What sciences does communication consist of? Are you a sociable person? How to develop communication skills

Man, today perhaps everyone knows. But not everyone can skillfully manage it. Psychologists distinguish two types of character: introvert and extrovert. The first is immersed in his own experiences, the second is characterized by a sociable character. It is easier for him to establish friendly and business relationships, he is open and focused on the outside world.

Both types are quite flexible. And over time, for example, an introvert can develop the qualities of an extrovert. Everything will depend on personal aspirations, readiness and circumstances. However, it is worth noting that sociable does not mean sociable. So, let’s understand the concept and find out how to develop communication skills. What are the advantages of this quality and how can you determine its degree in yourself?

Sociable person - who is this?

If for you the words “outgoing” and “sociable” are synonyms, then let’s hasten to understand these concepts. A sociable person is, as a rule, an open person who easily makes contact and does not know how to hide his emotions inside. For such a person, it does not matter with whom and when he speaks, he enjoys the process of communication itself.

What does communicative mean? This is the person with an asterisk. The person with is quite flexible. He knows how to adapt in communication to different types and But this is not at all connected with hypocrisy and flattery. It’s just that this type of character knows to whom and with what spices to serve an informational dish.

If an unusual situation arises, sociable people will be able to find the right words. Successful influence is reinforced by the fact that they are charming, self-confident and able to quickly adapt to new conditions. Often such qualities contribute to the acquisition of high authority and leadership positions in the team.

Benefits of Communication

Of course, there are many advantages to be found in such flexibility of communication:

  • Firstly, a person can realize himself in almost any area of ​​social activity. A sociable person is willingly hired for vacant positions because he is able to quickly and confidently negotiate with demanding and uncompromising people.
  • Naturally, achieving success is undeniable not only in your career, but also in your creativity and personal life.
  • A pleasant bonus can also be finding harmony of the soul with the outside world, getting rid of complexes, fears and isolation.
  • Easy resolution or even prevention of conflicts. Establishing strong business and friendly relationships.

Understanding the range of privileges and pleasures that can be obtained from such a quality in oneself, a completely reasonable question arises: is it possible to learn sociability? The answer is definitely positive!

Today there are many books in the public domain from competent authors in the category “How to communicate with people correctly?” Psychology has long formulated universal tips that will help almost every person reveal themselves. You just have to want it. But before you get down to business, you need to check yourself. There is a special sociability test for this purpose. Let's see how communicative we are.

Sociability test

To conduct this little study, you need to imagine the following situations:

  • You have been assigned to give a detailed report at a meeting or a report at a conference. You are upset?
  • There was a conflict between your colleagues. The boss asks you to look into it. Are you afraid of ruining your relationship with your colleagues?
  • There is a discussion of some problem or subject. Someone expresses his opinion, but it is incorrect. Will you argue with the previous speaker, proving the truth?
  • A responsible business meeting is coming up. Are you nervous?
  • A stranger on the street asks you where the nearest bakery is. Does this annoy you?

At this point, the sociability test is considered passed. Let's move on to the results. Counting them is very simple. If you answered yes to most of the questions, you should seriously think about how to develop your communication skills. And if the answer “yes” is present in all points, then this is not even a property, but a problem of your character. Working in a team is simply unbearable for you. Relationships with colleagues are also difficult.

A negative answer to these questions is an indicator of communication skills. The more there are, the higher its level. In any society, such a person is comfortable and almost any life situation can be solved easily.

There is a solution

If a person has communicative qualities, he simply needs to maintain and improve them. In case of absence, the situation should be assessed correctly. There are cases when the acquisition of such skills is not required. A person is comfortable following his own path without delving into the intricacies of successful communication. However, for those who are determined to change themselves, there is a solution. We suggest getting acquainted with key tips from psychologists on how to develop communication skills.

It all starts from childhood

It is known that the most significant period in a person’s life is childhood. This is a serene time, devoid of serious responsibility, when the formation of basic character traits is influenced not by internal beliefs, but by external factors. Children’s sociability is determined by how quickly they find friends, how easily and naturally they join a new team (at school, creative clubs, etc.). The task of parents in this case is to be attentive to the child, support, and good advice. Therefore, when wondering how to develop a child’s communication skills, you just need to create harmonious conditions in the home and focus on comprehensive education.

We don’t shy away from communication

As for adults with a formed inner world and views, the strategy for developing communication skills is defined here more subtly and step by step. You should start with simple, relaxed communication. And not just with a specific person, but with several acquaintances. To do this, you can use virtual communication, which is becoming increasingly popular today. But better than a real, live one.

Need to be first

Another question is how to develop communication skills if you have no friends and nothing to talk about with your neighbors and colleagues. Yes, this happens too. It's time to make new acquaintances and look for common interests. Don't be afraid to come up first and start a conversation. You can open the conversation with a question about how to find a house or street or become interested in some object that belongs to the interlocutor. Don't despair if your first attempts are unsuccessful. In this case, practice is key.

If there are plenty of friends and acquaintances, and you have not mastered the skill of communication, take the initiative. Let's say you see someone you know in a large department store. Don't hide or run away from him to another department. Circumstances brought you together for a reason. Take advantage of this opportunity. Go forward boldly. At the same time, show maximum friendliness and charm. From the classic questions “how are you?” and “how are you?” You can proceed to search for the desired product or discuss service.

Let's have fun

Who is a sociable person? As already mentioned, this is a master of communication. He not only knows how to find contact with any people, but also enjoys this process. That is, openly and naturally, he can engage conversation participants in an interesting topic, find out the opposing point of view, adequately evaluate it, and at the same time give the impression of a wise and competent interlocutor. This method should be taken into account. After all, there are often situations when a person obviously knows what kind of conversation awaits him and is already setting himself up in a negative mood. For example, a friend or girlfriend promises to come visit and while away the evening. Their favorite topics are football or shopping. Don't despair that the evening is lost. Try to intercept the right of the leader of the conversation. From the first notes, literally set your motive, involve your interlocutor in a topic that interests you and combine business with pleasure.

A pinch of artistry

Psychologists distinguish two types of communication skills: verbal and nonverbal. In addition to accurate words and phrases, a good sense of humor, you need to control your facial expressions and gestures. This gives richness and flavor to communication. When telling a story, it is very important not just to tell a dry narrative, but also to decorate it by transforming into a certain image, changing facial expression and voice. After this, you can be sure that soon everyone will admit: “This person is the soul of the company.”

Allow yourself to be a little artist. Free your inner impulses. Just feel the measure in your emotions. Don't replay! To better understand how to develop communication skills and in which direction to move, you can watch several humorous monologues. And then try to reproduce them and show them in front of the mirror. This practice will have a positive effect not only on the quality of communication, but also on your mood.

Let's stay positive

What does "communicative" mean? Perhaps a permanent synonym for this word can be “optimistic.” Sociable people rarely become discouraged. Even if they face serious difficulties in life, they know how to find positive aspects in them and joke a little. Smiling and moving forward is the main rule of sociable people. After all, a friendly face attracts many more people than a sad expression.

If you think like a pessimist, then it's time to switch to a positive wave. Of course, it is impossible to always be a strong and unbending optimist. But you need to learn to see something hopeful and promising in a negative pile of problems. You will say that this is a rare gift, and it is not subject to everyone? Whatever the case! The main thing is to observe yourself every day and work to remove obstacles along the way. And you won’t notice how people will be drawn to you, and the quality of communication will become more productive and enjoyable.


So, we found out what human sociability is and how it is useful in life. This is the art of communication, which anyone can master if desired and with the right guidelines. Do not forget that communication skills are influenced by experience and level of intellectual preparation. But all this comes with time. In the meantime, it's time to take the first steps towards success.

Sociability in our time is a very important and necessary personal quality, since the ability to quickly find a common language with people and establish contacts is necessary both in personal life and work. In job advertisements you can often find such a requirement for an applicant, especially if the company is looking for a sales manager, HR manager, public relations manager, etc.

Communication skills - what does it mean?

For those who want to know what sociability means, it’s worth remembering the people who probably exist in the lives of each of us. Friends of youth or work colleagues who can find the right words for everyone and tune in to the wave of both a small child and an older adult. They always have some story or anecdote that is appropriate; they can easily direct the thread of conversation in a positive direction if they feel that something is brewing. A sociable person is open to the world, he is friendly and pleasant to talk to.

  1. Sociability can be called sociability or contact when it comes to informal conversation. “The soul of the party” - that’s what they say about such people.
  2. In business negotiations, the very term “communication skills” is used, which helps a person find compromises and negotiate with the right people.
  3. In diplomacy, this is simply an irreplaceable quality, because without it, success in this field is impossible.
  4. TV and radio presenters, entertainers, DJs and others are sociable people who can captivate and ignite the audience.
  5. Social networks open up huge opportunities for such sociable people, especially if they have creative potential.

How to develop your communication skills?

It must be said right away that not every person who craves communication can be called sociable. Can a tiresome bore be considered sociable? And the brawler, just looking for a reason to squabble? Some are so talkative that they simply won’t let you get a word in edgewise. She is so absorbed in useless chatter that she herself does not notice how she is wasting her interlocutor’s time. It also happens that a taciturn and reserved person opens up in a certain situation, when he feels that he has entered his “field”, and the topic of conversation is extremely interesting and familiar to him. It is possible and necessary to develop your communication skills, and above all, you should try to be open-minded towards other people’s views.

Showing interest in people, trying to understand their desires, feelings and needs, it is necessary to understand that they have the right to freely express their views and be ready to accept their concept. It is very important to expand your horizons, read a lot and educate yourself. This will increase self-confidence, because a person savvy in many issues will no longer be afraid of communication, he will be able to answer questions and, if necessary, ask again or clarify something. If you want to know how you can improve your communication skills, try to enjoy communication. Express your interest in the topic being discussed, not only talk, but also listen.

It is unacceptable to agree absentmindedly, because you can thereby offend your interlocutor, but by entering into an argument with him, defending your point of view, you also spare the feelings of your opponent. And humor will be your faithful assistant: it will always help defuse the situation and put your interlocutors at ease. Set a positive example of friendliness and openness for your children, and they will follow in your footsteps as outgoing people.

Sociability as a personality quality is the ability to establish contact with almost any person, connect with his psyche, but at the same time, without losing himself, remaining with his views.

The world's first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, was an undoubted genius of communication. One charming Gagarin smile was enough to melt the ice of isolation and alienation of any person. “We do not idealize him, he truly was an extraordinary person,” Boris Volynov expressed the general position at the traditional meeting of “pioneers” in Star City. “He’s cheerful, resourceful, incredibly sociable, always focused on winning.” Six applicants were preparing for the role of the first cosmonaut, but everyone was sure that Gagarin would fly. Cosmonaut Popovich was asked by Karpov: “As the senior of the group, as the secretary of the party organization, who do you recommend?” He replied: “Evgeny Anatolyevich, I don’t know what you expect from me, but I’ll tell you: Gagarin should be the first.” He laughed, shook my hand and said: “Well done.” I thought you would say, “I’ll fly.”

When, after a triumphant flight, Yuri, at the age of 27, began traveling across countries and continents, no one doubted that he would disarm presidents, kings and ordinary workers with his sociability. There was such an incident at a reception with the Queen of England. Yuri was invited to lunch. The two of them are at the table, opposite each other. Yura said: “There are so many cutlery lying on the right, left, in front, I don’t know what to grab, I decided to repeat everything as the queen does.” And she also sits and looks at him. And then Yura could not stand it, smiled and said: “Your Royal Majesty, I am a simple pilot, of which you have hundreds. I was not taught how and what to do at the table.” She laughed and said: “Mr. Gagarin, I was born and raised in Buckingham Palace, but I also don’t know how and what to do. Let's eat as we please."

A few years after the death of Yuri Alekseevich, one Air Force colonel decided to woo his widow. He arrived in Star City with a huge bouquet of roses, but on the way he met one of Yuri Gagarin's close friends and told him about his intentions. He put the “groom” in the car and sent him to the railway station, with the words: “If you don’t want to become a laughing stock, get out of here as quickly as possible!” Valya will never marry again, because there is no second Gagarin in the world.” And so it happened.

The reader will probably be surprised to hear that on a subtle level in the human psyche, the primary element of water manifests itself through communication. The primary element of water cannot be associated with sea or tap water. This is a certain force operating in the material Universe and is responsible for the ability of one to connect with another. Water implies communication and relationships. Without water, as the song says, “neither here nor here.” Only it provides the connection between everything and everyone. Having torn a piece of plasticine into two parts, we can easily connect them into one for one simple reason: plasticine has the ability to connect because it contains enough of the primary element water.

There is subtle water associated with mental activity. A sociable person with the primary element of water is excellent, so it is quite easy for him to establish contact with any person. That is, on a subtle level, he connects with the mind of another person, with his psyche. In other words, the presence of such an ability is evidence that the contact of the subtle body of the mind of a sociable person with the primary element of water is good. If a person has difficulty establishing contacts with others, it means that in his mind the contact with the primary element of water is broken.

A sociable person does not lose himself in communication, remains himself, but has the ability to accept the worldview of another person. This just means that the primary element of water works very well in the mind. Having met a closed, suspicious, unsociable and wary person, you can safely make a diagnosis about poor contact of his psyche with the primary element of water.

The question arises: if a person, say, has little of the primary element of water from birth, can he change this through his own efforts? Of course it can. Makhov A.V. answered this question very clearly: “... since the mind is responsible for the balance of primary elements in the body, then the whole problem comes down not to the primary element, but to the mind. It is enough for a person to start working on himself, and the inability to approach another person is associated with only two character qualities: the first is quite strong selfishness, that is, it is very important for a person what another person says about him - here. And the second is negativism towards the people around us. Basically, these two things do not allow a person to communicate openly, then it is enough for a person to understand that there are people around him who have merits and it is enough to break away from his beloved self and try to somehow tune in to do good for others - that’s all. Do you understand? As soon as a person adjusts his mind, contact with the primary element of water is restored at that moment. Everything is fine, a person has the opportunity to communicate as long as his mind is tuned in this way.”

A sociable person is able and inclined to communicate with others. For him, communication is a creative process that makes it possible to find a common language with people of different religions, nationalities, and beliefs. Being able to find common ground on the most difficult issues, communication skills develop on their basis a compromise and a path to success. Sociability shows flexibility in contacts, knows how to actively listen to other people’s opinions, has the ability and ability not to get confused when communicating in difficult situations, it frees you from complexes, isolation and incomprehensibility, and gives you the “luxury of human communication” with different people.

Communication skills know how to convince. Beaumarchais, a famous French playwright and publicist, was a witty and sociable young man. Thanks to his sociability, doors to high society opened for him; he received a minor position at court, where he did not fail to make useful contacts. He managed to win the trust of millionaire DuVernay and even become his junior business partner. There were two fleeting marriages in his life, and both times his wives were rich widows. All these circumstances helped Caron acquire a substantial fortune, from just Caron turn into Pierre Caron de Beaumarchais (that was the name of his first wife’s estate) and thereby open a new milestone in his biography. Beaumarchais demonstrated amazing activity and sociability in Spain, where he went in 1764 to protect his sister, dishonored by a local writer. Even in a foreign country, he managed to find a common language with high society, and the king himself treated him favorably.

Petr Kovalev 201 3rd year

What is communication skills for a modern person? Communication plays a significant role in everyone's life. Some people easily manage to make new acquaintances. Some people, on the contrary, avoid unnecessary contacts in every possible way. But living in society, none of us can ignore its rules. To take a worthy place in society, willy-nilly you have to adapt to the laws by which it exists.

Communication is a very useful skill that you cannot do without, either professionally or personally. Many people mean the ability to communicate by this concept. But sociability is not synonymous with talkativeness. It is a special talent to get practical benefit from a conversation. Establish an invisible connection with your interlocutor. Maintain interest in yourself and not leave your opponent unattended.

To be able to make contacts, win people over and give others freedom of expression - that’s what it means to be sociable.

Communicative dialogue enriches both sides of communication. Each interlocutor learns something new and useful, ending the conversation with a feeling of complete satisfaction.

A sociable person knows how to correctly express his thoughts and accept the point of view of another. A conversation can be considered completed if the goal of both interlocutors has been achieved. Everyone received the information they needed and pleasant emotions from communication.

Of course, for the conversation to be productive, it is imperative to follow the rules of etiquette. No professional or personal dialogue is complete without a warm greeting and farewell on a friendly note.

Any person striving for success must develop communication skills. This will not only help you acquire useful contacts, but will also reveal a multifaceted, interesting personality to the world.

Communication test

Testing helps you concentrate on your own shortcomings, objectively assess the situation, learn about existing gaps and understand in which direction you should work.

Try to answer the following questions as truthfully as possible. Possible answers are “yes”, “no”, “sometimes”. You should answer as quickly as possible without hesitation. As a result, add up the points for each answer, assigning accordingly: “yes” - 3 points, “no” - 0, “sometimes” - 1.

  1. You are about to hold a regular business meeting. Will you be nervous while waiting?
  2. You are delegated to make a public presentation at one of the meetings. Do such orders always cause you confusion or bewilderment?
  3. Do you wait until the last minute to visit the doctor?
  4. The management is planning to send one of the employees on a business trip to an unfamiliar area. Will you make every effort to ensure that the choice does not fall on you?
  5. Do you often tell anyone about your experiences?
  6. If a stranger unexpectedly approaches you with some kind of request or question, do you feel irritable?
  7. Do you agree that people of different generations will never be able to come to a common opinion?
  8. Your friend doesn’t pay you back for a long time. Would it be awkward for you to remind him of this?
  9. The waiter brought you an obviously stale dish. Would you prefer to remain silent without entering into conflict?
  10. Do you find it difficult to start talking first to a stranger?
  11. Do you feel very uncomfortable if you encounter a long line somewhere?
  12. Would you like to become a member of a commission to consider controversial issues?
  13. You always have your own opinion about works of art, cinema, literature, etc. And you don’t take other people’s points of view into account?
  14. If you hear two people arguing somewhere about an issue that is clearly familiar to you, would you prefer not to get involved in their dialogue?
  15. Do you feel awkward if one of your colleagues turns to you for help in sorting out a work issue?
  16. Is it easier for you to write about your feelings and emotions than to express them verbally?

Sum up your points and find out your result.

30-31: Communication is difficult for you. You have a hard time making contact. It’s not easy for you to explain yourself even to your loved ones. You absolutely do not know how to work in a team and solve problems together. You have a lot of work to do on yourself. Learn to loosen up.

25-29: You do not like communication and therefore you have a narrow circle of acquaintances. You prefer to be aloof from everyone and recognize this characteristic of yourself. But you overcome your reticence quite easily when you come across a truly exciting topic. Focus on your strengths.

19-24: You are quite sociable, but you are wary of new acquaintances. Sometimes you can be overly suspicious or sarcastic. Pay attention to your shortcomings and try to be more gentle with people you don’t know.

14-18: You are excellent at establishing contacts, attentive to your interlocutor, and able to interest others. You get along with people easily, but at the same time feel uncomfortable at noisy events or in crowded places.

9-13: You love to communicate and do not experience any difficulties. You often speak out with or without reason. Love to impose your point of view. You should learn restraint and acceptance of the opinions of others.

4-8: You are always aware of all events. Maintain close contact with others. Love to take part everywhere. You undertake to fulfill any request. You often get involved in solving issues in which you are not always competent. You may not finish what you started. And that’s why your colleagues treat you with distrust. Learn to concentrate, to separate the important from the unimportant.

3 or less: You simply cannot live without communication. Words flow out of you. People around you often get tired of you. You often interfere in topics that do not concern you. You should learn to be patient and take things seriously. Understand that your opinion is not decisive.

The lack of communication skills can be compensated for by other available advantages. But still, the desire for development can bear fruit, both professionally and personally.

How to develop communication skills?

To reach your potential, daily training is necessary. No matter how difficult it may be at first, you should not avoid communication at all costs. Try to meet those who contact you halfway. Learn to take initiative. Try to start the conversation first. Show interest and respect for your interlocutor.

A person with unique, versatile knowledge is interesting to others. Before making yourself known to society, it is advisable to do some work on yourself. Engage in self-development. Read useful, good quality literature to broaden your horizons. Be interested in what is happening in the world. Grow professionally.

A positive person makes a good impression. For people, not only words and intonation matter, but also the body language of the interlocutor.

Open yourself up to new contacts. Approach people with a smile. Take care of your appearance. Everything should speak of acceptance and a good attitude: a relaxed posture, straight posture, soft gestures, a confident voice. Try to keep the conversation positive from start to finish.

Development steps

Relentlessly pursue your goal. A few simple tips will help you achieve the desired result.

Defining our role

In each conversation, a person is assigned a specific role. Think about where you are. Success partly depends on maintaining the chain of command.

If you have to undergo an interview or report on the work done to your superiors, do not forget about the distance. Recruiters have a negative attitude when a person becomes “you” during a business conversation. It doesn't matter what age the interviewer is. Nobody canceled the respectful attitude.

Developing a sense of responsibility

Don't take on impossible tasks. At the same time, if you are involved in any business, bring it to the end. Be responsible about your obligations. Let others know that they can rely on you.

Learning to constructively criticize

Do not try to challenge any point of view that contradicts yours. Ask leading questions that require detailed answers. Approach a controversial topic sensitively. Learn to accept the opinions of others.

Don't point out flaws explicitly. Make your comments in the most reasonable manner. Try to come to an agreement. Do not pay attention to circumstances that are not relevant to the essence of the matter.

Developing the ability to empathize

Never forget that in front of you is a living person with his own experiences and problems. Do not take negative emotions from your interlocutor personally. Think about the fact that they may be caused by some life circumstances. Don't respond to aggression with aggression.

Learning to trust

Don't try to shoulder all the problems on yourself. Try to be more open to people. Delegate some of your authority. Develop your ability to work in a team. Learn to divide a large task into several small ones. Don’t be afraid to give some question to someone else to solve.

We smile more often!

Try to make a good impression. Start the conversation with a smile. Do not pass by the person who contacts you. Even if you cannot help, refuse with a smile. Respond kindly to positive treatment towards you.

We almost always call a person by name

It is very important to know who you are talking to. Prepare for the conversation in advance. Find out the name of the person you are talking to. Personal contact helps to establish contact. Mentioning a name brings interlocutors closer. The person you contacted personally is ready to listen to you.

We learn not only to listen, but also to hear

Listening and hearing are not the same thing. Show interest in the speaker's speech. Make analogies. Give your own examples. Show interest. Ask clarifying questions.

How to develop communication skills while being an introverted person? The path to success lies through overcoming. Go beyond your weaknesses. Take advantage of every opportunity to communicate. Be the first to start no matter what. And no matter how difficult it may be at first, everything can be fixed. The desire to liberate yourself and open up to the world will definitely bear fruit.

Under the question “How to develop communication skills?” people usually understand the answer: you should learn to communicate. And it is right. But communication is not only about communication; First of all, it is an exchange of information. Therefore, a sociable person is a sociable person who is capable of transmitting and receiving information efficiently. Not all people are naturally sociable, but this skill can be developed if desired.

In order to develop the qualities of a sociable person, you need to take several important steps and master several skills.

What a sociable person he is. How to develop communication skills and communication skills

  1. A sociable person should have a large vocabulary. It is known that people with a small vocabulary find it difficult to communicate, it is difficult to express their thoughts, because they lack the tools for this - words. In addition, if you are a sociable person, but with a limited vocabulary, you may well be considered talkative, but this has nothing to do with sociability. They say about such people: “Many words - little information.”

In order to increase the number of words that you not only know, but also actively use in your speech, you need to read a lot. If you come across any unfamiliar word, find out its meaning and try not only to remember, but also to use it in your speech.

  1. Many people know how to think, have a fairly high level of intelligence, but they have the following difficulty - it is difficult for them to express their thoughts, so it is difficult to communicate. What to do in this case? Need to learn to organize thoughts into coherent speech. Spoken speech is different from written language; we can write very well and yet speak very poorly.

Our task is to reveal oral speech. Therefore, for training, you can read short texts and retell them out loud. You can simply retell different texts, or you can retell the same text, but differently each time. This makes it possible, on the one hand, to increase vocabulary, and on the other hand, to develop oral speech skills. One of the fairly simple and common types of texts that can be taken for retelling are anecdotes. You can also use fairy tales or parables.

  1. A very important quality for the development of communication skills is courage in communication. Sometimes we are shy, sometimes it is difficult for us to talk to a stranger. In order for courage and ease to appear, it is necessary to overcome the fear of communicating with strangers.

Try to find a reason or topic to talk about with someone in a minibus, at the checkout in a supermarket, or just on the street. Try to get your interlocutor to talk. This exercise can be done to check how easily you can be the first to start a conversation. If this is not a problem for you, then there is no need to train. If it is difficult to start a conversation with a stranger and you feel that there is a fear of communication, then you need to train.

There are many techniques that you can use to show a person that you are listening to him and that you are interested in him. One of these techniques is called paraphrase, or the ability to repeat the last phrase of the interlocutor in other words. This and some other simple techniques show that you and the person are on the same wavelength, that you hear what he says. An obvious mistake many people make is when, instead of listening, they engage in a monologue and do not allow their interlocutor to say anything.

Dialogue presupposes the ability to maintain a conversation, that is, to develop a topic started by another participant in the conversation, the ability to maintain the interlocutor’s interest, and the ability to encourage him to expand on this topic even deeper.

  1. Another important condition, as a continuation of the previous point, is the ability to empathize with another person. In psychology this is called empathy. The fact is that in a conversation not only words are expressed, but also feelings and emotions. A real interlocutor always empathizes, that is, he joins the speaker, perceives and reflects his experiences, which also contributes to the further development of communication.
  2. In addition to all of the above, it is important to develop resourcefulness in communication and ability to manage attention interlocutor. If you learn to do this, then with the help of your speech you will intrigue; you will not speak with dry facts, but present them in an interesting form. Managing attention is a must-have skill for a good communicator.
  3. And the last point I would like to mention is ability to create a good impression about yourself so that the interlocutor wants to return to communicating with you. To do this, you need to have a neat and well-groomed appearance, behave unobtrusively and, at the same time, you should not be too restrained or uptight. Feel free and at ease.