Seismic station data online. The situation in the world

Today it is no secret to anyone that on all continents of our planet there is a significant increase in cataclysms and natural disasters, which are associated with cosmic cyclic processes and, as a result, global climate change. The increase in activity and frequency of natural disasters on a planetary scale falls on seismic activity. Scientists around the world are concerned about the constantly changing data on the increase in the number of earthquakes. Not only their number is growing, but also the intensity, location, nature of destructive actions.

Thus, the area of ​​special attention for the scientific direction of climate geoengineering and the entire world community today are two points on different hemispheres of the globe - the Yellowstone caldera in the USA and the Aira caldera in Japan. These are two huge underground volcanoes, standing at the junction of lithospheric plates. According to scientists, the activation of one of them can lead to the subsequent activation of the other, and this is not only a large-scale eruption, but also earthquakes, tsunamis and other consequences. The scale of such a global catastrophe is difficult to assess.

This and other important issues of early warning of people about impending cataclysms were openly stated in 2014 by the world community of ALLATRA SCIENCE scientists in the report “On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems.


According to the official terminology, an earthquake is a shaking of the earth's surface or underground points, which are a reflection of the internal geological changes of the planet. This effect is based on the displacement of tectonic plates, which lead to ruptures of the earth's crust and mantle. As a result, oscillatory movements, depending on the intensity of the process, can spread over long distances, bringing with them not only a destructive effect on social infrastructure, but also a threat to people's lives.

This issue deals with a special science - seismology. Several areas are being actively studied, including: deepening in knowledge of what seismic activity is in its essence and what it is connected with, possible forecasting of these natural disasters, for timely warning and evacuation of people. Like any other science, seismology can actively develop only in mutually beneficial symbiosis with other sciences (physics, history, biology, geophysics, etc.), since the fundamental basis for all knowledge on our planet is, of course, common.

Seismic activity online and in the world.

Seismic monitoring is developing in most countries, regardless of the territory, frequency and threat of earthquake development. In addition, a seismic monitor is one of the fundamental factors in the development and preservation of the integrity of energy industry facilities. Almost every person on the planet today is an active consumer of electricity. Therefore, power plants are located in all countries and on all continents, including the zone of increased seismic hazard. The action of such a destructive force of nature is fraught not only with an energy catastrophe, but also with global environmental problems.

In order to control seismic processes (earthquakes), study them and warn the public in advance about their occurrence, seismic stations are built in designated areas. All the necessary characteristics of tremors are studied - the magnitude, location and depth of the source.

Earthquakes online.

For all people, thanks to Internet technologies, data is also available today: “earthquakes online”. This is the so-called earthquake map, which provide information about tremors around the world around the clock.

Active participants of ALLATRA International Public Movement have developed the most complete map of seismic activity, which displays objective data from world information portals and seismic monitoring stations. Informing the public and awareness of the processes taking place on the planet, their causes and consequences is the main task of this project.

Today, each person can observe a significant increase in abnormal weather changes, natural disasters, and cataclysms. The active participation of all people, unity, mutual assistance and friendship, the prevalence of true moral and spiritual values ​​in society is the key to the survival of civilization in the future.

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Society, Mar 24, 06:46

Magnitude 5.4 earthquake strikes Indonesian island of Sulawesi On the territory of the island of Sulawesi (Indonesia) occurred earthquake magnitude 5.4. This is stated in the message of the European-Mediterranean ... km on the night of Sunday, March 24, Moscow time. Epicenter earthquakes was located 51 km from the city of Poso - the main transport hub ... no possible damage was reported. Earlier in March, a earthquake magnitude 3, which was caused by an explosion at a manufacturing plant...

Society, Mar 20, 10:49 am

5.7 magnitude earthquake strikes western Turkey ... near the city of Ajipayam happened earthquake magnitude 5.7. This follows from the data of the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center. Earthquake happened at 09:34 ... magnitudes 4.4 and 3.8. The newspaper Haberturk notes that earthquake was felt in the cities of Izmir and Mugla, as well as in the Aegean ... February on the western coast of Turkey near the city of Canakkale earthquake magnitude 5.1. The epicenter was located 20 km south of...

Society, Mar 17, 04:51

Floods kill 42 people in Indonesia Floods in the Indonesian province of Papua have killed at least 42 people. Another 21 people were seriously injured, according to Reuters, citing the local emergency management agency. Flooding in the Sintani district, located near the provincial capital of Jayapura, caused...

Society, 06 Mar, 05:44

5.8 magnitude earthquake strikes off Philippines coast Off the coast of the island of Mindanao in the south of the Philippine archipelago, a earthquake, according to the European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) and the United States Geological Survey (... from the municipality of Barcelona in the Philippine province of Sorsogon. The USGS reports earthquake magnitude 5.7. According to the service, the source lay at a depth ... a tsunami was not announced. In December 2018, near Mindanao there was earthquakes magnitude 7.2, after which a warning was issued about a possible ...

Society, Mar 02, 09:04

An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 hit the southern part of the Kuril Islands ... smoked, happened earthquake magnitude 6.2. This is reported by the Japan Meteorological Administration. According to the department, the depth of the outbreak earthquakes was 10 km..., the source was at a depth of 37 km. According to the department, the magnitude earthquakes was 5.9, depth - 32 km. The tremors were felt by residents...

Society, 24 Feb, 06:11

5.1 magnitude earthquake strikes southwest China In the southwest of China, in the province of Sichuan, it was recorded earthquake magnitude 5.1. This is reported by the seismological service of the Hong Kong Observatory. ... in turn, the European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) reports that the magnitude earthquakes in Sichuan was 4.9. According to him, the epicenter was recorded ... there were no casualties or destruction. In 2008, as a result of a major earthquakes magnitude 8 in the Chinese province killed more than 70 thousand people ...

Society, Feb 22, 2:33 pm

Two earthquakes hit Ecuador in eastern Ecuador earthquake magnitude 7.5, according to the US Geological Survey (​USGS) website. According to the service, earthquake happened in 10 ... destructions as a result earthquakes not received. At the same time, at 10:40 UTC (13:40 Moscow time), another earthquake in the west of Ecuador... the magnitude was 5.5. Hearth earthquakes lay at a depth of 82.1 km. Early February earthquake occurred with a magnitude of 6.6 in the Mexican...

Society, 21 Feb, 01:24

5.1 magnitude earthquake strikes western Turkey Earthquake magnitude 5.1 occurred near the city of Canakkale in the western ... . Epicenter earthquakes lay 20 km south of the city. There were no reports of damage or casualties. 1st of February earthquake magnitude 6 ... 67.9 km. A local emergency services spokesman told Reuters that earthquake was palpable, but it was not followed by destruction.

Society, 02 Feb, 03:33

An earthquake in Mexico partially destroyed the building of the Parliament of El Salvador The staff of the legislative assembly (parliament) of El Salvador was evacuated due to a powerful earthquakes that happened in Mexico. It is reported by El Mundo. Tremors, ... reminded that the building has already been subjected to minor damage as a result of other earthquakes that have taken place over the past few years. According to them, in this ... parliament to another building, since the current one is no longer suitable. Earthquake magnitude 6.6 happened on the border of Mexico and Guatemala in the evening...

Society, Feb 01, 23:05

6.6 magnitude earthquake hits Mexico-Guatemala border in the Mexican state of Chiapas earthquake magnitude 6.6. This was reported on the website of the US Geological Survey. Earthquake happened at the border with... 67.9 km. A local emergency services spokesman told Reuters that earthquake was palpable, but it was not followed by destruction. Witness reported... El Salvador. According to Reuters, some office buildings located in the zone earthquakes have been evacuated. The Associated Press reports that an elementary school in... Second earthquake strikes off Indonesian coast ... Sumba island happened earthquake magnitude 6.4. This was reported on the website of the US Geological Survey. According to the service, earthquake happened at 05 ... it follows that it was located 20 km from the focus of the previous earthquakes, which happened at 23:59 UTC (02:59 Moscow time). Its... ,3 km. At the end of September, on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, a earthquake magnitude 7.5 followed by a tsunami. As a result, they died... Magnitude 6 earthquake strikes off Indonesian coast ... , reports Reuters with reference to the US Geological Survey. Epicenter earthquakes was at a depth of 25 km, 219 km to the south ... and there were no fatalities. In September 2018, as a result earthquakes magnitude 7.5 and the ensuing tsunami in Indonesian... 6.7 magnitude earthquake strikes off Chile strong earthquake magnitude 6.7 occurred off the coast of Chile, according to the Geological Survey ... the city of Coquimbo, whose population is more than 148 thousand people. Hearth earthquakes lay at a depth of 53 km. Information about the victims, injured or ... follows from the data of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. January 19 earthquake happened in the northern part of Peru, near the border with Ecuador... 5.6 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Peru Earthquake magnitude 5.6 occurred in northern Peru, close to... or no damage was reported. January 9 in the Novosibirsk region happened earthquake magnitude 4.3. The tremors were recorded 16 km from ... Ministry of Emergency Situations called the cause of man-made earthquake near Novosibirsk Seismologists qualified earthquake in the Iskitimsky district of the Novosibirsk region on January 9 as a man-made. About this area happened in July last year. Then seismologists recorded earthquake magnitude 4.6, 6.5 km from the village of Elbashi... Magnitude 5.5 earthquake strikes off Philippine coast Earthquake magnitude 5.5 occurred in the Sulu Sea in the southern Philippines, ... a strong earthquakes magnitude 7.2. The epicenter of the shocks lay at a depth of 60 km east of the Philippine city of General Santos. After earthquakes It was... 6.6 magnitude earthquake strikes off Indonesian coast ... Tobelo. There are currently no reports of casualties as a result of earthquakes. At the end of December 2018 in the Sunda Strait of Indonesia between... Tsunami warning issued off Philippine coast after earthquake ...) from the epicenter earthquakes along the coasts of Indonesia and the Philippines,” the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in a statement (quoted by Reuters). Earthquake magnitude 7... earthquake for the last week. On Monday, December 24, a similar phenomenon occurred in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the island Kingdom of Tonga. Magnitude earthquakes ... 6.4 magnitude earthquake strikes near Tonga Earthquake magnitude 6.4 occurred in the Pacific Ocean near the coast ..., in the east with Niue, and in the west - with Fiji. Last thing earthquake happened there in August 2017. Its magnitude was 6... Earthquake in Kamchatka did not cause damage destruction after earthquakes that occurred off the coast of Kamchatka, no. This was announced to RBC in ... 2 to 3 points, in the village of Nikolskoye - up to 5 points. Earthquake happened at 20:01 Moscow time off the eastern coast of Kamchatka. Center... in the Pacific Ocean has warned of the possibility of large waves after earthquakes. A tsunami threat has been declared off the coast of Kamchatka after the earthquake ... , around 20:01 Moscow time, off the eastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, earthquake magnitude 7.3 (later the service corrected these data - the magnitude was ... USA) issued a warning about the possibility of large waves in the region earthquakes. Later, in the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Kamchatka Territory, RBC ... told RBC that they were clarifying information about earthquake. In October and November, the peninsula was also earthquakes, but the magnitudes in both cases were... 5.5 magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia On the Indonesian island of Lombok, which has been hit by several major earthquakes in the summer-autumn of 2018, new aftershocks of magnitude 5.5 were recorded. ... not received. In July-September on the island of Lombok, victims of a number of earthquakes and the tsunami became more than 500 people. Almost 500 thousand people... An earthquake of magnitude 7.5 hits off the coast of New Caledonia Earthquake magnitude 7.5 occurred near the overseas community of France New ... time (07:18 Moscow time). About the victims, casualties and destruction during earthquake not reported. According to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC... Trump declares state of emergency in Alaska after earthquake After earthquakes magnitude 7 in Alaska, US President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency in the state. because of earthquakes Anchorage airport temporarily stopped working, roads were damaged. US President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency in Alaska after earthquakes... affected by earthquakes state. Earlier, Trump tweeted that the US authorities would "spare no expense" to help local residents. Earthquake happened... The police reported the consequences of the earthquake in the largest city in Alaska ... -per earthquakes magnitude 7, recorded on November 30, many administrative buildings and residential buildings were destroyed in the city. According to them, earthquake led ... about whether led earthquake to the victims. Alaska Governor Bill Walker has declared a state of emergency. "After a strong earthquakes I declared a state of emergency... social networks published videos taken during and after earthquakes. According to CNN, earthquake happened at 8:30 local time (20:30 ... Iran earthquake death toll rises to 640 On Iran's western border with Iraq earthquake magnitude 6.3. 646 people were injured, most of them escaped ..., there is currently the rubble being cleared. It is noted that after earthquakes there were two more aftershocks of magnitude 5.2 and 4.6 ... 420 injured in Iran earthquake ... the Iranian province of Kermanshah as a result earthquakes 420 people were injured. This is reported by Tansim agency. It is noted that earthquake happened at 20:07 to... after earthquakes There were four aftershocks. Two of them were magnitude 4.0 and the other two were magnitude 5.2 and 4.1. Previously earthquake happened in the Caribbean, off the coast of Nicaragua. Its magnitude was 6.0. At the end of September, on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, a earthquake ... Magnitude 6 earthquake hits off coast of Nicaragua In the Caribbean, off the coast of Nicaragua, earthquake magnitude 6. This is reported by the US Geological Survey. The epicenter was ... tsunami monitoring announced the absence of a threat of this phenomenon. Last time earthquake comparable power occurred in Chile in early November. Then his... Residents of Buryatia felt the earthquake on the coast of Lake Baikal On the coast of Lake Baikal earthquake magnitude 3.5, which was felt by residents of several settlements in ... on the Baikal branch of the Unified Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to him, earthquake happened at 5:44 local time (0:44 Moscow time) in the village of Ust-Barguzin, which is located 10 km from the epicenter earthquakes. Also earthquake felt by the residents of the villages of Adamovo and Gusikha, located within a radius ... An earthquake of magnitude 5.7 hit Kamchatka Recorded in Kamchatka earthquake magnitude 5.7, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the region. Epicenter earthquakes was located south of the Ust-Kamchatsky region at a depth of 77 ... did not contact earthquake and was not called a tsunami. The storm wave warning is valid until November 16. Last time earthquake off the coast...

Earthquake magnitude 5.9 occurred in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk near the Kuril Islands. ... the island of Hokkaido. It is noted that it was located at a depth of 10 km. Earthquake happened on November 5 at 06:26 Sakhalin time (22 ... ”in the Sakhalin branch of the unified geophysical service of the Russian Academy of Sciences reported that the epicenter earthquakes was located 57 km northwest of the city of Yuzhno...

Three earthquakes hit Greek coast within half an hour ... In the Ionian Sea, off the coast of Greece, three earthquakes. This is reported by the European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC). According to him ... lay at a depth of 10 km. The second happened 20 minutes later. earthquake- magnitude 4.7. The epicenter of the tremors was 285 km away... the power supply was interrupted. At the same time, on the island of Strofadia, due to earthquakes The monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord, built in the 13th century, partially collapsed, reports... 6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Chile ... earthquake magnitude 6.2. This is reported by the European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). According to EMSC, the epicenter earthquakes... was located 89 km from Iquique. About the destruction or caused earthquake no tsunami was reported. There are no reports of casualties as of yet... A violent event took place off the coast of Greece earthquake. The European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) has issued a tsunami warning. Earthquake magnitude 7.0 was recorded... nearby regions do not come close to the sea. It is indicated that after earthquakes followed by several aftershocks, which were felt not only in Greece ... Magnitude 6 earthquake strikes off Taiwan coast Off the coast of Hualien County in eastern Taiwan earthquake magnitude 6. This is evidenced by the data of the seismological service of the island. Seismologists... no damage has been reported. October 21 in Taiwan was recorded earthquake Economics, 22 Oct 2018, 06:07 Indonesian authorities estimate damage from earthquake and tsunami at $911 million ... Disaster Management (BNPB) estimated that what happened in September on the island of Sulawesi earthquake and the subsequent tsunami brought damage to the state for 13 ... injuries, more than 223.7 thousand inhabitants of the region were left homeless. Earthquake and the tsunami affected the cities of Palu, Dungala, Sigi and Parigi Mutun... now the local authorities will be guided by the principle of "build better and safer". ​ Earthquake magnitude 7.5 and the ensuing tsunami on the island...

Earthquakes are a terrible natural phenomenon that can bring numerous troubles. They are associated not only with destruction, due to which there may be human casualties. The catastrophic tsunami waves caused by them can lead to even more disastrous consequences.

What areas of the world are most at risk from earthquakes? To answer this question, you need to look at where the active seismic regions are. These are zones of the earth's crust, which are more mobile than the regions surrounding them. They are located on the boundaries of lithospheric plates, where large blocks collide or move apart. It is the movements of powerful rock layers that cause earthquakes.

Dangerous areas of the world

There are several belts on the globe, which are characterized by a high frequency of underground impacts. These are seismically dangerous areas.

The first of them is called the Pacific Rim, since it occupies almost the entire coast of the ocean. Not only earthquakes are frequent here, but also volcanic eruptions, so the name "volcanic" or "fiery" ring is often used. The activity of the earth's crust here is determined by modern mountain-building processes.

The second large seismic belt stretches along the high young ones from the Alps and other mountains of Southern Europe to the Sunda Islands through Asia Minor, the Caucasus, the mountains of Central and Central Asia and the Himalayas. There is also a collision of lithospheric plates, which causes frequent earthquakes.

The third belt stretches across the entire Atlantic Ocean. This is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is the result of the expansion of the earth's crust. Iceland, known primarily for its volcanoes, also belongs to this belt. But earthquakes here are by no means rare.

Seismically active regions of Russia

Earthquakes also occur in our country. Seismically active regions of Russia are the Caucasus, Altai, the mountains of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, the Commander and Kuril Islands, about. Sakhalin. Earth tremors of great strength can occur here.

One can recall the Sakhalin earthquake of 1995, when two-thirds of the population of the Neftegorsk village died under the rubble of destroyed buildings. After the rescue work, it was decided not to restore the village, but to relocate the residents to other settlements.

In 2012-2014, several earthquakes occurred in the North Caucasus. Fortunately, their centers were at great depths. There were no casualties or major damage.

Seismic map of Russia

The map shows that the most seismically dangerous areas lie in the south and east of the country. At the same time, the eastern parts are relatively poorly populated. But in the south, earthquakes pose a much greater danger to people, since the population density is higher here.

Irkutsk, Khabarovsk and some other large cities are in danger. These are active seismic regions.

Anthropogenic earthquakes

Seismically active occupy approximately 20% of the country's territory. But this does not mean that the rest of the world is completely insured against earthquakes. Shocks with a force of 3-4 points are noted even far from the boundaries of the lithospheric plates, in the center of the platform areas.

At the same time, with the development of the economy, the possibility of anthropogenic earthquakes increases. They are most often caused by the fact that the roof of underground voids collapses. Because of this, the earth's crust seems to be shaken, almost like a real earthquake. And there are more and more voids and cavities underground, because a person extracts oil and natural gas from the depths for his own needs, pumps out water, builds mines for the extraction of solid minerals ... And underground nuclear explosions are generally comparable to natural earthquakes in their strength.

The collapse of rock layers in itself can pose a danger to people. After all, in many areas, voids are formed right under the settlements. The latest events in Solikamsk only confirmed this. But even a weak earthquake can lead to terrible consequences, because as a result of it, structures that are in disrepair, dilapidated housing in which people continue to live can collapse ... Also, a violation of the integrity of rock layers threatens the mines themselves, where collapses can occur.

What to do?

People still cannot prevent such a formidable phenomenon as an earthquake. And even to accurately predict when and where it will happen, they also did not learn. So, you need to know how you can protect yourself and loved ones during tremors.

People living in such dangerous areas should always have an earthquake contingency plan. Since the elements can catch family members in different places, there should be an agreement on a meeting place after the shocks stop. The dwelling should be as safe as possible from the fall of heavy objects, furniture is best attached to the walls and floor. All residents should know where they can urgently turn off gas, electricity, water to avoid fires, explosions and electric shocks. Stairs and passages should not be cluttered with things. Documents and some set of products and essentials should always be at hand.

Starting with kindergartens and schools, the population must be taught the correct behavior in a natural disaster, which will increase the chances of rescue.

Seismically active regions of Russia place special demands on both industrial and civil construction. Earthquake-resistant buildings are harder and more expensive to build, but the cost of building them is nothing compared to the lives saved. After all, not only those who are in such a building will be safe, but also those who are nearby. There will be no destruction and blockages - there will be no victims.

The greenhouse effect stumbled
Vladimir Erashov

In recent decades, the greenhouse effect has become a byword, it is blamed for the growth of all earthly cataclysms. But here's a sensational surprise - THE GROWTH OF THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT AND THE NUMBER OF EARTHQUAKES COMEDIATED ONLY UNTIL 2005, THEN THE WAYS DIFFERED, THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT CONTINUED TO GROW, THEN THE NUMBER OF EARTHQUAKES STARTED TO DECREASE SHARPLY. Moreover, the statistics of earthquakes is as follows, we will give it below, which leaves no doubt about the presence of the indicated trends. Until 2005, the number of earthquakes on Earth increased many times, and then it also began to decrease many times over. Earthquakes in the present times are recorded by many tracking stations with great accuracy and very scrupulously. From this side, any error is ruled out in principle. Consequently, the indicated trend is an indisputable fact, a fact that allows us to look at the problem of climate warming in a very unconventional way.
First, let's give the statistics of earthquakes, this statistics was obtained after processing (summing up) the daily number of earthquakes stored in the archive of the site
Let us clarify that the site stores earthquakes of magnitude four and above, starting from 1974. It has not been possible to process all the statistics yet, it is very laborious, we present the statistics of January earthquakes, for other months the picture is similar.
Here are the stats:
1974 -313, 1975-333, 1976 -539, 1977 – 323, 1978 – 329, 1979 – 325, 1980 – 390, 1981 -367, 1982- 405, 1983 – 507, 1984 – 391, 1985 – 447, 1986 – 496, 1987 – 466, 1988 – 490, 1989 – 490, 1990 – 437, 1991 – 516, 1992 – 465, 1993 – 477, 1994 – 460, 1995 – 709. 1996 – 865, 1997 – 647, 1998 – 747, 1999 – 666, 2000 – 615, 2001 – 692, 2002 – 815, 2003 – 691, 2004 – 915, 2005 – 2127, 2006 – 971, 2007 – 1390, 2008 – 1040, 2009 – 989, 2010 – 823, 2011 – 1211, 2012 – 999, 2013 – 687, 2014 – 468, 2015 – 479, 2016 – 499.
And so in 2005 there was a radical change in the number of recorded earthquakes, if until 2005 the number of earthquakes, albeit with small stops, only grew, then after 2005 it began to steadily decline.
Main conclusion:
The catastrophic increase in the number of earthquakes that occurred on Earth before 2005 is in no way connected with the greenhouse effect, it occurred for other reasons, these reasons have yet to be clarified.
An interesting fact - in 2005, in parallel with the increase in the number of earthquakes, a radical change occurred in the speed of the Earth's rotation, the Earth began to slow down its rotation. Now it is impossible to unequivocally state that these facts are connected with each other, but it is also very unlikely that they coincided by chance. Moreover, short-term bursts in the number of earthquakes correlate very well with bursts in the speed of the Earth's rotation.
From the works of the scientist Sidorenkov N.S. It is known that the speed of the Earth's rotation has a very good correlation with the temperature on the Planet, a higher speed of the Earth's rotation corresponds to a higher average temperature - this has been established experimentally over a fairly long period of observations. Then a perfectly logical question:
Will the decrease in the Earth's rotation speed be followed by not only a decrease in the number of earthquakes, it has already followed, but also a decrease in the average temperature, that is, do not these factors signal us about the beginning of an epoch of cooling?
Apparently, it is too early to put an end to this issue, but Russian science has no right to leave this issue unattended, the stakes are too high. Of course, no scientist can cancel the future cooling of the climate, which may be about to begin, but this cooling should not fall on Russia like snow on its head.
In this regard, I ask readers not to be lazy, but to re-read the article “Transparent Climate”.
Isn't it time for Russian science to wake up?
24.05. 2016