Artistic style definition for. Artistic style of speech, its distinctive features and main properties

The stylistic stratification of speech is its characteristic feature. This stratification is based on several factors, of which the main one is the sphere of communication. The sphere of individual consciousness - everyday life - and the informal environment associated with it give rise to a colloquial style, the spheres of public consciousness, with their attendant formality, feed book styles.

The difference in the communicative function of language is also significant. For the presenter is for book styles - the message function.

Among book styles, the artistic style of speech stands out. So, his language is not only (and maybe not so much) but also a means of influencing people.

The artist generalizes his observations with the help of a specific image, by skillful selection of expressive details. He shows, draws, depicts the subject of speech. But you can show, draw only what is visible, concrete. Therefore, the requirement of concreteness is the main feature of the artistic style. However, a good artist will never describe, say, a spring forest directly, so to speak, head-on, in the manner of science. He will select a few strokes, expressive details for his image, and with their help he will create a visible image, a picture.

Speaking about figurativeness as a leading stylistic feature of artistic speech, one should distinguish between “an image in a word”, i.e. figurative meanings of words, and "image through words". Only by combining both, we get the artistic style of speech.

In addition, the artistic style of speech has the following characteristic features:

1. Scope of use: works of art.

2. Tasks of speech: create a living picture depicting what the story is about; convey to the reader the emotions and feelings experienced by the author.

3. Characteristic features of the artistic style of speech. The expression is basically:

Figurative (expressive and lively);

Specific (this person is described, and not people, in general);


Specific words: not animals, but wolves, foxes, deer and others; did not look, but paid attention, looked.

Often words are used in a figurative sense: the ocean of smiles, the sun sleeps.

The use of emotional-evaluative words: a) having diminutive suffixes: bucket, swallow, little white; b) with the suffix -evat- (-ovat-): loose, reddish.

The use of perfective verbs with the prefix for-, denoting the beginning of the action (the orchestra played).

Use of present tense verbs instead of past tense verbs (Went to school, suddenly I see ...).

The use of interrogative, motivating, exclamatory sentences.

The use of sentences with homogeneous members in the text.

Speeches can be found in any fiction book:

She shone with forged damask steel

The rivers are a cold stream.

Don was terrible

horses snored,

And the backwater foamed with blood ... (V. Fetisov)

Quiet and blissful December night. The village slumbers peacefully, and the stars, like guards, vigilantly and vigilantly watch that there is harmony on earth, so that troubles and strife, God forbid, do not disturb unsteady consent, do not move people to new quarrels - the Russian side is already well fed with them ( A. Ustenko).


It is necessary to be able to distinguish between the artistic style of speech and the language of a work of art. In it, the writer resorts to various functional styles, using language as a means of speech characterization of the hero. Most often, the conversational style of speech is reflected in the replicas of the characters, but if the task of creating an artistic image requires it, the writer can use both scientific and business in the character’s speech, and Non-distinguishing between the concepts of “artistic style of speech” and “language of a work of art” leads to the perception of any passage from a work of art as an example of the artistic style of speech, which is a gross mistake.

Fiction style

Art style- functional style of speech, which is used in fiction. In this style, it affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality of speech.

In a work of art, the word not only carries certain information, but also serves to aesthetically influence the reader with the help of artistic images. The brighter and more truthful the image, the stronger it affects the reader.

In their works, writers use, when necessary, not only words and forms of the literary language, but also obsolete dialect and vernacular words.

The means of artistic expression are varied and numerous. These are tropes: comparisons, personifications, allegory, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, etc. And stylistic figures: epithet, hyperbole, litote, anaphora, epiphora, gradation, parallelism, rhetorical question, omission, etc.

Fiction is characterized by a concrete-figurative representation of life, in contrast to the abstract, objective, logical-conceptual reflection of reality in scientific speech. A work of art is characterized by the perception through feelings and the re-creation of reality, the author seeks, first of all, to convey his personal experience, his understanding or understanding of a particular phenomenon. But in a literary text, we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, and the like. This is associated with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphorical, meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.

The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs a nominative-figurative function. The words that form the basis of this style primarily include figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of uses. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity in describing certain aspects of life.

In the artistic style of speech, the speech polysemy of the word is widely used, which opens up additional meanings and semantic shades in it, as well as synonymy at all language levels, which makes it possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meanings. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the richness of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of figurative means from colloquial speech and vernacular.

The emotionality and expressiveness of the image comes to the fore in the artistic text. Many words that in scientific speech act as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech carry concrete sensory representations. Thus, the styles functionally complement each other. For example, the adjective lead in scientific speech realizes its direct meaning (lead ore, lead bullet), and in artistic speech it forms an expressive metaphor (lead clouds, lead noz, lead waves). Therefore, in artistic speech, phrases play an important role, which create a certain figurative representation.

Artistic speech, especially poetic speech, is characterized by inversion, i.e. a change in the usual word order in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of a word, or to give the whole phrase a special stylistic coloring. An example of inversion is the well-known line from A. Akhmatova's poem "Everything I see is hilly Pavlovsk ..." Variants of the author's word order are diverse, subject to a common plan. But all these deviations in the text serve the law of artistic necessity.

6. Aristotle on six qualities of "good speech"

The term "rhetoric" (Greek Retorike), "oratory" (Latin orator, orare - to speak), "vitia" (obsolete, Old Slavonic), "eloquence" (Russian) are synonymous.

Rhetoric - a special science of the laws of "invention, arrangement and expression of thoughts in speech." Its modern interpretation is the theory of persuasive communication.

Aristotle defined rhetoric as the ability to find possible beliefs about any given subject, as the art of persuasion, which uses the possible and probable in cases where real certainty is insufficient. The point of rhetoric is not to convince, but in each given case to find ways of persuasion.

Oratory is understood as a high degree of skill in public speaking, a qualitative characteristic of oratory, skillful use of the word.

Eloquence in the dictionary of the living Great Russian language by V. Dahl is defined as eloquence, science and the ability to speak and write beautifully, convincingly and captivatingly.

Corax, who in the fifth century BC. opened a school of eloquence in Syrocusa and wrote the first textbook of rhetoric, defined eloquence as follows: eloquence is the servant of persuasion. Comparing the above concepts “rhetoric”, “oratory”, “eloquence”, we find that they are united by the idea of ​​persuasion.

Aesthetics and self-expression of the orator in oratory, the ability and ability to speak in a captivating manner inherent in eloquence, as well as the scientific laws of rhetoric, all serve one purpose - to convince. And these three concepts of "rhetoric", "oratory" and "eloquence" differ in different accents that emphasize their content.

Oratory emphasizes the aesthetics, self-expression of the author, in eloquence - the ability and ability to speak in a fascinating way, and in rhetoric - the scientific nature of principles and laws.

Rhetoric as a science and academic discipline has existed for thousands of years. At different times, different content was invested in it. It was considered both as a special genre of literature, and as a mastery of any kind of speech (oral and written), and as a science and art of oral speech.

Rhetoric, as the art of speaking well, needed an aesthetic assimilation of the world, an idea of ​​the elegant and the clumsy, the beautiful and the ugly, the beautiful and the ugly. The origins of rhetoric were an actor, a dancer, a singer who delighted and convinced people with their art.

At the same time, rhetoric was based on rational knowledge, on the difference between the real and the unreal, the real from the imaginary, the true from the false. A logician, a philosopher, a scientist participated in the creation of rhetoric. In the very formation of rhetoric, there was also a third principle; it united both types of knowledge: aesthetic and scientific. Ethics was such a beginning.

So the rhetoric was triune. It was the art of persuading with the word, the science of the art of persuading with the word, and the process of persuasion based on moral principles.

Even in antiquity, two main trends developed in rhetoric. The first, coming from Aristotle, connected rhetoric with logic and suggested that persuasive, effective speech be considered good speech. At the same time, efficiency also came down to persuasiveness, the ability of speech to win recognition (consent, sympathy, sympathy) of listeners, to make them act in a certain way. Aristotle defined rhetoric as "the ability to find possible ways of persuading about any given subject."

The second direction also arose in Dr. Greece. Among its founders are m Socrates and other rhetors. Its representatives were inclined to consider richly decorated, magnificent speech, built according to aesthetic canons, to be good. Persuasiveness continued to matter, but was not the only and not the main criterion for evaluating speech. Therefore, the direction in rhetoric, originating from Aristotle, can be called "logical", and from Socrates - literary.

The doctrine of the culture of speech originated in ancient Greece within the framework of rhetoric as a doctrine of the merits and demerits of speech. In rhetorical treatises, prescriptions were given for what speech should be and what should be avoided in it. These papers provided guidance on how to correctness, purity, clarity, accuracy, consistency and expressiveness of speech, as well as advice on how to achieve this. In addition, even Aristotle urged not to forget about the addressee of the speech: "Speech consists of three elements: the speaker himself, the subject he speaks about, and the person to whom he refers and which is, in fact, the ultimate goal of everything." Thus, Aristotle and other rhetoricians drew the attention of readers to the fact that rhetorical heights, the art of speech can be achieved only on the basis of mastering the basics of speech skill.

Try to write a comment in book style!!!

Greetings, dear readers! Pavel Yamb is in touch. A captivating plot, an interesting presentation, an inimitable, unlike anything style - and it is impossible to tear yourself away from the work. By all indications, this is an artistic style of the text or a kind of book style, since it is most often used in literature, for writing books. It mostly exists in written form. This is the reason for its features.

There are three genres:

  • Prose: story, fairy tale, novel, story, short story.
  • Dramaturgy: play, comedy, drama, farce.
  • Poetry: poem, poem, song, ode, elegy.

Who hasn't done it yet? Leave any comment and download my book, which contains a fable, a parable and a story about copywriters and writers. Look at my art style.

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  1. Task 1 of 10

    1 .

    - Yes, he drank the entire scholarship. Instead of buying a “computer” for yourself a new one, or at least a “laptop”

  2. Task 2 of 10

    2 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    "Varenka, such a sweet, good-natured and sympathetic girl, whose eyes always shone with kindness and warmth, with a calm look of a real demon, walked to the Ugly Harry bar with a Thompson machine gun at the ready, ready to roll these vile, dirty, smelly and slippery types into the asphalt, who dared stare at her charms and drool lewdly."

  3. Task 3 of 10

    3 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    “But I don’t love him, I don’t love him, that’s all!” And I will never love. And what am I to blame?

  4. Task 4 of 10

    4 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    “Based on the results of the experiment, we can conclude that simplicity is the key to success”

  5. Task 5 of 10

    5 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    “The transition to a multi-tier architecture of Internet-oriented client-server applications has presented developers with the problem of distributing data processing functions between the client and server parts of the application.”

  6. Task 6 of 10

    6 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    "Yasha was just a petty dirty trickster, who, nevertheless, had a very great potential. Even in his pink childhood, he masterfully poked apples from Aunt Nyura, and not even twenty years had passed, when he switched to banks in twenty-three countries of the world, and managed to clean them so skillfully that neither the police nor Interpol could ever catch him red-handed. "

  7. Task 7 of 10

    7 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    “Why did you come to our monastery? - he asked.

    - What do you care, get out of the way! the stranger snapped.

    “Uuuu…” the monk pointedly drawled. Looks like you weren't taught manners. Okay, I'm in the mood today, I'll teach you some lessons.

    - You got me, monk, angard! hissed the uninvited guest.

    “My blood is starting to play!” the churchman groaned with delight, “Please try not to disappoint me.”

  8. Task 8 of 10

    8 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    "I ask you to grant me a week's leave to travel abroad for family reasons. I enclose my wife's health certificate. October 8, 2012."

  9. Task 9 of 10

    9 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    “I am a student of the 7th grade, I took the book “Alice in Wonderland” from the school library for a literature lesson. I promise to return it on January 17th. January 11, 2017"

  10. Task 10 of 10

    10 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    “During the war in 45 out of 77 houses survived in Borovoye. Collective farmers had 4 cows, 3 heifers, 13 sheep, 3 pigs. Most of the gardens on household plots, as well as an orchard with a total area of ​​2.7 hectares, belonging to the Krasnaya Zarya collective farm, were cut down. The damage caused by the German fascist invaders to the property of the collective farm and collective farmers is estimated at approximately 230,700 rubles.

The ability to write in this style gives a good advantage when making money writing articles for a content exchange.

The main features of the artistic style

High emotionality, the use of direct speech, an abundance of epithets, metaphors, colorful narration are features of the literary language. Texts act on the imagination of readers, "turning on" their fantasy. It is no coincidence that such articles have gained popularity in copywriting.

Main features:

Artistic style is a way of self-expression of the author, so they write plays, poems and poems, novels, stories, novels. He is not like the others.

  • Author and narrator are the same person. In the work, the author's "I" is expressed clearly.
  • Emotions, the mood of the author and the work are conveyed with the help of all the richness of the means of the language. Metaphors, comparisons, phraseological units are always used when writing.
  • Elements of colloquial style and journalism are used to express the author's style.
  • With the help of words, artistic images are not just drawn, they have a hidden meaning, thanks to the ambiguity of speech.
  • The main task of the text is to convey the author's emotions, to create the appropriate mood in the reader.

The art style does not tell, it shows: the reader feels the situation, as if transported to the places that are being narrated. The mood is created thanks to the author's experiences. The artistic style successfully combines explanations of scientific facts, and imagery, and attitude to what is happening, the author's assessment of events.

Language diversity of style

Compared to other styles, language means are used in all their diversity. There are no restrictions: even scientific terms alone can create vivid images if there is an appropriate emotional mood.

It is clear and easy to read the work, and the use of other styles is only to create color and authenticity. But when writing articles in an artistic style, you will have to carefully monitor the language: it is the book language that is recognized as a reflection of the literary language.

Language features:

  • Using elements of all styles.
  • The use of language means is completely subordinated to the author's intention.
  • Language means perform an aesthetic function.

There is no officiality and dryness here. There are no value judgments. But the smallest details are conveyed to create the appropriate mood for the reader. In copywriting, thanks to the artistic style, hypnotic texts appeared. They create an amazing effect: it is impossible to tear yourself away from reading, and reactions arise that the author wants to evoke.

Mandatory elements of the artistic style are:

  • Transfer of author's feelings.
  • Allegory.
  • Inversion.
  • Epithets.
  • Comparisons.

Consider the main features of the style. Artwork has a lot of detail.

To form the reader's attitude to the characters or what is happening, the author conveys his own feelings. Moreover, his attitude can be both positive and negative.

Artistic style owes saturation of vocabulary to epithets. Usually these are phrases where one or more words complement each other: unspeakably happy, brutal appetite.

Brightness and imagery are a function of metaphors, combinations of words or individual words used in a figurative sense. Classical metaphors were especially widely used. Example: His conscience gnawed at him for a long time and insidiously, from which cats scratched his soul.

Without comparison, artistic style would not exist. They bring a special atmosphere: hungry like a wolf, unapproachable like a rock - these are examples of comparisons.

Borrowing elements of other styles is most often expressed in direct speech, dialogues of characters. The author can use any style, but the most popular is colloquial. Example:

“How beautiful this landscape is,” the writer said thoughtfully.

“Well, really,” his companion snorted, “so-so picture, not even ice.

To strengthen a passage or give a special color, reverse word order or inversion is used. Example: It is out of place to compete with stupidity.

The best in language, its strongest possibilities and beauty are reflected in literary works. This is achieved through artistic means.

Each author has their own style of writing. Not a single random word is used. Each phrase, each punctuation mark, the construction of sentences, the use or, on the contrary, the absence of names and the frequency of the use of parts of speech are means of achieving the author's intention. And every writer has his own way of expressing himself.

One of the features of the artistic style is color painting. The writer uses color as a way to show the atmosphere, to characterize the characters. The palette of tones helps to dive deep into the work, to present the picture depicted by the author more clearly.

The peculiarities of the style include intentionally the same construction of sentences, rhetorical questions, appeals. Rhetorical questions are interrogative in form, but they are narrative in essence. The messages in them are always associated with the expression of the author's emotions:

What is he looking for in a distant country?

What did he throw in his native land?

(M. Lermontov)

Such questions are needed not to get answers, but to draw the reader's attention to a phenomenon, subject, expression of a statement.

Appeals are often used. In their role, the writer uses proper names, animal names and even inanimate objects. If in a colloquial style the appeal serves to name the addressee, then in the artistic style they often play an emotional, metaphorical role.

It involves both all the elements at the same time, and some of them. Everyone has a certain role, but the goal is common: filling the text with colors to maximize the transmission of the transmitted atmosphere to the reader.

Features of speech

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The world of fiction is the world that the author sees: his admiration, preferences, rejection. This is what causes the emotionality and diversity of the book style.

Vocabulary features:

  1. When writing, template phrases are not used.
  2. The words are often used in a figurative sense.
  3. Intentional mix of styles.
  4. The words are emotional.

The basis of vocabulary, first of all, is figurative means. Highly specialized combinations of words are used only slightly, to recreate a reliable situation in the description.

Additional semantic shades - the use of polysemantic words and synonyms. Thanks to them, an author's, unique, figurative text is formed. Moreover, not only expressions accepted in the literature are used, but also colloquial phrases, vernacular.

The main thing in book styles is its imagery. Every element, every sound matters. Therefore, unhackneyed phrases, author's neologisms, for example, "nikudizm" are used. A huge number of comparisons, special accuracy in describing the smallest details, the use of rhymes. Rhythmic even prose.

If the main task of the conversational style is communication, and the scientific one is the transfer of information, the book ones are designed to have an emotional impact on the reader. And all language means used by the author serve to achieve this goal.

Appointment and its tasks

Artistic style is the building material for creating a work. Only the author is able to find the right words for the correct expression of thought, the transfer of the plot and characters. Only a writer can make readers enter the special world he created and empathize with the characters.

The literary style distinguishes the author from the rest, gives his publications a peculiarity, zest. Therefore, it is important to choose the right style for yourself. Each style has characteristic features, but each writer uses them to create his own handwriting. And it is absolutely not necessary to copy the classic writers if you like it. He will not become his own, but will only turn publications into parodies.

And the reason is that individuality has been and remains at the head of the book style. Choosing your own style is very difficult, but this is what is valued above all. So the main features of the style include sincerity, which makes readers not tear themselves away from the work.

Artistic differs from other styles in the use of linguistic means of other styles. But only for aesthetic purposes. And not the styles themselves, but their features, elements. Literary and non-literary means are used: dialect words, jargon. All the richness of speech is necessary to express the author's intention, to create a work.

Imagery, expressiveness, emotionality are the main things in book styles. But without the author's individuality and special presentation, there would be no artistic as a whole.

No need to get carried away without measure by colloquial style or include scientific terms in the text: only elements of styles are used, but all styles are not mindlessly mixed. Yes, and a description of the smallest details of the apartment, which the main character glanced at, is also useless.

Vernacular, jargon, mixing styles - everything should be in moderation. And the text written from the heart, not compressed and not stretched, will become hypnotic, attracting attention to itself. For this purpose, and serves as an artistic style.

Pavel Yamb was with you. See you!

The literary and artistic style serves the artistic and aesthetic sphere of human activity. Artistic style is a functional style of speech that is used in fiction. The text in this style affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality, and concreteness of speech. The emotionality of the artistic style differs significantly from the emotionality of the colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style involves a preliminary selection of language means; all language means are used to create images. A distinctive feature of the artistic style of speech is the use of special figures of speech, the so-called artistic tropes, which give color to the narrative, the power of depicting reality. The function of the message is connected with the function of aesthetic impact, the presence of imagery, the totality of the most diverse means of language, both general language and individual author's, but the basis of this style is general literary language means. Characteristic features: the presence of homogeneous members of the proposal, complex sentences; epithets, comparisons, rich vocabulary.

Substyles and genres:

1) prosaic (epic): fairy tale, story, story, novel, essay, short story, essay, feuilleton;

2) dramatic: tragedy, drama, comedy, farce, tragicomedy;

3) poetic (lyric): song, ode, ballad, poem, elegy, poem: sonnet, triolet, quatrain.

Style-forming features:

1) figurative reflection of reality;

2) artistic-figurative concretization of the author's intention (a system of artistic images);

3) emotionality;

4) expressiveness, appraisal;

6) speech characteristics of characters (speech portraits).

General linguistic features of the literary and artistic style:

1) a combination of language tools of all other functional styles;

2) the subordination of the use of language means in the system of images and the intention of the author, figurative thought;

3) the performance of the aesthetic function by language means.

Language means of artistic style:

1. Lexical means:

1) rejection of template words and expressions;

2) the widespread use of words in a figurative sense;

3) intentional clash of different styles of vocabulary;

4) the use of vocabulary with a two-dimensional stylistic coloring;

5) the presence of emotionally colored words.

2. Phraseological means- colloquial and literary character.

3. Word-forming means:

1) the use of various means and models of word formation;

4. Morphological means:

1) the use of word forms in which the category of concreteness is manifested;

2) frequency of verbs;

3) passivity of indefinite personal forms of verbs, forms of the 3rd person;

4) insignificant use of neuter nouns compared to masculine and feminine nouns;

5) plural forms of abstract and material nouns;

6) wide use of adjectives and adverbs.

5. Syntactic means:

1) the use of the entire arsenal of syntactic means available in the language;

2) wide use of stylistic figures.

8. The main features of the conversational style.

Features of conversational style

Conversational style - a style of speech that has the following features:

used in conversations with familiar people in a relaxed atmosphere;

the task is to exchange impressions (communication);

the statement is usually laid-back, lively, free in the choice of words and expressions, it usually reveals the author's attitude to the subject of speech and the interlocutor;

characteristic language means include: colloquial words and expressions, emotionally - evaluative means, in particular with suffixes - points-, - enk-. - ik-, - k-, - ovate-. - evat-, perfective verbs with a prefix for - with the meaning of the beginning of the action, treatment;

incentive, interrogative, exclamatory sentences.

opposed to book styles in general;

the function of communication is inherent;

forms a system that has its own characteristics in phonetics, phraseology, vocabulary, syntax. For example: phraseology - running away with the help of vodka and drugs is not fashionable now. Vocabulary - buzz, in an embrace with a computer, climb into the Internet.

Spoken language is a functional variety of the literary language. It performs the functions of communication and influence. Colloquial speech serves such a sphere of communication, which is characterized by the informality of relations between the participants and the ease of communication. It is used in everyday situations, family situations, at informal meetings, meetings, informal anniversaries, celebrations, friendly feasts, meetings, during confidential conversations between colleagues, a boss with a subordinate, etc.

The topics of colloquial speech are determined by the needs of communication. They can vary from narrow everyday to professional, industrial, moral and ethical, philosophical, etc.

An important feature of colloquial speech is its unpreparedness, spontaneity (Latin spontaneus - spontaneous). The speaker creates, creates his speech immediately "clean". As the researchers note, linguistic conversational features are often not realized, not fixed by consciousness. Therefore, often when native speakers are presented with their own colloquial statements for normative assessment, they evaluate them as erroneous.

The following characteristic feature of colloquial speech: - the direct nature of the speech act, that is, it is realized only with the direct participation of the speakers, regardless of the form in which it is realized - in dialogical or monologue. The activity of the participants is confirmed by utterances, replicas, interjections, and simply sounds made.

The structure and content of colloquial speech, the choice of verbal and non-verbal means of communication are greatly influenced by extralinguistic (extralinguistic) factors: the personality of the addresser (speaker) and addressee (listener), the degree of their acquaintance and proximity, background knowledge (the general stock of knowledge of the speakers), speech situation (the context of the statement). For example, to the question "Well, how?" depending on the specific circumstances, the answers can be very different: "Five", "Met", "I got it", "Lost", "Unanimously". Sometimes, instead of a verbal answer, it is enough to make a gesture with your hand, give your face the right expression - and the interlocutor understands what the partner wanted to say. Thus, the extralinguistic situation becomes an integral part of communication. Without knowledge of this situation, the meaning of the statement may be incomprehensible. Gestures and facial expressions also play an important role in colloquial speech.

Spoken speech is uncodified speech, the norms and rules of its functioning are not fixed in various dictionaries and grammars. She is not so strict in observing the norms of the literary language. It actively uses forms that qualify in dictionaries as colloquial. “Litter does not discredit them,” writes the well-known linguist MP Panov. he is lanky and at times grumpy. In official papers, do not use the words look, relish, go home, penny. Isn't it sound advice?"

In this regard, colloquial speech is opposed to codified book speech. Conversational speech, like book speech, has oral and written forms. For example, a geologist is writing an article for a special journal about mineral deposits in Siberia. He uses book speech in writing. The scientist makes a presentation on this topic at an international conference. His speech is bookish, but the form is oral. After the conference, he writes a letter to a work colleague about his impressions. The text of the letter - colloquial speech, written form.

At home, in the family circle, the geologist tells how he spoke at the conference, which old friends he met, what they talked about, what gifts he brought. His speech is colloquial, its form is oral.

Active study of colloquial speech began in the 60s. XX century. They began to analyze tape and manual recordings of natural natural speech. Scientists have identified specific linguistic features of colloquial speech in phonetics, morphology, syntax, word formation, and vocabulary. For example, in the field of vocabulary, colloquial speech is characterized by a system of its own methods of nomination (naming): various types of contraction (evening - evening newspaper, motor - motor boat, to enter - to an educational institution); ambiguous phrases (Is there anything to write about? - a pencil, a pen, Give me something to hide - a blanket, a blanket, a sheet); one-word derivatives with a transparent internal form (opener - can opener, rattle - motorcycle), etc. Spoken words are highly expressive (porridge, okroshka - about confusion, jelly, slur - about a sluggish, spineless person).

Linguistic and stylistic feature of artistic style is called the special life of the word in thin work. His specific. feature is the update internal form(G.O. Vinokur) when the means of language (in particular, lexical ones) and their meanings turn out to be the basis, starting from which the artist creates a poetic word-metaphor, completely turned to the theme and idea of ​​a particular artist. works. At the same time, the metaphorical meaning of a word can often be understood and determined only after reading the entire work, i.e. stems from art. whole.

The formation of the value of the artist. words in the broad context of the whole work noted B.A. Larin, which revealed the systemic relationship of the word with other words of the artist. whole when expressing a cross-cutting poetic thought-idea, i.e. the leitmotif of the work is such a property of the poetic word of B.A. Larin named "combinatorial increments of meaning".

Concepts of the inner form of the artist. words and combinatorial increments of meaning are closely related to the concept "general imagery" (A.M. Peshkovsky), which lies in the fact that all linguistic units of a work of art are aimed at expressing an artistic image, being at the same time strictly aesthetically and stylistically motivated and justified, and therefore the elimination of any one word from the text already leads to “baldness » image. The same applies to the modification of the forms of the word - so it is impossible to change the word small fish on the fish in the title and text of Pushkin's "Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish".

According to V.V. Vinogradov, artist the word is fundamentally two-dimensional: coinciding in its form with the word of the national language and relying on its meaning, the artist. the word is addressed not only to the national language, but also to that world of art. reality, which is created or recreated in the work. The semantic structure of the word "is expanded and enriched by those artistic and visual "increments" that develop in the system of a whole aesthetic object" (Vinogradov V.V.). A more general, precise concept is artistic and figurative speech concretization(M.N. Kozhina).

So, as the main style feature they call ARTISTIC-FIGULATORY SPEECH SPECIFICATION, which is expressed by the systemic organization of artistic speech, capable of translating a word-concept into a word-image through a system of linguistic means combined author's image and capable of activating the reader's imagination. The linguistic means used in artistic texts are intended to serve mainly as an expression of the system of images, since in an artistic context words express not just concepts, ideas, but artistic images. Therefore, concretization here has a different character, means and ways of expression (not a word-concept or a word-representation is used, but a word-artistic image).

Artistic a work is capable of transforming the semantics of any word, including a neutral one, endowing it with textual increments of meaning, primarily emotionally expressive and aesthetic ones, which is achieved, in particular, by repeating a lexical unit in different contexts. This is connected with the manifestation of such an important feature of the semantics of the artist. works like dynamic meaning(Vinogradov V.V.). Multiple predication of a repeating nomination leads to the attachment of each new feature to the previous ones and the formation of a more complex textual meaning compared to the linguistic one. This phenomenon is typical and of great significance, so some researchers even propose to single out a special type of lexical meaning - "artistic value"(Barlas L.G.). A word with artistic meaning is an element of the text that is significant for deeper semantic layers of art. text - figurative and ideological (Kupina N.A.). A specific feature of the functioning of linguistic means in art. style is also the predominance of the meaning of the word over its meaning, which leads to the creation of an implicit ideological and aesthetic content of the work (subtext) that requires special interpretation.