Cubes for child development. Master class on the theme "Game technology" Cubes B

Educational games Nikitin

Boris Nikitin came up with a lot of educational games for his children. These games and exercises are truly unique, and so far nothing has been created either in our country or abroad that could surpass Nikitin’s cubes in their didactic capabilities: “Fold a pattern”, “Fold a square”, “Unicube”.

Educational games Nikitin combine one of the basic principles of learning - from simple to complex - with a very important condition for creative activity - to do everything yourself. This union made it possible to solve several problems related to the development of creative abilities in the game at once:

1. Educational games can provide food for the development of creative abilities from an early age.

2. Their task-steps always create conditions ahead of the development of abilities.

3 . Rising each time independently to his "ceiling", the child develops most successfully.

4. Educational games can be very diverse in their content, and besides, like any games, they do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity;

5. Playing these games with their children, parents imperceptibly acquire a very important skill - to control themselves, not to interfere with the child to think and make decisions on his own, not to do for him what he can and should do himself.

Game Features

The main difference between Nikitin's games is that when playing them, the child acts as an active side and he is not brought up with the ability to perform work according to the proposed template, but develops logical and imaginative thinking, creativity, the ability to recognize and build an image, the ability to independence.

For the most part, games are presented in the form of multifunctional puzzles that provide room for creativity. They can be customized to suit your level, your interests. Each game has a set of tasks that the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares made of cardboard or plastic, parts of a mechanical designer, etc.

Nikitin's games can be expanded, improved, come up with new tasks.

Rules of the game

At first, no one explains the rules of the game to the child, does not show how it should be. The kid himself solves the problem from start to finish.

This technique allows the child to independently seek a solution to unknown problems, create something new, which leads to the development of his creative abilities. The adult, on the other hand, makes sure that the level of the task is not too easy and not too difficult, and "corrects" and "directs" the child's actions. And rejoicing will be a reward for a successfully found solution, and an incentive for future victories.

Using Nikitinsky educational games in classes with a child, certain principles must be followed (according to the book by B. Nikitin “Steps of creativity or educational games”):

1. The game should bring joy to both the child and the adult. Each success of the baby is a mutual achievement: both yours and his. Rejoice in him - it inspires the baby, this is the key to his future success. Watch how happy children are when they manage to make us laugh or make us happy.

2. Interest the child in the game, but do not force him to play, do not bring the game to satiety. And one more thing ... refrain from offensive remarks like: “Oh, you are a fool!”, “What a slow-witted you are!” etc. Do not offend the child in the game.

3. Educational games - creative games. All tasks must be done independently by the children. Be patient and do not prompt with a word, or a sigh, or a gesture, or a glance. Give the opportunity to think and do everything yourself and look for mistakes too. Rising gradually and coping with more and more difficult tasks, the child develops his creative abilities.

4. To get a feel for the relative difficulty of tasks, before giving tasks to children, be sure to try them yourself. Write down the time it takes you to complete a task. Learn to do it faster.

5. Be sure to start with the tasks that you can do, or the easier parts of them. Early success is a must.

6. If the child does not cope with the task, then you overestimate the level of his development. Take a break, and after a few days start with easier tasks. Even better, if the baby himself begins to choose tasks, taking into account his abilities. Don't rush him.

7. If there is more than one child in the family, then everyone needs a set of games, it is best if there are boxes for all the players.

8. In what order should the games be given? The author would start with the game "Fold the Pattern" or "Montessori Frames and Inserts." Here the child needs to distinguish colors and shapes. And the general rule is to observe the development of the child, write down his progress in the diary and determine when and which of the games to “turn on”. This is a creative task for dad and mom.

9. Children's hobbies come in "waves", so when a child's interest in the game cools down, "forget" about the game for a month or two or even more, and then "accidentally" (show, for example, to guests or a friend and teach him to play) let the baby remember her. Coming back to the game is often like meeting up with an old friend you haven't seen in a while. Try to write down the successes, shifts, achievements of each of the "waves" of passion for the game.

10. Take care of games, do not put them on a par with other toys in terms of accessibility. After all, the forbidden fruit is sweet, and it is better if the child asks them or offers to play himself. Let them stand in a prominent, but not very accessible place.

11. For the smallest (1.5-3 years old), enliven the game with a fairy tale or story, give “names” (together with the baby, of course) to patterns, models, drawings, figures, invent, fantasize until the child begins to be carried away by the very process of overcoming difficulties in solving problems, achieving the desired goal.

12. The more a quality is developed in a baby, the more it craves manifestation. The strong one wants to fight, the fast one wants to run and play outdoor games, but the weak one does not like it. A child can “not be interested in playing” for two main reasons: he has poorly developed qualities that are needed in the game, or ... adults discouraged him by forcing him to play or causing trouble at the very beginning. Therefore, praise more for successes and, in case of failure, cheer up the baby.

13. Create a relaxed atmosphere in the game. Do not hold back the child's motor activity, so that you can jump with delight, and do somersaults on the rug, and fly to the ceiling on your father's hands.

14. When folding patterns or models according to ready-made tasks has already been mastered, proceed to inventing new ones. Get a notebook, sketch there (or better if the baby himself does it) new tasks, patterns, shapes.

15. Better with a stopwatch, but you can also arrange competitions for the speed of solving problems by the hour. Rapidly developing children from the age of 6-7 can defeat adults. In this case, one must muster up the courage and honestly admit one's defeat in a chivalrous way. It's hard to come up with a big reward for a child. Don't think that your credibility will suffer.

16. etc. - these are the rules that you ... will find yourself to make the game even more fun.

Briefly about the most popular games of B. Nikitin

Montessori frames and inserts . This game is for the little ones. It consists of 16 frames with inserts in the form of geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a triangle, an ellipse (oval), a rectangle, and so on. The main task is to choose your insert for this frame. In addition, frames and inserts can be outlined and then shaded.

Lay down the pattern. This game consists of 16 wooden cubes, where each face has a certain color. The cubes must be packed in a wooden or cardboard box (it is mandatory). Nikitin advises to start playing with them from a year and a half. With such little kids, you can lay out paths from cubes: blue, red, yellow. Then the child learns to stack the cubes in a box with a certain color up. And only after that the baby proceeds to perform simple patterns.

With this set, you can study according to the books “Miracle - cubes. Album with tasks for the game “Fold the pattern” for children 2-5 years old and “Miracle - cubes - 2. Album with tasks “Fold the pattern” for children 4-8 years old.

Make a square. This puzzle game is for children from two years old. The game includes 12 multi-colored squares, cut into pieces: from two rectangles, from two triangles, etc. The child needs to reassemble the squares from the cut pieces.

Unicube. These are universal cubes that introduce the baby to the world of three-dimensional space. "Unicube" is 27 small wooden cubes with colored edges. The child needs to add various three-dimensional figures and compositions from them according to the proposed schemes. The game is intended for children from 1.5 years old.

Dots. Dots from zero to ten are marked on square multi-colored cards. In addition, there are cards with numbers. First, the child needs to arrange the squares by color, then in order: from 0 to a card with ten dots (or numbers), etc.

Cubes for everyone. The game consists of small cubes, glued to each other in different ways in the form of 7 figures, different in shape and painted in certain colors. From such figures, it is necessary to construct various models, resembling a cube or a parallelepiped, houses, cars, animal figures, etc. according to the proposed drawings-tasks. Toddlers can build their models using only 2-3 shapes.

Fractions. The game is intended for children from 3 years old. It is a set of three plywood. On each there are 4 circles of the same size in different colors. The first circle is whole, the second is cut into two equal parts, the third into three, and so on, up to 12 “slices”. With their help, you can repeat the colors, count the nested pieces, while you can make a multi-colored circle, compare them with each other.

B. Nikitin's developing games are described in more detail in his book, which is called just that - "Intellectual Games". It also provides tips on how to play with your child.

You can refer to the book by Lena Danilova "A New Look at Nikitin's Games", in which she supplements and enriches the tasks for Nikitin's games and helps parents look at his games a little differently. In her book, she writes: "Nikitins' games can be compared to musical instruments, unique, multi-voiced universal instruments."

Material for the lesson.

Nikitin games designed to develop the child's intellectual and creative abilities from the very first years of life. Their authors are famous innovative teachers, spouses and parents of seven children, Boris Pavlovich and Lena Alekseevna Nikitin. This outstanding family also owns the development of a unique method of early development. It is based on the upbringing and upbringing of the baby as a free person: he independently learns the world while playing. After all, according to B.P. Nikitin, "the game is usually called the main activity of the child."

It is assumed that the child performs the proposed tasks without outside help. The role of an adult is to provide the child with the right environment: games should always be easily accessible, and the demands on the player should be moderate. Do not demand a momentary answer from the child, perhaps it is worth waiting a little longer - and he will find a solution in no time!

Such a principle of education develops in a child not so much performing qualities as an independent creative initiative, the ability to invent, create and make decisions on his own.

The child's interest in Nikitin's educational games only increases over the years. The reason for this phenomenon lies in a special, carefully thought-out system of game tasks. Each game comes with a lot of tasks of different levels of complexity: the child will cope with some already at 2-3 years old, while others will become too tough for him only at school (and even after it).

Most of Nikitin's games are all kinds of cubes: "Fold the Pattern", "Unicube", "Chameleon". By flipping and combining their colorful faces, your little one will create an endless array of patterns and 3D models. First, it is better to work according to the model, and then show your imagination and come up with your own buildings. There are even special albums for playing with the “Fold the pattern” set, where the child is invited to decorate colorful pictures with multi-colored cubes.

A special place among Nikitin's games is occupied by Cubes for All and Bricks. The first game, with its intricate details, resembles a three-dimensional Tetris, and the second, on the contrary, consists of identical wooden blocks. Both sets teach one thing: to assemble three-dimensional figures according to real drawings. After this part of the tasks is mastered, the child will look at the game from the other side: after all, you can first create your own drawings, and then assemble various models based on them.

Widely known are Nikitin's games, made on the principle of "cut pictures": "Fold the square" and "Fractions". These kits are divided into categories according to the level of complexity, and the higher this category is, the more parts the child needs to assemble a circle or square from.

Even in the recent past, parents made all these manuals with their own hands. The author himself emphasizes that this is possible in his book "Intellectual Games". However, why waste time if you can buy Nikitin's games at very attractive prices in the Smart Toy online store!

Game Description

We bought these cubes at the store a long time ago. We, adults, tried to complete the tasks, but ... it was not there. With great difficulty, we managed to master only one thing - to put a cube out of all 7 figures. And these cubes were forgotten for many years. The children grew up, we came up with different games and soon found that children are far superior to us adults in the ability to solve such problems. The older guys found these forgotten cubes, quickly solved all the tasks and began to come up with new ones. The kids immediately joined them. I had to urgently make several more of the same sets of large and small cubes, and the hobby swept over the whole family. The kids preferred to build simpler models from 2–3 figures, the older ones preferred more complex ones, from 4–5 or even from all 7.

To put together an interesting model, it was necessary to tinker with the cubes for a long time and hard. Therefore, everyone rejoiced at each successful model, and in order not to forget it, they sketched it. A difficulty arose: how to distinguish each figure in a complex model? Where, what and how is the figure placed?

I had to paint all 7 figures in different colors. Six in the main ones, and the seventh figure was left white so that when drawing on paper, it did not have to be painted. Now everyone, even the smallest ones, could both sketch their model and paint over all the figures in it with the appropriate color. The model is thus preserved.

The models turned out to be different - and strict geometric shapes in the form of a cube or parallelepiped, and could resemble houses, cars, figures of animals and people, or simply represent interesting symmetrical structures. So the idea to make a new game was born. After a few months, several hundred drawings of new models accumulated, of which we selected 70.

The game teaches to think in spatial images (volumetric figures), the ability to combine them and is much more complex than games with ordinary cubes. Apparently, that's why schoolchildren are so partial to her.

How to make a game

27 identical dice are required to make the game. Of these, 7 figures are glued, different in shape: the first figure of 3, and the rest of 4 cubes each (Fig. 45).

Rice. 45

When gluing, pay attention to the accuracy of the edges. After the glue has dried, sand the planes so that the figures fit snugly against each other when folded, and slightly round the ribs with sandpaper (0.5 - 1 mm). Color figure 1 green, 2 blue, 3 yellow, 4 black, 5 red, 6 white and 7 brown.

To store the figurines, make a cardboard box with a lid measuring 3x5x2 cubes, i.e. if the edge of the cubes is 30 mm, then the box is 95x155 mm and 60 mm deep. In such a box, not 27, but 30 dice can fit, so it will be easier to put the figures after the game, since there will also be an empty place for 3 dice.

Carefully consider the tasks for the game (Fig. 46).

Rice. 46

Rice. 47

Rice. 48

Rice. 49

Rice. fifty

Rice. 51

If your child still cannot read, does not know numbers and cannot focus on a particular drawing, then in this case it is better to draw individual tasks on sheets of thick paper and then these tasks can be grouped into their series, for example, KV-1, KV- 2. For convenience, each manufactured series can be folded into a separate envelope or paper bag and write the name of the game and the name of the series on it.

The KV-1 series is the simplest, it is needed for the first acquaintance with the game and in order to teach kids to recognize figures by shape and color, and later by numbers. The task numbers from 1 to 7 coincide with the numbering of the figures, only they are set differently than in Fig. 45. This is done so that parents can make sure that the baby recognizes the figurine and understands how to put it on the table.

It is assumed that, looking at the task, the kid will build models from the figures - copies of the drawn ones. At first, of course, the simplest ones, and then, growing up and becoming smarter, more and more complex, until they even overcome the KV-7 series. And for the baby, only drawings-tasks will be needed. If he cannot cope with any task, then he will postpone it and take on another, third, or even postpone the game for a while.

How to play

The rules of the game in "KB" are similar to the rules of the game "Unicube". Having put a drawing-task in front of him, the kid builds exactly the same model from the figures as the one drawn. Having built one, he moves on to the next, more complex one, and so on.

In fact, the kid here has to solve two problems at the same time: firstly, choose only 2–3 out of 7 figures (or more if the model is complex) that are necessary to build the model; secondly, to give these figures the position they occupy in the model, that is, to connect them and put them in the model.

The first part is, therefore, a mental analysis of the drawing-task - into what figures it can be divided, and the second is a synthesis, first mental, and then objective. By forcing the child to continuously engage in such analytical-synthetic activity, and even at the “ceiling” of his abilities, that is, to strain to the limit, the game quickly develops in him what is usually called ingenuity and which in reality is perhaps the most important feature. every creative mind.

But the construction of models according to the drawings-assignments is a relatively simple, preparatory part, laying the foundation for the main, creative work. It begins from the moment when the child begins to invent and add new models that are not in the book. This is what parents can and should really admire, this must be supported and encouraged in every possible way. Figures for the game have almost inexhaustible possibilities of various combinations and allow you to make a huge number of different models or different versions of the same model. For example, you can put all 7 figures in a cube according to task 61 in several dozen ways.

The kid can be asked to first make models from only 2 figures, for example, from the 1st and 2nd, 1st and 3rd, from the 1st and 4th, etc. And then put the 1st figure aside and apply to the 2nd all the other figures in turn. Some of these models may seem beautiful, interesting, reminiscent of something to you or a child; for example, model 39 resembles a sofa, model 47 resembles a robot, model 64 resembles a giraffe, etc. Such interesting models, of course, must be preserved and, therefore, sketched.

To do this, give the child a box of colored pencils of 6 pieces and a special notebook in a cage on which you or the child will write: “For Vanya’s new models ...” It’s good if it contains several pages for models of the KV-2 series (from 2 figures), the following are for models of the KV-3 series, and so on for each series. By sketching new interesting models and marking the date, you can observe how the baby is developing. When he starts to fill the section for the KV-7 series, then we can consider that his development is quite high.

To develop a child's interest in the game, one must try to follow the rules of the game, which are mentioned at the beginning of the book, and come up with new ones. For example, in this game, difficult for adults, a child can get carried away inventing new models, and then compiling tasks for adults.

Let the kid himself sketch a new model, and then make only its outline. Adults do not need to be embarrassed, let them take the box with the game as seriously as a kid, put a “new task” in front of them and try to fold the model. And let the child play the role of a senior, teaching and controlling. Nothing if he puts a clock or a stopwatch in front of him and measures who is faster, dad or mom, coped with his own task.

As you know, Boris Pavlovich Nikitin became famous for the fact that in pedagogy he got away from orders, compulsions and ... tips. He developed a whole developmental system for the early development of a child, which was later embodied in his games, the main essence of which can be reduced to two formulas: “do it yourself” and “from simple to complex”. All the cubes and educational games of the Nikitins "work" precisely according to these principles.

All Nikitins' educational games have several levels of difficulty so that the child can "grow" from simpler tasks through medium to complex ones. As Nikitin himself writes, “The tasks are arranged in ascending order of complexity and have a very wide range of difficulties: from accessible to a 2-3-year-old to sometimes overwhelming for an adult. Therefore, games can arouse interest for many years.”

If you purchased Nikitin's intellectual games for a baby, start the classes by putting a drawing-task in front of the baby, suggesting that he build the depicted model from the figures. Having built one, he moves on to the next, more complex one. The child here has to solve two problems at the same time: choose only the necessary figures from several figures and give these figures the position they occupy in the model. The first part is, therefore, a mental analysis of the drawing-task, and the second is a creative one.

B.P. himself Nikitin writes about his educational games: “The first patterns may be easy for a child, that is, below his capabilities, but, climbing, like a ladder, from pattern to pattern, he approaches those that will make him make every effort, turn on all mental and volitional abilities "at full capacity." This process makes the child very happy - he sees his successes, feels great satisfaction from the fact that it is difficult, but it turned out!

In our online store you can buy games and Nikitin's cubes, the game "fold the square", Nikitin's fractions, Unicube and others.

The early development of a child is the foundation of his further growing up. Experts recommend many methods, one of the most popular is Nikitin's cubes. An educational puzzle-type game has a great effect on the logic, attentiveness, imagination, perseverance of the child. You can start studying as early as one and a half to two years and, increasing the complexity of tasks, play until school age.

What are Nikitin cubes

The famous teacher Boris Nikitin, when creating his unique intellectual tasks for children, adhered to the principle that the child should think of the rules of the game himself. Among its main tasks are the development of independence, the desire to create something new, the training of logical and abstract thinking. Wooden or plastic Nikitinsky cubes are sold in 16 pieces per set.

Each figure has 6 faces, which are painted in different colors. As a rule, these are red, green, blue and yellow. The child needs to collect one-, two-, three- or four-color pictures, based on tasks from a special album. Nikitin's technique involves different options for puzzles, for example, "Fold the pattern", "Dice for everyone", "Bricks", "Fold the square" and "Unicube".

How to play

The essence of the game is to add pictures from cubes into a pattern or shape. Tasks differ from each other in terms of difficulty. The simplest task is to fold the figures into a 4:4 square. Later, when the child gets comfortable, you can add patterns with many faces. For example, you can build a turret or a snake, a Christmas tree, a house, a flower, a tree. The finished outlines of the drawings will look like some kind of object or simply resemble an interesting pattern.

In his book “Steps of Creativity, or Educational Games”, Nikitin recommends organizing the game in such a way that the activities bring pleasure to the child himself - the puzzle should interest the kid so that in the future he himself would be drawn to collect new figures. The smallest can simultaneously tell a fairy tale or a fascinating story related to the figure being assembled. Nikitin blocks are suitable for collecting any multi-colored patterns.

However, do not disturb the children with hints: it is better if the baby himself comes up with a figure, even if it differs from the given sample. It is also better to look for errors yourself.

In addition, Boris Nikitin gives parents some advice:

  • During classes, refrain from remarks if something does not work out for the child.
  • If the child cannot cope with the exercise, then it is still too difficult for him and it is too early to start doing it. It is recommended to take a break and then start with easier examples.
  • If there are several children in the family, it is better if everyone has their own sets.
  • Do not oversaturate children with this game. Over time, she will get bored, then it is worth returning to the cubes in a couple of months.
  • When the baby moves on to the figures, it will be possible to offer him to make sketches of the resulting objects.
  • You can arrange competitions in collecting figures for a while, so the children will feel a slight excitement and a desire to do their best.

Types of Nikitin cubes

Practitioner Boris Nikitin developed his own method of developing games 40 years ago. The first children who grew up on his toys were the teacher's own grandchildren. Now developing games are known not only in Russia, but all over the world.

Before deciding to buy, decide what qualities you would like to develop in a child: logic, eye, fantasy, logical and spatial thinking, etc. Based on this, choose a set. Nikitin's technique for children leaves room for choice for every taste: decide what colors the edges will be painted in, how many parts the manual consists of.

fold the pattern

The simplest option is a set of 16 plastic or wooden cubes and an activity book packed in a box. This technique is also called Nikitin puzzles. It is suitable for beginners.

  • Model Name: "Fold the Pattern Set"
  • Price: 550 rubles
  • Characteristics: developmental technique for preschool children, the product is presented in different colors.
  • Pros: develops imagination, color perception, the ability to combine, mental operations of comparison, analysis and synthesis.
  • Cons: cubes are very small (2:2 cm).

Fold the square

For children who have already mastered the simplest tasks, game options with uneven coloring of figures are suitable:

  • Model Name: Fold the Square Set
  • Price: 3500 rubles
  • Characteristics: a set of three parts, each - 12 squares of different colors, which are divided into parts (triangle, rectangle, etc.). This game is intended for children from two years old. The child has to put back the cut square.
  • Pros: develops logical thinking, the ability to build to the whole, eye ..
  • Cons: the presence of small parts, chips and burrs on the squares, and a high price.


A useful skill will be the ability to collect three-dimensional shapes - from geometric to funny houses or little animals. There are special kits for this:

  • Model Name: Unicube Set
  • Price: 680 rubles
  • Product specifications: The puzzle consists of twenty-seven universal six-sided identical cubes with colored edges. From them it is necessary to collect three-dimensional figures. The game can be offered to children from one and a half years.
  • Pros: develops spatial thinking, the ability to combine, self-control.
  • Cons: not found.

Cubes for everyone

When the child gets used to the cubes, you can offer him one of the most difficult games in the series. At an advanced level, children can collect objects from two or three figures - animals, a house, cars. The estimated age of the child is 5-7 years.

  • Model name: "Set "Bright Cubes"
  • Price: 590 rubles
  • Characteristics: The puzzle consists of seven complex figures that differ in shape and color. The kit includes a brochure with examples of tasks.
  • Pros: the ability to combine, attention, imagination.
  • Cons: the presence of chips on the edge of the cubes.


Those parents for whom the environmental characteristics and safety of toys are of great importance will like the variation with wooden blocks. They are more durable, although the baby may like less bright light plastic cubes.

  • Model Name: Little Bricks Set
  • Price: 400 rubles
  • Features: Includes eight wooden blocks with solid color edges and a task pad. The age of the child is from three years.
  • Pros: helps to develop visual-effective and spatial thinking, an eye.
  • Cons: not found.

How to choose Nikitin cubes

Like any other toy, Nikitin's developing cubes should be chosen based on the wishes of the child. If he liked the wooden blocks, do not impose multi-colored cubes or squares. When choosing Nikitin's cubes, it is worth considering the age of the child and the complexity of the game, the psychological and physiological characteristics of the baby.

You need to start simple. Even if the task seems elementary to you, let the child build an example: let him feel the taste of victory, and only then move on to a more difficult level using task albums.

The game is easy to find in free sale. You can buy Nikitin's cubes in toy stores, order in online stores. Another option is to buy it on the official website of the Nikitin family with delivery from Moscow or St. Petersburg by mail. The price of Nikitin's cubes varies from 350 rubles to 3500 rubles: the exact cost from the manufacturer, materials, set size. On the official site it will be more expensive, but better.
