Dido and Aeneas myth short. Live Now, a Closed School fanfiction

At the entrance to the hall, teachers receive tickets with a number (the same numbers are placed in the basket for the subsequent draw).
Presentation for March 8 is on the screen.

On the screen is a video for teachers prepared by high school students.

The image of the train is on the screen. The sound of wheels. The train whistle sounds.

Conductor 1: Today, on the eve of the most wonderful holiday, International Women's Day, as beautiful as our passengers, we will take you to your dream. They are different for everyone, but the main thing is that we think about you and your desires.

Explorer 2:
Comes a holiday spring which time,
Brings warmth, smiles, updates!
We congratulate you on the 8th of March,
We wish you good mood!

Conductor 1:
Let miracles happen sometimes
Let the heart never know trouble!
Let your home and your favorite school class
Always harmony and joy fill!

Explorer 2: And now, dear passengers, you are welcomed by the head of the train _____ (director).

Fanfare sounds. Director's word.

Against the backdrop of the noise of the station.

Conductor 1: Well, now we are waiting for a fascinating journey through the stations-desires.

Explorer 2: And what, I wonder, can a woman have a dream?

Conductor 1: Well, how is it? Of course, one of the most important women's desires is to be a good mother. Raise good people.

The train whistle sounds.

Explorer 2: Dear passengers! Our train arrives at the Materinskaya station. Train stop - 10 minutes.

Conductor 1: Passengers are invited to get off at the station whose ticket numbers ...
The conductors take out 3 numbers from the hat and invite the participants to the stage.

Explorer 2: Hello dear ladies. You, of course, are already experienced mothers (you are about to become a mother / you have recently become a mother), for sure, you know that a loving mother should not only create an atmosphere of love emotionally, but also make sure that your child looks appropriate teacher's child: neat, clean and in shape.

Conductor 1: So, imagine the situation: your child is going to school on his own (Child models enter the stage in an untidy look), and you are late for work, but in this form you cannot let your child go to school. Dear participants, you have exactly one minute to put the children in order.

Explorer 2:
Is the mission clear to everyone? Well, then, let's go, attention, we've started!

Cheerful music sounds.

Conductor 1: Well done, you did a great job, now the guys are really ready to go to school. And you, our respected teachers, receive the title of "The most tidy and tidy."

Explorer 2: And, of course, every mother at least once read fairy tales to her child.

Conductor 1: Dear our passengers, who did not get off the train at this station, the next task is for you.

Explorer 2: The conditions are very simple: the name of the fairy tale is given, in which each word is turned to its opposite in meaning. You have to guess the story. For example, "The Fox and the Six Chickens" - "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

Conductor 1: answers:
- "Dog in mittens" - "Puss in boots".
- "Clothed beggar" - "Naked king".
- "The Magnificent Swan" - "The Ugly Duckling".
- "Seven thin women" - "Three fat men".
- "Peasant woman - monkey" - "Princess - frog."
- "Ivan the Ugly" - "Vasilisa the Beautiful".
- "Munich Dancers" - "Bremen Town Musicians".
- "Red mustache" - "Blue beard".
- "Rusty lock" - "Golden key".
- "Rubik's Cube" - "Gingerbread Man".
- "Blue shoe" - "Little Red Riding Hood".

Explorer 2: What amazingly smart and quick-witted passengers set off on our exciting journey, well done!

Conductor 1: And it's time for us to hit the road, towards our dreams!

The sound of train wheels.


Conductor 1: Yes! And the song is wonderful.

Conductor 1: Dear passengers, our train has arrived at the station "Komplimetnov", parking time is 6 minutes.

Explorer 2: All women love to be the center of attention and love to be complimented.

Conductor 1: Holders of tickets with numbers are invited to get off at the station ...
(6 numbers are drawn).

Explorer 2: Hello, dear ladies, now you have a unique opportunity to show your best qualities.

Conductor 1: You have to compliment each other. Whoever hesitates is out. The last one left will be the winner.

(teachers give compliments).

Explorer 2: Well done, the winner is ________, but you all deserve the proud title of "The Most Charming and Attractive". Congratulations!

Conductor 1: And now we ask you to take your seats in the car.

Explorer 2: Every trip starts with an introduction. Of course, we all know each other for a long time, but is it good enough? Let's check.

Conductor 1: Now on the sheets of paper offered to you, you will have to write the name of one animal (any) in the plural.

(teachers are given sheets of paper on which they write the names of animals)

Explorer 2: Perhaps now we will learn something new about our teachers. I read epithets, naming the addressee, and you call one by one who they wrote.
Our teachers:
1. Affectionate, like ...
2. Sociable, like ...
3. Beautiful as...
4. Smiling like...
5. Neat as...
6. Bold as...

Conductor 1: They behave:
1. In class like...
2. With work colleagues like…
3. With the director as ...
4. In the doctor's office as ...
5. At home like…
6. In the store…
Very honest! Well, now for you a gift.


Explorer 2: What beautiful music, it is amazing.

Conductor 1: Yes very nice! Beauty and woman are two inseparable concepts.

Explorer 2: Dear passengers, our train has arrived at the station "Krasota", parking time is 6 minutes.

Conductor 1: But when you hear the word “beauty”, what do you think about?

Explorer 2: I immediately imagine images of our vast Motherland, the beauty of nature.

Conductor 1: And I imagine a beautiful meadow strewn with various bright flowers.

Explorer 2: Yes, I think flowers really represent beauty.

Conductor 1: Not only your way. I think any lady would agree with this statement.

Explorer 2: Surely, each of our passengers knows the name of hundreds of flowers growing on our planet.

Conductor 1: And this is what we will check. Passengers with ticket numbers are invited to exit at the station "Krasota".
(6 numbers are drawn, the participants rise to the stage).

Explorer 2: Dear ladies, your task is to say all kinds of names of colors in turn, the main thing is not to repeat yourself.

Conductor 1: So, is the task clear? Started!

(participants call the names of the colors in turn, whoever stumbles is eliminated)

Explorer 2: Indeed, our passengers know a lot of colors. And of course, each of them deserves the title of "The main connoisseur of beauty."

Conductor 1: We wish you beauty:
In every form, in every movement.
And the beautiful deeds of people
And beautiful dreams in a dream.

Explorer 2: And a beautiful morning in winter,
When the snow hasn't fallen yet
And to be beautiful
So that a handsome man falls in love with you.


The train whistle sounds. The sound of train wheels.

Conductor 1: Well, to pass the time on the road, we offer a little chat.

Explorer 2: Dear teachers, I have a question for you: do you have a good memory?
Then, tell me, how many in this hall are those whose name is Natalya? (answers)
How many are born under the constellation Virgo? (answers)
How many teachers are in the hall? (answers)
How many of those who dream of a vacation? (answers)
What was the first question I asked you all? (answers)

Still, the first question was: “Do you have a good memory?”

Conductor 1: Dear passengers, our train has arrived at the station "Women's happiness", parking time is 6 minutes.

Explorer 2: And what is female happiness? What it is?

Conductor 1: And now we will try to find out. At this station, we invite 6 participants to leave, whose ticket numbers are ....
(6 numbers are drawn, the participants go on stage).

Explorer 2: A magic hat fell into our hands, which will allow us to read the thoughts of our dear participants and find out what female happiness is.

(Guard 1 takes turns putting hats on the heads of the participants. At the same time, musical excerpts sound:
1. Money, money, money
2. Release me to the Himalayas
3. Laughter
4. Oh what a bliss to know that you are perfect
5. And I want to fly
6. Women's happiness would be cute nearby)

At the end of the competition, Conductor 1 puts a hat on the head of Conductor 2, who stands on the sidelines thoughtfully, so that he takes it backstage, and at that time an excerpt sounds: Well, citizens are alcoholics ...)

Explorer 2: Oh sorry (runs backstage with a hat)

Explorer 1: Perhaps one of the most important women's dreams is to love and be loved and find the only one who would protect and protect.
We want to wish you eternal,
Very bright love without embellishment.
We want to wish you tenderness
And love and loving eyes.

And our participants are awarded the title "The most honest and frank"

The train whistle sounds. The sound of train wheels.



Explorer 2: What a wonderful song!

Conductor 1: Of course. No wonder this station is called a music station. And how musical are our respected teachers?

Explorer 2: Now we will check it. The owners of the remaining numbers are invited to the stage.

Teachers sing songs about women

The train whistle sounds. The sound of train wheels.

Explorer 2: Dear passengers, our train has arrived at the Fortuna station, the parking time is 10 minutes.

Conductor 1: Any woman, for sure, would like to be successful in everything, so that fortune would be her faithful companion.

Explorer 2:
Today we have the opportunity to verify your luck.

Conductor 1: Luck is on the line at this station. All named tickets will receive prizes.

(numbers are given, their owners receive prizes)
1. Aircraft. (balloon).
2. Small-sized washing machine. (Eraser).
3. Do not get bored in the evenings - drink fragrant tea you (tea).
4. The yacht fell on this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).
5. To save money in abundance Sew outfits yourself. Here's to you (threads)
6. Yes, your lucky ticket, keep it up (pencil).
7. Get the main prize, you get an egg grill.
8. This little thing will come in handy. This is (ballpoint pen).
9. You would like a piano, but got (calendar).
10. In life, one must hope for the best, take glue if something does not stick (glue).
11. Your surprise is quite rare - two paper napkins (napkins).
12. Let the neighbor envy. Some (candy) for you
13. You listen to advice - fruits are the best diet. (Apple).
14. Get it - hurry up, you have a notebook, write poetry. (Notebook).
15. Both in frosts and in blizzards - you need matches in everyday life. (matches).
16. On a ticket, by chance, you got Ceylon tea (tea).
17. Not whistles and not skates Very fashionable ... (laces)
18. So that your face and your sock are clean, your ticket fell out (a piece of fragrant soap)
19. Moths ate tulle yesterday, they were torn to pieces, we give (package) in return - there is nothing else!
20. Let everyone see clearly Get fluffy (brush)
21. Hush, hush, don't cry, Here we got your ball. (balloon)
22. I also need her a little. Disposable spoon.
23. A trifle, but nice. (Handful of small coins)
24. This ball will stop a baby from crying. (Balloon)
25. So that the cap is not blown away by the wind, we give you a gift (clip)
26. You wanted to get a flashlight, but you just got it (ball)
27. To find out your income, it will come in handy for you (notebook)
28. Antique hanger. (Nail)
29. This prize went to you to gnaw on in the evenings. (Seeds).
30. A vessel for drinking various drinks. (a plastic cup)
31. You and your companion will not disappear anywhere, you will not come home hungry from any guests.
(Plastic plug)
32. Do you love potatoes? We will give you some. Chew, chew - do not yawn and treat your neighbors. (1 potato tuber or bag of chips)
33. The sun, air and water are our best friends! And so that you don’t get sunstroke on a walk, put on a panama hat and take a calm walk! (Newspaper cap)
34. This ticket gives you a flight, a large plane takes off into the sky. (Paper airplane)
35. Oh, what a fine fellow you are - get it (candy).
36. He will always take to stop the breakdown! It used to be a deficit, it's called "Coffee"!
37. There is no typewriter, we offer this item. (a pen).
38. Who is soap, who is a candy wrapper, But you got a bow!
39. Let your heart burn like this candle.
40. The calendar is small, but remote. You will be shown the day and year, in every house he lives.

Explorer 2: How sweet life tastes when it
Saturated, beautiful and swift,
Full of good, joyful events,
Amazing in every moment.

Conductor 1: Let life be like this year after year,
The mood is getting better
And every day will bring a gift
Success, luck, happiness and luck!


Conductor 1: Unfortunately, our journey has come to an end.

Explorer 2: But the holiday is just beginning. Three days off ahead.

(participants exit)
1: Our dear teachers!
Thank you for your knowledge, skills,
For the light of a smile, an affectionate word,

2: For your work, for love and for patience,
Again, we are grateful for your help.

3: Thank you for everything you do for us!

4: May all your dreams always come true, whether it is a dream of luck or love.

5: May any of your wishes come true, because if you really want something, it will certainly work out!

6: May the sun shine brightly on you,
Let the birds chirp outside the window

8: We wish you all inspiration,
In the family circle - love and kindness,

9: Among friends - warmth and respect,
And in life - the fulfillment of dreams!



In the garden, where the birch trees crowded,

A blue eye peeped into the snowdrop.

First, little by little, he put out a green leg,

Then he reached out with all his little strength

And quietly asked:


« I see the weather is warm and clear

Tell me it's true

What is spring?

With the first snowdrops, we meet spring again, which means a wonderful holiday for all women on March 8!
The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mother. This is the first word that the baby utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that everyone can do. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for children never goes out. Our dear women, let me sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, stamina and patience, peace and longevity, as well as always good mood! Today is our holiday for you!


Health, happiness and kindness

We sincerely wish you

Happy International Women's Day

We congratulate you all!

Musical congratulations

A day of joy and beauty!

We want congratulations first

It came to you on behalf of men!

M1. Our dear ladies!

Sisters, grandmothers and mothers!

Our entire team is male

Congratulations on spring!

M2. Our dear mothers!

We declare without embellishment

Honest, sincere and direct...

We love you very, very much!

M3. Thank you dear mothers

And your skillful and gentle hands

They are golden, like the sun always

We will never forget mother's hands!

M4. From the first days with you mom

Her hands are warm.

If mom is next to us -

Evil will not touch us.

M5 And when you get older

You will grow big

Kind and dear.

M6. Our mothers are our joy

We know it as one

So congratulations...

You are on behalf of men!

Gentlemen's song for mothers.

Gentlemen's song (for moms)

If you frown

Argue with things

If accumulated

So many problems

May it always help

to you in household matters

adult or youth

A real gentleman!

And a smile, no doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore.

Competition for children

- Do you know the qualities inherent in mothers?
1) Every mother who loves a child possesses this quality. D turnover

2) This property of the soul can be seen in the look of the mother, heard in her voice. Tenderness

3) The ability to intelligently solve various issues. Wisdom

4) And this quality is manifested when mom jokes. YU pestilence

Dance congratulations

Teacher: I'm sorry, but there are still young ladies in the class whom we have not congratulated. But we'll fix it now!

Today is the holiday of adult women, 7

But who will object

That we are our girls too

Let's congratulate you today.

Boys faithful girlfriends

Life would be boring without them

After all, in their souls a cheerful ray

Makes our life brighter.

We study with you not the first day

And here's what we noticed:

Spin around the mirror all of you are not too lazy

Any day during the week.

You play football a little worse than us,

Eyes "shoot" better

Ready to laugh a thousand times a day

Your laugh is like a ray of sunshine.

We wish you happiness, kindness and victories,

Health, good luck, attention,

Let it be warm every day your warm,

Your wishes will come true.

We also want to tell you today:

Sorry for our jokes

Without our girls, we are very sad.

You are all the decoration of the school!


You listen, girls,

We will sing ditties to you.

If together we tighten,

You clap us!

We respect girls

We can safely say to you:

Very difficult tasks

We will decide for them.

Our girls blossomed

Like daisies in the meadow.

Well, they sing songs

Like birds in a garden.

Here I am in class

I turn in all directions

How many girls are beautiful -

I won't look at all!

We wish you only happiness

And it's no longer a secret

What are these cool girls

And not on the whole planet!

We tried to sing ditties,

And to ditties - topotushki.

We offer all guests

Have fun clapping for us!

Teacher: All mothers, as you know, know how to cook deliciously.

Sometimes mom needs help

And some children don't know what scrambled eggs are made of,

Not to mention other dishes.

Do you know what scrambled eggs are made of?

And whoever helps mom cook, raise your hands.

Now I'll check it out.

Who can correctly answer what dishes can be

to cook from the listed products?

I name the food and you name the dish.

Competition "Delicious recipes".

  1. Mushrooms, onions, potatoes, vermicelli, salt, water, herbs. (Mushroom soup).
  2. Minced meat, onion, eggs, bread, salt, pepper. (Cutlets)
  3. Beets, green peas, onions, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes. (The vinaigrette)
  4. Flour, yeast, eggs, butter. (Pies, buns)
  5. Meat, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, salt, pepper, water. (Shi)
  6. 8. Rice, carrots, onions, sunflower oil, lamb. (Pilaf)
  7. 9. Water, berries or fruits, granulated sugar. (Compote)
  8. 10. Milk, butter, cereals, salt. (Porridge)
  9. 11. Eggs, milk, butter. (Omelette)

Musical congratulations "Mom's Holiday"

Teacher. Grandmothers, dear, happy holiday to you!

How nice to have you with us!

Student 14
If I were a girl
And then I'd get old
When I became a grandmother
I would never creak.
I would not scold my grandchildren,
And just pampered.
And I'm sure I would
Well, my grandmother!

Pupil 15

I congratulate grandma
Happy Women's Day of Spring!
I love grandma
People need grandmothers!

Pupil 16

Who loves us

Most in the world?

Don't keep this secret!

This is my grandmother.

We are best friends with her!

Pupil 17

On Women's Day

On a spring holiday

On the day when spring is on its way

Allow me to congratulate you

And bring a smile!

Pupil 18

Wish flowers and happiness!

Wish you health, strength,

To this women's holiday

It only brought you joy!

Competition for grandmothers


Grandmothers, take a needle,
Come closer to us
We want to show you
How easy it is in such an igloo
You can thread a thread.
And not one, but five.

Each grandmother is given one large needle cut out of cardboard and five woolen threads. At the command of the presenters, grandmothers insert threads into the needle to cheerful music. The grandmother who completed the task first wins.

Musical congratulations "Song about mothers and grandmothers"

scene (girls - mothers go on stage, sit on a bench)

Teacher: It was in the evening.

who knitted,

And who read

Someone like that, leafing through a magazine,

Someone sang a song.

Suddenly Olya's mother said just like this:

1st mother: And we have “five” in our notebook, and you?

2nd mother: And we have a “triple” again. And you?

3rd mother: And yesterday our son wrote an essay.

4th mother: Well, ours plays chips

And everyone shouts: “Whoo!”

From such terrible screams


5th mother: My son had a fight yesterday

Yes, it fell on the floor.

I washed my pants for two hours

Yes, I sewed a shirt!

3rd mother: Ours does not like vermicelli,

This time

Make your bed

It's two

And fourthly, I asked my son to wash the floor,

Answers - I won’t have time, I need to learn the rules!

2nd mother: And our daughter does not like

Get up for school in the morning

And now we dream with dad

We buy a crane!

1st mother: Well, I dream very much

Be like your daughter again.

Throw off twenty-five years

And become a child again!

4th mother: I would jump on a jump rope!

5th mother: I would play hopscotch!

1st mother: Well, I would like all the boys

I would put cones!

3rd mother: Yes, when we were children,

This time was not appreciated!

4th mother: Our school years flew away forever!

Well, it's time, the ninth hour,

They were waiting for us at home.

("mothers" get up, start going home.)

1st mother: Yes, it's time, because my daughter needs to draw something there.

5th mother: Well, my son told me to write a presentation.

2nd mother: I have two tasks to solve,

Sew up the school uniform.

3rd mother: Yes, I would have time to do everything

Change until morning.

dance competition

Several mothers with their children are invited. Each couple is given an envelope with the name of the dance:

  1. Polka butterfly
  2. Lambada
  3. Russian dance
  4. Tango
  5. Macarena
  6. Sirtaki

Musical passages sound in turn, the mother and child must guess their own and immediately try to dance it.


Mother! The most beautiful word on earth, this is the first word that a person pronounces and it sounds in all languages, it sounds equally gentle. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - you always need her mother's affection, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life.


Happy March 8!
Happy spring holiday!
With the first flowers in this bright hour!

Congratulations moms,
Grandmothers and girls!
We wish you all happiness, joy, good luck!


I would like in the days of spring,
Take away all adversity from you,
Sunny Mood Cup
Present to lovely women.
So that under the dome the sky is clear,
Where the frost is angry in the spring,
Your children grew up beautiful,
Without sadness and without resentment.
To fill your eyes with joy
New freshness for many years
And so that your life is brighter than the rainbow
Blazed all over the world.

All participants and mothers and grandmothers invited to the holiday sit in the hall at the tables. The song “Talk to me, mother ...” sounds (music by V. Miguli, lyrics by V. Gin). A group of students appears on the stage, they read M. Sadovsky's poem "The Number Eight".
1st reader.
The winter cold still ruffles
The eighth is just a day of spring.
But with golden flowers
All the streets are already full.
2nd reader.
Sunday is not an idle day
The boys have a hundred worries -
Spring first holiday
Walking down the street!

3rd reader.
In a fluffy yellow dress
He entered every house
Figure eight on asphalt
The student takes out.
4th reader.
In the cloudless blue
The brave pilot took off,
Huge number "eight"
He painted the whole sky!
5th reader.
Number eight today
Love all others!
We congratulate you on the holiday
All dear women!

Students sit at tables. Two presenters appear, a boy and a girl.

She is.
Attention! Attention!
Today's holiday is dedicated to International Women's Day - March 8th.
She is.
Today in our program you will learn…
A bit from the history of the spring holiday.
She is.
With a poetic page dedicated to Mom.
She is.
Will hear…
Holiday greetings.
She is.
Concert composed according to your requests.
She is.
So page one...

A new group of students comes out.

1st reader.
This year marks ... years since the birth of a wonderful spring holiday - March 8th.
2nd reader.
International Women's Day was established in 1910, at the 2nd International Women's Conference, which was held in Denmark.
3rd reader.
At this conference, at the suggestion of the outstanding revolutionary Clara Zetkin, it was decided to annually celebrate the eighth day of spring as the Day of Women's International Solidarity.
4th reader.
In 1911 this day was celebrated in Germany, Denmark, Switzerland.
1st reader.
In Russia, International Women's Day was first celebrated in 1913.
2nd reader.
During the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, over 150,000 women were awarded orders and medals for military merit, 91 women were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
3rd reader.
In 1965, in the year of the 20th anniversary of the Great Victory, it was decided to consider March 8 as the red day of the calendar, a national holiday.
4th reader.
Now in our country more than half of all specialists with higher education are women. There are more than a million female engineers, more than two million technicians, and about 270,000 female doctors. A whole army - over a million - are women teachers.
1st reader.
Motherland highly appreciated the merits of women.
2nd reader.
2 million women were awarded orders and medals.
3rd reader.
About a thousand women are laureates of State Prizes.
4th reader.
International Women's Day is celebrated here as a great holiday glorifying the Working Woman, the Mother Woman, the Keeper of the Hearth.

The teacher is sitting at one of the tables. She gets up and reads a poem by L. Shchipakhina "To be a woman."

I know - on my shoulders
Everything is holding on:
Deeds and things.
I like
Women's care
All life
Cherish your hearth.
For a child to be.
In his eyes
Read confidence.
Don't test
To what you need
Bake and wash.
I like
In the hustle of the day
So tense up
I don't hide my strength
To desired luck
You didn't dare pass me!
To be a woman
And love to live.
And shine with light.
And spend a whole century
What an honor
In this calling!

The students give flowers to the teacher and sit down. The song "Mom" sounds (music by A. Bronevitsky, lyrics by O. Milyavsky).

Page two, poetic!

A group of students comes out.

1st reader.
The most beautiful word on earth is MOM.
2nd reader.
This is the first word that a person pronounces and which is in the language of any nation.
3rd reader.
In all languages, this sacred word sounds equally gentle and affectionate, light and meaningful.
4th reader.
In Russian - mother, mother.
5th reader.
In Ukrainian - Nenka.
6th reader.
In Kyrgyz - apa.
7th reader.
In Georgian - deda.
8th reader.
In Ossetian - nana.
1st reader.
From the heart,
In simple words
Come on friends
Let's talk about mom!

The song "Hello Mom!" (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky).

2nd reader.
Happy March 8, happy spring holiday!
With the first flowers in this bright hour.
Know, mothers, we love you, appreciate you,
Mothers of Petersburg, congratulations!
3rd reader.
Our mothers are the sun in the house:
Shines, warms and washes clothes;
On the day of March 8 because
Everyone congratulates them from the bottom of their hearts!
4th reader.
Our mothers are famous for their work
Behind the counter, in offices, hospitals.
And they bring prosperity to the house,
Continuing to work on it.
5th reader.
Mothers drive boats
Weave a fabric above the plan,
Building schools and factories
And they act in films.
6th reader.
Our mothers are in the paper
You will find them everywhere:
In the store and in the Social Security,
in the Ministry and in the Court.
7th reader.
In a strict mother dress or colorful -
We thank her from the bottom of our hearts.
To all mothers, grandmothers and sisters
We say "thank you" again!
8th reader.
And the doctors that they give us
Flu powders,
And the cooks that bake us
Pies for dinner.
1st reader.
And those who sew dresses for children,
Performing in the theater
Sells checkered notebooks,
For those who check them.
2nd reader.
Our mothers and fathers are close
Create the wealth of the country
And work, and affectionate look
They help in this.
3rd reader.
The world is ready to protect us
Any mother with a brave heart!
And her weapon - the word -
No one can take away from her!
4th reader.
Here they are - our most beloved,
The best, the most dear,
The sweetest, irresistible,
The most beautiful and young -
Our heartfelt greetings!
5th reader.
Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero, all the pride of the world comes from Mothers!”
6th reader.
And here is what Nekrasov said: “A woman is a great word. In her is the purity of a girl, in her is the selflessness of a friend, in her is the feat of a mother.
7th reader.
Rasul Gamzatov wrote: “Mother is the soul of the world, its beginning and infinity. Sleep is a living soul, a great destiny, an object of love and inspiration. The word "ma-ma" cannot help but make us shudder, feel warmth and light.
8th reader.
I will read you an excerpt from an article by Rasul Gamzatov: “I do not forget one memorable press conference when Valentina Tereshkova returned from space flight. Among other questions, she was asked a somewhat unexpected one: who is your most beloved person? Valya answered with one short, precise, beautiful word - Mama. Everyone fell silent, no one could disagree with her. I do not know, but at that moment I was more pleased with her answer than with her heroic flight into space. And now, when I meet Valentina Tereshkova and her mother, I remember this incident. The highlander will fulfill all the conditions of the woman he loves, but he will consider it a great shame when he begins to forget his mother for her sake. How many mothers have passed away, leaving us as a testament both for the country and for the people?!”

The song "Mom" sounds (music by V. Gavrilin, lyrics by A. Shulgina).

1st reader (reads an excerpt from R. Gamzatov's poem "Take care of the mothers!").
I sing of what is eternally new,
And although I don’t sing a hymn at all,
But in the soul the word born
Gets his own music.
This word is a call and a spell,
In this word - the existing soul.
This is the first spark of consciousness,
Baby's first smile.
This word will never deceive,
There is a life being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything.
He has no end. Get up!..
(All students stand up.)
I pronounce it: Mom!
2nd reader (reads a poem by N. Rylenkov).
I remember my mother's hands
That once wiped away my tears,
In handfuls they brought me from the fields
Everything that spring in the native land is rich in.
I remember my mother's hands
Severe caresses are rare moments.
I got better and stronger
From her every touch.
I remember my mother's hands
And I want the children to repeat:
"The weary hands of mothers,
Nothing is holier than you!”
3rd reader.
With respect and gratitude, we look at a man who reverently pronounces the name of his mother to gray hair and respectfully protects her old age. A person's value is determined by the relation of a person to his mother.
4th reader.
Maternal love inspires, gives strength to the weak, doubting, inspires a feat. How many poets, composers, artists have created wonderful works about the mother!
5th reader.
Our responsibility to mothers is immeasurable. Let's think about it: we are rather attentive, we are kind to our mothers. And not only think...

Leading read an excerpt from the poem by S. Ostrovoy "Mother".

She is.
The first word the child said:
- Mother!
Increased. Soldier went to the station:
- Mother!
She is.
Here he fell on the smoky earth in an attack:
- Mother!
I got up and went. And with hot lips fell to life:
- Mother!
People! My brothers! Take care of your mothers! A real Mother is given to a person once.

The song “Orenburg downy shawl” sounds (music by G. Ponomarenko, lyrics by V. Bokov). The students take their seats.

Page three, congratulations!

A group of boys comes out.

1st reader.
To our mothers on spring day
Spring itself sends greetings:
Sound of streams and birdsong
She gives for the holiday.
The sun shines brighter for us
On the bright holiday of our mothers!
2nd reader.
Dear, kind, nice,
Chase away the shadow of fatigue!
You - flowers and confessions are the main
On this joyful women's day!
3rd reader.
March 8 - a wonderful day,
The sun is shining in the yard.
I'll bring it today - honestly! -
Five to mom in the diary.
The earth has already awakened from sleep,
And mom smiled at the sun.
And the sun will tell her: "Spring!"
And she will be happy.
4th reader.
Mommy, sweet, gentle, glorious,
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness,
"Thank you" for everything I tell you.
5th reader (reads a poem by I. Druzhinin).
Mom, how many nights are you over my head
Quietly bowed, forgetting about peace and sleep.
Mom, I want to answer care with love,
I know that you have done so much good for me.
I will become an adult, I will be brave and bold,
Much, much in life, probably I can,
But whatever I do and whatever I do in the world,
I will forever be indebted to my mother!
6th reader.
Frosts are over
I run light
And a sprig of mimosa
I clench my fist.
And my fun
You, cloud, do not hurt:
Today is spring day
Today is mother's day!
Everywhere drops are knocking,
Like lines of telegrams:
- And you, friends, have time
Congratulate your moms?

Students present flowers to mothers, grandmothers invited to the holiday. The boys sit down. Two girls in sarafans and headscarves sing ditties and dance.

1-cell girl.
Elena and I are friends,
We always go together.
2nd girl.
And today we are ditties
Let's sing to our mother.
1-cell girl.
All day March 8
Tanya half chalk with passion,
2nd girl.
And on the ninth
I did not take the broom in my hands.
1-cell girl.
Sooty saucepan
Julia cleaned with sand,
2nd girl.
Three hours in Julia's trough
My grandmother washed it afterwards.
1-cell girl.
The train includes three juniors:-
Wow, how many people are here!
2nd girl.
Take your seats guys
And then the grandmothers will take it!
1-cell girl.
Olya believed signs
To be successful in all subjects.
2nd girl.
But, alas, from all signs
There is no benefit to learning.
1-cell girl.
Ira reads few books, -
She always has things to do.
2nd girl.
I kept the book for a whole year,
And I didn't read a single line.
1st girl.
If Jeanne narrows her eyes, -
So she's waiting for clues.
2nd girl.
Don't squint in vain, Jeanne, eyes:
We won't tell you this time.
1-cell girl.
You do not believe that Lenya
Modest boy and quiet.
2nd girl.
When he comes home
So yells that fear takes.
1-cell girl.
We joked a little
2nd girl.
Laughed at themselves
If something was added -
So small offense!

They sit down.

Page four, musical!
She is.
There are many good people on earth
There are many hearted people.
And yet, the best thing on earth is mom.
My mum.
Mother! Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything.
She is.
Our mothers can do everything in the world - they just don’t know how not to grow old!
Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart, she does not remain indifferent to anything.
She is.
And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life.
Our dear mothers and grandmothers! Now you will see a small concert,
She is.
tailored to your needs
and prepared by the students of our class, -
She is.
your children and grandchildren,
future People's Artists of Russia!

The presenters announce the numbers of the festive concert.

She (after the concert).
Congratulations on Women's Day,
With the desired spring, and a drop,
And bright sunshine
And birds of spring ringing trill!
We wish you more clear days
More light and goodness
Health, joy, success,
Peace, happiness and warmth!
Our dear mothers and grandmothers! Once again, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! May your faces shine with smiles on the first spring holiday! May this day not be forgotten for a whole year!

The song "Talk to me, mom ..." sounds, with which the holiday began.

28.02.2019 | We looked at the script 645 human

She came, smiled - the blizzards subsided,
The river woke up, the ice melted,
Gardens put on a snow-white outfit,
Roaring, the tractors set to work,
And the birds sang "It's time to make nests!"

Here comes the spring. Guys, you probably noticed that on the street ...

Script for March 8 for elementary school

28.02.2019 | We looked at the script 662 human

The month of March and the eighth day.
The smell of spring in the air.
We will celebrate spring
And let me congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day

From the sun's splashes the snow sparkled,
And the wind sings recklessly.
In March, nature is not at all strict ...

An interesting scenario for the holiday dedicated to March 8

26.02.2019 | We looked at the script 1683 human

The presenter appears on the TV screen:

HOST: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to welcome you to our festive evening. The festive program guide of the “2B” channel is on the air.

Attention! The information program “Vesti” is on the air, the results ...

An interesting scenario for the holiday on March 8 "Dedicated to beautiful women"

26.02.2019 | We looked at the script 1397 human

1: Under the lead sky embrace
Filling the poor roads
Melteshat, differing in dresses,
All beautiful and long-legged.

2: Their flickering never ends
Beyond any cataclysms and troubles
They are called women
And for that they are loved and respected.

It is impossible to argue with the fact that this holiday is a holiday of eternity. From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most important person in life. On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give children love, kindness, ...

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to March 8 "Dear grandmothers and mothers"

24.02.2019 | We looked at the script 906 human

(To the sound of a march, boys enter the hall, line up against the central wall).

1 boy:

Today is the brightest holiday
Birds are chirping in the yards,
All guests are festively dressed.
March 8th is Mother's Day!

2 boy:

Today the sky is blue
Creeks are funny...

Scenario matinee dedicated to March 8 for elementary school

22.02.2019 | We looked at the script 799 human

On the first day of March
Spring begins.
Mother's Day - March 8th
The whole country celebrates.

And although there are frosts,
And snowdrifts under the window,
But fluffy mimosa
Selling all around.

Mothers of all peoples of the world
Peace of lasting...

The scenario of the holiday on March 8

20.02.2019 | We looked at the script 1537 human

Ring, joyful songs, -
Today is our mothers day.

On this March day, we called our friends,
Their mothers and grandmothers were seated in the hall.

Dear grandmothers and...

Scenario of a matinee dedicated to March 8

19.02.2019 | We looked at the script 887 human

I. Opening speech of the teacher.
Congratulations on the holiday.

II. A student dressed as a magpie runs into the hall.
- I heard! Heard! I know everything! I know everything! What will happen now!

III. Children enter the hall to the music. Flowers in hands.
At school, we have turmoil and noise:
- Soon...

Holiday script for the day of March 8

19.02.2019 | We looked at the script 2134 human

Fanfare. Leading out

1B: Good afternoon! Hello!

2B: Hello, our lovely, charming, most beautiful women, girls, girls!

1B: Surely you all felt how something changed in nature and mood.

Host 1: What suddenly happened today?
Presenter 2: What suddenly happened today?
Presenter 1: Look how many are in the hall
Guests have gathered today!
Presenter 2: There are puddles everywhere on the pavement,
And rings around the drops.
Presenter 1: The cold receded immediately,
And the thaw came to us.
Presenter 2: Our school also came to life.
The sun looks out the window.
Presenter 1: At the same time with your smile
Spring has come to our souls!
Presenter 2: And now you accept
Hello from a small country.

(the song "Little Country" sounds) (background)
Presenter 1:
March 8 is a wonderful and traditionally beloved holiday in our country. Presenter 2: It is beautiful not only because it is the first spring holiday, when nature awakens and the time for love comes. Men bow before the bright image of a woman. (the song "Mother's Day" sounds)

Presenter 2: Today is the Day of Joy and Beauty! On this day, men should kneel and give all women flowers - as beautiful as the women themselves!

Presenter 1:
Lovely women! We know this holiday as one of the kindest and most beautiful. On this day, no woman should be left without a gift. Presenter 2: Please accept our congratulations and let a smile appear on your face that will not leave you for a long time. (background)
(Students of the 4th grade read congratulations.) 1. The winter cold is still ruffling, The eighth is just a day of spring, But golden flowers All the streets are already full.

2. Sunday is not an idle day. Boys have a hundred worries, the first spring holiday. There is a walk down the street.

3. In a fluffy yellow dress He entered every house. The figure eight on the pavement is displayed by the student.
4. The brave pilot soared into the cloudless blue. With a huge number eight, he outlined the whole sky.
5. And the bagels in the window of the Eight sprawled out! Everywhere the number eight, just look at it.
6. Today the number eight Beloved of all others!
We congratulate all dear women on the holiday!

(The song "You and I and we are with you" is performed)
Lyrics of Song "You, yes I, yes we are with you"
You, yes I, yes we are with you!
You, yes I, yes we are with you!
It's good to have friends in the world.
If everyone lived alone
That has long been in pieces

If everyone lived alone
That has long been in pieces
The earth would probably collapse.
You, yes I, yes we are with you!
You, yes I, yes we are with you!
Let's circle the Earth, then we'll wave to Mars.
Maybe by the orange river
There are already sad little men

Maybe by the orange river
There are already sad little men
From the fact that we have been gone for too long.
You, yes I, yes we are with you!
You, yes I, yes we are with you!
Nothing will ever separate us.
Even if we break up
Friendship still remains
Friendship stays with us forever.

Even if we part, Friendship still remains, Friendship remains with us forever. You, yes I, yes we are with you, You, yes I, yes we are with you, You, yes I, yes we are with you, You, yes I, yes we are with you ...

Presenter 2. Please accept one more poetic congratulations from the youngest students of the school. (Grade 1) (background "first-grader")
1. We are all dressed up today,
The boots are on fire.
Congratulate you on Women's Day
Gathered for a parade!
2. All shirts are ironed, All trousers are ironed. We walked around the puddles today. And we didn't fight.
3. We did not go upside down, We did not roll on the floor.
We didn't sit on top of each other. And do not get dirty in chalk.
4. Today we, like dandies, are in front of you at the blackboard,
But more beautiful than our girls Still, we did not become.
5. We wish you only happiness. And let's tell you a secret:
There are simply no more beautiful girls in our whole school.

Presenter 1: Applause for young artists!
Presenter 2: But I wonder what the boys are talking about today? Presenter 1: Not about anything, but about whom. Of course same about girls. Let's listen. “Congratulations to classmates” 1: What are the girls talking about so much? Lessons all and changes all in a row! 2: They are so friendly, laughing merrily. They rumble so loudly. 1: I keep thinking, why love them? There are other girls, maybe?

2: Yes, there are many girls on earth,
But you will not find better than ours anywhere!
1: Dear, lovely, girly girls!
2: Now we will sing funny ditties for you!
(chastushkas are performed)
Boy 1: We have girls at school
Smart, beauties!
And, frankly, us boys.
Like it very much!
Boy 2: You are always beautiful,
Ponytails, pigtails.
We sometimes pull for them,
Just out of habit!
Boy 1: How does the break come,
We love to play with you
We run as far as we can.
So that you can catch up with us!
Boy 2: You dance, sing,
Love to read books
Don't forget in class
At least give me a hint!
Boy 1: We promise you today
Compliments to say
And grow up a little
We will give you flowers!
Together: we sang ditties to you,
But we want to say more.
What is everywhere, always and everywhere
Let's defend boldly!

(boys leave the stage, presenters come out)
Presenter 1: Look how prettier our girls are on this holiday. Presenter 2: And what young, beautiful, smart, charming and attractive our teachers are.
Presenter 1: No wonder they say that there are no ugly women. (Background. The poem “There are no ugly women!”) There are no ugly women! -
There are no ugly women! -I declare to other skeptics. -In a woman, a man discovers That which is invisible to the rest. Time is gaining momentum, Like a motor on the runway ... It's a pity that not everyone is happy. In the play of rainbows and dewdrops On the ground, under the blue sky

There are no ugly women among those who love and are loved. Years, you have no power over a woman, And, of course, this is not a secret. For children, all mothers are beautiful, So there are no ugly women! Let the rains ring on the sidewalks, Let the snowflakes spin, teasing, I know: there are no old women, If there are friends of their youth. A woman even in grief forgets To bring her love to a line. Ugly women do not exist, Only you need to see the beauty.
Presenter 1: Yes, and in our dynamic time - the time of high technologies, the Internet, mobile communications, computers and super speeds - a woman must still remain a Woman.
Lead 2: For only on her kindness, mercy, tenderness, spiritual subtlety and generosity this world is kept.
Presenter 1: When these qualities in a woman die, the world will collapse. And this is not a metaphor, but the truth. Don't go to the fortuneteller!
Presenter 2: Why go to her? She came to us by herself. And not alone!
(Sounds like "Fortuneteller's Song. What can I say")
Fashion changes daily, oh as long as there is a white light
At a gypsy woman with an old deck
At least one client
Waiting for miracles impossible
Someone will knock on her door
And she will spread and spread
Noble of their kings

Well, what can I say, what can I say, This is how people are arranged, They want to know, they want to know, They want to know what will happen. Well, what can I say, what can I say, This is how people are arranged, They want to know, they want to know, They want to know what will happen. 2
Fortune-telling predicts happiness in life, And a sudden fatal blow. A state-owned house with a distant road, And love to the grave.

Old cards will fall like a fan On a scarf with a fringe around the edges, And the gypsy herself will suddenly believe Her noble kings. Chorus 3
Time destroys granite castles And fills the cities with sand But for the maps that the gypsy holds in their hands Years do not matter. The heart is thrilled, listening to the fortune-teller, And at all the crossroads of the earth Expressions of faces without changing Noble kings lie. Chorus

Leader 1 . Spring, flowers, holiday. It's time to talk about what every woman dreams of. Let's really talk about the one that makes you smile, makes you happy. About love!
Presenter 2. Love can be different: the first, beautiful, tender and even funny. But in any case, enjoy!
Leader 1 . We bring to your attention some life stories.

1. The student reads the poem "There is a student in our class"
There is a student in our class - I want to marry her. Everyone at school is afraid of Nadya: He knows how to fight well. This is the kind of faithful companion and wife I need. At one of the breaks, I'll go up to Nadia N. I'll pump up from afar: - Let me write off the tasks. Give, probably, a cuff. Don't wait for surrender. Let me at least apologize. No, I'll be patient, you can't rush. Since you've decided to get married. You will have to go through everything, But on the other hand, he will teach you how to fight, He will accompany you to school. Everyone will start to fear me And respect me for my courage.

Seryozha, Sveta - students of the same class The action takes place in the classroom after school. Seryozha. Light, you let my floors, and I'll wipe the board. Sveta. Compared, it's better the other way around. Seryozha. Okay, I'll water the flowers. Sveta. Found a bug.
Seryozha. Okay, plus I'll put the chairs on the desks. Sveta. I don't even want to talk.
Seryozha. You are a bad hostess. I won't marry you when I grow up! Sveta. Oh, I'm scared, I'm dying now. Okay, I'll wash everything. Seryozha. And I'll wipe the board.
Sveta. Yes, sit down. (Grumbled.) The pocket on my jacket was torn off. You can't stock up on jackets. It's good that I have a thread with a needle. Let's go sew. (leave the stage)

Lead 1.
Oh, women, we praise you, shy, And to the extent of good, and not to the extent of evil, Sometimes faithful, and sometimes changeable, Half magical and half earthly!

Lead 2.
Spring is the time of warmth and light, The time of excitement in the blood. And let the words of greeting Sound like a declaration of love.

(To the motive of Trofim "City of Sochi")
The three of us have come here to you now, This meeting makes us very happy. Everyone wants to say congratulations, wish many important, necessary words,

We wish you that children are smarter,
Well, the requests from the top are more modest.
Then the heart will obviously be warmer
And it will become easier to realize ah, ah, ah, ah,
That there are still three months ahead for sure,
And a bunch of cases under the heading "yes, very urgent"
Teach, teach, study internally, in absentia
But soon, soon to rest

We will all leave school forever, We will be drawn into new cities. Only occasionally we will remember with you - How happy we were here at times.

Chorus (walk away)
Presenter 1:
Became adults, became stubborn. In the whirl of events and days We are kept by mother's prayer, But sometimes we forget about it.

Host 2:
We are chasing an illusory happiness, We have no time for everything, we have no time. But in a dream we return to our home, to touch the warmth of her hands.

(The song “Mom, I can’t see enough of you” sounds)
The song “Mom, I can’t look enough at you” I’m happy to run towards you alone, I can’t live without your embrace for a minute, I shine with happiness, only next to you, You are like the sun for me, and I’m like your ray . You forgive for pranks, you don’t hide resentment, For everything, worrying, you don’t sleep at night, You give me your warmth and pamper me, You are golden, my beloved.

Chorus: Mom, I can not see enough of you,
Mom, we feel each other with our hearts,
Mom, you are dearer than everyone, and it cannot be otherwise.

There is no one closer to me, no one is dearer, You can’t find more beautiful and you can’t find kinder, You will always shelter from the cold and wind, With you I don’t have to be afraid of the dark. You know all the answers to my every question, One of your smiles - and there is no trace of tears, I share all the secret secrets with you, There is no one in the world whom I love so much.

Presenter 1:
Guide me on the road to life

The mother will carefully guide and keep. And if I suddenly stumble on the go, then my mother will cover the trouble with herself. Host 2:
I'm happy - and mother's eyes shine, I cry - tears cover my eyes. And so that I don’t upset my mother, I want to live this life with dignity (a song about my mother sounds grade 3) Presenter 1:
The month of March, like a schoolboy skipping, rushed to us, so mischievous.

Host 2:
Take out the bouquets, boys, Congratulate your classmates on spring.

The song "Two Halves"
Lyrics of Song "Two Halves"
You are always with me
I will share everything with you
And I'll whisper in your ear
You are my closest friend!
We are four legs
We walk one path with you
If that always ready to fight
We have twenty claws with you!

We are like two halves

We are two chicks
Two stars
two snowflakes
That fly so easily!
We laugh together and cry

Breaking through the clouds!

Only one confuses
The guys distinguish us with difficulty!
They can’t handle difficult tasks:
"Which of us is smarter, who is more beautiful?"
But we'll be honest
We are so good in the world together
What if you fall in love, then you know:

Marry us both!

We are like two halves
One beautiful and funny picture
We are two chicks
Two stars
two snowflakes
That fly so easily!
We laugh together and cry
We will never be able to do otherwise!
And a sunbeam shines on our way
Breaking through the clouds!

Host 2:
Where there are flowers, frosts will recede, To make the streams ring near the schools. Do not forget to put mimosa In the morning on the teacher's table.

(a song for teachers sounds On the motive of Mikhailov "For the women of all")
There is no more beautiful Russian women and teachers on earth.
Though you go around the whole planet, you will not find more beautiful than ours.
They have both become and shine
They have both intelligence and chic
They know how to teach, students hold on.

Yes, for you, I'll take off my jeans with sneakers. For you, for everyone, I'll come with a change of shoes. I'll come at least at seven, I'll decide the test, I'll create a project. Let the smiles of all light up this hall. We wish you not to get tired and not to mope. We love you, don't forget to love us 2
You are so talented, and so sympathetic, And you deserve to be happy.

Presenter 1:
Everything was at today's concert Poems and songs, music and skits
Host 2:

Well, now we will show a circus performance in the conclusion of the Juggler

Juggling (background)
Presenter 1: Let this day warm you
Warm hearted wishes,
And let it accompany everywhere
Fulfillment of desires!
Presenter 2: Let joy pour into the house like the sun,
Any dream of yours will come true
A shadow does not fall on the heart of sadness,
And women's holiday will be every day!
Presenter 1: It's time to say goodbye to you
Presenter 2: They will dance a farewell dance for you
(Song "Waltz of parting" + dance)
Lyrics of Song "Waltz of Parting"

Can you hear the spring winds blowing? It's time for us to part. Spinning, spinning motley forest, Spinning, spinning old waltz, Old, forgotten, Old, forgotten waltz

You, making the prescribed path, Don't forget all this in the distant land - This river and the coastal sand, This soft-sounding waltz, This soft, This soft waltz

We part to meet again, After all, love remains forever. The first autumn leaf is spinning, The old waltz is spinning in memory, Our youth, Our waltz youth

Wind blows hair from forehead. This music is like our destiny. Snow slightly burns the temple, That old waltz is spinning in the heart, That old waltz in the heart, That old waltz in the heart