Psychological problems of obese women: we analyze the reasons. Psychology of weight loss

So, we continue to understand the problems that haunt obese women in family relationships. It often happens that the once happy mother of a family becomes a weak link. And all because she feels insecure, ugly, especially when she catches her husband's interested look, addressed to another girl. Let's think about why a woman develops an inferiority complex in herself?

1. Public opinion says that a beautiful woman is a thin woman. Looking at excessively slender fashion models rattling bones on the podium, you involuntarily begin to doubt your own attractiveness. Although many male fashion designers are gay, which explains their love for wide shoulders, skinny butts and size zero breasts. Keep this in mind the next time you watch a fashion show.
2. It is much more difficult for overweight women to choose clothes that would look harmonious on a blurry figure. As a rule, numerous blouses and dresses treacherously emphasize every crease on the body. This is undeniably frustrating.
3. But what makes it even more frustrating is the sight of your own body without clothes. This is where you can’t convince yourself that the bones are not warm, or “but there is something to hold on to.” Practice shows that they stick mainly to slender beauties.
4. Health problems also do not inspire optimism. Excessive fullness automatically leads to shortness of breath and failure of the cardiovascular system.
5. The final bullet point in the formation and growth of complexes is put by the people themselves, who from time immemorial have been distinguished by cruelty. Make a remark to a woman who took 1.5 seats in public transport; tell the customer that “the company does not sew such parachute dresses”; to ask how old the “grandmother” of a grown-up son is - our society is happy to come up with more and more new mockery for obese women.

But not all overweight women need psychological support. We offer you a number of questions. If you agree with most of the statements, then the problem is obvious, and it needs to be treated.

1. You “eat” stress and any unpleasant situations.
2. Your completeness is a consequence of a change in lifestyle (moving, marriage, childbirth).
3. You dislike thin people, involuntarily referring to them as ill-wishers.
4. You often lost weight, but, breaking loose, again gained extra pounds.
5. You do not like unfamiliar companies and try to be as inconspicuous as possible in such an environment.

If you answered yes to half of the questions, then follow our further publications, and we will help you get rid of the psychological problem and start a new, full life without looking back at the readings of floor scales.

There are many approaches to weight loss: diet, gym, meditation practices, nutritional supplements and long walks. With this diversity, the question remains: why is it not possible to lose weight?

The psychological mood of a person determines how he lives, acts and perceives the world around him. Having lost exactly half the weight, I look back and understand that the key to successful weight loss is in my head, and not in the refrigerator.

No weight loss method will work if it doesn't make you happy. Sound simple? But effective. It was not in vain that I mentioned the variety of approaches to working on the dream body. Inside each of us lives a psychological center that decides how we will relate to the problem. If excess weight seems disgusting to us, it is natural for us to cringe and grab ourselves by the “bodies” in front of the mirror, which serves as confirmation of our own imperfection for us.

Weight loss begins in the head, and only then it manifests itself from the outside in the form of the desired result.

The diet that helped your friend lose weight won't necessarily work for you. You must understand that any coercion causes rejection - a matter of time when this happens. This is the reason why diets do not work, or their action is limited to a very cramped time frame.

Why lose weight for an important event, if you can get the figure of your dreams and maintain it effortlessly throughout your life?

As a philologist, I like that in English there is no word “diet” in the sense in which we perceive it when we speak Russian. The word "diet" in English reflects a set of eating habits that a person is guided by on a daily basis. This word describes the image of a person's eating behavior, and not a short-term restriction in food, which representatives of the beautiful love to abuse so much before the New Year holidays.

I think it will be much better if we borrow from the English-speaking brothers the meaning they put into the word "diet" and place it at the very center of our own perception.

Diet in the classic sense of the word makes us clench our fists harder. The short-term diet pleases us because the way of eating that we choose for two or three weeks is unacceptable and disgusting for us, and we can’t wait to return to our native, familiar ones as soon as possible. The secret is to make healthy eating familiar and familiar to yourself so that you enjoy it - and then the need to exhaust your body with diets, writhing with hunger at a planning meeting, disappears by itself.

Find food and sports that you enjoy.

We all grew up in different environments, interacted with different people and thought different thoughts. How then can we expect Mrs. X's newfangled diet to be appropriate for our particular situation, physiology, and lifestyle? Only I can know that dairy makes me bloated, and a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast glues “how I hate everything” to my face for the rest of the day.

Only I can know that I was the only girl in the class who trembled before the norm, where you need to jump over a goat - and only I remember how bitter it was to hide in the locker room while my athletic fit classmates performed acrobatic stunts.

Two years ago, I discovered that I love bicycles. Bicycles turn me on from the inside. I love the way my long blond hair flutters as I ride into the wind. I love the way big corn leaves rustle against my shoulders in mid-August as I cut between plantings, and how the smell of wet leaves mixed with warm earthy scent fills my nose as I pedal in the October twilight like a superhero racing to save humanity. .

Find your sport. It can be walks around the city - or maybe tennis.

Find your food. You love smoothies, right? But what if I told you that you can grind spinach, oatmeal, and even spirulina algae in a smoothie with a banana for added effect - and although you will not feel the change in taste, the effect of such a dish will be much more noticeable?

After all, the first bite is always the tastiest. Learn to enjoy food and taste it. Listen to your body. When you feel that the food has become tasteless, it is your body that whispers to you: you are full. Stop!

And finally.

Losing excess weight does not change life.

Excess weight is not a ban on joy. Stop steaming. Let go and calm down. Love yourself right now, not some nonexistent ideal self in the future. Let your body do everything for you.

Start living the life of your dreams right now. You will be surprised to find that non-weight-loss fun activities keep you busy more than emptying your fridge. One day you will skip a meal just because playing the guitar will take you so far that you will not be able to stop until you finish the final chord.

That an article idea will turn you into an obsessive typing professor—and let the food wait.

Instead of swallowing the medicine, it is better to swallow one day.


There are two classes in society who think that they are extremely unhappy - obese people who are eager to lose weight, and thin people who are trying at all costs to gain weight.

A huge number of books have been written about the treatment of obesity, with the most fantastic diets for weight loss, and yet very few people have read about this problematic disease. Even less understand the very process of "creating" their misfortune.

How many “fat-reducing diets”, “fat-reducing companies” and “coders” are now hanging out in the world, how many “food supplements” in the form of herbal powders ... But everything goes on as usual, that is, ashes ...

Devilish appetite goes far ahead of doctoral dissertations, doctoral prescriptions, and newly-minted miracle workers. The commercially treacherous supermarket shelves are now full of fried crisps, corn, peanuts; shelves are breaking from sour cream and cheese sauces; alcoholic and coffee eateries - on every corner; donuts and sweets, sugar-rich soft drinks 24 hours a day - always at our fingertips.

Patients rotate in this "carousel" repeatedly and without much success. Overeating - almost dry diet - disappointment - and overeating again. A long-term "carousel" is more harmful than just being overweight. These "exercise" can be one of the main causes of high blood pressure with all the consequences for the blood vessels.

There are two general types of obese people:

a) the type of all happy shorty. This is a typical "adrenal" type - happy, loving everything and everything, but especially loving to eat and not experiencing much inconvenience from his roundness;

b) the second type - eternally tormented by his obesity as a clear threat to his health and appearance, he is desperately anxious in search of an easy way to lighten his load. He despises the hard way in the form of a sharp reduction in calories, he is always in search of some kind of panacea: diet products, pills, fat-burning compounds (now it has become very fashionable), pills, oils, vinegar ... All this "recovery" gives him satisfaction - there is something do…

1. Overeager to eat.

2. Obesity of endocrine origin.

3. Toxic obesity.

Now let's take a closer look at each of these types.

First, let's understand the physiological process of obesity. There are a lot of scientific papers, books, theories on this subject. All of them wander "around the bush" and do not solve the very essence of the problem. Out of the vast number of works on this topic, the author focused his attention on two magnificent works of our scientists.

Here is what he writes Bolotov Boris Vasilievich:

“... If we consider obesity as a disease of the body, we can say the following. It begins with a disease of the stomach, or rather, with a violation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which must be treated first.
One of the possible defects is damage to the duodenal bulb.
It should be recalled that the gastrointestinal tract contains two organs for the digestion (breakdown) of food materials: the stomach and the duodenum. In the stomach, food is broken down (processed) by acids, among which there are also hydrochloric acid and pepsin enzymes. Hydrochloric acid and enzymes are, in fact, strong acids that can only break down animal proteins into fragments consisting of amino acids and sugars. They are absorbed by all organs of the human body. Further, food products by peristaltic effects of the stomach move into the duodenum. Here, the products are processed by other enzymes coming from the liver - in the form of bile, and from the pancreas - in the form of trypsins. Bile and trypsins are a set of many strongly alkaline enzymes, which, kneading in the common duct, enter through the papilla of Vater into the duodenal space. The mixture of these two enzymes is so powerful that it is able to break down plant proteins into complex sugars. But the environment of the stomach with acidic enzymes must be naturally separated from the environment of alkaline enzymes of the duodenum. Otherwise, a neutralization reaction will occur between acids and alkalis with the formation of salts.
In organisms of animals and humans, the dividing organ is the pylorus of the duodenal bulb, which has a muscle-valve structure controlled by the corresponding nerve channels.
The valve system is debugged, it has an incredibly high degree of reliability. In fact, the system works only after the complete consumption of gastric juices, when the acidity of the stomach environment drops to 5–6 units. After the release of bile and trypsins into the duodenum, the neutral environment becomes sharply alkaline - up to 10-12 units. When bile and trypsins lose their strength and the highly alkaline environment is practically neutral (about 7 units), the cleavage products will first go to the lean and then to the small intestine, where the suction effect will occur. When the valve (sphincter) of the pylorus of the duodenal bulb is damaged, the enzymes of the stomach begin to contact the enzymes of the duodenum, forming salts!
Moreover, in the neutralization reaction, at least six types of salts may appear:
3. Mineral salts.
5. Salts soluble in water.
6. Salts that are insoluble in water.
In other words, if the pylorus of the duodenal bulb is damaged, a large mass of salts begins to enter the body instead of cleavage products. As a result, the body, instead of eating full-fledged substances, is cluttered with all kinds of salts. Part of the salts will naturally be removed (through their natural excretion channels. - Author), and some of them will remain. Now, on the one hand, the body is overloaded with salts, and on the other hand, it will weaken due to the intake of cleavage products. In this mode of operation of the gastrointestinal tract, the accumulation of fats in the body occurs. Actually observed gradual obesity indicates poor functioning of the valve (sphincter) and the pylorus of the duodenal bulb.

Now I would like to give the floor to a remarkable researcher of especially important medical problems from St. Petersburg Mark Yakovlevich Zholondz(Excess weight. New dietology. St. Petersburg: Set, 1998).

“... The pyloric sphincter opens only when a portion of chyme (partially digested by the stomach of food), skipped earlier, during the previous opening of the sphincter, becomes alkaline from acidic. Therefore, the more alkaline fluids enter the duodenum, the faster each portion of the acidic chyme coming there from the stomach will turn into a portion of the alkaline chyme.
This means that the sphincter-dispenser under these conditions will work more often, skipping the next portions of acidic chyme from the stomach, and the stomach itself will be quickly freed from the reserves of undigested food, all the chyme of the stomach will quickly (early) pass into the small intestine, where the main processes take place. absorption of nutrients...

A very important conclusion!

M. Ya. Zholondz does not connect the "high-speed" dumping of food from the stomach into the duodenum with a breakdown (as in B. V. Bolotov) of the sphincter. Then due to what does this “high-speed evacuation” from the stomach and duodenum occur?

M. Ya. Zholondz explains this by parasympathetic intensification of the activity of the pancreas and liver!

For example, under the influence of the vagus nerve. Due to overexcitation of the pancreas and liver, there is an increased flow of alkaline fluids into the duodenum.

“...After each meal, there will be an accelerated, volley flow of all the glucose received from food to the liver while maintaining the usual consumption of glucose for the needs of the body.
For some time, excess glucose is formed in the liver, and part of the incoming glucose will be processed into fat and sent to fat reserves, which should not happen during normal operation of the pancreas and liver.
“... This is a very serious provocation of overeating, since the feeling of hunger, under the same nutritional conditions, comes earlier than normal. It will manifest itself for two reasons: a decrease in the supply of glycogen in the liver and early emptying of the stomach.
(M. Ya. Zholondz)

This explains the assertion of the fat ones: "I eat little, but I get fat"!

Now consider the effect of acidity of gastric juice on the process of assimilation of food and, of course, on body weight.

“... The higher the acidity of the gastric juice and the greater its quantity, the more time is required for the alkalization of each portion of the chyme that enters the duodenum. This means that the transfer of all chyme from the stomach to the intestines will be slowed down, the residence time of food in the stomach will be increased and the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine will be slowed down. The body, not receiving nutrients in a timely manner, will be forced to spend its reserves, reduce body weight. (Take note, thin ones! - Author)
"... Decreasing the acidity of gastric juice and reducing its quantity (inhibition of the function of the stomach) will give the opposite result, that is, the same as the intensification of the activity of the pancreas and liver." (Take note, full! - Author)

M. Ya. Zholondz does not focus on this phenomenon of "excitation or inhibition" of the activity of the stomach through an artificial change in the acidity of the stomach, but in the practice of naturopathy, a special (alkaline or acidic) diet, juices, fruits or vegetables are successfully used. This is a paramount observation, and it has enormous practical significance.

The enzymatic composition of pancreatic juices and intestinal juices has a huge impact on the absorption of food. The more of them, the more intense is the absorption - up to excessively fast. For clarity, we give an example with the enzyme urecase. Urecase ensures the digestion of uric acid as a protein residue to urea. The absence of urecase in the intestine causes the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints, liver tissues, heart, muscles and other organs.

This is the cause of so many diseases - from gout, polyarthritis to heart defects.

M. Ya. Zholondz, an excellent specialist in the field of acupuncture and electropuncture, offers his own methods for combating overweight and obesity. He proposes to reduce the functioning, first of all, of the pancreas, as well as the liver and gallbladder. In this case, it is very important to reduce only the secretion of pancreatic juice, without changing the secretion of insulin by its b-cells.

We will especially focus on the statement of M. Ya. Zholondz: in case of obesity, it is necessary to reduce the activity of the pancreas and liver!

Why sharpen? Because B. V. Bolotov, in order to combat obesity, proposes, on the contrary, to strengthen the function of the pancreas by using bitter herbs. He justifies this as follows.

Fat that accumulates in the intercellular tissue can be formally classified as both complex alcohols and complex sugars. More precisely, fat is an ester of a compound of glycerol and acids. If the above is true, then the elimination of fats from the body can be done by increasing insulin in the blood. Indeed, insulin, a pancreatic enzyme, breaks down fats and complex sugars into small molecular structures that will be easily absorbed by all organs. That is why alcohols are easily absorbed by a healthy body. But jokes aside with insulin: taking it for 1.5–2 months atrophies the insulin-producing part of the pancreas by 100% forever, and this is type I diabetes for life!

So what to do?

B.V. Bolotov noticed that the process of secreting pancreatic enzymes that are especially important for the body - trypsin and insulin - can be accelerated when the duodenum contains bitterness of plants: jaundice, yarrow, elecampane, calamus and others. Accelerating the release of these enzymes significantly reduces blood sugar levels and, most importantly, reduces body obesity.

As a result of many years of experience, it has been established that the use, even in small doses, of raw jaundice (gray) with flowers (0.1 g 3 times a day for 1 month) reduces body weight by 2–3 kg. At the same time, the entire cardiovascular system significantly improves its work, as the elasticity of blood vessels improves, the heart tissue strengthens, the heart rhythm normalizes (arrhythmia completely disappears) and the consequences of heart attacks.

“Do not forget to introduce the bitterness of jaundice, even in a thousandth of a gram,” advises B.V. Bolotov.

Dry jaundice is also suitable (it is stored for no more than 6 months: be careful with doses, as the plant is poisonous and very strong. Consult an intelligent professional herbalist or a knowledgeable doctor. - Author).

Yarrow bitterness is especially valuable in teas. This is generally a unique plant for both women and men.

Remember that bitterness in food will save you not only from obesity, but also from diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

However, use bitterness little by little and do not abuse your abilities.

Elecampane roots contain up to 40% insulin in autumn, therefore they have a very beneficial effect on reducing obesity, enhancing the healthy potential of almost all body systems.

But for regular intake of elecampane, you should add no more than 1 gram (in dry form) to 1 glass of warm water in tea. It's best to do this before bed. In the same dose, it is recommended to take calamus root.

If you want to have a sweet life - take bitter tea! (That's what my grandmother teachers always said. -Author ).

So what are we poor people to do?

M. Ya. Zholondz does not allow to activate the production of insulin - only the secretion of pancreatic juice. B. V. Bolotov activates both with bitterness. We will return to this issue when we consider the problem of obesity associated with endocrine disorders.

It's not about being overweight. Psychology of fat people.

You obviously don't understand what your real problem is. You think you want to change your weight. Take a person who is addicted to smoking. He tells you: “I am coughing very hard, what should I do to stop coughing?” You delicately hint to him that you need to quit smoking, he replies that he understands this very well, but he needs a good cough medicine. The same goes for people who drink. A drinking person may complain that he gets into car accidents all the time and therefore wants to take a driving course. You say that it would be good to stop drinking, and the drinker starts using public transport instead.

This way of thinking in psychology is called "denial of facts", and in jurisprudence - "denial of involvement", because people do not want to admit their problem. Drug addicts, smokers or drunkards eventually admit their addiction and begin treatment. However, people who are overweight usually don't realize that they are focusing on the result - extra pounds, instead of focusing on the cause - overeating. The fat man looks at himself in the mirror and says: “I need to lose 20 kilograms. How can I do it?" They answer him that he should eat less, and he nods his head in agreement: “Yes, yes. I know. I need to go to the slimming club.”

Attention, excess weight is not a problem, but its consequences. You are consuming more food than your body needs! This is the result of extra pounds!

The more you focus on trying to lose weight, the more difficult it will be for you to control your excess food intake. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the more a person experiences dissatisfaction with their appearance, the less likely they are to achieve the desired weight. Why is it so?

Focusing only on losing pounds can lead to the following:

Eating in fits and starts, alternating fasting and overeating with weight gain. You can lose weight on short-term diets, but this will not solve the underlying problem. If you only think about losing pounds, then once you lose a few pounds, you will lose all motivation to maintain that weight, and then you will start gaining it again. It will be like walking in circles;

Poor quality food. If you are only focused on losing extra pounds, then you will forget that you need to consider the nutritional value of products. Instead of healthy beans (because beans make you fat), you can eat a piece of cake for dinner (it seems like it’s small, or you didn’t eat anything for lunch, or worked out at a fitness club, etc.);

Feelings of guilt from any eaten piece;

Bad effects on the body. In the process of losing weight, people often lose more muscle mass than kilograms. You can lose three sizes, and the scale will show that you have lost only one and a half kilograms, and when you concentrate only on weight, you cannot adequately evaluate the results achieved. If you lose weight very much, then this will undoubtedly harm your health;

Bad motive. Even if you manage to lose weight, there will come a day when you will have some problems or you will get up on the wrong foot, and it will seem to you that you look like a hippopotamus, because there are no limits to perfection in losing weight. And if you are focused on losing pounds, no matter how much you have already lost, you can forget that you are harming your psychological and physical health.

Food intake control

Some people, desperate to lose weight, stop thinking about how to lose weight and remain fat. You need to realize what benefit you will get if you start to control yourself and not overeat. You need to change your thinking, change priorities and values, and think not about how much you weigh, but how you eat.

Such control over overeating can save us from the psychological dependence on food. But we must remember that anorexia is also a loss of control over food.

It is necessary to understand that health is more important than appearance, and there is no need to strive for harmony at any cost.

What you need to do to avoid overeating when you experience not physical, but psychological hunger:

“I allow myself to eat” (when you accept psychological hunger, when you do not forbid yourself to eat, then you have a feeling of freedom of choice, the effect of the forbidden fruit disappears, and you will no longer overeat)


“I am free to satisfy psychological hunger” or “I am free to eat”

You need to allow yourself to eat, because when there is an internal prohibition, a feeling of guilt appears, and you eat more than your body needs, and therefore cannot lose weight.

Fatshaming is, in fact, bullying people who are overweight (or just overweight): fatshamers constantly remind overweight people of their weight, publicly accuse them of not wanting to lose weight and openly insult them, calling them “fat pigs”, “fat pigs” and “piles of fat”. ". Moreover, the object of ridicule and insults are most often women, not men. This is a serious problem. In the modern world, fat shaming has reached such proportions that in response, the Body Positive movement has appeared, the main goal of which is to encourage people to accept someone else's appearance as it is. But, alas, in our society this idea has not yet found a response. Let's see why.

"Fat is ugly, I don't want to look at it"

Not really. Fat is not ugly in itself, fat is considered ugly now. At the same time, everyone knows that this was not always the case: few people have not seen the figures of the Paleolithic Venuses or reproductions of paintings by the masters of the High Renaissance. Our personal criteria for beautiful and ugly are not personal at all, they are based on society's ideas about the beautiful, and a beautiful body has been a thin body for many decades. It was either just thin (from Twiggy to “heroin chic”), or athletic (from supermodels of the 90s to modern fitons), but it was not full. But times are changing: plus-size models began to appear on the catwalks, curvaceous actresses began to be invited to the main roles, but society is still not ready to accept this. Why?

Because we began to confuse ideal pictures with real life. There is too much visual information around us - information that is not real, invented: pictures perfectly smoothed in photo editors, films with special effects. We very often see beautiful things, so often that some have decided that they have the right not to see what they consider ugly. "Be fat, but don't show your pictures to anyone, we hate to see it." And it’s also unpleasant for some to see fat people in tight or open clothes: “Ugh, cover up.” But why, in fact, why? Why not then forbid people with malocclusion from talking and laughing? And people with crooked or wide noses should wear medical masks - thin, straight noses are in fashion.


But no, only being overweight is a reason to openly insult people and demand that they do not "stick out their fats." Because…

"Fat people are just lazy"

Lazy and weak-willed people, unable to "just pull themselves together and lose weight." Having attributed to people with great weight the sins of laziness and gluttony, the society went further. Fat people are considered stupid and face discrimination in education and careers: if you're not stupid, why can't you figure out how to lose weight? Being overweight is also associated with poor hygiene: since a fat woman is too lazy to go to the gym, then it’s probably too lazy to wash. Thus, society stigmatizes people with great weight, puts a stigma on them. And this, as it were, gives indulgence to the fat-shamers: they do not just insult and humiliate people, they denounce the “terrible” vices of fat people, which means they are doing an allegedly good deed. Who, if not they, will point out to these zhirobas that they live wrong?

And this problem is not only a problem of excess weight. This is the problem of a society that creates artificial limits - in order to have a reason to kick those who do not fit into them. And women are the first candidates for a place outside the box. Because "a woman should." She must be beautiful, she must take care of herself and her figure - in the first place. A typical patriarchy, in which one cannot be a worthless commodity, otherwise one will become a pariah.

“Obesity is unhealthy, these people are sick!”

A frankly hypocritical statement: no one, except neophytes from a healthy lifestyle, condemns people who are not passionate about physical education. No one is worried about how often strangers do fluorography. No one wants to know how smokers and alcoholics harm their health - until they invade someone else's space with their smelly smoke and drunken brawls. No one is interested in how long ago a neighbor in the stairwell took a blood test and in what condition his vessels and joints are. But for some reason, the vessels and joints of overweight people are of interest to everyone. Why, it would seem, why? Everyone takes care of their own health, who cares about someone else's hemorrhoids?

The matter is very simple: it is not a question of health, it is a question of power. Thin people are very fond of telling fat people exactly how they need to eat in order to lose weight, how to be treated in order to lose weight, how to move in order to lose weight. The very fact of being overweight in a fat person seems to turn any thin person into a strict teacher Maryivanna: “Now I will teach you, fatty, to live correctly, and you will listen and obey. Come here, pigs, I will reveal the truth to you. Thus, any person who is unable to achieve success in the chosen field of activity has the opportunity to amuse his sense of self-importance, to assert himself at the expense of another: I am thin, which means I am more successful than a fat man, smarter and generally better. I have been assigned the role of teacher and mentor. And the more aggressive the fatshamer, the more likely it is that the small size of clothes is his only achievement in life. It's likely just genetic.

Another important point is the accusation of overweight people of promoting an unhealthy lifestyle: “Our children are watching this! They might decide it's okay to be fat!" Children are generally a universal shield, they can cover anything. Including their own unwillingness to somehow raise these same children. Because the habit of a healthy lifestyle as a norm is brought up by a personal parental example. But doing exercises in the morning with the children is too hard. It's easier to stigmatize the fat ones. True, some fat ones are still children, and it is a sin to poison children. But then you can poison their parents who allowed this. “Yes, for sure, it’s their fault, not us at all,” that’s exactly how the fatshamers think.

“It’s your own fault, how could you let yourself go like that!”

In general, the feeling of guilt for weight as such is imposed on people with a large weight by default. The only question is the degree of this guilt. There are not very guilty ones - these are those who have become stout due to health problems. A fake has been circulating on the network for a long time that there are allegedly only 5% of such people. This is absolutely not true, but this is a great reason to stigmatize all the fat ones in general: you just got hot and it's your own fault! This is typical victim blaming. In fact, everyone understands that it is not good to humiliate other people for your own pleasure. But if you make these people guilty, then it seems already possible. After all, they chose this path for themselves, they voluntarily grew fat, which means they must be ready for the role of outcasts. Who does not want to be humiliated, he does not eat three throats. another indulgence: it was not I who was cruel, it was I who was provoked, they themselves wanted it.

The other side of this coin is hypocritical pity. At the expense of a fat person, you can always be kind: I will tell you how bad it is to be fat, and I will immediately become a good and caring kind person. Thank me! Who else will open your eyes to how you launched yourself?!

"Fat people have no right to happiness"

And here fat-shaming turns its ugly face exclusively to us, to women. Because an overweight man has the right to happiness, but a woman does not. At the same time, both camps will attack her. And if men with their valuable opinion on the subject “I wouldn’t blow it!” can be ignored, then women cannot be ignored. Because it's a matter of hierarchy in a patriarchal society: you're fat and I'm not, so my status is higher. It would seem, well, and rejoice, because the more fat women, the less competition for status males, who naturally prefer thin ones. Why poison losers, they are not your competitors?

Everything is very simple, let's go back to point 1: beautiful is what society agreed to consider beautiful. If you don’t poison the fat ones, tomorrow they, don’t bring the universe, may be considered beautiful. And this means that all the benefits assigned to the beauties will go to them, and not to you. Because status males give goods.

The second point is the idea that happiness must be earned, preferably through hard work and severe restrictions. Years of plowing in the gym and sitting on chicken breast with buckwheat - and for what? So that some fat woman who has been chewing cakes all her life gets the same piece of happiness? Yes, for what reason? Let me get it first!

But the point here is not at all that only fat people allegedly do not have the right to happiness. The fact is that women do not have the right to happiness. For no happiness, except for the one that society has recognized as the most correct: be thin and beautiful, attract the attention of men, grab the right one for yourself and never, never get fat or grow old.

If you think about it, living in this paradigm is a great misfortune. For all of us.