What happened in the early 19th century. XIX century in the history of Russia

Many are interested in the history of Russia, the 19th century in which became one of the most controversial eras. And no wonder, because this is a special time in our country, full of reforms and transformations, comparable only to the era of Peter the Great.

The history of Russia, in which the 19th century fell on the reign of three emperors, is of great interest to researchers. At the beginning of the century, Russia entered as a feudal-feudal, autocratic state. In terms of population and military power, it was in first place among the European powers during this period.

But the history of Russia, in which the 19th century became perhaps one of the most reactionary and at the same time progressive, testifies to the archaism of the country's economy due to backwardness in the development of the economy. The country's budget was based on peasant taxes.

According to the law, the emperor ruled the country with the help of officials who concentrated serious power in their hands.

The 19th century occupies a special place in the history of the development of European civilization. At the turn of the XVIII - XIX centuries. man created the steam engine, which led to a revolution in the field of productive forces. The steam engine played a large role in the transition to machine production and led to the industrial revolution.

In the second half of the XIX century. Two discoveries have become the property of mankind:

The discovery of electrical energy, which began to be used in engines, means of communication (telegraph and telephone), for lighting;

Internal combustion engine (1860), which gave rise to the automobile (1885-1886).

The use of the electric motor and the internal combustion engine has made a significant contribution to the development of the productive forces of society.

By the end of the 19th century, the division of the world between the major capitalist powers was completed. A colonial system was formed, which became one of the most important sources of profit.

In the 19th century, a new social structure emerged in the countries of the Romano-Germanic civilization. The nobility is losing its former dominant position, yielding it to the bourgeoisie. Capitalist production reproduces the main enemy of the bourgeoisie - the proletariat. A strong intellectual layer is being formed, which begins to play an increasing role in the spiritual life and occupies an influential position in the social structure of society.

The changed socio-economic conditions led to significant changes in all areas of culture - science, literature, art. The rapid growth of production, the need to serve it gave impetus to the development of scientific fundamental and applied research, especially natural and technical.

And in spite of everything, in the 19th century social sciences successfully developed in Russia - history, philosophy, linguistics, political economy. Russian literature, painting, music, theatrical art, architecture reached an unprecedented rise and prosperity - Russian culture has reached the forefront of the world.

Late 50s - early 60s. became the era of the mental awakening of Russia. Thinking Russia by this time had learned to read between the lines. Therefore, everything that was published in the periodical press and in books became the subject of controversy, reasoning and reflection. The ideas of Westernism are being further developed. And under the influence of Slavophilism, a trend of pochvenism developed, some aspects of which in the 70-80s. acquired features of nationalism and pan-Slavism. These were the so-called late Slavophiles. The idea of ​​Slavophilism found a peculiar refraction in the religious and philosophical concepts of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. In the works of V.S. Solovyova, N.A. Berdyaeva, P.A. Florensky and others.

Russian literature, painting, music, theatrical art, and architecture reached an unprecedented rise and prosperity.

In Russia, an original artistic realistic literature was created, criticism, which gave the world dozens of brilliant names.

World fame and recognition of Russian music of the XIX century. Owed to M.I. Glinka, members of the "Mighty Handful" (M.A. Balakirev, A.P. Borodin, Ts.A. Cui, M.P. Mussorgsky, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, critic V.I. Stasov)., P .AND. Tchaikovsky, who not only used the Russian theme in their works, but brought it to the world stage.

In 1870, a unique and, perhaps, the only in the world Association of Wanderers of Artists arose in Russia, uniting many of the best masters of the country's brush.

Significant success was achieved by Russian theatrical art - opera, ballet, drama. Its heyday was achieved thanks to a brilliant galaxy of Russian artists, composers, playwrights. At the end of the 19th century, the drama theater was developed both in the capitals and in the provinces.

Representatives of the Russian architectural school in the capital and provincial cities created unique ensembles that remain the adornment of these cities to this day.

Thus, Russian culture in the XIX century. Came to the forefront of the world.

The first half of the 20th century was marked for Russia by two bloody wars and three revolutions, as a result of which a huge empire fell out of the world capitalist system.

It was in such a not easy, but significant era that our officials and commoners lived, about whose life we ​​must reveal all the most interesting things in our work.

In the history of Russia in the 19th century there were many heroes and emperors, as well as military operations. These were hard times for everyone. Famine and war tortured the people of a great country, but with the help of the emperors who ruled at that time, Russia was able to survive the crisis.

Emperors of Russia in the 19th century

This era has five kings:

  • Alexander II
  • Nicholas II.

Paul I led the country in 1796. He was remembered by everyone for the innovative idea of ​​centralizing power and removed some privileges for the nobles. He was an ardent opponent of the revolution in France, but in the end he concluded a peace treaty with Bonaparte. He was killed in a conspiracy.

Alexander I ruled from 1801. His policy favorably influenced the development of the country. Alexander chose France and Great Britain as allies, but was part of a coalition that did not support the revolution in France, but from 1807 to 1812 he was close to the French leadership and pursued an active policy with this country. He fought with the Turks and the Swedes and both wars were successful. After the war of 1812, he was Russia's representative in the anti-French coalition.

He sat on the throne in 1855 and abolished serfdom, having carried out many historical reforms. After the uprising, Polek took a different course in politics, which was approved by the majority of citizens. During his reign, he annexed vast territories and participated in the Russian-Turkish war. They attempted on him as many as four times, but on the fifth time he was still killed.

The second son of Alexander II was Alexander III and it was he who ascended the throne in 1881 and almost immediately lowered taxes. In the second half of the 80s, Alexander increased the powers of the police and increased its role in the state. He was also remembered for all the fact that he concluded a peace treaty with France and annexed the lands of Central Asia.

The last Russian emperor was, who was remembered by everyone for his determination and character. During his reign there was a huge leap in economic and industrial terms. But the defeat of Russia in the war with Japan sowed the seed of revolution and as a result, this event led to the murder of the tsar and his entire family.

The main events of the 19th century in Russia

The most important event of the 19th century is certainly the War of 1812. A lot of people died in this war and how many people survived this grief. Napoleon threw about five hundred thousand people to the war with Russia. The French acted according to the plan of a "blitzkrieg" attack in which Napoleon quickly captures all the lands of Russia. But he underestimated the willpower of people and the boundless expanses of the country. As a result, Napoleon left with a defeat and it was Russia that stopped him.

The next event happened in 1861 and that was the abolition of the peasantry. This reform was justified and supported by many, and people finally got freedom.

Heroes of Russia of the 19th century

One of the main ones in the 19th century was the great commander, to be honest, Russia would hardly have won without him. Mikhail was born in 1745 and from childhood he wanted to be a military man. He studied at an artillery school and was very cheerful. He began his journey as a nineteen-year-old ensign. And since 1770, it begins to develop rapidly and deserves the highest ranks. Even a severe head injury due to which he lost his sight did not prevent him from saving his homeland from the greedy French in the future.

Do not forget about another great man, whose name is. He studied at the Artillery School, from which he graduated in 1787 and took part in the war against the Turks. He fought in the troops of Suvorov himself and was a very brave warrior. It was because of these qualities that he was promoted and he already commanded an entire regiment, and later led the withdrawal of a large number of troops.

For two whole weeks, he successfully maneuvered between enemy forces and did not go into open battles, since all the horses were given over to the wounded, they all walked, and soon his detachment joined with another group of troops. This was one of the key moments in the course of the war. And of course, the heroes were the people themselves, who made history and with their lives paved the way for the future generation, which was also eager for war.

Likewise, the kings themselves were heroes, because it was they who made the fateful decisions and it was they who were chosen by the people.

Results of the 19th century for Russia

Historians evaluate this era in different ways, but 60% still tend to believe that Russia made a huge leap during this time and thus showed itself on the world stage and other countries were afraid of Russia. The first reason why this era was successful was because the country embarked on an industrial path and abolished serfdom, and thus progress was in full swing. The next ones are, of course, the capture of vast territories, and especially Central Asia.

Also, a lot of reforms made a powerful industrial power out of a rural country. And finally, in the 19th century, Russia experienced a war with Turkey, France, Japan, etc. These are the most notable wars, because no one could stop powerful France led by the great Bonaparte, and only the enormous willpower of ordinary people, when a nobleman fought shoulder to shoulder with an ordinary peasant, helped win the war.

And the war with Turkey, although it affected the economy and development, still showed Russia from its best side, and many believe that it was in this era that Russia began to “get up from its knees”. The only and fatal mistake was the war with Japan, which brought huge losses to the treasury and thousands of deaths. It was she who laid the seed of the revolution, which sprouted very quickly.

The nineteenth century in the history of Russia, in my opinion, is the most interesting for research. This is the era of brilliant victories and crushing defeats, successes and disappointments. This century could be called a "chameleon century", because the periods of liberal reforms here were replaced by a conservative policy orientation, and crushing defeats followed great victories. Revealing the reasons for this instability, one should pay attention to the fact that the entire policy of this period was determined not only by objective factors, but also by subjective ones (in particular, it was associated with the personalities of the new emperors - there were five of them during the nineteenth century).

Speaking about the reasons for the general instability of the nineteenth century, one should start with the socio-economic development of Russia in the late eighteenth - early nineteenth century. This period is notable for the fact that two processes proceeded in parallel - the decomposition of the feudal-serf economy and the beginning of the industrial revolution, undoubtedly, are closely interconnected.

We should recall the signs of a feudal economy, the main of which is its natural character (products are produced mainly for consumption within the economy itself, and not for sale). The crisis of the feudal-serfdom system was primarily expressed in the ever greater involvement of landowners in commodity-money relations. This process consisted in the abolition of corvée and the transfer of peasants to a cash quitrent - in the non-chernozem provinces, as well as the transfer of peasants to the so-called month - the peasants were obliged to work only on corvée, while the landowner fed and clothed them, i.e. the position of serfs in this case resembled the position of slaves on plantations (in the black earth provinces).

The beginning of the industrial revolution - the process of transition from manufactory based on manual labor to machine production - also has its own specific characteristics. These include the "delayed" nature of the industrial revolution in Russia, the enormous role of the state, and the influence of railway construction on its course.

It should also be noted that despite the beginning of the disintegration of the feudal-serf system, it was still quite viable, subsistence farming still prevailed.

The first stage of the domestic policy of this period is characterized by attempts to carry out large-scale reforms. The reasons for the transition of the government of Alexander the First to reforms can be considered: the personal views of the emperor, brought up in the spirit of the ideals of the Enlightenment, as well as the circumstances of his coming to power - the desire of the participants in the conspiracy against Paul the First to limit autocratic power. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that there were no objective reasons for reforms, such as: an economic crisis, social uprisings, foreign policy complications, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, therefore, from the very beginning, a positive outcome of the reforms was very problematic.

The reformist activities of Alexander the First of this period include attempts at peasant reform (an attempt to issue a decree banning the sale of peasants without land in 1801, a decree on free cultivators in 1803, a ban on exiling peasants to Siberia in 1809), attempts to reform the state system (the beginning of the activities of the Private Committee - a kind of "shadow government" - 1801, the ministerial reform of 1802, Speransky's constitutional project of 1809, which remained unrealized, the creation of the State Light), reforms in the field of education (the liberal University Charter was adopted, introducing the autonomy of universities, and the Censorship Charter, according to which the censor had to interpret the works being checked in a sense favorable to the author).

Unfortunately, most of the reforms of Alexander the First ended in failure, except for reforms in the field of education.

The second stage of domestic policy was marked by the rejection of reforms and the transition to the conservation of existing relations. The reasons can be considered a revolutionary wave in Europe in the 1820s and the disappointment of the emperor in the possibility of preventing the revolution with the help of reforms.

Returning to the topic of the essay, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the issue of Russia's brilliant victories and crushing defeats.

The list of Russian victories of this period includes:

the war with Persia, which ended with the Peace of Gulistan (almost all of Azerbaijan went to Russia);

the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812, which ended with the Peace of Bucharest (Bessarabia ceded to Russia, Serbia received autonomy);

the war with Sweden in 1808-1809, which ended with the Peace of Friedrichsham (Russia annexed Finland);

the Patriotic War of 1812, which ended in the brilliant defeat of the Napoleonic army;

foreign campaigns of the Russian army in 1813-1814.

The list of defeats of Russia of this period includes:

defeat at Austerlitz in 1805;

participation in the fourth anti-French coalition, battles near Preussisch-Eylau and Friedland. Negotiations with Napoleon and the signing of the Peace of Tilsit. (The division of spheres of influence in Central and Eastern Europe was in the interests of Russia, and joining the continental blockade of England, on the contrary, was extremely disadvantageous for her;

Congress of Vienna 1814-1815

The results of the foreign policy of the first quarter of the nineteenth century can be considered the rejection of the policy of "constitutional diplomacy", which could not prevent new revolutions, the transition to an openly reactionary policy. Russia, along with Austria, is turning into the "gendarme of Europe."

Conservative, reactionary, along with the second stage of the reign of Alexander the First, is considered the reign of Nicholas the First. A characteristic feature of the domestic policy of Nicholas I is conservatism, a course towards stabilization and conservation of relations that have developed in society. The reasons for this lie in the views of Nicholas I, as well as in the circumstances of his coming to power - he perceived the Decembrist uprising as a consequence of the excessive liberalism of Alexander the First.

Nicholas I took a course towards strengthening the autocracy and centralization of government. He expressed himself in strengthening the influence of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, which actually replaced the official bodies of state power.

The results of this course are: the strengthening of the bureaucratic apparatus, the encouragement of blind obedience, strict adherence to instructions and instructions from the center, police methods of managing society.

Along with this, Nicholas the First carried out fairly liberal reforms. An example of these are the attempts to carry out a peasant reform. Nicholas the First considered serfdom to be evil and a possible cause of the next rebellion, but, on the other hand, he was afraid of the discontent of the nobles, as well as the fact that the peasants would not be able to use the freedom granted because of their lack of education.

1837-1841 - reform of the state village of Kiseleva. A special Ministry of State Property and local state chambers were created, volost and rural self-government was introduced, corvee was abolished everywhere for state peasants, their duties were determined based on the profitability of the land.

1842 - decree on obligated peasants. Upon release, the peasant received a land plot not for ownership, but for use, and for this he was obliged to bear various duties.

Despite the fact that Nicholas the First understood the perniciousness of serfdom, it was not abolished, since the majority of the nobles still opposed it.

The third area of ​​activity of Nicholas I can be considered the suppression of any form of dissent. In support of this position, I would like to cite the following decrees and orders of the emperor:

"cast iron" Censorship Charter of 1826;

the closure of a number of the most popular magazines ("European", "Moscow Telegraph", "Telescope");

the creation of a secret censorship committee headed by D.P. Buturlin. The apogee of the persecution of the advanced press, censorship terror.

The reign of Nicholas I combined conservative police-bureaucratic methods with liberal ones, but in general the result of his reign can be summed up as follows: the establishment of a police-bureaucratic regime stabilized the domestic political situation, but at the same time preserved Russia's lagging behind the advanced countries of the West, which was demonstrated by the Crimean War .

In continuation of the discussion about the policy of Nicholas I, I would like to dwell on the foreign policy of this period.

The biggest defeat of Russia under Nicholas I was the defeat in the Crimean War of 1853-1856, which resulted in the prohibition of Russia from having a navy and fortresses on the Black Sea, and also created the threat of turning Russia into a minor power.

Important victories of this period of time include:

Navarino naval battle, which resulted in the defeat of the Turkish fleet;

the war with Persia, which ended with the Turkmenchay peace - Eastern Armenia (the Erivan and Nakhichevan khanates) went to Russia;

Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829, which ended with the Andrianopol peace treaty. The mouth of the Danube, the eastern coast of the Black Sea, the territories of Transcaucasia went to Russia;

annexation of the North Caucasus as a result of the Caucasian War of 1817-1864.

In support of the thesis about the contradictory nature of the nineteenth century, I would like to cite the reforms of Alexander the Second and the counter-reforms of Alexander the Third.

The reign of Alexander II is often called the era of great reforms, which is not accidental.

The most important reform, in my opinion, is the peasant reform of 1861, during which serfdom was abolished. The manifesto of February 19, 1861 proclaimed the personal freedom of the peasants and a number of their civil rights, and each was allocated a plot of land.

The next reforms of Alexander II were the Zemstvo and City reforms of 1864 and 1870, respectively. The essence of the reforms: Zemstvos were introduced locally as all-estate self-government bodies. Zemstvos elected executive bodies - zemstvo councils. Their main functions were fiscal and economic. The reform of city self-government was carried out according to the same principles. The class bodies of city self-government were replaced by all-class ones - the city duma and the city government. The functions of the new bodies of city self-government did not go beyond the administrative and economic ones.

The Judicial Reform of 1864 was quite progressive for that time. A unified judicial system was created on the principles of all-classes, publicity of legal proceedings, competitiveness, protection of the rights of defendants, independence of judges from the administration. Institutions completely new to Russia were introduced - the jury, the bar and the prosecutor's office.

In the 1870s the government slowed down the progress of reforms, and the period from 1881 is counter-reform.

Counter-reforms of Alexander III in the field of education:

temporary rules on the press of 1882 - the administration received the right to close any press organ without a court order;

the new University Charter of 1884 - according to it, the control of the administration over students was strengthened, the autonomy of universities was abolished;

a circular was adopted on the "cook's children" of 1887 - access to the gymnasium was limited for people from the lower classes.

Revision of zemstvo and city reforms:

the new Regulations on provincial and district zemstvo institutions of 1890 - for the city curia the property qualification was increased, for the nobility it was lowered;

the new City Regulations of 1892 - the circle of voters is limited in favor of the more affluent strata. The element of class and interference of the administration in the affairs of self-government has been strengthened.

Judicial reform revision:

court hearings on political matters were to be held behind closed doors (1887)

trial by jury was practically abolished in 1889.

The results of the domestic policy of Alexander III were contradictory. The suppression of the revolutionary movement, the Russification of the outskirts, the strengthening of the role of the local nobility and, at the same time, stabilization in society, successful economic development. However, most of the problems facing the country have not been resolved. In the future, they became even more aggravated and ultimately led to a revolution.

The nineteenth century in the history of Russia is rich in events, very diverse, diverse. There are many judgments and assessments of this era. But the fact that this era is absolutely heterogeneous and contradictory is undeniable. In my essay, I tried to highlight the most important processes taking place in Russia in this period of time. Brilliant victories and crushing defeats, successful in terms of the consequences of the reform and absolutely disastrous - everything happened in the history of our state. But be that as it may, history does not have a subjunctive mood and it is not worth discussing what is good and what is bad, as well as the expediency of the actions of emperors. In my essay, I tried to describe in detail the events of the nineteenth century, indicate the causes and consequences of any events, whether they were reforms, victories or defeats, and give them an objective assessment.

The assassination of Paul I. The beginning of the reign of Alexander I.

Decree on free cultivators in Russia.

Petersburg agreement on the union of Great Britain and Russia in the anti-French coalition.

Coronation of Napoleon I.

The defeat of the Russians and Austrians at Austerlitz.

Trafalgar battle. The defeat of the Franco-Spanish fleet from the English. The death of the commander of the English fleet, Admiral Nelson.

Tilsitsky peace between Russia and France.

Meeting of Napoleon with Alexander I in Erfurt.

The defeat of the Austrian army by Napoleon at Wagram.

1810 spring
Allied Treaties of France with Prussia and Austria.

Expulsion of the Mamluks from Egypt.

Napoleon's invasion of Russia.

Battle of Borodino.

Flight of Napoleon from the army to Paris.

"Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig.

Napoleon's abdication. Napoleon's exile to the island of Elba. Restoration of the Bourbon dynasty in France.

One Hundred Days of Napoleon (March 20, 1815 - June 22, 1815).

Beginning of the Caucasian War by Russia.

The beginning of the revolution in Naples, Central Italy, Piedmont.

The indignation of the Semyonovsky regiment in St. Petersburg.

Congress "Union of Beneficence" in Moscow.

Proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine "America to Americans". Directed against the "Holy Alliance" in its struggle against the independence of the countries of Latin America. Later it was used for US intervention in the affairs of other states of the American continents.

The beginning of the civil war in Greece (1823 -1824).

Great Britain. The first railway in the world.

Decembrist revolt.

Beckendorf's initiative to create a corps of gendarmes and a Third Section.

Declaration of Independence of Greece (January 22, 1830 - February 3, 1830).

The beginning of the uprising in Poland.

Mass epidemic of cholera in Europe (1830 -1831).

The US war against the Indians went down in history under the name "Black Falcon War" by the name of the leader of the Indians.

Berlin Convention between Russia, Austria and Prussia.

Revolt of the Weavers of Lyon in France.

Opening of the first railway in Russia, between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo, 26 km.

The beginning of the Chartist movement.

The beginning of the Anglo-Afghan war.

Rupture by Russia of the Unkar-Iskelesi Treaty. The beginning of the break in Russia's relations with France and Great Britain, which led to the Crimean War.

"Mugs of Petrashevists" in St. Petersburg.

War between Mexico and the United States.

Revolution in France.

Beginning of the "March Revolution" in Germany.

The beginning of the national - liberation revolution in Hungary. Hungary declared its independence. Adoption of democratic laws.

The beginning of the barricade battles in Berlin.

(according to the Julian calendar - March 14) Tsar's manifesto on intervention in Europe.

Taiping Rebellion in China.

Direct railway communication Moscow - Petersburg.

The coup d'état in France, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte ordered the arrest of the opposition and the dissolution of the National Assembly.

Turkey declared war on Russia.

Treaty of Kanagawa between the United States and Japan for access to Japanese ports by American merchant ships.

Beginning of the Crimean War.

Landing in the Crimea by the Anglo-French army near Evpatoria.

Death of Nicholas I. Alexander II - Emperor of Russia.

Beginning of reforms in Russia by Alexander II.

1857 - 1858
Sepoy revolt in India.

Gold Rush in Colorado.

Expedition "1000" D.Gpribaldi.

The United States formed the Confederation of the Southern States.

Manifesto on the abolition of serfdom in Russia.

Beginning of the American Civil War.

Garibaldi with his detachment tried to capture the Papal States, but was defeated and taken prisoner.

Battle of Gettysburg. Northern victory over the Confederacy.

Polish uprising.

First International founded.

Assassinated by terrorist Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States (1860-65), who ended slavery in the country (2/12/1809 - 04/15/1865). The new US President was E. Johnson.

The United States bought Alaska and the Aleutian Islands from Russia.

France declares war on Prussia.

The victory of the Prussian army over the French near Sedan. The emperor was captured and abdicated. End of Empire 2 in France.

Power in Paris was seized by the Paris Commune.

Final defeat of the Paris Commune.

Union of three emperors of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia.

The Ottoman Empire declared itself bankrupt.

Russia declared war on Turkey.

The transition of Russian troops across the Danube.

Treaty of San Stefano, Turkey's recognition of the independence of Romania, Montenegro, Serbia. The formation of a new state - Great Bulgaria.

Assassination of Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya. Alexander III became king.

Union of three emperors: Germany, Austria - Hungary, Russia.

1881 - 1882
Industrial crisis in Russia.

Creation of the "Triple Alliance" consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy.

The beginning of the resettlement of Jews in Palestine after the Jewish pogroms in Russia.

Franco - Chinese war.

Mass expulsion of 26,000 Poles from the German part of Poland.

As a result of the Russian - Afghan conflict, an agreement between Russia and Great Britain on the borders between Afghanistan and Russia.

General strike for 8 hour day in the USA. The shooting of a workers' demonstration in Chicago.

Eastern Triple Alliance: Austria-Hungary, Italy and Great Britain. Maintaining the status quo in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Treaty between Russia and Germany on neutrality.

Creation of the Second International. First congress in Paris.

World Exhibition in Paris.

Death of Alexander III. The throne passed to Nicholas II.

The first world auto exhibition was opened in Paris, in which 9 companies participated.

Anglo - Russian agreement on the delimitation of spheres of influence in the Pamirs.

The first modern Olympic Games in Greece.

Treaty between Russia and Japan on the Korean question.

Germany signed a 99-year lease agreement with China on the Shandong peninsula. lease of Weihai Wei by Great Britain, Russia for 25 years of Port Arthur and the Kwantung Peninsula, France of Canton (Guangzhou).

Russian-Japanese agreement on the division of spheres of influence in Korea.

The peace treaty in Paris ended the Spanish-American War. Spain lost its colonial possessions in the Caribbean and the Pacific (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines).

Conference of countries on arms limitation.

US proclamation of Secretary of State Hay's "open door" doctrine in China.

Creation by Great Britain of a "concentration camp" during the Boer War for "non-combatants".