Goldenberg city. Heidelberg, Germany: Top Attractions, Things to Do, Restaurants, Travel Reviews & Tips

Today we will tell you about the beautiful German city of Heidelberg, which stands in the picturesque green massif of the Odenwald, on the banks of the Neckar River, and is an ideal holiday destination for fans of ecotourism. Heidelberg or if it is correct to read from German "Heidelberg" is located in the warmest region of Germany, there grows a lot of exotic, for this country, Mediterranean vegetation. And yet, the city of Heidelberg is famous for its interesting sights.

current city ​​of Heidelberg, which eventually united several separate villages into a whole, was founded in the period from the sixth to the eighth centuries, but in the chronicles the first mention of it dates back to 1196.

Or Schloss Heidelberg. The story about the interesting historical places of Heidelberg should begin with the mention of the ancient fortress of the counts of the Palatinate, erected here in 1225. Heidelberg Castle is often called "Germany's most famous romantic ruins" because three architectural styles harmoniously merged in this building: Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque. This huge castle complex, which in fact includes several castles, stands on the mountain slope of Königstuhl, which means “Royal Throne” in translation. The buildings were built from local red sandstone. They were constantly expanded and rebuilt, but after the destruction in 1693 by the troops of King Louis the Fourteenth, the ruins were never restored. But the Friedrichsbau Palace, which was not so badly damaged, “Friedrichsbau”, was restored by 1900 and today it is one of the most frequently visited tourist attractions in the city of Heidelberg. They are especially surprised by the huge old wine barrel "Grosses Fass", with a volume of two hundred and twenty thousand liters - the largest in the world. Next to this barrel is a small statue of the court dwarf Perkeo, who used to guard the wine in it. His strange name comes from the Italian expression "Perke no?", which means: "Why not?" They say that this is how the dwarf guard answered anyone who offered him a drink in a glass in another way. Tourists combine the inspection of this barrel with a tasting of fine local wine: white or red. We recommend trying the famous German ice wine, the Eiswein variety. In general, the history of this German castle is so confusing that we recommend purchasing an audio guide at the entrance to the castle, also presented in Russian. Even better, it would be better to take a tour and walk with a guide through the interior of the castle, visiting them with a regular ticket is not provided. In July and August, the castle hosts a theater festival.

Or "Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg" - was founded in 1386, eventually becoming the most important scientific, cultural and educational center in Germany. Despite the fact that the university departments are scattered throughout the city, but the most interesting buildings: the rector's office, the museum, the humanities and social faculties, the punishment cell, are located in the "Old University" - "Alte Universität", located in the very center of Heidelberg in the Altstadt district on University Square. The main university building was erected in the Baroque style and strikes with luxury and splendor. By the way, tourists are happy to visit the university punishment cell, where students used to be kept for participating in duels, drunkenness, night noise, and other misconduct. All the walls of the punishment cell are dotted with mysterious messages and strange drawings, which even historians have studied, but have not figured out their meaning so far. The university buildings, fortunately, were almost not damaged during the Second World War, only the library was damaged, but it was quickly restored.

Or "Alte Brücke" - a real visiting card of the German city of Heidelberg. The Karl-Theodor Bridge is thrown over the Neckar River, being a continuation of the Steingasse street and connecting it with another Landstraße street, which runs along the river bank and at the foot of the Holy Mountain. The bridge was built in 1788 by order of the German Elector Karl-Theodor. Today, the Old Bridge is one of the most visited sights of Heidelberg, over the centuries of its existence, it has been sung by writers and poets, and since 2002 it has been included in the list of endangered objects by the World Cultural Heritage Fund. The bridge has a length of two hundred meters and a width of seven meters, it has nine arched spans in the Baroque style. The portal of the bridge is adorned with two imposing Spitzhelm towers, so named because of their resemblance to the steel helmets of medieval knights. Today, tourists can visit the three damp punishment cells of the western tower, where criminals were previously kept.

Or "Stift Neuburg" - this abbey is also known as the Benedictine monastery of St. Bartholomew. It stands on the banks of the Neckar River, just opposite the "Old Town", on the slope of Mount Köpfl. This monastery was built in 1130, and by the end of the twelfth century it was converted into a convent for the education and upbringing of girls from noble families there, unmarried ladies and widows also lived here. In 1562, the monastery was disbanded on suspicion of Lutheran heresy, and its richest book collection was included in the Palatine Library, but girls from noble families continued to study there. In the period from 1706 to 1773, the monastery belonged to the formidable order of the Jesuits, and in 1804 it was transferred to private ownership. In 1926, the monastery was given by its last owner, Alexander von Bern, to the Benedictine order. After the Second World War, the monastery complex was reconstructed, in 1962 by the master Johann Klais, a mechanical organ with thirty-four registers was installed here. In 2011, a reconstruction was carried out, the concept of its design was changed: in a rather ascetic interior, emphasis was placed on interesting color and optical solutions that received sacred meaning and symbolic meaning. Today, fifteen monks live in the monastery, who are engaged in the production of farm products, horticultural art. If you wish, you can stay at the monastery hotel, taking an active part in the life of this German monastery. If you want to learn more about the history of the monastery, you can buy a tour or take an audio guide.

Or "Kurpfälzisches Museum der Stadt Heidelberg" is a place where art and cultural-historical collections of the value of the city are kept. The beginning of the collection began with the acquisition by the museum of the "Gallery of Antiquities" by Charles Grambert. The museum is located in a house that once belonged to the rector of the University of Heidelberg, lawyer Johann Philipp Morass. The exposition is located in the building of the former university fencing hall, as well as in the new museum building. In this museum of Heidelberg you can get a lot of interesting information about the life and art of the city, about archaeological finds made here, related to the Celtic and Roman periods, about applied art, including a rich collection of textiles: ancient costumes, household items, old dolls . An important place is given to collections of paintings, sculptures, graphics.

- located in the "Old Town", not far from the Market Square. This square is located on the site where the Franciscan monastery used to stand, which was abolished in 1803. The square is located at the foot of the mountain, so it offers breathtaking views of Heidelberg Castle. As for the architectural ensemble of this square, the buildings are mainly presented in the Baroque style. A remarkable example of this is the house formerly owned by Karl Mittermeier. Here are the old hotels "zum Seppl", built in 1634, and "zum roten Ochsel", built in 1703. In addition, the beautiful Palais Boisserée is located here, famous for its rich collection of old German paintings, previously owned by the collector brothers Sulpitz and Melchior Boisserée, and the Palace of the Grand Duke, which today houses the Academy of Sciences. In the very center of Karlsplatz there is an interesting fountain, the sculptural composition of which illustrates the "Cosmography" in a playful allegorical form. In winter, a Christmas market is held here and an outdoor skating rink is flooded.

Or "Marktplatz" is the historical core of the German city of Heidelberg. It still performs its original function. The square is bounded to the east by the beautiful building of the Town Hall, in the Baroque style, built in the early eighteenth century, from the west by the beautiful "Church of the Holy Spirit". The Market Square is a pedestrian zone, with a large number of cafes that are open during the summer. In the center of the square is a beautiful baroque fountain "Hercules" - "Herkulesbrunnen", built in the eighteenth century.

Or "Heiliggeistkirche" - located on the Market Square opposite the Town Hall building, is a Gothic basilica of the late fourteenth century, decorated with baroque roofs and domes. This is the largest temple of the old Heidelberg, built on the site of an even older temple in the late Romanesque style, 1229. By the way, archaeologists discovered the remains of its apse in 1936. The basilica was built as a front church and a tomb for the Electors of the Palatinate. Of course, over the years of its existence, it has been repeatedly rebuilt and restored. Between 1978 and 1985, the last restoration of the building took place here, during which the original colors of the basilica were restored. Here are the graves of King Ruprecht III with his wife Elisabeth of Hohenzollern. In 1936, this church was included in the Association of Communities of the Evangelical Church of Baden. Today, tourists attend wonderful organ music concerts that are often held here.

Or "Kurpfälzisches Museum" - the most popular museum in the city of Heidelberg, famous for its extensive local history and art collections. The museum is located in a beautiful baroque palace of the eighteenth century, standing on the street "Hauptstrasse".

- is located in the part of the Heidelberg Castle that survived the destruction. Here in ancient times there was a real pharmacy, and now visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the development of the pharmacy business from ancient times to the achievements of the twentieth century. Here you can see the reconstructed premises of an ancient pharmacy, with a production department, an alchemical laboratory, cabinets and shelves filled with old retorts and test tubes, vials with old handwritten labels, medieval recipes, dried herbs, sets of other medicinal components, apothecary scales, old tools , with the help of which medicines were prepared in past centuries.

Fairytale Park Heidelberg- A great place to take the kids. The park is located on Mount Koenigstuhl and includes carousels, a children's railway, a mini-racing track, interesting children's attractions, and in park pavilions your children will be able to meet their favorite heroes of world-famous fairy tales. Among the scenery, which is a mysterious forest, enchanted castles, poor people's huts, the Dwarf Nose, Rumpelstiltskin, Baron Munchausen, the Evil Queen, Snow White and many others live their fabulous lives. The park is open daily from ten in the morning to six in the evening, and in July and August - until seven in the evening.

If you want to save money when visiting the city of Heidelberg, we recommend purchasing a two-day HeidelbergCARD, the price of which is thirteen euros per person or twenty-eight euros for the whole family. With such a card, you can visit many of Heidelberg's city attractions for free or at a reduced price, freely use any public transport, including the Bergbahn funicular that takes visitors to Heidelberg Castle, get a discount on bus tours, as well as a free guide. You can buy such a card at the tourist information office located at the main city station of Heidelberg, in the Town Hall building, and some hotels in the city.

One of the most picturesque cities of Baden-Württemberg - Heidelberg (more correctly - Heidelberg, Heidelberg) lies in the lower reaches of the Neckar, in the very place where it breaks out of the hills of the Odenwald (Odenwald) into the expanses of the Upper Rhine lowland. Here, in the Rhine-Neckar triangle, the lands of Hesse, Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate converge, forming the vast urban agglomeration of Heidelberg - Mannheim - Ludwigshafen am Rhein, the country's seventh largest economic region. These places are considered the warmest region in Germany, so many exotic Mediterranean plants grow here, and the Odenwald green massif is considered one of the best places in the country for eco-tourism - even despite the proximity of large industrial centers.

Heidelberg itself, or rather the areas now included in it - once separate villages, was founded in the 6th-8th centuries. As a city, it was first mentioned in chronicles in 1196, and as a fortress of the counts of the Palatinate - in 1225. In 1386, the famous Heidelberg University was founded and since then the city has gained fame as one of the most important scientific, cultural and educational centers of the German lands. The city almost did not suffer from the bombings of World War II, and therefore is able to offer guests many interesting monuments.

Sights of Heidelberg

Visiting card of the city - old bridge(Alte Brücke, 1786-1788) located at the end of the Steingasse. Its portal is adorned with two imposing Spitzhelm towers, named for their resemblance to medieval steel helmets. In the western tower, three damp dungeons are available for visiting, in which criminals were once kept, and the bridge itself is elegantly decorated with allegorical bas-reliefs. Lying slightly southeast Marktplatz(Market Square) is considered the historical core of the city. Its northern part is decorated with an old city ​​hall(Rathaus, 1701-1704), the western one is the largest in the city Church of the Holy Spirit(Heiliggeistkirche, 1398-1515), and in the center there is a baroque Fountain "Hercules"(Herkulesbrunnen, 18th century). Every Wednesday and Saturday, as a tribute to history, live markets open here, and on other days the square is filled with tourists and vacationing locals.

However, the most famous building of the city is heidelberg castle(Schloss Heidelberg), often referred to as "Germany's most famous ruins". It rises on the northern slope of Mount Königshtul ("King's Throne", 540 m) southeast of the Old Town. Founded in the 13th century, it was repeatedly expanded and rebuilt, but in 1693 it was destroyed by the troops of Louis XIV and was never restored. However, the slightly damaged Friedrichsbau Palace (Friedrichsbau) was restored in 1897-1900 by Karl Schaefer and now, together with the adjacent square, a huge Grosses Fass wine barrel (1751, the largest in the world - 212.4 thousand liters!) In the basement, terraces former palace gardens and an observatory is the most visited place in the city (more than a million tourists a year!). And in July and August, the castle hosts guests of the theater festival.

At the lower funicular station Konigstuhl Bergbahn(, leading to the castle, there is a complex German Pharmacy Museum( on Schlosshof, and a little higher - the remains of the second castle of Heidelberg - Molkenkur. In 1537, lightning struck the building and it almost completely burned down, but today the restored premises are occupied by the restaurant of the same name, which offers magnificent views of the Odenwald and the plains.

Also among the most beautiful places in the city are the three-storey baroque complex old university(Alte Universität, 1712-1735) - now there is a collection of the University Museum dedicated to the oldest institution of higher education in Germany (founded in 1386), a cemetery Bergfriedhof with the grave of Friedrich Ebert and located on Pfaffengasse, 18 house-museum (Friedrich Ebert Memorial) of this first democratically elected president of the country, hotel zoom Ritter("At the Knight", 1592 - the oldest surviving building in Heidelberg,, old square Kornmarkt with a statue of the Virgin Mary, New University (1930-1932) from a medieval Hexenturm("Tower of the Witches", 1380) in the courtyard, St. Peter's Church(Peterskirche, 1485-1500) with an extensive medieval necropolis, student prison(Studentenkarzer, 18th century) on the Augustinergasse, unique university library(Universitätsbibliothek, 2.5 million rare editions!) at Im Neuenheimer Feld, 368 - next to the zoo, the Jesuit Church (Jesuitenkirche, Merianstrasse 2) and Foresight (Providenzkirche, Karl-Ludwig-Strasse 8), as well as passing through the most beautiful places terraced vineyards around the city Trail of Philosophers(Philosophenweg) and path of the snake(Schlangenweg).

The suburb lying on the northern bank of the river is very picturesque. Neuenheim(Neuenheim), at the turn of the 20th century, turned from an old fishing village into a prestigious residential area built up with chic Art Nouveau villas. North of the Theodor Heuss bridge and the ancient Brückenkopf bridgehead, you can find many antique and designer shops, restaurants and cafes.

Museums in Heidelberg

There are also many museums in the city. The most popular of these are Palatinate Museum(Kurpfälzisches Museum, extensive local history and art collection) in the complex of the 18th century Baroque palace on Hauptstrasse, unusual German Packing Museum(Deutsches Verpackungs-Museum, large collection of brand names, emblems and logos,, first-class cultural center Karlstorbahnhof(1995) in the complex of the old station, Museum of Antiquity, Carl Bosch Museum(Carl-Bosch-Museum), Museum of Religious Art and Liturgy(Museum für sacral Kunst und Liturgie), Max Burke Textile Museum(Textilsammlung Max Berk), the art collection of the mentally ill of the famous psychiatrist Hans Prinzhorn (Sammlung Prinzhorn) at Vossstrasse 2, the gallery of naive art Haus Cajeth, as well as the zoological, ethnographic, geological and paleontological museums.

Noteworthy are also good local history collections in nearby towns. Kirchheim(Kirchheim, 3 km southwest of the center of Heidelberg), Rohrbach(Rohrbach, 3 km south) and Ziegelhausen(Ziegelhausen, 4 km east).

Things to do in Heidelberg

Many will be attracted by the numerous theaters (about a dozen) and jewelry shops in Heidelberg - the city is still famous for its craftsmen. On Wednesday and Saturday mornings, colorful farmers markets at Marktplatz and at the corner of Ladenburger Strasse and Lutherstrasse, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at Friedrich-Ebert-Platz. Fine sweets can be bought at Heidelberger Zuckerladen at Plöck 52.

To visit the city, it is very convenient to use the two-day HeidelbergCARD, which costs 13 euros per person or 28 euros for a family. It provides free or discounted entry to most attractions, free use of all public transport (including the Bergbahn funicular to the castle), discounted bus tours and a free guide. You can buy a card at tourist information office( at the main station, the town hall and many local hotels.

Around Heidelberg

8 km southwest of the center of Heidelberg lies the town Schwetzingen(Schwetzingen), widely known for its beautiful palace and park complex. This residence of the rulers of the Electorate of the Palatinate was founded in 1350 as a small castle, which, however, was repeatedly destroyed and acquired its current appearance in 1697-1752. The extensive (about 70 hectares) park combines elements of French and English styles and has many unusual architectural elements, such as a mosque with minarets, a sculpture gallery of allegorical characters, temples of Mercury and Minerva, an antique-style Water Castle, Arboretum with a collection of rare woods , baths and so on. You can visit the palace complex as part of organized tours for a small fee (€3-5 depending on the season).

The building of the old city hall, located in the historic part of Heidelberg on the Market Square, is one of the main architectural decorations of the city. It was built at the beginning of the 18th century on the site of an older building destroyed during the War of the Palatinate Succession.

The war of 1688-1697 caused serious damage to Heidelberg, like many other cities. The destruction was so strong that for ten years after its completion, the city lay in ruins, and only in 1701 a new town hall building was built, which very organically fit into the ensemble of the square. The building is made in the Baroque style and attracts architecture lovers with its picturesque forms.

heidelberg university

The famous Heidelberg University is one of the oldest universities in Europe. Located in the historical part of the city, on the university square, the old building of the university is one of the main architectural sights of the city. The "Old University" is a three-storey building in the Baroque style, erected in 1712-1728 by order of Elector Johann Wilhelm.

The history of Germany's most prestigious university dates back to 1386. This happened after in 1385 Elector Ruprecht I received permission from Pope Urban VI to establish a university. The theological faculty was the first to open, and soon the philosophical and legal ones were added. Almost immediately after the establishment of the university, the first students composed the text of the famous student anthem "Gaudeamus".

During the long history of the University of Hedelberg, its graduates were famous scientists and thinkers - philosophers Hegel and Jaspers, naturalist Robert Bunsen, German Chancellor Helmut Koll, as well as many of our famous compatriots. Eight Nobel laureates came out of the walls of Heidelberg University, as well as many outstanding personalities who make up the "golden fund" of mankind.

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old bridge

One of the main attractions of Heidelberg is the beautiful Old Bridge, also known as the Karl Theodor Bridge. It is a huge arc-shaped structure laid across the Neckarre River and located right in the historic district of the city.

The old bridge in its present form was built in 1788 under the great Elector Karl Theodor. It became the ninth bridge built on this site. Its style traces the features of the early baroque, it is a continuation of the ancient stone alley leading from the old part of the city to the Mount of Saints. The total length of the structure is 200 meters and the average width is 7 meters.

At present, the high value of the bridge is due not only to its beautiful appearance, but also to its location in the wonderful Neckarr Valley, which offers a magnificent panorama of Heidelberg Castle, which attracts tourists from all over the world. Having visited the Old Bridge, you will get a lot of positive emotions and take great pictures.

Heidelberg Castle is one of the main architectural sights of Germany. Situated in the Neckar valley, it is one of the oldest castles in the country and attracts thousands of tourists with its ruins and magnificent architecture. More than one style can be traced in the decor of the castle - there are Baroque, Gothic, and Renaissance, the contrast between which literally strikes the imagination of visitors.

The history of Heidelberg Castle goes back to the end of the 12th-beginning of the 13th century, the first mention of the castle dates back to this time. For many centuries, the castle was used as the residence of the elector, was besieged and devastated by invaders more than once. The castle suffered the most severe destruction in the 17th century, when from 1633 to 1635 it was besieged by French and Swedish troops, and 60 years later, the troops of Louis XIV almost completely destroyed the castle.

Starting from the 18th century, attempts were repeatedly made to restore the castle in Heidelberg, but each time, due to financial difficulties, the reconstruction was postponed until in 1890 it was decided to leave most of the castle in ruins and restore only the Friedrichsbau Palace. But despite this, the Heidelberg Castle still impresses with its splendor and grandeur, being the pride of Germany, a witness to many pages of its history.

St. Peter's Church

St. Peter's Church is the oldest church in Heidelberg. Today it is a Lutheran church, and in the early years of its existence it belonged to a Catholic parish. The construction of the Peterskirche dates back to the turn of the 12th-13th centuries; a more exact date is not indicated in the historical documents that have survived to this day.

Despite its antiquity, Peterskirche is not always included in tourist routes - its main competitor is the Church of the Holy Spirit located on the main square. But true connoisseurs of ancient architecture know that St. Peter's Church is at least two hundred years older.

For many centuries, St. Peter's Church served as the "court" church of the University of Heidelberg. Under its vaults rest the ashes of many prominent scientists who taught at the university. Sometimes various educational events and public lectures are held here.

Bismarck Tower

In different parts of the world you can find monuments that perpetuate the memory of the famous "Iron Chancellor" Otto von Bismarck, which bear his name. From 1869 to 1934, active construction of such monuments was carried out, about 250 of them were built, and about 170 have survived to this day. Architecturally, the Bismarck towers looked different, as a rule, they were built in different styles. Heidelberg was no exception either - Bismarck's column appeared here too.

The Bismarck Observation Tower was built in 1903 on the southern slope of the Mount of the Holy Spirit, not far from the famous Philosophers' Trail. This is a monumental building, square in plan, made of stone blocks. At the top of the tower, which can be reached by a spiral staircase, there is a cast-iron bowl for lighting a fire. Stylistically, the building is made in the spirit of neoclassicism, and its creator was one of the most famous German architects of the 20th century, Wilhelm Kreis.

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Neuburg Abbey

Neuburg Abbey, located at the foot of the Holy Mountain, dates back to 1130. It was founded by the monks of Lorsch Abbey, one of the largest Benedictine centers at that time. A little less than two centuries later, the small monastery was transformed into a monastery, and from that moment on, active construction began on its territory.

Over the long years of the existence of the monastery, many outstanding thinkers, writers and scientists have visited its walls. The monastery experienced difficult times in the 16th century during the Reformation, when the monastery was closed and restored only at the beginning of the 18th century. The restoration of the monastery was carried out by the Jesuit order, which owned the Neuburg monastery almost until the end of the 1790s. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the monastery again passed to the representatives of the Benedictine order, and remains so to this day.

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How to get to Heidelberg

Heidelberg (Heidelberg) is the fifth largest city in Baden-Württemberg, located on the banks of the Neckar River and surrounded by several hills. Geographically located in the north of the region, in the valley of the river Neckar. Heidelberg is both a major tourist center with many preserved historical sights (the city was not affected by the bombing during the Second World War), and a "university" city, since several large higher education institutions are concentrated here, including the ancient Heidelberg University.

To get to Heidelberg from Moscow (or other cities), you first need to fly to one of the nearest transport hubs in the region - to Stuttgart or Frankfurt, and then by train, bus or taxi directly to Heidelberg. Recently, flights to Karlsruhe were also launched, which are operated by a Russian low-cost company.

How to get from Stuttgart to Heidelberg

The distance between Stuttgart and Heidelberg is approximately 120 km. Heidelberg is located north of Stuttgart. By train, you can get from one city to another in 40 minutes - an hour and a half, depending on the type of train, by taxi in about 2 hours.

By train or bus

Direct trains between Stuttgart and Heidelberg run every half an hour starting at 7.30 am (there are also night trains, but they run less often). The cheapest way to get there is to take the RE (regional) train. In this case, the travel time will take about an hour and a half (stops will be made along the way). The fastest, but also the most expensive way is to take the IC (trans-regional) high-speed train, then the journey time is only about 40 minutes.

To get to Heidelberg from Stuttgart by train, you need to take the S2 and S3 trains from Stuttgart Airport and get to Stuttgart Central Station (trains run from 5 am to midnight, travel time is about 30 minutes), from there transfer to a direct train to Heidelberg. You can check the train schedule at the railway service . Tickets to Heidelberg can be purchased in advance on the website or at the ticket office of the Stuttgart railway station.

Buses from the airport and central station of Stuttgart to Heidelberg start running at 5.45 am. Transportation is carried out by Flixbus, Postbus, Deinbus and others. Travel time is from 2 to 2.5 hours. Buses leave once an hour. The last bus leaves at 23.45 at night.

By taxi

Taxi is a more expensive way to get from city to city than a train, but this method may be relevant in case of a night flight (trains run less often at night), or in case of a large amount of luggage. You can order a taxi at the information desk at Stuttgart Airport or in advance at the transfer service


How to get from Frankfurt to Heidelberg

Heidelberg is located 90 km south of Frankfurt am Main. You can get from Frankfurt Airport to Heidelberg by train or taxi. By rail, travel time will take a little less than an hour, by highway - also a little less than an hour, depending on traffic.

By train or bus

Arriving at Frankfurt Airport, tourists can immediately transfer to rail transport, since there are 2 stations at the airport itself - from one (Regionalbahnhof) trains go to the city to the Frankfurt main railway station, from the other (Fernbahnhof) trains go to different cities in Germany. Thus, from the Fernbahnhof station, you can immediately transfer to the train to Heidelberg, which leaves once an hour, starting at 8 am (trains run less often at night).

The only inconvenience of this method can be considered the need to make a transfer in Mannheim, since there are no direct trains from Frankfurt Airport to Heidelberg, however, the transfer itself, as a rule, does not take much time (about 10-20 minutes), therefore it does not greatly affect the overall duration of the trip. Schedule can be viewed on the railway service .

There is another way to get to Heidelberg - this is to take an electric train at Frankfurt Airport from the Regionalbahnhof station to the central railway station, and from there transfer to a direct train to Heidelberg, which runs once an hour, starting at 6 am (less often at night). Travel time will be a little over an hour, transfers are not required. Tickets to Heidelberg can be purchased in advance online, or at the ticket office of the Frankfurt railway station.

You can take the bus to Heidelberg at the airport or Frankfurt Central Station. The first bus starts running at 04.45 am, the last one departs from the airport at 0.25 am. Flights are operated by various companies, incl. Flixbus, Postbus, BerlinienBus and others. Travel time is from 1.5 hours to 1 hour 50 minutes.

By taxi

Taxi is the more expensive way to get from Frankfurt to Heidelberg. However, this method can be useful if you have an overnight flight to Frankfurt, as trains do not run regularly at night and getting to Heidelberg can be problematic. It will also be more convenient to take a taxi in case of a large amount of luggage. You can order a taxi right at the airport at the information desk in the arrivals terminal, or in advance via the Internet on the transfer ordering website . Travel time will be approximately 50 minutes.

Tobias von der Haar/Heidelberg

Where to stay in Heidelberg

Heidelberg's hotel stock boasts all star categories, but the most common are 3 or 4 star hotels, as well as bed and breakfast hotels without stars, which are great for a 1-night stay in the city.

Leonardo Hotel Heidelberg City Center

The Leonardo Hotel Heidelberg City Center is located in the Bergheim district, within walking distance of the old town. The hotel has its own parking, restaurant and free Wi-Fi throughout. Outside the hotel is an outdoor terrace for relaxation. Comfort or superior rooms have air conditioning, safe, hair dryer, telephone, TV, satellite TV, work desk, coffee / tea set. Breakfasts may be included in the room rate, or may be paid extra depending on the type of room. The hotel received the highest ratings from guests for its location and professionalism of the staff.

The hotel reception is open 24 hours a day. Standard check-in is from 15.00, check-out is until 12.00. You can find out more about the availability and cost of staying at the hotel for specific dates on the booking website

Hotel Goldene Rose 3 stars

The Goldene Rose Hotel is located in the Old Town area, within walking distance of the main attractions of the city. Among the areas where to stay in Heidelberg, the Altstadt area is considered the most convenient for exploring the city. There is also a public transport stop nearby. Parking, free Wi-Fi, a summer terrace - all this is offered to hotel guests. All hotel rooms are divided into standard and "comfort" type. The rooms have everything you need, including a work desk, ironing facilities, TV, radio, telephone, hair dryer. Buffet breakfasts are included in the room rate. The hotel received the best reviews for its location, cleanliness of the rooms and the professionalism of the staff.

Check-in at the hotel is from 14.00, check-out is until 12.00. You can find out more about the availability and cost of staying at the hotel for specific dates on the booking website

Hotel Bayrischer Hof 3 stars

The Bayrischer Hof is located in the city centre, equidistant from the railway station and historical sites. There is a public transport stop next to the hotel. The area where the hotel is located is also great for shopping. The hotel has its own parking, free Wi-Fi throughout, luggage storage. The hotel has rooms of different categories: standard, superior, twin, junior suite. The standard room has a bathroom with hairdryer, telephone, cable TV, mini-bar. Breakfasts in all types of rooms are paid separately.

The best reviews of the hotel are left for the location, the cleanliness of the rooms and the professionalism of the staff. Check-in is from 16.00, check-out is until 10.30. You can find out more about the availability and cost of staying at the hotel for specific dates on the booking website

Hotel Heidelberger Hof 3 stars

The hotel is located in the university district of Heidelberg. The hotel has private parking, a sauna, a fitness room, and you can also rent bicycles. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel. The hotel offers standard, comfort or junior suite rooms. The rooms have TV, safe, work desk, hair dryer, telephone, fan. Breakfast is included in some room types. The hotel receives the best ratings for its location and professionalism of the staff.

Check-in is from 14.00, check-out is until 11.00. You can find out more about the availability and cost of staying at the hotel for specific dates on the booking website


Sights of Heidelberg

The sights of Heidelberg are extremely diverse: these are historical monuments (the central of which is Heidelberg Castle), and cultural (many interesting museums, such as the Palatinate Museum or the Museum of Antiquity, the German Museum of Packaging or the Max Berk Textile Museum), natural (mountains and forests in the area , which are equipped with observation platforms and hiking trails), as well as many park and garden areas.

heidelberg castle

Heidelberg Castle is included in the list of 100 most beautiful places in Germany, and this is no coincidence. A huge architectural complex in the style of German romanticism was built 5 centuries ago and served as a home for royalty. Today, the castle, located at the highest point of the city, rises on the old quarters and makes an indelible impression on the guests and residents of Heidelberg, and the views of the castle are equally attractive both in the daytime and in the evening, when the sun begins to set below the horizon, and at night, when the castle is illuminated by multiple illumination

The castle is open to visitors from 8 am to 6 pm daily, the main view is the exterior, because. The interiors of the castle have not been preserved. Entrance to the castle costs from 6 euros, audio guides - 5 euros (available in Russian).

old bridge

The bridge over the river Neckar was built in the 18th century from sandstone. There are only a few bridges of this type in Europe. From the side of the old city, the bridge is decorated with medieval gates, which are also an independent landmark of the city. In addition, the old bridge is decorated with several sculptural groups, in the center of one is a statue of Prince Karl Theodor (the initiator of the creation of the bridge), in the center of the other is a sculpture of the Roman goddess Minerva. The Old Bridge is completely pedestrian and is part of the longest pedestrian street in Europe. It is through the bridge that you can get to the old part of the city and further to the Heidelberg Castle.

Abhijeet Rane / Heidelberg Castle and Old Bridge

Historical Buildings

Heidelberg is administratively divided into several districts, one of which is Altstadt (literally - "old town"). It is here that the largest number of preserved historical monuments is concentrated. In particular, such historical buildings include the building of the old university (founded in 1386), made in the Baroque style, in which more than 30 thousand students from different parts of the world study at 12 different faculties, the entrance to the university is free and accessible to tourists.

Karlstor, or Karl's Gate, is another well-preserved attraction located in the eastern part of the city. The construction of the gate dates back to 1775, the architectural style is neoclassical, with elements of Romanesque architecture, the gate is decorated with 4 lions, symbolizing the power and power of the former kings.

The City Hall, built in the early 18th century, is a mix of styles. Traditional elements are mixed here with elaborate rococo details, but this does not create the impression of disunity, rather, on the contrary, it demonstrates continuity in art. Such a mixture of styles is typical for many buildings in Europe and is associated with the need for rebuilding and reconstruction. Heidelberg City Hall was last refurbished in the early 20th century.

In the old quarter, some residential buildings are also of interest, for example, the Zum Ritter (“at the knight's”) residential building dates back to 1592 and is considered the oldest residential building that has survived in the city; Of interest is the Kornmarkt square with the statue of the Virgin Mary, St. Peter's Church, the university library, the Hexenturm tower and others.


City squares, Botanical garden, zoo

The city has preserved several beautiful old squares at once, which are perfect for tourist walks surrounded by historical buildings - these are Bismarkplatz, Karlsplatz, Marktplatz, and university square. In addition to urban landscapes, the city is ready to offer several landscaped park areas. These, in particular, include the Botanical Gardens (on the territory of Heidelberg University). The Heidelberg Gardens are considered the oldest botanical gardens in Germany (founded in 1593). It has unique collections of plants and flowers that grow in different ecosystems, such as upper swamps, alpine meadows, wooded dunes or vineyards.

The zoo in Heidelberg was built relatively recently, but has already managed to gain fame thanks to the collection of animals living in the zoo. These are lions, and tigers, and brown bears, and pandas, and giant tortoises. Also on the territory of the zoo there is a zone for feeding fur seals, and there is also a separate zone where elephants live. The zoo is organized in such a way that there is a lot of entertainment for children, and there are also places for outdoor picnics. The zoo is open daily from 9 am to 7 pm, the entrance fee is 10 euros for adults and 5 euros for children. The Heidelberg Zoo is made in the image and likeness of the zoos in Stuttgart and Munich, but in a smaller size.

What to see in the surroundings

Heidelberg is famous not only for its attractions inside the city, but also for its landscapes in the surrounding area. Around the city there are many hiking trails that allow you to see the city from a height from specially organized viewing platforms. For those who do not want to climb the mountain on foot, there is a funicular. In addition to nature, the surroundings of Heidelberg can also be found in several picturesque small towns, which are famous for their sights and atmosphere. These, in particular, include Kirchheim, Ziegelhausen, Rohrbach, but the palace and park complex in Schwetzingen deserves special attention.

Observation decks and funicular lift

Around Heidelberg there are several natural observation platforms at once, this is due to the fact that Heidelberg is located in a valley. The most famous places for viewing the city from top to bottom are Mount Heiligenberg, Mount Königstuhl and Mount Molkencourt.

Heiligenberg is located on the north side of the city, its height is approximately 440 meters. At the top of the mountain are the ruins of St. Stephen's Abbey, and this is another reason to climb Heiligenberg. In addition, on the neighboring peak you can also find the ruins of another abbey - the abbey of Saint Michel. Both points offer picturesque views of the Neckar valley.

Königstuhl has a height of 568 meters, from here you can see not only Heidelberg, but also the entire Neckar valley and even partly the Rhine valley. In addition to the observation deck, you can also find a family theme park and an observatory here.

The Molkencourt mountain, which is located just below the Königstuhl, also offers breathtaking views of Heidelberg and the valley. In addition, you can not only visit here during a sightseeing walk, but also stay longer, since there is hotel with terrace view and a restaurant surrounded by a picturesque forest.

The Heidelberg funicular travels along its route to all the most interesting places in the city. Starting at the Kornmarkt, the carriages pass the Heidelberg Castle station and then climb Mount Molkenkur. Further, if you wish, you can stay here, or you can climb even higher - to Mount Königshtul, but on another funicular. The fare on the lower funicular is 7 euros, the fare along the entire route, including Mount Königstuhl, is 12 euros. In summer, the funicular operates from 9 am to 8 pm (wagons depart every 20 minutes). In winter, the funicular operates until 5 pm. Cable cars and funiculars in the Black Forest are not uncommon, this is the most convenient way to see the local mountains.

Sebastian Müller/Heidelberg

Trail of Philosophers

Since the city is considered "university", it is not surprising that the hiking trail around Heidelberg was also named poetically, and the name itself is associated with education. The Philosophers' Trail passes through the surroundings of Heidelberg, revealing the best landscapes of the city and the Neckar valley. Many sites along the route were named after various philosophers - Eichendorff, Merian, Holderlin.

In addition, during the route you can also visit the "Gardens of the Philosophers" - this is the name of the botanical gardens located on the hills of the valley. Since the climate of Heidelberg is close in its properties to Italian Tuscany, many heat-loving plants have perfectly taken root here - Japanese sakura, cypresses, lemons, bamboos, rhododendrons, gingko and much more. The landscape garden has collected so many interesting flora that it has become a tourist attraction in its own right.

The small but picturesque town of Schwetzingen is located 8 km from Heidelberg. It is famous, first of all, for its palace and park complex, the appearance of which dates back to the 14th century. Previously, the residence of the rulers of the German lands was located here, the palace reached its peak during the reign of Prince Karl Theodor, at the same time, extensive (70 hectares) park areas around the palace were designed.

Part of the park area is made in the traditional English style, while the garden of the palace was made in the Baroque style. There are more than 100 different sculptures on the territory of the park, in addition, several interesting architectural structures are located here at once - the temple of Apollo, a summer house, the design of which resembles small Italian villas, and, you will be surprised, here you can even find a small mosque with minarets, decorated with oriental ornaments and made in the late baroque style (the mosque never served religious purposes).

Inside the palace, you can also find a lot of interesting things, since the original interiors have been preserved here. Of particular note is the Rococo Theatre, which can be found in the north wing of the palace. Inside the palace, you can only move around with organized tours, which are held daily from 11 cheers to 4 pm (on weekends - until 5 pm). The cost of the tour is from 10 euros.

Entrance to the gardens can be independent (without a tour), the entrance fee is from 6 euros. The gardens are open from 9 am to 8 pm in summer and until 5 pm in winter. If you are attracted by visiting the "palace" cities, then the towns of Rastatt near Karlsruhe and Ludwigsburg, located near Stuttgart, will seem no less interesting to you.

Francois Philipp/Schwetzingen

Date and almond trees can not be found in all German cities. Heidelberg is located in one of the warmest regions of the country. That is why medal, date, and olive trees grow here. Among the cities of Baden-Württemberg, one of the sixteen federal states of Germany, Heidelberg ranks fifth. About 150 thousand people live in it. The sights of Heidelberg are described in the article.


In historiography there is such a term as "Heidelberg man". It is used when it comes to people who lived on the territory of modern Europe several hundred thousand years ago. Their remains were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century near the city in question, near the village of Mauer (a commune in Germany).

Heidelberg as a city is mentioned for the first time in documents that date back to 1196, namely in the records of one of the monks of Schönau. True, most of the districts of the city in those days were uninhabited.

As a fortress in Germany, Heidelberg was mentioned for the first time in 1225. A university was founded here 150 years later. In the Middle Ages, Heidelberg in Germany served as the residence of the counts of the Palatinate.

XVII-XVIII centuries

In modern times, several important battles took place on the territory of Heidelberg. During the Thirty Years' War, Imperial Field Marshal Count Tilly captured the city. He took possession of the Palatine Library - one of the sights of Heidelberg.

Germany in the 17th century was not a strong state with a single culture. Residents of different lands hardly understood each other. The situation in the country worsened due to constant military conflicts. During one of them, the War of the Grand Alliance, Heidelberg was conquered by the French.

What to see in Germany? In Heidelberg, as in many German cities, despite the destruction of World War II, many interesting historical buildings have been preserved. One of them is an old castle, which was partially blown up by the French back in 1693. This historical monument is described in more detail below.

In the 18th century, the seat of the Electors was moved to Mannheim. Heidelberg lost its political significance. Interest in this city revived only in the XIX century.

In the German economy, Heidelberg, whose photo is presented in this article, is not the last. Several large enterprises are located here. This city is home to Heidelberg University, whose history begins at the end of the 14th century.

How to get to the city of Heidelberg

There are several air transport hubs in Germany. The closest to Heidelberg are Stuttgart and Frankfurt. From Moscow, they usually get by plane through these cities. Buses run from there to Heidelberg. You can also get from Stuttgart or Frankfurt by taxi. The distance from Stuttgart to Heidelberg is 120 km. You can also get from one city to another by train. The road will take about an hour and a half.

The distance from Frankfurt to Heidelberg is 97 km. You can also get from the airport by train. Travel time is just under an hour. The stations are located in the airport building itself. There are no direct routes to Heidelberg. You need to take the train from the station "Fernbanhof" (Fernbahnhof) to Mannheim, and then make a transfer. They depart at hourly intervals (less often at night).

Buses run to Heidelberg from Frankfurt Central Station. The first leaves at five o'clock in the morning. Travel time - 1.5 hours. You can also get there by taxi. Such a trip will cost about 160 euros (11.5 thousand rubles).

Education and medicine

Heidelberg clinics (Germany) are known throughout Europe. It is home to the Cancer Research Center, one of the world's largest molecular biology laboratories. The Heidelberg University Hospital specializes in the treatment of oncological diseases, conventional and adjuvant chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation, and psycho-oncology.

There are several educational institutions in the city. The most famous is Heidelberg University. In 1969, the Heidelberg University College was founded. Other educational institutions of the city are the Pedagogical Institute, the Institute of Church Music, the Institute of Jewish Culture and Religion.


The cultural life of Heidelberg is determined by the presence of large universities. There are many entertainment centers and nightclubs. In short, the infrastructure of the city is focused primarily on students. One of the most famous cultural centers of the city is located in the Heidelberg-Altstadt station building. But of course, there is something to see here for lovers of art and antiquity.

This German city has eleven theaters and more than twenty museums. Among the architectural monuments, one should first of all mention the aforementioned castle, which has long become the main symbol of the city, as well as the Old Bridge, the Church of the Holy Spirit.

Other sights of Heidelberg: University Library, Knight's Hotel, Neuburg Abbey, Mount Heiligenberg, Observatory on Mount Koenigstuhl, Providence Church, Kurpfalz and Ethnographic Museums, House Museum Music festivals and fairs are held annually in the vicinity of the city.

heidelberg castle

The building was first mentioned in documents in 1225. In the XIV century, on the site of the Heidelberg Castle, there were two small fortresses - the upper and lower. At the end of the 17th century, the castle was attacked several times by the troops of King Louis XIV. In 1693 the French turned it into ruins.

For almost a hundred years, the castle was in a dilapidated state, although several attempts were made to restore it. They wanted to demolish the building, and use the building material in the construction of a palace in the Neckar valley. In the 18th century, Heidelberg Castle lost its significance.

For a long time, the authorities saw in this building "the old ruins of many collapsed and tasteless ornaments." The opponent of this point of view was Count Charles de Gremberg. He came to Heidelberg at the beginning of the 19th century and spent more than 50 years here, devoting almost his entire life to looking after the ruined castle. It was the count who published the first guide to this historic building, which ultimately attracted the attention of tourists.

The question of the restoration of the castle was discussed for a long time. In 1890 a restoration project was prepared. But the castle was not restored - it turned out to be impossible. However, it was possible to strengthen the remaining parts of it. The reconstruction was carried out at the beginning of the 20th century and cost 520 marks.

In Heidelberg Castle at different times there were such celebrities as Frederick V, Martin Luther, Victor Hugo, Mark Twain. The railroad was built in 1840. Since then, Heidelberg Castle has become one of Germany's famous landmarks. There are tourists not only from Europe, but also from Japan and the USA. The main attraction of the castle is the terrace, which offers a beautiful view of the city and part of the Upper Rhine Lowland.

Church of the Holy Spirit

It is the largest and most significant temple in the city. The Church of the Holy Spirit is located in the historic district of Heidelberg, in the middle of the Market Square, near the castle. The building is designed in the Gothic style. At the same time, the roofs were restored in the 17th century, and therefore they are an example of Baroque architecture.

The church was built of hewn sandstone, a material quarried on the banks of the Neckar River. For some time the building was a chapel and belonged to the Peterskirche. However, since its founding, it has been associated with the university and its door has been used as the university's bulletin board. For the first time this temple is mentioned in the documents of 1299.

Neuburg Abbey

The exact date of foundation of this Catholic monastery is unknown. It was built around the beginning of the 12th century. In 1144, Pope Lucius II took over Neuburg Abbey. At the end of the 12th century, the monastery turned from a male monastery into a female one.

Under the influence of the Reformation, the abbey joined the Cistercians. For a long time the building was in a deplorable state. By the end of the 15th century, the number of nuns did not exceed twenty. The situation changed for the better in the 18th century. The building has been renovated. There was a shelter for the poor.

Neuburg acquired its modern look in the seventies of the XVIII century. Today the monastery is active, and since 1926 it has been male again. True, there are not many monks here. As of 2013, there are only fourteen. On the territory of the abbey there are cattle breeding and fishing farms, a brewery.

heidelberg observatory

The first observatory in Baden-Württemberg was opened in 1774. She was based in Mannheim. In 1880, it was transferred to Karlsruhe, and then to Heidelberg, on Königstuhl.

The grand opening of the new observatory took place in June 1898. Today it includes two departments - astrometric and astrophysical. The main activity of this institution is the search for asteroids and the study of nebulae.

Mannheim Film Festival - Heidelberg

As already mentioned, various world-class events are held in the vicinity of the city. The Mannheim-Heidelberg Film Festival is the second most important film festival in Germany. The first belongs to Berlin.

The festival has been held since 1952. Directors, adherents of auteur cinema, participate in the competition. This festival once hosted the premieres of paintings by Francois Truffaut, Atom Egoyan, Jim Jarmusch, Thomas Vinterberg.

Festival at Heidelberg Castle

The event is held, despite the name, not within the walls of the main attraction of the city, but in the open air. This is the most important theater festival in Baden-Württemberg. Held on the castle grounds every summer.

The history of the action begins in 1926. At the opening, the premiere of a play based on Shakespeare's play took place. The performance was a success with the audience. The following year, Gerhard Hauptmann and Thomas Mann attended the gala as guests of honor. Today the Heidelberg Castle Festival is one of the most important events in the German theater world.