Maladaptation of adolescents is considered as a social phenomenon. Historical retrospective of the problem of social maladjustment of adolescents

The social development of a person is a quantitative and qualitative change in personal structures in the process of personality formation as a social quality of an individual as a result of his socialization and education. It is a natural and regular natural phenomenon characteristic of a person who has been in a social environment since birth 1 .

In any society, no matter what stage of development it is at - whether it is a prosperous, economically developed country or a developing society, there are so-called "social norms" officially established or formed under the influence of social practice, the norms and rules of social behavior, the requirements and expectations that a social community imposes on its members in order to regulate activities and relations. Social norms, the observance of which is a necessary condition for interaction for an individual, fix the interval of permitted or obligatory behavior of people, as well as social groups and organizations, historically established in a particular society.

Social norms refract and reflect the previous social experience of society and the understanding of modern reality. They are enshrined in legislative acts, job descriptions, rules, charters, other organizational documents, and can also act as unwritten rules of the environment. These norms serve as a criterion for assessing the social role of a person at any particular moment and are manifested in his daily life and activities.

In general, the behavior of the individual reflects the process of its socialization - "the process of integrating a person into society, into various types of social communities .... through the assimilation of their elements of culture, social norms and values, on the basis of which its socially significant features are formed." Socialization, in turn, involves adaptation to the social environment, taking into account individual characteristics.

Social adaptation is considered as a dual process in which a person is influenced by the social environment and at the same time changes it, being the object of the influence of social conditions and the subject that changes them. At the same time, normal, successful adaptation is characterized by an optimal balance between the values, characteristics of the individual and the rules, requirements of the social environment surrounding him. Compliance with social norms is ensured by turning external requirements into a need and habit of a person through his socialization or the application of various sanctions (legal, social, etc.) to those whose behavior deviates from accepted social norms.

A feature of social norms for children and adolescents is that they act as a factor in education, during which the assimilation of social norms and values, entry into the social environment, assimilation of social roles and social experience 2. .

social deviation - this is such a social development of a person whose behavior does not correspond to social values ​​and norms accepted in society (its living environment) 3 .

The concept of "deviant behavior" is often identified with the concept of "disadaptation".

Violation of the interaction of an individual with the environment, characterized by the impossibility or unwillingness of him to exercise his positive social role in specific microsocial conditions, corresponding to its capabilities, is called social maladaptation.

This includes various types of deviant behavior: alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, immoral behavior, child neglect and neglect, pedagogical neglect, violation of any social norms.

In the light of the main pedagogical tasks of educating and teaching students, deviant behavior of a student can be in the nature of both school and social maladaptation.

The structure of school maladaptation, along with its manifestations such as academic failure, violations of relationships with peers, emotional disorders, also includes behavioral deviations. The most common behavioral deviations, combined with school maladaptation, include: disciplinary violations, absenteeism, hyperactive behavior, aggressive behavior, oppositional behavior, smoking, hooliganism, theft, lying.

Signs of a larger scale - social - maladaptation at school age can be: regular use of psychoactive substances (volatile solvents, alcohol, drugs), sexual deviations, prostitution, vagrancy, committing crimes. Recently, new forms of maladjustment have been observed - dependence on Latin American TV series, computer games or religious sects 2 .

Maladapted children should be classified as children of the "risk group".

According to the definition contained in the federal law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation", children at risk these are children left without parental care; disabled children; children with disabilities in mental and (or) physical development; children - victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters; children from families of refugees and internally displaced persons; children in extreme conditions; children are victims of violence; children serving sentences of imprisonment in educational colonies; children living in low-income families; children with behavioral problems; children whose life activity is objectively impaired as a result of the circumstances and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of the family (Article 1) 1 .

Among children with deviations in social development and prone to maladjustment, one should especially highlight such a category as orphans and children left without parental care.

An orphan is a child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment, or cannot remain in such an environment, and is entitled to special protection and assistance provided by the state. The federal law "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" uses several concepts of orphans.

Orphans - persons under the age of 18 whose both or only parent have died. (direct orphans).

Children left without parental care persons under the age of 18 who are left without the care of a single or both parents. This category includes children who have no parents or are deprived of parental rights. This also includes restrictions on parental rights, recognition of parents as missing, incapacitated (partially incapacitated), in medical institutions, declaring them dead, etc.

The main category of orphans in terms of number is children whose parents, as a result of antisocial behavior or other reasons, are deprived of parental rights - "social orphans".

E.I. Kholostova distinguishes the following categories of children and adolescents that have common sources of deviations in behavior and development 2:

  • 1) difficult children having a level of maladjustment close to the norm, which is due to the peculiarities of temperament, impaired attention, insufficiency of age development ;
  • 2) nervous kids, those who, due to their age-related immaturity of the emotional sphere, are unable to independently cope with difficult experiences caused by their relationship with their parents and other adults significant to them;
  • 3) "difficult" teenagers those who do not know how to solve their problems in a socially acceptable way, characterized by internal conflicts, character accentuations, unstable emotional-volitional sphere;
  • 4) frustrated teenagers who are characterized by persistent forms of self-destructive behavior that is dangerous to their health or life (drug use, alcohol, suicidal tendencies), spiritual and moral development (sexual deviation, domestic theft);
  • 5) delinquent teenagers constantly balancing on the verge of permissible and illegal behavior that is not consistent with the ideas of good and evil.

Speaking about the social maladjustment of children and adolescents, it must be taken into account that childhood is the period of the most intensive mental, physical and social development. The impossibility of implementation to realize their development needs. As a result, leaving a family or an institution in which it is impossible to realize internal resources, meet needs. Another way of leaving is experimenting with drugs and other psychoactive substances. And, as a result, offenses.

Social maladjustment is generated by a violation of the interaction of two parties - a minor and the environment. Unfortunately, in practice, the focus is on only one side - the maladjusted minor, and the maladaptive environment remains practically unattended. A one-sided approach to this problem is ineffective both with a negative and positive attitude towards the maladjusted. Working with a socially maladapted minor requires an integrated approach not only to him, but also to his social environment.

In Russia, as elsewhere in the world, children's problems are studied and solved by representatives of specific fields of knowledge: teachers, doctors, law enforcement officers, social workers, etc. All of them perform their professional functions. Their efforts, as well as the result, are aimed not at helping and supporting the child as a subject, but at solving the tasks set for them by society. For example, teachers and teachers are busy teaching children. However, they often do this without taking into account the peculiarities of their health and psyche. This leads to increased fatigue of students, overload, nervous breakdowns, deterioration of their health. And, consequently, in the most direct way, this affects the development of children, and subsequently the state of the whole society 1 .

The position and development of children is determined by many factors. The most significant of them are: health, education, attitude towards the child in the family, material well-being and morality.

"Social maladaptation of adolescents and ways to overcome it"

, International Public Organization "Social Volunteer Center"

At the moment, most of the population of our country lives in conditions of economic and domestic disorder, persistent psychological stress, and personal confusion. Not only the economic and political state of the state, but also culture, moral values, attitudes towards the family and the younger generation have undergone changes. This is the main reason for such an unsightly picture of the destabilization of society and the family. The instability of the economy has led to a sharp impoverishment of the population, the stratification of society into the poor and the rich. The most vulnerable layer was children and adolescents, who reacted more sharply to these changes. In school conditions, there is a need to differentiate the degrees of difficulty and active assistance and rehabilitation.

In society, 3 types of dysfunctional families can be distinguished, where “difficult teenagers” appear more often:

The first is a criminogenic type of family, where relationships are built in such a way that they harm the spiritual and physical development of the child: systematic drunkenness, often joint father and mother, the criminal lifestyle of parents, sometimes involving children in it, their frequent beating. Such a family often has several children. The educational process in these families is completely absent.

The second type is “outwardly calm” families, where long-term and hard-to-suppressed negative feelings of parents for each other are hidden behind a “prosperous facade”, often there are long periods of bad mood, melancholy, depression, when the spouses do not talk to each other. The educational process is formalized and limited to an increase in demands on the teenager and a sharp emotional reaction to his behavior.

The third type is families with low social status. They are characterized by a weakened moral and labor atmosphere, constant conflict, anti-pedagogical attitude towards children, nervousness in relations between other family members, lack of a common culture and spiritual needs. These families have a difficult financial situation, poor care for children, and the absence of a useful organization of life and activity. Children from these families strive to compensate for the lack of love and care of their parents on the street by self-affirmation in the yard and school companies.

These relationships are often accompanied by serious neuropsychiatric disorders of adolescents, complicated by the problems of the age crisis. The concept of "age crisis", introduced, denotes a kind of behavioral reaction of the child himself to the need for change that arises in him. The teenager "says" all this in plain text of his behavior. The first manifestations of the age crisis are faced by the parents of a teenager. In the criminogenic type of family, they approve of the antisocial forms of behavior of the child. A family, where “outwardly calm” relations, meets with an “explosion” of relations, conflicts and rejection from the problems of a teenager. In families with low social status, manifestations of the age crisis often go unnoticed.

In order to mitigate the problems of adolescence, it is necessary, in the opinion of adults, to pay attention in time to the positive content of the teenager's crisis message. To do this, it is necessary to consider the experience of other states. Margaret Mead has shown that in some human societies there is no trace of adolescence crisis. For example, in the traditional society of Samoa, instead of the teenage crisis, there is a smooth transition, youths 10-15 years old are gradually included in adult work. In Western culture, the child begins to prepare for the process of socialization very early. The problems of "difficult teenagers" are solved by a deeper differentiation of "difficulties". They are considered from the standpoint of stable emotional states in which ideals, values, life style, social role and behavior are presented. The teenager still checks all these ideas for “strength” in real life, coordinates with the values ​​​​of his family, which is ready for change.

Thus, a teenager's negativism is seen as an asocial or antisocial reaction to the mismatch between personal and socially approved values. "Difficult teenagers" must be considered not in isolation, but as a significant part of the family structure and strive to maximize the change in the specifics of family relations. To do this, it is necessary to educate parents about the difficulties of adolescence.

Negativistic reactions of adolescents are manifested not only in the family, but also at school. A school psychologist often has to deal with children who show negativism, unwanted behavioral reactions. In the modern school, a steady order of teachers and parents for individual work with this or that “difficult teenager” has been formed. Therefore, in practice, there is a need to differentiate "difficult teenagers". It is conditionally possible to divide such children into the following groups:

1. Children with antisocial behavior. This group includes teenagers who are on the intra-school register or registered with the commission on juvenile affairs, children from dysfunctional families;

2. Children with nervous and mental disorders, manifested at the behavioral and emotional levels.

3. A special group is made up of adolescents who use drugs.

Such a division into groups of "difficult teenagers" makes the problem of choosing and applying adequate corrective work more focused. To prevent manifestations of negativism in adolescence, it is necessary to specifically create conditions where the child would have the opportunity to become different: more successful, self-confident, etc.

1. Children with antisocial behavior need, first of all, to organize constructive employment outside school hours (sections, circles, interest clubs); conduct trainings for them on personal growth, emotional stability, effective communication, the content of which includes exercises such as: exercises: “kindness”, this exercise contributes to the development of trust, group cohesion; the reed in the wind exercise is a wonderful experience of mutual trust.

It is desirable that the mini-training takes place in a group of 10-16 people and lasts 60-90 minutes. The interval between classes is 1-2 days. The training group includes teenagers at will, not only "difficult", but also children with normalized forms of behavior.

2. A group of children with nervous and mental disorders. It is important for a psychologist to constantly monitor the health status of these adolescents. This requires constant contact with parents, who, depending on the state of health of the teenager, undergo medical rehabilitation 1-2 times a year. In school conditions, it is necessary to conduct mini-trainings on the development of stress resistance, the formation of emotional stability, the prevention of neuroses, the psychotherapy of psychosomatic diseases, which may include tasks of the following type:

Exercise "Press" neutralizes and suppresses negative emotions of anger, irritation, anxiety, aggressiveness .. Exercise "Mood" removes the sediment from a traumatic situation.

3. A group of adolescents who use drugs. If such children are identified, then the most optimal solution would be to send them to drug treatment or social rehabilitation centers. And after that, it is necessary to actively include them in constructive employment and work with them, as with children of the first group.

Thus, given the growth of social maladaptation of adolescents in society, it became necessary to create a wide network of centers for socio-psychological assistance to children and adolescents, with which the school psychologist should actively cooperate.

The practice of the work of a school psychologist shows the need to expand the circle of people who help overcome the problems of the age crisis, relying on teachers, parents, significant and authoritative adults for a teenager.

In working with such adolescents, it is important to use group forms of work more widely, in which children are "infected" with positive forms of behavior and stable adequate reactions.

List of used literature:

1. Zakharov Y. "Adolescents of the "risk group"" // Education of schoolchildren No. 4 "00;

2. Krasnovsii L. "When it's difficult for the "difficult"" // Education of schoolchildren No. 9'02;

3. Lushagina I. “Children at risk need help” // Education of schoolchildren No. 4’97;

4. , "Training for effective interaction with children" St. Petersburg '01;

5. “Games that are played…” Dubna’00;

6. , "Psychology of self-development" M '95;

Disadaptation as a social phenomenon

“Deviant” (deviant) behavior is behavior in which deviations from social norms are consistently manifested. At the same time, deviations of the mercenary, aggressive and socially passive type are distinguished. brochure

Social deviations of a selfish orientation include offenses and misdemeanors associated with the desire to illegally obtain material, monetary and property benefits (theft, bribes, theft, fraud, etc.).

Social deviations of an aggressive orientation are manifested in actions directed against a person (insults, hooliganism, beatings, rape, murder). Social deviations of the mercenary and aggressive type can be both verbal (insult with a word) and non-verbal in nature (physical impact) and manifest themselves at the level of both pre-criminogenic and post-criminogenic. That is, in the form of acts and immoral behavior that cause moral condemnation, and in the form of criminal criminal actions.

Deviations of the socially passive type are expressed in the desire to abandon active life, evasion of their civic duties, duty, unwillingness to solve both personal and social problems. Such manifestations include evasion from work, study, vagrancy, the use of alcohol, drugs, toxic drugs, immersing in the world of artificial illusions and destroying the psyche. The extreme manifestation of a socially passive position is suicide, suicide.

Particularly widespread both in our country and abroad is such a form of socially passive deviations as the use of drugs and toxic drugs, which leads to the rapid and irreversible destruction of the psyche and body, this behavior has received the name in the West - self-destructive behavior.

Deviant behavior is the result of unfavorable psychosocial development and violations of the socialization process, which is expressed in various forms of adolescent maladjustment already at a fairly early age.

Maladaptation- a state of inability to adapt to changing conditions or overcome emerging difficulties.

Author's approaches to the definition of the concept of "DISADAPTATION" G. M. Kodzhaspirov, A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov - maladjustment - a mental state that has arisen as a result of a discrepancy between the sociopsychological or psychophysiological status of the child and the requirements of a new social situation.

V.E. Kagan - maladjustment - a disorder of the objective status in the family and school, which complicates the educational process.
K. Rogers - disadaptation - a state of internal dissonance, and its main source lies in the potential conflict between the attitudes of the "I" and the direct experience of a person.

N.G. Luskanova I.A. Korobeinikov - maladjustment - a certain set of signs indicating a discrepancy between the sociopsychological and psychological status of the child and the requirements of the situation of schooling, the mastery of which for a number of reasons becomes difficult, in extreme cases impossible.

A.A. Northern - the functioning of the individual is inadequate to his psychophysiological capabilities and needs and / or environmental conditions and / or requirements of the microsocial environment.
S.A. Belicheva - maladaptation is an integrative phenomenon, which has a number of types: pathogenic, psychosocial, and social (depending on the nature, nature and degree of maladaptation).
M. A. Khutornaya - a manifestation of violations of interpersonal relations and a violation of the image of the "I" of the child, from the point of view of the connection of the child with the outside world. [, pp.166-167] social ped Surtaeva

Adolescent disadaptation is manifested in difficulties in mastering social roles, curricula, norms and requirements of social institutions (families, schools, etc.) that perform the functions of socialization institutions.
Depending on the nature and nature of maladaptation, pathogenic, psychosocial and social maladaptation are distinguished, which can be presented both separately and in complex combinations.

Pathogenic disadaptation is caused by deviations and pathologies of mental development and neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional organic lesions of the central nervous system. In turn, pathogenic maladjustment, in terms of the degree and depth of its manifestation, can be of a stable, chronic nature (psychosis, epilepsy, schizophrenia, mental retardation, etc.), based on serious organic damage to the central nervous system.

There are also lighter, borderline forms of neuropsychiatric disorders and deviations, in particular the so-called psychogenic maladjustment (phobias, tics, obsessive bad habits), enuresis, etc., which can be caused by an unfavorable social, school, family situation . “In total, according to the St. Petersburg child psychotherapist A.I. Zakharov, up to 42% of preschool children suffer from certain psychosomatic problems and need the help of psychoneurologists and psychotherapists.”

Lack of timely assistance leads to deeper and more serious forms of social maladjustment and deviant behavior.

“Among the forms of pathogenic maladjustment, the problems of oligophrenia, the problems of social adaptation of mentally retarded children and adolescents are singled out separately. Oligophrenics do not have a fatal predisposition to crime. With adequate methods of training and education for their mental development, they are able to master certain social programs, receive several professions, work to the best of their ability and be useful members of society. However, the mental inferiority of these teenagers, of course, makes it difficult for them to socially adapt and requires special social and pedagogical conditions and correctional and developmental programs.”

Psychosocial maladaptation is associated with the age and gender and individual psychological characteristics of the child, adolescent, which determine their certain non-standard, difficult education, requiring an individual pedagogical approach, and in some cases - special correctional psychological programs. By their nature and nature, various forms of psychosocial maladaptation can also be divided into stable and temporary, unstable forms.

Social maladaptation is manifested in the violation of moral and legal norms, in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, and social attitudes.

Depending on the degree and depth of deformation of the process of socialization, two stages of social maladjustment of adolescents can be distinguished: pedagogical and social neglect. social ped Nikitin
Social maladaptation - violation of morality and law by children and adolescents, antisocial forms of behavior and deformation of internal regulation, social attitudes. short dictionary

Temporary maladaptation is a violation of the balance between the personality and the environment, which gives rise to the adaptive activity of the personality. [, p.168] social ped Surtaeva
Author's approaches to the definition of the concept of "ADAPTATION" "Adaptation" (from the Latin adaptare - to adapt) - 1. - adaptation of self-organizing systems to changing environmental conditions. 2. In the theory of T. Parsons, A. is material-energy interaction with the external environment, one of the functional conditions for the existence of a social system, along with integration, goal achievement and preservation of value patterns.

D. Geri, J. Geri Adaptation is the way in which social systems of any kind (eg, family group, business firm, nation state) "manage" or respond to their environment. According to Talcott Parsons, "adaptation is one of the four functional conditions that all social systems must meet in order to survive."
V.A. Petrovsky - adaptation of the philosophical and psychological phenomenon. In the broadest sense, it is characterized by the state of the result of the individual's activity and the goal adopted by him; as a certain ability of any person to "build their vital contacts with the world"

BN Almazov - the philosophical concept of social adaptation is concretized in at least three directions: adaptive behavior, in the interests of the environment of education; adaptive state (reflecting a person's attitude to the conditions and circumstances in which he is placed by the educational situation); adaptation as a condition for effective interaction between a minor and an adult in the education system”; and adaptive, as "the student's inner readiness to accept the circumstances of education," highlights the psychological aspect.
Social adaptation is the process and result of an individual's active adaptation to the conditions of a new social environment. For the individual, social adaptation is paradoxical in nature: it unfolds as a search activity flexibly organized under new conditions. [p.163] Surtaeva

With pedagogical neglect, despite lagging behind in studies, missing lessons, conflicts with teachers and classmates, adolescents do not observe a sharp deformation of value-normative ideas. For them, the value of labor remains high, they are focused on choosing and obtaining a profession (as a rule, a working one), they are not indifferent to the public opinion of others, and socially significant referential connections are preserved.

With social neglect, along with antisocial behavior, the system of value-normative ideas, value orientations, and social attitudes is sharply deformed. A negative attitude towards work is formed, an attitude and desire for unearned income and a “beautiful” life at the expense of dubious and illegal livelihoods. Their referential connections and orientations are also characterized by deep alienation from all persons and social institutions with a positive social orientation.

Social rehabilitation and correction of socially neglected adolescents with a deformed system of value-normative representations is a particularly laborious process. Kholostova

Deeply understanding child psychology, A.S. Makarenko noted that in most cases the situation of abandoned children is more difficult and dangerous than that of orphans. Betrayal on the part of adults close to the child inflicts irreparable mental trauma on him: there is a breakdown of the child's soul, loss of faith in people, justice. A child's memory, which has preserved the unattractive aspects of home life, is fertile ground for reproducing its own failures. Such a childhood needs rehabilitation - the restoration of lost opportunities to live a normal, healthy and interesting life. But only the humanism of adults can help this: nobility, disinterestedness, mercy, compassion, conscientiousness, selflessness...

The significance of rehabilitation and pedagogical work especially increases during periods of crisis in the life of society, causing significant deterioration in the state of childhood. The peculiarity of the moment for rehabilitation pedagogy is to find effective measures to overcome the problematic situation of childhood by pedagogical means.
What image of a child in need of rehabilitation appears in our minds? Most likely it is:
disabled children;
children with special educational needs;
street children;
children with deviant behavior;
children with poor health, with chronic somatic diseases, etc.

All the variety of definitions of teenagers who need pedagogical rehabilitation for various reasons can be reduced to the name "special teenagers". One of the main signs by which adolescents can be classified as "special" is their maladjustment - a disturbed interaction of an individual with the environment, which is characterized by the impossibility of him to exercise his positive social role in specific microsocial conditions, corresponding to his capabilities and needs.
The concept of "disadaptation" is considered one of the central concepts of rehabilitation pedagogy in considering the problems that need pedagogical rehabilitation of children. It is adolescents with environmental adaptation disorders in the primary educational team that should be considered as the main object of pedagogical rehabilitation.

Scientists of the Institute of Psychotherapy (St. Petersburg) consider “school maladaptation” as the impossibility for a child to find “his place” in the space of schooling, where he can be accepted as he is, preserving and developing his identity, potentialities and opportunities. for self-realization and self-determination. Morozov

In the psychological literature, adolescence is noted as a crisis, when there is a rapid development and restructuring of the body of a teenager. It is at this age that adolescents are characterized by special sensitivity, anxiety, irritability, dissatisfaction, mental and physical malaise, which is manifested in aggressiveness, whims, lethargy, increases. How smoothly or painfully this period will pass for a minor will depend on the environment in which the child lives, on the information received from any objects of interaction. Considering all this, it must be remembered that if a child of this age did not experience positive influence from adults, teachers, parents, close relatives, did not feel psychological comfort and security in his own family, did not have positive interests and hobbies, then his behavior characterized as difficult. con

A significant part of the pupils of the center are social orphans. They have both or one parent, but their presence only increases the social maladjustment of the child for various reasons.

Thus, we can say that neglected children are brought up mainly in single-parent families, where parents have remarriages. The absence of one parent makes it difficult for children to get acquainted with various options for social experience and entails a one-sided nature of their moral development, a violation of stable adaptive abilities, and an inability to make independent decisions.

Many families are without a permanent income, because. parents in such families are unemployed and do not try to find a job. The main sources of income are receiving unemployment benefits, child benefits, including child disability pensions, survivors' pensions, child support, as well as begging, both the child and the parents themselves.

Thus, the neglect and homelessness of a huge number of children is a consequence of the deprivation or limitation of certain conditions, material or spiritual resources necessary for the survival and full development of the child.

The percentage of children entering the centers and requiring state protection due to the antisocial behavior of their parents is quite high. In most families, one of the parents abuses alcohol, or both parents drink. In families where parents abuse alcohol, punishments are often applied to children: both verbal reproaches and the use of physical violence.
Most of the pupils, when they enter the center, do not have self-service skills, i.e., being brought up in a family, they did not receive the necessary sanitary and hygienic and household skills.

Thus, minors who are in specialized institutions have a sad experience of living in a family, which is reflected in their personality, physical and mental development.

They are characterized by inferior emotional experience, underdevelopment of emotional responsiveness. They have a weakened sense of shame, they are indifferent to the experiences of other people, show restraint. Their behavior often manifests rudeness, mood swings, sometimes turning into aggression. Or homeless children have an overestimated level of claims, overestimate their real capabilities. Such teenagers inadequately react to remarks, always consider themselves innocent victims.

Experiencing constant uncertainty, dissatisfaction with others, some of them withdraw into themselves, others assert themselves through a demonstration of physical strength. Children who have experience of homeless life have low self-esteem, they are insecure, depressed, withdrawn. The sphere of communication in these children is characterized by constant tension. Attention is drawn to the aggressiveness of children in relation to adults. On the one hand, they themselves have suffered a lot from the actions of adults, on the other hand, children develop a consumer attitude towards their parents.

The lack of a sense of psychological security weakens the need for adolescents to communicate. Deformation of the communication process manifests itself in different ways. Firstly, it may be a variant of isolation - the desire to get away from society, to avoid conflicts with children and elders. Here a strong motivation of personal autonomy, isolation, protection of one's "I" is manifested.

Another option may manifest itself in opposition, which is characterized by the rejection of proposals, demands coming from others, even very benevolent ones. Opposition is expressed and demonstrated in actions of a negative nature. The third option - aggression is characterized by the desire to destroy relationships, actions, bring physical or mental harm to others, which is accompanied by an emotional state of anger, hostility, hatred. .

A medical examination of children at the center shows that they all have somatic diseases, which are chronic in most of them. Some children did not see a doctor for several years, and since they did not attend preschool institutions, they were completely deprived of medical supervision.

A feature of adolescents in the center is addiction to smoking. Some pupils have experience of smoking, which leads to such a disease as acute trachitis.

Specialists noted that neglected and homeless children have big problems in intellectual, mental and moral development.

From all of the above, you can make a general portrait of a child in need of social rehabilitation. Basically, these are children aged 11-16, who are brought up in single-parent families and in families where the parent has remarried. The lifestyle of their parents in most cases is characterized as antisocial: parents abuse alcohol. As a result, such children have a distorted moral consciousness, a limited range of needs, and their interests are mostly primitive. They differ from their prosperous peers in the disharmony of the intellectual sphere, underdevelopment of arbitrary forms of behavior, increased conflict, aggressiveness, low level of self-regulation and independence, negative volitional orientation.

Therefore, today it is necessary to carry out socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents.

For the successful implementation of the adaptation of maladjusted children, “knocked out” of life, their preparation for independent life in society, I developed the program “Social and pedagogical rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents through labor activity in the KU SRTSN”, which has a review. The program I developed was adapted to this category of participants in the experiment, implemented and used in practice.
We objectively assessed the results of the experiment, deduced the percentage ratio of the practical readiness for work of adolescents before the start of the experiment and at the time of completion. The degree of effectiveness is determined by the level of social activity of maladjusted adolescents of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors and the ability to fulfill themselves in the social environment.

The end result is positive, because during the implementation of the program, work contributed to the formation of adolescents' interest in work for the common good, the development of the need and ability to work, the education of stable volitional qualities, the formation of moral qualities of the individual, socially valuable attitudes to all types of labor activity, the education of discipline, diligence, responsibility, social activity and initiatives. What is the basis of successful socialization of the personality of a teenager.

One of the activities of a social pedagogue is the prevention of maladaptive behavior and SPD with maladjusted adolescents.

Maladaptation - a relatively short-term situational state, which is a consequence of the impact of new, unusual stimuli of the changed environment and signals an imbalance between mental activity and the requirements of the environment.

Maladaptation can be defined as a difficulty complicated by any factors of adaptation to changing conditions, expressed in inadequate response and behavior of the individual.

There are the following types of maladaptation:

1. In educational institutions, a social pedagogue most often encounters the so-called school maladaptation, which usually precedes the social.

School maladjustment - this is a discrepancy between the psychophysical and socio-psychological state of the child with the requirements of school education, in which the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities becomes difficult, in extreme cases - impossible.

2. Social maladaptation in the pedagogical aspect - a special type of behavior of a minor, which does not correspond to the basic principles of behavior recognized universally as obligatory for children and adolescents. It manifests itself:

in violation of the norms of morality and law,

in antisocial behavior

in the deformation of the value system, internal self-regulation, social attitudes;

alienation from the main institutions of socialization (family, school);

a sharp deterioration in neuropsychic health;

An increase in teenage alcoholism, a tendency to suicide.

Social maladjustment - a deeper degree of maladjustment than school. She is characterized by antisocial manifestations (foul language, smoking, drinking alcohol, daring antics) and alienation from family and school, which leads to:

to a decrease or loss of motivation for learning, cognitive activity,

difficulties in professional definition;

lowering the level of moral and value ideas;

decrease in the ability of adequate self-esteem.

Depending on the degree of depth, the deformation of socialization can be distinguished two stages of maladjustment:

1 stage social maladjustment is represented by pedagogically neglected students

2 stage represented by socially neglected teenagers. Social neglect is characterized by deep alienation from family and school as the main institutions of socialization. The formation of such children is under the influence of asocial and criminogenic groups. Children are characterized by vagrancy, neglect, drug addiction; they are not professionally oriented, they have a negative attitude towards work.

In the literature, there are several factors that influence the process of maladaptation of adolescents:

heredity (psychophysical, social, sociocultural);

psychological and pedagogical factor (defects in school and family education)

social factor (social and socio-economic conditions for the functioning of society);

deformation of society itself

the social activity of the individual himself, i.e. active-selective attitude to the norms and values ​​of one's environment, its impact;

social deprivation experienced by children and adolescents;

personal value orientations and the ability to self-regulate their environment.

In addition to social maladjustment, there are also:

2.. Pathogenic maladaptation - caused by deviations, pathologies of mental development and neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional-organic lesions of the nervous system (oligophrenia, mental retardation, etc.).

3. Psychosocial maladaptation It is caused by age and gender and individual psychological characteristics of the child, which determine their certain non-standard, difficult education, requiring an individual approach and special psychosocial and psychological-pedagogical correctional programs.

Social maladjustment - violation of the normal relations of a person with society, with people and, as a result, the emergence of difficulties in communication and interaction with them. Social maladaptation includes, in particular, the deterioration of a person’s personal and business relationships, the inability to perform his work at a high level (taking into account the requirements), a violation of social-role or gender-role interaction with people

Children's maladaptation is perceived as difficult to educate - the child's resistance to targeted pedagogical influence, caused by a variety of reasons:

§ miscalculations of education;

§ features of character and temperament;

§ personal characteristics.

Disadaptation can be pathogenic (psychogenic), psychosocial, social.

Pathogenic maladaptation caused by deviations of mental development, neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional-organic lesions of the nervous system. Pathogenic maladjustment can be sustainable. Allocate psychogenic maladjustment, which can be caused by an unfavorable social, school, family situation (bad habits, enuresis, etc.)

Psychosocial maladaptation associated with the age and gender and individual psychological characteristics of the child, which determine its non-standard and require an individual approach in the conditions of a children's educational institution.

Persistent forms of psychosocial maladaptation

§ character accentuations,

§ features of the emotional-volitional and motivational-cognitive sphere,

§ anticipatory development of the child, making the child an "uncomfortable" student.

Unstable forms of psychosocial maladaptation:

§ crisis periods of child development,

§ Mental states provoked by traumatic circumstances (parental divorce, conflict, falling in love).

Social maladaptation manifests itself in violations of moral norms, antisocial forms of behavior, deformation of value orientations. There are two stages: pedagogical neglect and social neglect. Social maladaptation is characterized by the following features:

§ lack of communication skills,

§ inadequate self-assessment in the communication system,

§ high demands on others,

§ emotional imbalance,

§ installations that prevent communication,

§ Anxiety and fear of communication,

§ closedness.

Factors of maladaptation can be family and school.

The teacher is the most significant adult for the child at the beginning of school, and the presence of such qualities as perseverance, self-control, self-esteem, good breeding leads to the fact that the teacher accepts the student, satisfies his claims or recognition. If these qualities are not formed, the child's disadaptation is possible.

Studies conducted in England have shown that the greatest problems among students occur in schools with unstable teaching staff. The teacher's expectation of only bad things from the student leads to increased maladjustment, classmates adopt the teacher's bad attitude towards a particular student. The following scheme arises: rude staff - rude children; corporal punishment is aggression.

The task of the teacher (and psychologist) is to find opportunities to encourage weak students for achievements (for improvements), children should receive positive emotions from the school, they should feel their need, responsibility. Interest in learning and the success of the child (rather than control over learning) on ​​the part of teachers and parents improves academic performance.

Styles of communication between teachers and students can be different: authoritarian, democratic, permissive. Children need direction and guidance, so an authoritarian (or democratic) approach in the early grades is preferable to a conniving one. In high school, the democratic style gives the best results.

Claims for recognition among peers cause ambivalent relationships in children (friendship - rivalry), the desire to be like everyone else and better than everyone else; pronounced comfortable reactions and the desire to assert oneself among peers; (feelings of gloating and envy) lead to the fact that the failure of others can cause a feeling of superiority. Comparing students to each other by a teacher leads to alienation among children, which can cause rivalry and relationship difficulties.

The lack of communication skills, meaningful skills and abilities can lead to disruption of relationships with peers, which will lead to increased difficulties both in communicating with peers and adults, and problems with learning. Violation of the relationship of the child with other children is an indicator of anomalies in the process of mental development, can serve as a kind of "litmus test" of the child's adaptation to the conditions of existence at school. Sympathies often arise in the neighborhood (in the classroom, in the yard, in extracurricular activities), than the teacher and psychologist can use in order to improve the relationship of difficult children with their peers. It is also important to identify the position of the child and adolescent in the reference group for him, since it greatly affects the behavior of the student, the increased conformity of children in relation to the attitudes and group norms of the reference groups is known. The claim to recognition among peers is an important aspect of the child's relationship within the school, and these relationships are often characterized by ambivalence (friendship - rivalry), the child must simultaneously be like everyone else and better than everyone else. Expressed conformal reactions and the desire to assert oneself among peers - this is a possible picture of the child's personality conflict, leading to feelings of gloating and envy: the failure of others can cause a feeling of superiority. Comparison between teachers and students leads to alienation among children and drowns out the feeling of empathy.

Violation of relationships with other children is an indicator of anomalies in the process of mental development. Lack of communication skills, meaningful skills and abilities can lead to disruption of relationships with peers, increases school difficulties.

Internal factors of school maladaptation:

§ somatic weakness;

§ MMD (minimal brain dysfunctions), impaired formation of individual mental functions, impaired cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking, speech, motor skills);

§ features of temperament (weak nervous system, explosive nature of reactions);

§ personal characteristics of the child (character accentuations):

§ features of self-regulation of behavior,

§ level of anxiety,

§ high intellectual activity,

§ verbalism,

§ schizoid.

Features of temperament that interfere with the successful adaptation of children to school:

§ increased reactivity (decreased volitional moments),

§ high activity,

§ hyperexcitability,

§ lethargy,

§ psychomotor instability,

§ age features of temperament.

An adult often acts as a stimulus for a child's school maladaptation, and the maladaptive influence of parents on a child is noticeably more serious than the similar influence of a teacher and other significant adults. The following can be distinguished adult influence factors for childhood maladaptation:

§ Factors of the family system.

§ Health factors (diseases of parents, heredity, etc.).

§ Socio-economic factors (material, housing conditions).

§ Socio-demographic factors (incomplete, large families, elderly parents, remarriages, stepchildren).

§ Socio-psychological factors (conflicts in the family, pedagogical failure of parents, low educational level, deformed value orientations).

§ Criminal factors (alcoholism, drug addiction, cruelty, sadism, etc.).

In addition to the identified factors, other features of the family system and the immediate social environment also influence the possible maladjustment of the child, for example, a “problem” child, acting as a connecting factor in the family system according to the role allocated to him in the family, becomes less adapted than a child whose family does not have pronounced problem areas tied to the child. An important factor can be the birth order of children and their role positions in the family, which can lead to childish jealousy and inadequate ways to compensate for it. The childhood of an adult has a strong influence on his pedagogical activity and attitude towards his own child or student.

Correction of social maladaptation child can be carried out in the following areas:

§ formation of communication skills,

§ Harmonization of relations in the family,

§ correction of some personality traits,

§ correction of the child's self-esteem.