What are the pros and cons of living in the city. Surprises of rural life

The positive aspects of city life include the presence of a comfortable apartment. In this situation, there are no problems of heating, electricity, garbage disposal. In addition, the apartment has cold, hot water and other amenities of housing and communal services. As a rule, when living within the city, there are no difficulties with moving to work. If the labor activity is carried out near the house, you can walk, but if it is far away, you can get there by metro, taxi, private car or public transport. Preschool and school institutions, as a rule, are located within walking distance from the house. And retail outlets can be located right on the first floor of a residential building. The city has many entertainment places.

In addition to the advantages, living in the city also has disadvantages. The apartment, although well-appointed, has limited space. This is especially felt when organizing a feast with a certain number of guests. The walls of the apartment have low sound insulation and do not allow you to listen to loud music, sing, dance, because all this interferes with the neighbors. In multi-storey buildings, there is a risk of being flooded by neighbors from above and a risk of flooding residents from the lower floor. Yards of houses are constantly crowded with cars. It is almost impossible to breathe clean air in the city.

Advantages and disadvantages of living outside the city

There are many advantages to living outside the city. You can build a house of any size. The main thing is not to limit financial opportunities. You can also arrange it according to your own desire. It becomes possible to have parties with any number of guests. You can sing and dance until late - the neighbors will not make any claims. In addition, those invited for the night can be accommodated in guest rooms. It is very convenient that you don’t have to go far to get a car, since the garage is located next to the house. Outside the city, you can build your own bathhouse, gazebo, break the lawn. There is an opportunity to start a household plot. An additional plus can be considered the presence of a river or forest in the nearby area. Away from the city, the air is clean and fresh.

Country life has its challenges. In most cases, you can't do without a personal car. Since there is no way to get to the right place by public transport, there is a certain dependence on the vehicle. The daily cost of gasoline can be daunting. Living outside the city during the cold season can be dangerous. Snow-covered roads do not always allow you to leave even in case of urgent need. In addition to all this, it is necessary to solve the issue of working and educating children - to ride daily in the city or get settled in your locality. Entertainment in such places is practically absent, which can begin to burden a family leading a secular lifestyle.

Thus, it is much more practical to live in the city after all. It is convenient to have a country house instead of a summer residence. In summer, you can ride there to take a break from the hustle and bustle, fry barbecue, breathe clean air, and, having gained strength, return to your favorite city.

Some dream of living in a metropolis, others cannot stand the hustle and bustle of a big city and seek to leave it. But how to make the right decision and understand whether this option is right for you? To do this, consider all the advantages and disadvantages of living in a metropolis.


First, consider all the advantages of living in a metropolis:

  1. Interesting and useful contacts. Indeed, it is much easier to meet interesting people and establish promising connections in a big city than in a small one. The metropolis attracts people, especially ambitious, educated, active and purposeful.
  2. The opportunity to get a good education and a prestigious profession. There are more higher educational institutions in the metropolis, and the training of personnel is at the highest level, and therefore there are so many out-of-town students, each of whom dreams, after graduating from the university, to get a start in life and build a career.
  3. Living in a metropolis disciplines. You have to get up early every day to get to work, take care of yourself to look good, keep yourself in shape to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  4. More opportunities to build a personal life and start a family. Even the most modest girl in a large city is easier to find a soul mate, because many male residents of megacities are not shy. The representatives of the stronger sex also have many more options. This advantage has several explanations. First, there are more public places where dating usually takes place in large and developed regions. Secondly, residents inevitably contact and interact with each other. Thirdly, you can register on a dating site and meet with a virtual interlocutor.
  5. Developed infrastructure. In a large city in every district there are schools and kindergartens, clinics and hospitals, large shops, shopping centers and other institutions that people need for a fulfilling life. Residents of small towns sometimes have to go to large regional centers to receive qualified medical care, solve housing issues, and for other reasons.
  6. Various leisure options. In any metropolis there are cinemas, shopping and entertainment centers, restaurants, bars, fast food chains and cafes, museums, water parks, nightclubs, theaters, zoos and much more. The entertainment industry is developed, and new establishments are constantly opening where you can have fun, interesting and even useful time.
  7. Availability of different categories of goods. Many manufacturers and suppliers focus specifically on large cities, and therefore we can safely say that it is possible to buy almost everything in them, including cutting-edge gadgets, exotic products and unusual things.
  8. Job. In the metropolis, there are much more opportunities to build a career, as there are many enterprises and various institutions that need employees, including young, active and creative ones. There are much fewer vacancies in the villages.
  9. Opportunity to open a business and grow a business. If you are an enterprising and smart person, then you can become an entrepreneur.
  10. Earnings in megacities are an order of magnitude higher than in small settlements, this is a fact. Therefore, the standard of living is better, which opens up opportunities for development, improving the status and financial situation.
  11. The ability to travel. All metropolitan areas have international airports, railway and bus stations. In addition, embassies and travel agencies are located here, so organizing a trip abroad is much easier from here than from the village.


Now let's look at the disadvantages of living in a big city:

  1. Bad ecology. There are many factories, factories and other enterprises in the metropolis, the emissions of which pollute the environment. Some compounds get into the air and are inhaled by people, other substances get into the water and also inevitably rush into the human body. In addition, there are many more cars in large cities, the emissions of which also have a very negative impact on the environment.
  2. Listing all the shortcomings, it is worth including the rhythm of life in their list. In some megacities, it is simply mad, so it will be very difficult for people accustomed to a measured existence to adapt to it. Some, unable to adapt and learn to constantly rush and keep up, eventually change their place of residence.
  3. Big competition. To get a good position, you need to make a lot of effort, because several people are likely to apply for it. It is important to be able to show your best side, highlight your positive qualities and prove your capabilities and strengths. Not everyone is ready for this.
  4. Frequent illnesses. Unfortunately, residents of megacities get sick much more often than those living in small settlements. Firstly, a frantic rhythm undermines the immune system, due to which the body's defenses weaken, and a person cannot resist the attacks of pathogenic microorganisms. Secondly, due to the congestion of people and high population density, all contagious diseases spread at a rapid pace, which often leads to epidemics. Thirdly, it is sometimes simply impossible to limit contacts with patients, because often they are in close proximity to healthy people.
  5. A modern metropolis is a huge number of people, and not everyone likes this feature. If you prefer loneliness, are a modest person, an introvert, or even more so a sociopath who does not know how to exist in society, then you will have a very difficult time.
  6. The next minus is important for car owners. Since many residents of large cities have personal transport and have long been not a luxury, but a means of transportation, this inevitably leads to the formation of congestion and traffic jams. Things are much worse with the traffic situation: in megacities, traffic is busier, and accidents happen more often.
  7. A huge flow of information that not everyone can handle. To keep abreast of the events taking place in the city and keep up with life, you need to use modern gadgets, regularly study the media, be an active Internet user and be able to process data, filtering out everything unnecessary and highlighting the most important.
  8. Small spaces, cramped. Megacities are quickly built up and settled, new people constantly come to them, so at some point you may get the impression of a lack of space, especially if you are used to space and freedom.
  9. People. Since many of them are constantly in a hurry, give 100% and get tired at work, they become withdrawn, irritable and indifferent, and this is sad.

Living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages, so do not rush to the city if you are in doubt and are not ready for change. But new opportunities and perspectives may open before you.

The 21st century dictates its own terms: people are leaving their places and moving to big cities. This process is inevitable, because a big city is an opportunity for self-realization and decent wages.

But what kind of housing is better to buy? An apartment in the city or is it still your own house outside the city? People who have made the decision to buy their own housing often cannot decide on their choice. And the cost of an apartment and a country house is about the same. And if you are building a house from scratch, then it is even easier.

It is possible to build a turnkey house with a different budget, on the website http://sivco.ru/ of the Sivco construction company you can choose frame or block-type houses for any budget.

We analyzed the pros and cons of a city apartment and a country house.

First, let's evaluate the advantages of housing in the city:

  • all infrastructure within walking distance;
  • proximity to schools and kindergartens;
  • the ability to get to work in a short time;
  • there is no need to take care of the condition of the yard, entrance, house as a whole;
  • not too high payment for heating;
  • feeling that there are people around you (neighbors);
  • instant solution of utility problems (masters will arrive quickly enough);
  • the arrival of an ambulance in case of illness will not be delayed for a long time.

Here are perhaps the strongest aspects of living in a city apartment.

There are a lot of negative points too.

In an urban environment, one cannot breathe clean air, hence the frequent acute respiratory infections in children and adults, headaches, hypoxia and other diseases.

Living in an apartment is a limitation in space. For some people, it's a lot of pressure.

It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to park your car in the yard, which creates conflict situations with housemates.

The good sound conductivity of the walls sometimes annoys so much that you want to shout at those who like to play music or build (drill). You can't rest in the noise that comes from the neighbors, and they have a party in full swing. Often it comes to neighborhood wars.

You cannot rebuild your living space without the consent of the BTI. And if you try to move partitions, break walls or combine a bathroom, the likelihood of a fine is very high.

And, finally, you cannot turn on the heating when you need it, and you also run the risk of being left without water if the utilities started repairs.

Well, what about country life? What pitfalls can be encountered after moving into a house, and what advantages do you get?

House outside the city. Cons and pros.

First, the negative points, which are not so many, and if desired, they can be easily dealt with.

The first is the distance from the city. It takes longer to get to city work from a country house, you definitely need a car, and preferably two - for both spouses. After all, in the city there are shops that a woman definitely needs, and beauty salons, and schools, and kindergartens where children need to be taken. And one car is not enough.

A doctor from the city will not get there soon if someone from the family suddenly happens to get sick. The same can be said about pharmacies: good pharmaceutical companies have them in the city.

And the second thing that can strain is the need to take care of your house and the area adjacent to it on your own. But many find more advantages in this, it all depends on the nature of the person and the employment of the person at work.

There are still more positive aspects in the acquisition of suburban real estate.

The main one is being outdoors at any time of the year. Sometimes you don’t want to leave the apartment in winter, and there is no need to do this. But a house is completely different - it has its own yard, and a plot on which, if desired, you can set up a garden and even a garden, and your own garage, and even a bathhouse or sauna.

In a country house, you can arrange everything to your liking, give the whole family the opportunity to participate in housing planning even before construction begins.

In your own house, you can do whatever you want: run, jump, turn on the TV at night, invite guests at any time, and at the same time not be afraid that the neighbors will write a complaint to the district police officer.

A house outside the city can always be completed if the family has suddenly increased. And this does not need to be agreed with anyone. You are your own masters!

Where is it better to live in a city or in a village, the pros and cons, we will discuss all this and much more in our article. Live in the city or run your household in the countryside? This question is an eternal topic for kitchen conversations and heated debates. Villagers tend to settle in the city, even if you have to pay up to 60% of the salary for an apartment.

Residents of cities do not understand how you can leave the village, where your house and. Disputes can continue indefinitely, if you do not consider each position from the side of comparing the opportunities and shortcomings of the region.

Consider where it is better to live in the city or in the countryside, the pros and cons of moving.

Village life features

Residents of cities are sure that it is better to live in the village, because they have natural food, their own home, and the air is cleaner. At the same time, few of the townspeople really lived in the village for a long time. Trips to grandma for a couple of weeks cannot be considered an objective opinion.

What are the benefits of rural life?

The air is much cleaner than in the city.

You can grow your own vegetables, fruits, berries. Do housework and get meat, eggs, milk. You will be sure of their quality.

A trip to barbecue, fishing, to the forest for mushrooms is planned faster than in the city, and it is close to get there.

There is less money spent on life in the countryside than in the city. In fact, because in the village there is nowhere to spend them.

Children roam freely around the neighborhood. Here everyone knows everyone, so it is impossible to get lost.

If you work in a company, you can get to work by bike or on foot. At the same time, the time spent on the road diverges less than in cities.

When you have your own hobby, there will be more time to do it. There is no significant entertainment in the villages.

You will have a large garden and flower garden, there is enough space on the site.

When choosing between a spacious house in the countryside and a one-room apartment in the city, some choose a house.

In addition to the advantages, there are also significant disadvantages of moving to the village. And if you decide to take a cardinal step, you need to see an objective picture.

Surprises of rural life

Thinking about the advantages of living in the village, not everyone takes into account the disadvantages of such a decision. Naturally, some things can be replaced, modified or compensated, but the facts remain facts.

What are the disadvantages of living in the village:

There is no permanent job here. If it is, then the salaries are far from city. Some villagers work seasonally, but here you really need to work. The schedule from 8 to 17.00, as in the city, is irrelevant here.

There will be no basic amenities in your home. Outdoor shower and toilet outside is not considered the ultimate dream. If you bring amenities to the house, it will cost a pretty penny. Calculate options for how to arrange life, and only then buy a house, or think about moving.

Many stores don't have many items. They can be ordered and brought to you from the city, but at a price they will be more expensive, and the quality is not always good.

There is practically no medical protection in the village. If you urgently need medicines, you will not find them in a rural pharmacy. Calling home a doctor is almost impossible. The qualifications of staff in rural hospitals are very different from their urban counterparts.

Your children will study in a school where the curriculum is easier than in the city. At the same time, they will receive 40% less knowledge than urban children.

There is no cultural life in the village. Going to the cinema, museums, developing circles for children remain inaccessible to you.

To have natural food, you will have to work around the house and in the garden. At the same time, financial, time and labor investments do not pay off in full. If you calculate how much homemade milk really costs the owner of the house, then it’s easier to buy it than to keep it.

Transport from the village to the city does not always run regularly. At the same time, you will stand, because there are a lot of people, and buses are allowed along rural routes that are not entirely comfortable.

You will have slow internet or none at all. Not every village has the opportunity to connect.

Additionally, there are a few more points that require attention and refinement.

You can live in the village with comfort and pleasure if you have:

  • you have your own car, and you can go for groceries, medicines, things at any time and not depend on the transport schedule;
  • have a hobby that will take time after work;
  • there is a good job or a business that is not tied to a particular company. It is good to live in the village for remote workers, private specialists,;
  • there is a plan for what you will do in the winter when the roads are covered with snow;
  • there is a house with amenities or money to equip your life;
  • there are ideas for the development of regions, and you are moving to test the work of your ideas;
  • there are developments on the development of your children and your personal development.

In general, living in a village is neither good nor bad. Someone comes here hoping to save money and falls into the trap of hopelessness. Some people enjoy communicating with nature, and even organize and live in the village with comfort and benefit.

City life features

Up to 60% of young people from rural areas tend to leave for cities. Life in the city seems comfortable and full of victories. In particular, such thoughts visit those who move from the village to the cities.

Consider different aspects of city life. Is it hard to live well in a big city, or is everything as smooth as it seems?

What are the advantages of living in a city?

You always have a choice how to spend your free time. Dozens of master classes, trainings, free events take place every day. There are exhibitions, museums and cinema. You can make your leisure time incredibly intense.

There is a lot of interesting work in the cities and you will receive decent money.

There is an opportunity to make many useful contacts. It's easy to start your own business.

Many 24-hour pharmacies and ambulances work like clockwork. In addition to state clinics, cities are full of private specialists. Health care in the city is an order of magnitude higher than in the village.

You have the opportunity to choose which courses and clubs your children will attend. The cities are full of schools, studios where you can take a child.

Cities offer opportunities for personal development and sports.

The shops are full of goods and food. Natural products can be bought at the market from grandmothers and you do not need to work on them with your own hands.

The city has relatively good roads. Traveling by car will be comfortable.

In the city you have housing with amenities, rented or your own apartment.

There is always a place to walk in the city.

There is another side to the city life coin. Consider the details of the disadvantages of living in the city.

What are the cons of city life?

Most urban residents rent an apartment. You have to deal with paying rent and paying extra for utilities. As a result, these expenses eat up to 50% of the budget, sometimes much more.

Food in supermarkets and shops is not of very good quality. And if you do not use trips to the market, the search for alternatives, you can significantly spoil the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

You need to use public transport to get to work. This is an expense of money and a couple of hours of time every day.

Finding an interesting job is not easy, especially if you are used to working for someone for a fixed salary.

The air in the city is polluted by car exhaust gases and waste from industrial facilities.

There are more people in cities, which means that in spring and autumn you will get sick more often with respiratory diseases.

The city has more financial expenses. Almost all entertainment is paid.

At the same time, if you structure your life, you can get a good job in the city. For this, it is not necessary to earn millions or be the second Rockefeller.

Make a menu for a month and buy products in bulk. Thus, it will be possible to save a decent amount. Exceptions are products that must be fresh: meat, milk, bread. You can make semi-finished products with your own hands, you will eat delicious food without additives.

Sales, repurchasing things from other people, compiling a wardrobe according to your needs will help you dress stylishly.

If you rent an apartment, then look for it within walking distance from work. Let it be a little more expensive to pay than for housing on the outskirts. But by saving a couple of hours a day, you can earn more than you spend.

Look for an application for your hobby. You can earn decent money on it. The circumstances are such that soon you will not need to go to work.

Drink vitamins, follow the basic rules of hygiene and behavior in crowded places. In this way, you can strengthen your immune system and get sick less in winter.

Use your travel time wisely. Audio and paper books, courses, foreign languages ​​will allow not only to speed up time, but also to learn those things for which there was never enough time.

Plan your time. Highlight what is important to you and prioritize. This will allow you to do more in a day and enjoy life.

There is no clear answer to the question of where it is better to live in the city or in the countryside. Each person chooses an option that is close to his inner world and lifestyle.

If you love nature, want to practice and grow vegetables, then the village will suit you better. Life in the village will also be interesting for those who love peace and quiet, who want to devote more time to sports and their hobbies.

Life in the village allows you to create your own business in the field of agriculture. You can be engaged in the processing of secondary raw materials, needlework, growing greens, vegetables, animals for meat.

Country living becomes popular

Popular are ecological farms and. In urban areas, you will not have such opportunities. In the village you can arrange your own Russian bath and recreation area. Such a room will not just be a place for your relaxation, it can be turned into a local SPA center.

In the village it is easier to promote some ideas and start your own business. Business is easier due to the lack of competition. At the same time, you may encounter complete misunderstanding on the part of the rural population, and there will be fewer customers.

Life in the village can be a pleasure if you know what you will do, how and where to live. The city is more suitable for those who are accustomed to an active life.

If you cannot sit in one place and do the same thing, you need new emotions and acquaintances, then you will be bored in the village. Urban conditions are perfect for those who want to build a career, create a big business, have a decent income.

In cities, young people are usually detained, who have ambitions, plans for life and want to get a lot and at once. Choose a place to live not for reasons of economy, soon this choice will become sad.

The place for permanent residence should satisfy your financial, cultural and domestic needs.

We hope you liked the article “Where is it better to live in a city or in a village, pluses and minuses”!

Hello dear blog visitors. I decided to continue the series of articles from the Rural Look section. And in this article, I propose to speculate the pros and cons of rural life.

This topic is very close to me, since for more than five years I have changed the bustling urban pace of life to rural harmony. And during this time, the criteria that delimit the city and the countryside have clearly settled in my mind.

I should note that the rural population accounts for only 30% of the total population of the Russian Federation.

And once the share of villagers in the country reached an impressive mark of 75%. But then, industrialization and urbanization. Not surprisingly, 23,000 villages have disappeared in the last 20 years.

Most of the townspeople perceive life in the countryside as something wild, stone age. I will make a reservation right away, in this text I will not talk about a remote village. I will rely on the average village, where there is television, shops, etc.

But I would like to start with city life, where hectic life is in full swing. The city provides many opportunities, both career and cultural and entertainment.

I come from Veliky Novgorod, which is generally recognized as one of the centers of Russian statehood and one of the centers of culture.

But if everything in the city is so wonderful, what made me leave it?

Pros of country life

Cons of country life

There is also an opinion about the lack of abundance on store shelves. It seems to me that all this is already in the past. Trading networks (Magnit, Pyaterochka, Dixie and many others) have long penetrated rural settlements and are successfully sucking finances out of rural residents.

As for the assortment, it may be for the best that there is no counterfeit on the shelves of rural stores that is on every corner in city stores. From the garden - it is tastier and healthier.

Also, many argue that there is no crime in the village. It only brings an ironic smile to my face. We had one episode when an ATM was stolen from a store. This is the same as saying that there are only alcoholics in the village.

In general, some of these disadvantages can be easily eliminated with the help of finance. Buy yourself a satellite dish, internet... Arrange your home as you want.

Rural life saves our nerves and protects us from everyday stress, unlike the city. And what could be better than living for your own pleasure?

If I missed something or something is wrong, then leave your comments at the end of the article, we will discuss the topic of the village.

Discussion: 5 comments

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