What language did the Sumerians speak? Sumerian writing

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How many words are in Sumerian?

How many words do you need to know to navigate the Sumerian texts? How many of them are there? Not millions. There are 3,064 different words used in Sumerian literary texts. More than a thousand of them are used only 1 or 2 times and they can be classified as rare. Others are used much more frequently. Frequency dictionaries are compiled according to this principle. Words that are used most often come first. To understand every fourth word in the Sumerian texts, it is enough to know the 23 most used. the words. And every third is only 36. If you imagine that every sentence in any language can be reduced to a tripartite information that "someone" + "something" + "did", then in almost every Sumerian sentence you will understand at least one word out of three. And if you know 172 words, then already 2 out of three ... Knowing only 79 of the most common words, you can say without deceit that you know the Sumerian language "half ..." Of course, this is a joke. It is a rich and developed language, with almost as many words as the Bible. But nonetheless...

#25 The first 25 words make up ©26.7% of all words in Sumerian texts. Sumer: Sumerian language
December 26th, 2010
Occurrence (frequency of use) for every 1,000 words of Sumerian texts:
The list is based on an analysis of 411 original Sumerian literary texts, totaling 131,106 words. This does not include proper names, geographical names, and so on, which are given in a separate list.
@arc4 TALK 21.1
@ ki EARTH 18.6
@ shu PALM 15.4
@gal BIG 13.5
@lu2 MAN 13.3
@ e2 HOUSE 12.3
@ gar LAY 12.3
@ step4 HEART 11.5
@ chicken MOUNTAIN 11.3
@ lugal KING 10.8 ("big man")
@ oud DAY 10.8
@igi EYE 10.2
@ kug LIGHT 9.5
@ en SKY 9.4
@ sag HEAD 8.9
@ en LORD 8.7
@ e3 ENTER or EXIT 8.5
@ak DO 8.5
@ lip BET 7.8
@ gene GO 7.7
@gal2 BE 7.7
@ nig2 THING 7.6
@ iri CITY 7.2
@de6 CARRY 7.1
@ zid RIGHT 7.1

#50 ©40.3% Sumer: Sumerian: Dictionary of Sumerian
December 26th, 2010
@ "gi4" RETURN 7.0
@ "max" POWERFUL 6.8
@ "inim" WORD 6.5
@ "me" BE 6.5
@ "dingir" GOD 6.4
@ "a" WATER 6.4
@ "dumu" CHILD 6.4
@"arc3" GOOD 6.3
@ "zu" KNOW 5.9
@ "a2" HAND 5.6
@ "me" LIVING BEING 5.5
@ "noise2" GIVE 5.1
@ "la2" HANG 5.1
@ "us" DESTINY 5.1
@ "sa2" EQUAL 5.0
@"il2" RAISE 4.9
@ "nin" MRS 4.7
@ "du3" RECTIFY 4.6
@ "tar" CUT 4.5
@ "sag9" GOOD 4.4
@"ge26" i 4.4
@ "gu2" NECK 4.3
@ "gu3" VOICE 4.2
@ "kalam" SUMER 4.2
@ "tuku" TAKE 4.0
*** The first #50 words cover 40.30% of the Sumerian texts.

#75 ©49.1% Sumer: Sumerian: Dictionary of Sumerian
December 26th, 2010
@ "gu7" IS 4.0
@ "du8" spread 4.0
@ "ama" MOTHER 4.0
@ "mu" NAME 4.0
@ "de2" LIT 3.9
@ "zig3" INSERT 3.9
@ "dub5" GRAB 3.8
@ "pad3" FIND 3.8
@ "te" CLOSER 3.7
@ "ar2" MEASURE 3.6
@ "ur-sag" HERO 3.6 ("dog's head")
@ "chur9" ENTER 3.5
@ "court" FAR 3.5
@ "for" YOU 3.5
@ "there" BORN 3.4
@ "ah-ah" FATHER 3.4
@ "ka" MOT 3.3
@ "si" ROG 3.3
@ "kettlebell3" LEG 3.2
@ "hul2" JOYFUL 3.1
@ "ug3" PEOPLE 3.1
@ "us2" NEIGHBOR 3.0
@ "ni2" FEAR 2.9
@"nun" PRINCE 2.9
@ "fur coat" FALL 2.7
*** The first #75 words cover 49.14% of Sumerian texts. Sumer * Sumerian * Sumerian

#100 ©55.1% Sumer: Sumerian: Dictionary of Sumerian
December 26th, 2010
@ "gud" BULL 2.7
@ "zag" SIDE 2.7 (literally - "shoulder")
@ "gish" WOOD 2.7
@ "bar" PUT Away 2.7
@ "ri" DIRECTION 2.7
@"ghoul" DESTROY 2.6
@ "sipad" SHEPHERD 2.6 ("branding horns")
@ "mu" YEAR 2.6
@ "tush" SIT 2.5
@ "nu2" LIE 2.5
@ "she" BARLEY 2.5
@ "si" FILL 2.4
@ "mu2" GROW 2.3
@ "and for what? 2.3
@ "dirig" EXCELLENT 2.3
@"sig10" PUT 2.3
@ "gig" SICK 2.2
@ "du7" PERFECT 2.2
@ "hool" EVIL 2.1
@ "til3" LIVE 2.1
@"chick2" DIFFERENT 2.1
@ "bal" Flip 2.1
@ "tag" TOUCH 2.1
@ "tour" SMALL 2.0
@ "hur-sag" MOUNTAIN RANGE 2.0 ("scratch"+"head")
*** The first #100 words cover 55.18% of the Sumerian texts.
©Note: the figurative designation of mountain ranges hur-sañ: "scratching heads" has a correspondence in European languages. Spanish sierra- "saw", Russian "comb, head (mountains)". That and Ukrainian "hmarochosy" - skyscrapers of taksamo. Sumer: Sumerian language

Sumerian Dictionary: #101-125 BEAT-STRONG 59.9% of Sumerian words
December 26th, 2010
@ "ra" BEAT 2.0
@ "ash3" CHAPEL 2.0
@ "za-gin3" LAZURITE 2.0 ("mountain beads")
@ "y2" GRASS 2.0
@ "ed3" UP or DOWN 2.0
@ "oud" STORM 2.0
@ "id2" WATER STREAM 1.9
@ "where" CUT 1.9
@ "dagal" EXTENSIVE 1.9
@ "a-ba" WHO? 1.9
@ "pa" BRANCH 1.9
@ "geshtug2" EAR 1.9 ("robe of hearing")
@ "barag" PLATFORM 1.8
@ "zi" LIFE 1.8 (literally: "breath")
Note: In the Bible texts this word is used in the same sense. "...and breathed into him the breath of life..." ("The Book of Genesis"). The Russian words "spirit", "soul" and "inspiration" contain the same root.
@ "dib" PASS 1.8
@ "guide2" LONG 1.8
@ "bar" OUTSIDE 1.8 (literally: "side")
@ "ma2" BOAT 1.8
@ "ladies" WIFE 1.8
@ "i3" OIL 1.7
@ "munus" WOMAN 1.7
@ "er2" TEAR 1.7
@ "gen6" STRONG 1.7
@ "nam-lugal" KINGDOM 1.7 ("the fate of the king")
@ "kalag" STRONG 1.7

#150 (63.8% of all Sumerian words)
@ "me3" BATTLE 1.7
@ "he2-gal" ABUNDANCE 1.7 ("let it be!")
@ "shul" YOUTH 1.7
@ "Zal" GO 1.6
@ "e-not" OH, SHE 1.6
@ "shesh" BRAT 1.6
@ "sag3" BEAT 1.6
@ "gaba" CHEST 1.6
@ "nag" DRINK 1.6
@ "hee-lee" BEAUTIFUL 1.5
@ "til" FULL 1.5
@ "sikil" NET 1.5
@ "dili" ONLY 1.5
@ "e2-gal" PALACE ("big house") 1.5
@ "mushin" BIRD 1.5
@ "edin" STEPPE 1.5
@"cache2" LINK 1.5
@ "hush" FURIOUS 1.5
@ "abzu" GROUNDWATER 1.4
@ "nin9" SISTER 1.4
@ "amash" SHEEP PAD 1.4
@ "ku6" FISH 1.4
@ "ball2" MULTIPLE 1.4
@ "tukul" WEAPONS 1.4
@ "ur2" ROOT 1.4

Sumerian Dictionary: #176-200 TIRED - A HORRIBLE SHINE 69.8% of all Sumerian words
December 26th, 2010
@ "kush2" TIRED 1.1
@ "gi6" NIGHT 1.1
@ "am" WILD BULL 1.1
@ "giri17-zal" JOY 1.1
@ "za3-mi2" PRAISE 1.1
@ "gur" TURN 1.1
@ "ki-bal" REBELLION COUNTRY ("inverted earth") 1.1
@ "a-step4" FIELD 1.1
@ "tesh2" CONSENT 1.1
@ "di" SUD 1.1
@ "ki-tush" RESIDENCE ("place+sit") 1.1
@ "sugar" SAND 1.1
@ "y3" AND 1.1
@ "ki-sikil" GIRL ("clean place") 1.1
@ "ab2" COW 1.1
@ "gi" REED 1.1
@ "ni2-bi" SELF 1.0
@ "kar" RUN 1.0
@ "dul" PACK TOGETHER 1.0
@ "kug" PRECIOUS METAL ("brilliant") 1.0
@ "ur5" TOT 1.0
@ "shir3" SONG 1.0
@ "max" ADD 1.0
@ "kig2" SEARCH 1.0
@ "me-lem4" "HORRIBLE SHINE" 1.0

Ingush language Borza - "bronze".
Hebrew barzel "iron"
Akkadian parzillu "iron"
Assyrian language parzilu - "iron"
Old English bras "brass, bronze"
Svan language bereg "iron"

Ingush language vark "nickel"
ancient Arabic yaz vark "silver money. coins"
Avar language warak "golden mask"

Sumerian Dug speak/ Ingush language Duts speak, Dug fig
Sumer language ki land / Ingush language ki "land, hat"
Sumer language lu person / Ingush yaz lu slave, worker, scold, endure
Sumer language kur mountain / Ingush yaz kur mountain
Sumer yaz ud day / Ingush yaz ud beg, di day
Sumer yaz kug light / Ingush yaz kyega light, bright
Sag - gods, heads, anunnaki / Sag - man, Priest.
Sag-gig - descendants of Sag (Sumerians) / Sag-gig from Ing. means From the womb of Sagas.
Shumer - the name of Shinar / Shinar - in Ingush. lang. Taurus, Shinar-Tuesday, from Shi-second.
An - sky, the god of Heaven, ch. God. An-day sky
Sumer. me-te - "suitable" / in Ingush metta - suitable
According to the "King List" of a certain Nur-Ninsuhur from Larsa, dated 2170 BC, the original King List is supplemented to 10 kings by including in the list king KICHUNNA, who ruled in the city of Larsa for 43,000 years.
in mountainous Ingushetia there is a village LARS (right now Ossetians live there and it belongs to Ossetia) the name of the Ingush is Lors.
Lagash - Sumerian city Lagash - in Ing. steps
Ninhursag - Mother of people Nyanhorsag - mother of all people
EME - "language" in Sumerian Mott - language, oamal - teaching.
- "father" - A-A, Ada, Ad Father -Yes
As - in Sumerian "first, initial" / in Ingush Az, As -Ya. (Start)
"year" "years" - Shaneh - shaw-neh " / Shu - in Ingush year, Sumerian - calculus
KUR.GAL - "great mountain". / Kur - mountain, Gaul - city, palace, towers.
metaphor for Sumer as the place where earth meets sky
HA-NA - in the Sumerian transcription "let there be a man / Nah" people ", Noahchi-Chechens
KAAM - "country (Sumerian)", "nation" / KYAM - nation, people in Ingush. motherland
Sa-Na - means "the content of a person / Sa-in Ingush soul / light / Nakh - people., Sag-man.
is for bulls - Yesa, Aselg - calf.
Igi - "eyes", "look" / Barg - Eye, gu - see
Mar - spoon / Mar - fork.
among the Ingush, NAK is teips, FARGNAKI, OUSHNAKI, AKINAKI, like the Sumerians ANUNAKI (according to noise. celestials. descended from heaven) and in Ingush NAK is a road, and a teip. (genus) tazhkke gar, var, this is a genus (teip).
an-gur = "round sky" / in Ingush the sky is also round Gur - "round", en-sky.
noise. name. name - Havila - Chaviylah - circle / Havela - come here
noise. Ashkenaz - fire spreader / Ashkenaz - Iron Force
Enlil - "the god of air, wind, Spirit / En lil - The sky is worn.
noise. Marduk (son of Duku) (Asag) / the name of the Ingush, Marduk. (Male Top)
Ishkur - (Adad, Teshub)
KUR- "foreign land", ISH-KUR "distant mountains") Ingush. Kur-mountain (besides Loam, Barz)
Sin (Nanna, Nannar) - the god of the Moon / Nanna is the mother, Hinnanna is the guardian of fertility
Inanna - the goddess of Love and War, the Morning Star, who entered other religions under the names of Ishtar
Geshtinanna - among the Ingush, the Guardian and meeting the dead in El (the afterlife)
Noise. "royalty" Kiengi / Kiyang-Guy.
LiL ("wind, air, spirit") / Liil - worn, move
Lamech Lemek - mighty / Lamech - Mountainous, Lion
Noah / Nah - people, in Ingush, self-name.
Nohar son of Terah - Sumerian
Nakhchivan - from the Ingush means Where Noh is stuck.
Hurrians - from the Ingush uyri - morning
Syria - Suire, Seira, - evening / sunset country
Lelit - Melt, Yaliit - die for women. kind
noise language ab: domestic cow / Khaib - domestic cow
.ka: fleece sheep's wool. / Ingush. Ka-ram
ama wild bull, buffalo / Ingush. gamage-buffalo, muush-horns
ana - "for", "in order to" / Ingush. ana, khana - why?
as: one; the only one; lonely, /az-I, tsa-one
du do, create, give shape, create, build (du, "do" / Ing. de-do. du, do, di, yes, de-do
ud, i: leave, appear; send, send; endure; rise, rise; to germinate, to sprout; to be or become visible; be a witness / go - left, yes - go, hell - run
NIN: queen, goddess, lady, mistress. / Nan, Nyan, Nanna - mother
=kir: (cf. gir) - cow, mare / Govr - horse, Khal mare
kur, kurum - a basket with a food ration, a portion / Kar-in hands
kug-ga: guardian of the sacred drum./
lul...dug: lie.
R. Akkad. lillu - weak, frail / G1iyl (frail), g1iyleng-khilyak
Noise. Sag-gig Sumerians-Vainakhs. yaz Sag (people), Sag-gig (from the womb of Sag)
Noise. Sag - head, gods Ninhursag, Asag, Pabilsag / Vainakh. Sag ("man").
The biblical word translated as "year" ("years") - Shaneh / in Ingush SHU-year
The name, the name of God in the Bible - Elohim (Elohim) - "elohiym - el-o-heem / El Sumerian god / According to the Ingush Al (this is fire, the King), the Ingush called themselves Elinakh, Ailiynakh (God-men, Kings)
Noise. lu (""man"") - Vainakh. " - ""man of the tower"", ""tower"", etc.
Noise. gale ("palace") - Vainakh. . gIala ("Palace", "residential tower", "city"")
Noise: tur ("to damage") - Vainakh.yaz. tour ("sword", "saber") and dora ("I cut", "cut")
Noise. geme ("slave") - Vainakh. . gIam ("witch", "sorceress", "evil woman")
Noise. nine (""hostess"", ""mother") - Vainakh.. nana (""hostess"", ""mother"")
Noise. bar ("capacity") - veinah.. bar-am ("measure"")
Noise. ur(""city"") - veinakh.. ur-am (""street"", ""quarter"") ar-street, cheers-up
Noise. daim (""always"", ""always"")
Noise. matt""country"", ""place"")-vainah.. mat, met(""country"", ""place"") - mattig (""place"")
Noise esa(""calf"") -vainah..esa (""calf"")
Noise. erin (""community""), eri (""warrior"") - Chech.
Noise. agar ("irrigated area", "cornfield") -ahar ("plowing"), ahar-ho ("farmer")
Noise. ab (""cow") - Ing. khaib ("cattle")
Noise. an ("sky"", ""deity of the sky"") - Vainakh. en (""sky"", ""horizon"")
Noise. ad ("father""), adad ("grandfather", "ancestor") - Vainakh. Yes, dada ("father")
Noise. Kurra ("horse", "horse") Vainakh. govr ("horse")
Noise. ka ("gate"), Kali ("to lock") Ing. kov ("gate"), k'ovla ("to lock")
Shum.tug ("dress", "clothes") - Vainakh. tag (""sew"") from tey-thread
Noise. kuruh ("happy", "excellent", "beautiful") - Vainakh. kura ("proud", "arrogant") / cool. Sumer yaz an sky / Ingush yaz an sky
Sumer yaz sag head / Ingush yaz sag man, deer
Sumer yaz iri city / Ingush yaz iri sharp, uram street, quarter
Sumer yaz mah mighty, Ingush yaz mah needle / Hebrew mahat needle / Ingush yaz magician, magician, moga, mogash, Mogush health, mighty, can
Sumer yaz dug kind / Ingush yaz dik, dika kind
Sumer yaz zu know / Ingush yaz you know, ziy observe, watch
Sumer yaz il raise / Ingush yaz ail, eyla, eilar raise, haleil, ayda, eidar raise
Sumer yaz nin mistress / Ingush yaz nan mother
Sumer yaz kalam Sumer / Ingush yaz koalum pencil
Sumer yaz Ama mother / Ingush yaz am lake, Ama get used to, mamig chest
Sumer yaz ur-sag hero / Ingush yaz ur sag supreme man, urs knife, urart yaz urs knife
Sumer yaz dirig excellent / Ingush yaz derig complete
Sumer yaz gig sick / Ingush yaz gig belly / Greek yaz gigino child
Sumer yaz khur-sag (king head) / Ingush yaz khursag insignificant person, pig
Sumer yaz minus woman / Ingush yaz minousi female name
Sumer yaz er "tear" / Ingush yaz er hound, dog "
Eira "change"
Sumer yaz ab cow / Ingush yaz khaib cattle
Sumer yaz shir song / Ingush yaz ashar song, illi


Adad, Addu (Akkadian), Ishkur (Sumerian) - in ancient Eastern mythologies (in Sumer, Babylonia, Palestine, etc.), the god of thunder, wind and rain.
Akkadian ADAD, ADDU: From the Ingush language Toa "lightning"/ Toada "wet, humidity"/ T'adam "drop"/ tioadadala v. * get wet
Ingush Yes "father" / Toada-da "father of moisture" / T'adam-da "Drip master"
Sumerian Ishkur - (from Ingush ish, yush, yesha, basha, yours, dasha "wet" / melting)
Ishkur "Ingush language. Wet Horn. ishk n. *croup/ yish n. *voice yisha n. *music *sister/ Yishi "allow"
Aya - Akkadian goddess, identified with the Sumerian goddess Shenirda. Nickname - "Bride". Goddess of Light.
Ingush language Iay adv. *winter / Iа n. *winter / Ingush Yo "girl", Nus "bride"
Shenyrd. Shenyrd. Shenirda or Aya is the wife of the solar god Utu/Shamash and by association the goddess of light.
Ingush Shenir "calf" / shenir "two-doors" / double morning / shinara n. *Tuesday/ Ingush. shin khan-khannakha adv. *regularly/
Utu in the Ingush language udu "running" / di "day" / utu "set" /
Shamash - in Ingush. Sha "ice", Sho "you" / shei "your own" / Masha "web" / mash "shawl" / Sham-yash "Melting ice" Shi-am-ush "double lake desiccated"
UTU - (Sumerian, “bright”, “shining”, “day”), Shamash (Akkad., “sun”; common Semitic in the same sense shams, shaps), in the Sumerian Akkadian mythology, the solar god, the son of the moon god Nanna ( accad. Sin), brother of Inanna (Ishtar). His Sumerian wife Shenirda
Nanna in Ingush Mother, Worm
Akkad is a state that existed in the XXIV - XXII centuries BC. e., as well as an ancient region in the middle part of Mesopotamia, on the territory of modern Iraq. The capital is the city of Akkade.
According to the Ingush Akkeit "break" / Akkoud "get" / Akka "beast" de-create, do, eat, father, owner, kill, give birth, day, dey "lose, ancestors"
Akkad from the Ingush language is translated as the Beast-Father. / Ahk-Kad "Summer Cup" / Ahkad "protruded" / Akk-ad "animals run"
Alala (alali) - The call of the plowman, the deity of fertility among the Hurrians
In the Ingush language, Alalai "cry of surprise" / Aleley "the key of the Spartans when calling Ares (Enialiya)
from Ingush Ala-li "Give the flame" / Hala-li "give the cattle" /
Erra (Yrra) - Akkadian god of plague and war
From Ingush. yr, yrra "to kill" / yura "murderer" / yera "doer, killer, creator"
Eghara "evil" / Yaghar "burning" / Yogra "coming"
ENMESHARRA. ENMESHARRA: ENMESHARRA. (Sumerian, “lord of all me”), in Sumerian mythology, the god of the underworld, one of the oldest gods.
From Ingush. Ein "raised" / Yin "shadowy" / Yong "dead" / Anmu "sky-like" Shara "smooth, even" / shera "stretched, wide" / Shaira "own" / Shar "year" Mashar peace, freedom)
From Ing. this is ENMESHARRA (Raised Shadow Dead World)
In Sumerian mythology, the god of the underworld, one of the oldest gods. Enmesharra and his consort Ninmesharra were considered the ancestors of An and Enlil. Enmesharr has seven children
Tiamat is the world ocean-chaos of salty waters, from which everything (including the gods) was born in Sumero-Babylonian mythology.
From Ingush. Tiema-mat "Place of War" / Russian Darkness "place of darkness" / Ing. Tiy-mat "bridge of the worlds (lands)" /
Ing. Tom-at "kernel-chopped" / Ing. Toa "lightning" / Volume, darkness "war" / Volume "core, particle, core, mind" Tatta-mat "place of shocks"
from the Ingush language Nin (mother) khur (of all) sagas (people)
Nin-hursag (mother of something-thing people) (mother of pigs)
Ki or Ninhursag (NIN.HURSAG - lit. "Mistress of the wooded mountain") - in Sumero-Akkadian mythology - the goddess of the earth, the mother goddess, the wife of god
from the Ingush Ki "land, hat, more, to see" (Vovnush-ki "land of towers") / Kur "mountain" / Ur "high" / Ingush.yaz. Sisag "woman, wife" nin, nan, nyan "mother"

Type of: syllabo-ideographic

language family: not installed

Localization: Northern Mesopotamia

Propagation time:3300 BC e. - 100 AD e.

The homeland of all mankind, the Sumerians called the island of Dilmui, identified with modern Bahrain in the Persian Gulf.

The earliest is presented on texts found in the Sumerian cities of Uruk and Jemdet-Nasra, dated 3300 BC.

The Sumerian language still continues to be a mystery to us, since even now it has not been possible to establish its relationship with any of the known language families. Archaeological materials suggest that the Sumerians created the Ubaid culture in the south of Mesopotamia at the end of the 5th - beginning of the 4th millennium BC. e. Thanks to the emergence of hieroglyphic writing, the Sumerians left many monuments of their culture, imprinting them on clay tablets.

The cuneiform script itself was a syllabic script, consisting of several hundred characters, of which about 300 were the most common; they included more than 50 ideograms, about 100 signs for simple syllables and 130 for complex ones; there were signs for numbers in the sixdecimal and decimal systems.

Sumerian writing evolved over 2200 years

Most of the signs have two or more readings (polyphonism), since they often acquired a Semitic meaning next to the Sumerian. Sometimes they depicted related concepts (for example, "sun" - bar and "shine" - lah).

The very invention of Sumerian writing was undoubtedly one of the largest and most significant achievements of the Sumerian civilization. Sumerian writing, which has gone from hieroglyphic, figurative signs-symbols to signs that began to write the simplest syllables, turned out to be an extremely progressive system. It was borrowed and used by many peoples who spoke other languages.

At the turn of IV-III millennia BC. e. we have indisputable evidence that the population - Lower Mesopotamia was Sumerian. The widely known story of the Great Flood is first found in Sumerian historical and mythological texts.

Although Sumerian writing was invented exclusively for economic needs, the first written literary monuments appeared among the Sumerians very early: among the records dating back to the 26th century. BC e., there are already examples of genres of folk wisdom, cult texts and hymns.

Due to this circumstance, the cultural influence of the Sumerians in the Ancient Near East was enormous and outlived their own civilization for many centuries.

Subsequently, writing loses its pictorial character and transforms into cuneiform.

Cuneiform writing was used in Mesopotamia for almost three thousand years. However, she was later forgotten. For decades, cuneiform kept its secret, until in 1835 an unusually energetic Englishman, Henry Rawlinson, an English officer and lover of antiquities, deciphered it. Once he was informed that an inscription was preserved on a sheer cliff in Behistun (near the city of Hamadan in Iran). It turned out to be one and the same inscription made in three ancient languages, including Old Persian. Rawlinson first read the inscription in this language he knew, and then managed to understand another inscription, identifying and deciphering more than 200 cuneiform characters.

In mathematics, the Sumerians knew how to count in tens. But the numbers 12 (a dozen) and 60 (five dozen) were especially revered. We still use the legacy of the Sumerians when we divide an hour into 60 minutes, a minute into 60 seconds, a year into 12 months, and a circle into 360 degrees.

In the figure, you can see how, over 500 years, the hieroglyphic images of numerals turned into cuneiform ones.

Modification of Sumerian numerals from hieroglyphs to cuneiform

Around 4000 BC, in Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (modern Iraq), an amazing people came - the Sumerians. The invention of agriculture and the wheel is attributed to them. In addition, they invented writing, made a discovery that completely changed the entire course of human history, the Internet is one of the many consequences of this discovery of the Sumerians.

The fact that they came from somewhere far away is evident from their language, it reflects the mountainous nature of their ancestral home, in Sumerian “country” is called the word “kur” (“mountain”), the Sumerians in Mesopotamia, where there are no mountains, built mountains themselves , ziggurats, on which they erected their temples.

The Sumerians called their language "eme-gir", "eme" means "language", "gir" (some believe that the sign is read "ku") means "noble" (in the Sumerian definitions were placed after the defined). In addition to the local dialects that naturally existed in every city-state of the Sumerians, their language had another important division: in addition to the usual language "eme-gir", there was also a second variant of the language, "eme-sal". Sumerologists are still actively arguing about the translation of this name, the most likely translation of the word "sal" can be considered "thin". Some religious texts were recorded on "eme-sal", which probably had to be performed by a female choir. Often in sacred texts, the gods speak with some gods on "eme-gir", and with others - on "eme-sal". These two variants of Sumerian differed mainly phonetically, there were also morphological and lexical differences, but they were much smaller. The main theory about the nature of "eme-sal" now is that it was a female language, a phenomenon found in many languages ​​around the world.

Sumerian ceased to be spoken around 2000 BC. e. But then for at least 1000 years this language was studied in the schools of Babylon and Assyria. All our knowledge of the Sumerian language is based on dictionaries that the Babylonians created to facilitate the study of Sumerian in their schools. In these dictionaries, in addition to the translation of words, there was also their transcription, so now in general terms one can quite accurately imagine how the Sumerian language sounded. I write "in general terms" and "fairly accurate" because this transcription was written in Assyrian cuneiform, a script that was not very suitable for transmitting foreign words, it could not designate all sounds.

In the illustration, the Sumerian text of Ur-Nammu, king of the city of Ur, 2112 - 2094 BC. e. The following is written there:
"For Inanna, his mistress, Ur-Nammu, a mighty man, king of Ur, king of Sumer and Akkad, he built her temple." Inanna, the daughter of Nanna, was one of the main Sumerian goddesses, the mistress of love, fertility, the morning and evening star.

The only book about Sumerian in Russian, grammar:
(the book is not very good, written in a dry official language, without love for the subject)

The only Sumerian textbook in the world, in English, it is Tom, the cat of my friends from Hamburg, who sleeps on it. The book is chic, masterpiece, on Amazon from $ 100 price.
John L. Hayes, A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts, Malibu, UNDENA, 1990
For this book, I made a list of cuneiform characters found in the first ten lessons, such a mini-dictionary, .