" is still important.

Expert opinion

"It's not about what exactly they study in technology classes, but about what they do it for. A technology lesson is an experiment that we do with our own hands. Even a stool can be made with taste if you know that this is a useful skill."

Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education Viktor Fertman

21st century technology: what has changed

Today, according to the requirements of the state educational standard, children in technology lessons should be taught to navigate modern medicine, the production and processing of various materials, mechanical engineering, food and service, as well as the information environment.

Recently a member of the Public Chamber of Russia to teach within the discipline of the foundations of agriculture.

At the same time, schools and teachers are free to choose the program. Viktor Fertman, Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education, explained to the site that now educational institutions are keeping pace with the times: in technology classes, children study robotics and design, gain knowledge from the fields of physics, drawing and computer science. In some schools, children are taught how to make devices for people with disabilities or mobile phone cases.

The work of a student of school No. 1021. Photo courtesy of the author

"There is a curriculum, while teachers have a certain degree of creative freedom: you can add something from yourself ..

In recent years, schools have the opportunity to do project work, arrange presentations and open lessons. An interactive form of communication motivates students and makes classes even more interesting.

Expert opinion

“Before, children wrote essays, now in technology lessons, students can immerse themselves in the study of a particular topic more deeply. For example, if a student chose “knitting”, she will not just knit a scarf with knitting needles or crochet. To do the task thoroughly, the student will study the history of this species needlework and collect the necessary materials, after which he will demonstrate his work to the whole class during a presentation or speech"

Teachers began to be guided by a creative approach more often. Technology teacher at school No. 1021 Alexander Smetov told the site that their institution plans to purchase special kits for creating robots. According to the teacher, robotics is interesting for children of any age.

Now technology classes look like full-fledged workshops. At school No. 1021, they are equipped with multifunctional machines, including models that children from eight years old are allowed to access. On one such machine, you can perform many actions: sawing, drilling or doing the work of a turner.

Interesting and tasty: young housewives

Cooking, sewing and needlework are the three pillars of the technology program for girls. School No. 1415 will serve as a striking example of the creative education of young ladies.

There, schoolgirls cook hamburgers instead of a boring vinaigrette, learn how to make decorative elements for dishes and invent their own salad recipes. And during sewing classes, they arrange real fashion shows, dressing their classmates in stylish dresses made by themselves.

Expert opinion

"During technology lessons, it is very important to interest children, only then they will want to come to class. Once upon a time, at labor lessons, we simply drew an apron diagram. Today, children do not just draw sketches, but perform creative tasks. For example, make a paper mannequin and dress him in a custom-made suit. Such activities motivate the child."

Technology teacher of school No. 1415 Irina Smirnova

The lessons of technology are now aimed not only at teaching the work of a housewife. The girls also do hair projects, learn how to count calories correctly and master psychological tests. In addition, the school has a museum that contains tools and various household appliances from the 15th-17th centuries. For example, students can see how fabric was created many years ago.

By the way, projects made by schoolchildren are put up for various competitions. This year, at the technology lessons, the children made huge applications in the form of the coats of arms of the North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, which they sewed onto dresses on a sewing machine. Their work won the regional competition. In the next academic year, the school plans to create a panel handmade on the theme "Streets of Moscow". The project is going to involve teachers of technology, geography and literature.

To the machine: a factory of real men

A handmade wooden box made at a technology lesson. Photo provided by the author.

In teaching young people, the opinions of teachers differ. Someone prefers information technology, and someone manual work. The processing of wood and metals is still included in the "technological set" of young gentlemen.

Technology teacher of school No. 1021 Alexander Smetov believes that work with hands ennobles a person and makes a real man out of a teenager. The teacher himself has the badge of "Excellence in military construction" and is not just a teacher of technology, but the first man in the history of school No. 1021 to take on class leadership.

Expert opinion

"Sometimes it just hurts me to look at how children can't tear themselves away from their phones and sit still. I just want to say, it would be better if they mastered some kind of craft or went in for sports. The main thing in technology lessons is to captivate children with something really When students realize the benefits of what they do, they strive for knowledge and want to make more and more."

Technology teacher of school No. 1021 Alexander Smetov

At labor lessons, children make decorative woodwork using the technique of carving, burning and coloring. Schoolchildren are also taught to work with plywood and paper. Many of the works of students of school No. 1021 won the inter-district competition of fine and decorative arts "Pantry of Crafts - 2016".

However, the boys' work is not only of aesthetic value. According to Smetov, his students know how to make a beautiful birdhouse, hammer or nut of their own production. While the fifth graders are mastering the machines, the older children are being told how to build a house.

Margarita Maslova

Each person has the opportunity to choose what he will do, physical or intellectual labor. Some are very good at mathematics and physics, others are not capable of these subjects, but they have something different, creative, they have “golden hands” that also need to be developed. Previously, at school there were labor lessons that were not the same as now. And the supply was at the level and the time was different.

Many even now remember labor lessons at school positively, while others do not. Agree, because a lot depends on what kind of teacher. And this applies to all subjects without exception. Personally, I have almost nothing to remember about my labor lessons. I vaguely remember doing something. But I was a creative student, then I went to a circle, I even remember making a steam engine. But I didn’t have a mentor who would root for this, help me. So I had to develop myself somehow. Now modern students have completely different interests and hobbies, but this does not mean that there are no creative boys, who invent something, who love to make things with their own hands. There are many, you can trust me.

And now let's discuss with you a little - is there any benefit from labor lessons or not, and why should or should not this subject be taught at school? Many say that this subject has already become obsolete. A few more years and work at school, as a subject, may not be at all. Who now needs to hammer nails and use a planer? Who needs to saw and file? Repair something at home, nail a shelf or assemble furniture yourself. What for? Call a special person and he, for money, will do everything! Let this watch be given for other, more important items. After all, everyone knows what the labor lessons at school have turned into at the present stage. There are no qualified teachers, most of them are taught by non-specialists, as a rule, as an additional burden. Workshops in desolation: no material, no tools, no machines, no visibility! Nothing! So why do we need such an object, from which there are only problems ?! Opinions, as always, differ. It turns out that there are pluses that indicate the need for the presence of this subject in the school curriculum. But there are also disadvantages. Let's take a look at what's actually more. Children, too, are not asked what they want to learn, but this is important. You will conduct a questionnaire in any school class on the topic "what subjects are needed in a modern school." The results will be very interesting. So let's still try to sort out with you the pros and cons of having labor lessons at school.

Advantages of a labor lesson:

- Allows children to take a break from other subjects that tire them mentally;

- Promotes the emergence of some skills and abilities necessary in adulthood;

— Unites children and teaches them to work in a team;

– Develops love for work and respect for working people;

- Allows you to be liberated, to feel like a creator;

- Develops the creative nature of the child;

- Teaches something new;

Develops the brain and muscle motor skills;

And much more…

Cons of labor lessons:

Not all teachers teach this subject with sufficient quality, which is why children have a hatred for labor lessons;

The program is not very interesting for children, there is little modern in it;

Children can be injured if safety precautions are not followed;

And a couple more, as Sharikov said.

In fact, there are also pros and cons, if you look for them. The main reason why labor lessons can be removed is economy. If you do not need to buy special equipment and materials, pay a salary to a teacher - this allows you to save. Parents are not very indignant at the lack of labor lessons, but all moms and dads want their children to develop mentally and get a good job in the future. But, in fact, many people forget that physical labor only contributes to mental labor, improving its results. Physical work helps fight mental fatigue and "backwardness".

Also, labor allows you to determine the difference between mental and physical labor, as well as connect and compare them. This will allow children to decide better what they want to achieve in life, to work with their hands or with their heads. And, of course, labor develops skills that allow you to develop in all plans. Thus, work in school is an excellent preparatory stage for life, for who you will be and what you will have to face. Labor must be present in the school, since its benefits are obvious to everyone.

Is it necessary to work at school?

The lesson was prepared by a primary school teacher: Naydenova N.L.

Labor lesson: 3 "B" class

Subject : "Pillow for needles"

Lesson Objectives:

Educational goals:

  1. Formation of students' knowledge and skills on the work of processing needle pads.

2. Contribute to the memorization of basic terminology.

3. Formation of ideas about creative work.

4. Contribute to the understanding of the quality of the finished product.

Correction-developing goals:

1. Correction and development of coherent oral speech of students (enrichment and complication of vocabulary).

2. Correction and development of mental activity (establishment of logical and cause-and-effect relationships, planning function of thinking).

3. Correction and development of fine motor skills of the hands (formation of manual skill, development of rhythm, smoothness of movements, proportionality of movements).

4. Correction and development of the sensory sphere of students (development of the eye, orientation in space, accuracy and subtlety of distinguishing colors, shapes).

5. Correction and development of personal qualities of students, emotional and volitional sphere (skills of self-control, perseverance and endurance).

Educational goals:

1. Raise interest in learning, the subject.

2. Raise interest in folk art.

3. To educate moral qualities (careful attitude to school property, diligence, mutual assistance).

Methodological equipment of the lesson:

1. Material and technical base:

Instruments : needle, scissors; thimble

materials : cushion detailand for needles, threads, braid, synthetic winterizer

Didactic support:

instruction cards;

Needle pad sample;

Teaching methods:

Verbal (conversation, explanations);

Visual (showing objects of labor, methods of work,

Practical (independent practical work of students).

Forms of organization of cognitive activity of students: frontal.

Vocabulary work:needle bed, pillow for needles, braid, padding polyester, stitch “needle forward”.

Lesson type: combined

Interdisciplinary connections:mathematics, Russian

During the classes

p / p No.


During the classes


Organizing time

Updating students' knowledge.

Topic message.

Goal setting.

Consolidation of students' knowledge

Final briefing of the teacher

Physical education minute

Practical work

Analysis of the performance of independent work by students

Workplace cleaning.

Summing up the lesson by the teacher

Hello guys! We don't have an easy lesson today. Guests came to our lesson.

Let's turn to them and greet them, to

Checking the readiness of students for the lesson;

Get students ready for work.

In the last lesson, we already started talking and making a needle case.

Needle beds can vary in shape, type of finish.

Teacher questions:

What are the items shown for? - (for storing needles and pins)

What are these items called? - (needle beds)

(Open the word "pincushion" on the board)

As you can see, needle beds have different shapes and sizes.

What do you think, which needle bed is the most convenient for working in the lesson? - (cushion)

The topic of our lesson


Before starting the final work on the manufacture of the pillow, we will determine the work plan

In the last lesson, we started making pillows. She's half done.

What shape will our needle pad be? - (square).

We will stuff the pillow with cotton wool or synthetic winterizer.

(Open on the board words"cotton wool", "synthetic winterizer")

When sewing products, sewing threads are used.

Tools and fixtures

What tools and fixtures will we choose for the job?

Listen to the riddle:

On one finger
Bucket upside down.


What is a thimble for?

Next riddle.

We can do a lot:

Cut, cut and cut.

Don't play with us kids:

We can punish you!


Before you start working with scissors, you need to remember « Safe work rules»

3. Pass closed and rings first; 4. Work at your workplace;

Guess what it is?:

steel maiden
Lies on the fabric.
Gets up again
Leads the line.
(Needle). - What is a needle?

Needle - a pointed sewing rod with an eyelet at the end.

Before you work, you need to remember the rules of TB.

1. Keep pins and needles in a certain place (cushion, special box, etc.), do not leave them at the workplace.

The pillow will be decorated - braid

- You have a card with the step of making a pillow on your table.

Following the technological sequence, you will get a beautiful product, a pillow for needles.

1. Stuff the pad with padding polyester.

2. Sew up the hole.

3. Decorate the pad with braid.

So, we will need ... It is necessary to remember the safety rules when working with them and the sequence of manufacturing the product.

Let's start working

The duty officer conducts a physical education session, showing the exercises.

All the guys turned

All the guys stretched

And then they sat down

And they sat quietly at the desk.

(Students, cat Some have already completed the work, I give the task to continue the proverbs that speak of the importance of work.)

  1. Labor feeds a person ... (and laziness spoils)
  2. Out of boredom ... (take matters into your own hands)
  3. Patience and a little effort)
  4. Eyes are afraid ... (and hands do)

Teacher's message about the achievement of the objectives of the lesson;

Evaluation of the results of students' work in the lesson;

Putting marks in the classroom journal and in the diaries of students.

Demonstration of various types of needle beds.

needle bed

topic on the board

"Pillow for needles"

Words exposed:

Sintepon, cotton wool

sewing thread



on the board Rules for safe work "

word on blackboard


On the desk

Needle Safety

On the desk


Technological map (lies on the desk)

On the accessory board

Technological map for the manufacture of needle pads

3.. Sew up the hole.

Technological map for the manufacture of needle pads

1. Decorate the pillow with braid.

2. Stuff the pad with padding polyester.

3.. Sew up the hole.

Technological map for the manufacture of needle pads

1. Decorate the pillow with braid.

2. Stuff the pad with padding polyester.

3.. Sew up the hole.

Technological map for the manufacture of needle pads

1. Decorate the pillow with braid.

2. Stuff the pad with padding polyester.

3.. Sew up the hole.

Technological map for the manufacture of needle pads

1. Decorate the pillow with braid.

2. Stuff the pad with padding polyester.

3.. Sew up the hole.

Technological map for the manufacture of needle pads

1. Decorate the pillow with braid.

2. Stuff the pad with padding polyester.

3.. Sew up the hole.

Technological map for the manufacture of needle pads

1. Decorate the pillow with braid.

2. Stuff the pad with padding polyester.

3. Sew up the hole.

Needle Safety

1. Keep pins and needles in a certain place (cushion, special box, etc.), do not leave them at the workplace.

2. Do not use rusty needles and pins when working, as they break easily.

3. In no case do not take needles and pins in your mouth.

4. During operation, do not stick needles into clothes and random objects.

5.Sew with needles only with a thimble to avoid finger prick.

6. Do not bite off the threads with your teeth, but cut them off with scissors.

Safety precautions when working with scissors:

1. When you cut with scissors, you need to direct them with the ends away from you;

2. Do not hold scissors with the ends up;

3. Transfer closed and ringsforward; 4. Work at your workplace;

5. Do not leave open.


The script for the performance of the team "Green Light"

Children take the stage to the melody "Together it's fun to walk"

1 student: Hello!

2 account .: You are welcomed by the team of 3 "B" class

Chorus: "Green Flame"

3 account - Our motto:


"Our green light"

Friend, faithful helper,

Make the path safe

He certainly can!”

1 account A traffic light is the most important road sign. He was born in London in 1868. Translated from Greek, the word traffic light means "carrying light."

2 account To help you

The path is dangerous

Burning day and night

Green, yellow, red.

3 account . Our house is a traffic light,

We are three brothers

We've been shining for a long time

On the road to all the guys.

2 account You cross the street

Stop for a moment.

Stay quiet and calm

Wait for my signals.

1 account

Slow down, driver!

The red eye is on fire.

He puts on a menacing look,

2 account

Yellow flashed after him -

Let's wait, let's wait.

yellow warning light

Wait for signals to move!

3 account

And behind him a green eye

Flashed ahead.

He will say: there are no obstacles,

Feel free to go on your way!

4 accounts

Let other people wait

Until the green light is given.

I won't wait in vain

I'll jump on the red!

There is a squeal of brakes. The pedestrian falls, gets up, grabs his head.

1 account

He ran a red light

And got into an accident.

It's good that he survived.

4 ac.- Only the teeth were missing.

2 account

The pedestrian needs to know

Where to walk and where to walk

And the driver must drive

So that people do not interfere.

4 accounts

And who will tell them on the way,

Where to go, where to go?

Where is the dangerous road

Is it safe to go?

3 account

On the road, what and how

Explain road sign.

You need to know them

To avoid getting into trouble.

1 account

You will meet a blue sign - a square,

You will be very happy with the sign.

A man walks on a zebra

Without fear, without barriers

People know this sign

HOROM: " Crosswalk".

2 account

But if the sign is different -

White with red border

So something is forbidden.

Do not rush to go, wait!

Man, bicycle

They have no way here

If the red line

Crossed out silhouette.

3 account

Where is the school, kindergarten

The triangles are hanging

And the kids are running inside.

Signs for adults say:

“Children are close to the road here!

Cars slow down here!

The sign is called "Children!"

It's just not for kids.

1 account

Today we are pedestrians

Tomorrow we are drivers

Let's be careful kids

KHOROM: Let's be super vigilant!

4 accounts

I understand now guys

I will learn the rules.

I'll be on my way now

Move right!

Children sing a song to the tune of "Chunga-Changa"

So that there is no trouble in life,

We must follow the rules.

To live in peace, without worries,

You have to learn them by heart.

Children need, no doubt,

Remember traffic rules

Remember traffic rules

Without a doubt.

On the road, on the road

There is a very strict order

There is a very strict order

On the road.

2 account

We showed the program

But we don't want to say goodbye.

To everyone who listened to us today

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

3 account

There are many rules of the road in the world.

It wouldn't hurt us to learn them.

1 account

But the main rule of motion is

Chorus: Know how the multiplication table should!

4 accounts

- Know the right time to tell yourself “Stop”(in chorus) and your health and life will be safe!



The speaker was young,
He spoke about work.
He argued from the podium:
- We need work always, everywhere!
The school tells us to work,
Teaching this squad...
- Pick up the papers from the floor!
One of the boys called out.
But here the speaker grimaces:
- There's a cleaning lady for that!
A. Barto

A rare appointee is greeted with such enthusiasm by the people as the new Minister of Education, Olga Vasilyeva. No one really knows anything about her, but the expectations are the most optimistic.

There is something of the Schedrin in this. Remember: “The best citizens gathered in front of the cathedral bell tower and, having formed a nationwide assembly, shook the air with exclamations: our father! our handsome man! our clever one!.. The inhabitants rejoiced; not yet seeing the newly appointed ruler in the eyes, they were already telling jokes about him and calling him "handsome" and "clever". However, in our case, the enthusiasm is understandable and forgivable: Vasilyeva's predecessors did too many troubles, so it seems to the people that there is nowhere worse, and therefore it will be better.

The current new is not completely forgotten old. Soviet. The school is again trying to become a place where they educate, and not just provide "educational services" - like diving courses or beadwork.

This is good and right, but in this case, as they say, the horse did not roll. There is no official ideology. Who are friends and who are enemies, who are heroes and who are villains, what is respected and what is despicable is not clearly indicated. The Constitution still includes a ban on official ideology. And without it, everything is unsteady and wrong, everything is spreading and only gelatinous pluralism remains, with tolerance to boot.

It is impossible to educate without ideology. Impossible. I'm not talking about methodological developments - this is a matter for the future. I'm talking about general principles first.

It seems that it is planned to revive labor lessons at school. Labor is indeed the basis of education. Respect for work and own work.

This is where the Progressives chimed in. Some of the listeners who called Ekho Moskvy are mocking: if they teach you how to sew, it will come in handy in prison. Someone mockingly recalls how completely useless aprons were sewn.

Today, work - simple, physical, which forms the basis of life - is not respected. The everyday mainstream philosophy is the life feeling of a pretty maid who dreams of becoming a kept woman to the master and finally quit working forever and start chasing the same ones you were yesterday. One familiar girl, who jumped out to marry a highly paid Moscow yuppie, spoke with contemptuous sympathy about her servants: “She had such a hard life that she knows how to do everything: sew, cook, and clean.”

In the school of our village there is - formally - the subject of "horticulture". So they manage to study it ... theoretically, in the classroom. And the hired "Tajiks" take care of the garden. At the same time, many children live in houses with plots. But teachers can also be understood: well, how they pierce each other with a pitchfork or break a skull with a shovel - you have to answer. Yes, and finding a teacher, really, and not according to the book, who knows how to work in the garden, is not an easy task.

The modern urban public has a really antique view of labor: this is the work of slaves. “Well, there are all sorts of Tajiks, Moldovans, as they are also called - I confuse them.” The real life for an advanced, mores-forming crowd is a life without labor. The ideal is a person who knows nothing, because he can hire, order, buy. By this he distances himself from the "cattle".

It was Leo Tolstoy who plowed the land and mowed the grass, it was Churchill who worked in the garden and laid bricks on the estate with his own hands. They did not need to distance themselves from the "cattle" and prove their "difficulty" - they were already "counts", not office yuppies.

Oh, and it will be difficult to organize labor lessons in the current atmosphere ... Difficult, but necessary.

What to teach? Yes, any craft. Especially bother, so that it will certainly come in handy in life - it's not worth it. After all, quadratic equations also do not occur in life, and spelling is now mainly checked by a computer, but they teach. What for? Forms thinking - you say? So manual work shapes it even more! Man became man when he began to make tools and develop his hand. Today, advanced mothers do so-called “finger gymnastics” with babies - it is believed that this contributes to the development of the brain. That's right, it helps. And sewing, embroidery, working with a hammer and a soldering iron - contributes even more. In my generation, all the girls sewed for dolls. I remember that I created a whole wardrobe for a small doll the size of a palm. This is a thorough, painstaking work that requires skill. She quietly developed the same fine motor skills that are baked in pre-school courses.

At school, we sewed - not only an apron, but also various other things, and in the 8th grade we even had a “chintz ball”, to which all the girls appeared in hand-sewn chintz dresses. These were very beautiful and very cheap Cinderella-style dresses at the ball. Knowing how to sew is generally very profitable: just compare the price of the fabric and the finished product. And very developing: understanding the pattern (not to mention creating your own), laying it out on fabric so that it comes out economically - all this is mental work.

In general, any handicraft work is mental, and therefore - developing. Not every man today will put together a birdhouse: he simply does not know how to approach this. Labor lessons, no matter what they do, teach not to be afraid of physical reality. You can do anything: repair, making benches, painting old furniture (a very entertaining thing) - in a word, everything that a teacher can do well. It is necessary to look for craftsmen and attract them to work. Then things will work out.

You look, someone will not want to enter the Ecological and Linguistic University and will get down to business. This is education.