Essay on why teachers need to change. Essay on the topic "I am a new teacher!"

Ksenia Sergeevna Maksimenko
Essay "Why I became a teacher?"

« Teacher- long-range profession

Home on Earth".

Robert Christmas.

When they ask me a question « Why I became a teacher I remember my 5th grade. After the lessons we teacher made a collage "Whom I want to become?" for parent meeting. Classmates chose different unusual professions: investigator, translator, astronomer, dancer, actress, engineer, designer ... But then I already knew for sure that I would teacher. It would seem that what I especially saw with those children's eyes in this quite ordinary profession? But, recalling my early childhood, I remember how I sat my younger brothers in front of the blackboard, cut out notebooks, drew fields, taught them mathematics, write letters, put marks ... So my brothers learned to write and count.

I was lucky to be raised by amazing parents and grandmother. Mom instilled a love for the humanities, and my father - for the exact ones. Grandmother, born in 1917, graduated from only 4 classes, but had a subtle linguistic flair, was very well-read and knew how to reason competently. All of them were able to instill a great love for school, for acquiring new knowledge, for the desire to move only forward. In our family attitude to the profession teachers have always been special. My grandfather was the director of a rural school for many years, and I always wanted to keep the memory of him by choosing a profession - teacher.

Studying was always very easy, and after graduating from school with a decent certificate, I knew that I would enter the Pedagogical University. But with the choice of specialty it was more difficult: I really liked physics, geometry, chemistry, mathematics, but I decided to enter a special profession, rare even in our time - teacher speech therapist. After graduating from the university, I worked in the city for a long time and somehow a boy was brought to my lesson. He came to classes 50 km from the city and went to study every day. After talking with his parents about the fact that many people need my specialty, I thought “Why don’t I go to live in the village and teach children there Everyone knows that young specialists do not want to go to distant villages for many reasons. But, despite this, I wanted to do as my heart told me.

Now I'm rural a teacher in a very small but friendly village. It was in this corner of the world that I was able to answer such a simple and at the same time complex question: "What is for me to be teacher. First of all, it is to give all your knowledge, love, skills to children, and secondly, to improve day by day, strive to become better, keep up with the times. Children, no doubt, change me, as teacher, you have to absorb these changes along with them.

When I look at each of my students, I see something different. Some have interest and desire to study, others have the desire to comprehend new things, someone has indifference. My task is to become for everyone not only teacher but also the person who will become a reliable support in a difficult situation, reveal the positive in everyone, understand and support. I am always convinced that without comprehensive support a full-fledged personality cannot be brought up, and such support can only be based on a personal example. Therefore be teacher is a lot of work, constant self-education and self-improvement, the ability to be interesting to your students, to find an approach to everyone.

I love my job. It fills me with a sense of need in this world, the realization that I can leave memories of myself in every child through the disclosure of him. Each student is not repeatable, and remains in the memory of individual rays in the common piggy bank of those whom I can help, with whom I shared my skills and knowledge, to whom I gave a particle of my soul. Many try to work and develop talented children, but I always believed that all students have talent and I need to find it, develop it, and activate it.

My work is my life and I cannot imagine it without the noise in the school corridors, without children's laughter, without the joyful smile of my pupils. School is the world in which I found my place.

I would like to finish my reflection with the words of Leo Tolstoy "Not the same teacher who receives education and upbringing teachers, and the one who has an inner certainty that he is, must be and cannot be anything else ... ".

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I think this is necessary because education is an integral part of public policy. And the state does not stand still, it is constantly evolving. At the same time, education is also developing. Now the goals and objectives of the school are not so much equipping students with a certain amount of knowledge within the framework of the school curriculum, but rather the formation of the child's personality, the development of his abilities, mastering the methods of activity and the ability to find a way out in any non-standard life situations.

Therefore, new approaches to the organization of pedagogical activity are coming to the fore, the emphasis in which should be made on finding effective ways to organize educational activities.

Changes in the nature of education, which are distinctive for our time, are increasingly clearly orienting it towards the “free development of a person”, towards creative initiative, independence, competitiveness, and mobility of future specialists. The teacher understands the responsibility to society, so he simply has to keep up with the times. Who, no matter how the teacher, understands the need to change, as society changes, the requirements for education change, children change. Only a true professional will be required in today's society. The teacher must be competent, he must feel what is most applicable at a particular moment to students. He is ready to abandon his usual methods and forms for the sake of the success of the educational process, he is open to everything new that can bring good results. The teacher must change in order to better understand his students, to be their friend and adviser, and not just a strict mentor who dictates his own rules. We all strive for perfection. And the ideal student should be endowed with a good level of intelligence, able to master the main key competencies, have well-developed cognitive qualities and motivation for learning, he should be adapted to life in society. That is, he must be smart, physically and mentally healthy, sociable, well-educated and ready for self-development and self-improvement. Can an old school teacher teach all this to his students? Of course not. After all, only personal example can educate. This means that the teacher must first develop all these qualities in himself, he must constantly learn, put himself in the place of his students, think about whether they are comfortable learning, constantly create an environment of interaction and cooperation. The teacher must move away from the role of teacher-guardian and take the side of the teacher-manager, who manages the educational process, focusing on the needs of students. He must understand modern approaches to teaching and implement them in his practice. After all, a teacher should be a leader. He, as the captain of the ship, must lead his team - his class behind him. And for this, he must know for what purpose and in what direction to move, and in addition, what results his team should achieve. After all, class is the ship of our hopes. And the success of the entire journey depends on the personality of the captain, on his ability to see, foresee, show, teach, give the opportunity to become independent. Therefore, changes are needed.

"The next century will be just like that,
how future citizens will be brought up for him.

Reflections of the teacher.
Life changes, people change, time itself has changed. Society is progressing, if we keep in mind the various technical know-how. Once, during a classroom hour, I told my fourth-graders about how their peers spent their time in the 70s, so far away for them and so close to our generation. Frankly, I spoke with a touch of nostalgia, because it was about my childhood. It was wonderful time! One of the most unforgettable memories was going to the cinema with the whole yard. The impressions from the cinema were so vivid that many shots from the films were simply imprinted in the memory. And also how exciting we played "Cossacks - Robbers", "Rolling Stones" and many other equally exciting games. In winter, we flooded the skating rink in the yard ourselves and rolled it out in hefty, oversized skates. They buried themselves in snowdrifts, threw snowballs - and from everything they got joy, and, above all, the joy of communication.
It seemed to me that, having learned about that time, the children should have thought, because now there is no such friendship between them. But the reaction of the children was unexpected for me. Questions poured in:
Were there slot machines then?
- A DVD?
- What about computers?
I replied that, of course, none of this happened at that time. The children were overjoyed:
How lucky we are to live in the 21st century!
I am glad that they feel happy, but I noted to myself that the values ​​have changed dramatically. No, back then we hadn't even heard of computers or slot machines. Cell phones, without which a modern child is simply unthinkable, were at that time out of the realm of fantasy. But we were fond of everything in the world, were close friends, quarreled and reconciled again and, having heard someone's joyful cry: “Well, wait a minute!” begins!”, rushed headlong home, and a minute later the yard was empty, and from the open doors of the balconies came the contagious children’s laughter.
They say that memory is selective and only good things are remembered years later, but the statistics do not deceive.
Now it has become fashionable to represent the school in a new status: lyceum, gymnasium. A whole galaxy of great people grew up in lyceums and gymnasiums of the 19th century, their creative heritage is for centuries. Yes, only Pushkins and Chaadaevs are in no hurry to leave our lyceums, apparently the name is not the point. His friendship, more than once sung by A.S. Pushkin, the lyceum students carried through all the hardships and trials. It was. Over the years, the concept of friendship takes on an increasingly ephemeral shape. Statistics show that children have forgotten how to communicate with each other.
Live communication has been transformed into virtual. The previously existing term "accelerates" imperceptibly and smoothly passed into the term "decelerates". And there are many reasons for that.
Recently, a distinguished teacher, a teacher of Russian language and literature, shared her experiences. 30 years later, she was invited to a class reunion by former students. They all remembered her, loved her, after so many years they remembered with gratitude her lessons, human warmth and understanding. She still remembers them too. In response to the gratitude of her former students, she bitterly said: “I have remained the same, I love my job, so why does today’s ninth grader allow himself to sit in front of me in literature lessons, lounging, chewing gum in his mouth and being rude.” (Painfully familiar picture, isn't it, teachers?)
No, she hasn't changed. She is still active, with a great sense of humor, benevolent, but she has no shortage of teaching skills. The students have changed. In place of the previous generation of students, for whom respect for the teacher existed a priori, came those for whom authorities simply do not exist. The time has come when the teacher has more duties than rights, and the prestige has fallen sharply. Invisible cataclysms of consciousness led to the devaluation of spirituality. Moral ideals are a thing of the past, idols have taken their place. Commercialism, unscrupulousness, indifference - these are the three pillars leading to the degradation of society.
Why is society still degrading in the age of unprecedented scientific and technological progress? How to stop degradation? With such a disappointing diagnosis of society, what is the role of education in modern society and what qualities should a teacher have? How important is the role of the teacher?
Remember the film directed by A.S. Konchalovsky "The First Teacher"? The protagonist of the film, the Red Army soldier Duchen, treats his work as his destiny, being a teacher is his mission. With frenzied sacrifice, he fights so that children can learn. There is little mention of this film today. Perhaps because the special breed of revolutionary "passionate" that Duishen was, has long been no longer appreciated.
If we recall the origin of the word "passionarity", then this is a flame, fiery. According to LN Gumilyov, passionarity is the ability and desire to change the environment. If we look into the formation of pedagogy as a science, we will see many teachers - passionaries. M. Montaigne, J. J. Rousseau, K. D. Ushinsky, Y. Altynsarin, the list goes on. All of them are outstanding teachers who carried out educational work until the end of their lives.
Socrates voluntarily drank a cup of poison, but did not give up his views, remained faithful to his students.
Janusz Korczak followed the children into the gas chamber, although he could have saved his life, but then it would no longer be him.
A modern teacher does not need to sacrifice his life in order to prove dedication to his work. But isn't his daily work a feat?
Yes, in our age of modern technology, the teacher, no doubt, must have a number of knowledge and skills, the need for which is dictated by the realities of the day. Yes, but not this knowledge makes it modern. A real teacher at all times possessed those qualities that distinguish him from the rest. Real teachers are always passionate.
Unfortunately, there is a trend of aging teachers. Young specialists, having worked a little at school, very quickly find themselves another job. And they can be understood. It is no secret that the profession of a teacher "eats up" almost all of his free time. But what about the family? And the demands on teachers are increasing day by day. The most hardened people remain in the school, people who have devoted most of their lives to teaching and who do not think of themselves outside their profession. So maybe we should treat them with more respect?
Yes, school is hard today. Therefore, if a young teacher came to school and stayed there forever, he is the Teacher! And now he is already poring over methodological instructions, studying the notes of great thinkers, but they are unlikely to help him when every day he starts to face a wall erected from unwillingness to learn, aggressiveness, inadequate reaction to the teacher's remarks. And only a caring teacher will be able to find the key to the heart, win the trust of the children. And if a person does not have an inner core, there is no desire to serve his cause, there is no love for children, he will never rise to the understanding that a teacher is a position “higher than which nothing can be under the sun.” And such a person, no doubt, will not stay at school.
There are many teachers who have dedicated their lives to the school. Despite the difficulties, they remained true to their calling. They can proudly say that in each student there is a particle of their soul. They are convinced that a lot depends on the personality of the teacher.
Our children are the future of the state, and the prestige of a teacher is an investment that will pay off handsomely. Maybe someday, one of the students will say like Alexander the Great: "The father gave me life, and the teacher gave me immortality."
This is what makes it worth being a teacher.

Primary school teacher GU secondary school No. 1: Saidgaraeva G.I.
Kazakhstan, Karaganda region, Abay

Essay on the topic: "I am a new teacher"

Reflections on the topic: "Teacher"

Material Description: In this publication, I wanted to speak about my profession, about what a modern teacher should be like. Therefore, I hope that this material will be of interest to many colleagues. The content of the essay will use the statements of different thinkers.
Egorova Galina Vasilievna
Position and place of work: Homeschooling teacher, KGBOU "Motyginskaya boarding school", village Motygino, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Target: Formation of the idea of ​​a modern teacher through personal reflections.
educational: tell readers about my idea of ​​a portrait of a modern teacher;
developing: develop attention, thinking, curiosity;
educational: develop interest in the teaching profession.
"Whenever you are faced with a choice, be careful: do not choose what is convenient, comfortable, respectable, recognized by society, honorable. Choose what resonates in your heart. Choose what you would like to do, regardless of what are the consequences" Osho
I am the new teacher!
I have been a teacher for 13 years now. I chose this profession absolutely consciously and with great desire. From early childhood, my favorite game was "School": a long row of toys, a pointer in the form of a ruler and a piece of chalk with which I could draw on my closet.
And not because my first teacher was a role model, but because I really loved to teach something, tell stories, listen to others and help if necessary. And when it came time to get a professional education, there was no doubt. After all, “If you decide to act, close the doors to doubt” (Friedrich Nietzsche).
Since then, the education system itself has undergone many dramatic changes. But my attitude to the profession has not changed. It is important for me to be in my place, to do what I love and to benefit children and their parents.
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you have to keep moving." Albert Einstein said so. Therefore, we must move forward together with the new system of education and upbringing of children, together with the children themselves. It is impossible to achieve the desired results without understanding and accepting new standards of education in one's work. At present, many teachers, like myself, have a great deficit in understanding the essence of these standards.
“Our big disadvantage is that we give up too quickly. The surest way to success is to keep trying one more time.”- so Thomas Edison teaches us not to give up and not to panic before innovations.
A modern teacher must meet various pedagogical requirements that the state imposes on him. But first of all, I think a teacher should be a creative, proactive and positive person. You need to understand that not everything will work out right away.
"Failure is just an opportunity to start again, but more wisely"- so wrote Henry Ford. And this is absolutely correct. To understand and realize the whole essence of the federal state educational standard, you first need to read a large amount of literature. No matter how scary it is, you need to “digest” all the information in your mind. A modern teacher is a universal person, a vessel that is filled with knowledge, skills and abilities throughout life.
"If you think you can, you can; if you think you can't, you're right"- so teaches us Mao Zedong. You must always think that you can, that you will overcome all fears and all difficulties. To learn how to work in a new way, you need to take refresher courses. It is necessary to communicate and exchange experience with other teachers. Gradually, the process of learning according to new standards will turn into a common thing and will no longer frighten and annoy.
“Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning” - these are the words of Paulo Coelho. This is exactly what happens in life.

I wanted to become a teacher, despite the fact that I knew how difficult, thorny this path would be. But confidence has always lived and lives in me: there are people nearby who will support; next to mentors who will teach; there are children around who will understand.

Rapid XXI century. New discoveries. New technologies. New education. "New school". And in this school there is a teacher of the 21st century: a person who not only has to bring something new to children, but also to connect times and generations - the future is unthinkable without this. Each profession, of course, has its own characteristics. But all the masters have distinctive features: an extraordinary personality, the desire to change the world for the better, faith in students, the desire to work hard and for the sake of an idea, the absence of fear of admitting one's mistakes. It is the master of his craft that I see as a teacher of the 21st century.

Much has changed in education, but as before, the teacher is the master behind whom the students stand. A real master believes in their strength, helps them to move forward, teaches them to improve. Today, society puts forward new requirements for the teacher. The modern teacher is the organizer of activities in the classroom. And just as it seems to the traveler that the main part of the tree is the crown and it is perfection, so it seems to the layman at the lesson of a real master that the students themselves achieved everything. And only the trunk knows what a hard job it is to bring nutrients from the roots to every branch, every leaf. The crown of the tree is students, including their own children. And the more magnificent the crown, the brighter the teacher realized himself, creating a developing, creative environment for her. The crown grows, the trunk also grows, receiving back the energy of sunlight accumulated in the leaves. A modern teacher is a teacher-researcher, a supervisor of students. To teach children and at the same time to study oneself, so that the new generation would feel in the Teacher a person who lives by their time, by their interests. The teacher of the 21st century is the organizer of the movement, it is the force that nourishes and awakens young minds to a thirst for knowledge, to growth and development. The teacher of the 21st century should have an active civic position, participating in education reforms, defending his positions, views on the development of society. The teacher of the 21st century in society must have authority, supported by the policy of the state and the parental community. The teacher must be a person. “Only a person can educate a person” (K.D. Ushinsky). And for this you need to study a lot, work on yourself, be able to change, keep up with the times. The teacher of the 21st century should be distinguished by the ability to understand the flow of information and the many ways to transfer it using new technologies. And this position is close and interesting to me. The 21st century teacher is a creative teacher. He must be able to create the perfect music for the lesson, draw the masterpiece “My students”…., write a “novel” about himself, perfecting it all his life.

I am convinced that the Teacher of the 21st century, as in all previous eras, must be an interesting personality, fair and strict, understanding and sincere, respecting and appreciating his students.

I would like to say after Sh.A. Amonashvili: “Teacher, be the sun that radiates human warmth, be fertile ground for the development of human feelings and this knowledge not only in the memory and consciousness of your students, but first of all, in their souls and hearts…”.

Essay on the topic “Why I decided to become a teacher” updated: October 9, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru