Assignments of the early examination. The surprise of changes in KIM USE

There are situations in life when it is precisely on these dates that it is impossible to come to the exam. And then what? Lose a year and wait for the next year? Not necessary. Passing the exam (as well as any other important exams) takes place in 2 stages:

  • The main stage (held at the end of the academic year, at the end of May-June);
  • Early stage (held in the spring, in March-April).

What's more, some students can choose when to take their exams. But in order to understand whether you need it or not, let's figure out who these students are, as well as the main pros and cons of passing the exam early.

Who can take the early exam?

The following categories of persons are eligible for early surrender:

  • Those who by the time of passing have fully mastered the school curriculum are graduates of schools of past years, technical schools, lyceums, colleges and schools;
  • Students of 11 classes of evening schools who will have to carry out military service;
  • Graduates of schools who are preparing to move for permanent residence in another country;
  • Schoolchildren who take part in international or all-Russian Olympiads or competitions, the date of which coincides with the main stage of the USE;
  • Schoolchildren who, at the time of the main stage of the Unified State Examination, will be in sanatoriums or other medical institutions to undergo medical, health or rehabilitation programs;
  • Graduation students who are outside the country and due to difficult climatic conditions cannot return.

What does early USE 2017 mean: advantages

So, you don’t know how to pass the USE ahead of schedule in 2017? It is enough just to write an application addressed to the principal of the school, indicating the reason why you may be allowed to do this.

But is it true that the early exam is easier than the one that is held in the main period of delivery? Well, he definitely has certain advantages, but certainly not in the ease of the exam itself, but in this:

  1. Graduates are less nervous due to fewer people. For comparison: if last year more than 700,000 students took the exam during the main stage, then only 26,000 young people came to take the exam ahead of schedule. Agree, in such an almost friendly company you feel much more confident, which means you will be less nervous.
  2. Less hustle and bustle and better organization. Due to the fact that the early exam takes much less students, its structure is clearer and more organized. You can not be afraid that you will not have enough form or that there will suddenly be no clock in the audience.
  3. Optimal weather conditions. The weather in early to mid-spring is more predictable. At this time, you can not be afraid of heat, stuffiness, the negative effects of direct sunlight. So in any case, the early delivery of the exam takes place in more comfortable conditions.
  4. Fast check speed. You will learn much earlier about how you wrote the early version of the Unified State Exam 2017 (in chemistry, Russian, mathematics or another subject), since the load on observers and inspectors is much lower. Of course, you should not expect results the next day. To find out the results of the exam (early period 2017-2018), you will have to wait 7-9 days. Approximately 2-3 days before the deadline for the announcement of the results, it is already possible to monitor your results. For comparison: those who pass the exam in the main period have to live with the expectation for about two weeks. That's what the early version of the exam means!
  5. Additional time to think over the admission strategy. As soon as you managed to find out the results of the early Unified State Examination (2017-2018), you have additional weeks and even months for a detailed analysis of your situation and thinking about where to apply after all. At this time, you can go to different universities for open days, prepare for internal exams of the selected university, and even change your mind about the chosen direction. And, of course, devote yourself to rest, gaining strength and relaxation before a difficult academic year, if you still manage to do it.

Early delivery of the exam: disadvantages

Not everything is as simple as everything in our life. Let's deal with the minuses that promise us the early delivery of the exam:

  1. Less time to prepare. While others will have another 2 months to prepare for the exam and take classes with tutors, you will have to take an early exam. This is also bad because some of the topics included in the exam, schoolchildren pass during the last months of study. If you decide to take an early exam, you will have to prepare and understand the topic yourself.
  2. You become a "guinea pig" for all the changes that have not yet been introduced. If the organizers decide to introduce any innovations, you will be the first one they will test them on, so that the main period goes perfectly.
  3. Remote location for delivery. Since the number of applicants for early exams is significantly lower than the main flow of applicants, the number of places where exams will be taken is also significantly lower. For example, in the main exam period, you will be able to take an exam in the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence or study. If you live in a remote area, then for the place of delivery, places where it will be problematic to get to can be chosen.

In general, now you see the difference between the main and early stages of passing the exam. Each has its pros and cons, and you need to choose what is closer to you in spirit. And in order to alleviate your difficult lot, we offer you the future assistance of our specialists in the main types of student work that complicates the learning process so much (controls, essays, term papers, graduation theses).

The early stage of passing the exam is coming to an end, so we have collected advice from those who have already passed the exam, for those who are yet to do so. The guys share their personal experiences and tell what happened in the classroom, why they passed the exam ahead of schedule, and what should be paid attention to by those who will take the exam in the summer. The first subject is mathematics - profile and basic.

Galina Sysoeva

I passed the basic mathematics in the early period, because on May 22 I fly to Croatia for the World Dance Championship as part of the Russian team. During the exam, I was the only one in the audience, the rest of the guys passed profile mathematics in another room.

My set of documents was printed right in front of me and very quickly, after the observers helped with filling out the registration form.

The assignments in KIM were the same as in all the collections for which we were preparing. In my opinion, everything is simple.

I advise graduates not to worry during the exam and in the remaining time to solve all the tasks in a row - then there will be no surprises for you on the exam.

Nikita Dobrovolsky

I am retaking the exam in specialized mathematics this year, so I am doing it ahead of schedule. I can say that I got an easy option.

I'm not sure that I did all the tasks correctly, but some of them were much easier than those that I was used to during preparation.

I didn’t really like that it wasn’t written how to fill in part C correctly, so it took me seven sheets, and the rest - a maximum of three.

Yana Vetergan

I passed the exam in specialized mathematics ahead of schedule, because last year I made a mistake in the main period. I skipped the first task, forgot it, and wrote down all the answers in the wrong order.

This year I didn't like how everything was organized. Now KIMs are printed right in the classroom. While the teachers were printing them, the paper ran out, and they redid it all over again. Some students were nervous, others were laughing and joking.

The first part was very simple - there were no tasks that we did not solve. But the second part seemed difficult. The tasks are the same as in the collections, but much more calculations need to be done. If I solved the first part in an hour, then I spent the rest of the allotted time on solving the second part - although, in theory, this is how it should be done. A guy was sitting behind me, he even cursed several times because of the second part. Six out of 14 people left an hour later - I don’t know what they managed to decide there.

Alexey Ryabovsky

I already passed the exam in specialized mathematics, but I entered the wrong university where I wanted to. Decided to turn over.

The atmosphere was calm in the audience, the tasks were not easier than at the main stage, and even more difficult than last year. Graduates, remember that you have little time - this is the main difficulty that you will face in the exam.

I didn’t even use drafts from the experience of the previous year, knowing that there would be no time to rewrite. I wrote all the allotted hours without distraction. I did not have time to do the second part of the 16th task. It would have been at least half an hour, I would have decided to the end.

The most important advice is to decide. If you know how to solve this or that task, you won’t even have to think when you see the tasks - you will immediately start writing and save time.

If you are applying for a high score, then there will be no chance to sit and think.

Secondary general education

Russian language

Analysis of the early version of the Unified State Exam-2018 in the Russian language

We present to your attention an early version of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, offered to graduates at the exam at the end of March. For you, we have prepared an analysis of the FIPI assignments that were in the early USE in Russian, with answers, as well as a selection of previously published materials to help philology teachers prepare for exams and a number of manuals that will help you successfully pass the USE in Russian.

Part 1

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) Astronomy, like all other sciences, arose from the practical needs of man. (2) With the development of society, more and more new tasks were put forward for astronomy, for the solution of which more advanced methods of observation and more accurate calculation methods were needed. (3)<...>Gradually, the simplest astronomical instruments began to be created and mathematical methods for processing observations were developed.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. The practical needs of man led to the emergence of astronomy, which developed independently of the development of human society.

  2. The emergence and development of astronomy is closely related to the practical needs of man, which require more advanced methods of observation and calculation methods, in connection with which the simplest astronomical instruments began to be created and more advanced mathematical methods for processing observations were developed.

  3. With the development of human society, tasks were put forward before astronomy, for the solution of which more advanced methods of observation and more accurate calculation methods were needed.

  4. The origin and development of astronomy is explained by human needs, which required more advanced methods of observation and calculation methods, for which astronomical instruments began to be created and mathematical methods for processing observations were developed.

  5. The creation of the simplest astronomical instruments and the improvement of mathematical methods for processing observations led to the development of astronomy.

Completing the task:
It is recommended to find two identical statements before reading the text. To do this, you first need to highlight the keywords. In this task, options 2 and 4 almost completely coincide. But the text itself should still be read in order to check the answer and proceed to task 2.

Answer: 2, 4

The manual is intended for graduates of educational organizations and applicants. It contains practical training materials that provide high-quality preparation for the unified state exam in the Russian language. The manual includes 40 options for examination papers, compiled in accordance with the requirements of the exam. 1000 tasks of all types and difficulty levels are provided with answers for self-examination. The materials of the manual can be used by teachers of educational organizations to conduct lessons of repetition and control of knowledge, skills and abilities on all topics of the Russian language course included in the control measuring materials for the exam.

2. Which of the following words (combination of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

After all
That's why
Despite this,

Completing the task:
If it is difficult to catch the shades of the meanings of the service parts of speech, then a hint can be found in the previous task. It is easy to guess that the combination of the words "in connection with what" replaces the meaning of the word "therefore".

Answer: therefore

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word SOCIETY. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

SOCIETY, -a, cf.

  1. In the nobility: a narrow circle of elected people. Accepted in society. Be in society.

  2. Voluntary, permanent association of people to achieve some goal. O. book lovers. All-Russian about. nature conservation. Sports societies.

  3. This or that environment of people, the company. Get into the wrong place. Soul of society.

  4. A set of people united by historically conditioned social forms of joint life and activity. Feudal about. Capitalist about.

  5. someone something. Sharing with someone. To be alienated by someone. society. In the company of old friends.

Completing the task:
Words with a multi-valued interpretation in each text are used, as a rule, only in one of their meanings (unless, of course, the author tried to create a play on words). In order to understand the meaning in which the word "society" is used in the sentence "With the development of society, more and more new tasks were put forward for astronomy", let's single out the key words in each of the five interpretations. The fifth point definitely does not suit us: we are talking about the development of society, and living together cannot develop. The first four meanings can be grouped according to a common feature - the union of people. If the text refers to a change in science, then it means a long period of time. A narrow circle of the elite (item 1), a voluntary association (item 2) and a company (item 3) could not hold out for so long. As the only correct one, only option 4 remains.

Answer: 4

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.

make it easier

Completing the task:
Most likely, the exam will have to choose from the words “mosaic” and “facilitate”. It can be confusing that many people say "make it easy". In this case, when completing this task, it is appropriate to recall the rhyme: “It is necessary to heal the wounds in order to alleviate suffering”,
And, of course, do not forget that verbs often have stress on the last syllable.

Answer: mosaic

5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

When the young specialist was given the floor, there was silence in the hall.
The forward scored two goals and made one assist.
The purpose of the program is to expand the opportunities for talented students for professional growth, inventive activities.
During heavy rain, the barrels in the garden OVERFLOW with water.
The wonderful role of the GREAT actor brought him national love and fame.

Completing the task:
The word "inventive" can only be used in relation to a person: an inventive student. The activity can be inventive.
Let us recall the meanings of these paronyms - words similar in sound and morphemic composition, but differing in lexical meaning:

Inventive- resourceful, quick to invent, capable of inventing: an inventive hostess, an inventive master, an inventive child.
inventive- related to invention, to the inventor: invention bureau, law, creativity, competition.

Answer: inventive

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

Get well soon
BAKE a pie
BOTH tables
leaves swaying

Completing the task:
The word "tables" is masculine, and the form "both" is suitable for it. For "shelves" or "couches" the form "both" would fit, since these words are feminine.
It is difficult to make a mistake in the word "designer" - almost no one says that.
Writing the words "speedy" and "swaying" does not seem difficult, because we say so. But the word "bake" is clearly a mistake.
We remember:
When conjugating the verb BAKE, one of the forms is correct: BAKE. At the same time: BAKE, BAKE, BAKE, BAKE.

Answer: bake

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Grammatical errors:

A) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

B) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

C) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

E) violation of the aspectual-temporal correlation of the verb forms of the Sentence


1) Only when we arrived at the unit, we received permission to move in.

2) The article talks about ancient culture, as well as modern art.

3) Russian teachers hold annual professional competitions, during which they share their accumulated work experience with each other.

4) There were not so many who did not visit the art gallery.

5) Buds of carnations swayed on thin legs, not yet fully blossomed.

6) Thanks to the use of innovative technologies, the quality of products has noticeably improved.

7) The belief that any newborn necessarily knows some language gave rise to a whole chain of experiments.

8) The young performer not only loved classical music, but also jazz.

9) Having changed the name of the play, a new poster was prepared.

Completing the task:
It is best to solve this task gradually: by eliminating simple and accurate answers.
First, let's figure out what is easiest to find.
Point A is an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members. Under this formulation, there are many variants of errors that are associated with homogeneous members. Therefore, it is not worth starting from this point.

It is best to start with point B - the misuse of the case form of a noun with a preposition. Most often, the correct answer is given by prepositions thanks to, according to, contrary to, in spite of, which require the dative case form. More rare are other derivative prepositions: on arrival, on departure. And in paragraph 6 we see: "Thanks to the use." The Dative form should be "use".
B - 6

Then we will look for participial and adverbial phrases. This is not difficult: there is only one participial turnover in this task - in paragraph 5. In the sentence under this paragraph, a clear inconsistency of words is visible.
G - 5

Recall the questions of the participle: what are you doing? having done what? There are two adverbial turns here. You need to choose from the proposals under paragraphs 1 and 9. We highlight the momentum and the basics. Now we need to make sure that these sentences are not impersonal. If there is an impersonal sentence, then it will definitely be a mistake, because in such sentences adverbial phrases are not used. An important point to pay attention to: the action described in the adverbial turnover must be performed by the one named in the subject: We could arrive at the unit (point 1), but the poster could not change the name (point 9).
AT 9

It is also not difficult to detect a violation of the aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms. It is necessary to highlight the verbs in the remaining sentences and pay attention to their forms. Now we find a temporary or specific mismatch: spend - present tense, shared - past tense.
D - 3

There are points 1, 2, 4, 7, 8.
In sentences 1, 4 and 7 of paragraphs there are no homogeneous members. There are 2 and 8 left.
In sentence 2, the “and also” is alarming. There are sentences with a non-existent union "not only ... but also." There is no “not only”, so this is the correct option.
The predicate and the object in sentence 8 cannot be homogeneous!
A - 8

A - 8
B - 6
AT 9
G - 5
D - 3

This collection contains a lot of exercises and dictations of varying complexity that will help you prepare for the Russian language exams. Tasks are prepared taking into account the program of the entire school course. The manual will be useful not only for high school students and applicants, but also for teachers of the Russian language and teachers of preparatory courses at universities. Exercises form the basis of this manual. Theoretical information is presented as a grammatical commentary or reference material. An important element is the generalizing text dictations placed at the end of each section. The manual is intended for high school students and entrants, teachers of the Russian language and teachers of preparatory courses at universities. It will help not only to repeat the school curriculum, but also to effectively prepare for the passing of the OGE and the Unified State Examination, as well as for the entrance exams to the university.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


Completing the task:
From the entire list of words, a test word can only be selected for the word "ecology": ecologist.

Answer: ecology

9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

ra .. put, and .. division
continuous .. jerky, pr .. fight
nen .. sightly, s .. go
ra..count, and..give
o .. pulled, na .. bit

Completing the task:
To solve this task, remember the spelling of prefixes:

  • arranged, calculate - C is written in front of the deaf;

  • product, izdat - Z is written before voiced ones;

  • The prefixes OT- and OVER- do not change: pulled back, bitten;

  • continuous - the prefix PRE- appears in the meaning of "interruption";

  • surf - the prefix PRI- is used in the meaning of "approximation";

  • prefixes ON- and FOR- do not change.

Answer: darling, go

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the gap.


Completing the task:
When completing this task and task number 11, you can pronounce the words, then you will probably hear what letter is written in the word: meant. But you also need to remember that the suffixes -CHIV- and -LIV- are written with I. It is also recommended to repeat the spelling of the suffixes of verbs.

Answer: implied

The Ultimate Tutor series is the perfect assistant for preparing for exams. "Russian language. Supertutor to prepare for the exam "is:
over 150 exercises on the main topics of Russian spelling, syntax and punctuation
an accessible form of presentation of the material in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard
tasks for complex text analysis in the GIA 9 and GIA 11 formats
responses to control and close knowledge gaps

11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.
missed.. (conditions)
torment.. my

“Missed” and “disappear” are heard very clearly, but other words can be pronounced differently. It is best to explain the spelling of a particular letter:

  • You will lay - an exception, 1 ref. (to shave, lay, build), in the personal ending it is written E.

  • Missed - passive participle, infinitive Skip not on -at / -yat, therefore the suffix -EN (H) - is written.

  • Disappear - what will you do? what to do? -disappear. 1 sp, in the personal ending is written E.

  • Unacceptable, tormented: suffixes of verbal adjectives and participles -EM- / -IM- are checked by conjugation. To torment - 2 ref.

Answer: tormented

12. Identify a sentence in which NOT with the highlighted word is written CLEARLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Shine like lips, (NOT) wiped by hand, and willow vines, and oak leaves.
We remained in (NOT) CONFUSION when the strange guest suddenly left.
(UN) REALIZING their destiny, the heroes of the plays by A.P. Chekhov often live their life meaninglessly.
Potatoes in the gardens are still (NOT) DIGGED.
Little tragedies of an individual remain (NOT) NOTICED by anyone.

Completing the task:
When performing this task, you need to check whether each specific word is used without NOT. The word "perception" does not exist. So this is the correct answer.
Let's check the rest of the words:

  • not wiped by hand, not noticed by anyone - participles with dependent words;

  • not realizing - not with a gerund;

  • not excavated - not with a short participle.

Answer: bewilderment

13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

  1. (FOR) THEN he turned the compass ruler (IN) IN THE direction in which the boy had disappeared.

  2. THE SAME expression of readiness for decisive action appeared on Artyom's face as at our first meeting, (WHEN) even his eyes expressed the same confidence.

  3. I (THAT) HOUR went to the Tatarinovs in such a way that (WOULD) not catch Nikolai Antonovich.

  4. (B) FOR some time, Vera receives passionate and passionate love letters from an unknown person, but (STILL) does not attach any importance to them.

  5. Onegin, AS (SAME) as the hero of B. Constant, is smart, but emphatically indifferent to the people around him and (IN) THAT does not see anything in life worthy of his spiritual efforts.

Completing the task:
It is best to do the task according to this algorithm:

  1. Find words that, without any doubt, are written with a hyphen: something, -something, -or, -something, after all, double adverbs. Specifically, in this task, we will not find such words.

  2. See if there are words that are uniquely spelled separately. These are prepositions with nouns and pronouns, the words “just”, “anyway”, “as if”, “what if”. The suggestion in point #1 doesn't exactly fit. “In that” will not be merged in any case, because this is a preposition with a pronoun.

  3. Now you can find the words "During(s)" and "during the continuation(s)". They often occur in such assignments, and in any case are written separately. Sentence 4 can be deleted.

  4. It is necessary to see if the task contains the words WHAT (WOULD), THAT (SAME) and SO (SAME). With them, as a rule, there should not be any difficulties either. It is important to determine whether the particle can be removed. As a result, it turns out that sentences 2 and 5 are not suitable.

Now you need to check the remaining option: “immediately” is written together, “to” cannot be removed or rearranged “would”.

Answer: immediately

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which N is written.

At the solemn (1) ceremony of presenting the state (2) awards, a (3) and flame (4) speech was delivered, which made a strong impression on the workers (5) of the home front gathered in the hall.

Completing the task:
The task is not difficult, here you need to remember the spelling of each word:

  • solemn, state, fiery - suffix -ENN- in noun adjectives;

  • pronounced - a short participle with H;

  • for a worker - (one H) the spelling of this word must be remembered.

Answer: 3, 5

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. A heartfelt love for native places and snow-covered expanses beckons to itself, gives rise to thoughts about the bitterness of loss and anxiety for the future.

  2. The language itself contains both images and rhythm and rhymes and alliteration.

  3. The language is diverse and polyphonic and multi-toned.

  4. Either thoughts or memories or dreams wandered through his head.

  5. The air is light and clean, and the river is frozen.

Completing the task:
For the correct placement of punctuation marks, we define the composition of sentences:

  1. A heartfelt love for native places and snow-covered expanses beckons to itself, gives rise to thoughts about the bitterness of loss and anxiety for the future. This sentence has homogeneous predicates.

  2. The language itself contains images, rhythm, rhymes, and alliteration. Here we see a repeating union.

  3. The language is diverse, and polyphonic, and multi-toned. Again, we notice repeated alliances.

  4. Either thoughts, or memories, or dreams wandered through his head. Here we see three homogeneous terms with a double union.

  5. The air is light and clean, and the river is frozen. And this is a complex sentence.

Answer: 1.5

The reference book is designed to prepare high school graduates for the Unified State Examination (USE) in the Russian language. The publication contains theoretical material on all sections of the school course of the Russian language in grades 6-11, recommendations for completing tasks of parts of all types of parts 1 and 2 of the examination paper. The practical part includes samples of test tasks, approximate in volume, structure and selected material to the control measuring materials of the unified state exam. Answers to test tasks are given at the end of the manual.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

After completing the first stage of cooking (1), you can add (2) finely chopped truffles (3) or (4) pre-cooked champignons to the dish.

Completing the task:
First, we single out the adverbial turnover.
In this sentence, the participial phrases are in front of the defined words. The defined words here are not personal pronouns. The adverbial phrases in this sentence do not have additional meanings, which means that there is no reason to isolate these phrases.

Answer: 1

17. Put in all the missing punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

I love (1) you (2) my damask (3) dagger (4)
Comrade bright and cold.
The pensive Georgian forged you for revenge,
A free Circassian sharpened for a formidable battle.<...>
You were given to me as a companion (5) pledge of love (6) dumb (7)
And the wanderer in you is not a useless example:
Yes, I will not change and I will be firm in soul,
How are you, how are you (8) my friend (9) iron.

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Completing the task:
Here you should carefully read the poem to the end. In this case, you can select appeals. You should not snatch individual words from the poem without reading the entire line. You need to think about the meaning of the last two lines: after all, if you put a comma in place (9), it turns out that the lyrical hero himself consists of iron.

Answer: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8

The publication will assist high school students in preparing for the exam in the Russian language. The book will help you quickly and effectively repeat and summarize the learning material. The manual includes theoretical material on all topics of the exam. Questions, tasks and exercises will help consolidate knowledge. Answers are given for the most difficult tasks at the end of the book. The publication has been prepared in accordance with the modern requirements of the school curriculum of secondary (complete) general education.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

Since then, every time (1) when we encounter the composer (2) somewhere, he cannot remember this case (3) without laughter, which (4) we have become unwitting witnesses.

Completing the task:
This task is a little more difficult than all almost identical tasks under No. 18, which can be found in KIMs. It is important here to emphasize the basics and draw a sentence outline. This will make it easier to punctuate. It must be remembered that in the sentences from this task, the pronoun "which" will always be inside the subordinate clause.

[Since then, every time (when we encounter the composer somewhere), he cannot remember this incident without laughing], (of which we have become unwitting witnesses).

Answer: 1, 2, 3

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentence.

I really wanted to see my former classmates (1) and (2) when our meeting took place (3) I asked them (4) if they missed school.

Completing the task:
Here we see the junction of unions: coordinating and subordinating. It is difficult to understand whether a comma should be included in case number (2). To do this, you need to mentally remove the subordinate clause and see how the sentence will be perceived without it.

I really wanted to see my former classmates, and I asked them...

The sentence reads normally, so the comma at number (2) should be here.

The difficulty lies also in the fact that this is a subordinate clause with the conjunction LI. Not everyone recognizes it, it is rare.

[I really wanted to see my former classmates], and, (when our meeting took place), [I asked them], (do they miss school).

Answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Athletes, in order to win a world record, have to train intensively for more than one year.

Completing the task:
With this task, as with task number 6, many had problems.
There are many synonyms in Russian, and this sentence can be corrected in different ways. They win more medals, but certainly not records. Therefore, the words “beaten”, “installed”, “set” are suitable here.

Answer: beat, installed, installed

Read the text and do tasks 21-26.

(1) Captain Sumskov glanced at the lined up Red Army men and, slightly worried, said: - Comrades! (2) An order has been received: to take up defense on a height behind the farm, at a crossroads. (3) Defend the high ground until reinforcements arrive. (4) Is the task clear? (5) In recent days, we have lost a lot, but we have retained the banner of the regiment, we must also preserve the honor of the regiment. (6) We will hold on to the last! (7) The infantry regiment set out from the farm. (8) Zvyagintsev nudged Nikolai with his elbow and, gleaming with animation, said: - Going into battle with a banner is appropriate, and retreating with it - just God forbid! (9) How do you suppose we will stand? (10) Nicholas nodded decisively. - (11) We must resist! (12) Near the windmill, a barefoot white-headed boy of seven years old, who was tending geese, ran closer to the road, stopped, slightly moving his ruddy lips, admiringly examining those passing by the burnt grass. (38) Grass burned out near the nearest tank, small flames, almost invisible in daylight, darted along the tops of the feather grass, charred, dark skeletons of stationary tanks smoked on the slope. (39) Nikolai did not hear the earth-shaking, landslide roar of an explosion, did not see a large mass of earth heavily rearing next to him. (40) A compressed, tight wave of hot air swept the embankment of the front parapet into the trench, with force threw back Nikolai's head. (41) Nikolai woke up when the planes, having dumped their cargo from two approaches, had long since retired and the German infantry, having launched the third attack in a row, approached the defense line almost close, preparing for the decisive throw. (42) A fierce battle thundered around Nicholas. (43) Of the last forces, only a few soldiers of the regiment held on; their fire weakened: there were few people capable of protecting; already on the left flank hand grenades were used; the survivors were already preparing to meet the Germans with the last bayonet strike. (44) Having overtaken the fleeing Germans at the very ravine, Zvyagintsev and the rest began to work with bayonets, far behind the Red Army men rushing forward, slumping heavily on a wounded leg, Sergeant Lyubchenko walked, holding a banner in one hand, pressing the machine gun forward to his side; the wounded captain Sumskov crawled out of the trench broken by a shell ... (45) Leaning on his left hand, the captain crawled down from a height, following his fighters. (46) There was not a blood speck in his lime-white face, but he nevertheless moved forward and, throwing his head back, shouted in a childishly thin, breaking voice: - Eaglets! (47) My relatives, go ahead! .. (48) Give them life!

(According to M.A. Sholokhov⃰)

⃰ Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov (1906–1984) - Russian Soviet writer, screenwriter, journalist, war correspondent, Nobel Prize winner in literature.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

Completing the task:
You need to find and underline the words from this task in the text.

  1. After the shell burst, the wounded Captain Sumskov continued to maintain the morale of the Red Army.
    This statement corresponds to the sentence in the text:

    (44) Having overtaken the fleeing Germans at the very ravine, Zvyagintsev and the rest began to work with bayonets, far behind the Red Army men rushing forward, slumping heavily on a wounded leg, Sergeant Lyubchenko walked, holding a banner in one hand, pressing the machine gun to his side; crawled out of the broken
    Captain Sumskov was wounded by a trench shell ... (45) Leaning on his left hand, the captain crawled down from a height, following his soldiers. (46) There was not a drop of blood in his lime-white face, but he nevertheless moved forward and, throwing his head back, shouted in a childishly thin, breaking voice:
    - Eaglets! (47) My relatives, go ahead! .. (48) Give them life!

  2. The heavy battle of the Red Army lasted several minutes, but the losses of the enemy were heavy.
    This statement is incorrect:

    (35) It seemed to him that the battle lasted several minutes, but in fact more than half an hour had passed since the beginning of the attack,
    the sun was noticeably leaning to the west, and its rays had already begun to lose their recent evil burning.

  3. Nikolai Streltsov served in an infantry regiment during the Great Patriotic War.

    (7) The infantry regiment set out from the farm. (8) Zvyagintsev pushed Nikolai with his elbow and, gleaming with animation, said:
    - Going into battle with a banner is appropriate, and retreating with it is just God forbid! (9) How do you suppose we will stand?
    (10) Nicholas nodded decisively.

  4. In the harsh wartime, Nikolai Streltsov involuntarily recalled his son.
    This sentence corresponds to the sentence:

    (13) And Nikolai looked at him intently and opened his eyes wide in amazement: how similar! and in facial features, and in the whole small tightly knocked down figure. (16) Where is he now, his little, infinitely dear Nikolenka Streltsov? (17) I wanted to take another look at the boy, so strikingly similar to his son, but Nikolai restrained himself: before the battle, he did not need memories that made his heart soften.

  5. Tank units came to the aid of the Red Army men defending the height.
    The text refers only to German tanks, so such a statement is considered inappropriate.

Answer: 1, 3, 4

22. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Sentence 10 contains the answer to the question posed in sentence 4.

2) Sentences 12, 14 contain a description.

3) Proposals 16 and 17 are opposed in content.

4) Sentences 27-31 present the narrative.

5) In sentences 37, 38, reasoning is presented

Completing the task:

  1. Sentence 10 contains the answer to the question posed in sentence 4.

    If you do not read it carefully, it seems that everything is true: a question is asked in the text and an answer is given to it. But you need to get a grasp - then it becomes clear that the hero answers a completely different question.

  2. Sentences 12 and 14 contain a description.

    It's right:

    (12) Near the windmill, a barefoot white-headed boy of seven years old, who was tending geese, ran closer to the road, stopped, slightly moving his ruddy lips, admiringly examining the Red Army soldiers passing by.
    (14) The same as the eldest son, wide-set blue eyes, the same flaxen hair ...

  3. Propositions 16 and 17 are contrasted in content.

    Let's reread Propositions 16 and 17. It is obvious that this statement is false:

    (16) Where is he now, his little, infinitely dear Nikolenka Streltsov? (17) I wanted to take another look at the boy, so strikingly similar to his son, but Nikolai restrained himself: before the battle, he does not need memories that make his heart soften.

  4. Sentences 27–31 present the narrative.

    This statement is true, because the sentence lists the physical actions:

    (27) The first tank stopped before reaching a group of thorn bushes, the second flared up, turned back and stood, stretching out a tar-black, slightly wavering smoky torch to the sky.
    (31) Finally she got up, in short dashes she went to approach, but at that time the tanks were cool
    turned around, moved back, leaving six burning and wrecked cars on the slope.

  5. In sentences 37, 38, reasoning is presented.

    Wrong. Sentences 37 and 38 do not present an argument, but a description with narrative elements.

    (37) A heavy smell of burnt iron and gasoline, mixed with the bitter, ashy spirit of burnt grass, hit his nostrils. (38) Grass burned out near the nearest tank, small flames, almost invisible in daylight, darted along the tops of the feather grass, charred, dark skeletons of stationary tanks smoked on the slope.

Answer: 2, 4

23. Write out one phraseological unit from sentences 34–35.

Completing the task:
The task is not easy, because if you look at the proposed fragment of the text, then the phraseological unit is not immediately noticeable:

(34) Nikolay charged empty disks, drank some disgustingly warm water from a flask, looked at his watch. (35) It seemed to him that the battle lasted several minutes, but in fact more than half an hour had passed since the beginning of the attack, the sun noticeably leaned to the west, and its rays had already begun to lose their recent evil burning.
Due to the frequent use in speech, some phraseological units are “lost” in the text, and it is very difficult to recognize them immediately.

Answer: actually

24. Among sentences 12-17, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one using a conjunction and a personal pronoun. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

(12) Near the windmill, a barefoot white-headed boy of seven years old, who was tending geese, ran closer to the road, stopped, slightly moving his ruddy lips, admiringly examining the Red Army soldiers passing by. (13) And Nikolai looked at him intently and opened his eyes wide in amazement: how similar he is! (14) The same as those of the eldest son, wide-set blue eyes, the same flaxen hair ... (15) There was an elusive resemblance both in facial features and in the whole small tightly knocked down figure. (16) Where is he now, his little, infinitely dear Nikolenka Streltsov? (17) I wanted to take another look at the boy, so strikingly similar to his son, but Nikolai restrained himself: before the battle, he does not need memories that make his heart soften.

Completing the task:
You need to find all personal pronouns in this fragment of text, and then look for conjunctions. We see that in sentence (13) there is both.

Answer: 13

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed in tasks 21–24. This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the numbers of the terms from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number. Write the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number 25, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

The manual has been prepared in accordance with the mandatory minimum content of basic general and secondary (complete) general education in the Russian language, contains all the material necessary for a student to independently prepare for the Unified State Examination: a theory that includes tables that are easy to remember, as well as a practical part, with examples examination exercises and their step-by-step analysis. The attached CD contains not only a practice test in the USE format, but also intermediate testing for each chapter of the manual, which will allow the student to organize independent work to test their own knowledge. The program automatically checks the correctness of the examination tasks, which allows you to control the level of preparation for the exam.

25. “M.A. Sholokhov paid special attention to ordinary soldiers overcoming all the incredible difficulties and hardships of the war. Syntactic means of expression are often used in the text: (A) _________ (sentences 6‚ 11‚ 13) and (B) _______ (sentences 9‚ 16). A special role in the text belongs to the depiction of the realities of war. And here the tropes play an important role: (C) _______ (“evil burning” in sentence 35) and (D) ________ (“throwing ... tongues of flame” in sentence 38).

List of terms:

1) dialogue

2) epithet

3) metaphor

4) hyperbole

5) parceling

6) anaphora

8) comparison

Completing the task:
The first thing to do is to see what clues the test writers made. So, we need to find two syntactic means of expression and two paths.

Let's turn to the list.
What syntactic means of expression can we find?

5) parceling

6) anaphora

7) exclamatory sentences

9) interrogative sentences

What are the trails?

3) metaphor

4) hyperbole

8) comparison

The terms under points A and B are easy to define. Let's find sentences 6, 11, 13. They are all exclamatory. Sentences 6 and 11 are interrogative, obviously.

Let's move on to the trails. There is definitely no exaggeration (hyperbole) in the above phrases. Comparison is a little more complicated. After all, a metaphor, for example, is also a comparison, but hidden. In comparison, it is always obvious what is being compared with what. In the text, flashes of fire are compared to tongues. But we see only "tongues" - something with which it is compared. If we talk about formal signs of comparison, then we will see that there are no words like, as if, as if, exactly, as if, what. And there is no instrumental case. Therefore, it can be argued that there is no comparison here.

It turns out that the correct answers are an epithet and a metaphor. C is an epithet (there is no transfer of meaning), G is a metaphor (there is a transfer of meaning).

Answer: 7, 9, 2, 3

The textbook, which is part of the Algorithm of Success system of educational and methodological kits, is intended for high school students studying the Russian language and literature both at the basic and advanced levels. Contains extended theoretical material, creative tasks, exercises aimed at preparing for the exam. The textbook implements a modern cultural and creative model of education.

Part 2

26. Composition

Approximate range of problems
Author's position

First problem
- the heroism of Russian soldiers during the Great Patriotic War (at what cost was victory over fascism achieved in the Great Patriotic War?).
The victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War was achieved thanks to the heroism of Soviet soldiers.
Second problem- preservation of humanity,
memories of home, family and children in war.
(Which gave strength to the warrior, thanks to which
did he endure all the hardships of military conditions?)
The imperishable memory of children, family and home, which the soldier stood up to protect, gave him the opportunity to remain a man and endure difficult military trials.
Third problem- maintaining a sense of duty
in front of the Motherland.
When a soldier tuned in to battle, he had to drown out all the sentimental qualities in himself, so as not to lose vigilance and fighting spirit overnight.

First problem
Having touched on the theme of heroism in the essay, it is better to omit the episode with the boy. But the description of the battle, the wounded commander and other relevant phenomena should be given more attention. In a word, it is necessary to emphasize that victory was achieved at a high price due to the stamina and courage of people.
For argumentation, you can take any books of the Soviet period about the war.

Second problem
According to the author, the state of mind of a soldier is connected with his memories. This fragment of the text shows the image of a boy who reminded Streltsov of his son. Memories of home washed over him. Home, family and love were the spiritual support for the soldier.
Arguments can be cited from "War and Peace" (Nikolai Rostov) and "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." (memoirs of girls), as well as from the Tales of Lev Kassil (for example, "The Story of the Absent One").
In many works about the war, Sholokhov focuses on the preservation of the human in a person ("Mole", "Foal", "Shibalkov's Seed", "The Fate of Man"). He contrasted the literature of the lost generation with his works, which affirm faith in a person who preserves the moral core in war.

Third problem
The life of a soldier in war is different from the peaceful life of an ordinary person, so memories of home, family and children could distract the soldiers from the thought that duty to the Motherland is above all. In the episode of the meeting with the boy, we see a test for the ability to pull oneself together when a soldier is responsible to the Motherland. Still, of course, this episode also contains motivation: for whom specifically he is responsible. (For a comment, reference may be made to proposals no. 5 and no. 18-19).
The boy waved his hand. He believes in a soldier who will protect him. The soldier is a role model. Of course, Streltsov must correspond to this image.

Important note: the second and third problems are opposed to each other. However, it is possible to prove both positions.

"The exam is just one of the life tests that you have to go through." For a second, it seemed to me that it was June, I was a graduate, and there were 4 more exams ahead. But no, it's the end of March, I'm already officially an "IDP", that is, a graduate of previous years, and only the summer session is ahead.

As you probably guessed, today we will talk about my experience of retaking the exam.


Attempt number two

By tradition, I will break the article into several points, each of which will be the answer to the question.

1. Why?

I decided to retake some exams (namely, mathematics and social studies), because I want to improve my results and try to transfer to another university this summer - the Higher School of Economics (I am currently studying at the Financial University).
Last year, I was 2 (!!!) points short of getting into HSE. But, as you know, the results of the USE are valid for 4 years, and no one forbids us to transfer to other universities. That is why this year I am going to “try my luck” again.

2. How to register?

A logical question, given that I am no longer a student and cannot simply rely on the school administration.

To register for the exam, graduates of previous years must come to the next Department of Education or RCOI and write the same statement that was written in 11th grade. Just remember that this must be done before February 1!

And yes, we have a choice! It is not necessary to hand over in the early period (March-April), you can also choose a reserve, which takes place at the end of June.

3. Is the handover process different?

Absolutely not! You must also arrive at the PET by 9:00 am, hand in all your belongings, and take only a black ink pen and an uncovered passport.

From the innovations of this year (at least I didn’t have this last year) - now all tasks are sent to the PES on electronic media, and KIMs are printed in the classroom right in front of you.

4. Is it true that tasks are easier in the early period?

A question that interests many.

Last year, when I was still a schoolgirl and, like everyone else, I was preparing for exams, solving dozens of options, I could not help but notice that the early version of the Unified State Examination in mathematics was completely uncomplicated and absolutely solvable. Then my math teacher told me and my classmates not to even hope for such a low level of difficulty for the main period of passing the exam.

Alas, she was right.
June 2, 2017 (yes, I still remember the date) was a day of disappointment for me, because in the exam I managed to solve very little - only the first part and the 13th task from the second part. The biggest sadness was that I did not solve my favorite economic problem (17 task).

What happened this time?
This time everything was much easier than in the main period. And this applies to both the first and second parts. I managed to solve the entire first part, as well as 13, 15, 17 (yes! I still solved it!) And 19 task item "a".

So I can say with almost complete certainty that tasks in the early period are really easier (or am I just so lucky?).

5. Why is this article written?

This article was written, among other things, so that those who fail to pass the exam the first time with a satisfying score do not be afraid to retake it. In addition, those who decide to take a gap-year will be able to go to the exam in the early period (you can read about it in this article).

As you can see, graduates of previous years who pass early are not necessarily losers who failed to pass the exam the first time. Perhaps these are people who just want to improve their results and compete with you for admission next year with higher scores)

Alina Grigorieva

Recent publications

“And so that they learn all the definitions for the next lesson!” - the nightmare of the former schoolboy is interrupted by awakening, and, having successfully wiped the sweat from his forehead, he is going to work with unusual pleasure (the main thing is that he is not going to school!).

Every year, school graduates take state exams in late May and early June. This period is called the main period. The developers of the exams provided an opportunity to pass the state certification at a different time - an early period.

If you have objective reasons, then you have the right to sign up for an early time.

There are many stereotypes around this exam option. We intend to dispel them, so we will talk about the conditions and main characteristics regarding the early stage.

Criteria for early surrender

Graduates can take the Unified State Exam ahead of schedule if there is a good reason. It considers the situations that will take place during the main exam:

  • conscription;
  • stay in medical organizations according to the recommendations of medical staff in order to carry out medical procedures of various kinds and nature;
  • participation in domestic or international sports competitions, contests, training camps or olympiads;
  • moving on a permanent basis or in order to continue studying at a foreign university abroad;
  • evening education training;
  • training takes place outside the Russian Federation in another country with particularly difficult climatic conditions, but in a Russian educational institution.

An important condition is the fact that in order to confirm the above points, the educational institution must provide the relevant supporting documents.

Who can submit early?

Young people who have mastered the school curriculum have the right to choose.

This is about:

  • (both about those who graduated from school many years ago, and about those who received a certificate only a couple of years ago);
  • children who graduated from technical schools, lyceums, colleges and have the appropriate attestation certificates.

And, of course, this opportunity applies to current 11th graders who have one of the above reasons.

IMPORTANT: in order to get admission to the early passing of the state exam, you need to write an application addressed to the director, indicating the circumstance and attaching a copy of the supporting document.

Time spending

Annually in October-November, the dates of early state tests are published. Usually the period starts from March and ends at the beginning of April.

For example, in 2018, the delivery took place from 21.03 to 11.04.

To find out your key dates, check out the information on the website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements.

Exam Difficulty

There is an opinion that the questions at the preliminary certification are simpler, because graduates of past school programs participate in them - those who have not gone through any topics and have not encountered a certain task format. And it is for this reason that many teenagers want to participate earlier.

This is the first and weighty delusion. Perhaps this was the case a few years ago. However, now there is no doubt about the validity of the collected options on the main and early periods. You just need to refer to the reviews and online analysis of assignments.

The guys who have passed this stage admit that the formulated questions are quite difficult. Most of the terms seemed familiar, but even they were so complicated that they caused trouble. High school students did not expect to see some tasks and turned out to be not ready for them. In this connection, they did not cope with the test - they did not score the required minimum points. According to experienced teachers, there are even more complex than usual questions.

The main thing in successfully passing the state test is quality training. Graduates who choose to take the exam early should take into account their degree of preparedness for the tests. It is better to set aside a couple more months for study, if possible. Otherwise, the pace of mastering materials should be accelerated.

The future of a teenager depends on the results of the exam, so haste is inappropriate here. Before making a decision in this matter, we strongly advise you to think carefully.