A constructive way to resolve social conflicts. Conditions, factors, ways of constructive conflict resolution

Now about conflict resolution methods. The whole set of methods, depending on the types of conflict resolution models, can be divided into two groups:

  • · the first is conditionally called a group of negative methods, including all types of struggle, pursuing the goal of achieving the victory of one side over the other. The term "negative" methods in this context is justified by the expected end result of the end of the conflict: the destruction of the unity of the conflicting parties as a basic relationship.
  • Let's call the second group positive methods, since when using them, it is supposed to preserve the basis of the relationship (unity) between the subjects of the conflict. First of all, these are various types of negotiations and constructive rivalry.

The difference between negative and positive methods is relative, conditional. In practical conflict management activities, these methods often complement each other. In addition, the concept of "struggle" as a method of conflict resolution is very general in its content. It is known that a principled negotiation process may include elements of a struggle on certain issues. At the same time, the toughest struggle between the conflicting agents does not exclude the moment of negotiations on certain rules of the struggle. Without a struggle between the new and the old, there is no creative rivalry, although the latter presupposes the existence of a moment of cooperation in relations between rivals, since it is a matter of achieving a common goal - progress in a specific area of ​​social life.

The main positive method of conflict resolution is negotiation. Let us consider the most essential characteristics of the negotiation method and methods of its implementation.

Negotiations are a joint discussion by the conflicting parties with the possible involvement of a mediator of contentious issues in order to reach an agreement. They act as a kind of continuation of the conflict and at the same time serve as a means of overcoming it. When the emphasis is on negotiations as part of the conflict, they tend to be conducted from a position of strength, with the aim of achieving a one-sided victory. Naturally, this nature of negotiations usually leads to a temporary, partial resolution of the conflict, and negotiations serve only as an addition to the struggle for victory over the enemy. If negotiations are understood primarily as a method of resolving the conflict, then they take the form of honest, open debates, calculated on mutual concessions and mutual satisfaction of a certain part of the interests of the parties.

When negotiating, both parties operate within the same rules, which helps to preserve the basis for agreement.

American conflictologists Fisher R. and Yuri W. analyze the method of principled negotiations. It consists in the requirement to solve the problem on the basis of its qualitative features, i.e. based on the merits of the case. This method, the authors write, “assumes that you seek mutual benefit wherever possible; and where your interests do not coincide, you should insist on such a result that would be justified by some just standards, regardless of the will of each of the parties. The method of principled negotiations means a tough approach to the consideration of the substance of the case, but provides a soft approach to the relations between the participants in the negotiations.

The method of principled negotiation, or "negotiation based on certain principles", is characterized by four basic rules. Each of them constitutes a basic element of negotiations and serves as a recommendation for their conduct:

  • 1. "Make a distinction between the negotiators and the negotiator", "separate the person from the problem." Negotiations are conducted by people; with certain character traits. Discussing them is unacceptable, as this introduces an emotional factor that interferes with the solution of the problem to the course of negotiations. Criticism of the personal qualities of the negotiators only exacerbates the conflict or, at least, does not contribute to the search for ways to resolve it.
  • 2. "Focus on interests, not positions." Opponents' positions may hide their true goals, and even more so interests. Meanwhile, conflicting positions are always based on interests. Therefore, instead of arguing about positions, one should examine the interests that determine them. There are always more interests behind opposing positions than those reflected in these positions. In other words, behind opposite positions, along with contradictions, there are shared and acceptable interests.
  • 3. "Develop mutually beneficial options." Interest-based negotiation promotes the search for a mutually beneficial solution by exploring options that satisfy both parties. In this case, the dialogue becomes a discussion with an orientation - "we are against the problem", and not "I am against you." With this orientation, it is possible to use brainstorming. As a result, more than one alternative solution can be obtained. This will allow you to select the desired option that meets the interests of the parties involved in the negotiations.
  • 4. "Find objective criteria." Consent as the goal of negotiations should be based on such criteria that would be neutral in relation to the interests of the conflicting parties. Only then will it be fair, stable and lasting. If the criteria are subjective, that is, not neutral with respect to any party, then the other party will feel disadvantaged, and therefore the agreement will be perceived as unfair and ultimately it will not be implemented. Objective criteria follow from a principled approach to the discussion of controversial issues; they are formulated on the basis of an adequate understanding of the content of these problems.

Finally, the fairness of the solutions worked out depends on the procedures used in the course of the negotiations for settling conflicting interests. Among such procedures: elimination of disagreements by drawing lots, delegation of the right to decide to an intermediary, etc. The last way to resolve the dispute, i.e. when a third party plays a key role, is widespread, its variations are numerous.

One of the main ways to resolve conflicts is communication between people. This is the most common method, including negotiation. The essence and technology of communication are widely described in the literature. D. Den in his work "Overcoming Differences" developed a "4-step method". In his opinion, this method serves to achieve agreement between people and their fruitful cooperation. It is based on two rules:

  • · “do not interrupt communication”, as refusal to communicate generates and means conflict;
  • · "do not use power games to win in the struggle for power through coercion, threats, ultimatums."

It is important to prepare suitable conditions for a conversation, which means, in addition to time, also a place and a favorable environment for a conversation. The duration of the dialogue is determined by the time needed to achieve a breakthrough in smoothing out the conflict. The content of the conversation must be kept secret, since its untimely publicity generates rumors, gossip and increases the conflict.

Thus, until a certain time, until a positive result is achieved, the confidentiality of the conversation must be respected. Dialogue, its successful completion implies constant observance of the subject of discussion, exclusion from the conversation of elements that are not related to the problem under discussion (talking about colleagues, about the events of the day, etc.). During the conversation, one should constantly make gestures of reconciliation, not take advantage of the vulnerability of the other and, at the same time, not show unscrupulousness. Conversations about a problem of concern to both sides should be conducted with a focus on a mutually beneficial solution and the exclusion of illusions about its result on the principle of "win-lose". The result of the dialogue is an agreement that describes the relationship of the parties for the future, fixing in writing a balanced, coordinated behavior and actions to implement conflicting interests.

The described methods of communication and negotiations involve the interaction of individuals, teams. In life, conflicts that arise in the environment of mass communities, between not only small, but also large groups, play an important role. Of course, such conflicts can be resolved through various negotiations and types of communication. However, communication in such cases does not take the form of a dialogue, but a multi-subject discussion of problems. These are various kinds of business meetings, seminars, conferences, congresses, etc.

Diverse and with the participation of numerous individuals and organizations, the discussion of controversial, vital for all issues, of course, ensures the resolution of some conflicts. A positive result of such activities is achieved under a number of conditions.

  • - First, ensuring an objective consideration of debatable problems;
  • - Secondly, free discussion of all positions and points of view, with equal opportunities for participation in the discussion of each subject;
  • - Thirdly, the formulation of the results of the discussion in the form of recommendations summarizing the unity of views and positions on certain issues.

These forms are effective in resolving political, ideological, scientific conflict problems. In these forms, democratic principles of discussion and conflict resolution work best.

The use of positive conflict resolution methods is embodied in the achievement of compromises or consensuses between opposing actors. These are forms of ending conflicts, mainly of the "win-win", "win-win" type. They represent the realization of the styles of compromise and cooperation.

  • Yamalov Ural Buranbaevich, master
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University

The article discusses the features of the course of the conflict. The outcome of a conflict situation will largely depend not only and not so much on the causes, factors and models of the course of the conflict, the degree of its development, but on the attitude of the participants themselves to the conflict situation.

  • Algorithms for effective conflict management

Social conflict is the highest stage in the development of contradictions in relations between people, social groups, social institutions, which is characterized by the strengthening of opposing tendencies, the clash of various interests.

The world is arranged in such a way that conflicts arise in almost all spheres of human activity, which are most often based on emotions and personal hostility, and they are associated with aggression, threat, hostility. The conflict is determined by the fact that the conscious behavior of one of the parties: an individual, a group or an organization, conflicts with the interests of the other party. Conflict management is one of the most important functions of a leader (on average, they spend about 20% of their working time). To manage them, it is necessary to know the types of conflicts, the causes of their occurrence, the features of the course, as well as the consequences to which they can lead.

Social conflicts in the life of society are inevitable, since social development is carried out in the conditions of confrontation of various interests, attitudes, and aspirations. However, in a developed society, there are mechanisms for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts within the framework of normalized relations.

Individuals and social groups participating in the conflict are called the subjects of the conflict. The issue that needs to be resolved, or the good, because of which there is a collision, is called the subject of the conflict. The cause of the conflict is the objective social circumstances that predetermine its occurrence. The reason for the conflict is a specific incident or social action that provokes a transition to open confrontation.

The difference between a conflict and peaceful confrontation, competition and rivalry for the possession of certain benefits lies in the sharpness of the conflict, which can take the form of open aggression and violent actions.

At the heart of any social conflict is an acute contradiction.

A contradiction is a fundamental incompatibility of important interests and aspirations (political, economic, ethnic, cultural) of individuals and social groups. Dissatisfaction with the current situation and readiness to change it is expressed in the growth of social tension. A conflict arises when one of the parties begins to openly pursue its aspirations to the detriment of the other, which causes an aggressive response.

The contradiction does not always go into the stage of an open conflict, it can be resolved peacefully or persist in society as an implicit opposition of ideas, interests, trends.

Based on various criteria, types of conflicts are distinguished:

  • by duration: short-term and protracted conflicts;
  • by coverage of participants: global, interethnic, national, local conflicts;
  • by spheres of public life: economic, political, labor, socio-cultural, national-ethnic, family-domestic, ideological, spiritual-moral, legal-legal conflicts;
  • in the sphere of contradictions: interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup conflicts, as well as conflicts of the group with the external environment;
  • by the nature of development: deliberate, spontaneous;
  • by means used: violent (military, armed) and non-violent conflicts;
  • on social consequences: successful, unsuccessful, constructive, destructive conflicts.

Social conflict goes through several stages in its development:

  1. pre-conflict situation - awareness by the parties of the existing contradiction and increasing social tension;
  2. the conflict itself - open actions aimed at realizing the aspirations and satisfying the needs that caused the confrontation;
  3. conflict resolution - the end of the confrontation, the elimination of the causes of the conflict or the reconciliation of the parties on the basis of a compromise;
  4. after the conflict stage - the final elimination of contradictions, the transition to peaceful interaction.

Usually, a social conflict is preceded by a pre-conflict stage, during which contradictions between subjects accumulate and gradually become aggravated.

Before the conflict begins, the parties are aware of the existence of tension due to the dissatisfaction of some important needs, they are looking for ways to resolve the contradiction that has arisen, and they choose ways to influence the enemy.

Most often, social conflict arises due to differences in the level of material well-being, access to power, cultural goods, education, information, as well as differences in religious, worldview, moral attitudes and standards of behavior.

The severity of the pre-conflict situation and the way out of it are determined not only by the significance of the contradiction, but also by the socio-psychological traits of the participants in the conflict: the characteristics of temperament, intelligence, the level of general culture, and communication skills.

The reason for the start of the conflict is an incident - an event or social action aimed at changing the behavior of the opposing side and entailing a transition to open confrontation (verbal debate, economic sanctions, changes in legislation, etc.).

The next stage in the development of the conflict is its escalation, i.e. growth, increase in the scale, number of participants, publicity.

The directly conflict stage of social confrontation is characterized by a set of certain actions that the participants take in order to realize their interests and suppress the enemy.

All participants in a large-scale conflict play a certain role in it, although not all of them are necessarily in a state of confrontation with each other.

Witnesses to the conflict observe the events from the outside, without taking an active part in them.

Mediators are people who try to prevent, stop or resolve a conflict, look for ways to reconcile conflicting interests, and participate in organizing negotiations. Instigators are people who provoke the beginning and further development of the conflict.

Accomplices may not take a direct part in an open clash of opposing subjects, but by their actions contribute to its development, supporting one of the parties.

The resolution of a social conflict is the overcoming of the main contradiction in the interests of the parties, its elimination at the level of the causes of the conflict. The solution to the conflict can be achieved by the conflicting parties themselves without the help of any third parties, or by connecting to the decision of any third party (intermediary). Thus, the conflict resolution model is a set of certain methods for overcoming it. This is far from a randomly chosen method, but directly dependent on the testimony of the diagnostics of a particular conflict.

The models that are used in conflict resolution are formed on the basis of the cultural and legal attitudes in relation to conflict that exist in society, encouraging or prohibiting one or another way of resolving the conflict. The model for resolving any conflict is based on the use of various methods - violent (repression, demonstration of force, various forms of coercion) or peaceful (negotiations, agreements, compromises).

There are four principal ways (models) by which the conflicting parties can resolve their contradictions and get out of the conflict state:

  1. Power (one-sided dominance).
  2. Compromise.
  3. integral model.
  4. Separation of the parties. A certain combination of these four methods is also possible (symbiotic model).

one sided domination(power model) - a method that involves the satisfaction of the interests of one of the conflicting parties at the expense of the interests of the other. Forceful methods of resolving the conflict, in fact, lead to the destruction or complete suppression of the interests of one of the parties to the conflict. In this case, various means of coercion are used, from psychological to physical. This is often a way of transferring blame and responsibility to the weaker party. Thus, the true cause of the conflict is replaced and the dominant will of a stronger subject is unilaterally imposed.

Separation of the parties to the conflict. In this case, the conflict is resolved by terminating interaction, breaking off relations between the conflicting parties, isolating them from each other (for example, divorce of spouses, separation of neighbors, transfer of workers to different areas of production). Separation of the conflicting parties can be done by their retreat, when they both leave the "battlefield". This is how, for example, a skirmish between bus passengers ends when one of them leaves at their stop or a quarrel between neighbors in a communal apartment, which stops after they are relocated.

Model of compromise- a way of reconciling conflicting interests, which consists in mutual concessions in the positions of the conflicting parties. It is important to know that the compromise model for resolving conflicts is based on concessions to conflicts precisely in their interests. Thus, the concept of compromise is used in different senses: in the ordinary sense, these are various concessions to each other, and in the conflict of logic, this is the mutual renunciation of the parties to the conflict from any part of their claims, the mutual sacrifice of interests, for the sake of reaching agreement.

The main advantage of the peaceful resolution of the conflict through compromise is the introduction of the conflict into a constructive framework and the establishment of a process of communication between the parties, finding certain points of agreement (compromise). Nevertheless, a compromise, according to the well-known Western conflict logger K. Lasswell, is “a patchwork quilt that the conflicting parties pull over themselves.” Compromise, as a model for resolving a conflict, is certainly preferable and more civilized than force or disunity, but it is not universal and has its limits of applicability. Do not think that on its basis you can easily resolve any conflict.

Integral model (integral strategy)- provides for the possibility of satisfying the interests of all conflicters, subject to the revision (revision) of their previously formed positions, the goals that they intended to achieve in the conflict. It is called integral not because it combines the qualities and advantages of previous models, but because it is able to integrate the interests of conflicters. When using it, no one sacrifices their interests. Each conflicter seeks to satisfy his interests, and therefore feels like a winner. In order to achieve such a desirable outcome, the conflictors must abandon their position, reconsider their goals that they set in this conflict.

As a rule, the integral model is achieved as a result of negotiations between the conflicting parties, ending with the adoption of an agreed decision. In order for the conflict to be truly resolved, it is important that the conflicting parties agree among themselves, so that they themselves find the most convenient way out of the conflict situation. In practice, conflicting parties usually enter into some sort of negotiation before resorting to violence or breaking up. The integral model of conflict resolution is an important discovery of the twentieth century in the field of public institutions. One of the many paradoxes of modern Russian society is that the most effective and rational way to resolve conflicts is used much less frequently than it should be. In Russia, most of our fellow citizens do not know that there is a similar model for resolving conflicts, and if they do, they do not like to use it. This is explained by a complex of reasons, among which we note the peculiarities of the mentality of Russians, expressed in an increased commitment to forceful decisions, with the peculiarities of education - we are always taught that the goal is above all and the Russians' misconceptions about adherence to principles. Many identify adherence to principles with stubbornness on their own, with a refusal to revise their position in a conflict, regardless of what this position is caused by. At the same time, it is overlooked that the interests of people and their groups are always more important than the goals that they set for themselves in order to achieve these interests. You need to be flexible in setting and changing your short-term goals, constantly looking after your long-term vital interests. Unfortunately, many do the opposite. Refusing to revise their positions, not taking into account the new conditions that have made them unreasonable, they continue to defend them, which complicates the achievement of fundamental interests.

There are also symbioses of conflict resolution methods - models that combine in a certain sequence - force, compromise, disengagement and integral models of conflict resolution.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is difficult to foresee all the variety of conflict situations that life creates for us. Therefore, in resolving conflicts, much should be decided on the spot, based on the specific situation, as well as the individual psychological characteristics of the participants in the conflict.


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Approaches to the Study of Conflict in Social Psychology

The concept and typology of conflicts

Conflict resolution methods

Conflict prevention




Conflicts are the eternal companion of our life. And therefore, even the most consistent policy of humanization in enterprises and institutions and the best methods of management will not protect against the need to live in conflict conditions. Word conflict - Latin root and literally means collision . At the heart of any conflict is a contradiction, which usually leads either to constructive (for example, to strengthening group dynamics, development of the team) or to destructive (for example, to the collapse of the team) consequences.

The purpose of this work is to consider constructive ways to resolve conflicts and prevent conflicts.

The set goal led to the solution of the following tasks: to consider approaches to the study of conflict in social psychology, what is conflict and the typology of conflicts, methods of conflict resolution and conflict prevention.

1. Approaches to the study of conflict in social psychology

Judging by numerous publications, the study of conflicts is conducted from the point of view of various approaches. In order to streamline the results obtained by researchers on the problem of interpersonal conflict, it is necessary to consider these approaches.

There are various classifications of approaches in the literature. The classification proposed by R.L. Krichevsky and E.M. Dubovskaya is the most widely known. They identify the following approaches.

Motivational. The motivational approach is based on the idea of ​​a confrontation between incompatible intentions and goals that guide the behavior of participants in interpersonal interaction;

Cognitive. Within the framework of the cognitive approach, the cognitive aspects of interpersonal conflict are studied. Its occurrence is due, according to experts, the structure of the task, the cognitive structures of the opposing sides, the degree of consistency of their strategies;

Activity. In this case, the study of conflicts is based on the principles of the activity-justice approach. However, the number of works, according to the authors, performed from the standpoint of the discussed approach, is extremely small;

Organizational. In this case, the organizational approach refers to various models of conflict relations in social organization, embodied in a fairly large number of empirical developments.

Among the works of domestic scientists, a systematic approach also stands out. From the standpoint of this approach, conflict is understood as the interaction of complex systems with different goals and ideas about them.

As the researchers write, most Western research on conflict is carried out within the framework of a motivational approach to conflict. Recently, a normative approach has also emerged. It is based on the "polygenetic theory of interpersonal relations" proposed by R.Kh. Shakurov. From the standpoint of the normative approach, social norms and normative expectations play an important role in the emergence, development and resolution of interpersonal conflicts. Interpersonal conflict, from the point of view of this approach, arises as a result of the following interrelated factors: frustration and violation of social norms of interaction in a given situation. At the same time, the process of conflict escalation, the emotions that arose in it, and the change in relationships during the conflict are determined by the action of the mechanisms of formation of interpersonal relations.

In addition to the above classification, which is based on conceptual schemes from which the conflict is studied, there are classifications on other grounds. For example, approaches are divided depending on how researchers approach the causes of interpersonal conflicts. From this point of view, V.A. Fokin identifies the following approaches:

Person-oriented approach - the causes of the conflict are seen in the characteristics of the personality in general or are localized in cognitive processes.

Motivation-oriented approach - the so-called "objective" signs of the situation are emphasized, the specificity of which causes the emergence of a conflict.

The integral approach is an attempt to overcome the one-sided way of explaining the causes of the conflict, i.e. the desire to take into account all possible factors influencing the emergence and course of the conflict.

As V.A. Fokin notes, the motivation-oriented approach leads in terms of the number of explicit and implicit supporters.

Another basis from which the approaches to the conflict are considered is the understanding of the essence of the conflict as a phenomenon. The classification built on this basis is proposed by T.Yu. Bazarov and B.L. Eremin. They distinguish two approaches:

Proponents of the first approach describe conflict as a negative phenomenon. They divide conflicts into constructive and destructive. Most of the works within the framework of this approach give recommendations on manipulation, which is called "conflict management", "conflict management".

Proponents of the second approach consider conflict to be a natural condition for the existence of interacting people, an instrument for the development of an organization, any community, although it has destructive consequences, but in general and over a long period is not as destructive as the consequences of the elimination of conflicts, their informational and social blockade. The second approach assumes the impossibility of managing the conflict and optimizing the interaction, theoretically substantiating the development of the conflict as a self-regulating mechanism.

The general trend in recent years, according to Bazarov T.Yu. and B.L. Eremin, is such that most theorists and practitioners of social psychology tend to the second approach, while maintaining some orientation towards psychological manipulation, psychological mitigation of the destructive consequences of the conflict. The basic thing in this choice is that the first approach is based on subject-object communication, while the second one is based on subject-subject communication.

Speaking about approaches to the study of interpersonal conflict, it is necessary to note the features of the study of conflicts by Western scientists. As a rule, conflict studies by Western scientists are carried out mainly in laboratory conditions with extensive use of mathematics, in particular, game theory. This feature immediately leads to the question of the possibility of applying the results obtained in real situations. The literature also contains criticism of the main theoretical postulates that are used in the study of conflicts by this method:

First, it is the postulate of rationality, according to which the desire to maximize gains is the main determinant of individual behavior. As you know, this postulate does not always correspond to reality. It is indicative, A.I. Dontsov, T.A. Polozova write, that situations where the principle of maximizing gains is violated are either not considered in most studies or are recognized as deliberately inefficient.

Secondly, it is the postulate of a static situation of conflict interaction: it is assumed that an individual initially possesses all the information contained in the matrix description of the situation and once and for all fixes the hierarchy of individual significance of certain actions. It is clear that in reality this principle is also often not fulfilled.

Attempts to find a consistent synthesis of the results obtained are faced, according to the prominent French psychologist M. Plon, with significant difficulties: functioning of social relations, although these latter have never, in essence, been studied.

. The concept and typology of conflicts

A conflict is a relationship between the subjects of social interaction, which is characterized by a confrontation for the presence of opposing motives (needs, interests, goals, ideals, beliefs) or judgments (opinions, views, assessments, etc.).

Another group of concepts in the categorical apparatus of conflictology are concepts that define the main types of conflicts, their typology. The need to classify conflicts is dictated by the research interests of a deeper insight into their essence, as well as the practical needs of the most effective regulation of their various types. Classification depends on the criteria that are taken as its basis. The most common classifications of conflicts are based on criteria such as:

) parties to conflicts,

) the nature of the needs, the infringement of which caused the conflict,

) direction of the conflict,

) time parameters of the conflict,

) the effectiveness of conflicts.

Depending on the parties, the conflicts are divided into:

on intrapersonal,


between the individual and the group



In terms of needs, the blocking of which served as a prerequisite for the conflict, they can be divided into:


status - role-playing,


Conflicts are divided into:

horizontal, arising between business partners, work colleagues;

vertical - between subordinates and superiors.

Mixed in this classification are those conflicts in which both colleagues and leaders of different levels are represented. As practice shows, up to four-fifths of all conflicts in organizations belong to the conflicts of the second and third groups according to this typology.

According to time parameters, conflicts are divided into:



long, sometimes lasting for years and decades, which are often state, national and religious violent conflicts.

And finally, according to the criterion of effectiveness, conflicts are divided into two types:

constructive, normal, positive, in which the groups where they occur retain their integrity, and relations between members of the group - the nature of cooperation, cooperation;

destructive, pathological, negative, when relationships between people acquire uncivilized forms, the nature of opposition, struggle, leading even to the destruction and disintegration of the organization.

Therefore, the most important task of a leader at any level is to solve the problems of conflict management, to prevent their transfer. growing from a constructive to a destructive form, preventing the proliferation, generalization of the conflict. To do this, it is especially important to understand the structure, dynamics, typology of the conflict, i.e. in the entire conceptual and categorical apparatus of conflictology and, above all, in the content of its basic concept - the category of conflict.

3. Conflict resolution methods

All methods are divided into 2 groups: 1) negative, include all types of struggle, aim to achieve the victory of one side over the other. 2) positive, when using them, it is assumed that the basis of the relationship between the subjects of the conflict will be preserved. These are various types of negotiations and constructive rivalry.

The distinction between negative and positive methods is conditional. These methods often complement each other.

No matter how diverse the types of struggle, they have some common features, because any struggle is an action involving at least two subjects, where one of them interferes with the other.

In any struggle it is necessary to be able to: a) choose the field of the decisive battle in the best possible way, b) concentrate the necessary forces in this place, c) choose the optimal moment for striking. All techniques and methods of struggle involve one or another combination of these components.

The aim of the struggle is to change the conflict situation. And this is achieved in three general ways: by direct influence on the opposing subject, his means of struggle, on the situation; change in the balance of power; true or false information of the opponent about his actions and intentions; obtaining an adequate assessment of the opponent's capabilities and the situation. In various methods of struggle, these methods of influence are used in different combinations.

Negotiation is the main positive method of conflict resolution. The theory of negotiations was developed by American conflictologists Fisher R. and Urey W., Den D.

Negotiation - this is a joint discussion by the conflicting parties with the possible involvement of a mediator of contentious issues in order to reach an agreement. They act as a kind of continuation of the conflict and at the same time serve as a means of overcoming it. When the emphasis is on negotiations as part of the conflict, they tend to be conducted from a position of strength, with the aim of achieving a one-sided victory. Naturally, this nature of negotiations usually leads to a temporary, partial resolution of the conflict, and negotiations serve only as an addition to the struggle for victory over the enemy. If negotiations are understood as a property method of conflict resolution, then they take the form of honest, open debate, calculated on mutual concessions and mutual satisfaction of a certain part of the interests of the parties.

The method of principled negotiation, or "negotiation based on certain principles", is characterized by four basic rules.

"Make a distinction between the negotiators and the negotiator", "separate the person from the problem". Negotiations are conducted by people with certain character traits. Discussion of them is unacceptable, because. this introduces an emotional factor that interferes with the solution of the problem in the course of negotiations. Criticism of the personal qualities of the negotiators only exacerbates the conflict or, at least, does not contribute to the search for ways to resolve it.

"Focus on interests, not positions." Opponents' positions may hide their true goals, and even more so interests. Meanwhile, conflicting positions are always based on interests. Therefore, instead of arguing about positions, one should examine the interests that determine them. Behind opposing positions, along with contradictions, are shared and acceptable interests.

"Develop mutually beneficial options." Interest-based negotiation promotes the search for a mutually beneficial solution by exploring options that satisfy both parties. In this case, the dialogue becomes a discussion with an orientation - "we are against the problem", and not "I am against you." With this orientation, it is possible to use brainstorming. As a result, more than one alternative solution can be obtained. This will allow you to select the desired option that meets the interests of the parties involved in the negotiations.

"Find objective criteria." Consent as the goal of negotiations should be based on such criteria that would be neutral in relation to the interests of the conflicting parties. Only then will it be fair, stable and lasting. If the criteria is not neutral with respect to any party, then the other party will feel disadvantaged, and therefore the agreement will be perceived as unfair and ultimately it will not be implemented.

The fairness of the solutions worked out depends on the procedures used in the course of the negotiations for the settlement of conflicting interests. Among such procedures: elimination of disagreements by drawing lots, delegation of the right to decide to an intermediary, etc. The latter way of resolving a dispute, i.e. when a third party plays a key role, is widespread, its variations are numerous.

One of the main ways to resolve conflict is communication between people. This is the most common method, including negotiation. This method is based on two rules: "do not interrupt communication", because the refusal to communicate generates and means conflict; "Do not use power games to win the struggle for power through coercion, threats, ultimatums." In D. Den's description, the named method looks like this:

Step 1: Find time to talk.

Step 2: Prepare conditions.

Step 3: Discuss the problem.

Introductory part:

Express gratitude.

Express optimism.

Remind the cardinal rules.

State the problem.

Invite to talk.

Task 1. Stick to the core process.

Task 2. Support gestures of reconciliation.

Step 4: Sign a contract (if necessary):


Behaviorally specific;

In a written form.

The negotiation process in a specific form - with the participation of an intermediary - mediation. This is the most versatile and successful form of dispute resolution through a third party, independent mediator.

The use of positive methods of conflict resolution is embodied in the achievement of compromises or consensuses between the opposing subjects. These are forms of ending the conflict, mainly according to the "win-win", "win-win" type.

Compromise means an agreement based on mutual concessions.

Distinguish compromises forced and voluntary. The former are inevitably imposed by the prevailing circumstances. Or a general situation that threatens the existence of the conflicting parties. The second ones are concluded on the basis of an agreement on certain issues and correspond to some part of the interests of all interacting forces.

The theoretical and methodological basis for compromises is the position of dialectics on the combination of opposites as a form of regulation and resolution of social contradictions and conflict. The social base is the commonality of certain interests, values, norms as prerequisites for the interaction of social forces and institutions. In the case of a voluntary compromise, there is a commonality of basic views, principles, norms that confront the interacting subjects of practical tasks. If the compromise is coercive, then it may consist of: a) mutual concession on certain issues in the name of ensuring a balance of private interests and goals; b) in uniting the efforts of all the conflicting parties to resolve some of the fundamental issues related to their survival.

The technology of compromises is quite complex, unique in many respects, but still there is something repetitive in its structure. These are some ways of harmonizing interests and positions: consultation, dialogue, discussion, partnership and cooperation. Their use makes it possible to identify common values, to discover the coincidence of views on certain issues, helps to reveal positions on which the conflicting parties need to make concessions, to develop a mutually acceptable agreement on the "rules of the game", or otherwise, the norms and methods of further actions in order to appropriate balance of interests and thereby resolve the conflict.

Consensus is a form of expressing agreement with the arguments of the opponent in a dispute.

Consensus becomes the principle of interaction between opposing forces in systems based on democratic principles. Therefore, the degree of consensus is an indicator of the development of public democracy.

The technology of reaching consensus is more complicated than the technology of compromises. The essential elements of this technology are: a) analysis of the spectrum of social interests and organizations expressing them; b) clarification of the fields of identity and difference, objective coincidence and contradiction of priority values ​​and goals of the acting forces; substantiation of common values ​​and priority goals on the basis of which agreement is possible; c) the systematic activity of the institutions of power of socio-political organizations in order to ensure public agreement on the norms, mechanisms and ways of regulating public relations and achieving those goals that are recognized as generally significant.

4. Conflict prevention

Destructive conflict, like a disease, is easier to prevent or treat when it occurs. The early stage of dealing with the conflict is its prevention, which involves preventing the appearance of the causes of the conflict. Prevention of conflicts in the organization is achieved through a clear organization of work; healthy moral and psychological climate in the team; professionally and socially competent leadership; satisfaction of staff with their stay in the organization; people's confidence in the future, stable employment, etc. In other words, the prevention of conflict involves preventing the occurrence in the team of all the previously considered and some of its other causes.

Conflict prevention, as well as its prevention in general, is served by such measures as:

proper selection and placement of personnel;

continuous improvement of wages in accordance with the changing situation;

the rhythm of work, attention to the working conditions and life of workers;

improving the methods of managing the organization, taking into account the changing situation;

timely provision of resources, their rational and fair distribution;

compliance with the rights and obligations of employees, especially managers, strict control over respect for rights and fulfillment of duties, maintaining high labor discipline;

clear distribution of production tasks, powers and responsibilities;

formation of favorable interpersonal relationships;

strengthening the collective norms of self-regulation of the behavior of employees, team building;

paying special attention to rumors, gossip, petty quarrels, which are usually indicators of unloaded workers and create fertile ground for conflicts;

Ensuring uniform workload for all employees.

Conflict prevention in an organization is carried out by three main actors, subjects: senior management, which determines the general position of this unit in the system of an enterprise or institution; the head of the unit, who outlines the general line of dealing with conflicts and manages them, and the labor collective, who is able to perform educational and regulatory functions, unite people, form in them a sense of group identity, relations of cooperation and mutual assistance, and be the most authoritative arbiter in the event of a conflict.

Despite the importance of all subjects of conflict management, the leading role in dealing with conflicts is played by the immediate supervisor of the unit in which the conflict is brewing or is already developing. To effectively prevent and resolve conflicts, the manager is required to: the ability to analyze the social situation and its conflictological diagnosis; knowledge of the psychology of people and the patterns of their behavior; own restraint, impartiality and consistency in relation to opponents; the ability to conduct individual conversations and negotiations on a principled, business-like basis; sufficient power and authority.

Under normal conditions of the existence of an organization, with the coherence of the actions of the top management, a specific leader and the team, it is in principle possible to exclude conflicts with a negative, destructive orientation from its life. However, it is not always possible to prevent conflicts. In addition, most often this happens and is not advisable. In the event of a conflict, it is important to ensure that the process of its deployment and resolution is managed.


Although relationships with other people should promote peace and harmony, conflicts are inevitable. Every sane person should have the ability to effectively resolve disputes and disagreements so that the fabric of social life is not torn with every conflict, but, on the contrary, is strengthened due to the growth of the ability to find and develop common interests.

To resolve conflict, it is important to have different approaches at your disposal, be able to use them flexibly, go beyond the usual patterns and be sensitive to opportunities and act and think in new ways. At the same time, conflict can be used as a source of life experience, self-education and self-learning.

Conflicts can be great learning material if you take the time to remember what led up to the conflict and what happened in the conflict situation later on. Then you can learn more about yourself, about the people involved in the conflict, or about the surrounding circumstances that contributed to the conflict. This knowledge will help you make the right decision in the future and avoid conflict. social conflict warning


1.Kolominsky Ya.L. Psychology. - Mn., 1993.

2.Vilyunas V.K. Psychology of emotional phenomena. - M., 1973.

3.Izard K.E. Human emotions. - M., 1980.

4.Jung K.G. Problems of the soul of our time. - M., 1996.

5.Anikeeva N.P. Psychological climate in the team. - M., 1989.

6.Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M., 1998.

7.Sieger W. Lang L. Lead without conflict. - M., 1990. Send a request with a topic right now to find out about the possibility of receiving a consultation.

Conflicts are integral part of human life.

The ability to behave competently in adverse circumstances is the key to peace and self-confidence.

For this reason, it is useful for any person to study examples of what conflict situations can be and how to resolve them.

The concept and psychology of conflictology

- what it is? In short, this is clash of interests, opinions and views.

As a result of the conflict, a crisis situation arises in which each participant in the conflict seeks to impose his point of view on the other side.

An unstoppable conflict can lead to open confrontation, in which the subject of the dispute is relegated to the background and the ambitions of the parties come to the fore.

As a rule, as a result of the conflict, there are no losers and winners, since all participants expend their energy and, as a result, do not receive positive emotions.

special danger represent internal conflicts, when a person is tormented by conflicting thoughts and desires that tear him apart. Protracted states of internal conflicts often end in depression and neurosis.

A modern person needs to be able to recognize the emerging conflict in time, take competent steps to prevent the growth of the conflict and eliminate it at the stage of inception.

If, nevertheless, the conflict cannot be immediately extinguished, it is necessary to be able to build a correct and handle conflict well with minimal losses.

How does it arise?

As a result of numerous studies, it was determined that most conflicts arise without the corresponding intentions of their participants.

Often people involuntarily react to the conflictogens of other people, or they themselves are a source of conflictogens, as a result of which a stressful situation arises.

conflictogens- words, actions, deeds leading to conflict. They arise when participants have any psychological problems, or are used purposefully to achieve their goals.

Most conflictogens manifest themselves for the following reasons:

  • thirst for superiority. The desire to prove their worth;
  • aggressiveness. Initially aggressive behavior towards other people, caused by a negative emotional state;
  • selfishness. Striving to achieve your goals at any cost.

How do conflicts arise? True causes and solutions:

Popular methods of resolving the situation

The most effective strategies that are most often used in practice for conflict management are:

About ways to resolve conflicts in this video:

Resolution Methods

From a scientific point of view, there are specific methods for resolving conflict:


Most often used in the professional field. These include:


How to resist aggression and successfully resolve the conflict? Similar ways of resolving conflicts are more used in communication.

In order to successfully resolve the situation using constructive methods, it is necessary to form an adequate perception of the situation among the participants, arrange them for open interaction, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, jointly determine the root of the problem.

Design styles include:


Allows each side to feel like a winner. A similar effect is achieved when the parties agree to abandon their original positions, reconsider the situation and find a solution that satisfies everyone.

The method can only be applied if the parties to the dispute demonstrate flexibility of thinking and the ability to adapt to new circumstances.


The most peaceful, mature way resolution of the situation.

The parties decide on mutual concessions in order to eliminate the negative factors that caused the dispute.

Such behavior of people makes it possible not only to peacefully resolve emerging contradictions without prejudice to anyone but also to build long-term communication relationships.

Way out of the conflict

How to get out of conflict situations? To get out of a difficult situation you need to take the following steps:

  1. Stop using words or doing actions that provoke a negative response from your opponent.
  2. Do not respond to such behavior on the part of the interlocutor.
  3. Demonstrate affection towards another person. You can do this with the help of gestures, facial expressions, words. Smiling, patting on the shoulder, shaking hands, using polite phrases - all this helps to smooth out disputes.

    The interlocutor immediately acquires a positive attitude and the situation is soon resolved.

Examples of conflict situations

In society

It's best to resolve using constructive methods.

For example, the neighbors of an apartment building may come into conflict over the distribution of parking spaces in the yard.

Some neighbors will insist on the organization of clear markings, according to which each car is assigned a specific parking space. Other tenants will advocate for the possibility of a free arrangement of cars.

In this situation the most effective methods of resolving a dispute would be to build a dialogue, joint resolution of the situation through compromise.

It is enough for residents to organize a meeting and make a decision at it that part of the area in the yard is allocated for individual parking, while the other part remains for supporters of arbitrary parking.

Between employees

It is better to solve structural methods.

For example, employees of the same team may come into conflict in connection with inability to work together in the same direction.

Each defines for himself a range of responsibilities, which is not approved by his colleague. The result is the emergence of a conflict situation and the inefficiency of joint work.

The manager of the employees involved in the dispute must apply the methods of clarifying the requirements, setting goals and assigning remuneration.

Each employee will be explained the principle of his work, a clear range of job responsibilities. In front of colleagues common goals will be set, reaching which they will receive the promised reward (bonus, promotion, etc.).

How to properly resolve conflicts? Find out from the video:

Completion Forms

What is the form of the end of the conflict? A conflict of interest can be completed as follows:

  1. Permission. The prerequisites may be the desire of the parties to end the dispute and not return to it in the future. For the final resolution of the conflict may require the involvement of third parties. This is especially true in the area of ​​professional relationships.
  2. attenuation. The dispute may cease to be relevant for one of the parties, or for all participants in the process. In the first case, the other side does not find a response to its own words and actions and is forced to end the conflict. In the second case, the parties simultaneously decide that they do not want to continue the dispute due to fatigue, the end of arguments, loss of interest in the subject of the dispute, etc.

    This type of end to the conflict is not always the case, since when a new stimulus arises, the dispute can resume with renewed vigor.

  3. Settlement. The parties come to a compromise, reach mutual agreements. As a result, the dispute is resolved through constructive dialogue and effective interpersonal interaction.
  4. elimination. The basis of the conflict is eliminated, transformed, modified, etc. In other words, the subject of the dispute ceases to be relevant at the current time and the fact of a conflict of interest automatically disappears.
  5. Growing into a new dispute. Unexplained contradictions on one issue can become a source of new conflicts generated by the primary dispute. Especially often, a similar effect is observed when a remark made by one of the spouses on any issue develops into a mutual exchange of reproaches.

Completion is not always a solution

Does the end of a conflict always mean its resolution? It is important not to confuse the concept of the end of a conflict situation with its resolution.

End of the conflict- this is the moment of the end of the actions of the parties at the current time, the termination of the dispute for various reasons (attenuation, development into a new dispute, etc.)

Completing a dispute now does not guarantee that it will will not reappear after some time. This is due to the fact that the source of the conflict is not dividing anywhere, and the parties have not reached any result.

Conflict resolution involves the conscious application of methods and techniques aimed at correcting the negative situation that has arisen.

The resolved conflict allows the parties to reconcile and no longer return to the subject of the dispute.

Thus, conflict can arise in any area of ​​human life. as a result of the conflict of his interests with the interests of other people.

There are many ways to get out of conflict. It is important to be able to put them into practice before the situation has moved to a serious level.

How to communicate with other people if you have different points of view on some issues with them, in this video:

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Destructive conflict destroys the structure and reduces the effectiveness of the organization. It can arise when one of the opponents resorts to morally condemned methods of struggle, seeks to psychologically suppress the partner, discussing and humiliating him in the eyes of others. Often this is accompanied by violent resistance from the other side, the dialogue is accompanied by mutual insults. The solution to the problem becomes impossible, destroying interpersonal relationships.

Destructive conflicts are generated most often by subjective reasons. Such subjective reasons include the wrong actions of the leader and subordinates, as well as the psychological incompatibility of individuals. The manager usually sees the illegal actions of subordinates better than his own erroneous actions.

According to the latter feature, stabilizing, constructive and destructive conflicts are distinguished. Stabilizing conflicts are aimed at eliminating deviations from the norm, while destructive conflicts, on the contrary, destroy old norms and deepen contradictions.

Constructive (or productive) conflicts between agents, generating new norms of relationships, contribute to the adaptation of MAC in new environmental conditions due to functional and structural restructuring and the establishment of new connections between agents.

Since it is the manager who is the authority that should neutralize the conflict, the analysis of the manager's erroneous actions that lead to destructive conflicts is of particular importance.

Destructive conflicts lead to negative, often destructive actions, which sometimes develop into slander, squabbles and other negative phenomena, which leads to a sharp decrease in the efficiency of the entire team.

One of the best management practices to prevent destructive conflicts is to clarify what results are expected from each employee and department, the level of required results, who provides different information and who receives it, what is the system of authority and responsibility, as well as the procedures and rules adopted.

Networks of this type are most effective in performing group tasks that require creativity, contribute to the fact that group members are satisfied with their activities, since formal equality in decision-making and democracy in the relationship between group members and the leader are observed. Numerous studies conducted in small groups have shown that in a circle-type communication network (for example, a round table), the possibility of destructive conflicts is sharply reduced.

In this case, the enterprise would need not a trade union committee, but a strike committee. Like other members of society, trade union workers must have social responsibility, which involves activities to maintain stability in society, reduce social tension, prevent tantrums and, moreover, destructive conflicts. If it is possible to improve the social protection of workers, ensure their rights in a peaceful way, then the trade union should use it fully. As experience shows, this is exactly the tactics used by the MOPO of OAO LUKOIL, as well as a number of other trade union organizations of TNK. Thanks to this, quite substantial progress has been achieved in creating a system of social protection for workers.

Consequently, the conflict performs two functions: constructive, when the effectiveness of the organization increases as a result of the conflict, and destructive, when it leads to the opposite result. The goal of a leader is not to eliminate or prevent conflict, but to manage it and find a way to make it constructive. Thus, intergroup conflict helps to strengthen solidarity within each of the conflicting groups. If its participants are unhappy with the outcome of the conflict and feel that they have lost something, then this is a destructive conflict; if they are satisfied with the result, then such a conflict is constructive.

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Negative Consequences of Conflicts

The negative, dysfunctional consequences of the conflict include people's dissatisfaction with a common cause, a departure from solving urgent problems, an increase in hostility in interpersonal and intergroup relations, a weakening of team cohesion, etc.

The social destructive impact of the conflict manifests itself at various levels of the social system and is expressed in specific consequences.

When resolving the conflict, violent methods can be used, as a result of which large human casualties and material losses are possible. In addition to the direct participants, those around them can also suffer in the conflict.

The conflict can lead the parties to the confrontation (society, social group, individual) into a state of destabilization and disorganization. The conflict can lead to a slowdown in the pace of social, economic, political and spiritual development of society.

Moreover, it can cause stagnation and a crisis of social development, the emergence of dictatorial and totalitarian regimes.

The conflict can contribute to the disintegration of society, the destruction of social communications and the socio-cultural alienation of social formations within the social system.

The conflict may be accompanied by an increase in pessimism in society and a disregard for customs.

The conflict can cause new, more destructive conflicts.

The conflict often leads to a decrease in the level of organization of the system, a decrease in discipline and, as a result, a decrease in the effectiveness of the activity. The destructive impact of the conflict on the personal level is expressed in the following consequences:

negative impact on the socio-psychological climate in the group: there are signs of a negative mental state (a feeling of depression, pessimism and anxiety), leading a person to a state of stress;

disappointment in one's capabilities and abilities, deintensification of the face; the emergence of a feeling of self-doubt, the loss of previous motivation, the destruction of existing value orientations and patterns of behavior. In the worst case, the consequences of the conflict can also be disappointment, loss of faith in former ideals, which gives rise to deviant behavior and, as an extreme case, suicide;

a person's negative assessment of his partners in joint activities, disappointment in his colleagues and recent friends;

a person's reaction to conflict through defense mechanisms that manifest themselves in various forms of bad behavior:

indentation - silence, lack of straggling, separation of the individual from the group; information that scares - criticism, scolding, demonstrating one's superiority over other members of the group;

solid formalism - formal politeness, letter-writing, the establishment of strict norms and principles of behavior in a group, observation of others;

turning everything into a joke;

conversations on extraneous topics instead of a business discussion of problems;

constant search for the guilty, self-flagellation or accusations of all the troubles of the members of the team.

These are the main consequences of the conflict, which are interconnected and are concrete and relative.

As already mentioned, mental states affect the course of mental processes: memory, attention, perception, sensation, thinking, speech and imagination. At the same time, frequently occurring mental states can become fixed in personality traits.

The criterion for identifying maladaptive mental states is the decrease or loss of a person's control over his state, which, in terms of the strength of experience or duration, exceeds the regulatory capabilities of a person. Many people have had to experience a state of overwhelming fatigue, uncontrollable anxiety, unreasonable cheerfulness, unpredictable aggressiveness, etc. The level of violation of self-control of the state is reflected in the degree of maladaptive behavior, i.e. the less the state is controlled by a person, the deeper the mental maladaptation.

Undoubtedly, maladaptive mental states are one of the factors that increase the likelihood of social conflicts. Rescuers always work in very close communication with each other, often in cooperation with representatives of other departments and very often come into contact with victims. In emergencies, interpersonal contacts are characterized by significant emotional richness and tension, which can contribute to the emergence of conflicts, the unconstructive development of which leads to a decrease in performance efficiency. Participation in the conflict has, as a rule, a negative impact on the mental state of all its participants, contributing to the emergence or aggravation of maladaptive mental states. It is not always possible to avoid a conflict situation, however, one can try to constructively resolve the conflict or minimize the negative consequences of the conflict.

It should be noted that there are several types of conflicts: with human participation and without human participation.

Conflicts involving a person are divided into intrapersonal and social: interpersonal, intergroup.

The classification of conflicts can be carried out on several other grounds: the duration of the course, the content, the strength of the impact on the participants, the form of manifestation, the source of occurrence, the consequences, etc.

First of all, it is necessary to define what social conflict is and what its functions are. social conflict- the most destructive way of developing significant contradictions that arise in the process of social interaction, which consists in the opposition of the participants in the conflict and is accompanied by pronounced negative emotions and feelings.

It should be noted that if the participants in the conflict do not experience negative emotions, or experience, but do not resist, this is a pre-conflict situation.

The influence of the conflict covers several areas: the sphere of mental and, as a result, physical health of the participants; relations between opponents; quality of individual activity; socio-psychological climate of the group; quality of joint activity.

The consequences of conflict can be both constructive and destructive. To destructive consequences of conflicts relate:

- difficulties or impossibility of joint activities of the parties to the conflict;

- increased personal hostility of the participants in the conflict, up to the formation of the image of the "enemy";

- opposition of the parties to the conflict in relation to each other, which damages professional activity;

- manifestation of unproductive competition in relation to other persons;

- decrease in interpersonal communications up to their complete disappearance;

- a decrease in the general background of mood and the effectiveness of individual activity among the participants in the conflict.

Constructive Consequences of Conflict can be expressed in:

— search and development of mutually acceptable solutions;

- removing the hostility of the parties to the conflict in relation to each other;

- emotional release;

- psychological renewal of relationships;

- the emergence of a deeper and more adequate mutual understanding between people.

In order for the consequences of a conflict to be constructive, it is necessary that the parties to the conflict find the opportunity and resources to communicate effectively with each other.

This means that the participants in the conflict need the ability and desire to see the conflict situation from the side of the opponent, analyze conflict situations, look for mutually acceptable solutions, use constructive communication techniques, and regulate their own mental state.

In order to understand what are the causes, possible consequences, conflict factors of the conflict, it is necessary to consider the objective and subjective levels.

The objective causes of conflicts include:

1. natural clash of significant material and spiritual interests of people in the course of their life;

2. poor development of legal and other regulatory procedures for resolving social contradictions that arise in the process of human interaction;

3. lack of material and spiritual benefits that are significant for the normal life of people;

4. stable stereotypes of inter-ethnic relations that contribute to the emergence of conflicts.

The socio-psychological causes of conflicts include:

1. loss and distortion of information in the process of interpersonal and intergroup communication;

2. unbalanced role interaction of people;

3. different criteria for evaluating the results of activities and events;

4. intragroup favoritism;

5. atmosphere of competition and competition;

Personal causes of conflict include:

1. high conflict;

2. inability to see the situation from the side of another opponent or to see the situation without being included in it;

3. the level of claims is inadequate to the abilities and capabilities, excessive ambition;

4. subjective assessment of the partner's behavior as unacceptable, etc.

Of course, the form of conflict resolution depends on the behavioral strategies of both conflicting parties.

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Conflicts, causes of conflicts, types of conflicts, ways to resolve conflicts

Conflict- this is the disagreement of the parties or the conscious behavior of one side in conflict with the other side. Conflicts are designed to help meet people's needs. In a conflict situation, each of the parties seeks to achieve its goal, solve its problems, approve and accept its point of view. In practice, this is often done by infringing on the interests of opponents and eliminating the positions of opponents. Conflict is the highest stage in the development of contradictions, it is the absence of agreement between two or more parties, which may be specific individuals or groups.

Reasons for conflicts:

  • Resource allocation . R-s are always limited and the management must decide how to distribute them among the various groups in order to achieve the goals of the organization in the most efficient way. To allocate a larger share of resources to any one leader, subordinate, or group means that others will receive a smaller share of the total.
  • Task Interdependence . The possibility of conflict exists wherever one person or group is dependent on another person or group for a task. Since all organizations are systems of interconnected elements, if one unit or person does not work adequately, the interdependence of tasks can become a cause of conflict.
  • Differences in purpose. Specialized units formulate their own goals and may pay more attention to their achievement than the goals of the entire organization.
  • Differences in perceptions and values . The idea of ​​a situation depends on the desire to achieve a certain goal. Instead of assessing a situation objectively, people may consider only those views, alternatives, and aspects of the situation that they believe are favorable to their group and personal needs.
  • Differences in behavior and life experiences . Differences in life experience, values, education, seniority, age and social characteristics reduce the degree of mutual understanding and cooperation between representatives of different departments.
  • Poor communications . Poor communication is both a cause and a consequence of conflict. It can act as a catalyst for conflict, making it difficult for individuals or groups to understand the situation or the perspectives of others.

Types of conflicts

1. intrapersonal conflict . It can take various forms

o role conflict, when conflicting demands are made to one person about what the result of his work should be

o production requirements are not consistent with personal needs, interests, values,

o response to work overload or underload.

2. interpersonal conflict . The most common and manifests itself in different ways:

o management struggles to limit resources, capital or labor, time to use equipment, or project approval. This group includes the well-known conflicts between two candidates for promotion in the presence of one vacancy,

o clash of personalities. People with different personality traits, attitudes and values ​​are sometimes just not able to get along with each other.

3. Conflict between the individual and the group .

o if the expectations of the group are in conflict with the expectations of the individual,

o The leader may be forced to take disciplinary actions that may be unpopular in the eyes of subordinates.

4. Intergroup conflict theory .

o In organizations, there may be conflicts between formal and informal groups. Informal groups that believe that the leader is treating them unfairly can rally more strongly and try to "pay off" with him with a decrease in productivity or a conflict between the trade union and the administration.

1. Structural conflict resolution methods:

Job Requirements Explained - this is one of the best management methods that prevents dysfunctional conflict theory. It is necessary to clarify what results are expected from each employee and department. Parameters such as the level of results to be achieved, who provides and who receives various information, the system of authorities and responsibilities, as well as clearly defined policies, procedures and rules, should be mentioned here. Moreover, the leader clarifies these issues not for himself, but conveys them to his subordinates so that they understand what is expected of them in a given situation.

Coordination and integration mechanisms - This is one of the most common mechanisms - a chain of commands. Establishing a hierarchy of authority streamlines the interaction of people, decision-making and information flows within the organization. If two or more subordinates have disagreements on any issue, the conflict can be avoided by contacting the common boss, inviting him to make a decision. The principle of unity of command facilitates the use of hierarchy to manage a conflict situation, since the subordinate knows whose decisions he must carry out.

Corporate Comprehensive Goals - the effective implementation of these goals requires the joint efforts of two or more employees, departments or groups. The idea behind this methodology is to direct the efforts of all participants towards a common goal.

Structure of the reward system - rewards can be used as a method of conflict management, influencing people to avoid dysfunctional consequences. People who contribute to the achievement of organization-wide complex goals, help other groups in the organization and try to approach the solution of the problem in a complex way, should be rewarded with gratitude, bonus, recognition or promotion. It is equally important that the reward system does not encourage non-constructive behavior of individuals or groups. The systematic, coordinated use of a reward system to reward those who contribute to the implementation corporate goals, helps people understand how they should act in a conflict situation so that it is in line with the wishes of the leadership.

2. Interpersonal conflict resolution styles:

Evasion - this style implies that a person is trying to get away from the conflict. His position is not to get into situations that provoke the emergence of contradictions, not to enter into a discussion of issues fraught with disagreements. Then you don't have to get into an excited state, even if you are trying to solve the problem.

Smoothing - with this style, a person is convinced that one should not be angry, because "we are all one happy team, and we should not rock the boat." Such a "slicker" tries not to let out signs of conflict, appealing to the need for solidarity. But at the same time, you can forget about the problem underlying the conflict. As a result, peace and quiet may come, but the problem will remain, which will eventually lead to an "explosion".

Compulsion - within the framework of this style, attempts to force one to accept one's point of view at any cost prevail. The one who tries to do this is not interested in the opinions of others, usually behaves aggressively, uses power by coercion to influence others. This style can be effective where the leader has a lot of power over subordinates, but it can suppress the initiative of subordinates, creating a greater likelihood that the wrong decision will be made, since only one point of view is presented. It can cause resentment, especially among younger and more educated staff.

Compromise This style is characterized by taking the point of view of the other side, but only to some extent.

The ability to compromise is highly valued in managerial situations, as it minimizes ill will, which often makes it possible to quickly resolve the conflict to the satisfaction of both parties.

However, using compromise early on in a conflict over an important issue can shorten the time it takes to find alternatives.

Solution . This style is an acknowledgment of differences of opinion and a willingness to get acquainted with other points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action acceptable to all parties.

The one who uses this style is not trying to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but rather looking for the best solution. This style is the most effective in solving organizational problems. Suggestions for using this style of conflict resolution: define the problem in terms of goals, not solutions; once the problem is identified, determine solutions acceptable to all parties; focus on the problem, not on the personal qualities of the other party; create an atmosphere of trust by increasing mutual influence and information exchange; during communication, create a positive attitude towards each other, showing sympathy and listening to the opinion of the other side.

In the process of labor and social activities, the teacher interacts with other participants in school life. At the same time, conflicts are inevitable. But what remains after the conflict situation largely depends on the teacher. A universal recipe for a constructive solution to the conflict, the aftertaste of which will be the satisfaction of all parties and the acquisition of valuable skills for living in society, is considered in this article.
Influence of genetic factors on the occurrence of conflict situations in adolescence Psychology in parables and examples How to talk with inadequate parents of students and prevent their aggression Yandex.Direct

In the course of his professional activity, the teacher, in addition to his immediate duties related to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, has to communicate with colleagues, students, and their parents.

It is hardly possible to do without conflict situations in daily interaction. And is it necessary? After all, having correctly resolved a tense moment, it is easy to achieve good constructive results, bring people together, help them understand each other, and make progress in educational aspects.

Definition of conflict. Destructive and constructive ways to resolve conflict situations

What is conflict? The definitions of this concept can be divided into two groups. In the public mind, conflict is most often a synonym for hostile, negative confrontation between people due to the incompatibility of interests, norms of behavior, and goals.

But there is another understanding of the conflict as an absolutely natural phenomenon in the life of society, which does not necessarily lead to negative consequences.

On the contrary, when choosing the right channel for its flow, it is an important component of the development of society.

Depending on the results of conflict resolution, they can be designated as destructive or constructive. Bottom line destructive collision is the dissatisfaction of one or both parties with the result of the collision, the destruction of relations, resentment, misunderstanding.

Constructive is a conflict, the solution of which became useful for the parties who took part in it, if they built, acquired something valuable for themselves in it, were satisfied with its result.

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The target team has a harder time than the project team, because work in the target team is, most often, an additional burden on the permanent duties of specialists. Sometimes they require skills that they do not use in their daily activities, and often they have to learn new things on the go and from their own mistakes.

The preparatory work for project teams is usually the same as for target teams. Your two main areas of focus should be team building and focus.

Team activity focus

From my own experience, I can say that the target teams have much fewer sponsors than the project ones. And specialists consider work in the target team as freelance work for an additional fee. When starting the work of the target team, it is important to immediately determine the right focus.

To ensure your team has strong support within the organization, find a sponsor or contact the manager who proposed the task for this target team and review the following important questions with them.

What problem should the target team study and why is it important for the organization?

What results are expected from your team, for example: recommendations for solving a problem, development of a solution program, its implementation, or other?

What resources, from personnel to finance, do you need to complete the assignment well?

Team building

Often the most difficult task at the initial stage of team formation is attracting the necessary specialists to work.

Employees who accept an invitation to a team without enthusiasm are more likely to work carelessly. If you form a team of such specialists, then you will do all the work yourself.

Recruitment is carried out by management. If the selection of team members is being done for you and instead of you, say a firm “no” to whoever the initiative comes from. If the leader is not involved in the target team, he should not decide who will be included in it; only you can determine who will work effectively in a team. Of course, you can listen to the recommendations of other people, but the decisive vote should remain with you.

Inclusion in the team of any interested person

Volunteers are good simply because they are interested in the task that the target team is working on. On the other hand, not all applicants have enough qualifications or teamwork skills to successfully work in the target team. If an unqualified enthusiast offers to help you, politely thank him, but refuse the help and look for a suitable specialist.

You may not know all the people in your organization who are qualified to work on your target project. Therefore, define the selection criteria and ask the leaders of other groups to recommend appropriate specialists.

When inviting an employee to the team, discuss the following questions with him:

The purpose of the team.

Why are you inviting him; Tie this reason to the team's overall goal.

The period for which the work of the team is calculated, and the planned workload.

Then answer all the questions of the potential team member and don't forget to ask him a simple and very important question: Will you join the team?