What do you need to do to get there. How to get into the GRU

In order to at least take a break from boring work or study. But, as luck would have it, a cold bypasses, and the dirty apple eaten the day before did not cause diarrhea. If you are in this category of people, then for you instructions on how to get to the hospital.

Trying to get sick

If you need not just a sick leave, but you just want to spend a week in a hospital bed, then you need to get sick. To do this, drink hot tea and then swallow a few pieces of ice. If it's winter outside, you can go outside. Angina is almost guaranteed to you. The next day, you will not think about how to get to the hospital, because a high temperature and a strong reddening of the tonsils will be the result of all efforts. However, this does not guarantee that you will be referred to a hospital, but you can make a very sad and painful look, saying that you feel very bad.

Not quite humane ways

If you are interested in knowing how to get to the hospital, then surely you will stop at nothing. You can try swallowing pills and do everything to make you really feel bad. But remember! You sacrifice your health, there is even a risk of death. Do you need it? Wouldn't it be better to go to

We simulate appendicitis

You don't have to sacrifice your health to get into the hospital. Pretend you are sick. For example, call an ambulance and tell them about symptoms such as severe or stomach pain, nausea, vomiting. Specify what hurts unbearably. You will definitely be sent to the hospital to rule out inflammation of the appendicitis. By the way, to make everything look more natural, lie down on your left side while waiting for the doctors and bend your knees to your stomach. This is a common posture for those who have had an exacerbation.

Simulating Poisoning

Buy a laxative and drink. After a while, when the drug starts to work, call an ambulance and say that you have had diarrhea for three days. Say that there was also a fever and nausea. Several days are provided. Just prepare in advance for the fact that after discharge you will really need medical assistance in the treatment of dysbacteriosis after a course of antibiotics.

The easiest

Do you know that the easiest way to get into a psychiatric hospital? You don't even really

You have to pretend to be sick. Just go to a psychiatrist and tell them that the voices in your head are making you jump off the roof. Or enlighten the doctor in your desires to enslave the world. In general, turn on your imagination and start inventing. And the more seriously you speak, the more likely it is that you will be taken from the office to a psychiatric hospital. However, don't get too excited. When thinking about how to get into a psychiatric hospital, do not forget that getting out of there is not so easy. In addition, in your personal file there will be a note about the corresponding diagnosis. You understand that this will put a big cross on your reputation.

Before looking for advice on how to get to the hospital, try to solve your problem in a more humane way. After all, the human body is a very tricky thing and can seriously take simulation for a disease. That's when you will not be sweet. Do not be ill!

Do you think that all conscripts run away from the military enlistment office, hide for distant relatives, do not sign the agenda, come up with illnesses? Not! There are those who want to serve in the army. If earlier they were told about such people in jokes, today it is a regularity. Guys come to the draft board on the agenda or earlier, before the offensive and ask how to get into one or another branch of the military. Many are interested in the marines, airborne troops and, of course, special forces. So they ask: how to get into the special forces on conscription. The military registration and enlistment office is not omnipotent, but it answers such questions.

Life time

Before we touch directly on the service, consider how its conditions have changed over the years. In the Soviet Union, since 1925, the Law on Compulsory Military Service has been adopted, and every man has the honorable duty to serve 2 years in the army, and junior officers - 3 years. Before the start of World War II, the size of the army was about 5 million, by the end of the war - more than 11 million people only in the ground units. In 1948, the post-war demobilization ends, the number has decreased by almost four times. And in 1949 a new law on service in the ground units and aviation was issued. Its duration is 3 years, in naval units - 4 years, with a call-up once a year in winter. Note that at that time, conscript soldiers were really trained to fly an aircraft, operate various complex equipment, the training was full and varied. After Stalin's death, the size of the army was reduced, the term of service was reduced by one year, and spring conscription was introduced. Graduates of institutes had the right to serve only a year.

In those days, a guy who asked how to get into the special forces on conscription could well get into a situation that he was taken to an incomprehensible place, it was not clear on what, they brought him to a tent where his military unit was, it was dirty on the street, and there was a clean one at the entrance. checkered towel. This was the first test, if the conscript did not understand the meaning of the towel, then his life became very difficult, if he understood, it was also difficult, but a little easier. Do not forget about the tough confrontation between the two poles of the world, the USA and the USSR. A lot of attention was given to the training of soldiers.

In October 2007, the service is shortened to 18 months, and in January 2008 - to 12 months. It seems that we serve less, we should rejoice. But this system has its downsides. The term for training soldiers has been significantly reduced and it is now difficult, and sometimes impossible, to train specialists from them.

How to get into the special forces

At the call to serve in the special forces - the real one - will not work. Sorry, but it is. In the very name of the special forces lies its essence - this is a group that performs non-standard tasks, not general military ones. That is, the execution of sabotage is the task of the intelligence groups that are in every military formation, and the special forces are specialists, masters of their craft, ready to complete the task in any conditions.

Everyone knows the Alpha group. Is it possible to get into the special forces on conscription? Here's a summary of the conditions, and you yourself will understand everything. Ensigns and officers are taken to the FSB special forces, you need to have a recommendation from active employees or veterans of the FSB. Your height must be at least 175 cm. This does not include psychological and physical tests.

FSB special forces standards

Physical standards do not look scary and are quite achievable for a sports man. This is 25 pull-ups, 90 push-ups from the floor, a press - 100 times, at a hundred-meter race you need to meet 12.7 seconds, do 10 times a bench press with a mass of your own weight, run 3 km in 11 minutes. In addition to all this, it is necessary to show your skills and perseverance in hand-to-hand combat.

In addition to close work with a psychologist, the next of kin will be checked for criminal records, and the candidate himself must pass a polygraph test.


Before you think about how to get into the special forces of the Airborne Forces, get into the Airborne Forces itself. Airborne troops are units with a long history and tradition. Today, in order to get there, you must have absolute health, sportswear, otherwise they are driven to march-throws, and desire.

Details such as smoking, alcohol, heart disease should not be included in your personal file. Even if you have already quit or are cured, they will most likely take another candidate.

If your dream is special forces, then you need to be in an air assault battalion. This is the best power unit where a conscript can get; only contract soldiers are already recruiting for reconnaissance battalions. It will be a plus if you have a rank or belt in some martial art. It remains to prove yourself in the DSB and, perhaps, you will receive an invitation to transfer to a contract in an intelligence or special forces unit.


This is the most versatile type of troops in the Russian army. Soldiers can land from the water and from the air, operate in isolation from the main forces, in operations at sea, capture and hold positions. Although they make small physical demands, it is believed that everything else will be instilled in the troops. Health requirements are similar to those of the Airborne Forces.

You are probably thinking why write about different types of troops when there is a specific question: how to get into the special forces on conscription? The fact is that the soldiers of the airborne assault units of the Airborne Forces and the Marine Corps most often receive an invitation to special forces with the condition of switching to a contract, since no one will spend money to educate and train a special forces soldier for a year, and then he will go to civilian life.

Intelligence service

military registration and enlistment office

For a conscript who does not have an official deferment from the army, the military enlistment office looks like a king and a god who can send anywhere, give a specific recommendation. If you have decided for yourself, then it is better to ask at the commission right away how to get to serve in the special forces on conscription. They will make a note about your desire and zeal, and perhaps give you practical advice. Most likely, you will end up in the Airborne Forces or the Marine Corps, this is quite within the power of the military registration and enlistment office if you are physically prepared, healthy and pass all the tests.

The military registration and enlistment office knows when and from which troops buyers come, and can send you to the assembly point at the right time and with the right recommendations. The rest will depend on you, because the interview will be conducted by the buyer himself.

Preliminary preparation

Are you determined to get selected for special forces? Do you agree to serve under a contract, physical and psychological stress that you have to overcome? And besides this, have time to study, learn new things, get a military specialization? Fine! Such people are always happy.

In this case, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke, drink at a minimum, or completely give up alcohol. Going in for sports and getting sports awards is a must. Sport will teach discipline and it will be easier in the army. Do exercises, douse yourself with cold water, increase your immunity. If you have a patriotic club in your city, start visiting it. Usually you can learn to shoot in them, learn the basic army skills. If there is little time left before the call, then also learn army combat, it is cruel, but it pays off when training a large number of people in a short time. If you have more than a year left before the call, then you need to find a good martial arts coach. Many people love martial arts, but it is better closer to our mentality and better applicable in life.

Try asking people the question, "What do you need to do to get to heaven?" Most often you will hear in response: "Behave well." The parables of Jesus refute this belief. All that is required of us is to cry out for help. God will welcome everyone who wishes to return to Him with open arms. Moreover, He will come out to meet us. Most professional assistants — doctors, lawyers, marriage counselors — value themselves highly and wait until the client turns to them himself. The Lord is not like that. As Søren Kierkegaard writes, "He does not stand still, waiting for the sinner with open arms, saying, 'Come here.' No, He waits intensely and passionately, as the father waited for the prodigal son. He does not stand still, He goes in search, like a shepherd, whose lamb has lost. He searches tirelessly, like a woman looking for a lost coin. He goes to meet and goes much further than a shepherd or a woman. He traveled an unthinkable path from God to man - that's how far He went in search of a sinner.
Kierkegaard singled out almost the very essence of Jesus' parables. This is not just an amusing fairy tale, not a "lure" for listeners, not an artistic retelling of theological truth. Parables are metaphors for the earthly life of Jesus. He is a shepherd who has left a secure shelter and stepped out into the dangerous darkness of the night. He gathered at his table publicans, criminals, harlots. He came to the sick, not to the well, to sinners, not to the righteous. He treated those who betrayed Him—the disciples who abandoned Him in the hour of greatest need—as a loving Father, weary of reciprocal love.
Philip Yancey "What's Amazing About Grace?"

Since we decided to find out how to get to serve in the special forces, we will tell the whole truth. Do not rely on easy ways, freebies or indulgences. Everything is serious, that's why it is the Special Forces Unit. Training of employees according to a special program, using special tools and tactics to perform special operations. Not everyone will be allowed to do this, a certain set of skills, abilities, and merits is already initially required. So, how to get into the special forces of various units (FSB, GRU, airborne, etc.).

Get into the special forces: requirements

Regardless of what kind of special forces unit you like: grue, alpha, special forces of the airborne forces - how to get there, what is needed, what requirements will be presented - this is the main thing that those who want to join the ranks of special forces should think about.

The first thing you simply must know for sure is to serve. Here is the first key to the spetsnaz ranks. For example, all elite units are formed from former soldiers who served in units of special forces military units. Pennant, GRU, special forces Alpha - how to get there? We go to serve, we achieve heights. Often, such units require the presence of a maroon beret.

Let's talk about the general points that relate to service in special forces. For example, let's see how to get into the FSB special forces: what is the algorithm for recruiting candidates. Any selection consists of several stages.

Primary selection

  • The FSB special forces, as a rule, take ensigns and officers. Cadets of military schools are enrolled as candidates for officer positions. At the same time, the ensign must have an education not lower than secondary, and an officer needs a higher education. Actually, about 97% of officer positions in special forces, the rest are ensigns.
  • The recommendation of the current employee of the CSN is necessary for the candidate to enroll. Or a recommendation from someone who previously served in Vympel or Alfa.
  • Preference is given to students of the Faculty of Special Forces (available at the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms Command School).
  • There is also a serious limitation in the matter of physical data - the candidate's height must be at least 175 cm (due to equipment - heavy armored shields of impressive size). However, if your professional merit can compensate for the lack of growth, an exception may be made.
  • Age must not exceed 28 years. Again, exceptions can be made for candidates with combat experience who come from other power structures.

Physical testing

  • Special forces of any direction: Vympel, Alpha, FSB, GRU special forces - how to get there without the appropriate physical data? That's right - no way. So let's start training right now (if there is still time). Well, hold on.
  • In the special forces of the FSB, we can talk about Directorate "A" and Directorate "B". Physical fitness requirements for them are different, for "A", they are somewhat higher. By the way, rest between exercises is just a name. And the quality of performance is monitored very strictly, it will not work.
  • Candidates arrive, change clothes and run 3 kilometers in 10 minutes. 30 seconds (faster possible).
  • Five minutes of rest - and a hundred meters in 12 seconds, with which they will be allowed further.
  • Running to the gym, where pull-ups on the crossbar are waiting. Candidate of the Department "A" - 25 times for credit, "B" - 20 times. Then between exercises there is a rest of 3 minutes.
  • Flexion and extension of the body ("press") - 90 times in two minutes.
  • Push-ups: 90 times for "A", and 75 times for "B". There is no strict time here.
  • Next is a set of exercises. One complex includes: 15 presses, 15 push-ups, 15 jumps up from the "crouching" position, 15 transitions from the crouching position to the lying position and back. So for Control "A" it is necessary to perform the complex 7 times, for "B" - 5 times. 10 seconds are allotted for each individual exercise of the complex. There is no rest between exercises.
  • For Control "A", an endurance exercise is sometimes given - 100 jumps up.
  • Next - hand-to-hand combat with an instructor or a well-trained employee.

Special check

  • Checking absolutely all relatives.
  • The work of the candidate with a psychologist, as a result of which a conclusion is made, a psychological portrait is drawn up.
  • Complete medical examination.
  • Polygraphic research ("lie detector").

Relatives permission

Since getting into the special forces is very responsible and serious, a conversation is held with the candidate's parents and his wife. Relatives are described the features of service in special forces, its nature. The result is the written consent of the wife and parents.

Here is an approximate algorithm for admission to special forces. Apparently, it’s worth getting ready from childhood, or at least not skipping physical education classes.

Paradise in different religions, in principle, is described in the same way, as a place where eternal bliss reigns. Many people, wanting to ensure a happy life after death, are interested in what needs to be done to get to heaven. If you conduct a survey among the ordinary population, asking them such a question, then you will not be able to get an unambiguous answer. For example, some believe that it is necessary to do good deeds, while others are sure that it is enough to go to the service every Sunday.

How to get to heaven?

The Bible describes only one way to find yourself in heaven after death - you need to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. In order to show and prove to the Son of God our gratitude for his sacrifices, it is necessary to keep the commandments given by God. To go to heaven after death, you need to repent, because only by admitting your sins can you expect forgiveness. A person who wants to live righteously must learn to push everything away from himself.

Church advice on how to get to heaven:

It is also worth understanding whether a suicide can go to heaven. It is believed that people who commit suicide do not fall into any