A part of some device is a rotating coil m. Determine the longest time a motorcyclist will be in a cellular coverage area

Answer: 6.25

Task B12. A part of some device is a rotating coil..gif" alt="(!LANG:R = 10" width="52" height="14">.gif" alt="R+h" width="44" height="15">. При этом момент инерции катушки относительно оси вращения, выражаемый в кг, даeтся формулой https://pandia.ru/text/78/284/images/image1565.gif" alt="1000 ext(kg)cdot ext(cm)^2" width="87" height="17">? Ответ выразите в сантиметрах.!}

Answer: 10

Task B12. During the decay of a radioactive isotope, its mass decreases according to the law , where https://pandia.ru/text/78/284/images/image1568.gif" alt="(!LANG:m_0 = 40" width="60" height="16"> мг изотопа !} Z, whose half-life is https://pandia.ru/text/78/284/images/image1570.gif" alt="(!LANG:T(t)~=~T_0+at+bt^2" width="148" height="21 src=">, где К, К/мин, К/!} (min)2. It is known that at heater temperatures above 1000 K, the device may deteriorate, so it must be turned off. Determine (in minutes) after what longest time after the start of work you need to turn off the device.

Answer: 30

Task B12. A part of some device is a square frame with a wire wound around it, through which a direct current is passed. The frame is placed in a uniform magnetic field so that it can rotate. The moment of Ampere's force tending to rotate the frame (in Nm) is determined by the formula" width="52" height="14">.gif" alt="l \u003d 0.4" width="54" height="17 src="> м - размер рамки, - чиcло витков провода в рамке, https://pandia.ru/text/78/284/images/image1533.gif" alt="alpha" width="16" height="11">(в градуcах) рамка может начать вращатьcя, еcли для этого нужно, чтобы раcкручивающий момент !} M was not less than 0.15 Nm?

Answer: 30

Task B12. A small ball is thrown at an acute angle https://pandia.ru/text/78/284/images/image1580.gif" alt="(!LANG:L=frac((v_0^2 ))(g)sin 2alpha" width="96" height="43"> (м), где м/c - начальная cкороcть мяча, а !} g- free fall acceleration (read m/chttps://pandia.ru/text/78/284/images/image1584.gif" width="89" height="41 src="> (cm/s), where t

Task B12. A load weighing 0.38 kg oscillates on a spring with a speed that varies according to the law https://pandia.ru/text/78/284/images/image1586.gif" width="63 height=44" height="44">, where m- mass of cargo (in kg), v- load speed (in m/s). Determine what fraction of the time from the first second after the start of movement the kinetic energy of the load will be at least https://pandia.ru/text/78/284/images/image1588.gif" width="47" height="19"> m and with the speed of the current m / s so as to moor exactly opposite the place of departure. He can move at different speeds, while the travel time, measured in seconds, is determined by the expression , where is an acute angle that specifies the direction of its movement (counted from the coast). .gif" alt="(!LANG:m=3" width="45" height="14 src=">.gif" alt="2\alpha" width="25" height="14">друг к другу..gif" alt="2\alpha" width="25" height="14">(в градусах) должны двигаться тела, чтобы в результате соударения выделилось не менее 96 джоулей?!}

Task B12. Under normal incidence of light with a wavelength of nm on a diffraction grating with a period d nm, a series of diffraction maxima are observed..gif" alt="(!LANG:d\sin \varphi= k\lambda" width="88" height="19 src=">..gif" width="15" height="14">километров над землeй, до наблюдаемой им линии горизонта вычисляется по формуле , где (км) - радиус Земли. С какой высоты горизонт виден на расстоянии 4 километров? Ответ выразите в километрах.!}

Task B12. The distance from an observer located at a low altitude of kilometers above the earth to the horizon line he observes is calculated by the formula , where (km) is the radius of the Earth. From what height is the horizon visible at a distance of 140 kilometers? Express your answer in kilometers.

Task B12. (cm/s), where t- time in seconds. What fraction of the first two seconds did the speed of movement exceed 4 cm/s? Express your answer as a decimal, round to hundredths if necessary.

Task B12. The speed of a load oscillating on a spring varies according to the law (cm/s), where t- time in seconds. What fraction of the time from the first second did the speed exceed 3 cm/s? Express your answer as a decimal, round to hundredths if necessary.

Task B12. A load weighing 0.38 kg oscillates on a spring with a speed that varies according to the law https://pandia.ru/text/78/284/images/image1605.gif 2 ))(2)" width="63" height="39">, где !} m- mass of cargo (in kg), v- load speed (in m/s). Determine what fraction of the time from the first second after the start of movement the kinetic energy of the load will be at least J. Express the answer as a decimal fraction, if necessary, round to hundredths.

Task B13.

13. (Basic)

Be able to build and explore the simplest mathematical models

Maximum score for the task

Estimated time to complete the task for students who studied mathematics at the basic level

Approximate task completion time for students who studied mathematics at the profile level

22 min.

10 minutes.

Job type. Equation task.

Task characteristics. The traditional "text" task (for movement, work, etc.), i.e., the task of compiling an equation.

Comment. As an unknown, as a rule, it is better to choose the desired value. The formulated equation is reduced in most cases to a quadratic or linear one.

To successfully solve problems of type B13, it is necessary:

    Be able to build and explore the simplest mathematical models Model real situations in the language of algebra, compose
    equations and inequalities according to the condition of the problem; research
    constructed models using the apparatus of algebra

Task B13. Two workers working together can complete the job in 12 days. In how many days, working separately, will the first worker do this work if he does the same part of the work in two days as the second does in three days?

Decision. Denote and -volumes of work that the first and second workers perform per day, respectively, the total amount of work will be taken as 1. Then, according to the condition of the problem, and . Let's solve the resulting system:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/284/images/image1612.gif" height="166 src=">Thus, the first worker does one-twentieth of all the work per day, which means that working separately, he will cope with it in 20 days.

Most applicants do not know how to solve such problems and do not even know how simple they are. Meanwhile, task B13 is your chance to easily get another score on the exam in mathematics.

Text problem B13 - easy! Solution algorithm and success at the exam

Why are word problems B13 classified as simple?
Firstly, all tasks B13 from the FIPI task bank are solved according to a single algorithm, which we will tell you about. Secondly, all B13 are of the same type - these are tasks for movement or for work. The main thing is to know how to approach them.

Attention! To learn how to solve text problems, you will need only three to four hours of independent work, that is, two to three lessons.

All you need is common sense plus the ability to solve a quadratic equation. And even if you forgot the formula for the discriminant - it doesn't matter, we recall.

But before moving on to the tasks themselves, check yourself.

Write as a mathematical expression:

1..jpg" width="16" height="18">

2..jpg" width="16" height="18">

3..gif" width="14" height="13">

4..gif" width="14" height="13 src="> 3.5 times

5..gif" alt="(!LANG:t2" width="17" height="22">!}

6. quotient of dividing by one and a half times more

7. the square of the sum and equals 7

8..jpg" width="16" height="18">

9..gif" width="15" height="13 src="> by 15 percent

Until you write - do not peep into the answers! :-)

It would seem that the second-grader will also answer the first three questions. But for some reason, they cause difficulties for half of the graduates, not to mention questions 7 and 8. From year to year, we, tutors, observe a paradoxical picture: students in the eleventh grade think for a long time how to write down that “5 more”. And at school at this moment they “pass” antiderivatives and integrals :-)

So the correct answers are:

x is greater than y. The difference between them is five. So, to get a larger value, you need to add the difference to a smaller one.
x is five times greater than y. So if you multiply y by 5, you get x.
z is less than x. The difference between them is 8. To get a smaller value, you need to subtract the difference from the larger one.
less than . So, if we subtract the difference from the larger value, we get the smaller one.
Just in case, let's repeat the terminology:
A sum is the result of adding two or more terms.
The difference is the result of the subtraction.
A product is the result of multiplying two or more factors.
The quotient is the result of dividing numbers.
We remember that .
If taken as 100, then 15 percent more, that is, 1151.15.

Now - the tasks themselves B13.

Let's start with motion problems. They are often found in variants of the exam. There are only two rules here:

All these tasks are solved according to a single formula: , that is, distance, speed, time. From this formula, you can express the speed or time. It is most convenient to choose speed as a variable x. Then the problem will definitely be solved!

First, read the terms and conditions very carefully. It already has everything. Remember that word problems are actually very simple.

Task B13. From point A to point B, the distance between which is 50 km, a motorist and a cyclist left at the same time. It is known that a motorist travels 40 km more per hour than a cyclist. Determine the speed of the cyclist if it is known that he arrived at point B 4 hours later than the motorist. Give your answer in km/h.

What is the best way to designate here for .gif" width="14" height="13">40.

Let's draw a table. You can immediately enter the distance into it - both the cyclist and the motorist traveled 50 km. You can enter the speed - it is equal to.gif" width="14 height=13" height="13">40 for a cyclist and a motorist, respectively. It remains to fill in the "time" column.

We will find it using the formula: https://pandia.ru/text/78/284/images/image1637.gif" alt="(!LANG:t1 = 50/x" width="81" height="47">, для автомобилиста 100%" style="width:100.0%">!}



It remains to record that the cyclist arrived at the destination 4 hours later than the motorist. Later means more time. This means that .gif" alt="(!LANG:t2" width="17" height="22">, то есть!}

1. The company sells its products at a price p=500 rub. per unit, the variable costs of producing one unit of output are rubles, the fixed costs of the enterprise f = 700,000 rubles. per month. The monthly operating profit of the enterprise (in rubles) is calculated by the formula . Determine the smallest monthly production q(units of production), in which the monthly operating profit of the enterprise will be at least 300,000 rubles. 5000

2. After rain, the water level in the well may rise. boy measuring time t falling small pebbles into the well and calculates the distance to the water using the formula h \u003d 5t 2, where h- distance in meters, t= fall time in seconds. Before the rain, the fall time of the pebbles was 0.6 s. How much must the water level rise after rain in order for the measured time to change by 0.2 s? Express your answer in meters. 1

3. The dependence of the volume of demand q(units per month) for the products of a monopoly enterprise from the price p(thousand rubles) is given by the formula q = 100 - 10p. Company revenue for the month r(in thousand rubles) is calculated by the formula . Determine the highest price p, at which the monthly revenue will be at least 240 thousand rubles. Give the answer in thousand rubles 6

4. The height above the ground of a ball tossed up changes according to the law , where h- height in meters t- time in seconds elapsed since the throw. How many seconds will the ball be at a height of at least three meters? 1,2

5. If you rotate a bucket of water on a rope in a vertical plane fast enough, then the water will not pour out. When the bucket rotates, the force of water pressure on the bottom does not remain constant: it is maximum at the bottom and minimum at the top. Water will not pour out if the force of its pressure on the bottom is positive at all points of the trajectory except the top, where it can be equal to zero. At the top point, the pressure force, expressed in newtons, is , where m is the mass of water in kilograms, v- the speed of the bucket in m / s, L- rope length in meters, g- free fall acceleration (calculate ). With what minimum speed must the bucket be rotated so that the water does not spill out if the length of the rope is 40 cm? Express your answer in m/s 2

6. A crane is fixed in the side wall of a high cylindrical tank at the very bottom. After it is opened, water begins to flow out of the tank, while the height of the water column in it, expressed in meters, changes according to the law , where t- time in seconds elapsed since the tap was opened, H 0 = 20 m - the initial height of the water column, - the ratio of the cross-sectional areas of the tap and the tank, and g- acceleration of gravity (). In how many seconds after opening the faucet will a quarter of the original volume of water remain in the tank? 5100

7. A crane is fixed in the side wall of a high cylindrical tank at the very bottom. After opening it, water begins to flow out of the tank, while the height of the water column in it, expressed in meters, changes according to the law, where m is the initial water level, m/min 2, and m/min are constants, t- time in minutes elapsed since the valve was opened. How long will water flow out of the tank? Give your answer in minutes 20

8. A stone-throwing machine shoots stones at some sharp angle to the horizon. The flight path of the stone is described by the formula , where m -1 , are constant parameters, x(m) - stone displacement horizontally, y(m) - the height of the stone above the ground. At what maximum distance (in meters) from a fortress wall 8 m high should a car be positioned so that the stones fly over the wall at a height of at least 1 meter? 90

9. The dependence of temperature (in degrees Kelvin) on time for a heating element of a certain device was obtained experimentally and, in the temperature range under study, is determined by the expression , where t- time in minutes, T 0 \u003d 1400 K, a \u003d -10 K / min 2, b \u003d 200 K / min. It is known that at a heater temperature above 1760 K, the device may deteriorate, so it must be turned off. Determine the maximum time after the start of work to turn off the device. Express your answer in minutes 2

10. To wind the cable at the factory, a winch is used, which winds the cable on a coil with uniform acceleration. The angle through which the coil turns changes with time according to the law , where t is the time in minutes, is the initial angular velocity of the coil, and is the angular acceleration with which the cable is wound. The worker must check the progress of its winding no later than the moment when the winding angle reaches 1200 0 . Determine the time after the start of the winch, no later than which the worker must check its operation. Express your answer in minutes. 20

11. A motorcyclist moving through the city at a speed of km/h leaves it and immediately after leaving it begins to accelerate with a constant acceleration a = 12 km/h. The distance from the motorcyclist to the city, measured in kilometers, is determined by the expression. Determine the longest time that a motorcyclist will be in a cellular service area if the operator guarantees coverage within a distance of no more than 30 km from the city. Express your answer in minutes 30

12. A car moving at the initial moment of time with a speed of m / s began braking with a constant acceleration a \u003d 5 m / s. Behind t seconds after the start of braking, he traveled the distance (m). Determine the time elapsed from the start of braking, if it is known that during this time the car traveled 30 meters. Express your answer in seconds. 60

13. A part of some device is a rotating coil. It consists of three homogeneous coaxial cylinders: a central cylinder with mass m = 8 kg and radius R = 10 cm, and two side cylinders with mass M = 1 kg and radii R + h. In this case, the moment of inertia of the coil relative to the axis of rotation, expressed in kg. cm 2 is given by the formula . At what maximum value h the moment of inertia of the coil does not exceed the limit value of 625 kg. cm 2? Express your answer in centimeters. 5

14. At the shipyard, engineers are designing a new apparatus for diving to shallow depths. The design has a cubic shape, which means that the buoyancy force acting on the apparatus, expressed in newtons, will be determined by the formula: , where l is the length of the edge of the cube in meters, is the density of water, and g- free fall acceleration (assume g=9.8 N/kg). What can be the maximum length of the edge of the cube to ensure its operation in conditions where the buoyancy force when immersed will be no more than 78400N? Express your answer in meters. 2

15. At the shipyard, engineers are designing a new apparatus for diving to shallow depths. The design has the shape of a sphere, which means that the buoyant (Archimedean) force acting on the apparatus, expressed in newtons, will be determined by the formula: , where is a constant, r is the radius of the apparatus in meters, is the density of water, and g- free fall acceleration (assume g=10 N/kg). What can be the maximum radius of the apparatus so that the buoyancy force during immersion is no more than 336,000 N? Answer in meters 2

16. To determine the effective temperature of stars, the Stefan–Boltzmann law is used, according to which the radiation power of a heated body P, measured in watts, is directly proportional to its surface area and the fourth power of temperature: , where is a constant, area S measured in square meters, and the temperature T- in degrees Kelvin. It is known that a certain star has an area of ​​m 2, and the power radiated by it P not less than W. Determine the lowest possible temperature of this star. Give your answer in degrees Kelvin 4000

17. To obtain an enlarged image of a light bulb on the screen, a converging lens with a main focal length cm is used in the laboratory. the screen will be clear if the ratio is met. Indicate the smallest distance from the lens that a light bulb can be placed so that its image on the screen is clear. Express your answer in centimeters. 36

18. Before departure, the locomotive emitted a beep with a frequency of Hz. A little later, a locomotive approaching the platform blew a horn. Due to the Doppler effect, the frequency of the second beep f greater than the first: it depends on the speed of the locomotive according to the law (Hz), where c is the speed of sound in sound (in m/s). A person standing on the platform distinguishes signals by tone if they differ by at least 10 Hz. Determine the minimum speed with which the locomotive approached the platform if the person could distinguish the signals, and c = 315 m/s. Express your answer in m/s 7

19. According to Ohm's law for a complete circuit, the current strength, measured in amperes, is equal to, where is the EMF of the source (in volts), Ohm is its internal resistance, R- circuit resistance (in ohms). At what minimum resistance of the circuit will the current strength be no more than 20% of the short circuit current strength? (Express your answer in ohms. 4

20. Current in the circuit I(in amperes) is determined by the voltage in the circuit and the resistance of the electrical appliance according to Ohm's law: , where U- voltage in volts, R- the resistance of the electrical appliance in ohms. There is a fuse in the mains that melts if the current exceeds 4 A. Determine the minimum resistance that an electrical appliance connected to a 220 volt outlet must have in order for the network to continue to work. Express your answer in ohms. 55

21. The amplitude of the pendulum oscillations depends on the frequency of the driving force, determined by the formula , where is the frequency of the driving force (in), is a constant parameter, is the resonant frequency. Find the maximum frequency , less than the resonant one, for which the oscillation amplitude exceeds the value by no more than 12.5%. Express your answer in 120

22. Devices are connected to the power outlet, the total resistance of which is ohms. In parallel with them, an electric heater is supposed to be connected to the outlet. Determine the smallest possible resistance of this electric heater, if it is known that when two conductors with resistances Ohm and Ohm are connected in parallel, their total resistance is given by the formula (Ohm), and for the normal functioning of the electrical network, the total resistance in it must be at least 9 Ohm. Express your answer in ohms. 10

23. The coefficient of performance (COP) of some engine is determined by the formula , where is the temperature of the heater (in degrees Kelvin), is the temperature of the refrigerator (in degrees Kelvin). At what minimum temperature of the heater will the efficiency of this engine be at least 15% if the refrigerator temperature is K? Express your answer in degrees Kelvin. 400

24. The coefficient of efficiency (COP) of a feed steamer is equal to the ratio of the amount of heat spent on heating water with a mass (in kilograms) from temperature to temperature (in degrees Celsius) to the amount of heat obtained from burning firewood with a mass of kg. It is determined by the formula, where J / (kg K) is the heat capacity of water, J / kg is the specific heat of combustion of firewood. Determine the smallest amount of firewood that will need to be burned in the feed steamer to heat a kg of water from 10 0 C to boiling, if it is known that the efficiency of the feed steamer is not more than 21%. Answer in kilograms 18

25. The support shoes of a walking excavator with a mass of tons are two hollow beams meters long and wide. s meters each. The pressure of the excavator on the soil, expressed in kilopascals, is determined by the formula, where m- weight of the excavator (in tons), l- the length of the beams in meters, s- beam width in meters, g- free fall acceleration (read m/s). Determine the smallest possible width of the support beams if it is known that the pressure p should not exceed 140 kPa. Express your answer in meters. 2,5

26. To a source with EMF V and internal resistance Ohm, they want to connect a load with resistance R Ohm. The voltage across this load, expressed in volts, is given by . At what minimum value of the load resistance will the voltage across it be at least 50 V? Express your answer in ohms. 5

27. When approaching the source and receiver of sound signals moving in a certain medium in a straight line towards each other, the frequency of the sound signal recorded by the receiver does not coincide with the frequency of the original signal Hz and is determined by the following expression: (Hz), where c is the speed of signal propagation in the medium (in m/s), and m/s and m/s are the velocities of the receiver and source relative to the medium, respectively. At what maximum speed c(in m/s) signal propagation in the medium signal frequency at the receiver f will be at least 160 Hz 390

28. The locator of a bathyscaphe, evenly plunging vertically downward, emits ultrasonic pulses with a frequency of 749 MHz. The speed of descent of the bathyscaphe, expressed in m/s, is determined by the formula, where m/s is the speed of sound in water, is the frequency of the emitted pulses (in MHz), f- frequency of the signal reflected from the bottom, recorded by the receiver (in MHz). Determine the highest possible frequency of the reflected signal f if the bathyscaphe sinking speed should not exceed 2 m/s 751

29. l km with constant acceleration , is calculated by the formula . Determine the minimum acceleration with which the car must move in order to travel one kilometer and acquire a speed of at least 100 km / h. Express your answer in km/h 5000

30. When a rocket moves, its visible length for a stationary observer, measured in meters, is reduced according to the law , where m is the length of the resting rocket, km/s is the speed of light, and v- rocket speed (in km/s). What should be the minimum speed of the rocket so that its observed length becomes no more than 4 m? Express your answer in km/s 180000

31. The speed of a car accelerating from the starting point along a straight line segment of length l km with constant acceleration a km/h is calculated by the formula . Determine with what minimum speed the car will move at a distance of 1 kilometer from the start, if, according to the design features of the car, the acceleration acquired by it is not less than 5000 km / h. Express your answer in km/h 100

32. It is planned to use a cylindrical column to support the canopy. Pressure P(in Pascals), provided by a canopy and a column on a support, is determined by the formula, where m \u003d 1200 kg is the total mass of the canopy and column, D- diameter of the column (in meters). Assuming the free fall acceleration g=10 m/s, a, determine the smallest possible diameter of the column if the pressure exerted on the support should not exceed 400,000 Pa. Express your answer in meters. 0,2

33. A car whose mass is equal to m = 2160 kg starts moving with an acceleration that during t seconds remains unchanged, and during this time the path S = 500 meters passes. The value of the force (in newtons) applied to the car at this time is . Determine the longest time after the start of the movement of the car, for which it will cover the specified path, if it is known that the force F applied to the car, not less than 2400 N. Answer in seconds 30

34. In an adiabatic process, for an ideal gas, the law is satisfied, where p- gas pressure in pascals, V- volume of gas in cubic meters. In the course of an experiment with a monatomic ideal gas (for it ) from the initial state, in which Pa , the gas begins to compress. What is the largest volume V can occupy gas at pressures p not lower than Pa? Express your answer in cubic meters. 0,125

35. During the decay of a radioactive isotope, its mass decreases according to the law , where is the initial mass of the isotope, t(min) - elapsed time from the initial moment, T- half-life in minutes. In the laboratory, a substance was obtained containing at the initial moment of time mg of the isotope Z, whose half-life is min. In how many minutes will the mass of the isotope be at least 5 mg 30

36. The process equation in which the gas participated is written as , where p(Pa) - gas pressure, V- volume of gas in cubic meters, a is a positive constant. For what is the smallest value of the constant a halving the volume of gas involved in this process leads to an increase in pressure by at least 4 times 2

37. The installation for demonstrating adiabatic compression is a vessel with a piston that sharply compresses the gas. In this case, the volume and pressure are related by the relation , where p(atm.) - pressure in the gas, V- volume of gas in liters. Initially, the volume of the gas is 1.6 liters, and its pressure is equal to one atmosphere. In accordance with the technical specifications, the pump piston can withstand a pressure of not more than 128 atmospheres. Determine the minimum volume the gas can be compressed to. Express your answer in liters. 0,05

38. The capacitance of the high-voltage capacitor in the TV F. A resistor with an ohm resistance is connected in parallel with the capacitor. During operation of the TV, the voltage on the capacitor is kV. After turning off the TV, the voltage across the capacitor decreases to a value U(kV) for the time defined by the expression (s), where is a constant. Determine (in kilovolts), the highest possible voltage across the capacitor, if at least 21 seconds have passed since the TV was turned off 2

39. To heat a room, the temperature of which is equal to, hot water is passed through a heating radiator with a temperature of . Consumption of water passing through the pipe kg / s. Passing through the pipe distance x(m), water is cooled to a temperature, and (m), where is the heat capacity of water, is the heat transfer coefficient, and is a constant. To what temperature (in degrees Celsius) will the water cool if the length of the pipe is 84 m 30

40. A diving bell, containing at the initial moment of time a mole of air with a volume of l, is slowly lowered to the bottom of the reservoir. In this case, isothermal compression of air to a final volume occurs. The work done by water when air is compressed is determined by the expression (J), where is constant, and K is the air temperature. What volume (in liters) will air take up if 10350 J of work was done during gas compression 8

41. A diving bell in the water, containing moles of air at atmospheric pressure, is slowly lowered to the bottom of the reservoir. In this case, isothermal compression of air occurs. The work done by water when air is compressed is determined by the expression (J), where is a constant, K is the air temperature, (atm) is the initial pressure, and (atm) is the final air pressure in the bell. To what maximum pressure can the air in the bell be compressed if the work done by compressing the air is not more than 6900 J? Give your answer in atmospheres 6

42. The ball is thrown at an angle to a flat horizontal surface of the ground. The flight time of the ball (in seconds) is determined by the formula . What is the smallest value of the angle (in degrees) for which the flight time will be at least 3 seconds if the ball is thrown with an initial speed of m/s? Assume that the free fall acceleration m/s 30

43. A part of some device is a square frame with a wire wound around it, through which a direct current is passed. The frame is placed in a uniform magnetic field so that it can rotate. The moment of the Ampere force tending to rotate the frame (in N m) is determined by the formula and the induction vector. At what is the smallest value of the angle a (in degrees) the frame can start to rotate, if this requires that the unwinding moment M was not less than 0.75 N m 30

44. The sensor is designed in such a way that its antenna catches a radio signal, which is then converted into an electrical signal that changes over time according to the law , where is time in seconds, amplitude B, frequency , phase . The sensor is configured so that if the voltage in it is not lower than V, the lamp lights up. What part of the time (in percent) during the first second after the start of work will the light bulb be on 50

45. A very light charged metal ball with a charge of C rolls down a smooth inclined plane. At the moment when its speed is m / s, a constant magnetic field begins to act on it, the induction vector B which lies in the same plane and makes an angle a with the direction of motion of the ball. The value of the field induction Tl. In this case, the Lorentz force acts on the ball, equal to (N) and directed upwards perpendicular to the plane. What is the smallest value of the angle at which the ball will break away from the surface, if this requires that the force be not less than N? Give your answer in degrees 30

46. A small ball is thrown at an acute angle to a flat horizontal surface of the earth. The maximum flight height of the ball, expressed in meters, is determined by the formula, where m / s is the initial speed of the ball, and g- free fall acceleration (calculate m/s 2). What is the smallest value of the angle (in degrees) for the ball to fly over a wall 4 m high at a distance of 1 m 30

47. A small ball is thrown at an acute angle a to a flat horizontal surface of the earth. The distance that the ball flies is calculated by the formula (m), where m / s is the initial speed of the ball, and g- free fall acceleration (m/s 2). What is the smallest angle (in degrees) at which the ball will fly over a river 20 m wide 15

48. A flat closed circuit with an area of ​​S=0.5 m 2 is in a magnetic field, the induction of which increases uniformly. In this case, according to the law of electromagnetic induction of Faraday, an induction EMF appears in the circuit, the value of which, expressed in volts, is determined by the formula, where a is an acute angle between the direction of the magnetic field and the perpendicular to the circuit, T/s is a constant S- the area of ​​the closed circuit, located in the magnetic field (in m). At what minimum angle a (in degrees) will the induction emf not exceed V 60

49. The tractor pulls the sled with a force F = 80 kN directed at an acute angle a to the horizon. The work of the tractor (in kilojoules) on a section of length S = 50m is calculated by the formula . At what maximum angle a (in degrees) will the work done be at least 2000 kJ 60

50. The tractor pulls the sled with a force F=50 kN directed at an acute angle a to the horizon. Tractor power (in kilowatts) at speed v= 3 m/s is equal to . At what maximum angle a (in degrees) will this power be at least 75 kW 60

51. Under normal incidence of light with a wavelength of nm on a diffraction grating with a period d nm, a series of diffraction maxima are observed. In this case, the angle (measured from the perpendicular to the grating) at which the maximum is observed and the number of the maximum k related by the ratio. At what minimum angle (in degrees) can one observe the second maximum on a grating with a period not exceeding 1600 nm 30

52. Two bodies of mass kg each move with the same speed m/s at an angle to each other. The energy (in joules) released during their absolutely inelastic collision is determined by the expression . At what smallest angle (in degrees) must the bodies move so that at least 50 joules are released as a result of the collision. 60

53. The boat must cross a river with a width of m and with a current speed of u = 0.5 m/s so as to land exactly opposite the place of departure. It can move at different speeds, while the travel time, measured in seconds, is determined by the expression , where a is an acute angle that specifies the direction of its movement (counted from the coast). At what minimum angle a (in degrees) must one swim so that the travel time is no more than 200 s 45

54. A skateboarder jumps onto a platform standing on rails with a speed v = 3 m/s at an acute angle to the rails. From the push, the platform starts moving at a speed (m/s), where m = 80 kg is the mass of the skateboarder with the skateboard, and M = 400 kg is the mass of the platform. What is the maximum angle (in degrees) you need to jump at to accelerate the platform to at least 0.25 m/s? 60

55. A load with a mass of 0.08 kg oscillates on a spring with a speed that varies according to the law , where t- time in seconds. The kinetic energy of the load, measured in joules, is calculated by the formula , where m- mass of cargo (in kg), v- load speed (in m/s). Determine what fraction of the time from the first second after the start of movement the kinetic energy of the load will be at least 5 . 10 -3 J. Express your answer as a decimal fraction, if necessary, round to hundredths. 0,25

56. A weight of 0.08 kg oscillates on a spring with a speed that varies according to the law , where t- time in seconds. The kinetic energy of the load is calculated by the formula , where m- mass of cargo (in kg), v- load speed (in m/s). Determine what fraction of the time from the first second after the start of movement the kinetic energy of the load will be at least 5 . 10 -3 J. Express your answer as a decimal fraction, if necessary, round to hundredths 0,25

57. The speed of the load oscillating on the spring changes according to the law (cm / s), where t- time in seconds. What fraction of the time from the first second did the speed exceed 2.5 cm/s? Express your answer as a decimal, round to hundredths if necessary. 0,17

58. The distance from an observer located at a low altitude of kilometers above the earth to the horizon line he observes is calculated by the formula , where (km) is the radius of the Earth. From what height is the horizon visible at a distance of 4 kilometers? Express your answer in kilometers.

59. An independent agency intends to introduce a rating of news publications based on indicators of informativeness, efficiency and objectivity of publications. Each indicator is evaluated with integers from -2 to 2.

The analyst who made the formula believes that the information content of publications is valued three times, and objectivity is twice as expensive as efficiency. As a result, the formula will take the form

What should be the number for the publication with the highest scores to be rated 30?

where is the average rating of the store by customers (from 0 to 1), is the rating of the store by experts (from 0 to 0.7) and is the number of buyers who rated the store.

61. An independent agency intends to introduce a rating of online news publications based on assessments of informativeness, efficiency, objectivity of publications, as well as the quality of the site. Each individual indicator is evaluated by readers on a 5-point scale with integers from 1 to 5.

What should be the number , so that the publication, which has all the highest ratings, would receive a rating of 1?

62. An independent agency intends to introduce a rating of online news publications based on assessments of informativeness, efficiency, objectivity of publications, as well as the quality of the site. Each individual indicator is evaluated by readers on a 5-point scale with integers from -2 to 2.

If for all four indicators a certain publication received the same rating, then the rating should coincide with this rating. Find the number at which this condition will be met.

I am engaged in "Five with a plus" in the group of Gulnur Gataullovna in biology and chemistry. I am delighted, the teacher knows how to interest the subject, find an approach to the student. Adequately explains the essence of his requirements and gives realistic homework (and not like most teachers in the year of the exam, ten paragraphs at home, but one in the class). . We study strictly for the exam and it is very valuable! Gulnur Gataullovna is sincerely interested in the subjects she teaches, she always gives the necessary, timely and relevant information. Highly recommend!


I'm preparing for "Five with a plus" for mathematics (with Daniil Leonidovich) and the Russian language (with Zarema Kurbanovna). Very satisfied! The quality of classes is at a high level, at the school there are now only fives and fours in these subjects. I wrote test exams for 5, I'm sure that I will pass the OGE perfectly. Thank you!


I was preparing for the exam in history and social science with Vitaly Sergeevich. He is an extremely responsible teacher in relation to his work. Punctual, polite, pleasant in communication. It can be seen that the man lives his work. He is well versed in adolescent psychology, has a clear method of preparation. Thank you "Five with a plus" for the work!


I passed the exam in the Russian language with 92 points, mathematics with 83, social studies with 85, I think this is an excellent result, I entered the university on a budget! Thanks Five Plus! Your teachers are true professionals, with them a high result is guaranteed, I am very glad that I turned to you!


David Borisovich is a wonderful teacher! I was preparing in his group for the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level, I passed by 85 points! although knowledge at the beginning of the year was not very good. David Borisovich knows his subject, knows the requirements of the Unified State Examination, he himself is a member of the commission for checking examination papers. I am very glad that I was able to get into his group. Thank you "Five with a plus" for this opportunity!


"Five with a plus" - an excellent center for preparing for exams. Professionals work here, a cozy atmosphere, friendly staff. I studied English and social studies with Valentina Viktorovna, I passed both subjects with a good score, I am satisfied with the result, thank you!


In the "Five with a plus" center, she studied two subjects at once: mathematics with Artem Maratovich and literature with Elvira Ravilievna. I really liked the classes, a clear methodology, an accessible form, a comfortable environment. I am very pleased with the result: mathematics - 88 points, literature - 83! Thank you! I will recommend your educational center to everyone!


When I was choosing tutors, I was attracted by good teachers, convenient class schedule, free trial exams, my parents - affordable prices for high quality. In the end, we were very pleased with the whole family. I studied three subjects at once: mathematics, social studies, and English. Now I am a student of KFU on a budgetary basis, and all thanks to good preparation - I passed the exam with high scores. Thank you!


I very carefully selected a tutor in social studies, I wanted to pass the exam for the maximum score. "Five with a plus" helped me in this matter, I studied in the group of Vitaly Sergeevich, the classes were super, everything is clear, everything is clear, and at the same time fun and at ease. Vitaly Sergeevich presented the material in such a way that it was remembered by itself. I am very happy with the preparation!

Task 11 Prototype (No. 27964)

A motorcyclist moving through the city at a speed of \(v_0 = 57\) km/h leaves it and immediately after leaving it begins to accelerate with a constant acceleration \(a = 12\) km/h 2 . The distance from a motorcyclist to a city, measured in kilometers, is given by \(S = v_0t+\frac(at^2)(2)\). Determine the longest time a motorcyclist will be in a cellular service area if the operator guarantees coverage at a distance of no more than 30 km from the city. Express your answer in minutes.


$$30 = 57t+\frac(12t^2)(2),$$

$$6t^2+57t - 30 = 0,$$

$$t_1 - 0.5,~t_2 = -10.$$

This means that the longest time during which the motorcyclist will be in the zone of cellular communication is 0.5 hours.

0.5 hours = 0.5 * 60 = 30 minutes.

Task 11 Prototype (No. 27965)

A car moving at the initial moment of time with a speed \(v_0 = 20\) m/s started braking with a constant acceleration \(a = 5\) m/s 2 . In t seconds after the start of deceleration, he traveled the path \(S = v_0t-\frac(at^2)(2)\)(m). Determine the time elapsed from the start of braking, if it is known that during this time the car has traveled 30 meters. Express your answer in seconds.


$$30 = 20t - \frac(5t^2)(2),$$

$$5t^2 - 40t+60 = 0,$$

$$t_1 = 6,~t_2 = 2.$$

In 2 seconds, the car will already travel 30 meters, so the required time is 2 s.

Task 11 Prototype (No. 27966)

A part of some device is a rotating coil. It consists of three homogeneous coaxial cylinders: a central one with mass \(m = 8\) kg and a radius \(R = 10\) cm, and two lateral ones with masses \(M = 1\) kg and radii \(R+h\). In this case, the moment of inertia of the coil about the axis of rotation, expressed in kg\(\cdot\)cm 2, is given by the formula \(I = \frac((m+2M)R^2)(2)+M(2Rh+h^2 ).\) At what maximum value of h does the moment of inertia of the coil not exceed the limit value of 625 kg\(\cdot\)cm 2 ? Express your answer in centimeters.


$$\frac((8+2)\cdot 10^2)(2)+1\cdot (2\cdot 10\cdot h+h^2) \le 625,$$

$$500+20h+h^2 \le 625,$$

$$h^2+20h-125 \le 0,$$

$$-25 \le h \le 5.$$

This means that the maximum value of h, at which the moment of inertia of the coil does not exceed the limit value of 625 kg\(\cdot\)cm 2, is 5 cm.

Task 11 Prototype (No. 27967)

At the shipyard, engineers are designing a new apparatus for diving to shallow depths. The design has a cubic shape, which means that the buoyant (Archimedean) force acting on the apparatus, expressed in newtons, will be determined by the formula: \(F_A = \rho g l^3\), where l is the length of the cube edge in meters, \(\ rho \u003d 1000 \) kg / m 3 is the density of water, and g is the acceleration of free fall (count \ (g \u003d 9.8 \) N / kg). What can be the maximum length of the edge of the cube to ensure its operation in conditions where the buoyancy force when immersed will be no more than 78,400 N? Express your answer in meters.


5.2.(523). The height above the ground of a ball tossed up changes according to the law h(t) =1,6 + 8t – 5t 2 , where h- height in meters, t- time in seconds elapsed since the throw. How many seconds will the ball be at a height of at least 3 meters?

Decision. According to the condition of the problem, the ball will be at a height of at least 3 m, which means that the inequality h ≥ 3 or 1.6 + 8 t – 5t 2 ≥ 3.

Let's solve the resulting inequality: - 5 t 2 +8t – 1,4 ≥ 0; 5t 2 - 8t +1,4 ≤ 0.

Solve Equation 5 t 2 - 8t +1,4 = 0.

D= b 2 - 4ac= 8 2 - 4∙5∙1,4 = 64 - 28 = 36.

t 1,2 = = .

t 1 = = 0,2 , t 2 = 1,4.

5(t-0,2)(t- 1,4) ≤ 0; 0,2 ≤ t ≤ 1,4.

The ball was at a height of at least 3 m from the time 0.2 s to the time 1.4 s, that is, in the time period 1.4 - 0.2 = 1.2 (s).


5.3(526). If you rotate a bucket of water on a rope in a vertical plane fast enough, then the water will not pour out. When the bucket rotates, the force of water pressure on the bottom does not remain constant: it is maximum at the bottom point and minimum at the top. Water will not pour out if the force of its water pressure on the bottom is positive at all points of the trajectory, except for the top, where it can be equal to zero. At the top point, the pressure force, expressed in pascals, is equal to P \u003d m, where m is the mass of water in kilograms, is the speed of the bucket in m / s, L is the length of the rope in meters, g is the acceleration of free fall (take g = 10m / c 2). With what minimum speed should the bucket be rotated so that the water does not spill out if the length of the rope is 90 cm? Express your answer in m/s.

Decision. By the condition of the problem, P ≥ 0 or m ≥ 0.

Taking into account the numerical values ​​L= 90 cm = 0.9 m, g = 10m/s 2 and m 0, the inequality takes the form: - 10 ≥ 0; 2 ≥ 9.

Based on the physical meaning of the problem, ≥ 0, so the inequality takes the form

≥ 3. The smallest solution to the inequality = 3(m/s).

5.4 (492). The dependence of temperature (in degrees Kelvin) on time (in minutes) for the heating element of some device was obtained experimentally and is given by the expression T( t) = T0 + bt + at 2, where T 0 = 1350 K, a\u003d -15 K / min 2, b = 180 K / min. It is known that at a heater temperature above 1650 K the device may deteriorate, so it must be turned off. Determine (in minutes) how long after the start of work you need to turn off the device?

Decision. Obviously, the device will operate at T( t) ≤ 1650 (K), that is, the inequality must be satisfied: T 0 + bt + at 2 ≤ 1650. Taking into account the numerical data T 0 = 1350K, a\u003d -15K / min 2, b = 180K/min, we have: 1350 + 180 t - 15 t 2 ≤ 1650; t 2 - 12t + 20 ≥ 0.

The roots of a quadratic equation t 2 - 12t + 20 = 0: t 1 =2 , t 2 =10.

Solution of the inequality: t ≤ 2, t ≥10.

According to the meaning of the problem, the solution of the inequality takes the form: 0 ≤ t ≤ 2, t ≥10.

The heater must be turned off after 2 minutes.

Answer. 2.

5.5 (534). A stone-throwing machine shoots stones at some sharp angle to the horizon. The flight path of the stone is described by the formula y = ax 2 + bx, where a = - m -1, b = - constant coefficients, x(m) is the horizontal displacement of the stone, y(m) is the height of the stone above the ground. At what maximum distance (in meters) from a fortress wall 9 m high should a car be positioned so that the stones fly over the wall at a height of at least 1 meter?

Decision. According to the condition of the problem, the height of the stone above the ground will be at least 10 meters (the height of the wall is 9 m and above the wall is at least 1 meter), therefore, the inequality y ≥ 10 or ax 2 + bx ≥ 10. Including numerical data a = - m -1, b = inequality will take the form: - x 2 + x ≥ 10; x 2 - 160x + 6000 ≤ 0.

The roots of a quadratic equation x 2 - 160x + 6000 = 0 are the values x 1 = 60 and x 2 = 100.

(x - 60)(x - 100) ≤ 0; 60 ≤ x 100.

The largest solution to the inequality x= 100. The stone-throwing machine must be placed at a distance of 100 meters from the fortress wall.


5.6 (496). To wind the cable at the factory, a winch is used, which winds the cable on a reel with uniform acceleration. The angle at which the coil turns is measured over time according to the law = + , where = 20/min is the initial angular velocity of the coil, and = 8/min 2 is the angular acceleration with which the cable is wound. The worker must check the winding progress no later than the winding angle reaches 1200. Determine the time (in minutes) after the start of the winch, no later than which the worker must check its work.

Decision. The worker may not check the cable winding progress until the moment when the winding angle ≤ 1200, i.e. + ≤ 1200. Taking into account the fact that = 20/min, = 8/min 2, the inequality will take the form: + ≤ 1200.

20t + 4t 2 ≤ 1200; t2 + 5t – 300 ≤ 0.

Let's find the roots of the equation t 2 + 5t - 300 = 0.

According to the theorem, the inverse of Vieta's theorem, we have: t 1 ∙ t 2 = - 300, t 1 + t 2 = -5.

From: t 1 \u003d -20, t 2 \u003d 15.

Let's return to the inequality: (t +20)(t - 15) ≤ 0, whence -20 ≤ t ≤ 15, taking into account the meaning of the problem (t ≥ 0), we have: 0 ≤ t ≤ 15.

The worker must check the operation of the winch no later than 15 minutes after the start of its operation.

Answer. fifteen.

5.7 (498). A motorcyclist moving through a city at a speed of 0 = 58 km/h leaves it and immediately after leaving it begins to accelerate with constant acceleration a\u003d 8 km / h 2. The distance from the motorcyclist to the city is given by S= 0 t+ . Determine the longest time (in minutes) that a motorcyclist will be in a cellular service area if the operator guarantees coverage within a distance of 30 km from the city.

Decision. The motorcyclist will remain within the cellular coverage area for as long as S≤ 30, i.e. 0 t + 30. Considering that = 58 km / h, a= 8 km/h 2 inequality will take the form: 58 t + 30 or 58 t + 4t 2 - 30 0.

Let's find the roots of the equation 4t 2 + 58t - 30 = 0.

D \u003d 58 2 - 4 4 ∙ (-30) \u003d 3364 + 480 \u003d 3844.

t 1 \u003d \u003d 0.5; t 2 = = - 15.

Let's return to the inequality: (t - 0.5)(t + 15) ≤ 0, whence -15 ≤ t ≤ 0.5, taking into account the meaning of the problem (t ≥ 0), we have: 0 ≤ t ≤ 0.5.

The motorcyclist will be in the zone of cellular communication for 0.5 hour or 30 minutes.


5.8 (504). A part of some device is a rotating coil. It consists of three homogeneous coaxial cylinders: a central one with a mass m = 4 kg and a radius R = 5 cm, two lateral cylinders with a mass M = 2 kg and a radius R + h each. In this case, the moment of inertia of the coil (in kg ∙ cm 2) relative to the axis of rotation is determined by the expression I \u003d + M (2Rh + h 2). At what maximum value (in cm) does the moment of inertia of the coil not exceed its limit of 250 kg ∙ cm 2?

Decision. According to the condition of the problem, the moment of inertia of the coil relative to the axis of rotation does not exceed the limit value of 250 kg ∙ cm 2, therefore, the inequality is fulfilled: I ≤ 250, i.e. + M (2Rh + h 2) ≤ 250. Taking into account the fact that m = 4 kg, R = 5 cm, M = 2 kg, the inequality will take the form: + 2∙ (2∙5∙h + h 2) ≤ 250 After simplification, we have:

h 2 +10h – 150 ≤ 0.

Let's find the roots of the equation h 2 +10 h - 75 = 0.

According to the theorem, the inverse of Vieta's theorem, we have: h 1 ∙ h 2 = - 75, h 1 + h 2 = -10.

From: t 1 \u003d -15, t 2 \u003d 5.

Let's return to the inequality: (t +15)(t - 5) ≤ 0, whence -15 ≤ t ≤ 5, taking into account the meaning of the problem (t ≥ 0), we have: 0 ≤ t ≤ 5.

The moment of inertia of the coil relative to the axis of rotation does not exceed the limit value of 250 kg ∙ cm 2 with a maximum h = 5 cm.

Answer. 5.

5.9(502). A car moving at the initial moment of time with a speed of 0 = 21 m/s and decelerating with constant acceleration a\u003d 3 m / s 2, for the time t seconds after the start of braking, the path passes S= 0 t - . Determine (in seconds) the shortest time elapsed since the start of braking, if it is known that during this time the car has traveled at least 60 meters.

Decision. Since the car has traveled at least 60 meters after the start of braking, then S≥ 60, that is 0 t - 60. Considering that = 21 m / s, a= 3 m/s 2 the inequality will take the form:

21t - 60 or 42 t - 3t 2 - 120 0, 3t 2 - 42t + 120 0, t 2 - 14t + 40 0.

Let's find the roots of the equation t 2 - 14t + 40 = 0.

According to the theorem converse to the Vieta theorem, we have: t 1 ∙ t 2 = 40, t 1 + t 2 = 14.

From: t 1 = 4, t 2 = 10.

Let's return to the inequality: (t - 4)(t - 10) ≤ 0, whence 4 ≤ t ≤ 10.

The shortest time elapsed from the start of braking is t = 4s.



    USE: 3000 tasks with answers in mathematics. All tasks of group B / A.L. Semenov, I. V. Yashchenko and others / ed. A.L. Semenova, I.V. Yashchenko - M.; Publishing house "Exam". 2013

    The optimal bank of tasks for preparing students. USE 2014. Mathematics. Tutorial. / A.V. Semenov, A. S. Trepalkin, I. V. Yashchenko and others / ed. I. V. Yashchenko; Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education. - M.; Intellect Center, 2014

    Koryanov A.G., Nadezhkina N.V. . Tasks B12. Application Content Tasks